Engineering 1875 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1875 Jul-Dec: Index
- View the 1875 Jul-Dec Volumes
- ACCIDENT, The, at the Dundee Graving Dock, 141
- Acquaintance, Professional [The Parliamentary Solicitor], 88
- Act, The Factory, Meeting of Commissioners at Glasgow, 235
- Action of Brakes, The, 11
- Action of Light, The Mechanical, 173, 221
- Acts, The Alkali, 498
- Adamson and Co's Works, 225
- Address to the Mechanical Section of the British Association, by the President, W. Froude, 191, 215
- Address of the President of the British Association, Sir J. Hawkshaw, 163, 189, 214
- Admiral Popoff's Circular Ironclads, 343, ,356, 381, 399, 439
- Admiralty Committee Report on the Perkins Engine and Boiler, 34
- Admiralty Engineers, 31, 322, 326
- Agricultural and Highland Society of Scotland, Show of the, 96
- Combined Drum Guards and Feeders, 27, 82
- Corn, and other Mills, Chaffcutters, &c., 52
- Donkey Pump, 239
- Haymaking Machines and Horse Rakes, 43
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, 54
- Mowing Machines, 21, 23
- Ploughs, Horse Hoes, Harrows, &c., 61
- Portable and Stationary Engines, 48
- Prizes, 46
- Self-Raker Reaper, 52
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines, 47
- Steam Road Roller, 131
- Thrashing Machine Drum Guards, 26, 82
- Vertical Engines and Boilers, 50, 82
- Air Bags for Raising Vessels, 345
- Alexandra Docks, Newport, The, 232, 282, 317
- Alkali Acts, The, 49S Alloa, Dock Extension at, 39
- Ambulance Carriages, Railway. By the Waggonfabrik Ludwigshafen, 63
- American Bessemer Practice, 363
- American Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 at Philadelphia, The, 33, 67, 89, 108, 123, 128, 144, 156, 171, 178, 193, 244, 267, 290, 327, 392, 396, 480, 520
- American Locomotive, An Early, 81
- American Ordnance, 77
- American Pig Iron, 82
- American Railway, An Early, 310
- On the Water Front of New York, by John D. Van Buren, 17, 39
- On th.3 Wear of Rails, by A. L. Holley, 62
- On the Construction of a Masonry Dam, by J. James Cross, 275, 242, 296, 333
- American Tests of Iron and Steel, 36
- Ancient and Modern Trieste, The Port of, 445, 483, 503, 523
- Aneroid, The, its Construction, Principles, and Uses, 99, 372, 469
- Angle-Irons, The Strength of, 482
- Annual Meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 492
- Anthracite Coke, 389, 431
- Appleby's Permanent Way Locomotive Crane, 206
- Appliances for the Treatment of Tank Offal, '231
- Applications of the Gyroscope, 83
- Arched-Ribs and Suspension Bridges, with their Auxiliaries, 351, 429, 487, 509
- Archer's Stone-Breaking Machine, 475
- Armoured and Unarmoured Ships; Parliamentary Debate on, 55
- Artillery, Swedish, 168
- Artillery, Woolwich and Krupp, 382
- Artisans' Dwellings Act, The, 121
- 167, 186, 208
- Address to the Mechanical Section, by W. Froude, 191, 215
- Address of the-President, 163, 189, 214
- On the Avonmouth Docks, by James Brunlees, 222
- On Handyside's Steep Gradient Locomotive, 189
- On a Machine for Obtaining Motive Power from Wave Motion, by Beauchamp Tower. 387
- On Portishead Docks, by F. C. Stileman, C.E., 179
- On Railway Safety Appliances, by F. J. Bramwell, 178, 194, 248
- On the Report of the British Association Rainfall Committee, by C. J. Symons, 179
- On a Scheme of Water Supply for the Villages and Country Parishes of the Central and Eastern Counties of England, by Professor Hull, 315
- On the Severn Tunnel, by Charles Richardson, 196
- On the Sharpness Docks, by W. B. Clegram, 240
- On Sir William Thomson’s Self-Registering Tide Gauge, 199
- On the Steering of Screw Steamers, by Professor Osborne Reynolds, 179
- On the Trials of Screw Steamships, by William Denny, 311
- On Vertical Motion of Vessels, by John I. Thornycroft, 258
- Association of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, The, 57
- Atlas Forge Works, The, 228
- Aveling and Porter's Steam Road Roller, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 131
- Avonmouth Docks, The, 222
- Avenue Bridge, The Girard, Philadelphia. By Clarke, Reeves, and Company, Philadelphia, 379, 394
- Axles, Steel v. Iron, 85
- Ballast, Travelling Stone Breaker for Preparing. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, 9
- Bamboo Paper, 481
- Band Saw for Heavy Timber. By Allen Ransome and Company, Chelsea, 516
- Bankruptcy, The Strousberg, 414
- Barlow's Rock Drill, 294
- Barraclough's Reed-making Machine, 406
- Bauer, Wilhelm, 96
- Beams, Girders, and Columns, Iron, Am3rican, 'rests for, 334
- Bede and Company's Double Roving Machine, 103
- Beer's Hauling Engine at the Hazard Collieries, Belgium, 432
- Beesley's Punching and Shearing Machine, 246
- Bell, Leech's Signal, for Mines, 333
- Bessemer Practice, American, 363
- Bicheroux's Gas Furnace, 495
- Bill, The Now Merchant Shipping. 92
- Bill, The Patent: In Memoriam, 97
- Bill to Prevent the Pollution of Rivera, 13
- Bill for the Registration of Trade Marks, 12, 118, 290, 420, 518
- Blake's Direct-Acting Steam Pump, 37
- Blake's Steam Pump for Hydraulic Presses, 511
- Blast Furnace, Caustic Lime in the, 203, 223
- Blast Furnace Hearths, 202, 224
- Block, Moore's Pulley, 230
- Blowing Engines, Vertical. 340
- Board, The Local Government and Sanitation, 254
- Board of Trade, The, and Merchant Shipping, 233
- Boiler and Engine, Vertical. By the Sachsische Dampfschiffs and Maschinenbau Anstalt, Dresden 522
- Boiler Explosion at Haslingden; Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 485
- Boiler Explosion at Wolverhampton, 81
- Boiler Explosions, 478
- Boiler Explosions on Shipboard, 292
- Boiler Explosions; Memorial to the Home Secretary, 15
- Boiler, The Howard, 209
- Boiler, Mouchot's Solar, 512
- Boilers, The Corrosion of, 426
- Bolton, Excursion to; Bolton Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Bolts, Tilp's Locking, between Engine and Tenders. 94
- Bombay Docks, 397
- Boring Bars, 367, 386
- Boring Machine, Horizontal. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna. 158
- Boring Machine, Horizontal, for Reversing Shaft Arms. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Manchester, 417
- Boring Tool Holders, 425
- Boring Tools for Lathe Work, 425
- Braces, Ratchet, King's Vacuum Support for, 247
- Brake, The Westinghouse Vacuum, 31
- Brakes, The Action of, 11
- Brassey, Mr., and the Navy. 459
- Breakwater, The Manors, 380
- Brick-kiln, Bull's Semi-Continuous, 321
- Brickmaking Machinery, Durand's, 268
- bridge, The Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, 379, 394
- Bridge over the Hudson River at Troy, Now York, U.S.A., 5
- Bridge. London, The Proposed Widening of, 251, 307, 345
- Bridge, Railway, over the River Jumna, 162
- Bridge, Railway, over the River Severn, 198
- Bridge, Somerley, near Ringwood, Hants, 129
- Bridge, The Tay, 289
- Bridge, The Victoria, Brisbane, 496
- Bridges, Suspension, and Arched Ribs, with their Auxiliaries, 851, 429, 481, 509
- Brighton, The Sewerage of, 462
- Brisbane, The Victoria Bridge at, 496
- Bristol in 1875, 153
- 163, 167, 178, 179, 186, 189, 191, 194, 196, 199, 208, 214, 215, 222, 240, 248, 258, 311, 315, 387
- British Association Rainfall Committee, Report of the, 179
- British Association, The, and the Sewage Question, 208
- British Iron Trade Association, Meeting of the, 500
- British Medical Association at Edinburgh, Meeting of; Sanitary Progress, 145
- Broughton Copper Works, The, 210
- Brown's Tank Locomotive for Branch Railways, Switzerland, 111
- Brussels Tramways, The, 379
- Buildings, The Weight on Foundations of, 103
- Bull's Semi-Continuous Brick-kiln, 321
- Calculations, Contemporaneous, 441
- Calico Printing Machine, Mather and Platt's, 123 Californian Mint, The, 132
- Canal, New Ship, for St. Petersburg. 246
- Captain Cunningham's Hydraulic Experiments, 517
- Captain Tyler's Report on the Railways of the United Kingdom, 384
- Carriages, Railway Ambulance. By the Waggonfabrik, Ludwigshafen, 63
- Carriages, Two-Story, for Swiss Railway Lines, 154, 396
- Carrington's Machines for Testing Wire, 303
- Casting Steel Ingots, Hackney's Method of, 181
- Centennial International Exhibition of 1878, at Philadelphia, The, 33, 67, 89, 108, 123, 128, 144, 156, 171, 178, 193,241, 267, 293, 327, 392, 396, 480, •520
- Centrifugal Pumping Engine, Lawrence and Porter's, 122
- Chaff-Cutters, Corn, and other Mills, &c., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 52
- Chatterley Iron Company's Works, The, 229
- Church Roof for the Republic of Costa Rica, 213
- " Circle" Trials; Steam Trials of Her Majesty's Ships, 383
- Circular Floating Forts, 380
- Circular Ironclad at Sea : Letter from E. J. Reed, 356
- Circular Ironclads, The Russian, 343, 356, 381, 399, 439
- Circular Shaping Machine. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Openshaw, near Manchester, 141 City of Bristol in 1875, 153
- City and Metropolitan Gas Question, The, 31, 151, 290, 326, 440, 479
- Civil Engineers, The Institution of (See Institution of Civil Engineers)
- Classed and Unclassed Ships, The Times on, 100
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Shunting Engine, 285 Cleansing and Paving, Street, 137
- On the Introduction of Vertical Blowing Engines into Cleveland, by John Gjers, 340
- On the Corrosion of Boilers when Working in Connexion with Surface Condensers, 426
- Cleveland, Notes from, 10, 3), 59, 76, 92, 121, 132, 149, 173, 183, 206, 237, 256, 268, 293 312, 332, 341, 365, 385, 406, 418, 435, 453, 4;6, 493, 522
- Clock Escapement, Lange's, 182
- Cloth-Shearing Machines. By H. Thomas, Berlin, 83
- Implements, 456
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 455
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines, 455
- Clutch Coupling, Johnson's, 247
- Coalfield, North Staffordshire, 225, 427, 431, 465, 484
- Coal at the Hazard Mine, The Haulage of, 58, 432
- Coal and Iron Company, The Stafford, Shakings of, '229
- Coal, Labour, and Railways, 356
- Coal-Cutting Machinery, Payton and Holmes', 858
- Coal-Tipping Apparatus at the Alexandra Docks, Newport, 317
- Coke, Anthracite, 389, 431
- Colleges, The Place of, in Engineering Training, 284, 315
- Collieries, The Hazard, Belgium, Hauling Engine at, 432
- Combined Drum Guard and Feeder, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 27, 82
- Combined Hand and Slide Lathe, Low's, 282
- Commission on Engineers in the Navy, 322, 326
- Commission, The Factory Act, 235
- Commission, Rivers Pollution, Report of the, 400
- Commission on the Sanitary Condition of Dewsbury, 440
- Commissioners of Patents' Report for 1874, 167
- Committee of the House of Commons, The, on the Metropolitan Gas Supply, 31, 151
- Committee on the Telegraph Service, Report of the, 117, 135
- Company, The Edgar Thomson Steel, U.S.A., 147
- Company, the Native Guano, 234
- Companies, The Metropolitan Gas, 31, 151, 290, 826, 440, 479
- Compass and Fogs, The, 188
- Competition for the Whitworth Scholarships, 1875, List of Successful Candidates, 118
- Compound Engine for Spinning Mills. By J. and T. Dale, Kirkcaldy, 282
- Compound Engines (Contemporaneous Calculations], 441
- Compressed Steel, 107, 279
- Condensing Engine, Horizontal. By Holborow and Company, Stroud, 375
- Condensation, Surface, 449
- Cone Plate for Boring in the Lathe, 475
- Congress, The Geographical, 346, 352, 373, 403
- Consolidated Coal, 118
- Construction of a Masonry Dam, New York, 175, 242, '296, 333
- Construction, Principles, and Uses of the Aneroid, 99, 372, 489
- Contemporaneous Calculations, 411
- Conversazione of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 498
- Converted Rodman Gun, The, 97
- Cooke's Punkah for Cooling Railway Carriages on the Oude and Rohilkund Railway, 95
- Copper Works, The Broughton, 210
- Corn and other Mills, Chaff-Cutters, &c., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 52
- Correy's Variable Expansion Gear, 354
- Corrosion of Boilers, The, 426
- Corrosion of Iron in Railway Bridges, The Rapid, 101
- Corrosion of Metals, The, 232
- Cotton Preparing Machinery. By J. Rioter and Company, Winterthur, 198
- Countersink Drills, 142
- Coupling, Johnson's, Clutch, 247
- Coupling for Railway Carriages, Sterne's, 482
- Coxhead's Hydraulic Gear for Water-tight Doors, 102
- Crampton's Revolving Furnace, 186
- Crane, Permanent Way. By Appleby Brothers Southwark, 206
- Crane, Seventy-Ton Steam. By J. Taylor and Company, Birkenhead, 182
- Crowns, Locomotive Firebox, 171
- Cultivation, Steam, in Sutherlandshire, 453
- Curtis, Sons, and Company's Works, 211 Cutters, 294
- Dale's Compound Mill Engine, 232
- Dam, Masonry, New York, Construction of a, 175, 212, 296, 833
- Darlington, The Railway Jubilee at, 253, 261
- Davey's Hydraulic Pumping Engine, 247
- Davey, Paxman, and Company's Vertical Engine and Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 82
- Debate, The Late Naval, 55
- Decay of Telegraph Posts, The, 151
- Deep-Sea Sounding by Pianoforte Wire, 41
- Delahante's Steam Launch and Engines for Deep Sea Fishing, 95
- Deposits of Saltpetre, The Peru, 848, 388
- Derbyshire and Chesterfield Engineers' Institute, The, 62, 85
- Detent for Indicators, Darke's, 474
- " Deutschland," The Loss of the, 477
- "Devastation," H.M.S., Engines of, 274
- Devon and Somerset Railway, Viaducts on the, 512
- Dewsbury Sewerage, 440
- Diffusion of Hydro-Carbons in Coal Gas, The, 84
- Direct-Acting Steam Pump, Blake's, 37
- Direct-Acting Steam Pump. By J. Pickering, Stockton-on-Tees, 366
- Direct-Acting Steam Pump, Walker's, 54
- Dock Extension at Alloa, 39
- Docks, The Alexandra, Newport, 232, 282, 317
- Docks, The Avonmouth, 222
- Docks, Bombay, 397
- Docks, Portishead, 179
- Docks, The Sharpness, 240
- Domes, Steam, 290, 292
- Donkey Pump. By Hayward Tyler and Company, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 239
- Double Lathe. By Kendall and Gent, Manchester, 188
- Double Roving Machine. By Bede and Company, Verviers, Belgium, 108
- Double-Shaping Machine. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna, 212
- Dover Harbour, 78
- Drainage, Land, 344
- Drainage of the Upper Thames Districts, 362
- Drifts and Reverse Keys, 523
- Drill, Barlow's Rock, 294
- Drilling Hard Metals, 141
- Drilling in the Lathe, '289
- Drills and Drilling, 126, 141, 239, 294. 867, 868, 4'25 Flat Drills, 126.—Twist Drills, 126.—Feeding Drills, 126. — Drilling Hard Metals, 141.— Slotting. or Keyway Drills, 141.—Pin Drills, 142—Countersink Drills, 142.— Drilling in the Lathe, 239.—Half-Round Bits, M.—Cutters, 294. —Reamers, 295, 367.— Boring Bars, 367, 886.—Tools and Boring Bars, 386.—Small Boring Bars, 386.—Boring Tool Holders, 425.—Boring Tools for Lathe Work, 425
- Driving Gear, Millstone. By A. J. Was, 829
- Drop-Box Loom. By C. Honegger, Ruti, Switzerland, 301
- Drop-Box Loom. By Socin and Wick, Basle, Switzerland, 260
- Drum Guards, Thrashing Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 26, 82
- Dundee Graving Dock, The Accident at, 141
- Durand's Brickmaking Machinery, 268
- Dwelling Act, The Artisans', 121
- Dynamo-Electric Machine, Tinley's, 398
- Early American Locomotive, An, 81
- Early American Railway, An, 810
- Earthworks and Permanent Way of Swiss Narrow Gauge Railways, 70
- East London Railway, The, 467
- Edgar Thomson Steel Works, U.S.A., The,14I
- Efficiency of Screws, The Relative Propelling, 156, 295, 868, 407, 525
- Egypt, The Resources of, 361
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, Bristol in, 158
- Eighteen-Seventy-Five, Sanitary Summary for, 518
- Eighty-One Ton Gun, Trials of the, 252, 267, 479
- Electric Machine, Tisley's Dynamo, 898
- Electrical Speed Recorder. By W. Groves, London, 115
- Electrical Registration, 67
- Elevated Railroad, The New York, 81
- Elevator, Pneumatic Grain, 88
- Elliott's Detent for Indicators, 474
- Emery Grinding, 2
- Emery Wheel Lathe Attachment, Handyside's, 328
- Engine and Boiler, The Perkins, Admiralty Committee Report on, 34
- Engine and Boiler, Vertical. By the Sachsische Dampfschiffs und Machinenbau Anstalt, Dresden, 522
- Engine, Centrifugal Pumping, Lawrence and Porter's, 122
- Engine, Compound, for Spinning Mills. By and T. Dale, Kirkcaldy, 282
- Engine, Davey's Hydraulic Pumping, 247
- Engine, Gas, Otto and Langen's, 514
- Engine, Horizontal, with Variable Expansion Gear. By Allen Ransome and Company, Chelsea, 469
- Engine, Horizontal Condensing, By Holborow and Company, Stroud, 375
- Engine, Marine, of the Future, The, 421
- Engine Performances, Steam, 251
- Engine, Shunting. By Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, 285
- Engine, Six-Cylinder. By West and Company, London, 30, 138
- Engine Test, Notes on an, 505
- Engine. Traction. By Robey and Company, at the Smithfield Show, 471
- Engine, Vertical. By Taylor and Challen, Birmingham, 431
- Engineer, The, on Marine Engines for Ships of War, 421, 441
- Engineering Physics, 326
- Engineering Training, The Place of Colleges in, 284, 315
- On the Water Front of New York, by John D. Van Buren, 17, 39
- On the Wear of Rails, by A . L. Holley, 62
- On the Construction of a Masonry Dam, by J. James Croes,_175, 242, 296, 333
- On the Introduction of Vertical Blowing Engines into Cleveland, by John Gjers, 340
- Engineers' Institute, The Chesterfield and Derbyshire, 62, 85
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded, 36
- On the Manora Breakwater, Kurrachee, by William Henry Price, 3S0
- On the Pneumatic Transmission of Telegrams, by R. S. Culley, 397
- On Experiments on the Movement of Air in Pneumatic Tubes, by M. Charles Bontemps, 414
- On the Brighton Intercepting and Outfall Sewers, by J. G. Gamble, 462
- Annual Meeting, 492
- Engineers in the Navy, 31, 322, 326
- Engineer s, Naval, The Times on, 322
- Engineers, Society of Telegraph, Conversazione of the, 498
- Engineers and Surveyors, Municipal and Sanitary, The Association of, 57
- Engines, Compound [Contemporaneous Calculations), 441
- Engines, Fixed and Portable, at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Engines, Hauling, at the Hazard Collieries, Belgium, 58, 432
- Engines of H.M.S. " Devastation," 274
- Engines, Pumping, 460
- Engines, Pumping, Steam Economy in, 371, 409
- Engines and Tenders, Tilp's Locking Bolts between, 94
- Engines, Quadruple, '208, 218, 251, 437
- England at Philadelphia, 460
- England, The Water Supply of, 56
- Escapement Lange's Clock, 182
- Exhibition, The Centennial International of 1876, at Philadelphia, 33, 67, 89, 108, 123, 128, 144, 156, 171, 178, 193, 244, 267, 290, 327, 392, 396, 480, 520
- Exhibition, Geographical, in the Palace of the Tuileries; Geographical Congress, 346, 352, 373, 403
- Exhibition, The Leeds, 37
- Exhibition of Locomotives at Darlington, The 264
- Exhibition, The Manchester Mechanical and Industrial, 113, 172
- Exhibits, Miscellaneous, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 54
- Expansion Gear, Correy's Variable, 354
- Expansion Link, Kernaul's, 258
- Experiments, Hydraulic, 517
- Explosion, Boiler, at Haslingden; Mr. Fletcher's Report, 485
- Explosion, Boiler, at Wolverhampton, 81
- Explosions, Boiler, 478
- Explosions, Boiler; Memorial to the Home Secretary, 15
- Explosions, Boiler, on Shipboard, 292
- Extension of Docks at Alloa„ 39
- Extinguishing Fires at Sea, Thompson's Apparatus for, 359
- Factory Act Commission, The, 235
- Fairlie Locomotives for New Zealand, 458
- Fast Torpedo Launches, 236
- Feed Pipes; Mr. Fletcher's Report to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 36
- Feeder and Drum Guard, Combined, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 27, 82
- Feeding Drills, 126
- Fernau and Co.'s Double-Shaping Machine, 212
- Fernau and Co.'s Horizontal Boring Machine, 158
- Ferry, The Thames Steam, 309
- Field Instrument, Universal, Jahns', 155
- Finishing and Thrashing Machine, Wallis and Steevens', 474
- Fire Engine and Pump, Ship's. By J. Stone and Company, Deptford, 496
- Firebox Crowns, Locomotive, 171
- Firebrick, Practical Tests of, 447
- Fireclay and other Refractory Materials, 225, 240, 241, 431
- Fires at Sea, Thompson's Apparatus for Extinguishing, 359
- Fishing Launch, Steam. By. M. G. Delahante, Bordeaux, 95
- Fittings for Line Shafts, 87
- Flanged Pulleys, 416
- Flat Drills, 126
- Fletcher's Heavy Tank Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway, 58
- Fletcher's Reports to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 36, 485
- Flintsch's Paper-Colouring Machinery, 353
- Flow of Water in Rivers [Hydraulic Experiments], 517
- Fogs and the Compass, 188
- Forts, Circular Floating, 380
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 16, 63, 85, 106, 122, 133, 149, 176, 183, 257, 274, 298, 331, 390, 408, 424, 448, 486, 496, 524
- Foundations of Buildings, the Weight on, 103
- Four-Coupled Locomotive for the, Highland Railway, 71
- Four-Coupled Locomotive for the Western Rails% ay of France. Designed by M. Ernest Meyer, 341, 359
- Fowler's Steam Ploughs in Sutherlandshire, 453
- French Electrical Registration, 67
- French Steam Navigation, 136
- Friction of Screws, The, 78
- Froude's Address to the British Association, 191, 215
- Fuel; Consolidated Coal, 118
- Furnace, Crampton's Revolving, 186
- Furnace, Gas, Bicheroux's, 496
- Furnace Hearths. Blast, 202, 224
- Furnace, Price's Patent Retort, 225, 287, 430
- Future Sanitary Legislation, 325
- Galloway, W. and J., and Company's Works, at Ardwick, 225
- Gas Engine, Otto and Langen's, 514
- Gas Furnace, Bicheroux's, 495
- On the Diffusion of Hydro-Carbons in Coal Gas, by William Young, 84
- Gas Question, The City and Metropolitan, 31, 98, 151, 290, 326, 440, 479
- Gas and Rivers Pollution Bills, The Metropolitan, 98
- Gases from Rendering Tanks and Tank Offal, The Treatment of, 231
- Gases, Sewer, and Sewerage, 77
- Gauge, Office Water, Nicholas's, 379
- Gauge, Tide, Sir William Thomson's Self-Registering, 199
- Geographical Congress, The, 346, 352, 373, 403
- German Iron, 405
- German Mining and Iron Industries, 3, 145, 330, 473
- Girard Avenue Bridge, Philadelphia, The, 379, 394
- Girders, Beams, and Columns, Iron, American Tests for, 334
- Glas's Millstone Driving Gear, 329
- Gold-Mining in Japan, 168
- Gothard Tunnel, The St., 2, 335 , 491
- Government Board, Loca.1 Report of the, 420
- Grain Elevator, Pneumatic, 83
- Graving Dock, Dundee, The Accident at, 141
- Grinding. Emery, 2
- Groves' Electrical Speed Recorder, 115
- Guano Company, The Native, 234
- " Guide, The Mechanic's," 423
- Gun, The Converted Rodman, 97
- Gun, the 81-Ton, Trials of, 252, 267, 479
- Guns, American, 77
- Guns, Swedish, 168
- Guns, Woolwich and Krupp, 382
- Gyroscope, Applications of the, 83
- Hackney's Ingot Moulds for Steel, 224, 238
- Hackney's Method of Casting Steel Ingots, 181
- Half-Round Bits, 239
- Hand and Slide Lathe, Low's Combined, 232
- Hand Turning, 20, 86
- Handyside's Emery Wheel Lathe Attachment, 328
- Handyside's Steep Gradient Locomotive, 1s9
- Harbour, the Dover, 78
- Harrows, Ploughs, Horse Hoes, &c., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 51
- Haslingden, Boiler Explosion at; Mr. Fletcher's Report on, 485
- Haulage of Coal at the Hazard Mine, The, 58, 43
- Hawkshaw's, Mr. John, Address to the British Association, 163, 189, 214
- Haymaking Machines and Horse Rakes, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 43
- Heat, Latent, 308, 336
- Heavy Tank Locomotive for the North-Eastern Railway. Designed by E. Fletcher, 58
- Heavy Timber, Band Saw for. By Allen Ransome and Company, Chelsea, 516
- Hedges' Vertical Engine and Boiler, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 50
- Hell Gate Improvement Works, New York, The, 245
- H.M.S. "Devastation," Engines of, 274
- H.M.S, "Pelican," The Perkins Machinery for, 32, 34
- Her Majesty's Ships, Steam Trials of, 160, 234, 304, 383, 507
- H.M.S. "Vanguard," The Loss of, 207, 269
- Herbert's Circular Floating Forts, 880
- Hey's Wheel-Moulding Machine, 303
- Hicks, Hargreaves, and Company's Works, 228
- Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland's Show, 96
- Holborow's Horizontal Condensing Engine, 375
- Home Telegraph Service, Report of the Committee on the, 117, 135
- Honegger's Drop-Box Loom, 301
- Hope, Mr., and the Sewage Question, 308
- Horizontal Boring Machine. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna, 158
- Horizontal Boring Machine for Reversing Shaft Arms. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Manchester, 417
- Horizontal Condensing Engine. By Holborow and Company, Stroud, 375
- Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear. By Allen Ransoms and Company, Chelsea, 469
- Horse Rakes and Haymaking Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 43
- Horse Hoes, Harrows, Ploughs, &c., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 51
- Hot Water Heating Apparatus. By Wright and Turner, Keighley, 83
- Howard Boiler, The, 209
- Hudson River at Troy, New York, U.S.A., Bridge over the. By Alfred B. Boller, 5
- Hyde Junction, Excursion to; D. Adamson and Company's Works, 225
- Hydraulic Experiments, 517
- Hydraulic Gear for Water-tight Doors, Cox-head's, 102
- Hydraulic Presses, Blake's Steam Pump for, 511
- Hydraulic Pumping Engine, Davey's, 247
- Hydraulic Punching and Shearing Machine, Tweddell's, 58
- Hydro-Carbons in Coal Gas, The Diffusion of, 84
- Impact Pump. By R. E. Parsons, 131
- Imperial Gas Company, Address of the Chairman at the Meeting of : Gas Question, 151
- Implements at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Improvement Works, The Hell Gate, New York, 245
- In Memoriam : The Patent Bill, 97
- Indian State Railways : Bridge over the River Jumna, 162
- Indicators, Detent for, Darke's, 474
- Indicators, Revolution, 159, 259
- Industrial and Mechanical Exhibition, The Manchester, 113, 172
- Infernal Machines Modern, 512
- Ingot Moulds for Steel, 224, 238
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded, 36
- On the Manors. Breakwater, Kurrachee, by William Henry Price, 380
- On the Pneumatic Transmission of Telegrams, by R. S. Culley, 397
- On Experiments on the Movement of Air in Pneumatic Tubes, by M. Charles Bontemps, 414
- On the Brighton Intercepting and Outfall Sewers, by J. G. Gamble, 462
- Annual Meeting, 492
- Institution of Naval Architects, The, 454
- Instruction, Scientific, Report of the Commission on, 152
- International Exhibition of 1876, The Centennial, at Philadelphia, 33, 67, 89, 108, 123, 128, 144, 156, 171, 178, 193, 244, 267, 290, 827, 892, 396, 480, 520
- International Patent Laws, 198
- Inventors, Notes for the Guidance of; Patents, 243, 271, 299, 318, 364, 410
- Iron, American Pig, 82
- Iron Beams, Girders, and Columns, American Tests for, 334
- Iron, German, 405
- Iron Industries and German Mining, 3, 145, 380, 473
- Iron in Railway Bridges, The Rapid Corrosion of, 101
- Iron and Steel, American Tests of, 8, 86, 834
- Iron v. Steel Axles, 85
IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, THE: 208, 223, 422, 430
- Atlas Forge Works, 228
- Broughton Copper Works, 210
- Chatterley Iron Company's Works, 229
- Curtis, Sons, and Company's Works, 211
- Excursion to Hyde Junction; Adamson and Company's Works, 225
- Excursion to Oldham; Platt's Works, 227
- Excursion to Bolton; The Bolton Iron and Steel Works, 227
- Hicks, Hargreaves, and Company's Works, 228
- Howard Boiler, The, 209
- Johnson and Nephew's Wire Works, 225
- London and North-Western Railway Works at Crewe, 228
- Lord Granville's Iron Works, Etruria, 229
- Minton and Company's Porcelain Works, 229
- Note on the Manufacture of Anthracite Coke in South Wales, by NV. Hackney, 389, 481.
- On the Designing of Ingot Moulds for Steel Rail Ingots, by William Hackney, 224, 238
- On Fireclay and other Refractory Materials, by George J. Snelus, 225, 240, 241, 431
- On Further Improvements in Blast Furnace Hearths, by Charles Wood, 202, 224
- On High Pressure Steam generally, and its Application to Quadruple Engines, by Daniel Adamson, 208, 218, 251, 437
- On the North Staffordshire Coalfield with the Ironstones contained therein, by Charles J. Homer, 225, 427, 431, 465, 484
- On Price's Patent Retort Furnace, by I. Lowthian Bell. 225, 287, 430
- On the Strength of Rail Joints, by C. P. Sandberg, 431, 439, 444
- On the Use of Caustic Lime in Blast Furnaces, by I. Lowthian Bell, 203, 223
- Ravensdale Iron Works, 229
- Sinkings of the Stafford Coal and Iron Company, 229
- Sir Joseph Whitworth's Works, 225
- Sharp, Stewart, and Company's Works, 211 Tabulated Analyses of Refractory Materials, 241
- W. and J. Galloway and Company's Works at Ardwick, 225
- Iron and Steel Works, The Bolton, 227
- Iron Trade Association, British, Meeting of the, 500
- Ironclad, A Circular, at Sea; Letter from E. J. Reed, 356
- Ironclads, The Russian Circular, 313, 356, 381, 399, 439
- Iron Works, The Chatterley, 229
- Iron Works, Lord Granville's, 229
- Iron Works, The Ravensdale, 229
- Irons, Angle, The Strength of, 482
- Jahns' Universal Field Instrument, 155
- James' Tin Box Making Machinery, 182
- Japan, Gold Mining in, 168
- Japan, Metallurgy in, 63
- Johnson's Clutch Coupling, 247
- Johnson and Nephew's Wire Works, 225
- Joints, Rail, The Strength of, 431, 439, 444
- Exhibition of Locomotives, 264
- First Wagons and Permanent Way, 261
- " Jubilee of Railways," '264
- Origin and Progress of Steam Locomotion, 260
- Statistical Aspects of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 264
- Tables giving Particulars of Locomotives, 2';2, 273
- Juana, River, Railway Bridge across the, 162
- Keys, Reverse, and Drifts, 523
- Ken call and Gent's Double Lathe, 188
- Kernaul's Expansion Link, 258
- Kiln, Brick, Bull's Semi-Continuous, 321
- King's Vacuum Support for Ratchet Braces, 247
- Krupp and Woolwich Guns, 382
- Lathe, Cone Plate for Coring in the, 475
- Labour, Coal, and Railways, 356
- Land Drainage, 344
- Lange's Clock Escapement, 182
- Large v. Small Ships of War, 419
- Latent Heat, 308, 336
- Lathe Attachment, Emery Wheel, Handyside's, 328
- Lathe,88 Double. By Kendall and Gent, Manchester, 1
- Lathe, Low's Combined Hand and Slide, 232
- Launch, Steam Fishing. By M. G. Delahante, Bordeaux, 95
- Launches, Fast Torpedo, 236
- Law of Patents, British and Foreign, 243, 271, 299, 318, 364, 410
- Lawrence and Porter's Centrifugal Pumping Engine, 122
- Laws, International Patent, 198
- Lecture, Introductory, at University College, by Professor A. B. W. Kennedy, 284, 315
- Leech's Signal Bell for Mines, 333
- Leeds Exhibition, The, 37
- Leeds and the Sewage Question, 55
- Letters of Mr. Brassey on the Navy, 459
- Legislation, Future Sanitary, 325
- Legislation, Shipping, 98
- Lewin's Two-Horse Power Thrashing Machine, 102
- Liernur's Sanitary Sewerage System, 177
- Light, The Mechanical Action of, 173, '221
- Lime, Caustic, in the Blast Furnace, 203, 223
- Line Shafts, Fittings for, 87
- Link, Kernaul's Expansion, 258
- Liverpool Landing Stage, The, 125
- Liverpool Water Supply, The, 269, 402
- Local Government Board Report, The, 420
- Local Government Board, The, and Sanitation, 254
- Locking Bolt between Engines and Tenders. By E. Tilp, 94
- Locomotive Crane, Permanent Way, By Appleby Brothers, Southwark, 206
- Locomotive, An Early American, 81
- Locomotive Firebox Crowns, 171
- Locomotive, Four-Coupled, for the Highland Railway. Designed by D. Jones, 71
- Locomotive, Four-Coupled, for the Western Railway of France. Designed by M. Ernest Meyer, 341, 359
- Locomotive, Heavy Tank, for the North-Eastern Railway. Designed by E. Fletcher, 58
- Locomotive, Passenger, for the Glasgow and South-Western Railway. Designed by J. Stirling, 201
- Locomotive, Tank, for Branch Railways, Switzerland. Designed by C. Brown, 111
- Locomotives, The Exhibition of, 264
- Locomotives, Fairlie, for New Zealand, 458
- London Bridge, The Proposed Widening of, 251, 307,345
- London and North-Western Railway Works at Crewe, The, 228
- London Railway, The East, 467
- London Water Supply, The, 362
- Loom, Honegger's Drop-Box, 301
- Loom, Socin and Wick's, 260
- Lord Granville's Iron Works, Etruria, 229
- Loss of the " Deutschland," The, 477
- Loss of H.M.S. " Vanguard," The, 207, 269
- Low's Combined Hand and Slide Lathe, 232
- McFarland Rotary Pump, The, 332
- Machine, Archer's Stone-Breaking, 475
- Machine, Calico Printing. By Mather and Platt, Manchester, 123
- Machine, Double Roving. By Bede and Company, Verviers, B3lgium, 103
- Machine, Double Shaping. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna, 212
- Machine, Heys' Wheel-Moulding, 303
- Machine, Horizontal Boring. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna, 158
- Machine, Horizontal Boring, for Reversing Shaft Arms. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Manchester, 417
- Machine, Plate-Shearing, with Revolving Cutters. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Openshaw, 171
- Machine, Punching and Shearing, Beesley's, 246
- Machine, Quartering, for Inside or Outside Cranks, Reid's, 328
- Machine Reamers, 295, 367
- Machine, Reed-making. By T. Barraclough, Manchester, 406
- Machine, Shaw's Circular Shaping, 141
- Machine, Stone-Breaking, with Wrought-Iron Frame. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, 416
- Machine, Thrashing and Finishing. By Wallis and Steevens, Basingstoke, 474
- Machine, Thrashing, Two-Horse Power. By S. Lewin, Poole, 102
- Machine, Tisley's Dynamo-Electric, 393
- Machine Tools, Slotting, 465
- Machine, Wool-Scouring. By J. Petrie, Jun., Rochdale, 424
- Machinery, Coal-Cutting, Payton and Holmes', 353
- Machinery, Cotton Preparing. By J. Rieter and Company, Winterthur, 198
- Machinery, Durand's Brickmaking, 2G8
- Machinery, Paper-Colouring. By F. Flint3ch, Offenbach-on-the-Maine, 353
- Machinery, The Perkins, for H.M.S. " Pelican," 32, 34
- Machinery, Tin Box Making. By Jabez James, London, 182
- Machines, Cloth-Shearing. By H. Thomas, Berlin, 83
- Machines, Modern Infernal, 512
- Machines, Mowing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 21, 23
- Machines for Testing Wire, Carrington's, 303
- Madrid Markets, The, 28
- Manchester Mechanical and Industrial Exhibition, The, 113, 172
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Mr. Fletcher's Reports to the, 36, 485
- Manchester Steam Users' Association; Memorial to the Home Secretary on Boiler Explosions. 15
- Manors, Breakwater, The, 380
- Marine Engine of the Future, The, 421, 441
- Marks, Trade, Registration cif, 12, 113, 29 ), 420 518
- Marlow's Railway Safety Points, 1G2
- Marsden's Stone - Breaking Machine with Wrought-Iron Frame, 416
- Marsden's Travelling Stone Breaker for Preparing Ballast, 9
- Masonry Dam, New York, Construction of a, 175, 242, 296, 333
- Materials and Railways, 438
- Materials, Refractory, 225, 240, 241, 431
- Mather and Platt's Calico-Printing Machine, 123
- Measured Mile Trials; Steam Trials of Her Majesty's Ships, 160, 234, 304
- " Mechanic's Guide, The, ' 423
- Mechanical Action of Light, The, 173, 221
- Meeting, Annual of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 492
- Meeting of the British Iron Trade Association, 500
- Meeting of the British Medical Association at, Edinburgh; Sanitary Progress, 145
- Meeting Of the Royal Scottish Society of Arts, 141
- Merchant Shipping Bill, The New, 92
- Merchant Shipping and the Board of Trade, 233
- Metallurgy in Japan, 63
- Metals, The Corrosion of, 232
- Metallurgical Works of Prussia in 1874, The Productions of, 433
- Meteorological Service of the United States, The, 42, 120, 499
- Metre Gauge Rolling Stock, Swiss, 29
- Metropolitan and City Gas Question, The, 31, 98, 151, 290, 326, 44), 479
- Metropolitan Gas and Rivers Pollution Bills, The, 98
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, 362
- Mexican Railway, The, 152, 304
- Meyer's Four-Coupled Locomotive for the Western Railway of France, 341, 359
- Military Rifles, 497
- Mill, Oil, for the Scinde, Punjaub, and Delhi Railway. By A. Rigg, London, 139, 143
- Millstone Driving Gear. By A. J. Glas, 329
- Mines, The Hazard, Haulage of Coal at, 58, 432
- Mines, Leech's Signal Bell for, 333
- Mining and Iron Industries, German, 3, 145, 380, 473
- Mint, The Californian, 132
- Minton and Company's Porcelain Works, 229
- Mississippi, The Mouths of the, '284
- Modern Infernal Machines, 512
- Molecules, On, 1
- Moore's Pulley Block, 230
- b1organ's Tuyere for Smiths' Hearths, 475
- Motion of Vessels. Vertical, 258
- Motors, Wave, 387
- Muchot's Solar Boiler, 512
- Moulds, Ingot, for Steel, 181,224, 238
- Movement of Air in Pneumatic Tubes, 414
- Mowing Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 21, 23
- Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors, The Association of, 57
- Munroe's Report on Gold-Mining in Japan, 168
- Narrow Gauge Railways, Swiss; Earthworks and Permanent Way, 70
- Narrow Gauge, The, in Switzerland; 135
- Native Guano Company, The, 234
- Naval Architects, The Institution of, 454
- Naval Debate, The late, 55
- Naval Engine of the Future, The, 421
- Naval Engineers, The Times on, 322
- Navigation, French Steam, 136
- Navy, Engineers in the, 31, 322, 326
- Navy, The, and Mr. Brassey, 459
- New York Elevated Railroad, The, 81
- New York River Front Improvements, 17, 39 New Zealand, Fairlie Locomotives for, 458
- Newport, The Alexandra Docks at, 232, 282, 317 Nicholas's Office Water Gauge, 379
- Nichol's Experiments on Surface Condensation, 419
- Nith, River, New Railway Viaduct over the, 304
- North Chicago Rolling Mill Company's Bessemer Plant, The, 363
- North Staffordshire Coalfield, The, 225, 427, 431, 465, 4S4
- Notes from Cleveland, 10, 3.5, 59, 76, 92, 121, 132, 149, 173, 183, 206, '237, 256, 268, 293, 312, 332, 341, 365, 385, 406, 418. 435. 458, 476, 493, 522
- Notes on an Engine Test, 505
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 16, 63, 85, 106, 122, 133, 149, 176, 183, 257, 274, 298, 331, 390, 408, 424, 448, 486, 496, 524
- Notes from the North, 10, 35, 59, 76, 93, 121, 133, 149, 172, 183, '212, 237, 256, 268, 293, 312, 349, 366, 385, 405, 415, 438, 463. 476, 501, 521
- Notes for the Guidance of Inventors; Patents, 243, 271, 299, 318, 364, 410
- Notes from the South-West, 10, 85, 59, 81, 93, 121, 132, 158, 173, 183, 211, 237, 257, 268, 293, 313, 323, 350, 360, 385, 405, 415, 435, 463, 473, 501, 521
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 10, 35, 59, 76, 92, 114, 133, 158, 172, 183, 206, 237, 257, 267, 285, 312, 323, 349, 365, 380, 406, 418, 435, 454, 476, 501, 521
- Nottingham Sewage; Reports on the Best Methods of Utilising, 270
- OBITUARY : (Moved to separate index)
- Obstructions at Hell Gate, New York, The Removal of, 245
- Offal, Tank, Appliances for the Treatment of, 231
- Office Water Gauge, Nicholas's, 379
- Oil Mill for the Scinde, Punjaub and Delhi Railway. By A. Rigg, London, 139, 143
- Oldham, Excursion to; Platt's Works, &c., 227
- On Molecules, 1
- Opening New Markets at Madrid, 38
- Ordnance, American, 77
- Ordnance, Swedish, 168
- Origin and Progress of Steam Locomotion, The, 260
- Otto and Langen's Gas Engine, 514
- Paper, Bamboo, 481
- Paper-Colouring Machinery. By F. Flintsch, Offenbach-on-the-Maine, 353
- Parson's Impact Pump, 131
- Passenger Locomotive for the Glasgow and South-Western Railway. Designed by J. Stirling; 201
- Patent Bill, The: In Memoriam, 97
- Patent Laws, International, 198
- No. L Introduction. 243
- Nos. IL, III., IV., V., United Kingdom, 271, 299, 318, 3G4
- No. VI., Argentine Republic, 410
- Patents, Report for 1874 of the Commissioners of, 167
- Paving and Cleansing, Street, 137
- Payton and Holmes' Coal-Cutting Machinery, 358
- Performances of Steam Engines, 251
- Perkins Engine and Boiler, Admiralty Committee Report on the. 34
- Perkins Machinery, The, for H.M.S. "Pelican," 32, 34
- Permanent Way Crane. By Appleby Brothers, Southwark, 206
- Permanent Way and Wagons, The First. '261
- Peru, The Saltpetre Deposit• of, 348, 3S8
- Petrie's Wool-Scouring Machine, 424
- Philadelphia, England at, 460
- Physics, Engineering, 326
- Pianoforte Wire, Deep Sea Sounding by, 41
- Pickering's Direct-Acting Steam Pump, 366
- Pig Iron, American, 82
- Pin Drills, 142
- Pipes, Feed; Mr. Fletcher's Report to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 3i;
- Plate, Cone, for Boring in the Lathe, 475
- Plate-Shearing Machine with Revolving Cutters. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Openshaw. 171
- Platt Brother's Works, kc.. 227
- Ploughs, Horse Hoes, Harrows, &c., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 51
- Pneumatic Grain Elevator, 83
- Pneumatic Transmission, 397
- Pneumatic Tubes, Movement of Air in, 414
- Points, Marlow's Railway Safety, 162
- Pollution of the River Thames, The, 185
- Pollution of Rivers Bill, The, 13
- Pollution of Rivers Commission, Report of he, 400
- Popoff's Circular Ironclads, 343, 356, 3S1, 99 439
- Port of Trieste, Ancient and Modern, The, 445, 483, 503, 523
- Portable and Fixed Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Portable and Stationary Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 48
- Portishead Docks, 179
- Posts, Telegraph, The Decay of, 151
- Practical Tests of Firebrick, 447
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, 36
- President of the British Association, Sir J. Hawkshaw, Address of the, 163, 189, 214
- President of the Mechanical Section of the British Association, W. Froude, Address of, 191, 215
- Presses, Hydraulic, Blake's Steam Pump for, 511
- Price's Retort Furnace, 225, 287, 430
- Principles, Construction, and Uses of the Aneroid, 99, 372, 489
- Printing Machine, Calico. By Mather and Platt, Manchester, 123
- Prizes, List of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 46
- Production of the Smelting Works of Prussia in 1874, The, 433
- Professional Acquaintance, 88
- Propelling Efficiency of Screws, The Relative, 156, 295, 368, 407, 525
- Pulley Block, Moore's, 230
- Pulleys, Flanged, 416
- Pump, Donkey. By Hayward Tyler and Company, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 239
- Pump and Fire Engine, Ship's. By J. Stone and Company, Deptford, 496
- Pump, The McFarland Rotary, 332
- Pump, Parsons' Impact, 131
- Pump, Steam, Blake's Direct-Acting, 37
- Pump, Walker's Direct-Acting Steam, 54
- Pumping Engines, 460
- Pumping Engine, Centrifugal, Lawrence and Porter's 122
- Pumping Engine, Davey's Hydraulic, 247
- Pumping Engines, Steam Economy in, 371, 409
- Punching and Shearing Machine, Beesley's, 246
- Punching and Shearing Machine, Tweddell's Hydraulic, 58
- Punkah for Cooling Railway Carriages on the Oude and Rohilkund Railway. Designed by J. G. Cooke, 95
- Purification of Sewage; Leeds and the Sewage Question, 55
- Quadruple Engines, 208, '218, 251, 437
- Quartering Machine, Reid's, f',.1r Inside or Outside Cranks, 328
- Rail Joints, The Strength of, 431, 439, 444
- Railroad, The New York Elevated, 81
- Rails, the Wear of, 62
- Railway Ambulance Carriages. By the Waggonfabrik Ludwigshafen, 63
- Railway Brakes, The Action of, 11
- Railway Bridge across the River Jumna, 162
- Railway Bridge over the River Severn, 198
- Railway Bridges, The Rapid Corrosion of Iron in, 101
- Railway Carriages, Punkah for Cooling, on the Oude and Rohilkund Railway. Designed by J. G. Cooke, 95
- Railway Carriages, Sterne's Coupling for, 482
- Railway, Devon and Somerset, Viaducts on the 512
- Railway, An Early American, 310
- Railway, The East London, 467
- Exhibition of Locomotives, 264
- First Wagons and Permanent Way, 261
- "Jubilee of Railways," 264
- Origin and Progress of Steam Locomotion, 260
- Statistical Aspects of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 264
- Tables giving Particulars of Locomotives, 272, 273
- Railway, The Mexican. 152, 304
- Railway Safety Appliances, 178, 194, 248
- Railway Safety Points. By Marlow, Roebuck, and Fallow, 162
- Railway, The Stockton and Darlington, Statistical Aspects of, 264
- Table L Passenger Traffic, 275
- Table IL Extent of Lines, 276
- Tale M. Relation between Extent of Lines, Traffic, and Population. 276
- Table IV. Goods Traffic, 276
- Table V. Train Miles, Signalling Arrangements, and Data Relating to Accidents, 277
- Table VI. Net Receipts, 277
- Table VII. Capital and Revenue, 277, 278
- Table VIII. Expenditure, 278
- Railways, Coal and Labour, 356
- "Railways, The Jubilee of," 264
- Railways and Materials, 438
- Railways, Swiss Narrow Gauge; Earthworks and Permanent Way, 70
- Railways in Switzerland, The Narrow Gauge, 135
- hallways of the United Kingdom, Captain Tyler's Report on the, 384
- Rainfall; Laud Drainage, 344
- Raising Vessels, Air Bags for, 345
- Ransome's Band Saw for Heavy Timber, 516
- Ransome's Horizontal Engine with Variable Expansion Gear, 4G9
- Ratchet Braces, Vacuum Support for. By H. J. H. King, Newmarket, Gloucestershire, 247
- Ravensdale Iron Works, The, 229
- Reamers, 295, 367
- Reaper, Self-Raker, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 52
- Reed's, Mr. E. J., Letter on a Circular Ironclad at Sea, 356
- Reed-making Machinery. By T. Barraclough, Manchester, 406
- Refractory Materials, 225, 240, 241, 431
- Registration by Electricity, 67
- Registration of Trade Marks, 12, 118, 290, 420, 618
- Reid's Quartering Machine for Inside or Outside Cranks, 328
- Relative Propelling Efficiency of Screws, The, 156, 295, 368, 407, 525
- Report of the Admiralty Committee on the Perkins Engine and Boiler, 34
- Report of the British Association Committee on the Sewage Question, 208
- Report of the British Association Rainfall Committee, 179
- Report of Captain Tyler on the Railways of the United Kingdom, 384
- Report of the Commission on Scientific Instruction, 152
- Report of the Commissioners of Patents for 1874, 167
- Report of Committee on the Telegraph Service, 117, 135
- Report of Dr. Smith on the Alkali Acts, 498
- Report of Mr. Deacon on the Water Supply of Liverpool, 269, 462
- Report of the Local Government Board, 420
- Report of H. S. Munroe on Gold-Mining in Japan, 168
- Report of the Rivers Pollution Commission, 400
- Report on a Test Trial of a Swain Turbine Water Wheel, 61
- Reports on the Best Methods of Utilising the Nottingham Sewage, 270
- Reports of Boiler Explosions on Shipboard, 292
- Reports of the British Association on the Sewage Question. 208
- Reports of Mr. Fletcher to the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 36, 485
- Resources of Egypt, The, 361
- Retort Furnace, Price's, 225, 287, 430
- Reverse Keys and Drifts, 523
- Revolving Cutters, Plate-Shearing Machine with. By Shaw, Hossack, and Company, Openshaw, 171
- Revolving Furnace, Crampton's, 186
- Revolution Indicators, 159, 259
- Ribs, Arched, and Suspension Bridges, with their Auxiliaries, 351, 429, 487, 509
- Rieter's Cotton Preparing Machinery, 198
- Rifles, Military, 497
- Rigg's Oil Mill for the Scinde, Punjaub, and Delhi Railway, 139, 143
- River Front Improvements, New York, 17, 39
- River Hudson at Troy, New York, U.S.A., Bridge over the. By Alfred B. Boller, 5
- River Jumna, Railway Bridge across the, 162
- River Mississippi, The Mouths of the, '284
- River Nith, New Railway Viaduct over the, 304
- River Severn, Railway Bridge over the, 198
- River Thames, The Pollution of, 185
- Rivers, Bill to Prevent the Pollution of, 13
- Rivers, Flow of Water in [Hydraulic Experiments). 517
- Rivers Pollution Commission, Report of the, 400
- Rivers Pollution and Gas Bills, The Metropolitan, 98
- Road Roller, Steam. By Aveling and Porter, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 131
- Robey and Co.'s Traction Engine at the Smithfield Show, 471
- Rock Drill, Barlow's, 294
- Rodman Gun, The Converted, 97
- Rolling Stock, Swiss Metre Gauge, 29
- Roof, Church, for the Republic of Costa Rica. By Morewood and Company, Bilston, 213
- Rotary Pump, The McFarland, 332
- Roving Machine, Double By Bede and Company, Verviers, Belgium, 103
- Royal Navy, Engineers in the, 31, 322, 326
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, Meeting of the, 141
- Royle's Steam Trap, 350
- Russian Circular Ironclads, The, 343, 356, 381, 399, 439
- Ruston, Proctor, and Co.'s Drum Guard for Thrashing Machines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 82
- Safety Appliances, Railway, 178, 194, 248
- Safety Points, Railway. By Marlow, Roebuck, and Fallow, 162
- St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 2, 335, 491
- St. Petersburg, New Ship Canal for, 246
- Saltpetre Deposits of Peru, The, 348, 388
- San Francisco Mint, The Processes Employed at, 132
- Sanitary Legislation, Future, 325
- Sanitary Progress; Meeting of the British Medical Association at Edinburgh, 145
- Sanitary Sewerage System, Liernur's, 177
- Sanitary Summary, 1875, 518
- sanitation and the Local Government Board, 254
- Saw, Band, for Heavy Timber. By Allen Ransome and Company, Chelsea, 516
- Scholarships, Whitworth; List of Successful Candidates, 113
- Scientific Instruction, Report of the Commission on, 152
- Schneider, M., 499
- Screw Steamers, The Steering of, 179
- Screw Steamships, The Trials of, 311
- Screws, The Friction of, 78
- Screws, The Relative Propelling Efficiency of, 156, 295, 368, 407, 525
- Sea Sounding, Deep, by Pianoforte Wire, 41
- Self-Raker Reaper, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 52
- Self-Registering Tide Gauge, Sir William Thomson's, 199
- Semi-Continuous Brick-kiln, Bull's, 321
- Service, The Meteorological, of the United States, 42, 120, 499
- Seventy-Ton Steam Crane. By J. Taylor and Company, Birkenhead, 182
- Severn Tunnel, The, 196
- Sewage at Nottingham. Reports on the Best Methods of Utilising, 270
- Sewage Question and the British Association, 208
- Sewage Question, The, and Mr. Hope, 308
- Sewage Question, The, and Leeds, 55
- Sewerage of Brighton, The, 462
- Sewerage of Dewsbury, The, 440
- Sewerage and Sewer times, 77
- Sewerage System, Liernur's Sanitary, 177
- Shafts, Line, Fittings for, 87
- Shaping Machine, Double. By R. Fernau and Company, Vienna, 212
- Shaping Machine, Shaw's Circular, 141
- Sharp, Stewart, and Company's Works, 211
- Sharpness Docks, 240
- Shaw, Hossack, and Company's Circular Shaping Machine, 141
- Shaw, Hossack, and Company's Horizontal Boring Machine for Reversing Shaft Arms 417
- Shaw, Hossack, and Company's Plate-Shearing Machine with Revolving Cutters, 171
- Shearing Machines, Cloth. By H. Thomas, Berlin, 83
- Shearing and Punching Machine, Beesley's, 246
- Shearing and Punching Machine, Tweddell's Hydraulic, 58
- Shell Reamers, 367
- Ship Canal, New, for St. Petersburg, 246
- Ship, A Venerable War, 156
- Shipping Bill, The New Merchant, 92
- Shipping Legislation, 98
- Shipping, Merchant, and the Board of Trade, 233
- Ships, Classed and Unclassed, The Times on, 100
- Ships' Compasses and Fogs, 188
- Ship's Pump and Fire Engine. By J. Stone and Company, Deptford, 496
- Ships of War, Large v. Small, 419
- Show of the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, 96
- Corn, and other Mills, Chaffcutters, &c., 52
- Donkey Pump, 239
- Drum Guards and Feeders, 27, 82
- Haymaking Machines and Horse Rakes, 43
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, 54
- Mowing Machines, 21, 23
- Ploughs, Horse Hoes, Harrows, &c., 51
- Portable and Stationary Engines, 48
- Prizes, 46
- Self-Raker Reaper, 52
- Steam Ploughing Machines and Traction Machines, 47
- Steam Road Roller, 131
- Thrashing Machine Drum Guards, 26, 82
- Vertical Engines and Boilers, 50, 82
- Implements, 456
- Portable and Fixed Engines, 455
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines, 455
- Shunting Engine. By Clayton and Shuttleworth, Lincoln, 285
- Signal Bell for Mines, Leech's, 333
- Sir C. Wheatstone, 344
- Sir Joseph Whitworth's Works, 225
- Six-Cylinder Engine. By West and Company, London, 30, 138
- Six-Hour Trials; Steam Trials of Her Majesty's Ships, 507
- Slotting or Keyway Drills, 141
- Slotting Machine Tools, 465
- Small Boring Bars, 386
- Small v. Large Ships of War, 419
- Smelting Works of Prussia, The Production of the, in 1874, 433
- Smiths' Hearths, Morgan's Tuyere for, 475
- Society of Arts, Royal Scottish, Meeting of the, 141
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, Conversazione of the, 498
- Socin and Wick's Loom, 260
- Solar Boiler, Mouchot's, 512
- Solicitor, The Parliamentary; Professional Acquaintance, 88
- Somerley Bridge, near Ringwood, Hants, 129
- South-West, Notes from the, 10, 35, 59, 81, 93, 121, 132, 158, 173, 183, 211, 237, 257, 268, 293, 313, 323, 350, 360, 385, 405, 415, 435, 463, 473, 504, 521
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 10, 35, 59, 76, 92,114, 133, 158, 172, 183, 206, 237, 257, 267, 285, 312, 323, 349, 365, 380, 406, 418, 435, 454, 476, 501, 521
- Spanish Markets, The Opening of, 38
- Speed Indicator, 159, 259
- Speed Recorder, Electrical. By W. Groves, London, 115
- Stafford Coal and Iron Company, Sinkings of the, 229
- Stage, The Liverpool Landing, 125
- Stationary and Portable Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 48
- Statistical Aspects of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, 264
- Steam Cultivation in Sutherlandshire, 453
- Steam Domes, 290, 292
- Steam Economy in Pumping Engines, 371, 409
- Steam Engine Performances, '251
- steam Ferry, The Thames, 309
- Steam Fishing Launch. By M. G. Delahante, Bordeaux, 95
- Steam, The Formation and Expansion of; Latent Heat, 308, 336
- Steam Locomotion, The Origin and Progress of, 260
- Steam Navigation, French, 136
- Steam : Mr. B. G. Nichol’s Experiments on Surface Condensation. 449
- Steam Ploughing Machines and Traction Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 47
- Steam Ploughing and Traction Engines at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Steam Pump, Blake's Direct-Acting, 37
- Steam Pump, Direct-Acting. By J. Pickering, Stockton-on-Tees, 366
- Steam Pump. Walker's Direct-Acting, 54
- Steam Road Roller. By Aveling and Porter, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 131.
- Steam Trap, Royle's, 350
- Steam Trials of Her Majesty's Ships, 160, 234, 304, 383, 507
- Steel, Compressed, 107, 279
- Steel Ingots, Hackney's Method of Casting, 181
- Steel v. Iron Axles, 85
- Steel and Iron, Tests of, American, 8. 36, 334
- Steel, On the Uses of, 69, 118, 127, 169, 254, 280, 363, 40'2, 442, 460, 481, 488
- Steel Works, The Edgar Thomson, 11.9.A., 147
- Steep Gradient Locomotive, Handyside's, 189
- Steering of Screw Steamers, The, 179
- Sterne's Coupling for Railway Carriages, 482
- Stirling's Passenger Locomotive for the Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 201
- Stone Breaker, Travelling, for Preparing Ballast. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, 9
- Stone-Breaking Machine, Archer's, 475
- Stone-Breaking Machine with Wrought-Iron Frame. By H. R. Marsden. Leeds, 416
- Stone's Ship Pump and Fire Engine, 496
- Street Paving and Cleansing, 137
- Strength of Angle-Irons, The, 482
- Strength of Rail Joints, The, 431, 439, 444
- Strousberg Bankruptcy, The, 414
- Sunken Vessels, Air Bags for Raising, 345
- Supply of Water for England, The, 56
- Surface Condensation, 449
- Suspension Bridges and Arched Ribs, with their Auxiliaries, 351, 429, 487, 509
- Sutherlandshire, Steam Cultivation in, 453
- Swain Turbine Water Wheel, Report of a Test Trial on a, 61
- Swedish Guns, 168
- Swinging Saloons; Applications of the Gyroscope to, 83
- Swiss Branch Railways, Tank Locomotive for. Designed by C. Brown, 111
- Swiss Metre Gauge Rolling Stock. 29
- Swiss Narrow Gauge Railways; Earthwork and Permanent Way, 70
- Swiss Railway Lines, Two-Story Carriages for, 154, 396
- Switzerland, The Narrow Gauge in, 135
- Tank Locomotive for Branch Railways, Switzerland. Designed by C. Brown, 111
- Tank offal and the Gases from Rendering Tanks, The Treatment of, '231
- Taunton, Show of the Royal Agricultural Society at (See Show of the Royal Agricultural Society).
- Tay Bridge, The, 289
- Taylor and Company's Seventy-Ton Steam Crane, 182
- Taylor and Challen's Vertical Engine, 431
- Telegraph Engineers, Conversazione of the Society of, 498
- Telegraph Posts, The Decay of, 151
- Telegraph Service, 1 he, 117, 135
- Test, Engine, Notes on an, 505
- Testing Wire, Carrington's Machine for, 303
- Tests of Firebrick, Practical, 447
- Tests of Iron and Steel, American, 8, 36, 334
- Thames, The River, Pollution of, 185
- Thames Steam Ferry, The, 309
- Thames Tunnel, East London Railway through the, 467
- Thames, Upper Districts, Drainage of the, 382
- Thomas's Cloth-Shearing Machines, 83
- Thompson's Apparatus for Extinguishing Fires at Sea, 359
- Thrashing and Finishing Machine. By Wallis and Steevens, Basingstoke, 474
- Thrashing Machine Drum Guards at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 26, 82
- Thrashing Machine, Two-Horse Power. By S. Lewin, Poole, 102
- Tide Gauge, Sir William Thomson's Self-Registering, 199
- Tilp's Locking Bolt between Engines and Tenders, 94
- Tin Box Making Machinery. By Jabez James, London, 182
- Tisley's Dynamo-Electric Machine, 393
- Tools and Boring Bars, 386
- Tools, Slotting Machine, 465
- Torpedo Launch, Thornycroft's, Trials of, 23G
- Traction Engine. By Robey and Company, at the Smithfield Show, 471
- Traction and Steam-Ploughing Engines, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 47
- Traction and Steam Ploughing Engines, at the Smithfield Show, 455
- Trade Marks, Registration of, 12, 118, 290, 9201 518
- Training, Engineering, The Place of Colleges in, 284, 315
- Tramways, The Brussels, 379
- Tramways in Switzerland, The Narrow Gauge, 135
- Transmission, Pneumatic, 397
- Trap, Royle's Steam, 350
- Travelling tone Breaker for Preparing Ballast. By H. R. Marsden, Leeds, 9
- Trials of the 81-Ton Gun, 252, 267, 479
- Trials of Screw Steamships, The, 311
- Trials, Steam, of Her Majesty's Ships, 160, 234, 304, 383, 507
- Trieste, Ancient and Modern, The Port of, 445, 483, 503, 523
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 2, 335, 491
- Tunnel, The Severn, 196
- Turbine Water Wheel, a Swain, Report of a Test Trial on. 61
- Turning, Hand, 20, 86
- Tuyere for Smiths' Hearths, Morgan's, 475
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Punching and Shearing Machine, 58
- Twin-Screw Engines of H.M.S. " Devastation," 274
- Twist Drills, 126
- Two-Story Carriages for Swiss Railway Lines, 154, 396
- Tyler's Donkey Pump, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 239
- Unclassed and Classed Ships, The Times on, 100
- United Kingdom, Captain Tyler's Report on the Railways of, 384
- United States Meteorological Service, The, 42, 120, 499
- Universal Field Instrument, Jahns', 155
- Upper Thames Districts, Drainage of the, 382
- Uses, Principles, and Construction of the Aneroid, 99, 372, 489
- Uses of Steel, On the, 69, 118, 127, 169, 254, 280, 363, 402, 44'2, 460, 481, 488
- Vacuum Brake, The Westinghouse, 34
- Vacuum Support for Ratchet Braces, King's, 247
- " Vanguard," H.M.S.. The Loss of, 207, 269
- Variable Expansion Gear, Correy's, 354
- Venerable War Ship, A, 156
- Ventilation of Sewers; Sewerage and sewer Gases, 77
- Vertical Blowing Engines, 340
- Vertical Engine. By Taylor and Challen, Birmingham, 431
- Vertical Engine and Boiler. By the Sachsische Dampfschiffs and Maschinenbau Anstalt, Dresden, 522
- Vertical Engines and Boilers at the Royal Agricultural Show, Taunton, 50, 82
- Vertical Motion of Vessels, 258
- Vessels, Air Bags for Raising, 345
- Viaduct over the River Nith, New Railway, 304
- Viaducts on the Devon and Somerset Railway, 512
- Victoria Bridge, Brisbane, 496
- Vignoles, Charles Blacker, 400
- Villages, The Water Supply of, 315
- Wagons and Permanent Way, The First, 261
- Walker's Direct-Acting Steam Pump, 54
- Wallis and Steevens Thrashing and Finishing Machine, 474
- War Ship, A Venerable, 156
- War, Ships of, Large v. Small, 419
- Water Front Improvements, Now York, 17, 39
- Water Gauge, Office, Nicholas's, 379
- Water, Hot, Heating Apparatus. By Wright and Turner, Keighley, 83
- Water Supply of England, The, 56
- Water Supply of Liverpool, The, '269, 462
- Water Supply of London, The, 362
- Water, Supply of New York, 175, 242, 296, 333, 245
- Water Supply of Villages, The, 315
- Water-tight Doors, Coxhead's Hydraulic Gear for, 102
- Wave Motors 387
- Wear of Rails, The, 62
- Weight on Foundations of Buildings, The, 103
- West's Six-Cylinder Engine, 30, 138
- Western Railway of France, Meyer's Four-Coupled Locomotive for the, 341, 359
- Westinghouse Vacuum Brake, The, 34
- Wheatstone, Sir C., 344
- Wheel-Moulding Machine, Heys', 303
- Whitworth Scholarships; List of Successful Candidates, 113
- Widening London Bridge, Proposed, 251, 307, 345
- Wire Testing Machines. By W. Carrington, London, 303
- Wolverhampton, Boiler Explosion at, 81
- Wool-Scouring Machine. By J. Petrie, Jun., Rochdale, 424
- Workmens' Dwelling Act, The, 121
- Woolwich and Krupp Guns, 382
- Works of Adamson and Company, 225
- Works, The Atlas Forge, 228
- Works, The Bolton Iron and Steel, 227
- Works, The Broughton Copper, 210
- Works, The Chatterley Iron Company's, 229
- Works, Curtis, Sons, and Company's, 211
- Works of W. and J. Galloway and Co at Ardwick, 225
- Works, Hicks, Hargreaves, and Co's, 228
- Works, The London and North-Western, at Crewe, 228
- Works, Lord Granville's Iron, Etruria, 229
- Works, Minton and Company's Porcelain, 229
- Works, Platt's, &c., 227
- Works, The Ravensdale Iron, 229
- Works, Sharp, Stewart, and Company's, 211
- Works of Sir Joseph Whitworth, 225
- Works, Wire, of R. Johnson and Nephew, 225
- Wreck of the " Deutschland," The, 477
- Wright and Turner's Hot Water Heating Apparatus, 83
See Also
Sources of Information