British Radiophone

of King Street, London
1922 Byron Clark seems to have been connected to Norman De Maid Watsham and A. H. S. MacCallum who founded British Radiophone Ltd. Watshams won an order from Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co for 2 types of crystal set and a valve receiver[1]; it is unclear what role British Radiophone Ltd played in this order but the order for crystal sets was sub-contracted to Plessey Co. This was the start of Plessey’s diversification into radio and electronic manufacturing.
1923 The shareholders of British Radiophone Ltd were persuaded to take shares in Plessey in exchange for Plessey being able to supply Marconi directly.
1925 13th March British Radiophone Ltd of 33 King Street, London was placed into voluntary liquidation; N. De M. Watsham chaired the 2nd meeting[2].
1926 The creditors of British Radiophone Ltd petitioned for its bankruptcy; a meeting to learn about the progress in winding up was held in 1926 [3].
1968 British Radiophone Ltd was removed from the register of companies[4]