Alexander Wilson and Sons

Glasgow Letter Foundry
1742 Business established
1834 Announce they intend to move to London, at Great New Street, Gough Square. Alex. Wilson and Sons.[1]
1842 Celebration of their centenary. Mr. Wilson of Alexander Wilson and Sons, letter-founders, Great New street, London.
1846 Purchased by Marr, Gallie and Co. 'MARR, GALLIE, and Co., Letter Founders and Printers' Joiners New-street, Edinburgh, Great New-street, Gough-square, London, beg to inform Letterpress Printers that they have PURCHASED the entire PLANT and GOODWILL of the BUSINESS of "THE GLASGOW LETTER FOUNDRY" established so far back as 1742, and for many years past in Glasgow under the firm of A. and P. Wilson, and in London under the firm of Alexander Wilson and Sons. These foundries will conducted in the same places and under the same management heretofore...'[2]
1846 Advertisement. The Glasgow Letter Foundry. Macbrayne and Stirling, Typefounders.[3]
1850 Announcement. 'The two old-established Houses of H. W. CASLON and Co., Chiswell-street, and ALEX. WILSON and SONS. Glasgow Letter Foundry, Great New-street, ARE NOW UNITED, and the Type-founding Business, in all branches, will be carried on in future, under the firm of H. W. CASLON and Co., Chiswell-street. to which place all orders are requested to be addressed...'[4]. Alexander and Patrick, the grandsons of the founder, joined the company and it was renamed as H. W. Caslon and Co.
1850 Sale of stock and implements of the Glasgow Letter Foundry, Great New Street.[5]