Norman De Maid Watsham
Norman De Maid Watsham (1880-1961)
1880 Born in Norwood, London[1]
1911 Norman D Watsham 31, electrical engineer and worker, living in Camberwell with Helen J Watsham 28, Douglas Watsham 3, his father George J Watsham 66, and his brother Hubert J Watsham 18[2]
Around this time, he seems to have gone into business on his own account
1916 Engineer, of Palace chambers, Westminster[3]
1920 Norman D. Watsham, engineer, and Watshams, wholesale electrical supplies, were both at 33 King St, London WC2[4]
1921 The business address of Norman D. Watsham was in Howard House, Strand, London[5]
1922 Norman De Maid Watsham and A. H. S. MacCallum founded British Radiophone Ltd; Byron G. Clark seems to have had some connection with this company. Watshams won an order from Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co for 2 types of crystal set and a valve receiver[6]; the order for crystal sets was sub-contracted to Plessey Co; it is unclear to what extent British Radiophone Ltd was involved in this order.
By 1923 he was living in Reading[7]
1924 Norman D. Watsham, engineer, and Watshams, electrical engineers, were at 33 King St[8]
1926 Norman D. Watsham, engineer, and Watshams, electrical engineers, were at 33 King St[9]
1928 Watshams Ltd, Victoria St, London[10]
1929 Living in Reading[11]
1961 Died in Reading