C. E. Harper Aircraft Co

of Exeter Airport, Devon.
1936 Private company formed.
1952 Took over Chrislea Aircraft. Sub-contract and other aircraft component manufacture[1].
1954-56 Harper was a scooter produced. A prototype was built with the intention of fitting a 122cc or 197cc Villiers three-speed engine with fan cooling and a starting motor. The glass-fibre body had a full fairing that carried twin headlights. Although development work continued for a couple of years, few machines were ever built.
1954 Steel Ceilings became part of C. E. Harper Aircraft Co.[2]. Stock market dealings in Steel Ceilings ended in April and dealings in Harper Aircraft began in May.
1954 No dividend paid
1954/5 Acquired the capital of Stanley Engineering Co from Metropole Industries[3]. They withdrew the Argson invalid carriage and introduced the Harper Mk 1
1955 Chairman is A. E. Cheshire.[4]
1955 Acquired H. M. C. Wheels[5]
1955 Resumed dividend payments[6]
1956 The Harper Mk 1 was replaced by the Mk 4 in petrol and electric forms.
1957 Introduced the Harper Mk 6
1957 Acquired Baldwin Instrument Co[7] and Electrical Screw[8]
1958 Design development and precision engineers, tool makers, maker of aircraft components and assemblies. Was part of Harper Group, of Hanover Sq, London[9]
Introduced the Harpermatic version of the MK 6 with a CV transmission
1959 Name changed to Harper Engineering and Electronics
1960 The Harper Mk 6 was named the Stanley Mk 7.
1961 Manufacturers of aircraft components. [10]
1965 Production of invalid carriages ceased.