Davies and Newman
Davies and Newman Limited was a privately held British shipping company, formed in 1922, a member of the Baltic Exchange, from which several other companies developed, including Dan-Air, Dan-Air Engineering, Dan-Air Flying Services, Dan-Air Intercontinental, and Davies and Newman Travel. The company also owned Gatwick Handling, jointly with Laker Airways.
1922 Formed by Captain William Davies and Frank Newman
1952 Became agents for Meredith Air Transport, a small charter operator based in Southend[1]
1953 After Meredith had financial difficulties, Davies and Newman took over the single aircraft and founded Dan Air.
1971 Issued prospectus for public issue of shares in Davies and Newman Holdings Ltd[2]
1983 F. E. F. Newman was chairman of Davies and Newman Holdings PLC[3]
1988 Group activities included ship broking and ships' agency, airline operating and aircraft engineering, production and workover oil drilling.[4]
1991 Bought back by the Newman family
1992 Members' voluntary liquidation[5]. The company was broken up into its various parts and sold off.