Alex Russell and Sons

of Kirkcaldy
1825-6 Listed in Pigot's Directory as Iron Founders: Alex. Russell, Kirkcaldy foundry, High Street. Note: also listed: Robert Russsell, Phoenix foundry, High Street.
1840 Advert: 'FOR SALE. HIGH-PRESSURE CRANK-ENGINE, of Six Horses Power, suitable for a Thrashing-Mill, or other purposes. Diameter of Cylinder, 10 1/2 inches; Length of Stroke, 20 inches; Boiler, 15 feet long, and 3 feet 6 inches diameter.
To be seen at Alex. Russell & Sons, Engineers.
N.B. All kinds of large and small Machinery, Steam- Engines, &c., executed in the most substantial manner.
Kirkaldy Foundery, 28th July 1840. [1]
1848 'Launch — Kirkcaldy, Aug. 30.- A powerful new iron steam dredging vessel, for the Edinburgh and Northern Railway Company, was launched from Messrs. Alex. Russell and Sons’, engineers, yard, here, this afternoon.'[2]