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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Cyclecar: Index v01: (1912/11/27 to 1913/05/21)

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of Light Car and Cyclecar

See the Issues for this index

INDEX: Volume 01. - Issues 27th Nov 1912 to 21st May 1913

  • A.A- and M.U. Members' Insurance Policies, 336
  • Abroad, The Pastime and Industry, 6
  • ACCESSORIES: Brown Bros., 177. Dunhills, 177. Gamage 177. Harrods, 177. Lucas, 27. Self-ridge, 177. Service Co., 177. Whiteley, 177
  • Accessories: For the Cyclecarist, 262. Home-made, Carried Out by Mr. Prank Thomas, 59. Necessary on a New Cyclecar, 177. New, 22; Cycle-car, 527
  • A.-C.U.: And Boat Bates for Cyclecare, 186. And Dangerous Stretches, 190. And Passengers on Cyclecars, 531. And Sunningdale-Bagshot Road Level Crossing, 214. Badge, 190. Dinner 212 376. Members' Insurance Policies, 336. No Cyclecar Committee for the, 366— (See " Trials ")
  • Advertisements, Roadside, Michelin Tyres to Remove Their, 479
  • Air Cooling and Efficiency, 216 .
  • America: Awaking, 341. No Cyclecars. in, 8. The Cyclecar in, 348
  • American Oar Boom, The Cyclecar Killing the, 691
  • Arms Hill, Henley, Unofficial Hill-climb at, 264
  • Astonished, They were, 188
  • Australia: G.W.K. Success in, 661. The Cyclecar in. 603
  • Austria, Cyclecars in, 340
  • Auxiliary, The Cyclecar as an, 20
  • Baby, The Latest, 340
  • Barcelona, The Downcar Club of, 318
  • B.A.E.C.—(See " Brooklands ")
  • Bednell, Mr. Alfred, An Interview with, 113
  • Belgium, No Cyclecars in, 218
  • Belt: Changing, Ease of, Mr. John V. Pugh's Views of, 182. Drive: Flat. The Possibilities of, 390; Succeeds, Where, 161; The Point of View of a Converted Chain Driver, 71
  • Belt Punch, Sphinx, 262
  • BELTS: Dunlop, 23. Flexis (North British Rubber Co.), 23. John Bull (Leicester Rubber Co.), 23. Max Chrome, 23. Pollin, 263. Service Co., 23. Whittle Link Grip, 23
  • Benzole: A Commission on, 218. Del Monte Process of Producing, 50. Revelations, 421. The Birchenwood Colliery, The King and Queen Inspect, 602. Where It can be Obtained, 498
  • Big Car: Drivers, Surprising the, 110. From, to Cyclecar, 571. Where It is Not Required, 20
  • Birchenwood Colliery Benzole Plant, The King and Queen Inspect, 602
  • " Birds of a Feather ": A Sporting Contest, 195
  • B.M.C.R.C. Dinner, 190-(See " Brooklands ")
  • Boat Rates: A.-C.U. and, 186. Cross-Channel, 456. Cyclecars and, 16". To the Isle of Man, 577
  • Body Design, and Frames, at Olympia Show, 34
  • Boy, Sixteen-year-old, Constructs a Cyclecar, 57
  • Brakes: At Olympia Show, 38. Bedside, 188
  • Brighton, Cyclecar Club Rally at, 686
  • BROOKLANDS: Cyclecar Club Run to, 604. Meetings: B.A.R.C: (Easter Monday), Cyclecar Entries for, 448, Finish of Cycleoar and Sidecar Race, 478, (12th May), 554, 624, 664; B.M.C.R.C.: 29th March), High-speed Reliability Trial at, 241, 479, 498, 514, (17th May), 691; R.A.C. Gala Day (31st May), 554. Monocars at, 624. Record, Hour, at: Challenge Trophy for: "Motor Cycling," 2, THE CYCLECAR, 109; Morgan Accomplishes Nearly 60 Miles in, 55; Mr. J. T. Wood and Mr. Morgan Break the, 2; Singer, 664. Test Hill: What Machine Will Ascend First from Standing Start ? 510; G.N. (Grand Prix) Cycleoar Succeeds, 531
  • Brook, Mr. R. V., Lectures Before the Birmingham M.C.C., 125
  • Builder, An Amateur, The Troubles of, and the Delight of a Favoured Village. 501
  • Building Acts, Limitation of, and the Cheaper Housing of tte Oyclecar, 133
  • Bureau: A "Practical Experiences," 651. Finance, Our—(See " Finance ")
  • Business Purposes. Cyclecars for, 44
  • Buxton, Cyclecar Club Rally at, 633, 662
  • CALL OF THE ROAD, THE, 205, 249, 256 279, 305, 349, 357, 388, 407, 457, 463, 488, 513] 538 567, 592, 619, 649, 693. Agent and the Cyclecar, The, 567. Air Cooling in Hot Weather 408 Beauty Spot, A Neglected, 407. Belts, Slack, A Week-end with, 255. Buxton was Surprised, When, 693. Carburation, Unconventional Theories Regarding, 592. Competitions, The Plague of, 457. Ootswold Country, A Trip in 463. Country, In the Potted and Uncanned Type, 513. Cut-out, Magneto, Fitting a, 388. Cycleoar Design, Criticism of, 488. Cyclecar: Lighting of a, 538; The Agent and the, 567. Cycleoarring Week-end, A Real, 649. Design, Oyclecar, Criticism of, 488. Flexibility, 358 Hills, Ascending, 349. Hot Weather, Air Cooling in, 408. Lighting a Cyclecar, 538. Lubrication, 358, 408. Magneto Cut-out, Fitting a, 388. Plaint, A Hollow, 349. Road: Hogs, On, 279; Ridges, Transverse, 388. Seating, Tandem, 389. Starting up, 280. Steering, 358. Tandem Seating, 389. Top-gear Ascents, 357. Week-end: A Real Cyclecarring, 649-with Slack Belts, 255. 3000 Miles, After-What Had to be Done, 619
  • Camping with a Three-wheeler, 461
  • Car: A" New British, 56. Big: Drivers, Surprising the, 110; From, to Oyclecar, 571; Where it is Not Required, 20. Cheap, or Real Cycleoar? 156. The American, Boom, The Oyclecar Killing, 691
  • " Carburation Hints and Tips," Brown and Barlow's, 549
  • Carburetter: A New Automatic, 288. Its Principles and Adjustment, 381
  • Carburetter Jet, North London Garage, Co., 88
  • CARBURETTEKS : Amac, 23. B.C.B., 23. Binks, 23. Brown and Barlow, 23, 78, 549, 624. Gordon, 288. Lukin, 23. Senspray, 23. Solex, 23, 612. Sthenos, 23
  • " Cars " or Cyclecars? A Definition Wanted: Pioneer Motorist's Interesting Suggestion, 53 Chalk Pit Hill, Taking Six Up the Second Half of, 565 Oharcote: Bridge, 288. Park, Stratford-on-Avon, Trick Stile at, 239
  • Chassis, M.A.B. (Andre and Co.), 531 Chiltern Hills as a Testing Ground, 240 Chiozza Money's. Mr. L. G., M.P., Article. ' Wsl
  • come to the New Industry," II
  • Choice of a Cyclecar, A Review of the Field of, 409 Christmas Experience, A, 147 Circuit de Paris—(See "Trials") Classification of Cyclecars, 139
  • Clitheroe to Gloucester, A Drive from, on a Chain-driven Cyclecar, 248 Olock, Dashboard, Selfridge, 263 Club that Will Not Break Up the Domestic Circle. A, 58
  • Cold Water, More, 137 Colmore Cup Trial—(See " Trials— Sutton Coldfield A.C.")
  • Competitions in France, 448, 510 Companionship, The Problem of, 107 Component Parts for, Cyclecars and Light Cars.
  • M.A.B. (Andre and Co), 531 Contest, A Sporting: " Birds of a Feather," 195 Cooling: Device, A New, invented in New Zealand. 293. Of Cyclecar Engines, The, 157 Cornwall, A Tour in, on an L.E.C., 258a Cost of a Cycleoar, Counting the, 617 Cover, OUT Front, 44, 55, 87, 112, 142, 163, 231, 259, 288, 311, 337, 368, 400, 446, 472, 495, 529, 551, 582, 600, 624, 659, 688 Critics, The Cyclecar and Its, 673 Cross-Channel Boat Rates, 456
  • CROSS-COUNTRY COMMENTS, 229, 269, 297, 372, 384 429, 444. 468, 509, 557, 595, 656. A.-C.U. Trial, An, 429. Air: and Water Cooling, The Battle between. 599; Leaks, A Cure for, 656. Belt Drive, Prejudice Against, 509. Bodywork Designing, 372. Carburetters. One or Two-lever, A Discussion on, 557. Conversation, An Amusing, 384. Cotswold Country, Looking for Hills in, 444. Cyclecar, 750 c.c. Engined, Observations on the, 429. Cycleoars: Home-built, Interesting, 595; Improvement in, 595; in a Watersplash, 468; in the Lake District, 595. Dust, 385. Engine, A New, 372, 384. Engines, Motorcycle, Unsuit-ablity of, 595. Friction Drive, 430. Gear Ratio, 429; How to measure-, 656. Grand Prix, Tuning Up for the, 557. Hill-climbing, Cross-Country, 384. Hills, Steep, Looking for, 384. Hobgoblin Adventure, An, 656. Lake District, Cyclecars in the, 595. Motorist, New, The Blissful Ignorance of, 468. Nuts and Bolts, loose, 429. Petrol Consumption, 372. "Revs.," Getting Up the, 509. Slip, Back Wheel, 372. Testing Ground, 444. Three-wheeler, A Belt-driven, 595. Tyre Cieep, 468. Valves, Overhead Inlet, The Adjustment of, 656. Water and Air Cooling, The Battle between, 509. Watersplash, Cyclecars in a, 468. Wheel Tracks, 429 " Crowd, The Unsavoury," 583 Cruel! 188
  • Cushion and Map Case, Stephens and Co., 262 Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' and Traders' Union: And Standard Road Race, 265. And Trials for 1913, 266. Dinner of the, 2. Interview with the Secretary of the, 113 Cyclecar: A Boy of Sixteen Constructs a, 57. A Brief Indication of Its Utility, 155. A Family, 231. A Four-seated, Belt-driven, 340. A Load of Three on, Through Mud and Rain, 110. American, New Cheap, 392, 554. And Its Critics, The, 673. And Other Pastimes, The, 155. And Sidecar Compared, The, 47 As an Auxiliary, The, 20. A Special Carburetter (B. and B.) for, 78. Belt-driven, Mr T. A. Hubert's Cleverly-designed, 314. Boom The, Messrs. Wm. Whiteley and, 138. Chain-driven, First Experiences with, A Drive from Clitheroe to Gloucester, 248. Control of the 67. Could Tell a, by the Smell, 163. Counting the Cost of a, 617. Demonstrating the, 2; Capabilities of, 74. Design: Novel, A Coventry Doctor's, 182; Weak Points in Judges' Report of the Cyolecar Club Non-Flexibility Trial, 469. Development, Mr R. V. Brook's Lecture Before the Birmingham M.C.C. on, 125. Developments, Mr. J E Lambie and, 190. Early, The Appearance of in the Distressful Country," 652. Engines, The Cooling of, 157. Equipment of the, 22 Events: How They are Reported, 683 Evolution of the Possibilities in, 16. Features at Olymipia Show. 25. First Impressions of a First Run on, 100. For 1913, The, 28a. French: New Features on, in the Paris-Havre Trial 440; Resembling G.N., 449. From Big Oar to, 571. Grand Prix, The—(See " Grand Cyclecar ' ' ntrl
  • Prix"). "How is It Driven and Con trolled' ": The Question of Olympia, 67. In. dustry, Widespread Interest in, 4. Killing the Cheap American Car Boom, 691. Lighting, The Question of, 243. Movement: The Inner History of the, 158; Worthy of a Journal of Its Own, 2. Mr. Chas. Jarrott and, 89. Mudguarding the, 267. New, Necessary Accessories for the, 177. Owners, New, Legal Requirements to be Fulfilled by, 159 Parade, 73. Parts, The Design of, 296a. Race in Ireland, Proposed, 392, 417, 421, 479. Rapid and Sound Progress in the Manufacture of, 1. Real, or Cheap Car, 156. Road Race, A Standard, 3, 56, 92, 365. Second-hand: Prices of, 400; Vetting a, 503. Simple, The Four-wheeled Four-seater, 64. Steering Systems, A Review of, 359. Tandem-seated, Why I Chose a, 192. The Choice of a, 409. Theft Prevention, An Ingenious Suggestion, 375. Trade, Gigantic Possibilities for the, 11. Transmission Systems of the, 174. Vibration on a, 423. Wedding, A, 163. Week-ends, 682 With Differential Belt Drive, 238. World, 2, 55, 86, HI, 138, 162, 185, 211, 235, 259, 287, 312, 337, 361, 416, 446, 472, 495, 529, 551, 582, 601, 632, 659, 682
  • Cyclecar Club: Badge, 187. Cigarette Smoker, 310, 367. Easter Tour of the, 448, 476. Fixtures. 87, 554. Hill-climb, 603, 635, 666. Lectures: Dr. A. M. Low's, on "Power," 193, 213; Mr. A. E. Parnacott's. on " Cyclecar Design,' 369, 397. Meet at Westerham, 634. Meetings: Inaugural, 4; General, 58. Rally: at Brighton. 686; at Buxton (Whitsun Tour), 602, 633, 662; at Stratford-on-Avon, 423, 487, 519, 583. Runs: Opening, 56, 90; Second. 190; Third, 265; to Beaconsfield, 341; to Bi&gleswade, 392; to Brambletye Hotel. Forest Row, 317; to Brooklands, 604 Trials: Fuel Consumption, 511, 556, 574a Awards, 603, Lessons of the, 621; Non-stop' Flexibility, 426, 428, 450, How Hills were Ascended in, 479, Judges' Report, 469, Only Authoritative Report of, 471; Reliability, 321, 340, 392, A Curious Anomaly in, 510, Rules of the, 366
  • Cyclecarist, A Policeman, 568
  • Cyclecarists; Useful to Intending, 367
  • Cyclecarist's Workshop, The, 679
  • " Cyclecar Manual, The^" 10, 58
  • " Cyclecar ": Origin of the Word, 90. The Spelling of, 116. Who Originated the Word? 75
  • Cyclecairing: The Economy of, 511. The Lighter Side of, 625
  • CYCLECARS: A.-C, 42, 288. A.-C. Sociable, 190, 604; Four-wheeled, 569. All-British Ford, 114.
  • Alldays, 26, 42. Arden, 39, 684. Auto-ette
  • (American) 554. Automobilette, 7, 95, 362, 440, 489. Averies, 374 Beacon, 212. Bebe, 7. Bedelia, 7, 40, 95, 440;
  • Simple Improvements on a, 329. B.E.F., 8.
  • B.H., 685. Birkin's, Master, 57. B.P.D., 399. .
  • Britannia, 419. Broadway, 610 Calthorpe, 292, 637. Carden, 518. Carlette, 418.
  • Chater Lea, 577. Chota, 76, 164, 215, 376, 638, 687; Mr. H. Long's Test of, 636. Condor, 266. Orescent, 322. Oripps, 212. Crouch, 114, 322. Cyklonette, 7 Dallison, 419, 496. Day-Leeds, 31. Dew, 236, 341. Duo, 35, 400, 517, 549; Original Ideas on
  • a, 197. Dursley-Pedersen, 56 Eagle, 473. Edwards, 339. Enfield Autolette, 447. Eric, 26, 33 Ford, All-British, 114 Geha, 8. Gep, 611. Girling, 37. Globe, 115, 549; R.A.C. Traffic Test of, 548, 639. Gordon, 39, 309, 666. G.N., 29; Grand Prix, 515, 549.
  • G.N.-ette, 546. G.W.K., 37, 117, 210, 507, 605, 661 Hail, 339. Hampton, 339. H.C.E., 88, 609. Howard, 447. Hubert's, Mr. T. A., 314. Humberette, 35, 112, 195, 271, 322, 640; Testing, 641 Jennings, 164
  • Kendall, 29, 76. Kildare (Whiteley's), 138 La Flecbe, 118. Lamb 320. La Roulette, 119.
  • La Torpille, 118. L.E.C., 258a. Leeds, 31.
  • Lester, 420, 473, 547. L.M., 42, 248, 351, 571;
  • Climbs Sawley Brow Twenty Times, 340. Lur-
  • quin-Coudert, 7 Marshall-Arter, 88. Matchless, 29. Media, 26, 77. Medinger, 548. Merlin, 114. Meteorite, 78. Meyer (French), 449. Midget (Alldays and Onions), 26. Monarch, 138, 163. Morgan, 33, 78; Grand Prix, 638; " Jabberwock," 181
  • New Hudson, 27
  • Omnium, 583
  • PDA., 398. Perry, 28, 57. Phanomobile, 7. Pinnace, 139. P.M.C., 31. Ponette, 7. Precision, 288. Premier, 40, 208, 322, 610
  • R. and P., 474. Ranger, 549. Richardson, 419. Rollo, 27, 28, 40, 510. Ruby, 583. Rudge, 25
  • Sabella, 33, 192, 231. Singer, 27, 39, 322, 474, 664..' Spaoke Machine Co (Indianapolis), 392. Sterling, 449. Super, 37, 96. Surridge, 39, 3Z2. Swift, 28. Sydney, 545
  • Taylor, Swetnam and Co., 546. Tourist, 8. Tru-ner, 497
  • Universal Machinery Co. (Milwaukee), 392
  • Vallat, 684. Vee Gee, 610. Violette, 7
  • Waloycar, 28. Wall. 35. Warne, 40, 195, 481, 549, 658. Welbam, 604. West, 263. Whitgift, 364. ? Wilbrook 340. Wilkinson T.M.O., 31, 26J. Willis, 238. Wilton. 26, 29. Winco, 688. Woodrnw, 115. Wrigley, 399 Zendik, 398
  • Cyclecars: And Boat Rates, 160; A.-C.U. and, 186; Cress-Channel for, 456; to the Isle of Man, 577. At the Bate of Seventy a Week, Hum-ber, Ltd., Produce, 640. Best Types of Tyres for: Interviews with Manufacturers, 224. Cars or? A Definition Wanted, Pioneer Motorist's Interesting Suggestion, 53. Classification of, 139. For Business Purposes, 44. In America, 348- No 9 In Australia, 603. In Austria, 340. In Belgium, No, 218. In France, 6. In Germany, 7. In the French Army, 489. Now Offered to the Public, 413, 414. Passengers on 531. Special Tyres for, 222. The Standard Race for, 3, 56, 92, 265. v. Sidecars, Debate by the Essex M.C., 290. Wants 500, 44. Weights of the High-speed Reliability Trial, at Brooklands, 514. What They Have Done, 674
  • Cyelecars and Light Oars, Component Parts for, M.A.B. (Andre and Co.), 531
  • Cyclecars, Stepney Wheels1 for, 658 .
  • CVCLEOAK, THE : And Week-end Arrangements, 682. A Useful Series of Articles in, 348. Christmas Issue of, 90. Congratulations to, 106, 179; " Baily Mail's," 187. Coventry Offices, of, 440. Easter Holiday Notice of, 440. First ? Out with All the Sews, 163. Front Cover— (See "Cover"). Hill-climb: at Arms Hill, Henley, 264; at Bury Hill, 341; at Beacons-field and Bury Hill, 368. Important Number of the, 391. Looking Ahead: New YeaT's Day Issue, 112. No. 1, Something Like a Demand for, 55; 80,000 Copies of, Ordered, 2. Only Authoritative Report of the Cyclecar Club Non-flexibility Trial in, 471. Party for the Grand Prix, 260. "Practical Experiences" Bureau, 651. Trials by the Staff of, 117. Trophy for the Hour Record, 109
  • Dangerous Stretches, 190
  • Dai ing Feat, A, 367
  • Day, Topics of the—(See " Topics ")
  • Debates: Essex M.C. ("Sidecars v. Oyclecars"), 290. Streatham and District M.C.C. (" Sidecar or Cyclecar? "), 56
  • Definition: A New, 2. Between. Cars and Cyclecars Wanted, 53
  • Deliveries, Quick, Duocars, Ltd., 400
  • Del Monte Process of Production of Benzole, 500
  • Depth Gauge, Dr. Low's, 583
  • Derbyshire Preak Hill, 635
  • Design, Efficiency the Keynote of, Mr. A. B. Parna-cott's Lecture Before the Cyclecar Club, 397
  • Designer,at Eighteen, A, 57
  • Development, Lines of, 16
  • Diary, " Motor Cycling," 116
  • Dinners: A.-C.TJ., 212, 376. B.M.C.R.C., 190. "Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 340. Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers' and Traders' Union, 2
  • Disagreement, No, 212
  • " Distressful Country," The Appearance of the Early Oyclecar in the, 652
  • Dorset, A Strenuous Time in, 215
  • Downcar Club of Barcelona, 318
  • Drivers, Surprising the Big-oar, 110
  • Dunlop Rubber Co., Balance Sheet of, 313
  • Easter, Wales for, 435
  • Efficiency: Air Cooling and, 216. The Keynote of
  • Design, Mr. A. E. Parnacott's Lecture before
  • the Cyclecar Club, 397
  • isl-
  • Eng
  • Electric Lighting Sets—(See " Lighting Sets " Engine: Design of the Future, 103. How tc
  • mantle a, 16 h.p.,
  • Two-stroke, Developing
  • Engines" At*" Olympia, 28b. Cyclecar, The Cooling of, 157. Fiery, Taming, 331. Tested, How Cyclecars are, 99. 90 Degrees, The Ignition of, by Dr. Low, 573
  • ENGINES: Beacon, 212. Dalman and Sons, 119. Evans-Doubleday, 338. Ford, 138. Illston, 639. J.A.P., 22. Low, 21, 22. Manley and Buckingham, 138. Motosacoche, 22. Precision (Baker and. Co.) 22 288. Salmon Motor Co., 56
  • Equipment of the Cyclecar, 22
  • Events: And Fixtures. 187, 211, 260, 287, 311, 337, 361, 416, 446, 472, 500, 529, 551, 555, 596, 620, 655, 689. Cyclecar: How They are Reported, 683. Of the Year—(See " Grand Prix ")
  • Feat: A Daring, 367. A Notable, 313
  • Finance Bureau, Our, 87, 116, 288
  • Fixtures: Cyclecar Club, 87, 554. Events and—
  • I See " Events ")
  • Four Weeks, 3000 Miles in, Mr. Long's Tour, 636 Fowl flies through Windscreen, A, 666 Frames and Bodies at Olympia Show, 34 France: Competitions in, 448, 510. The Cyclecar in, 6. The New Union for, and the Grand Prix, 313
  • French Army, Cyclecars in the, 489
  • Friction Drive, First Experiences with, 138
  • Front Cover, Our—(See "Cover")
  • Fuel: Cheaper, 367, 396. Consumption, Testing, 666.
  • Motor, The Production of a Cheaper, 500.
  • Much Cheaper, " The Motor " and, 5
  • Garage: Commodious. Rev. E. P. Greenhill's, 98.
  • The Co-operative, 62—(See " Sheds ") Garaging, Co-operative: Elliott, J. E., Queen Anne's
  • Chambers, 186. Toms, A., Hayter Boad, Brixton Hill, 186
  • Gate, The Swinging, Problem, 269. Solution to, 311
  • Gear Ratios, A.C., 288
  • Gear, Warne Emergency, 658
  • German Contemporary and the G.W.K., 605
  • Germany, The Cyclecar in, 7
  • Gloves, Asbestol, 489
  • Gradients, The Difficulty of Depicting, Correctly, 400 GEAND PBIX, 190, 260, 289, 333, 365. Entries for, 600, 628; British and French, 534. Entry,
  • Private, for, 624. G.N. Cyclecar for, 515.
  • New Union for France and, 313. The Effect
  • of the, 545 Guides: Michelin Motoring, 603. "Patents, Trade
  • Marks, and Designs," 340 Guide to the Intending Purchaser, 391
  • Hill-climb, An Amateur, in Staffordshire, 603 Hill-climbing: Feat by Grand Prix G.N. on Test Hill at Brooklands, 531. In Kent, 565. On an A.-C. Sociable, 190
  • HILL-CLIMBS: A.C.C. de France (Gometz-la-Chatel), 117. Cyclecar Club, 603, 635, 666. Lancashire A.C., 555, 637. M.C.C., 498, 555. Midland A.C. (Shelsley Walsh), 833. Sutton Cold-lield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 603. THE CJCLECAR: at Arms Hill, 264; at Bury Hill, 341; at Beaconsfield and Bury Hill, 368. Westmorland M.C.C., 448 Hills: Climbing, on Top Gear, 369. Steep, In
  • Search of, 565
  • Horn Bulb, Leather, Brown Bros., 307 HOBNS: Adnil (Smith and Son), 308. Aspero (Brown Bros.), 307. Autochime (Seabrook and Co.), 308., Autovox, 308. Clarionette (Rotax Accessories Co.), 307. Gabriel (Brown Bros.), 308. Klaxon, 308, 313. Lucas, 307. Newtone (Peto and Radford), 308. Testa-phone, 307
  • Horse-power, Methods of Calculating, 204 Housing of the Cyclecar, Cheaper, 133 Hub, Eclipse Machine Co. (Elmire, N.Y.), 392 Humber, Ltd., Produce Cyclecars at the Rate of Seventy a Week, 640
  • Ideal, Losing Sight of the, 474
  • Ideas, Original, on a Duo Cyclecar, 197
  • Ignition of 90 Degrees Engines, The, by Dr. Low, 573 .
  • Illegal, Not, 163
  • Industry: A New, Welcome to, 11. Cyclecar, Widespread Interest in, 4. The Pastime and, Abroad, 6
  • Inns, Cheaper and Better, 352
  • Insurance: Is it Necessary? 335. Risks that Should be Covered by, 335
  • INSUHANCE POLICIES: General Accident, Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, 336, Liverpool Victoria Insurance Corporation's (A.-C.U. Members'), 336. Motor Union Insurance Oo.'s, 336. Ocean Accident and Guarantee Union Assurance Co.'s, 336. Red Shield, 336. Town-end and Co.'s, Harold, 336. " White Cross," 336
  • Ireland: Another Injustice to, 652. Cyclecar Race in, The Proposed, 392, 417, 421, 479
  • Isle of Man, Boat Rates to the, 577
  • Jack, Instantaneous, 527 Jarrott, Mr. Chas., and the Cyclecar, 89 Jet, Varying the, 624
  • Judge's, Mr. A. W., Articles on " Obtaining increased Power "—(See " Power "}
  • Justice is Blind—But Not Always, 675
  • Kent, Hill-climbing in, 565
  • King and Queen Inspect the Birchenwood Colliery
  • Benzole Plant, 602 Knightlow Hill and Cross, 188
  • LADY CYCLECARISTS : Amphleet, Miss, 526. Ash-win, Miss, 523. Barford, Miss E., 526. Berend, Miss Lottie, 46, 526. Chapman, Mrs., 523. Clews, Miss D., 523. Dicks, Mrs., 526. Dorning-Oldham, Mrs., 523. Hartley-Smith, Mrs., 526. Harvey, Mrs., 526. Hodgkinson, Mrs. R., 523. Holloway, Mrs. E., 523, Horton Smith, Mrs. H., 526. Iden. Miss E., 523. Lord, Mrs., 526. Noble, Mrs., 523. Senior, Mrs. C, 523. Willmott, Mrs. F,, 523, 526
  • Lady: Cyclecarists, Competent, in the Midlands, 523. Drives, The, 46
  • Lamps, Acetylene, Renouf Device for Lighting from the Magneto, 289
  • Lamps: A Seasonable Topic, 146. The Selection and Care of, 243
  • LAMES: Brown Bros., 23, 246. C.A.V., 245. C.W,, 246. Dependence, 246. F.R.S., 23, 245. Lucas, 23, 246. P. and H., 246. Rotax, 246. Rushmore, 23, 246. Salsbury Anti-Dazlo, 246. Smith and Son, 246. Solar, 246
  • Langridge, Mr. G. T., Gives His Experiences with an L.M. Cyclecar, 571
  • Lapometer, Dr. Low's, 607
  • Law: Complying with the, 159. Requirements of, in Regard to Audible Warning, 307
  • Lectures: Birmingham M.C.C. (Mr. R. V. Brook's), 56, 125. Cyclecar Club: (Dr. Low's), 193, 213; (Mr. A. E. PaTnacott's), 369, 397
  • Legal Requirement to be Fulfilled' by New Cycle-car Owners, 159
  • Lessons: A Course of, Required, 341. Of the Cycle-car Club Fuel Consumption Trial, 621
  • Lighter Side, The, 625
  • Lighting the Cyclecar, The Question of, 24S
  • Lighting the Lamps from the Magneto, Renouf Device for, 289
  • LIGHTING SETS: Brolt, 27. C.A.V., 245. Dissolved Acetylene, 23, 176b, 245. F.R.S., 245. Hunt, 23
  • Long's, Mr. Harry, Tour, 530, 603. 3000 Miles in Four Weeks, 636
  • Low's, Dr. A. M., Articles: "Alternatives to Petrol," 441; "Lessons of the Petrol Consumption Trial," 621; "The Ignition of 90 Degrees Engines," 573. Lectures before the Cyclecar Club, 193, 213
  • Lubricants, Record Oil Co., 422
  • Lubrication Hint, A, 324
  • Machine, It Slowed the, 137
  • Machines, Old, Taxation of, 218
  • Magneto, Bosch, 22
  • Magneto, The Effect of the, on the Running of the Engine, 437
  • Map Case and Cushion, Stephens and Co., 262
  • Men and Motors, 217
  • Michelin: Motoring Guide, 603. Tyre Co. to Remove their Roadside Advertisements, 479
  • Midland: News, 371. Rally—(See "Cyclecar Club")
  • Midlands, Competent Lady Cyclecar Drivers in the, 523
  • Misfiring Tests, 324
  • Misfortune, Double, 340
  • Model, An Interesting, 545
  • Monoear: A Light, Capable of 100 Miles an Hour 2. Five Hundred Miles on a, 181. Or Motor-bicycle? 537
  • Monocars—(See " Cyclecars ")
  • Morning, In the Early, 142
  • Motor-bicycle? Monocar or, 537
  • " Motor Cycling ": In the, 448. The Only Paper Solely Devoted to Motorcycling, 27, 56
  • Motor Fuel—(See " Fuel " and " Benzole ")
  • Motoring: Guide, Michelin, 603. New: A Complete Handbook of the, 58; A Dialogue at the Olympia Show on the, 83; Advertising the, 2; " Gentlemen, The," 3. Much Cheaper, 422
  • Motorist, New: Amusing Experiences of, in Normandy, 183. How I Became a, 386. Wales for the, 282
  • "Motor Manual, The,-' 546
  • Motors, Men and, 217
  • "Motor, The," 44. The New Car Number oi the, 547
  • Movement. Helping on the, 376
  • Mudguarding the Cyclecar, 267
  • N
  • Name? What'8 in a, 188
  • Nerve Tests for the Uninitiated, 100
  • News: and Notes, 44. Items, 2, 3. 14, 55, 86-89, 99, 111, 113, 116, 117, 136, 141, 162, 163, 185, 187, 188, 211, 212, 215, 235, 259, 287, 291-294, 312, 320, 337, 340, 341, 361, 366, 369, 376, 396, 400, 416, 420, 421, 446, 449, 472, 495, 529, 531, 551, 582, 600, 601, 603, 610, 624, 632, 637, 659, 682. Leading, 14
  • New Zealand, A New Cooling Device Inve'nted in, 293
  • Normandy, Amusing Experiences of a New Motorist in, 183
  • Notes and Queries—(See " Queries ")
  • Novelties, Some Interesting, 262
  • Novice, The Confessions of a, 386
  • Oil, Satisfactory, Record Oil Co., 422
  • Olympia Show—(See " Shows ")
  • Omarcadians Concert to the Cyclecar Club, 310, 367
  • OPINIONS, THOUGHTS AND.—Acetylene Gas Burners, The Size of, 325. A.-C.: Petrol Consumption of an, 561, 589, 613, 614; The Fair Owner of an, 561. A.-C.U. One Day Trial, Awards in the, 506. Agent, The, and the Public, 536. Agents and the Cyclecar Movement, 561. Air: Lever, Extra, for Automatic Carburetters, 646; Liquid, as a Power, 327; Valve, An Extra, 696. Austria, Cycle-cars in, 432
  • Bedella, Yellow, The Owner of the, 614. Belt: Drive, 130, 589, and the Differential, 252, 253, Complete, 79, Flat with Cone julleys, 378, 433; Driven Machines in Trials, 251; Life, Long, 303; Loss, To Prevent, 354; or Chain Drive? 153; Slip! Does the, 158; that has Run 12.000 Miles, A, 303. Belts: and Tyres— the Problem of the Moment, 201; Belt Dressing for, 134; Continually Stretching, 202; To Prevent Losing, 226; 5000 Miles on One Pair of, 405. Benzole: Far Better than Petrol, 670; No "Knocking" with, 535; Test, A, 431. Bodies: Cyclecar, 536, 589, 645, 696; Higher-built? Do We Want, 671; Seamless Monobloc, 404. Body: A Papier-mache, 355; Design of Extreme Simplicity, A Suggested, 226. Building a Cyclec'ar, 560 Car: American, or Cycleoar, 251, 277; Cheap, and Oyclecar, 304; or Oyclecar? 129; or Motorcycle Practice? 128. Oarburation: Automatic, 80; Steam and—Interesting Methods of Increasing Power, 104. Carburetter: Question, A, 354; The Alleged—Dr. Low Explains the •Waste of Petrol, 646. Carburetters, Automatic, 561; Extra Air Lever for, 646. Cam, Converted from Two Old, 130. Ceylon, The Mudguarding Problem in, 403. Chain Drive, 105; Belt or? 153. Challenge, A, 560. Chassis:
  • IV.
  • Cycieca*
  • ' O (continued).
  • Seventy Miles Mudplugging on a, 301; What is a, 589. Colonial: Buyers, The Importance to, 669; Cycleoar, A, 379. Comfort: Greater, 129; Wanted Bather than Speed, 303. Commercial Cycleoar, The, 79. Competitions: OyeJeoar and Sidecar, 505; Oydecars in, 302; . Standard Gears in, 615. Congratulations, Friendly, Just a Pew, 80, 106, 179. Conversion: An Interesting 405; An O.T.A.V., 6%; A Rexette, 253, 300; A Riley, 589. Cost of Upkeep, 696; How to Reduce the, 647. Counties, Clean, and Licenoes, 199. Cover, New, Fitting a, 507. Cyclecar: A Colonial, 379; A "Light Home-made, 355; and Cheap Oar, 304; and Sidecar Competitions, 505; A Pioneer Designer (Mr. Dew] Defines His Views of a, 50; A Single-geared, 459; A Two-wheeled, 354; Bodies, 536, 589, 645, 696; Building a, 560; Or or! 129; Converted from Two Old Cars, 130; Converted into a, 104; Design, 458; Dimensions, 378; Does it Pay to Build a? 507; Experiences, 325; from a Lady Motorcyclist's Point of View, The, 615; Garages, Local Authorities and, 696; in Dublin—What Make is It? 458; Ladies and the, 51; Movement, The Agents and the, 561; My Filst, 327; of Rheinps, The, 104; of the Present and the Future, The, 227; or American Car, 251, 277; Race, Suggested, 51, 130, 151, 152; Sleigh, A, 379; Speed and the, 106; Tandem-seated, An Amateur's Experiences with a, 353; The Commercial, 79; The Definition of, 79, The Efficiency of the, 485, 536; Theft Prevention, 432; The Home-built, 432; The Ideal, 325; The Simple, 355; The Two-wheeled, 405; The Utility, 404; What is a! 179, 378; Where the, Scores, 51; Whose, was It? 434; with Oscillating Wheels, 49. Cyclecarist, A Four-year-old, 670. Cyclecar Club: Meet, A, 326; Trial, Criticising the Judges, 535, Mrs. Hartley-Smith's Experience with a Swift Cyclecar at, 483; "Midland, The," 459. "Cycle Car" Club, Disgraceful Conduct of a, 695. Cycle-cars : and the Police, 561; Automatic, Stability of, 304; F.N. Engines for, 433; for Ladies, 459; Home-made, 49; in Austria, 432; in Competitions, 302; in New Zealand, 300; in the North, 616; Names of, 105; Silence Wanted in, 325; Standard, in Trials, 405; v. Sidecars, 378. CYCLECAR, THE, Congratulations to, 80, 106, 179
  • Definition of a Cyclecar, The, 79. Design, Cycle-car, 458. Designer: Another Youthful, 179; The Amateur Reader's Specification, 273. Differential: A Free-wheel, 226; Belt Drive and the, 252, 253; Inefficiency Without, 202; Is a, Necessary or Desirable? 151; Practical Experience With and Without, 202; Question, The, 276. Dimensions, Cyclecar, 378. Dividing Line," A, 128. Driving, Reckless, 433
  • Efficiency of the Oyclecar, 485, 536. Engine: Air-cooled—Does It Overheat? 670; Control, 179; How to Start an, 404, 459; Knocking: The Cause of, 431, Theories of, 483; Knock ? Why does the, 377, 402, 403, 460; Two-guinea Tax, 225, 276; 80 Degrees, Variable Ignition for a, 377, 433. Engines: F.N., for Cyclecars, 433; Liable to Two-guinea Tax, 225, 276. Experts Disagree! When, 695
  • Fair Owner of an A.-C, A, 561. Fallacies, Exploding Two, 614. "Features Which Have Proved Failures," 434. Ferry Rates, 484. Flood, To, or Not to Flood, 507. Front: Cover, Our, 561; Drive, and Rear Steering, 273. Friction Drive, Double, 251. Fuel: How We Waste, 645, 646, 670; Paraffin as a, 459
  • Garages: Cyclecar, Local Authorities and, 696. Garage, The Co-operative, 128. Garaging Problem, The—A New Use for the Home of the Horse, 104. Gas Burners, Acetylene, The Size of, 325. Gears: Low, Freak Hills and, 505; Standard, in Competitions, 615. Gradient? How is a, Measured, 671. Guildford? The Mount at, Which is, 589. G.W.K., A Trial Trip on a, 277
  • Hills, Freak, and Low Gears, 505. Horse, A New Use for the Home of—The Garaging Problem, 104. Hydroplane? Monocar or, 226
  • Ignition, Variable: for a V-twin, 405; for a 90 Degrees Engine, 377, 433. " Ingenious,
  • but ," 49. Insurance: is It Necessary, 405.
  • Irish Roads, The Strain of, 559. Isle of Wight, Transit to, 559, 645
  • " Jabberwock," The Real, 277. Jet, Pilot, Slow Running with a, 647
  • Knocking: Engine: The Cause of, 431, Theories of, 483; No, with Benzole, 535. Knock ? Why Does the Engine, 460
  • Ladies: And the Cyclecar, 51; Cyclecars for, 459. Lady: Driver's Experiences, The, 433; Enthusiast, A, 225, Another, 300; Motorcyclist's Point of View, The Cyclecar from a, 615.
  • Lamps, Electric, Dimming the Light of, 615. Lamp, Tail, An Acetylene, 326. Licence, Motorcycle, No Rebate for the, 50. Licences, Clean Counties and, 199. Local Authorities and Cyclecar Garage, 696. Low, Dr.: Explains the Waste of Petrol, by the Alleged Carbu-rettar, 646, 695; Lecture by, and His Critics— A Reply, 299; Prophecies of, 253; Theories of, 354. Luggage Carrying on a Three-? wheeler, 300
  • Machines, Belt-driven, in Trials, 251. Make, What, is It? 506, 507. Medical Man's Requirements, 432. " Midland Cycleoar Club*" The, 459. Miniature Motor Type for £100, The, 80. Mixture, Correct, How to Tell the, 403. Moment, The Problem of the—Belts and Tyres, 201. Monocar: An Original, 225;
  • Improvement, 325; or Hydroplane, 226; The Ideal, 615. Morgan Runabout, A Trip to Olympia from Bristol on a, 301. Motorbu-s and Road Wear, The, 458. Motorcycle: Lines, Purely, 153; or Car Practice? 128. Motorists, The New Crass of, 105. Motor, Miniature, for £100, 80. Mudguarding Problem in Ceylon, The, 403. Mudplugiiins on a Chassis, Seventy Miles, 301. Musketry, lake the Crackle of, 79
  • Names of Oyclerars, '*>? Now Zealand, CycMcara in, 300. North. Oyileoare in the, 616
  • Oil, Pouring Out, 378. Olympia from Bristol, A Tiip to, on a Morgan Runabout, 301. O.T.A.V. Conversion, An, 696. Overall Width of 2 ft. 9 in., 80. Owner: A Delighted, 275; A Dissatisfied, 275
  • Paraffin as a Fuel, 459. Passenger, One of the Uses, of a, 379. Passenger's Weight, The, 251. Performance, A Wonderful, 377. Petrol: Benzole far Better Than, 670; Consumption: Dr. Low's Suggestions, 646, Criticised, 695, of an A.-C, 561, 589, 613, 614; Warning, A, 614; Wasted, How the, was, 645, 646, 670, 695. Pioneer Designer (Mr. Dew) Defines His Views of a Cyclecar, 50. Pioneer's Stud, A, 50. Police, Cyclecars and the, 561. Power: Increasing, An Interesting Method of, 104; Liquid Air as, 327; New Source of, 326; Obtaining Increased, 559, 588, 616, Mr. A. W. Judge Replies to Criticisms, 647, 670; Sources of, 276. Practice, Reversing Usual, 377. " Price Gap," Fills the, 80. Public, The Agent and the, 536. Pulley Gear, Variable Cone, 378. Pulleys, Cone, Belt Drive with, 433
  • Race, Suggested Cyclecar, 51. R.A.C. Journal, The, 277. Reliability,' Proving, 49. Rexette Conversion, A, 253, 300. Rheims, The Cycle-ear of, 104. Riley Conversion, A, 589. Rims, Cycleoar, Motorcycle Tyres on, 152. Road: Race, The Standard, 130, 151, 152; Wear, The Motorbus and, 458. Running: Costs: Required, 275, 4000 Miles, 274; Slow, with a Pilot Jet, 647. " Runs, Best," 404
  • Sabella, Experiences on a, 325, 379. Sarcastic, Writ, 506. "Seamless Monobloc Bodies," 404. Sidecar: " Acute Discomfort " of the, 432; and Oyclecar Competitions, 505. Sidecars v. Oyclecars, 378. Silencers, More Effective, Major Lindsay Lloyd Asks for, 79. Silence Wanted in Cyclecars, 325. Singer, A Private Trial on a, 560. Single: Drive to One Rear Wheel, 199; Seater, The, 588, How the, Appeals to Our Readers, 108. Sleigh, A Cycleoar, 379. South Africa, Requirements for, 403. Speed: And the Cyclecar, 106; Comfort Rather Than, 303. Speedways, Welsh Roads Not, 355. Spirit, Heavy, Experiences, 507. Stability, Automatic, of Cyclecars, 304. Standard Cyclecar Race, Proposed, 130, 151, 152. Starter: A Cheap Engine, 485; An Easy, 646. Starting, Easy: Thei Desirability of, 302; The Importance of, 353; The Problem of Obtaining, 485. Steam and Carburation, Interesting Method of Increasing Power, 104. Steering: By the Back Wheels, 128, 151; Cable, 432; Single, and Driving wheel, 431. Storage, Cheaper, 199, 225. Swift Oycleoar, Experiences with a, 483
  • Taxation, Vexatious, 128. Tax, Two-guinea: Engine, 276; Wanted Engine Liable to only, 225. Theft Prevention, Cyclecar, 432. Thorny Subject, A, 50. Three-wheel: Advantages, 535; Disadvantages, 434. Three-wheeler: Advantages of the, 129; A Light, 273, 355; Another, 325; Does It Skid? 484; Luggage Carrying on a, 300; Satisfactory Record with a, 5L Three-wheelers, Practical Experiences with, 200, 201. Touring Notes and Suggestions, 484. Transit to the Isle of Wight. 559, 645. Transmission: An Efficient, 696; Ingenious, by a Youth of Sixteen, 153. Trial: A Private, on a Singer, 560; Trip on a G.W.K., 277. Trials: Belt-driven Machine in, 251; Is There Any Value in? 669; Standard Cyclecars in, 405, 669. Turntable, A Simple, 404. Type, Room for More Than One, 179. Tyre Fillings, 276. Tyres: and Belts—The Problem of the Moment, 201; Motorcycle on Cycleoar Rims, 152; The Deterioration of, 535
  • Upkeep, Cost of, 6%; How to Reduce the, 647
  • Valves, Burning Out, 304. Vibration, 129. V-twin, Variable Ignition for a, 405
  • Wales, Holidays in, 484. Weight Limit, The 536, 560; The Futility of a, 505. Welsh Roads Not Speedways, 355. Wheel: Back, Steering by the, 128, 151; Driving, Single Steering and, 431; One Rear, Single Drive to, 199. Why' 304. Windshield, A Reliable, 646 Outlay, Initial, Some Points for Consideration Besides the, 617
  • Overhaul, The Annual, 448
  • Owner, New Oyclecar, Legal Requirements to be Fulfilled by, 159
  • Padlock, Dougle-purpose, Morris, Russell and Co 262
  • Parade, The Cyclecar, 73
  • Parent Tyre Co., 313
  • Paris: Nice Run—(See "Trials." Reliability Run,
  • to Coulommer and Back—(See " Trials ") Parnacott's, Mr. A. E., Lecture Before the Cyclecar
  • Club, 369, 397 Parts, Component, for Cycleoars and Light Oars,
  • M.A.B. (Andre and Co ), 531 Parts, Cvclecar, The Design of, 296a Passengers: On. Cyclecare, 531. Weight of, Using
  • Pastime and Industry Abroad, The, 6 Pastimes, Other, The Cyclecar and, 155
  • Patent3 Information: "Guide to Patents Trad.
  • Marks, and Designs," 340 ' *1<lue
  • Perry Cycleoar Co., Capital of, 4
  • PKRSONAL GOSSIP.—Bourbcati, M 43 Coonoi- M. W., I'lO. Dew, Mr. H., 102. Ureennill 'ujj" E. P., 145. Grioe, Mr. A. G., 210 HS' Mr. (i. N., 347. Hill, Mr. Osmond, '43 got "l.i.. Co. H. C. I,., 75. Keiller, Mr CM 210. Lloyd, Major Lindsay, 145 Low Di' A. M., 75. MaoArthup, Mr. J. (3., 347 'par' nacotrt, Mr. A. E., 348. Peyrecave, Mr' r K cle, 347. Rowden, Mr. Glyn, 145. Sabel Mr' Fritz, 103. Shar|), Professor Archibald! V; Thoniii-s. Mr. Flunk, 43. West, Mr K j' 30V Wood, Mr. J. Talfourd, 210
  • Petrol: Alternatives to, by Dr. A, M. Low. 441 Consumption Trial, Lessons of the, by Or' A. M. Low, 621. Up Again! 369
  • Petrol Killer, Atlas Empty Quick, 527
  • Plug, Oleo, 537
  • Policeman, Cyclecarist, A, 568
  • Power, Obtaining Increased.—Carbonization, 490. Carburation the Chief Cause of Wastage, 584. Cooling, The Important Question of, 532 Engine Bearings, 490; and the Road, Loss of Power between, 667. Exhaust Arrangements, Losses'of Power from the, 642. Ignition, An Important Factor in the Engine's Performance, 597. Lubrication on Power, The Effect of, 542. Power, Why we Want Increased, 465. Preliminary Notice of Articles, 448. Road, The Engine and the, Loss of Power between, 667. Springing, 677. Transmission, The, 667. Tyres, 677. Valves, Engine Bearings and Carbonization, 490
  • " Practical Experiences " Bureau, A, 651
  • Prediction, A, 2. Fulfilled, 116
  • Press, Pressure on the, 554
  • Progress, Rapid but Sound, 1
  • Public, Cyclecars Now Offered to the, 413
  • Purchaser, Intending, A Guide to the, 391
  • QUERIES, NOTES AND.—Age Limit lor Licences, 94. Air: Cooling, 203; Locks, 486; Leaks, 606; Propelled Machines, 154; Valve, An Extra, 648
  • Belt: Dressing, 356, 436; Drive, 286; Fasteners, 590; Slip on Hills, 590; Trouble, 15. Benzole, Adjustments for, 508. Body, Colour of, 590. Brakes: Compenstated, 406; Front Wheel, 356; Look to the, 328. Brasswork, Cleaning, 356. Butt-ended Tubes, 203, 606
  • Carburetter Takes Fire, 672. Carburetters, One or Two-lever, 508. Car, Second-hand, or Cyclecar? 380. Chains, Treatment of, 590. Chain Trouble, 15. Chassis? What is a, 606. Colonial Requirements, 462. Compression, Engine, 278; Conversion, Tricar, 278. Cover Blows Off, 690. Covers, Non-skid, 228. Cutout, A Magneto, 672. Cyclecar: A Steam, 154; Definition, The, 228; Driving a, 15; Equipment, 228; or Second-hand Car? 380. Cyclecars: Air-propelled, 154; Electric, 380
  • Decompressors, 180, 606. Definition, The Cycle-car, 228. Depreciation, 286. Discs, Friction, 81; Truing Up, 690. Disc Wheels, 286. Dismantled Machine, A, 254. Drive: Friction, 81, 406; Rope, 462. Driving a Cyclecar, 15
  • Electric: Cyclecars, 380; Tail Lamps, 690. Engine: Compression, 278; Overheated, 228. Engines: Air-cooled, 186; 90 Degrees, Magnetos for, 436. Expenses, Running, 94
  • Foot-starters, 154. Foot-starting, Advantages of, 154. Four-seater, A, 328. Frames, Wood, 94. Freezing Solutions, Non, 127. Friction Discs, 81; Truing, 690; Drive, 81, 406. Front-wheel Brakes, 356
  • Gear Ratios, 562. Greases, Oils and, 328
  • Hills: Belt Slip on, 590; Knocking on, 672. Horse-power, 522; Transmitted by Shafts, 203
  • Ignition, Variable, 648
  • Jets, Pilot, 508
  • Knocking on Hills, 672
  • Lamps, Electric Tail, 690. Licences, Age Limit for, 94. Lightness: And Strength, 406; How to Gain, 462. Lubrication Systems, 562
  • Machine, A Dismantled, 254. Machines, Secondhand, 436. Magneto Cut-out, A, 672. Magnetos for 90 Degrees Engines, 436
  • Non-Freezing Solutions, 127. Non-skid Covers, 228. Nuts, Tight, 380
  • Oil, When to, 562. Oils and Greases, 328. Overcrowding, 436. Overheated Engine, 228. Overheating, 672; Troubles, 254
  • Petrol: Leaks, 81; Level, 522; Storage, 203; Too Much, 648. Pulley Angle, 15. Pulleys: Free Wheels in, 278; Variable, 15
  • Radiator Cleaning, 127. Registering Three-wheelers, 254. Repair Bill, 127. Road Signals, 328. Rope Drive, 462. Bunning Expenses, 94; Slow, 508
  • Second-hand: Car or Cyclecar? 380; Machines, 436. Self-Starters, 180. Shafts, Horse-power Transmitted by, 203. Shock Absorbers, 286. Signals, Road, 328. Silencers, 356. Simplicity, 462. Spare Parts, 15. Speed: Average, 462; of a Tricar, 328. Stability Test, 94. Starters: Foot, 154; Self, 180. Starting, Foot, Advantages of, 154. Steam Cyclecar, A, 154. Steering Designs, 180. Strength, Lightness and, 406
  • Taxation, 81, 278; Problems, 380. Three-wheelers, Registering, 254. " Top Heavy," 254. Transmission Noises, 690. Tricar : Conversion, 278; Speed of a, 328. Tubes, Butt-ended, 203, 606. Tyre: Fillings, 406; Preservatives, 486; Retreads, 254; Sizes, 127. Tyres, Light, 286
  • Valves, Overhead, 94, 380. Variable: Ignition, 648; Pulleys, 15
  • Wheels: Disc, 286; Free, in Pulleys, 278. Windscreens, 522
  • . &/>e Cyclecar
  • R
  • Race: Cyclecar, in Ireland, Proposed, 392, 417, 421, 479. The Standard, for Cyclecars, 3, 56, 92; C. and M.C.M. and T.U. and, 265
  • K.A.C.: Gala Day at Brooklands (31st May), 554. "Journal," and the Cyclecar Killing the Cheap American Car Boom, 691. Traffic Test, Globe Cyclecar Undergoes, 548, 639
  • Radiators, Coventry Motor Fittings Co., C39
  • Bailies, Cyclecar Club: At Brighton, 686. At Bnx-ton, 602, 633, 662. At Stratford-on-Avon, 423, 519, 683
  • Recharging, Cheap, 237
  • Record, Hoar: A Morgan Accomplishes Nearly 60 Miles, 55. Challenge Trophy for: "Motor Cycling," 2; THE CICLECAR, 109. Mr. J. T. Wood and Morgan Break the 2 Singer Breaks the, 664
  • Registration of Three-wheelers, 212
  • Reliability: And Strength, A Special Consideration of, 296a. Runs and Trials—(See "Trials")
  • Repair Outfit, Dunlop, 262
  • Repairs, Extraordinary, at Messrs. G. N. Higgs, 420
  • Retort, A Crushing, 5
  • Reverse: Gear, The Extra Cost of, Recouped by Added Convenience, 70. No Need for—A Demonstration, 293. Or No Reverse? 70
  • Risks that Should be Covered by Insurance, 335
  • Road Race, A Standard for Cyclecars, 3, 56, 92. C. and M.C.M. and T.U., and, 265
  • Roadside Advertisements, Michelin Tyre Co. to Remove their, 479
  • Road: The Call of the—(See " Call of the Road "). The Chota Cyclecar on the, 215
  • Rollo Extension of Premises, 510
  • Rom Tyre Co., Unfounded Rumours Regarding, 554
  • Running: Satisfactory, Hints for Securing, 331. Wonderfully Economical, 574a
  • Sawley Brow, An L.M. Climbs, Twenty Times, 340
  • Seating Accommodation, Types of, 424
  • Second-hand Cyclecar, Vetting a, 503
  • Shed: A Cheap and Simple, 324. A Cheap Cycle-car, 133. Rev. E. P. Greenhill's Commodious, 98, 225
  • SHOWS: Brussels, 218. Leicester, 322. Olympia, 22-42; A Critical Review of the Leading Models at, 28a; Attendance at the, 56; Brakes at the, 38; Cyclecar Features at, 25; Engines at, 28a; Frames and Bodies at, 34; Inaugural Meeting of the Cyclecar Club at, 4; Notes and Gossip from, 60; Questions at, 67, 87; Steering Gear at, 32; Suspension at, 36; The New Motoring, A Dialogue at, 83; Transmission at, 28b; Wheels and Tyres at, 41. Paris: 1912, 89, 95; 1913, in October, 163. St. Petersburg, 448
  • Sidecar and' Cyclecar Compared, The, 47
  • Sidecars v. Cyclecars, Debate of the Essex M.C., 290
  • Signals, Traffic, 630
  • Signposts, The Difficulty of Reading at Night, 229
  • Silence, In Pursuit of, 261
  • Single: Drive to One Rear Wheel Only, 132. Seater: A Four-wheeled, 64, 99, 107, Simply, The Dew Monocar, 236; How the, Appeals to Our Headers, 108
  • Skid, Correcting a, 131
  • Slip, No, in Wet Weather, 55
  • Smell, Could Tell by the, 163
  • South Harting Hill Visited by Members of the Cyclecar Club, 635
  • Sparking-plugs—(See " Plug ")
  • Spark, The Vital, 437
  • Speed Measurer, Dr. Low's, 607
  • Spelling, The New, 116
  • Spring Suspension, 112
  • Spring Wheel Attachment, Palmer, 322
  • Starting Device, Robertson Brown, 138
  • Starting, Easy, 421
  • Steam, Novel Use for, 5
  • Steering: Gear at Olympia, 32. Systems, Cyclecar, A Review of, 359. Wheel on Left, 190
  • Stile, A Curious Trick at Charlcote Park, Stratford-on-Avon, 239
  • Storage: Economical, for the Cyclecar, 133. Difficulty in Town, and How to Overcome It, 62
  • Stratford-on-Avon, Cyclecar Club Rally at, 423, 519, 583
  • Suggestions, Some Practical, 324
  • Suspension: At Olympia Show, 36. Spring, 112
  • Tank, Torpedo, The Cult of the, 624
  • Taxation: Cyclecar, Royal Commission and, 4. Ot Old Machines, 218
  • Testing: Cyclecar Engines, 99. Ground, The Chil-tern Hills as a, 240
  • Test: The Severest, on Record, 87. To Destruction, A, 607
  • Theft Prevention, Cyclecar: An Ingenious Suggestion, 375
  • Theories that Make One Think, 193, 213 .
  • Thoughts and Opinions, 89—(See " Opinions ")
  • Three Days on a Humberette, 271
  • Three-wheeler: A Curious, 428. A New, 419. A Remarkably Cheap, 604. Camping with a, 461. Weighing I1/, cwt., 231
  • Three-wheelers: Registration of, 212. Tyre for, 262
  • TIME AND TBOUBLE SAVKD.—Air Locks, 97. Axles: Bent, Straightening, 296; Rear, To Cure Knocking, 258b. Bedelia, Fitting a Decelerator Pedal to a, 296. Belt: Removing a, 52; Tensioners, Adjustment of, 144. Belts : Attention to, 296; Care of, 196; Protection of, 196, Brakes, Care of, 232. Buying a Cycle-car 178. Chain: Adjustment and Upkeep, 258b; Drive, Care with, 144. Chains, Adjusting, 258b. Cleaning, Easy, 97. Clutch: And Gear Control, 82; Stops and Gear Changing, 232. Cover, A Useful, 258b. Covers, Old, Using Up, 296. Cyclecar, Buying a, 178. Decelerator Pedal to a Bedelia, Fitting, 296. Filling Up, 178. Gear: And Clutch Control, 82; Changing, Clutch Stops and, 232. Hills, Steep, Descending, 82. Horse-power. Finding Out the, 144. Hubs, Wheel, Care of, 296. Jack, A Simple, 196. Jacking Up, 178. Jacks, Improvized, 52. Joints, Universal, 232. Lubrication of Springs, 232. Monocar, Converting Tandem-seater into a, 258b. Nuts: Loose, The Remedy for, 178; Lost, Prevented, 296. Petrol Tanks, Ill-placed, 196. Running, Slow, To Obtain, 296. Springs, Lubrication of, 232. Starting: Easy, 82, 97; Up, 52, 144. Steering: Details, 258b; Joints, 232. Tandem-seater, Converting, into Mono-car, 258b. Tips, Tabloid, 97, 178, 196. Tyre Treatment, 232. Universal Joints, 232. Wheel Hubs, Care of, 296 Toll, An Excessive," at Norfolk Bridge, Worthing, 218
  • Tools, The Best^ to Buy and How to Use Them, 679 TOPICS OF THE DAY.—Abroad and At Home, Progress, 13. A.-C.U. One Day Trial: Rules that Require Amendment, 311. Anomalies, Curious, 189. American Car: Decline of the, 689; The Disadvantages of the Cheap, 295. Appearance : The Influence of, 258; The Question of, 550
  • Belt Drive, The Prejudice Against, 311 Car, American : Decline of the, 689; Disadvantages of the Cheap, 295. Carburetter Control, Single and Double, 401. " Chassis" Definition, A, 631. Classification: Definition and, 63; International, 135; of Cyclecars, The, 295. Commercial Cyclecarists, 91. Cyclecar Club, The, 631. Oyelecarists, Commercial, 91. Cyclecar: Lighting, 242; Movement in the North, The, 561 ;> Olympia Show and the, 14; Race: A Second, 415, The High Speed, 480; Speed and the, 63; The Police and the, 655. Oyclecars: A French Grand Prix for, 135; Greater Number of Reliable, 346; The Classification of, 295
  • Defects, Detail, and Improvements, 258. Definition: An Error in the, 493; and Classification, 63; Chassis, A, 631; Unmechanical, 480. Development, Over, 14. Differential: Discussion, The, 258; Necessary? Is a, 173; The Unnecessary, 631
  • Economy, True, 581. Efficiency Tests, 370. Engine, Overworking the, 401. Engines, Two-stroke, Possibilities of, 581. Exhibition, A Separate, 91. Experiences, The Interchange of, 655
  • Fuel, Cheaper, 311. Fuels, Alternative, 445 Gear Changing, 401. Grand Prix: A French, for Cyclecars, 135; Few Entries for the, 608; The Cycleoax, 295
  • Home: Abroad and at, Progress, 13; Constructor, The, 209. Hill-climbing, Top-gear, 370 Hogging the Road, 415
  • Ignition, Variable, 371. Industry, A Rapidly-expanding, 445. Insuring, The Importance of, 346. International Classification, 135. Improvements, Detail Defects and, 258. Ireland, The Race in, 415
  • Ladies, The Ideal Motor for, 528. Lighting, Cyclecar 242. London-Exeter Trial: A Severe Test, 135; Lessons of the, 189. Lubricants, Suitable, 371
  • Motorcar or Motorcycle Practice? 121. Motoring : New to, 14; The New, 13. Motorist, The Reckless, 550. Motor, The Ideal, for Ladies, 528. Movement: A Vast, in the North, 13, 581; The Objects of the, 493 North-country Tour, Proposed, 689. North, The
  • Cycleoar Movement in the, 581 Official Results, The Publication of, 415. Olympia Show and the Cyclecar, 14. Originality, The Lack of, 480. Over Development, 14 Passenger's Weight, Effect of the, 189. Police and the Cyclecar, The, 655. Power, New Sources; of, 209. Practice and Theory, 528. Progress Abroad and at Home, 13. Public Approve, The, 63. Purchase, A Guide to the, 242
  • Race in Ireland, The, 415. Rally, A Great, 528. Reckless Motorist, The, 550. Reliability, A Real Test of, 370. Results, Official, The Publication of, 415. Road, Hogging the, 415 Scottish Trial, Barring the, 689. Selection, The Problem of, 173. Spark, The Vital, 445. Speed and the Cyclecar, 63. Starting, Easy, The Problem of, 346. Storage, The Problem of, 173. Superstructure, Weight of the, 371 Test: A Real, 655; A Severe, M.O.C. London-Exeter Trial, 135. Tests: The Two Most Important, 121; Valueless, 608. Theory v. Practice, 528. " Tinkering," The Joy of, 209. Tour, North-country, Proposed, 689. Transmission Systems, 91. Trial, Scottish, Barring the, 689. Trials: Successes in, 550; The Severity of, 401; The Value of, 121. Tyre, Cheapness in, 242 Vital Spark, The, 445
  • Weight: Limit, Raising the, 493; of the Superstructure, 371
  • Torpedo Tank, The Cult of_ the, 624 Tour: In Cornwall on an L.E.C., A, 258a. Mr. H.
  • Long's, 3000 Miles, in Four Weeks, 636 Trade and Trials, The, 214
  • Traffic: Signals, 630. Test, R.A.C. Top-gear (Globe Cyclecar), 5411, 639. The Cyclecar Parade, 74
  • Tram, Perry Cyolecar Telescopes a, 176b
  • Transmission: At Olympia, 28b. Systems of the Cyclecar, 174
  • Trial: A Short, of the Humberette, 112. Cyclecar, Motorcycle Makers Condemn a, 142. Of a Warne Cyclecar, 481
  • TRIALS: A.-C.U.: One-day, 293; Silencer, 241, at Auto-Carriers, Ltd., 291, at Brooklands, 261, Result, 313; Spring, 215, 368, 393, Awards, a Paradoxical Situation in, 531, Official Results of, 423; East Midland Centre of, 635. Birmingham M.C.C., 176a, 340, 530, 552, 577. Bournemouth and District M.C.C., 215. Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 686. Cycle-car Club: Fuel Consumption, 511, 556, 574a, Awards, 603, Lessons of the, 621; Non-stop Flexibility, 426, 428, 450, How Hills were Ascended in, 479, Judges' Report, 469, Only Authoritative Report, 471; Reliability, 321, 340, 392, A Curious Anomaly in, 510, Rules of the, 366. Circuit de Paris, 475. Edinburgh and District M.C., 340. Herefordshire A.C., 100; 100-Guinea Cup for, 420; Hereford City Trophy for, 603. Herts. County A. and Ae.C, 440. Herts. County A.C., 117, 120. Herts. M.C.C., 421. Liverpool A.-C.O., 218, 241, 313, 316. M.C.C.: London-Edinburgh, 633, 660, Entries, 637; London-Exeter, 89, 99, 111, 142, 143, 165, Entries, 143, Preliminary Results, 172, Results, 186, The Man Who Suggested, 210. Midland A.C. Shelsley Walsh, 420. North Middlesex M.C.C., 240, 265. North-West London M.C.C. London-Gloucester, 142, 176a, Entries, 142, Results, 186. Paris-Coulom-niers and Back, 400. Paris-Havre, New Features on Cyclecars in, 440. Park-Nice, 260, 554, 577. Scottish, Six Days Trial: 1912, G.W.K.s in, 87; 1913, 607. South Birmingham M.C.C., 176b. Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 88, 111, 140, 188, 422, 423; Colmore Oup, 342. Woolwich, Plumstead, and District M.C.C., 530
  • Trials: Official for 1913, 266. THE CYCLECAR, 117. The Trade and, 214
  • Tricycles: Siemens and Schuckert, 9. "Swift Swing Frame," 3
  • Tyre: For Three-wheelers, 262. Hinte, 367
  • Tyre Repair Outfit, Dunlop, 474
  • Tyres: And Wheels at Olympia Show, 41. Best Types for Cycleoars: Interviews with Manufacturers, 224. Correct Inflation of, 514. Cost, Upkeep and Repair of, 220. Demand for, 142. Special for Cyclecars, 222
  • TYKES: Avon, 22, 142, 222, 224, 514. Bates, 23, 223. Clincher, 223. Continental, 23, 222, 224, 527, 570. Dunlop, 23, 223, 224, 313. Hutchinson, 23, 223, 224. John Bull (Leicester Rubber Co.), 23. Kempehall, 22, 222, 224. Michelin, 23, 602. North British Rubber Co., 23. Palmer 22, 222, 224. Pedley, 23. Rom, 22, 223, 224, 554. Severn Rubber Co., 23. Skew, 223. Stepney Road Grip, 262. Victor, 263. Wood-Milne, 223
  • " T8," 215
  • Uninitiated, Nerve Tests for the, 100
  • Union Motorcvcliste de France and the Grand Prix, 313
  • " Unladen Weight,"' The Real Meaning of, 233 " Unsavoury Crowd, The," 583 Uses, Minor, A Handy Vehicle for, 20
  • Valve Cutter, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 688 Valves: The Care and Replacement of, 593. The
  • Proper Seating of, 688 Vehicle, A Handy, for Minor Uses, 20 " Vetting " a Second-hand CyclecaT, 503 Vibration on a Cyolecar, 423 Village, A Favoured, The Delight of, and the
  • Troubles of an Amateur Builder, 501 Vital Spark, The. 437
  • Wales: For Easter, 435. For the New Motorist, 282 Warning, Audible, 307
  • Weather, Mixed: Snow, Rain, Sunshine, and Fog, 218 Wedding, A Oyclecar—Waldron-Gray, 163 Week-end: Notes, 341. Observations, 317. With an
  • Averies, 374. With a Premier, 208 Week-ends, Cyclecar, 682
  • " Weight, Unladen," The Real Meaning of, 233 Westerham, The Cyclecar Club Meet at, 634 Wheel, Rear, Single Drive to One Only, 132 Wheels: And Tyres at Olympia Show, 41. Oscillating, 3. Three or Four? 149 Wheels, Stepney, 658 WHISTLES: Aermore (Morris, Russell and Co.), 280, 308. Garner, 308. Sireno, 308 Whiteley's and the Cycleoar Boom, 138 Windscreen, Fowl Flies Through a, 666 Winter: Drive, A Wild, 165. Run on an L.M.
  • Cycleoar, 351 Woe, A Tale of, 501 Workshop, The Cyclecarist's, 679 World: Moving in a Different—Interview with Mr.
  • Alfred Bednell, 113. The Cycleoar—(See
  • " Cyclecar ") Worthing, Norfolk Bridge at, An Excessive Toll
  • at, 218
  • Yorkshire Snow, Tlirough, 309


  • A.A. and M.U.: A Suggestion to the: "Numbers all Clear," 250. Scout Saluting L.E.C. Cycle-car, 116
  • Accelerators: Amac, 23. B.C.B., 22
  • Accessories, Home-made, Carried Out by Mr. Prank Thomas, 59
  • Accident, An Alarming, Through Carrying a Big Headlight in Proximity to the Petrol Filler, .387
  • Accommodation, Qyclecar, in Small House Planning, 12
  • Afternoon Call, An: Showing the Handiness of the Cyclecar to Pass Through Ordinary Gateway,
  • A see, The Extreme of Two, 80
  • Air-control Slide for Obtaining Slow Running, 332
  • Air Inlet, Extra, to Solex Carburetter, 648
  • Air Valve, Amateur's, 696
  • Ambulance, Automobilette, 489
  • America, Young, Has Ideas, 9
  • Arms Hill, Henley, Unofficial Hill-climbs at, 264, 285, 281, 297, 305
  • As It May be, According to Dr. Low, 216, 217 Audiometers: Holden's, Col., 291. Low's, Dr., 291 Austria, Cyclecars in, 432 Auxiliary, The Cyclecar as an, 20, 21 Avon in Flood, near Blakedown, 536 Aylesbury, 521. Near, 594 Axle, Bent, A Method of Straightening, 296 Axles, Rear, A Cure for Knocking, 258b
  • Bad as This? Is It, 502
  • Banbury, 520, 521. Luncheon Stop in the Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A.C.'s Trial at, 140
  • Barcelona, Downcar Club of, 318, 319 B.A.R.C.—(See " Brooklands ") Barnet, Humberette Leaving, 421 liassett Bridge, 171, 176b, 220
  • Beauty Spot, A Neglected: Ranmore Common, Showing Its Approaches, 408 Bedford, Morgan Oyclecar Leaving, 421 Belt: Chain and, Guards to Prevent the, from Slipping off Sprockets and Pulleys, 15; Dressing, A Simple Method of, 356. Drive, 71, 72; Plat: on the Globe Cyolecar 391, with Cone Pulleys, 378; Succeeds, Where, 161. Lifting the, from One Pulley to Another in a French Hill-climb, 72. Pull on, Diagram Showing How It Varies with the Percentage of Slip, 252. Tensioners and Variable Pulleys, Method of Setting, 144 Belt Punch, Sphinx, 262
  • Belts: A Chain to Prevent Losing, 226. Overrunning the, 201. 15 ft., A Cyclecar with, 71 Belts, Pollin, 263 Benzole Plant, The Birohenwood Colliery, 5. The
  • King and Queen Inspect, 602 Bettws-y-Coed, Swallow Falls at, 435 Birohenwood Colliery, Stoke-on-Trent, 5. Benzole
  • Plant, The King and Queen Inspect, 602 Birdljp Hill, 322, 450, 451. 453, 454, 463, 504, 553, 564 Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park at, 616 Blagdon Hill, 578
  • Blakedown, The Avon in Flood at, 536 B.M.C.R.C.—(See " Brooklands ") Bodies, Different Types of, Have Their Appropriate Uses^Naturally, 45
  • Body: A Papier Mache, 355. A Semi-racing Type on a G.W.K., 299. Designs, Four-wheeler, 372. For Samples on a G.W.K., 79. The Hansom Cab, 152 30 in., Seating Arrangement for, 226 Body Design: For Commercial Use, Rice (Surbiton), 22. Swift, 36 Boves, At, 348 Boves Gate Inn, Olieseington, In the Water-splash
  • at, 375 Bow and Bromley Election, A.-C. Sociable Helps
  • Suffragette Cause in, 55 Bowlers Green. Hill, 396, 412, 507 Brakework, Examples of, 41
  • Brakes: Compensating, Typical Form of, 406. When They Fail on Steep Hills, Steer to the Side of the Hoad, 82 British Camp: Hill, At the Foot of, 476. Hotel, 477, 615
  • Broadway, Lygon Arms at, 476
  • Broadwell, Watersplash at, 452, 453, 464, 482
  • BROOKLANDS: Aerodrome: Leaving, 647; Watching
  • from Hamel's Arrival at, 618. A Snap at:
  • Impossible with a Oar, 134. Cyclecar Club
  • Run to, 604, 605, 618, 647. G.W.K. at, 210.
  • Meetings: B.A.R.C. (Easter Monday), 476
  • (12th May), 664; B.M.C.R.C. (28th March),
  • High-speed Reliability Trial at, 494, 495, (17th
  • May), Cycleoar and Sidecar Race at, 691.
  • Nine-hour Record by Duo at, 54. Start of
  • the Cyoleoar Race at, 186. Test Hill, Carlette
  • Cyclecar on, 419. Why Not a Vogue at: The Four-wheeled Single-seater? 64-66
  • Building Acts, A Cheap Cyclecar Shed that will come within the Limitations of the, 133 Burford Bridge Hotel, Returning Home after the
  • Cyclecar Club Run to, 326 Burglar's Lament, The, 207 BUTT Hill, Pulborough, 294, 368, 369, 390, 431 Buxton: A Freak Hill at, 694. Cyclecar Club Rally at, 662, 663, 684, 693, 694; An Impression of, 692. Lining Up for the Cyclecar Parade at, 662. On the Road to, £93 694, St. Ann's Hotel at, 663 Bwlch-y-Groea Pass, 320
  • CALL OP THE ROAD, 206, 207, 249, 256, 280, 305, 306, 388, 408, 513, 538, 539 Camping on a Three-wheeler, 461 Carburetter: A New Automatic, 288. Its Principles and Adjustment, 382, 383. Petrol in the, Altering the Level of, 590
  • CARBURETTERS: B. and B., 382, 624. Gordon, 288. Solex, 612; Extra-air Inlet to, 648 C*r, Curious, Snapped from Magdalen Bridge, Oxford, 256 Cardan Shaft, Device to Keep it Clear of tho Ground, 232
  • Carlow: And Castlederniot, Straight Stretch Between, 417. Town Hall at, 417 (:ii.- Flanders (American) ami sabclla Cyclecar, 557. Rolls-Royce in a Critical Position on Arms Hill, 281. Sizaire-Naudin (Dr Colver-Glauert's), 662 Cat and Fiddle Hill, 663
  • Chain: And Belt, Guards to Prevent the, from Slipping off Sprockets and Pulleys, 15. To Prevent Losing Belts, 226 Chalk Pit Hill, 566 Charlcote Park, Stratford-cn-Avon, A Curious Trick
  • Stile at, 239 Charterhouse Hill, 394
  • CHASSIS: Automobilette, 362, 363. BE., 685. Brou"li 323. Oalthorpe, 292, 293. Chater-Lea, 301. Cripps., 212. Crouch, 114. Eagle, 531. H.O.E., 609, 610. Jackson, 38. Jennings, 164. Kendall 76. La Roulette, 118. Media, 78. Rollo, 34. Sydney, 545. Truner, 497. Violette, 7. Wood-row, 115
  • Cheltenham: Near, 587. On the Hills Near, 261 Chesham, Early Snow at, 131 Chiddingfold, Surrey, The Old Crown Inn at, 668 Christmas Experience, A, 147, 148 Church Hill, Caterham, 357 Circuit de Paris—(See " Trials ") Clutoli: Right and Wrong Way of Letting in the, 82. Stop, A Simple, 232 Oobham, White Lion Hotel at, 579 Colmore Cup Trial—(See " Trials—Sutton Coldfield A.C.")
  • Combe Hay Hill, 580 Commercial Use, Body Design for, Rice (Surbiton), 22
  • Contact Breaker, Obtaining a View of the, 606 Contrast: A Curious—Mr. Dew's Monocar and a Commercial Motorvan, 327. An Interesting— 8 h.p. Humberette and 105 h.p. Daimler Tractor, 159 Control Levers, Bedelia, Additional Foot Control
  • to the, 296
  • Controls on Cyclecars, 67-69 Coventry, L.B.C. on the Road Near, 258a Cover for Cyclecar, 258b Conversion: An Interesting, 405; A Singer Tricar, 558
  • Cooling of Cyclecar Engines, The, 157 Oowdray Park, Midhurst, By the Lake in, 666 Cracknorth Hill, 393, 408 Creech Hill, 215 CROSS COUNTRY COMMENTS, 229, 830, 269, 270, 297, 372, 385, 429, 595 Cross Country Cyclecarring, 261 Cushion and Map Case, Stephens and Co., 262 Out-out, Magneto, Fitting a, 388 Cyclecar: Accommodation in Small House Planning, 12. A Home-made (Mr. F. J. Shaw's), 199. A Light Home-made (Mr. Chambers's), 355. And Sidecar Compared, The, 47. As an Auxiliary, The, 20, 21. A Simple and Light, 48. At Brighton—Whose is It? 434. Belt-driven, Mr. T. A. Hubert's Cleverly-designed, 314, 315. Constructed by a Youth of Sixteen, 57. Converted from Two Old Cars, 130. Covering for, 258b. Early, The Appearance of, in the "Distressful Country," 652-654. Engines, The Cooling of, 157. Evolution of the Possibilities in, 16, 17. For Town Use, 130. Handiness of: Showing the, 179, 275; to Pass Through Ordinary Gateway, 188. Home-c-onstructed, from a Phcenix Quadcar, 104. How It is Driven and Controlled, 67-69. Impression of a First Run on a, 100, 101. More to the Point than that with Oscillating Wheels, 49. Mr. Meyer's Construction, 104. Parade, 73. 74. Race in Ireland, The Proposed, 417. Simple—Four-wheeled Single-seater, 64-66. Sleigh, A, 379. Steering Systems, A Review of, 359, 360. Tandem-seated. Capable of Entering Gateways of Houses on Garden City Principle, 4. The Lighting of a, 539. The Little Grey Leaves the Big Oar Plodding on Its Way, 512. The Telescopic, 234. The World Viewed from the Seat of a 112. Three Up on a, 110. Transmission Systems of the, 174, 175. Two Philadelphians' 9 What Make of, is This? 422. Where It Scores', 219. With Accommodation for Three 127 With Oscillating Wheels, 49. With 15 ft' Belts, 71
  • Cyclecar Club: Easter Tour, 476, 477. Hill-climb Venue of, 635, 650, 657. Lectures:'Dr. Low's' Apparatus Used at, 213, As It May be 213 216, 217; Mr. A. E, Parnacott's, 'Diagrams Illustrating Losses by Friction and Wasted Power, 397. Meet at Westerham, 634. Rally: At Buxton (Whitsun Tour), 662, 663, 684, 693, 694. An Impression of, 692; At Stratford-on-Avon, 516a, 519-521, 565, 594, Sunrising Hill Tests, 516b, 558, 560. Run: Coming Back from a—An Incident on, 179; G.W.K. seen at a, 299. Runs: First, 89, 90; Second, Early Arrival at the Saracen's Head, Dunstahle 190; Third, 265; to Biggleswade, 392, 397; to Brambktye Hotel, Forest Row, 317 ?' to Brooklands, 604, 605; to Burford Bridge Hotel, Return Home After, 326. Trials-Fuel-consumption, 512, 574D-576, 579, Lessons of the, 621, 622; Non-stop Flexibility, 426 427, 450-456, 463, 464, 479, 482, 483, Impression <.f the, 455; Reliability, 321, 504, 505, Glimpse of the Country in, 322
  • (v< I.I:I:ARISTS: Aldersey, Mr., 499. Arden, Mr H 578. Armstrong, Mr. A. C., 451, 453. Arter, Mr. E., 665
  • Bailey, Mr. B. W., 141. Bamford, Mr., 454. Bourbean, M., 43, 44, 117, 475. Bouville, M., 475. Bradley, Mr. A. P., 452, 520. Brook, Mr. a. V. C, 125. Brown, Mr. G. E., 316; Mr. J .R., 665; Mr. R., 167. Bryant, Mr. G , ltd. liullin, Mr. R. B., 604. Burgess, Mr. F., 342. Busby, Mr., 499
  • Oass, Mr., 240. Chater Lea, Mr., 554, 556. Chester, Mr., 241. Cleave, Mr., 520. Collier, Mr. 11. A., 176b. Cooper, Mr. W., 176b, 394, 421 694. Corkett, Mr. F. L., 614. Coult, Police-constable, 568
  • Dew, Mr. H. B., 102
  • Eames, MT. A. G., 176a. Evans, Mr. P. J., 141, 564
  • Godfrey, Mr. H. R., 451, 453, 479, 566. Gordon, Mr. G., 394. GreenhilJ, Rev. E. P., 145, 156. Griffiths, Mr., 580. Guilding, Mr., 552
  • Iliggs, Mr. G. N., 347, 575, 665. Hill, Mr. Alan, 168, 202; Mr. Osmond, 43, 169, 694. Holdeu, Col. H. C. L., 75. Howlett, Dr., 665. Humphries, Mr. S. C, 167
  • Inglefleld, Mr. C, 637
  • Jackson, Mr. R., 313
  • Keiller, Mr. C. M., 169, 563, 687. Kreitmeyer, Mr., 450, 452, 576
  • Lambert, Mr. A. W., 421, 452, 499. Langridge, Mr. G. T., 571. Lavigne, Master, 670. Lloyd, Major Lindsay, 145. Long, Mr. H., 530, (and his Daughter), 637. Low, Dr. A. M., 75, 213, 574b
  • MacArthur, Mr. J. C, 347. Martin, Mr. L., 454, 552, 665. Messervy, Mr. R. F., 167, 176b, 214, 264, 265, 634. Moffat, Mr., 595. Morgan,
  • Mr. H. F. S., 109, 140, 163, 320, 434, 452, 553, 580, 661, 665. Morris, Mr., 661. Munday,
  • Mr. H. C, 141, 451, 498, 499. Mundy, Mr. R. G., 140
  • Nash, Mr. A. Fraser, 264, 498, 519, 520, 664 Parnacott, Mr. A. E., 348, 574b. Peyrecave, Mr. L. F. de, 140, 347, 456, 498, 519. Phillips, Mr., 519. Pickering, Mr. H. C 564. Pullin, Mr., 665. Punchard, Mr., 605 Rowden, Mr. Glynn, 145
  • Sabel, M. Fritz, 102. Sharp, Professor Archibald, 323. Southam, Mr., 587. Spencer, Mr., 264, 392. Stevenson, Mr. F. H., 342, 567 Tamplin, Mr. A. T., 171, 220. Thomas, Mr. Frank, 43., 566
  • Ward, Mr. W., 109. Welham, Mr., 575. West, Mr. E. J., 323. Whitehead, Mr., 498. Wil-berforce, Mr. V., 241, 454. Wintle, Mr. E. R., 141, 564. Wood, Mr. J. T., 109, 120, 316, 450, 498, 555, 665. Wright, Mr. 596 Cyclecarist's Workshop, The, 679, 681 Cyclecarring: Cross-country, 261. The Lighter Side of, 625-627
  • CYCLECARS- A.-C, 42. 141, 176a, 345, 396, 451, 499, 530, 613, 665; Control System on, 69; Engine on, 99. A.-C. Sociable, 55, 87, 200, 240, 412, 561; Four-wheeled, 569; Rear Springing, Clutch-operating Mechanism and Engine on, 570; Repaired by Messrs. G. N. Higgs, 420; Seating Accommodation on, 424. A.C.E., 56. Alldays, 27, 42, 552; Controls on, 25. Arden, 39,'167, 343, 578, 580. Autocrat, 616. Automobilette, 6, 161, 333, 362, 363, 391, 403, 440, 444; Ambulance, 489; Belt-tensioning Device on, 30; Bevel Drive and Shaft on, 95; Frame and Starting Handle on, 96; Mudguard on, 268; Universally-jointed Central Pivot Steering on, 38. Auto Simplette, 96. Averies, 265, 375, 452; Brake Adjustment, Steering, Rear Springs, Engine and Gearbox on, 374
  • Baby, 589. Baby Auto, Starting Mechanism on, ? 95. Beacon: Air-propelled, 154; Engine on, 212. Bedelia, 40, 43, 44, 72, 117, 124, 160, 187, 330, 400, 423, 475, 509, 530, 556, 607, 678; A Cheap Engine Starter for, 485; Additional Foot Control to the, 236; Control System on. 69; Engine on, 6; Seating Accommodation on, 425; Shaft-driven Fan on, 158; Simple Improvements on a, 329, 330. B.E.F., 685. Birkin's, Master. 57. B.P.D., 399. Broadway, 610. Brough, 323 Calthorpe, 292, 293, 499, 691. Carden, 476, 518, 549. Carlette, 419, 499; Countershaft, Gear Control, and Frame on, 418. Ohambers's, Mr., 355. Chater Lea, 301, 554, 556. Chota, 138, 376, 530, 638; Countershaft and Rear Stub Axle on, 76; Mr. H. Long's, 637. Condor, 266; Steering Connection to Front Wheel and Handle Starter on, 266. Coult's, Police-constable's, 567. Crescent, 141, 345, 520, 524, 525; Front Brake Drum and Steering Connection on, 32; Mudguard on, 267; Rear Axle on, 36. Cripps, 212. Crouch, 114, 167, 300, 665, 684
  • Dallison, 498. Day-Leeds, 31. Dew, 102, 230, 236, 237, 327, 341; To Increase Comfort on, 325; 7 h.p. Twin, Single-seater, Weight 4 cwt., 50. Dorey, Front Springing and Steering Arrangement on, 96. Duo, 27, 35, 54, 140, 167, 168, 176b, 214, 220, 264, 294, 369, 452, 456, 498, 517, 519, 520, 575, 604, 605, 618, 634, 635, 694; Belt Drive System on, 67; Expanding Pulleys on, 30; Gears on, 517; Mudguard on, 268; Nine-hour Record, 54: Seating Accommodation on, 424; Showing Original Ideas OH a, 197; Variable Pulley Control on, 386
  • Eagle, 313, 473, 531. Edwards, 339.
  • Endrick, Decompressor on, 180.
  • Enfield Autolette, 448 604, 605, 637, 644, 684. Eric, 33
  • Geha 8. Gep, 611. Girling, 37. Globe, 369, 431, 524, 663; Belt Drive on, 115, 391; R.A.C. Test of 639; Seating Accommodation on, 425. G.N., 29, 43, 142, 169, 225, 264, 303, 305, 368, 392, 451, 453, 464, 479, 498, 566, 575, 594, 604, 605, 635, 647, 665; Mudguards on, 267; Pilot Jet on, 508; Seating Accommodation on, 424. G.N. (Grand Prix), 515, 519, 604, 664, 665; Engine and Transmission on, 516. G.N.-ette, 546. Gordon, 39, 240, 310, 394, 430, 453, 688; Carburetter on, 288; Gear Lever, Starting Handle, and Rear Suspension on, 309. G.W.K., 37, 85, 120, 140, 169, 176b, 210, 241, 278, 322, 340, 345, 366, 393, 395, 450, 454, 498, 555, 563, 574b, 605, 613, 660, 663, 665, 687; Control System on, 68; Mudguard on, 396; Radiator on, 157: Seating Accommodation on, 425; with Semi-Racing Type o! Body, 299; with Special Body for Samples, 79
  • H.C.E., 89; Chassis, Rear Hub, Device to Obviate Use of Differential, and Front Wheel Brakes on, 609, 610. Howard, Friction Drive on, 447. Hubert's, Mr. T. A., 314, 315. Humberette, 35, 141, 159, 168, 176b, 202, 204, 261, 271, 345, 357, 394, 408, 421, 454, 459, 482! 524, 525, 564, 582, 587, 596, 641, 660, 686, 694; Control Lever, Spark Lever, Gear Lever, Clutch Pedal, Wiring from Magneto, and Carburetter Tickler on, 272; Control System en, 68; Engine on, 28b; Seating Accommodation on, 424
  • Inviota, 524, 525, 560
  • Jackson, Chassis of, 38
  • Jennings, 164; Body, Bonnet, Rear Spring and Gearbox on, 164; Mudguards on, 267
  • Kendall, 29; Chassis of, 76; Front End of Frame and Gearbox on, 24; Rear Loaded Torque Rod on, 36
  • La Fleche, 118. La Roulette, 118. La Topille, 119. Lavigne, 670. L.E.C., 116, 258a. Leeds, 31; Double Brakes on, 25. Leo, Interior View Looking Forward, 36. Lester, 473, 547. L.M., 42, 241, 352, 571; Clutch-operating Mechanism, Chain Adjustment, ? Front Springing, and Ball Bearing on Rear Axle on, 351. Ijurquin-Coudert, Engine on, 7
  • Marshall-Arter, 88, 665; Transmission on, 88. Matchless, 29, 171, 176b, 220; J.A.P. Engine on, 28a. Media, 26; Chassis of, 78; Gear-actuating Mechanism on, 25; Gear Changing Mechanism on, 24; Rack and Pinion Steering and Friction Cone Drive, 71. Medinger, 648; Front View and Engine on, 549. Merlin, Gearbox, Frame, Clutch, Steering Gear, and Back and Front Axles on, 115. Meteorite, 78. Meyer (French), 449. Moffat, 595. Monarch, 138; Front Spring and Dummy Radiator on, 163. Morgan, 33, 120 163, 200, 264, 301, 320, 342, 392, 393, 421, 433 443, 452. 498, 499, 514, 524, 553, 561, 563, 567, 580, 604, 694; Mudguard on, 267, 396; Seating Accommodation on, 425. Morgan (Grand Prix), 661, 665; (" Jabberwock "), 165 182, 195, Two Ideas Carried out on, 230. Morris-Oxford, 661. Motorette, 140, . 141. Mulliner (Austrian), 432
  • New Hudson, 56; Pedal Control and Frame on, 24
  • Omnium, 583. O.T.A.V., 696
  • Parnacott, 129; Foot Starters on, 154; Rear Suspension on, 38; Steering System on, 32, 360. P.D.A., 224, 564; Transverse Front Spring on, 38. Perry, 28, 458, 492, 254; Connecting Rod and Piston on, 24; Crankshaft, Timing Pinions and Carburetter on, 25; Shock Absorber on, 286. Pinnace, 139. P.M.C., 31, 342, 477; Radius Rod and Front Spring on, 41; Rear Wheel, Showing Twin Tyre, on, 32. Premier, 40, 239, 442, 536; Induction Piping on Engine on, 28a; Springing on the Body on, 41
  • R and P., 474. Ranger, 549. Rexette (A Converted), 253. Richardson, 419. Rollo, 28 40, 46, 127, 140, 141, #5, 564; Bouble Cable Steering with Gearboxes on, 24; Gear and Brake Levers on, 25; Mudguard on, 268; " Pony," Seating Accommodation on, 425; Showing Steering Gears and Chassis, 34; Steering Systems on, 359. Rudge, 26; Control System on, 68; Mistaken for a Runaway, 244; Mudguard on, 267; Steering Gear on, 25, 360; TTnderslung Frame on, 328
  • Sabella, 33, 94, 520, 526; and American Car, Flanders, 557; 1906, 102. Shaw's, Mr. F. J., 199. Singer, 39, 296b, 310, 342, 369, 422, 431, 454, 552, 563, 582, 665, 691; Seating Accommodation on, 425; Spring Shock Absorbers on, 41. Sterling, 449. Super, 37; Belt Drive System on, 67; Seating Accommodation on, 424. Surridge, 39. Swift, 28, 452, 483, 525, 577, 580; Body on, 36; Control System on, 69. Sydney, 545
  • Thompson, 475. Tourist, 8. Truner, 497. Ty-jack's, Master, 153; Transmission on, 153. Tyseley, Back Axle on, 25; Front of Frame, Engine Mounting, etc., on, 24
  • Vallat, 684. Vee Gee, 610. Violette, Chassis of, 7
  • Walcycar, 28. Wall, 35. Warne, 40, 195, 443, 481, 519, 613, 662, 694; Auxiliary Two-speed Gear on, 658; Control Levers and Brakes on, 482. Walter (Austrian), 432. Welham, 574b, 575, 604, 618. Whitgift, 364, 365; Mudguard, Shell under Dash, and Brake on, 365. Wil-brook, 340. Wilkinson T.M.C., 31; Box-holding Leaf Springs, Frame, and Universal Joint on, 263; Radiator on, 157. Willis, 238; Chain Drive and Power Unit on, 239; Differential Countershaft and Magneto Coupling on, 238. Wilton, 29. Winco, 688. Woodrow, 115, Worthington, Mudguard on, 268. Wrigley, Suspension, Steering Connections, Back Axle and Universal Joints on, 399 Zebra, 450, 452, 565, 576, 604. Zendik, 398 ? Cyclecars: At the Rate of Seventy a Week, Hum-ber, Ltd., Produce, 640, 641. In Austria, 432. In the Streets of Paris, 187. Standard, Proposed Road Race for, 92. That Pass in .the Night, 134. Wheels of, Are Easily Lifted, 81
  • CYCLECAR, THE : Coventry Offices of, Mr. Harry Long Leaving on His Tour, 530. Hill-climbs: at Arms Hill, Henley, 264, 265, 281, 297. 305; at Beaconsfleld and Bury Hill, 368, 369. Staff, An Exciting Episode that Happened to One of the, 354. Stand at Olympia Show, 55. Trophy for Hour Record, 109
  • Cycle Club Road Race, A Bedelia Appears at a, 678
  • Daimler Tractor and an 8 h.p. Humberette, 159
  • Dangerous Habit, A, 233
  • Daring Feat, A, 367
  • Decompressor, Endrick, 180
  • Depth Gauge, Dr. Low's, 583
  • Development, Lines of, 16, 17
  • Differential, A Free-wheel, 226
  • " Distressful Country," The Appearance of the Early Cyclecar in, 652-654
  • Doctor Pays a Call, The, 275 Dorchester, 166, 203
  • Downcar Club of Barcelona, 318, 319
  • Draycott Hill, 580
  • Dundry Hill, 580
  • Dunstable, Saracen's Head at, 190
  • Easter, Wales for, 435
  • Edge Hill. 140, 141, 596
  • Engine: Air-cooled, Compression Taps of a, 97. Design in the Future, 103. How to Dismantle a, 540, 541. Twin-cylinder, Cycle of Operations of the, 58. With Green Patent Water Jackets, 103. 90 Degrees, Variable Ignition for, 377.
  • ENGINES: A.-C. (on Test Bench), 99. Beacon, 212. Bedelia, 6. Blumfield (Used in A.-O.U Silencer Trial), 290. Buckingham, 90 Degrees 398. Douglas, 28b. Evans-Doubleday, 338. Humber, 28b. Humberette (Testing), 641. J.A.P.. 157; (Fitted to Matchless Cyclecar), 28a; 90 Degrees, 540, 541, Rocking Arm of the Overhead Valve Type, 380. Low, 21, 22. . Lurquin-Coudert, 7. Precision, 157, 288; (Under Test), 554. Premier, Induction Piping on, 28a. Rudge, 157
  • Engines: Cyclecar, The Cooling of, 157. 90 Degrees, The Ignition of, 573, 574
  • Episode. An Exciting, that happened to One of Our Staff, 354
  • Esterol, On the, during the Paris-Nice Run, 554
  • Exhaust: Pipes that might cause Overheating, 228 Visible, A Very, 410
  • Feat, A Daring, 367
  • February Fill Dyke, 296a
  • Ferrules for Adjusting Distance between Valve and Its Tappets, 228.
  • Filling Up: How to Pour Petrol out of a Can, 178 Four Weeks, 3000 Miles in: Mr. Harry Long's Tour, 637
  • Four-wheeler: Where It scores, 221 Friction and Wasted Power, Losses by, Diagram
  • Illustrating, 397
  • Friction Drive, A Novel, Mr. Scouller's 251 Frocester Hill, 427
  • Front-wheel Drive, Mr. Scouller's. 273 Fuel-producing Plant, A New—Birchenwood Colliery, 5. The King and Queen Inspect, 602 Full Cry, In! An Unexpected Encounter with the
  • Hounds, 277
  • Garage: Commodious, Rev. E. P. Greenhill's, 98.
  • Plan of Showing How Three Cyclecars could
  • be easily stored, 62 Gateways on Garden City Principles, Cyclecars
  • capable of entering Ordinary, 4 Gear, Warne Auxiliary Two-speed, 658 General Post Office, St. Martin's-le-Grand, The
  • Facade of, in course of Demolition 422 Generator, How Mr. Thomas carries his, on the
  • Footboard of his Cyclecar, 146 Generators, Acetylene, Two Types of 243 Gloves, Asbestol, 488 Golf Links, Running Down to the, 20
  • GRAND PKIX: 1912, Bedelia at Speed in, 44. 1913: An Impression of, 591; Course: Map of, 289, 600; Part of where High Speeds will be Possible, 333, Stand Accommodation on the Turning Points of the, 368, Two Points on the, 348, Views of, 629
  • Guards to prevent the Chain and Belt from Slipping off Sprockets and Pulleys, 15
  • Guildford: Hill at, 434. The Mount at, 394
  • Hansom Cab Body, The, 152
  • Harting to Midhurst, A Picturesque Bend in the Road from, 669
  • Hassage Ford, 578
  • Headington Hill, 240, 241
  • Headlight, Accident through Proximity of Petrol Filler to, 387
  • Headlights, Solar, 539
  • Hereford City Trophy, 603
  • Hill-climbing: Cross-country, 385. In Kent, 566
  • HILL-CLIMBS: A.CO. de France (Gometz-la-Chatel) 117, 160. Cyclecar Club, Venue of, 635, .650. 657. CYCLECAB, THE: at Arms Hill, 264 265, 281, 297, 305; at Beaconsfield and Burs-Hill, 368, 369. Lancashire A.C., 637. M.O.O., 555
  • Hills, Steep, When Descending, and Brakes Fail, Steer to the Side of the Road, 82
  • Hindhead, Near, 395
  • Historical Moments of a Great Movement. 671
  • Horatius (1913 Model), 137
  • Horn Bulb, Leather, Brown Bros., 307
  • HORNS: Adnil (Smith and Son), 307. Autoehime, 308. Autovox, 308. Clarionette (Rotax Accessories Co.), 307. Gabriel, 308. Klaxonet, 308 Lucas: Cyclorn, 308; King of the Road, 307. Newtone (Peto and Radford) 307. Testa-phone, 308
  • HOTS de Combat! 105
  • Horse Age, Mounting Stones of the, A New Use for, 80
  • Horseshoe Falls, Llangollen, 87
  • Hounds in Full Cry! An Unexpected Encounter With, 277
  • Housing Problem, The, 12
  • Humber, Ltd., produce Cyclecars at the Rate of Seventy a Week, 640, 641
  • Ideas, Original, on a Duo Cyolecar, 197
  • Idle Rich, The: Now Showing, 683
  • Ignition: Of 90 Degrees Engines, 573, 574. Variable for 90 Degrees Engine, 377
  • Ireland: Another Injustice to, 652-654. Cyclecar Race in, Proposed, 417
  • Jack: A Simple, 1%. If One has not a, the Wheels of Cycleoars can be Easily Lifted 81
  • Jaok, Instantaneous, 527
  • Jacking Up, 52. A Machine, 178
  • Jet, B. and B. Pilot, 508
  • Joy Rides—Some Suggestions, 45
  • Justice is Blind—But Not Always, 675
  • Kenilworth, Half-timbered Cottages at 442
  • Kent, Hill-climbing in, 566 ,
  • Kentish Hills, Searching for, 634
  • King and Queen Inspect the Birchenwood Colliery
  • Benzole Plant, 602 '
  • Kikstone Pass, 204 Kop Hill, 85, 555
  • y: ?JSiiDr!iTe'J£ Basy that *• 378- Cyclecarists
  • Midland, 523-526. Drivers, The CycIe<W
  • Simple and Safe for, 10. Drives, The, 10.
  • Enthusiast, Another, 300 '
  • Miss D 524. Dicks, Miss F. M., 524. DoS mg-Oldham Mrs. 525. Ellis, Miss Christa-£el, 39o 507. Gibbins, Miss, 433. Hartley-
  • m ™ w'j?1 m- HarTey' Mls- 215' 469, 524 Hodgkmson, Mrs. Raymond, 525
  • Borton-Smith, 524. Howell, Mi®, 616. Idiens, Miss, Edna, 525. Lunn, Miss Nora, 525 Minton, Miss Dorothy, 561. Morgan, Miss Dorothy, 561. Senior, Mrs. Charles 5'4 Thomas, Miss, 392. Willmott, Mrs. Frank' 524. Wright, Mrs., 589
  • Lamp, A Tell-tale, to Illuminate Drip-feed Lubricator, 690
  • LAMPS: Autoclipse, 247. Cox-Walker, 247. Dependence, 247. F.R.S., 247. Lucas, 247. P. and H., 247. Rotax, 247, 539. Rushmore 247
  • Salsbury Anti Dazlo, 247. Smith and Son 247. Solar, 247. Verna, 247 '
  • Lansdown Hill, 577
  • Lapometer, Dr. Low's, 607
  • Leatherhead Common, 575
  • Lectures; Cyclecar Club: Dr. Low's, Apparatus Used at, 213; As It May be According to 213, 216, 217. Mr. A. E. Parnaoot ™ DS grams illustrating Losses by Friction and Wasted Power, 397
  • Lighter Side, The, 625-627
  • Lighting of a* Cyclecar, The, 539
  • LIGHTING SETS: C.A.V., 245. Dissolved Acetylene,
  • Lightness Demonstrated, 50
  • Llandudno, Marine Drive at, 435
  • Local Authorities, The Requirements of, A Cheap Cyclecar Shed that will comply with,'133
  • Long's, Mr. Harry, Tour: Leaving Coventry offices of THE CYCLECAE on, 530. 3000 Miles in Four Weeks, 637
  • Low, Dr. A. M.: As It may be according to, 213, 216, 217. Articles: Lessons of the Petrol-consumption Trial, 621, 622. The Ignition of 90 Degrees Engines, 573, 574—(See " Lectures ")
  • Lubricator, Best and Lloyd, 562
  • Lubricator, Drip-feed, A Tell-tale Lamp to Illuminate, 690
  • Luggage-carrying, Ample Space on a Crouch Carette for, 300
  • Lyme Bridge, North of Carlisle, 660
  • Magneto: Cutout, Fitting a, 388. The Bffed of the, on the Running of the Engine, 438, 439
  • Magnetos: Bosch, Internal Portions of, 439. Eise-mann, 438. U.H., Contact Breaker of, 439
  • Maiden Newton Hill, 214
  • Man, The Uses of, 285
  • Map Case and Cushion, Stephens and Co., 262
  • MAPS: Cyclecar Club: Fuel Consumption Trial Course, 512; Non-stop Flexibility Trial Course, 426; Reliability Trial Route, 321. Grand Prix Course, 289, 600. M.C.C. London-Exeter Trial Route, 143. Ranmore Common, Showing Approachas to, 4081 Route' traversed in Cross Country Hill-climbing, 38. Sutton Coldfield A.C. Colmore Cup Trial Route, 341. Wales, with Approaches from London, Manchester, Liverpool and Midlands, 435. Yorks Hill, Showing Location of, 566
  • Market Harborough, 662
  • Midland Lady Cyclecarists, 523-525
  • Mist, A Morgan Cyclecar Emerging from the, 514
  • Monocar: rt. Simple (Mr. Hogg's), 226. Five Hundred Miles on a, 181, 182. Or Motor-bicycle? 537
  • Monocars—(See " Cyclecars ")
  • Motor-bicycle ? Monocar or, 537
  • Motor, Four-wheeled, designed by Makers of B.P.D Cyclecars, 436
  • Motoring, The New, 4. A Dialogue at the Olympia Show, 84
  • Motorist, New: Amusing Experiences of a, in Normandy, 183. Wales for the, 282-284
  • Mounting Stones of the Horse Age, A New Use for, . 80
  • Movement, A Great, Historical Moments of a, 671
  • MUDGUABDS: Automobilette, 268. Crescent, 267 Duo, 268. G.N., 267. Jennings, 267. Morgan, 267. Rollo, 267. Rudge, iff!. Wortbington,
  • Nailsworth " W," 451-454, 505
  • Nerve Tests for the Uninitiated, 100, 101
  • Newlands Corner, The " Garrulous Signpost " at, 538
  • Night: Cyclecars that Pass in the, 134. The Difficulty of Reading Signposts at, 229
  • Normandy, Amusing Experiences of a New Motorist in, 183
  • Nothing New, Etc., 69
  • " Numbers All Clear ": A Suggestion to the A.A. and M.U., 250
  • Nuts, Loose, To Remedy, 429
  • Olympia Show from Bristol, A Trip on a Morgan Runabout to the, 301—(See " Shows "1
  • Open Road, Revels in the Keen Exhilaration of, Motoring and the Fascination of the, 108
  • Overheating, Exhaust Pipes that Might Cause, 228
  • Padlock, Double Purpose, Morris, Russell and Co., 262
  • Parade, The Cyclecar, 73, 74
  • Parcel Carrying, Handy for, 21
  • Paris: Bedeliais: in the Environs of. 509; in the Streets of, 330. Bois de Boulogne, Auto-rnobilettes photographed in, 440, 444- Crossing the River Marne near, 403. Havre Trial, Nice Run—(See "Trials.") Reliability Run in, 391, 400. The Trocarlero at, Cyclecars Outside, 187
  • Passenger: Excuse for the, 504. The Uses of a, 494
  • Petrol: Consumption Trial, Lessons of the, 621, 622. Filler. Accident through Headlight being in Proximity to. 387. Filter, A, 522. How to Pour from a Can, 178. In Carburetter, Altering the Level of, 590. Supply Pipe, Bad Arrangement of the, 486. Tank, with Two Outlet Pipes to Ensure Supply to Carburetter whether going "Up or Down Hill, 196
  • Petrol Filler, Atlas Empty Quick, 527
  • PiocadillF, Traffic in, 492
  • Pilot Jete— (See " Jete ")
  • Policeman's Cyclecar, A, 568
  • Power: Obtaining Increased, 466, 467, 490-492, 532 534, 542-544, 584-587, 597-599, 642-644, 667, 677. Wasted, and Friction, Losses by, Diagram illustrating, :i'.l7
  • Pulley Gear, Variable Cone, 378 Pulley.", Pliilipson, 462 Pulleys, Variable, Bolt-Tensioners and, Method of Setting, 144
  • Quadricycle, Ariel, 143
  • Quotion We are Always Assailed with Every Timo the oar is Pulled Up, 206
  • Race: Qyoleoar, in Ireland, Proposed, 417. Roa<l
  • Proposed for Standard Oyclecars, 92 B A.I'.: Guide at llereliam Salutes the Rev. E P
  • Greenhill, 156. Test (Globe Car), 639' Radiators: G.W.K., 157. Monarch (Dummyl, 163.
  • Wilkinson, 157 Rallies, Cycleoai club: At Buxton, 662, 663, 684, 693, 694; An Impression of, 692. At Stratford on Avon, 516a, 519-521, 565, 594; Sunrisiinr Hill Tests, 516b, 558, 560
  • Hear Light, that Acts as a Forward Sidelight, 146 Records: Hour: How It Has Grown, 109; TH* CYCLECAR Trophy for, 109. Nino Hours (Duo), 54
  • Reliability Run in Paris, 391, 400 Remedy, The Obvious, 557 Repair Outfit, Dunlop, 262 Repairs, Extraordinary at Messrs. G. N. Higgs: An
  • A.C. Sociable, 420 ReveTse: Gear, The Extra Cost of, recouped by the
  • Added Convenience, 70. Or No Reverse? 70.
  • Why Havel a? 198: How the Secretary of the Cyclecar Club Reverses, 476 Rich, The Idle: Now Showing, 683 Ripley Road, Spring on the, 644 Rising Sun Hill, 342-344 Road: Disputing the, 526. The Call of the—(See
  • "Call of the Road") Rotten Row, A Perry Light Car in, 458 Rudyard Lake, 693 Runaway, Mistaken for a, 244
  • Running, Very Slow, Air Control Slide for Obtaining, 332 Run, Starting Off for a, 303
  • Saintsbury Hill, 342, 344
  • Salisbury, 167-169, 176b, 22*. Plain, 165, 167-169, 176b, 202
  • Saltbox Hill, near Cudham, 634
  • Samples, Special Body for, on G.W.K., 79
  • Sandrock Hill, near Haslemere, 430
  • Scarborough, Oliver's Mount at, 582
  • Seating: Accommodation, Types of, 424, 425. Arrangement for 30 in. Body, 226
  • Shed: A Cheap and Simple, 324. A Cheap Cycle-car, 133. Rev. E. P. Greenhill's, 98
  • Sheds, Cyoleoar, Plans for, in Small Houses, 12
  • Shock Absorber, Fitted to Perry Cyclecar, 286
  • Shopping, Cyclecar Useful When, 21
  • SHOW, Olympia, 22-42. Incidents that Amused at, 61. Plan of the Main Hall, 26. THE CYCLE-CAR Stand at, 55. The New Motoring: A Dialogue at, 84. Underslung Frame of Rudge Cycleoar as Exhibited at, 328
  • Sidecar and Cyclecar Compared, The, 47
  • Signals, Traffic, 630
  • Signpost: The Difficulty of. Reading, at Night, 229. " The Garrulous," at Newlands Corner, 538
  • Single-seater: An Interesting, 182. Bedelia Converted into a, 607. Dew Four-wheeled, 236, 237. Driver Revels in the Fascination of the Open Road, 108. The Four-wheeled, 64-66
  • Sleigh, A Cyclecar, 379
  • Snow, Early, at Chesham, 131
  • South Harting Hill, 635, 650, 657
  • Spark, The Vital, 438, 439
  • Spring Suspension, 122-124
  • Sprockets: And Pulleys, Guards to Prevent Chain and Belt from Slipping Off, 15. Broken, Method of Repairing, 144
  • Stability: Automatic. A Suggestion for Obtaining, 304. Test of Bedelia Cyclecar at Gometz-la-Chatel Hill-climb, 160
  • Started Up. 254
  • Starter, A Cheap Engine, on a Bedelia Cyclecar, 485
  • Starters, Foot, on Parnacott Oyclecar, 154
  • Starting: Easy, More, 460. Off for a Run. 303. Up, 52
  • Steering: Direct, The Advantage of, 270. Systems, Cyoleca-r, A Review of, 359, 3fO
  • Steering Systems: Aokermann, 180, 359. Parnacott 360. Rollo, 359. Budge-Whitworth, 360
  • Stile, A Curious Trick, at Charlcote Park, Strat-ford-on-Avon, 239
  • Storm, Caught in the, 619
  • Stratford-orj-Avon, 516a, 520, 521. Rally of the Cycleoar Club at, 516a, 519-521, 565, 594: Sunrising Hill Tests, 516b, 558, 560 Sudeley Hill. 342. 344, 452, 456, 479, 564 Sunrising Hill, 140, 141, 163, 278, 516b, 558, 560
  • Tadpolo, Tho, 336
  • Telegraph Hill, near Leatherhead, 613— (See " South
  • Harting Hill "I Theories that Make One Think: Dr. Low's Lecture
  • before the Cyclccar Club, Apparatus Used at 213, 216, 217 Three-wheeler: A Light (Mr. Ohambers's), 355. A
  • New, 419. A Remarkable (Messrs. Warren
  • and Leech), 459. Body Designs, Four, 372
  • Camping withi a, 461. Weighing l'/2 cwt
  • (Mr. Mackley's), 231. With F.N. Engine, 433.
  • With Wicker Body (Mr. Danks's), 273 Three Wheels or Four? 149 Tintern Abbey, 476 Tools, The Best, to Buy, and How to Use Them. 679, 681 Tour, Mr. Long's: Leaving Coventry Offices of THE CYCLECAR, 530. 3000 Miles in Four Weeks, 637
  • Town Use, Cyclecar for, 130 Toys Hill, 530 Traffic: Signals, 630. Test: The Cyclecar Parade,
  • Train, Taking a Bedelia Cyclecar by, 44
  • Transmiseion: On Master Tyjack's Cyclecar 153. Systems of the Cyclecar, 174, 175
  • "Traps About? Any," 195
  • TRIALS: A.-C.U.: One-day (1912), 204, 322; Silencer at Auto-Carriers, Ltd., 290, 291; Spring, 392- 396, 408, 412, 430, 434, 507. Birmingham M.C.C., 552, 553, 563, 564, 567, 587. Bournemouth and
  • District M.C.C., 214, 215. Bristol M.C.C., 577- 580. Circuit de Park, 475. Coventry and
  • Warwickshire M.C., 596, 686, 687. Cyclecar
  • Club: Fuel Consumption, 512, 574b-576, 579,
  • Lessons of, 621, 622; Non-stop Flexibility, 426, 427, 450-456, 463, 464, 479, 482, 483, Im
  • pressions of the, 455; Reliability, 504, 505,
  • Route of the, 321. Edinburgh and District M.C., 340. Herefordshire A.C., Hereford
  • City Trophy for. 603. ? Herts. Co. A.C., 120.
  • Herts. M.C.C., 421. Liverpool A.-C.C, 87, 313, 316, 320. Malvem and District M.O. and
  • Oyolecar Club, 615. M.C.C.: London-Edinburgh. 660, 661, 665, 694; London-Exeter, 165- 169, 171, 176b, 202, 203, 220, Route of the, 143.
  • North Middlesex M.C.C., 240, 241. North-
  • West London M.C.C., London-Gloucester, 176a. Paris-Havre, Bedelia Cyolecar in, 423.
  • Paris-Nice, 530, 554, 556. Surrey and Streatham M.C.C.'s Inter-team, 294. Sutton Cold-
  • , field and Mid-Warwickshire A.C., 140, 141, 163; Colmore Cup, 341-345. Woolwich, Plum-stead and District M.C.C., 530
  • Tricars: Eagle, 313. Singer, 558. Stephenson's, Mr. G., Converted, 589 Wall, A Rear Light that Acts as a Forward Side Light on, 146
  • Tricycle, Siemens and Schuekert, 8
  • Triton Amongst the Minnows, A, 678
  • Turning in Almost Its Own Length, A Sabella, 94
  • Turntable, A Simple, 404
  • TYRES : Avon, 222. Bates, 222. Clincher, 222. Continental, 222, 223, 527. Dunlop, 223. Hutchin-son, 222, 223. Kempshall, 222. Palmer, 222. Rom, 223. Skew, 222, 223. Stepney Road Grip, 262. Wood-Milne, 222
  • Uninitiated, Nerve Tests for, 100, 101
  • Valve and Ite Tappets, Ferrules for Adjusting Distance Between, 228
  • Valve Cutter, Southern Automobiles, Ltd., 688
  • Valves: The Care and Replacement of, 593, 594. The Proper beating of, 688
  • Vital Spark, The, 438, 439
  • Waddington Fells, near Clitheroe, 637
  • Wales: For Easter, 435. For the New Motorist 282-284
  • Warmington Hill, 140, 141
  • Warning Devices, Some, 307, 308
  • Warwick Castle from Warwick Bridge, 296b
  • Waterbeach, Near, 510
  • Wayside Adjustment, A, 124
  • Wheels: Of Cyclecars are Easily Lifted, 81. Road, Showing Direction of Forces on, 252. Showing the Travel of When Turning a Corner, 201
  • WHISTLES: Aermore (Morris, Russell and Co.), 280. Moco, 307. Rotax, 307. Sireno, 308
  • Whiteleaf Hill, 176a
  • Willersey Hill, 686
  • Winter, A Road Beautiful in. 278
  • Wisley: Hut Hotel at, 89, 90. The Lake at, 443
  • Workshop, The Cyeleoarist's, 679, 681
  • World, The, Viewed from the Seat of a Cyclecar, 112
  • Wyche Cutting, 552, 553, 563, 564, 567
  • York, Leaving, in the M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Trial, 694

See Also


Sources of Information