Cedric Phillips Lockton (1903-1955), chief engineer of Chloride Batteries
1955 Obituary [1]
We regret to have to record the death, on February 20th, of Mr. C. P. Lockton, M.Sc. Tech., M.I.E.E., chief engineer of Chloride Batteries, Ltd.
Cedric Phillips Lockton was born in 1903 and educated at Berkhamsted School, Herts, and at the Manchester College of Technology, where be studied electrical engineering under Professor Miles Walker, a contemporary and friend of his father.
After obtaining the degree of M.Sc. Tech. in 1923 be joined the British Electrical Plant Company, Ltd., of Alloa, Scotland, to work on the design of small electric motors and dynamos.
In September, 1924, he was engaged by the Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Ltd., as assistant to the chief engineer. He specialised chiefly on the technical problems of portable and semi-portable batteries, with particular reference to development work, and during the war he was largely engaged in technical liaison with the Admiralty, War Office and Air Ministry on their many battery problems.
In October, 1949, he was appointed chief engineer to the company, which shortly afterwards changed its name to Chloride Batteries, Ltd., and still held this position at the time of his death.