Charles Faunce Hitchins
Charles Faunce Hitchins (c1867-1952) of Hitchins and Booth and the British Vacuum Cleaner Co
Born in Devon (or possibly New South Wales).
1892-94 Joined Maudslay, Sons and Field - more information.[1]
1899 Joined Walter Basset and Co.[2]
1906 Married in Marylebone to Annie Effie Moseley (Mozley-stark)
1911 Living at 62 Kensington Mansions, Earls Court, London: Charles Faunce Hitchins (age 44 born St. Mary, Devon), Law and Consulting Civil Engineer, Messrs Hitchin and Booth, 25 Victoria street, and Managing Dirctor, The British Vacuum Cleaner Co, Parsons Green Lane, London. Also Major 3rd Batt. The Queens. With his wife Annie Effie and a daughter-in-law.[3]
1919 Dissolution of the Partnership with Hubert Cecil Booth as Consulting Engineers, at Bridge House, 181, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C.4, under the style or firm, of Hitchins and Booth[4]