Block and Anderson

of Brunsviga House, Snow-hill, London, E.C.1 (1935)
of Victoria House, Southampton Row, London, WC1. Telephone: Temple Bar 0731-6. Cables: "Blocander, London. (1947)
of Aycliffe Trading Estate, County Durham (1949)
1922 Company founded.
1931 Became private company.
1935 Promoted the Victor adding machine
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of "Banda" Spirit Duplicating Machines and supplies. "Simplex" Production Control Machines. "Victor" Portable Adding, Subtracting and Listing Machines. "Velopost" Envelope Sealing Machines, "Lightning" Envelope Opening Machines. "Bandafix" Stamp Affixing Machines. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. B.1421) [1]
1948 Company made public.
1952 Patent - Improvements in or relating to methods of and means for preparing master copies for hectographic printing. [2]
1961 Manufacturers and distributors of office machines and equipment, also import under Board of Trade Licence calculating and adding machines, including "Banda" spirit duplicators, "Banda" systems machines, "Facit" and "Merchant" calculators, "Victor" adding-listing machines. 965 employees. [3]
1961 Proposed merger with Kolok[4].
1962 Patent - Improvements in or relating to duplicating and printing machines. [5]
1964 Was engaged in a joint venture with Pye.
1964 Taken over by British Ozalid Group[6]
1964 Would market the electrostatic copiers in Britain made by Smith-Corona Marchant Inc of USA through arrangement with Ozalid[7]
1968 Agents for Swedish Facit electric rotary calculators[8]