Belfield Bridge (Malaysia)
Crossed the River Klang near the town of Klang, Malaysia. It was the first bridge to do so.
Site construction started on 20 July 1907, and the bridge was opened on 12 September 1908.
The Horsehay Co produced the steelwork for the bridge, through the Crown Agents. Linville truss girders. Four spans of 140 ft. Designed by Francis John Waring. Erected by the Federated Engineering Co. of Kuala Lumpur.
Ten cylinders formed the five piers. These were made of mild steel below the river bed. Cast iron was used above the river bed, for corrosion reasons.
Described in detail in Engineering in 1910[1].
The bridge was destroyed by British action in the Second World War.
The double-decked Kota Bridge was erected to replace the Belfield Bridge in the late 1950s. The construction of the Kota Bridge began in June 1957. It was built by Dorman Long (Bridge and Engineering) Ltd while piling works were carried out by Messrs Gammon (Malaya) Ltd.[2] After a new Kota Bridge was erected next it in 1992, the double-decked bridge was closed to car traffic, while the lower deck is still used by pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles. The Musaeddin (Tengku Kelana) Bridge, which is located near the Kota Bridge, was erected in the 1980s. The Klang Third Bridge was completed in May 2017, adding to the city’s existing two road bridges that connect Klang North and Klang South.[3]