Edwin Clipsham Armstead

Edwin Clipsham Armstead (c1866-1922) of Morris Garages
c1866 Born the son of William John Armstead, a boot and shoe maker and his wife Rhoda Clipsham
1871 Living at Cambridge with his parents
1888 Married Mary Brittain Johnson and had daughter Gertrude Mary Armstead
1901 Living at 18 Little Clarendon Street, Oxford (age 36 born Cambridge), a Cycle Agent and Employer. With his wife Mary B. E. (age 38 born Cambridge) and their daughter Gertrude M. (age 9 born Oxford). [1]
1907 Listed at 18 Little Clarendon Street, Oxford as a Cycle Agent and Maker [2]
1908 Buys the cycle agency, a lease of premises and the design right of a motor cycle from William Morris
1909 At 48 High Street
1911 Living at 33 Thorncliffe Road, Summertown, Oxford (age 46 born Cambridge), a Cycle Agent and Maker, and Employer. With his wife Mary Brittain Elizabeth (age 48 born Cambridge) and daughter Gertrude Mary (age 19 born Oxford)
1911 Listed at Broad Street as a Cycle Agent and Maker [3]
1919 Becomes General Manager of Morris Garages
1922 March. Resigned as General Manager from Morris Garages
1922 May 13th. Died. Suicide.