Byng Patent Acoustic Telephone
1885 'The "BYNG" PATENT ACOUSTIC TELEPHONE. Provides Means of Instant Communication in Country Mansions and Gentlemen's Residences with Stables, Farms, Lodges, Entrance Gates, Outbuildings, etc. CAN BE FIXED BY ANY ONE IN A FEW HOURS. CHEAP AND SIMPLE, No Royalties Charged. No Cost of Maintenance. Complete Set of Telephone, Wire, and Line Guides, £3 3s. Manufacturers: £3 10s., and £4 4s. CORDNER, ALLEN, & CO. (Limited), 20, Bucklersbury, London '[1]
1887 'BYNG PATENT ACOUSTIC TELEPHONES. NO ELECTRICITY. NO ROYALTIES. THE "BYNG" TELEPHONE is loud-speaking. It is easily fitted up and cannot get out of order. Electrical Batteries are not required. One single Instrument serves both as transmitter and receiver; it has not to be taken in hand or removed from its position and speakers and listeners may stand at a distance from the instrument. A first-class Telephone for communication between country-houses, and lodges, and stables, offices and warehouses, etc. The "Byng" being a mechanical Telephone. is no use where machinery is running. Highest references; gives great satisfaction. Price from £3 to £4. fitted up complete; no other charges. — For further particulars apply to E. H. Ferrabee, Edgecombe House, Brimscombe. Agent for West of England.'[2]