Charles I'Anson
Note: the surname is spelt with a capital "i" rather than "l" as it might seem.
Charles I'Anson (1809-1884) of Charles I'Anson, Son and Co
c.1809 Born in Darlington
1884 Died in Darlington[1]
1884 Obituary [2]
CHARLES I’ANSON, who died at his residence in Darlington in August last, was a member of the firm of Fry, I'Anson, & Co., of the Rise Carr Rolling Mills in that town.
His connection with the iron trade commenced in 1849, when he joined Mr. Jasper C. Mounsey as an iron merchant in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The firm of Mounsey, I'Anson, & Co. were intrusted with the disposal of the whole of the manufactures of the old Derwent Iron Company, which then possessed the works of Consett and Bishopwearmouth. Mr. I'Anson thus became intimately connected with the affairs of the great concern which now bears the name of the Consett Iron Company, and this led to his removal to Shotley Bridge in the year 1850.
When the works at Consett passed into the hands of the present Company, Mr. I'Anson went to Darlington, where, in conjunction with the late Mr. Alderman Kitching of that town, he established the engineering and iron-founding business of Charles I'Anson, Son, & Co. This firm was for many years afterwards largely engaged in the production of all descriptions of railway plant — waggons, signal work, bridgework, and iron founding generally.
In 1865 the deceased became associated with Mr. Theodore Fry, M.P., and the late Mr. Alderman Kitching, in establishing the Rise Carr Rolling Mills at Darlington. These works were originally constructed with a view to the manufacture of merchant bars. Mr. I'Anson was one of the founders of the Stockton Malleable Iron Works, which were largely engaged in the production of iron ship and boiler plates, and were, indeed, among the first in the district to engage in the latter trade.
During his connection of thirty-seven years with the iron trade of the North of England, Mr. I'Anson secured for himself a very large amount of respect, and his sound judgment was often appealed to in matters of doubt or difficulty.
Mr. I'Anson was an Alderman of the borough of Darlington, and served the office of Mayor of that town, in the affairs of which he took an active interest. He became a member of the Institute in 1875.