British Insulated Callender's Construction Co

1949 British Insulated Callender's Cables transferred all of its construction work to a new company, British Insulated Callender's Construction Co[1]
1951 Construction of Kirk O'Shotts Television Transmitting Station
1953 Provision of overhead equipment for electric traction supply. Also design of flare stacks
1954 Radio masts, poles for overhead power lines and construction of a television tower
Further work on railway electrification, submarine electric cables, and television transmitters.
1966 Supplied catenary and cables for Pakistan Western Railway electrification
1966 Erected a television mast for the Independent Television Authority at Emley Moor, Yorkshire, the first of a new design. Two further masts of the design were later erected.
1969 The Emley Moor mast collapsed due to ice loading[2]