Clan Line Steamers

of Hope Street, Glasgow
1878 Mr. C. W. Cayzer founded Cayzer, Irvine and Co with the S.S. Clan Alpine and S.S. Clan Fraser, of 2,080 tons each built at Linthouse by Alexander Stephen and Sons. Mr. John Muir, of James Finlay and Co, was associated with this venture and the Stephens gave an extension of the terms of payment for their vessels, to facilitate the foundation of the new company. It has since became known as the Clan Line.
In a few years Mr. Cayzer was able to dispense with outside assistance and take full control of the business.
New ships were acquired from Stephens in batches of two or three about every third year
1890 The company was registered on 26 June. [1]
1900 Clan Line adopted the Doxford-turret type of vessel, which was reputed to save much in Suez Canal dues through small tonnage measurement. This turret form came to be regarded as the mark of a Clan Line ship until about 1911 to 1913, when two shelter-deck ships, the Clan MacNaughton and Clan MacQuarrie, of 5,000 tons each, were built at Linthouse, completing a total of nineteen ships and 54,000 gross tons for this Line.
1918 Acquired the Mid-Cartsdyke yard in Greenock from Grangemouth Dockyard Co, which then supplied all its requirements for new ships.
1925 Clan Line Steamers Ltd petitioned to reduce the liability due to a collision in 1921 of S.S. Clan Malcolm.[2]
1926 Mr Alexander Cross appointed as Chief Superintendent Engineer
1927 Clan Line Steamers Ltd reduced its capital[3]
1940 Officers of Clan Mac Bean were awarded medals for successfully tackling an enemy submarine[4]
1953 Partnership formed with Hunting Group in an aviation holding company, Hunting-Clan Air Holdings Ltd[5]
1971 Clan Line Steamers Ltd was recorded at an address in London