Drapers and furnishers of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
1838 Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge (c1817-1892) went into partnership with William Alder Dunn and opened a drapers and fashion shop in Newcastle's Market Street. Despite success the two partners fell out and went their separate ways. Their partnership was dissolved in 1841.
1851 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge and John Bell Muschamp, Drapers, carried on by them at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, under the style or firm of Bainbridge and Muschamp, has this day been mutually and amicably dissolved. The business in all its branches will in future be carried on by the said Emerson Muschamp Bainbridge, who will receive and pay all debts and sums of money due to or owing by the said firm...'[1]
1892 Emerson Bainbridge died and his sons took over the business. In that same year, Bainbridge's employed a staff of 600 in Newcastle, and the store had 11,705 square yards of floor space.
1897 The business became a private limited company.
By 1914 George Bainbridge was head of the firm (see advert)
1953 Acquired by the John Lewis Partnership