Alexander Dawson Smith
c.1849 Born in Paisley son of Hugh and Agnes Smith[1]; Hugh was a millwright.
1863 Apprentice at A. and W. Smith and Co
1869 Various positions at Eglinton Engine Works
1883 Partner in the firm
1891 Agnes Smith 74, lived in Govan with her son Alex D Smith 42, mechanical engineer, and daughters Agnes Smith 39, Mary Smith 35[2]
1895 The firm became a limited company; Smith left the partnership. Smith worked on his own account in Glasgow, designing sugar-mill machinery.
1899 Joined I Mech E.; of 11 Monument Station Buildings, London EC[3]
1906 Died
Obituary [4]
The death took place, at Spottiswoode, Seamill, Ayrshire, on the 10th inst., of Mr. Alexander Dawson Smith, a well known Glasgow engineer.
Mr. Smith, who was in his fifty-eighth year, was formerly a member of the firm of A. and W. Smith and Co, Eglinton Engine Works, Glasgow, but retired from business some years ago. Possessing an extensive knowledge of the practical side of his industry and great forcefulness of character, his ability and energy were widely known and recognised in engineering circles.
Owing to the condition of his health, he had been unable to take an active part in business for a number of years.