Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
1919 of the Cannock Chase Colliery Co.[1]
1922 M.I.E.E., M.S.A.I. E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mining, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Cannock Chase Collieries, Chasetown, near Walsall. T. A.: " Substratum, Chasetown." T. N.: 13 Brownhills. Four years Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Glamorgan Education Committee; six years Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Staffordshire Education Committee; three years Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Wolverhampton Technical School; late Consulting Engineer to West Cannock Collieries, Earl of Shrewsbury Collieries, Coombs Wood Collieries. The following papers have been read at various times before the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers: "Earthing and Leakage Indicators," "Jointing of Cables," "Leakage Protective Gear," "Static Transformers," "Electrical Experience at Collieries," "Windings of Electrical Machinery," and "Points of Importance in Connection with Mining Electrical Engineering" before the South Wales Institute of Engineering. Four years Branch President, Warwick and South Staffs Branch Association of Mining Electrical Engineers; five years Hon. Secretary of latter.