Andrew Henderson (1881- )
Andrew Henderson (1881- )
1881 Born
1907 Asst. Elect. Manager, John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank
1909 Elect. Manager, Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Greenock
1919 Managing Director, J. A. Kinnaird and Co., Ltd., Glasgow,
1922 M.I.E.S., M.I.E.E., Director of J. A. Kinnaird and Co. Ltd.; b. 1881; s. of the late John Henderson, Townhill, Hamilton. Ed. Hamilton Academy, Hamilton. Training: Royal Tech. College, Glasgow. App. with John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank; Draughtsman and Asst. Mangr., Elec. Dept.; Mangr., Elec. Dept. Scotts' Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd. Greenock. Responsible for the Elec. Equipment of Ships, Equipment of Elec. Power Stations in Works and Shipyards; Mem. Inst. of Elec. Engrs.' " Ship Elec. Equipment Committee, 1916-19." Club: Royal Scottish Automobile, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Address: J. A. Kinnaird and Co., Ltd.; 1o, Blythswood Square, Glasgow.
1924 Supt. Elect. Engr., Canadian Pacific Steamship Ltd.