Dover Engineering Works

of Dour Iron Foundry, Dover
1830 Established by A. L. Thomas [1].
Later known as A. L. Thomas and Sons
1902 Public company.
1910 Making steam isolating valves branded as D.E.W. valves, intended for use with high pressure isolated steam. [2]
1949 Company made private.
1956 Company reverted to public company.
1961 Engineers and iron founders, specialising in the manufacture of manhole, duct and trench covers and frame constructions used in roadways, docks, factories and airports. Brand name GATIC. 220 employees.
1973 Reverse takeover by Abbden Properties; Dover Engineering Group then acquired Smith and Wellstood Ltd[3].
1977 Newman Industries bid for the shares in Dover Engineering that it did not already own[4].