Charles Morehead
Charles Morehead (c1856-1924)
1924 Obituary [1]
CHARLES MOREHEAD died on April 14, 1924, in his sixty-ninth year.
Mr. Morehead served his apprenticeship as a patternmaker at the works of Messrs. Cammell & Co., Ltd., of Sheffield.
For some years he was foreman patternmaker to Messrs. J. Stone & Co., Ltd., of Deptford.
Next he joined Messrs. Willans & Robinson, Ltd., at Thames Ditton, Surrey, and moved with them to Rugby, where he was in charge of their foundries, and was responsible for the lay-out and equipment of what was at that time regarded as one of the show foundries of the country.
From Rugby Mr. Morehead went to Newcastle-on-Tyne, where he was general manager of Messrs. Henry Watson, Ltd., of Walkergate. After many years' work there he was obliged to relinquish his position owing to failing health.
Mr. Morehead was a founder of the Institute of British Foundrymen, and, during the whole of his connection with foundry work, he concentrated upon the progress of foundry science and the betterment of those engaged in the industry.
He was elected a member of the Institute of Metals on May 24, 1910.