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Mossley, Brookbottom, Micklehurst and Roaches (p137)
- Brookbottom Spinning Co, Limited, Brookbottom Mills; 40,344 spindles, 32'/501 twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 9 to 12-30.
- Brunswick Cotton Spinning Co, Limited, Victoria and Albert Mills, Micklehurst; 87,000 spindles, 50'160' twist, 60'/72' weft. Pay day second Wednesday. H. T. Clementson, secretary.
- Buckley and Lees, Spring Mill, Roaches; 46,000 spindles, 30'/50' twist ; and High Street Mills, Godley
- James Buckley, -Trustees of-, Brookbottom Mills; 33,750 spindles,40'/50' twist. Pay day second Wednesday.
- Nathaniel Buckley and Sons, Carr Hill Mills; 84,600 spindles, 30'/50' weft,301/40' twist; 450 looms, 72 reeds, India and China shirtings. Pay day last Friday.
- Robert Buckley and Sons, Albert Mills; 86,000 spindles, 24/54' twist. Pay day second Wednesday. Telegrams, "Albert, Mossley."
- Robert Hyde Buckley and Sons, Limited, (and doublers), Woodend, Croft, Roughtown, Stamford and Albion Mills; 184,000 spindles, 341/60' weft, 201/60' twist, 20'/80' two fold; 450 looms, printers and shirtings. Pay day second Wednesday.
- Hilton and Hopkins, Union Mill, Roaches; 12,000 spindles, 3011/40' twist. Pay day second Wednesday, 10 to 12-30 and 2 to 4.
- Charles Kershaw and Sons, Valley Mills; 20,000 spindles, 36'/50' twist. Pay day second Wednesday. Telegrams, "Aries, Mossley."
- George Mayall and Co, Limited, Queen Street and Victoria Mills; 200,000 spindles, 30'/50' twist.
- John Mayall, Britannia, Southend, Scout and Bottom Mills; 420,000 spindles, 32'/60' twist. Pay day second Wed. Telegrams, "Mayall, Mossley."
- Nathan Meanock, Bank Mill, Roaches; 13,500 spindles, 128/328 twist. Pay day second Wed.
- Mossley Spinning Co., Limited, Russell street; 40,900 spindles, 408/608 weft, 808/408 twist. J. K. Smethurst, manager; Wm. Buckley, secretary
- Weir Mill Co, Weir Mill; 23,000 spindles, 268/338 twist. Pay day second Wed. J. Smith, manager.
- T. and W. B. Chadwick (and makers of grandrelles and reelers' tie yarn), Quickwood Dye Works, Quick-wood. Pay day second Wednesday.
- John Buckley and Co. (wool scourers, extractors and carders), Spring Mill, Micklehurst. Pay day second Wednesday.
- Alfred Howard, (roller and clearer cloths, and printers' blankets), Castle Clough Mills, Micklehurst.
- Hugh Kershaw and Sons, (roller, clearer and washer cloths, dressing flannel, sizing, winders and printers' cloths, blankets, &c.), Spring Bank Mill, Bottoms. Pay day Thursday after second Wed.
- George Lawton and Sons, Vale Mills, Micklehurst; Wright Mill, Roaches; and Diggle Mill, Saddleworth; 10,608 spindles; 138 looms, plain and fancy, Saxony, cricketing and shirting f lannels, &c. Letters should be addressed, Vale Mills, Micklehurst." London warehouse-6, Gutter lane, E.C. Pay day second Wednesday. Telegrams, " Micklehurst, Mossley."
- R. Radcliffe and Sons (flannel), Squire Mills, Micklehurst; London warehouse-5, Milk Street Buildings, Russia row, Cheapside. Pay day second Wednesday.