Beck, Koller and Co
London Office: Hillgate House, 24 Old Bailey, London E.C.4.
c.1865 Established by Beck & Koller of Berlin and Vienna, brush makers.
1914 Offices in London

of Speke, Liverpool
1933 Beck, Koller and Co was incorporated in England as a private company jointly by Reichhold Chemicals Inc of Detroit and James Beadel and Co[1]
1952 90 percent of the shares were acquired by Reichold Chemicals Ltd[2]
1961 Arrangement with Spencer Kellogg and Sons Inc which would lead to greater sales of the group's resinous products[3]
1962 Reichhold Chemicals moved to new offices at Old Bailey, London EC4, together with Beck, Koller and Co (England) Ltd and James Beadel and Co's London offices[4]
1969 Member of the Reichhold Chemicals group of companies; sole selling agents James Beadel and Co (see advert)