Broughton Copper Works

of Manchester
1855 Sale notice: 'Broughton Copper Works. By T. M. FISHER and SON, on Monday, the 30th day July, 1855. at the Albion Hotel, Piccadilly, Manchester, sale to commence punctually at four for five o'clock in the afternoon: ALL that Well-arranged and Complete COPPER ROLLER MANUFACTORY, lately erected Messrs. John and George Barton, situate at Broughton Bridge, in Broughton, with the three capital steam engines of 55, 21, and 20 horses power ; three steam boilers, steam and water pipes, valves and taps, pumps, cisterns, mill gearing, gas meter, pipes, and fittings. Also the valuable modern tools, nearly all of which are new, in perfect working condition, and on the best known principle, including two refining furnaces, four drying ovens, screw and hydraulic compound press for casting rollers, seven slide and hand lathes, planing machine, drilling machine, three annealing furnaces, Nasmyth's 30cwt. steam hammer, sawing machine, two pairs of heavy rolling mills, two nibbing machines, lever weighing machine up to ten tons, by Ogden, calcining pit and air furnaces, stoves, and other utensils. The land contains 7,121 square yards, and is subject to annual chief rent of £320. The whole establishment has been arranged within the last four years, with the greatest care and judgment, and is the most complete for its purpose now existing. The loose articles may taken by the purchaser the premises at a valuation. May be viewed at any time before the sale, on applying the auctioneers, 16, Tib Lane; or to Messrs. SLATER and HEELIS, Princess-street, Manchester.' [1]
1861 'New Patents' 'D. Stone, Manchester, analytical chemist, and C. Comer, jun., of the Broughton Copper Works, Salford — Improvements in combining metals and alloys of metals for the manufacture of coins, checks, vouchers, brade marks, and other uiseful articles, and for ornamental purposes. Dated April 5, 1861[2]