Edward Meadows
1828 'A large fine vessel eighty feet in length, was launched on Thursday afternoon from the boatyard of Mr. Edward Meadows; it is intended for the reception of the dredging machine to be employed in removing the gravels and deepening the Cam below Clayhithe. It has been built for the commissioners of the south level drainage, and its construction reflects great credit upon the builder. The machine is calculated to raise sixty tons of gravel per hour, and will be worked by a steam engine of ten horse power.' [1]
1828 Advertisement: 'To Boatwrights, Watermen, Merchants, Builders, and Others. EXTENSIVE SALE OF FIRST - RATE GANG of LIGHTERS. WATER HORSES, Boatwright's STOCK-in TRADE, WAGGONS, CARTS, &c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY J. WENTWORTH, Upon the premises, Jesus Green Sluice, Cambridge, by direction the proprietor, Mr. Edward Meadows, (who is declining the Water and Boat Building concerns,) on Wednesday and Thursday, December 17 and 18, at ten o'clock each day ;
THE GANG is considered one of the best that sails the Cam, and comprises twelve Lighters and Horse Boats, from 17 to 6 chaldron burthen each, two of which Fore Lighter and House Lighter) arc quite new, and all the others in excellent order; together with the necessary Masts, Sails, and Rigging, and seven useful HORSES, several of them in fine condition and very powerful, suitable for road work ; three broad-wheel carts, one narrow ditto, a waggon; Oak, Ash, and other Timber Trees and Plank ; Oak and Elm Boards ; Boatwright's Tools and Stock-in-Trade, &c. necessary for carrying on a large Boatbuilding concern.
Twelve Months' Credit.
Catalogues may be had at the Ship, Ely, St. Ives and Lynn ; Mr. Edward Meadows, at the Sluice ; and of J.Wentworth, auctioneer and appraiser, corner St John's street, Cambridge.
The first day's sale will commence with the Lighters, Horses, Waggons, Carts, &c immediately after the company have partaken of a cold dinner, on the table at eleven o clock.
The second day's sale will commence exactly at ten o'clock, on account of the number of lots, and will comprise all the valuable Boat Wright's Stock-in- Trade; Oak, Ash, and Elm Trees, Planks, Boards, Tools, Pleasure Boats, &c. &c.'