Border Chemicals
Border Chemicals, maker of chemicals, of Grangemouth, Scotland
A joint venture of ICI, BP and Distillers Co
1963 Company established to manufacture acrylontrile at Grangemouth from ammonia made by ICI and propylene made by British Hydrocarbon Chemicals Ltd, a joint venture of BP and Distillers Co[1]. The process had been developed by Distillers Co and Ugine[2].
1964 Announced project to make acrylates in the UK; the first such plant[3]. Eventually announced would be built at Wilton, coming into operation in 1967[4].
1966 A second acrlyonitrile plant would be built at Grangemouth[5], but plans were shelved in 1968.
1967 BP acquired Distillers Co's share in the company[6].
1978 BP acquired ICI's share of the company[7], becoming part of BP Chemicals.