Burroughs Adding Machine

of Nottingham, and Glasgow
1882 William Seward Burroughs conceived the idea of an adding machines[1]
1898 Company founded in USA
1905 Burroughs Adding Machine Company was incorporated in Michigan
Also see Burroughs Adding and Registering Machine Co of Nottingham
1909 Private company, Burroughs Adding Machines Ltd, was incorporated in Britain, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US company[2]
1910 Exhibited 86 types and sizes of adding machine at Olympia[3]
1956 Rank Precision Industries manufactured microfilm-based recording system for Burroughs Adding Machine Company[4]
1961 Manufacturers of adding, calculating, bookeeping and other office machines. [5]
1961 Name changed to Burroughs Machines Ltd
1974 Introduced C7200 series of calculators.[6]
1986 Merged with Sperry Rand to form Unisys Corporation.