Bedson Wire Co

of Middlesbrough, makers of wire
c.1892 Joseph Phillips Bedson erected a wire mill at Middlesbrough
1896 Description and illustrations of triple expansion engine made by Westgarth, English and Co., of Middlesbrough, 'principally from the designs of Professor Doerfel, of Prague, who is represented in this country by Mr. Hertnann Kuhte, 25-35, New Broad-street, London. The Doerfel-Proell shaft governor [illustration provided] is employed to regulate the engine. It acts direct on a piston admission valve on the high-pressure cylinder, the exhaust being controlled by a second piston valve, operated from an eccentric on the back shaft.' The cylinders were 21 in , 33 in., and 54 in. in diameter, with a stroke of 30 in., giving, at 120 rpm an indicated horse-power of 1250.[1]
1897 Described as Charles Dorman and Co. when the company circulated new year diaries for 1898.
1899 Acquired by Dorman, Long and Co