Cort, Law and Co
of Leicester
1844 'CORT & CO., IRONMONGERS. &c., BEG to announce that an alteration has been made in their Partnership, commencing from the 2nd of the present month, and that the Business in all its branches will continue to be carried on as heretofore by CORT, LAW, AND CO., who beg respectfully to solicit a continuance of the patronage and support of their Friends and the Public, as bestowed upon the house during the last fifty years.
Ironmongery and Seed Warehouse, Market Place and Hotel-street, Leicester, Sept. 20, 1844. [1]
1847 A chaff cutting machine patented and manufactured by Cort, Law & Co was exhibited at the Northampton agricultural show.[2]
1849 'DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP OF CORT, LAW, AND CO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the PARTNERSHIP lalely subsisting between the undersigned JAMES CORT, WILLIAM LAW, and THOMAS DENNIS PAUL, of Leicester, Ironmongers, Silversmiths, Jewellers, Seedsmen, &c., has this day been DISSOLVED by mutual conseut.
And the said Business will in future be carried by JAMES CORT and THOMAS DENNIS PAUL, whom alone all the Debts owing to the said CORT, LAW, and CO. are to be paid, and by whom all debts owing by them will be duly discharged.
Dated this Ninth day August, 1849. .... CORT AND PAUL Most respectfully solicit continuance of the favours they have hitherto received.'[3]
1849 Advert: 'JOHN LAW, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDER, BAR IRON AND STEEL MERCHANT (From the late firm of Cort, Law and Co.,) INFORMS the public generally, that he has recently purchased the extensive Premises, Stock-in-Trade, and Machinery, late the property of the Executors of R. Wilson and Co., for the purpose of carrying out the varied branches of trade conducted therein ; and hopes to be enabled to execute all orders entrusted to his care with promptitude and despatch, and thus meet more fully and efficiently the important demands of the business. Engineers, Millwrights, Machine and Tool Makers employed on the premises. Hydraulic and screw Presses, Heating Apparatus by steam or hot water; Stoves and Fenders, Improved Kitchen Ranges, Ovens and Boilers, Brass Iron Castings for machinery of every description. N.B. In consequence of alteration in the warehouses, the present Stock will be sold at reduced prices.'[4]