Edwin Atkinson Whitehead
Edwin Atkinson Whitehead (1861- )
1922 M.I.Water E., Assoc.M.Aus.I.M.M., Cons., Hydraulic, Mech. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of John Whitehead, Appleby, Westmorland. Ed. Appleby Grammar Sch. Training: Sc. Schs., Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Royal School of Mines, S. Kensington; Newcastle-on-Tyne Schp. App. in shops of R. and W. Hawthorn, Ltd.; Draughtsman at Tangyes, Ltd., Applebys, Ltd., Youngs, Ltd., Hornsby and Co., Ltd.; 1889—With Melbourne Hydraulic Power and John Coates and Co; 1892-1914 Manager and Engr. for Broken Hill Water Supply, Ltd.; since in practice in Adelaide as Cons. Eng. Address: 6, North Terrace, Kensington Gardens, Adelaide, S. Australia. T. N.: Norwood 1282.