Engineering 1877 Jan-Jun: Index: General Index
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1877 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1877 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ACCIDENT, The Arlsey Railway, 31
- Accident, The Woking Railway, 506
- Accidents, Railway, The Lords on, 348
- Accidents, Railway, Report of the Commission on, 131, 149, 190, 213,269
- Acquaintance, Professional (Parliamentary Counsel), 508
- Adamson's Address to the North Staffordshire Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, 390
- Address, Inaugural, of Professor Abel, President, of the Society of Telegraph Engineers, 118, 137, 135
- Address of C. William Siemens, President of the Iron and Steel Institute, 226, 256, 263
- Adjusting Line Shafting, 217
- Admiral Porter's Torpedo Ship, 284
- Admiralty, Mr., Reed upon the, 71, 74
- Agricultural Engineers' Association, Meeting of the, 67
- Agricultural Locomotive, Eight-Horse Power, Ruston, Proctor, and Co.'s, 57
- Aid to Scientific Research, Government, 511
- Air Cushions for Docks, Clark and Standfield's, 511
- Aix Water Supply; The Verdon Canal, 247 Alpha Gas Apparatus, Muller's, 69
- Altoona Shops; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 320, 340,357, 373, 395, 415, 435, 458
- Amateur Science at the United Service Institution, 251
- America, Steel Production in, 349
- American Bessemer Steel Production, 115, 212
- American Institute of Mining Engineers (See Engineers, the American Institute of Mining)
- American Iron and Steel Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 158
- American Locomotives at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 26, 88, 267, 268
- American Society of Civil Engineers (See Engineers, The American Society of Civil)
- Aneroid, The: its Construction, Principles, and Uses, 374
- Angle-Iron Bending Machine, Fielding and Platt’s, 421
- Apps' New Induction Coil, 304
- Arlsey Railway Accident, The, 31
- Arsenal of Pola, The, 38
- Artillery Experiments, Italian, 39
- Artillery, Russian, Tabulated Details of, 180
- Arts, The Society of (See society of Arts, The)
- Arts, Society of, Mr. Reed at the,.329
- Ashtabula Bridge, Failure of the, 348, 352
- Astatic Galvanometer, Faraday's, 91
- Atmospheric Pressure, Instrument for Measuring; The Mariotti Barometer, 315
- Australia, The Fairlie Engine in, 170
- Autographic Testing Machine, Thurston's, 469
- Auto-Kinetic System, The; Fire Telegraphs, 402
- Automatic Brake, The Westinghouse; Trials on the North-Eastern Railway, 405
- Automatic Curb Sender, The, 103
- Automatic Fire Telegraphs, 223
- Bagahaw and Son's Fireproof Mill at Hick-Lane, Batley, 294
- Bain, Alexander, 54
- Band-Sawing Machines at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 123
- Barometer, The Mariotti, 315
- Barrels, Machinery for Making, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 280
- Beader, Selkirk's Tube, 430
- Belgian and French Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 3
- Belgian Steel Manufacture, 444
- Belpaire's Steam Tramcar, 108
- Bending Machine, Angle-iron, Fielding and Platt s, 421
- Berlin Gas Works, Schwedler's Details of Gasholder at the, 49
- Bessemer Plant, Holley's, of the Vulcan Iron Company, St. Louis, U.S.A.; American Iron and Steel Works, 183, 206
- Bessemer Steel Production in the United States, 115, 212
- Bill, the New Health, 505
- Bill, the Patent, 131, 168, 189, 193, 218, 347
- Bill, The Patent; Meeting of London Patent Agents, 188
- Bill, The Patent, and Preliminary Examination, 150
- Block-Setting Machinery for St. Helier's Harbour, Jersey, 2S4
- Boards, Machines for Planing, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122
- "Boats, Turtle Torpedo," The Engineer on, 484
- Boiler Explosions and Loss of Life; Letter to Members of Parliament, 267
- Boiler Explosions in 1876; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 194
- Boiler Explosions, Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher to the Manchester Steam Users' Association on, 503
- Boiler Tube-Cleaning Apparatus, Essen's, 216
- Boilers and Engines of the German Imperial Yacht "Hohenzollern, ' 30S, 345
- Boilers; Howard, Experiments on, 80, 176, 296
- Boilers, Stationary; The, Pennsylvania Railroad, 474
- Boilers, Welded; Mr. L. E. Fletcher's Report, 419
- Boring for Coal at Searle, 327
- Bourry's Differential Screw Pipe Joint, 388
- Brake, The Vacuum, '250
- Brake, The Westinghouse Automatic; Trials on the North-Eastern Railway, 405
- Brakes, Continuous Railway, Official Report to the Belgian Government on, 463, 468
- Brakes, continuous Railway; Trials on the North British Railway, 12, 53, 94
- Brakes, Continuous, for Railways, 12, 53, 94, 331, 363, 463, 468
- Brakes, The Efficiency of, 32
- Brayton's Hydro-Carbon Engine, 127
- Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's Horizontal Winding Engine, at the Pribram Silver Mines, Bohemia, 441
- Bridge, The Ashtabula, Failure of, 348, 352 Bridge Competition, The Long Island, 423
- Bridge, The East River, New York, 327
- Bridge, Foot, across the River Ness at Inverness, 3,79
- Bridge, The Fortieth-Street, Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 2u4
- Bridge, The Forty-first-Street, Philadelphia The Pennsylvania Railroad, 205
- Bridge, The Harrisburg; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 87
- Bridge, South-Street, Philadelphia, 7
- Bridge, Vignoles' Proposed Mean-Level, over the Thames near the Tower, 461
- Bridges; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 70, 86, 87, 104, 134, 2U4, 205, 221, 224, 263
- British Iron and Steel Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 115
- Brown and May's Portable Engine and Hoist, 448
- Brunton and Trier's Stone-Dressing Machine, 247
- Burdon - Sanderson's Electrometer; Capillary Electrometers, 453
- Burning Crude Petroleum in Locomotives, Urquhart's Apparatus for, 9
- Buss's Cosine Governor, 99
- Cables, Steel Wire, Tabulated Tests of, 134, 135
- Cables, Submarine, Fish-Bites in, 270
- California, Parting Gold and Silver in, 375
- Calorific Capacity of Bodies, Absolute; Hirn's Thermodynamics, 14
- Canal, A New, from the Rhone, 507
- Canal, The Verdon, 247
- Capillary Electrometers, 433
- Car Shops, Altoona; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 435, 458
- Castings, Solid Steel, 255
- Cement, Portland, he Testing of, 155
- Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia (See Exhibition, The Philadelphia)
- Centrifugal Force v. Unbalanced Force, 152
- Charcoal for Gunpowder, 427
- Chiques Rock, The; The Pennsylvania Railroad, Circle, The Perspective of the, 58
- Circular from the University College, London, 99
- " City of San Francisco" Steamship, Roach and Sons' Engines of the, 228, 268
- City Sanitation, 12
- Civil Engineers, The American Society of (See Engineers, The American Society of Civil)
- Civil Engineers, The Institution of (See Engineers, The institution of Civil)
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Civil and Mechanical)
- Clark and Standfield's Air Cushions for Docks, 611
- Clay Mill and Engine Combined, Jackson's, 154
- Cleaning Boiler 'Tubes, Essen's Apparatus for, 216
- Cleopatra's Needle, 211
- Cleveland Engineers, The Institution of (See Engineers' The Institution of Cleveland)
- Cleveland, Notes from, 16, 27, a8, 76, 92, 117, 136, 153, 172, 1SS, 215, 230, 254, 268, 288, 308, 328, 346, 36S, 386, 407, 422, 462, 482, 504
- Clyde Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1876, 34, 66
- Coal Boring at Searle, 327
- Coal Cargoes, 11, 51
- Coal and iron in Prussia in 1876, The Production of, 380
- Coil, Apps' New Induction, 304
- College, The University, London; Circular, 99
- College, The University, Soiree at, 464
- Collier and Company's Shaping Machine, 314
- Colorado, Reese River Process for the Extraction of Silver in, 474
- Combustion of Vegetable Refuse, The, 89
- Commission, Royal, on Railway Accidents, Report of the, 131, 149, 190. 213, -289 '
- Compass, Sir William Thomson's New, 191
- Compound Marine Screw Engines, Navy Department, Washington, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 110, 126
- Conemaugh Viaduct; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 104
- Conestoga Bridge; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 86
- Conewago Bridge; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 221
- Construction, Principles, and Uses of the Aneroid, The, 374
- Continuous Brakes for Railways, 12, 53, 94, 351, 363, 463, 468
- Continuous Railway Brakes, Official Report to the Belgian Government on, 463,468
- Continuous Railway Brakes; Trials on the North British Railway, 12, 53, 94
- Cooke's Steam Trolly for the Oude and Rohilkund Railway, 10
- Copper-Slate Mines, The Mansfeld, 121
- Cosine Governor, Buss's, 99
- Cost of Driving Piles, The, 393, 414, 433
- Cotton Mills, Rope Driving in, 381
- Crane, Dubs and Company's Locomotive, 510
- Crossheads, Locomotive, 379
- Crude Petroleum, Urquhart's Apparatus for Burning in Locomotives, 9
- Curb Sender, The Automatic, 103
- Dalmatia, Railways in, 385
- Dalswinton Engine, Symington's, 63
- Deep Draught Ironclads, Passage of the Suez Canal by, 466
- Defects of Certain Single-Acting Engines, The, and a Remedy, 17, 35
- Dewar's Electrometer; Capillary Electrometers, 453
- Dianemoscope, Stanek's, 420
- Differential Screw Pipe Joint, Bourry's, 338
- Difficulty, The Institution, 309
- Direct-Acting Steam Pump, Evans and Sons', 147
- Disintegrator, The Vapart, by the Hydraulic Engineering Company, 448
- Divisibility of the Electric Light, 366
- Dock, Grating, in the River St. Lawrence. 459
- Docks, Clark and Standfield's Air Cushions for, 511
- Double-Bogie Locomotive (Fairlie's System) for the 3-ft. Gauge, Mw on's, 32G
- Drainage Works, The West Kent Main, 508
- "Dreadnought," H.M.S., Trial of, 67
- Driving Piles, The Cost of, 393, 414, 433
- Drummond's Locomotive for the North British Railway, 400
- Dubs' and Company's Locomotive Crane, 510
- Dunbar and Ruston's "Steam Navvy," 360
- East River Bridge, New York, The, 327
- Eccentric Valves. Elliott and Burnett's, 98
- Economiser, Exploded, at Saltaire, Mr. Waugh's Report upon the, 23G
- Economisers, Unsafe, 233
- Economy as Applied to the Manufacture of Wrought Iron, 486, 512
- Education, Technical, 365
- Edwards and Symes' Floating Fire Engine, 127
- Efficiency of Brakes, The, 32
- Eight-Horse Power Agricultural Locomotive, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, 57
- Eighteen-Seventy-Seven, The Royal Society Soirée, 332
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six, Clyde Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in, 84, 66
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six, Sanitary Summary for. 93
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six. Steam Boiler Explosions in; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 194
- Eighteen-Seventy-Six, The Volcanic Phenomena of, 401
- Eighty-One-Ton Gun, Trials of the. 378, 424
- Electric Light, Jablochkoff's New, 366, 486
- Electric Light, A New Form of. 384
- Electricity and Magnetism. No. VI.—Galvanometers; The Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 61, 91
- Electricity and Magnetism, No. VIT., VIII., IX.. X — Electrometers : The Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus 179, 201. 259, 319
- Electro-Contact Torpedoes; Notes on Torpedoes, 157
- Electro-Mechanical Torpedoes; Notes on Torpedoes, 214, 45.5
- Electrometers. Capillary, 453
- Elliott and Burnett's Eccentric Valves, 98
- Emery Wheels, The Use of, 52
- Engine, Brayton's Hydro-Carbon, 127
- Engine and Clay Mill Combined, Jackson's, 154
- Engine, The Fairlie, in Australia. 170
- Engine and Hoist, Brown and May's Portable, 448
- Engine, Horizontal, by the General Engine and Boiler Co, 341
- Engine. Horizontal, with Wannieck and Koppner's Valve Gear. 173
- Engine, Horizontal Winding. Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's, at the Pribram Silver Mines, Bohemia, 441
- Engine, Hydraulic Pumping, Hathorn, Davis, Campbell and Davey's, 488
- Engine, Rolling-Mill, 108
- Engine, Single-Acting, The Wigzell and Halsey, 16
- Engine and Stone-Breaker Combined, Hall's, 503
- Engine, Symington's Dalswinton. 63
- Engineer, The, on " Turtle Torpedo Boats," 484
- "Engineering Laboratory," An, 95
- Engineering, Marine, and Shipbuilding, Clyde, 34, 66
- Engineers' Association, Agricultural, Meeting of the, 67
- On the Mineral Wealth of Japan, by henry S. Monroe, 38, 58, 79, 174, 218, 410, 430, 490, 511
- On the Use of Natural Gas for Puddling and Heating, at Leechburg, Pennsylvania, by A. L. Holley, 217
- On the Failure of the Ashtabula Bridge, by Charles Macdonald, 352
- On the Defects of Certain Single-Acting Engines and a Remedy, by Jeremiah Head, 17, 65
- On Improved Up-Ending Tongs, by Jeremiah Head, 429
- On Submarine Foundations, by A. C. Hurtzig, 429
- On the Repairs and Renewals of Locomotives, by A. McDonnell, 50
- On the Combustion of Refuse Vegetable Substances for Raising Steam, by Mr. John Head, 89
- On the Sewage Question, by Mr. C. Norman .Bazalgette, 116 •
- On the Transmission of Motive Power to Distant Points, by H. Robinson, 210
- On the River Thames, by J. B. Redman, 296
- On a Deep Boring for Coal at Searle, Lincolnshire, by Professor Edward Hull, 327
- On Street Tramways, by Mr. Robinson Souttar, 327
- On the History of the Modern Development of Water-Pressure Machinery, 379
- On an Economical Method of Manufacturing Charcoal for Gunpowder, by George Huycraft, 427
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded, 503
- On Tramways, by R. M. Bancroft, 386
- 32, 53, 74, 425, 444
- On Homogeneous Iron, and the Degree of Homogeneity to be expected in Iron produced by various Systems of Puddling and subsequent Working, by Henry Kirk, 196, 219, 439
- On Steam Boilers and Engines for High Pressures, 451
- On Root's Mine Ventilator, and other Applications of Root's Blower, by E. Hamer Garbutt, 470, 469
- On Economy as Applied to the Manufacture of Wrought Iron, by James Ronald, 486, 512
- Engineers, Naval; Mr. Reed's Letter, 74
- Engineers, The North Staffordshire Institute of .1dining and Mechanical; Address of Mr. Daniel Adamson, 3VO
- Address of the President, 118, 137, 155
- On Fire Telegraphs, by R. Von Fischer-Trewenfeld, 223
- On Type Printing Telegraph Instruments, 291 On Underground Telegraphs, 311,;i50
- On Quadruplex Telegraphy, 367, 485
- Engines and Boilers of the German Imperial Yacht " Hohenzollern," 308, 345
- Engines, German Marine, 10
- Engines, Locomotive, Crossheads for, 379
- Engines, Marine Screw, Compound; Navy Department, Washington, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 110, 126
- Engines, Paddle, for Light-Draught Steamer; Wilson's, 341
- Engines, Single-Acting, The Defects of Certain, and a Remedy, 17, 35
- Engines of the Steamship " City of San Francisco," Roach and Sons, 228, 266
- Engines, Twin-Screw Launch, and Boiler, Wilson and Company's, 91
- Essen's Boiler Tube-Cleaning Apparatus, 216
- Estimates, The Navy, 211, 249
- Estimation of Manganese, The, 295, 316, 335, 370
- Evans and Sons' Direct-Acting Steam Pump, 147
- Evans and Swain's Fireproof Flooring, 193, 308
- Examination, Preliminary, and the Patent Bill, 150
- American Iron and Steel Exhibits, 158 .
- Band-Sawing Machines, 123
- Barrels, Machinery for Making, 280
- Belgian and French Exhibits, 3
- British Iron and Steel Exhibits, 115
- Compound Marine Screw Engines; Navy Department, Washington, 110, 126
- German Exhibits, 45
- Iron and Steel, 3, 45, 115, 158
- Jig-Sawing Machines, 280
- Krupp's 14-in. Gun on Coast Carriage, 46
- Locomotives, 26, 88, 267, 268
- Machine Tools, 122, 280
- Planing Machines for Boards, 122
- Russian Exhibits, 46
- Sawing Machines, Stone, 281
- Science Exhibits, 88
- Steel and Iron, 3, 45, 115, 158
- Stone-Dressing Machines, 281
- Torpedoes, 54
- Exhibition, 1878, The Paris Universal, 67, 72
- Exhibition of Ships' Models, The Late, 466
- Exhibition, The Shipwrights', 443, 4G4, 466
- Expenditure, Locomotive Working, Tabulated Statement of, 365, 367
- Experiments on Howard Boilers, 80, 176, 296
- Explosion on the Sidonian," The, 428
- Explosion on Board the S.S. " Palestine," 507
- Explosions, Boiler, and Loss of Life; Letter to Members of Parliament, 287
- Extension of Margate Jetty, The, 850
- Eyre's Screw Propeller, 236
- Failure of the Ashtabula Bridge, The, 318, 352
- Fairlie Engine, The, in Australia, 170
- Faraday's Astatic Galvanometer, 91
- Ferris and Miles' Travelling-Head Shaping Machine, 208
- Fielding and Platt's Angle-Iron Bending Machine, 421
- Fire Engine, Floating, Edwards and Symes', 127
- Fire Telegraphs, 223
- Fire Telegraphs; The Auto-Kinetic System, 402
- Firedoor, Locomotive, for the North British Railway, 400
- Fireproof Flooring, Evans and Swain's, 193, 308
- Fireproof Mill at Hick-Lane, Batley, Bagshaw and Son's, 294
- Fish-Bites in Submarine Cables, 270
- Float, Ship, Shallow Water, 369
- Floating Fire Engine, Edwards and Symes', 127
- Flooring, Fireproof, Evans and Swain's, 193, 308
- Foot-Bridge across the River Ness at Inverness, 379
- Force, Centrifugal, v. Unbalanced Force, 152
- Force of the Saturday Review, The, 330
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 10, 59, 76, 117, 128, 146, 166, 199, 219, 237, 257, 276, 297, 317, 353, 887, 411, 431, 447, 467. 491, 513
- Fortieth-Street Bridge, The, Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 204
- Forty-first-Street Bridge, The, Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 205
- Foundations, Submarine, 429
- France, Underground Telegraphs in, 350
- French and Belgian Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 8
- French Railways, Rolling Stock on, 114
- Friction Gear for Driving Pumps, Hind and Company's, 118
- Furnaces, Ordinary and Rotary, Puddling in, 276
- Galvanometer, Faraday's Astatic, 91
- Galvanometers—Magnetism and Electricity, No. VI.; The Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 61, 91
- Gas Apparatus, Muller's Alpha, 69
- On the New System of Purification, 41
- On the New Mode of Working Washers and Scrubbers, 240
- On Purification— by Solids or Liquids? 337
- On Utilising Spent Purifying Material, 877
- On the Lime Nuisance in London, 496
- Gas, Natural, Puddling by, 217
- Gasholder, Schwedler's, at the Berlin Gas Works, Details of, 49
- Gear, Friction, Hind and Company's, for Driving Pumps, 118
- Gear, Valve, Wannieck and Koppner's, 173
- German Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 45
- German Imperial Yacht, The " Hohenzollern," Engines and Boilers of the, 308, 845
- German Marine Engines, 10
- German Patent Law, The New, 403
- Gold and Silver Parting in California, 375
- Gothard Tunnel, The St., 22
- Government Aid to Scientific Research, 511
- Government Inspection and Railway Working, 167
- Governor, The Cosine, Buss's, 99
- Graving Dock in the River St. Lawrence, 459
- Gray's System; Telephonic Telegraphy, 355
- Gun Carriages, Hydraulic, 305
- Gun, The 81-Ton, Trials of, 378, 424
- Gun, 14-in., Mounted on Coast Carriage, Krupp's, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 46
- Gun Trials at Spezia. 39
- Gunpowder, Charcoal for, 427
- Guns, Russian, Tabulated Details of, 180
- Hall's Combined Stone-Breaker and Engine, 503
- Hand-Feed Planing Machine, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 274
- Harbour, St. Helier's, Jersey, Block-Setting Machinery for, 2S4
- Harrisburg; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 87
- Harvey and Roe's Iron Permanent Way, 98
- Hathorn Davis, Campbell, and Davey's Hydraulic Pumping Engine, 488
- Health Bill, The New, 605
- H.M.S. " Dreadnought," Trial of, 67
- " Inflexible," 483, 505
- H.M.S. " Thetis," The Propeller of, 400 High-Pressure Steam, 443
- High Pressure, Steam Boilers and Engines for, 451
- Hind and Company's Friction Gear for Driving Pumps, 118
- Hirn's Thermodynamics, 14, 73, 202, 261, 394
- Hodgkin, Neuhaus, and Company's Pulsometer at the Normanton Quarry, 301
- "Hohenzollern," The German Imperial Yacht, Engines and Boilers of the, 308, 345
- Hoist and Engine, Brown and May's Portable, 448
- Holley's Bessemer Plant of the Vulcan Iron Company, St. Louis, U.S.A.; American Iron and Steel Works, 183, 206
- Homogeneous Iron, 196, 219, 439
- Horizontal Engine, by the General Engine and Boiler Company, 341
- Horizontal Winding Engine, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's, at the Pribram Silver Mines, Bohemia, 441
- Howard Boilers, Experiments on, 80, 176, 296
- Hunt's " Mineral Statistics;" Our Iron Industries, 35
- Hydraulic Gun Carriages, 305
- Hydraulic Hauling Machinery for Inclined Slips, Hayward Tyler and Company's, 362 Hydro-Carbon Engine, Brayton's, 127
- Ice-Making Machines, Siddeley and Company's, 480
- Impediments, Legislative, 269
- Improvements of the River Mississippi, 13, 212, 476
- Induction Coil, A New, Apps', 304
- " Inflexible," The, 483, 505
- Ingram and Stapfer's Oil-Testing Apparatus, 28
- Inspection, Government, and Railway Working, 167
- Institute of Mining Engineers, American (See Engineers, The American Institute of Mining)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, The (See Engineers, Institution of Civil)
- Institution of Cleveland Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Institution of Cleveland)
- Institution Difficulty, The, 309
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The (See Engineers, The Institution of Mechanical)
- Institution of Naval Architects, The (See Naval Architects, 'The Institution of)
- Instruments, Type Printing, Telegraph, 291
- Interests, Vested, 384
- Inventions Patent Bill, The, 181, 168, 189, 198, 218, 347
- Inventors, Notes for the Guidance of (See Patents)
- Iron and Coal in Prussia in 1876, the Production of, 380
- Iron, Homogeneous, 196, 219, 439
- Iron Industries, Our, 35
- Iron Permanent Way, Harvey and Roe's, 98
- Iron, Plate, The Strength of, 355
- Iron, The Preservation of. 193
IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE, THE : 233, 251, 271, 291
- Address of the President, 226, 256, 265
- On Welding, by Richard Howson, 237
- On Solid Steel Castings, by Mons. F. Gautier, 255
- On Puddling in Ordinary and Rotary Furnaces, by Henry Kirk, 276
- On the Estimation of Manganese in Spiegeleisen, and of Manganese and Iron in Manganiferous Iron Ores, by Edward Riley, '295, 316, 335, 370
- Iron and Steel at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 3, 4b, 115, 158
- American Bessemer Plant; the Vulcan Works, 183, 206
- Midvale Steel Works, 239
- Park, Brother, and Company's Works, 337
- Union Iron Works, Buffalo, N.Y., 473
- Iron and Steel Works, The West Cumberland, 116
- Ironclad, The "Inflexible," 483, 505
- Ironclads under Construction; '1 he Navy Estimates, 211
- Ironclads, Deep Draught, Passage of the Suez Canal by, 466
- Ironclads, German, Engines of the, 10
- Italian Artillery Experiments, 39
- Jablochkoff's New Electric Light, 3GG, 486
- Jackson's Combined Engine and Clay Mill, 154
- Japan, The Mineral Wealth of, 38, 58, 79, 174, 218, 410. 430, 490, 511
- Jetty Extension, Margate, 350
- Jig-Sawing Machines at the Philadelphia Exhibition, '280
- Jointing Staves, Machines for, 139
- Kahlenberg Rack Railway, Locomotive for the. By the Schweizerische Locomotiv and Maschinen-Fabrik, Winterthur, 165
- Krupp's 14-in. Gun, Mounted on Coast Carriage, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 46
- La Cour's System of Telephonic Telegraphy, 300
- " Laboratory, An Engineering," 95
- Launch Engines, Twin-Screw, and Boiler, Wilson and Company's, 91
- Launches, Torpedo, 383, 428, 448
- Law Administration, Patent, 53
- Law, The New German Patent, 403
- Law Reform, Patent, 113, 463
- Legislative Impediments, 269
- Letter of Mr. Reed upon Naval Administration, 71, 74
- Life, Loss of, and Boiler Explosions; Letter to Members of Parliament, 287
- Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel Steamers, Yarrow's, 49
- Light-Draught Steamers, Wilson's Paddle Engines fur, 341
- Light, Electric, Divisibility of the, 366
- Light, Electric, A New Form of, 384
- Light, Jablochkoff's New Electric, 866, 486
- Lime Nuisance in London, The; Notes on Gas Making, 496
- Line Shafting, How to Adjust, 217
- Lippmann's Electrometer, Capillary Electrometers, 453
- Llewellyn and Cubitt's Portable Mortar Mill, 428
- Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, The (See Scientific Apparatus, The Loan Collection of)
- Locomotive, Agricultural, Eight-Horse Power, Ruston, Proctor, and Company's, 57
- Locomotive Crane, Dubs and Company's, 510 Locomotive Crossheads, 379
- Locomotive, Double-Bogie (Fairlie's System), for the 8-ft. Gauge, Mason's, 326
- Locomotive for the Kahlenberg Rack Railway. By the Schweizerische Locomotiv and Maschinen-Fabrik, Winterthur, 165
- Locomotive for the North British Railway, Drummond's, 400
- Locomotive, Passenger, for the New York and Harlem Railroad, 68
- Locomotive Working Expenditure, Tabulated Statement of, 365, 367
- Locomotives, The Maintenance of, 50
- Locomotives at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 26, 88, 267, 268
- Locomotives for Rack-Rail Railways, 418
- Locomotives, Urquhart's Apparatus for Burning Crude Petroleum in, 9
- London Association of Foremen Engineers (See Engineers, The London Association of Foremen)
- London Water Supply, The, 114
- Long Island Bridge Competition, The, 423
- Lords, The, on Railway Accidents, 318
- Macerator for Sugar Extraction, Russell's, 48
- McEvoy's Mechanical Torpedo; Notes on torpedoes, 407
- Machine, Angle-Iron Bending, Fielding and Platt's, 421
- Machine, Disintegrating. The Vapart, by the Hydraulic Engineering Company, 448
- Machine, Ferris and Miles' Travelling - Head Shaping, 208
- Machine, Hand-Feed Planing, Richards, London, and Kelley's, '274
- Machine for Planing Boards at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122
- Machine, Scott's Wheel-Moulding, 380
- Machine, Shaping, Collier and Company's, 814
- Machine, Shaping and Moulding, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 489
- Machine, Stone-Dressing, Brunton and Trier's, 247
- Machine, Tap Groove Sharpening, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 146
- Machine, Taylor and Challen's Nail - Forging, 48u
- Machine, Thurston's Autographic Testing, 489
- Machine, Thurston's Oil Testing, 176
- Machine Tools at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122, 280
- Machine, Wooden-Framed Planing, Richards, London, and Kelley 8, 118
- Machine, Wood-Grooving, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 254
- Machinery, Block-Setting, for St. Helier's Harbour, Jersey, 284
- Machinery, Hydraulic Hauling, for Inclined Slips, Hayward Tyler and Company's, 802
- Machinery for Making Barrels at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 280
- Machinery, Water Pressure, 379
- Machines, Band-Sawing, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 123
- Machines, Jig-Sawing, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 280
- Machines for Planing Boards at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122
- Machines, Siddeley and Company's Ice-Making, 480
- Machines, Stave-Jointing, 139
- Machines, Stone-Dressing, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 281
- Machines for Stone Sawing at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 281
- Magnetism and Electricity, No. VI.-Galvanometers; The Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus, 61, 91
- Main Drainage Works, The West Kent, 608
- Maintenance of Locomotives, The, 50
- Maintenance of Way Shops; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 459
- Manchester Steam Users' Association, Annual Meeting of the, 253
- Manchester Steam Users' Association; Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher on Boiler Explosions, 603
- Manganese, The Estimation of, 295, 816, 385, 870
- Mansfeld Copper-Slate Mines, The, 121
- Manufacture of Steel, Belgian, 444
- Manufacture of Wrought Iron, Economy as Applied to the, 486, 512
- Manufactures and Works in the United States at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 3, 45, 115, 158
- Margate Jetty Extension, 350
- Marine Engineering and Shipbuilding, Clyde, 34, 66
- Marine Engines, German, 10
- Marine Screw Engines, Compound; Navy Department, Washington, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 110. 126
- Mariotti Barometer, The, 315
- Marks, Trade, The Registration of, 93
- Marten's Report of Steam Boiler Explosions in 1876, 194
- Mason's Double-Bogie Locomotive (Fairlie's System) for the 8-ft. Gauge, 826
- Materials, Price List of, 20, 40, 60, 82, 102, 120, 138, 166, 178, 200, 220, 288, '258, 278, 298, 318, 336, 354, 372, 392, 412, 432, 462, 472, 492, 514
- Mathieson's Mechanical Torpedo; Notes on Torpedoes, 406
- Mean-Level Bridge over the Thames near the Tower, Proposed, Vignoles', 461
- Mechanical Engineers, The Institution of (See Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical)
- Meeting of the Agricultural Engineers' Association, 67
- Meeting, Annual, of the Manchester Steam Users' Association, 253
- Meeting of London Patent Agents; The Patent Bill, 188
- Metal, Wood, and Stone, The Tones of, 285
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, 114
- Midvale Steel Works, The; American Iron and Steel Works, 289
- Mill, Clay, and Engine Combined, Jackson's, 154
- Mill, Fireproof, at Hick-Lane, Batley, Bagshaw and Son a, 294
- Mills, Cotton, Rope Driving in, 881
- Mine Ventilator, Root's, 470, 489
- Mineral Wealth of Japan, The, 38, 58, 79, 174, 218, 410, 430, 490, 511
- Mines, The Mansfeld Copper-Slate, 121
- Miscellaneous Repairing Shops; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 494
- Mismanagement, More Patent Office, 72
- Mississippi River Improvements, The, 18, 212, 476
- Models, Ships', The Late Exhibition of, 466 Mortar Mill, Portable, Llewellyn and Cubitt's, 428
- Miller's Alpha Gas Apparatus, 69
- Nail-Forging Machine, Taylor and Challen's, 480
- Nanaimo, British Columbia, Wire Tramway at, 69
- On Safety Valves, by J. F. Flannery, 285
- On Gun Carriages. fur the Circular Ship " Vice-Admiral Popoff," by Lieutenant Razkazoff, 305
- On a Shallow Water Ship Float, and a New System of Blocking enabling Loaded Vessels to be safely Docked, by Latimer Clark, 369
- On a Practical Method of Raising Sunken Vessels, by Latimer Clark, 409
- Naval Engineers; Mr. Reeds Letter, 74
- Naval Models; The Shipwrights' Exhibition, 443, 464, 466
- Navigation of the River Mississippi, Improvements in the, 13, 21-2, 476
- "Navvy, Steam," Dunbar and Ruston's, 360
- Navy Estimates, The, 211, 249
- Needle, Cleopatra's, 211
- Now Canal Iron), the Rhone, A, 507
- New Form of Electric Light, A, 381
- New Jersey Division; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 105
- New Health Bill, The, 505
- New Patent Bill, The, 131, 168, 189, 198, 218, 847
- New York and Harlem Railroad; Passenger Locomotive for the, 68
- New York and Long Island Bridge company; Competitive Plans for Proposed New Bridge, 423
- Newman's Permanent Way, 136
- Normanton Quarry, Hodgkin, Neuhaus, and Company's Pulsometer at the, 301
- North British Railway, Drummond's Locomotive for the, 400
- North-Eastern Railway, Westinghouse Automatic Brake Trials on the, 405
- North Staffordshire institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers; Address of Mr. Daniel Adamson, 390
- Notes from Cleveland, 16, 27, 48, 76, 92, 117, 186, 163, 172, 188, 213, 230, 254, 268, 288, 308, 328, 346, 368, 386, 40; , 422, 440, 462, 482, 504
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 10, 69, 76, 117, 128, 146, 166, 199, 219, 237, 257, 276, '297, 317, 853, 387, 411, 431, 447, 467, 491, 613
- Notes on Gas Making (See Gas Making, Notes On)
- Notes for the Guidance of Inventors (See Patents)
- Notes from the North, 19, 60, 70, 92, 117, 134, 153, 171, 188, 216, 235, 248,278, 287, 312, 34 346, 369, 387, 407, 422, 447, 466, 482, 504
- Notes from the South-West, 16, 27, 50, 70, 92, 117, 130, 153, 166, 188, 215,227, 264, 265, '288, 312, 825, 846, 368, 388, 408, 421, 442, 467, 488, 610
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 16, '27, 48, 70, 92, 112, 136, 163, 172, 188, 208, 235, 254, 273, 288, 312, 825, 346,368, 386, 399, 422, 440, 462, 488, 604
- Notes on Torpedoes (See Torpedoes, Notes on)
- Obelisk; Cleopatra's Needle, 211
- Omnibuses and Tramcars; Address of R. M. Bancroft, 386
- OBITUARY : (Moved to separate index)
- Office, Patent, More Mismanagement, Office, Patent, Publications of the, 349
- Office, The Patent, Vandals at, 167
- Official Report to the Belgian Government on Continuous Railway Brakes, 463, 468
- Oil-Testing Apparatus, Ingram and Stapfer's, 28
- Oil-Testing Machine, Thurston's, 176
- Ordnance, Russian, Tabulated Details of, 180
- Organisation of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Synopsis of the, 43
- Oude and Rohilkund Railway, Cooke's Steam 'holly for the, 10
- Paddle Engines for Light-Draught Steamers, Wilson's, 341
- Paddle-Wheel Steamers, Yarrow's Light-Draught, 49
- Page, Thomas, 75
- "Palestine," s.s., Explosion on Board the, 607
- Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878, The, 67, 72
- Park, Brother, and Company's Works; American Iran and Stool Works, 337
- Parting Gold and Silver in California, 375
- Passenger Locomotive for the New York and Harlem Railroad, 68
- Patent Bill, The New, 131, 168, 189, 198, 218, 347
- Patent Bill, The; Meeting of Loudon Patent Agents, 188
- Patent Bill, The, and Preliminary Examination, 150
- Patent Law Administration, 53
- Patent Law, The New German, 403
- Patent Law Reform, 113, 463
- Patent Office Mismanagement, More, 72
- Patent Office Publications, The, 349
- Patent Office, Vandals at the, 167
- Patents for Inventions Bill, 1877, 198, 218
- Belgium, 55, 84
- Pendulum Pump, Stannah's, 5G
- 1, 21, 42, 77, 85, 104, 133, 144, 169, 184, 204, 221, 244, 263, 280, 303, 320, 340, 357, 373, 395, 415, 435, 458, 475, 494
- Boilers, Stationary, 475
- Bridges, 70, 86, 87, 104, 134, 204, 205, 221, 244, 263
- Car Shops, The Altoona, 435, 458
- General Organisation, 22
- Introductory, Historical, 1
- Lines and Branches. 78
- Maintenance of Way Shops, 459
- New Jersey Division, 105
- Permanent Way, Signals, &c,, 144
- Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, 135
- Repairing Shops, Miscellaneous, 494
- Stations, 161, 184, 494
- Synopsis of the Organisation of the Company, 43
- Workshops, The Altoona, 320, 340, 357, 873, 395, 415, 435, 458
- Viaduct, Conemaugh, 104
- Workshops, Miscellaneous Repairing, 494
- Workshops, The West Philadelphia, 279, 303
- Permanent Way, Iron, Harvey and Roe's, 98
- Permanent Way, Newman's, 136
- Permanent Way, Signals, &c.; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 144
- Perspective of the Circle, The, 58
- Perspective, A New System of, Dispensing with Geometrical Lines of Construction, 105, 192, 264, 389
- Petroleum, Crude, Urquhart's Apparatus for Burning in Locomotives, 9
- Phenomena, Volcanic, of 1876, The, 401
- Philadelphia and Erie Railroad; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 133
- Phosphor-Bronze, 346
- Piles, The Cost of Driving, 393, 414, 433
- Planing Boards, Machines for, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122
- Planing Machine, Hand-Feed, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 274
- Planing Machine, Wooden-Framed, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 118
- Plate Iron, The Strength of, 355
- Pola, The Arsenal of, 38
- Portable Engine and Hoist, Brown and May's, 448
- Portable Mortar Mill, Llewellyn and Cubitt's, 428
- Portable Weighing Apparatus, Urquhart's, 421
- Portland Cement, The Testing of, 155
- Power, The Transmission of, 210
- Preliminary Examination and the Patent Bill, 150
- Premiums and Prizes Awarded by the Institution of Civil Engineers, 503
- Preservation of Iron, The, 193
- President of the Iron and Steel Institute, C. William Siemens, Address of the, 226, 256, 265,
- Pribram Silver Mines, Bohemia, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's Horizontal Winding Engine at, 441
- Price List of Materials, 20, 40, GO, 82, 102, 120, 138, 156, 178, 200, 220, '238, 258, 278, 298, 318, 336, 354, 372, 392, 412, 432, 4:)2, 472, 492, 514
- Principles, Construction, and Uses 01 the Aneroid, - The, 374
- Printing, Type, Telegraph Instruments for, 291
- Production of Coal and iron in Prussia, 38u
- Production of Steel in America, 349
- Professional Acquaintance, 508
- Propeller, Eyre's screw, 236
- Propeller of H. dl S. '• Thetis," The, 400
- Publications, The Patent Office, 349
- Puddling by Natural Gas, 217
- Puddling in Ordinary and Rotary Furnaces, 27G
- Pulsometer, The, at the Normanton Quarry, Hodgkin, Neuhaus, and Company's, 301
- Pump, Direct-Acting Steam, Evans and Sons', 147
- Pump, Stannah's Pendulum, 56
- Pumping Engine, Hathorn, Davis, Campbell, and Davey's Hydraulic, 488
- Pumps, Hind and Company's Friction Gear for Driving, 118
- Purification, The New System of; Notes on Gas Making, 41
- Purification—by Solids or Liquids; Notes on Gas Making, 337
- Purifying Material, On Utilising Spent; Notes on Gas Making, 377
- Quadruplet Telegraphy, 367, 486
- Quarry, The Normanton, Hodgkin, Neuhaus, and Company's Pulsometer at, 301
- Rack-Rail Railways, Locomotives for, 413
- Rack Railway, Kahlenberg, Locomotive for the, by the Schweizerische Locomotiv and Maschinen-Fabrik, Winterthur, l65
- Railroad, New York and Harlem, Passenger Locomotive for the, 68
- Railroad, The Pennsylvania (See Pennsylvania Railroad)
- Railway Accident, The Arlsey, 31
- Railway Accident, The Woking, 506
- Railway Accidents, The Lords on, 348
- Railway Accidents, Report of the Royal Commission on, 131, 149, 190, 213, 289
- Railway Brakes, Continuous, 12, 53, 94, 351, 363, 46;3, 468
- Railway Brakes, Continuous; Trials on the North British. Railway, 12, 53, 94
- Railway Brakes, Continuous, Official Report to the Belgian Government on, 463, 468
- Railway Rolling Stock, New; Tabulated Value of, 290
- Railway Working and Government Inspection, 167
- Railways, Additional Rolling Stock for, 425
- Railways in Dalmatia, 385
- Railways, Rack-Rail, 413
- Raising Sunken Vessels, 409
- Reed, Mr., upon the Admiralty, 71, 74
- Reed, Mr., at the Society of Arts, 329
- Reese River Process for the Extraction of Silver in Colorado, 474
- Reform, Patent Law, 113, 463
- Registration of Trade Marks, The, 93
- Repairing Shops, Miscellaneous; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 494
- Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher to the Manchester Steam Users' Association on Boiler Explosions, 503
- Report of Mr. E. B. Marten on Steam Boiler Explosions in 1876, 194
- Report of the Royal Commission on Railway Accidents, 131, 149, 190, 213, 289
- Report of the Royal Commissioners on Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Ships; Coal Cargoes, 11, 51
- Report of Mr. J. Waugh upon the Exploded Economiser at Saltaire, 236
- Research, Scientific, Government Aid to, 511
- Resistance of Vessels, The, 310
- Resolutions passed at the Society of Arts Conference on the New Patent Bill, 218
- Revenue Steamer, United States, The " Rush," 418, 456, 497
- Rhone, A New Canal from the, 507
- Richards, London, and Kelley's Hand-Feed Planing Machine, 274
- Richards, London, and Kelley's Shaping and Moulding Machine, 489
- Richards, London, and Kelley's Wood-Grooving Machine, 254
- Richards, London, and Kelley's Wooden-Framed Planing Machine, 118
- River Improvements, The Mississippi, 13, 212, 476
- River Ness, Foot-Bridge across the, at Inverness, 379
- River St. Lawrence, Graving Dock in the, 459
- River Schuylkill, Bridge over the, at South-Street, 7
- River Thames, The, 296
- River Thames, Vignoles' Proposed Mean-Level Bridge over the, near the Tower, 461
- Roach and Sons' Engines of the Steamship " City of San Francisco," 218, 263
- Rock, The Chiques; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 87
- Rolling-Mill Engine, 108
- Rolling Stuck, Additional, for Railways, 425
- Rolling Stock on French Railways, 114
- Rolling Stock, New Railway, Tabulated Value of, 2u0
- Rolling Stock in Russia, 296
- Root's Mine Ventilator, 470, 489
- Rope Driving in Cotton Mills, 381
- Royal Society Soiree, The, 1877, 332
- On the Thornycroft Torpedo Vessels; their Construction, Armament, &c., and the Results of Certain Experiments that have been made with them, by John Donaldson, 428, 448
- On the Employment of Clark and Standfield's Floating Docks at Naval Stations, and the Means they afford of transporting Heavy Ironclads through the Suez Canal, by Latimer Clark, 466
- Russell's Macerator for Sugar Extraction, 48
- "Rush," The United States Revenue Steamer, 418, 456, 497
- Russian Artillery, Tabulated Details of, 180
- Russian Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 46
- Ruston, Proctor, and Company's Eight-Horse Power Agricultural Locomotive, 57
- Safety Valves, 285
- St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 22
- St. Helier's Harbour, Jersey, Block-Setting Machinery for, 284
- Sanitary Summary for 1876, 93
- Sanitation, City, 12
- Saturday Review, The Force of the, 830
- Schwedler's Details of Gasholder at the Berlin Gas Works, 49
- Science, Amateur, at the United Service Institution, 251
- Science Exhibits at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 83
- Electricity and Magnetism, No. VI.—Galvanometers, 61,91
- Electricity and Magnetism, No. VII., VIII., IX., X.—Electrometers, 179, 201, 259, 319
- Scientific Research, Government Aid to, 511
- Scott's Wheel-Moulding Machine, 380
- Screw Compound Marine Engines, Navy Department, Washington, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 110, 126
- Screw Pipe Joint, Bourry's Differential, 388
- Screw Propeller, Eyre's, 236
- Scrubbers and Washers, A New Mode of Working; Notes on Gas Making, 240
- Selkirk's Tube Beader, 480
- Sender, or Transmitting Key, The Automatic Curb, 103
- Sewage Question, The, 116, 366, 404, 466
- Sewage Ventilation, 72
- Shafting, Line, How to Adjust, 217
- Shallow Water Ship-Float, 369
- Shaping Machine, Collier and Company's, 814
- Shaping Machine, Travelling-Head, Ferris and Miles', 208
- Shaping and Moulding Machine, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 489
- Sharpening Machine, Tap Groove, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 146
- Ship, Torpedo, Admiral Porter's, 284
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering, Clyde, 84, 66
- Ships' Models, The late Exhibition of, 466
- Ships, The Resistance of, 310
- Shipwrights' Exhibition, The, 443, 464, 466
- Shops, The Altoona; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 320, 340, 357, 373, 395, 435, 415, 458
- Shops, The West Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 279, 303
- Siddeley and Company's Ice-Making Machines, 480
- " Sidonian," The Explosion on the, 423
- Siemens, C. William, President of the Iron and Steel Institute, Address of, 226, 256, '265
- Signals, Permanent Way, &c.; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 144
- Silver in Colorado, Reese River Process for the Extraction of, 474
- Silver and Gold Parting in California, 375
- Singer's Mechanical Torpedo; Notes on Torpedoes, 456
- Single-Acting Engine, The Wigzell and Halsey, 16
- Single-Acting Engines, The Defects of Certain, and a Remedy, 17, 35
- Sir William Thomson's New Compass, 191
- Slips, Inclined, Hayward Tyler and Company's Hydraulic Hauling Machinery for, 3G2
- Smith's Vacuum Brake, 250
- On the Preservation of Iron, by Mr. Barff, 193
- On the Patents for Inventions Bill, 1877, by H. Trueman Wood, 198
- Resolutions on the New Patent Bill, 218
- On Phosphor-Bronze and its Application, by Alexander Dick, 346
- On Continuous Brakes for Railways, by Captain Tyler, 351, 363
- Society of Arts, Mr. Reed at the, 329
- Society of Arts, The Sewage Question at the, 36G, 404
- Society of Telegraph Engineers (See Engineers, The Society of Telegraph)
- Soiree of the Royal Society, 1877, 3:32
- Soiree, The University College, 464
- Solid Steel Castings, '255
- South-Street Bridge, Philadelphia, 7
- South-West, Notes from the, 16, 27, 50, 70, 92, 117, 130, 153, 166, 188, 215, 227, 254, 265, 288, 312, 325, 346, 368, 388, 408, 421, 442, 467, 488, 510
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 16, 27, 48, 70, 92, 112, 136, 153, 172, 188, 208, 235, 254, 273, 288, 312 325, 346, 36d, 386, 399. 422, 440, 462, 488, 504
- Spar Torpedo Boats; Torpedo Warfare, 208
- Spezia, Italian Artillery Experiments at, 39
- Spontaneous Combustion of Coal in Ships; Coal Cargoes, 11, 51
- Stanek's Dianemoscope, 420
- Stannah's Pendulum Pump, 56
- Stationary Boilers; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 475
- Stations; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 161, 184, 494
- Stave-Jointing Machines, 139
- Steam Boiler Explosions in 1876; Report of Mr. E. B. Marten, 194
- Steam Boilers and Engines for High Pressures, 451
- Steam, High-Pressure, 443
- Steam Navvy," Dunbar and Ruston's, 860
- Steam Pump, Direct-Acting, Evans and Sons', 147
- Steam Tramcar, Belpaire's, 108
- Steam Trolley for the Oude and Rohilkund Railway, Cooke's, 10
- Steam Users' Association, Manchester, Annual Meeting of the, 253
- Steam Users' Association, The Manchester, Report of Mr. L. E. Fletcher, on Boiler Explosions, 503
- Steamer, United States Revenue, The "Rush," 418, 456, 497
- Steamers, Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel, Yarrow's, 49
- Steamship "City of San Francisco," Roach and Sons' Engine$ of the, 228, 268
- Steamship " Palestine," Explosion on Board the, 507
- Steel and Iron Institute, The (See Iron and Steel Institute)
- Steel and Iron at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 3, 45, 115, 158
- Steel and Iron Works, American (See Iron and She' Works, American)
- Steel and Iron Works, The West Cumberland, 116
- Steel Manufacture, Belgian, 444
- Steel Production in America, 349
- Steel Production, Bessemer, in the United States, 115, 212
- Steel Wire Cables, Tabulated Tests of, 134, 136
- Steel Works, The Midvale; American Iron and Steel Works, 239
- Stock, Additional Rolling, for Railways, 425
- Stock, New Railway Rolling, Tabulated Value of, '290
- Stock, Rolling, on French Railways, 114
- Stock, Rolling, in Russia, 296
- Stone-Breaker and Engine Combined, Hall's, 503
- Stone-Dressing Machine, Brunton and Trier's, 247
- Stone-Dressing Machines at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 281
- Stone, Metal, and Wood, The Tones of, 285
- Stone Sawing, Machines for, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 281
- Street Tramways, 327
- Strength of Plate Iron, The, 355
- Submarine Cables, Fish-Bites in, 270
- Submarine Foundations, 429
- Suez Canal, Passage of the, by Deep Draught Ironclads, 466
- Sugar Extraction, Russell's Macerator for, 48
- Summary, Sanitary, for 1876, 93
- Sunken Vessels, Raising, 409
- Suspension Bridge over the Pennsylvania Railroad, 70
- Symington's Dalswinton Engine, 63
- Tap Groove Sharpening Machine, Thomson, Sterne, and Company's, 146
- Taylor and Challen's Nail-Forging Machine, 480
- Technical Education, 365
- Telegraph Engineers, The Society of (See Engineers, The Society of Telegraph)
- Telegraph Instruments, Type Printing, 291
- Telegraphs, Fire, 223
- Telegraphs, Fire; The Auto-Kinetic System, 402
- Telegraphs, Underground, 311, 350
- Telegraphs, Underground, in France, 350
- Telegraphy, Quadruples, 367, 485
- Gray’s System, 355
- La Cour's System, 300
- Varley's System, 299
- Testing Portland Cement, 155
- Thames, The River, '296
- Thermodynamics, Hirn's, 14, 73, 202, 261, 394
- " Thetis," H.M.S., The Propeller of, 400
- Thomson, Sir William's, New Compass, 191
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Tap Groove Sharpening Machine, 146
- Three-Feet Gauge, Mason's Double-Bogie Locomotive (Fairlie System) for the, 326
- Thurston's Autographic Testing Machine, 489
- Thurston's Oil-Testing Machine, 176
- Tones of Metal, Wood, and Stone, The, 285
- Tongs, Improved Up-Ending, 429
- Tools, Machine, at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 122, 280
- Torpedo Launches, 383, 428, 448
- Torpedo Ship, Admiral Porter's, 284
- Torpedo Warfare, 208
- Electro-Contact Torpedoes, 157
- Electro-Mechanical Torpedoes, 214, 455
- McEvoy's Mechanical Torpedo, 407
- Mathieson's Mechanical Torpedo. 406
- Singer's Mechanical Torpedo, 406
- Torpedoes at the Philadelphia Exhibition, 54
- Trade Marks, The Registration of, 93
- Tramcar, Belpaire's Steam, 108
- Tramway, Wire, at Nanaimo, British Columbia, 62
- Tramways and Omnibuses; Address of R. M. Bancroft, 386
- Tramways, Street, 327
- Transmission of Power, The, 210
- Travelling-Head Shaping Machine, Ferris and Miles', 208
- Trenton Bridge; The Pennsylvania Railroad, `221
- Trial of H.M.S. "Dreadnought," 67
- Trials of the 81-Ton Gun, 378, 424
- Trolly, Steam, for the Oude and Rohilkund Railway, Cooke's, 10
- Tube Beader, Selkirk's, 480
- Tube-Cleaning Apparatus, Essen's, 216
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 22
- "Turtle Torpedo Boats," The Engineer on, 484
- Twin-Screw Launch Engines and Boilers, Wilson and Company's, 91
- Tyler, H., and Company's Hydraulic Hauling Machinery for Inclined Slips, 362
- Type Printing Telegraph Instruments, 291
- Unbalanced Force v. Centrifugal Force, 152
- Underground Telegraphs, 311, 350
- Underground Telegraphs in France, 350
- Union Iron Works, The, Buffalo, N.Y.; American Iron and Steel Works, 473
- United Service Institution, Amateur Science at the, 251
- United States Revenue Steamer, The " Rush," 418, 456, 497
- Universal Exhibition, 1878, The Paris, 67, 72
- University College, London, Circular from the, 99
- University College Soiree, The, 464
- Unsafe Economisers, 233
- Up-Ending Tongs, Improved, 429
- Urquhart's Apparatus for Burning Crude Petroleum in Locomotives, 9
- Urquhart's Portable Weighing Apparatus, 421
- Use of Emery Wheels, The, b2
- Utilising Spent Purifying Material; Notes on Gas Making, 377
- Vacuum Brake, The, 250
- Valley Creek Bridge; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 86
- Valve Gear, Wannieck and Koppner's, 178
- Valves, Eccentric, Elliott and Burnett's, 98
- Valves, Safety, 286
- Vandals at the Patent Office, 167
- Vapart Disintegrator, The, by the Hydraulic Engineering Co, 448
- Varley's System of Telephonic Telegraphy, 299
- Vegetable Refuse, The Combustion of, 89
- Ventilation, Sewage, 72
- Ventilator, Root's Mine, 470, 489
- Verdon Canal, The, 247
- Vessels, The Resistance of, 310
- Vested Interests, 884
- Viaduct, Conemaugh, 104
- Vignoles' Proposed Mean-Level Bridge over the Thames near the Tower. 461
- Volcanic Phenomena of 1876, The, 401
- Vulcan Iron Company. St. Louis, U.S.A., Holley's Bessemer Plant of the; American Iron and Steel Works, 183, 206
- Wannieck and Koppner's Valve Gear, 173
- Warfare, Torpedo, 208
- Warren Suspension Bridge; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 134
- Washers and Scrubbers, A New Mode of Working; Notes on Gas Making, 240
- Water Pressure Machinery, 379
- Water Supply of Aix; The Verdon Canal, 247
- Water Supply, The London, 114
- Waugh's Report upon the Exploded Economiser at Saltaire, 286
- Weighing Apparatus, Urquhart's Portable, 421
- Welded Boilers; Mr. L. E. Fletcher's Report, 419
- Welding, 237
- West Cumberland Iron and Steel Works, The, 116
- West Sent Main Drainage Works, The, 508
- Westinghouse Automatic Brake Trials on the North-Eastern Railway, 405
- Westinghouse Brake, The Efficiency of the, 32
- Wheel-Moulding Machine, Scott's, 380
- Wheels, Emery, The Use of, 52
- Wigzell and Halsey, Single-Acting Engine, The, 16
- Wilson and Company's Twin-Screw Launch Engines and Boiler, 91
- Wilson's Paddle Engines for Light - Draught Steamers, 341
- Winding Engine, Horizontal, Breitfeld, Danek, and Company's, at the Pribram Silver Mines, Bohemia, 441
- Wire Cables, Steel, Tabulated Tests of, 134, 135
- Wire Tramway at Nanaimo, British Columbia, 69
- Woking Railway Accident. The, 506
- Wood-Grooving Machine, Richards, London, and Kelley's, 254
- Wood, Metal, and Stone, The Tones of, 285
- Wooden-Framed Planing Machine, Richard's, London, and Kelley's, 118
- Working Expenditure, Locomotive, Tabulated Statement of, 365, 367
- Working Railways and Government Inspection, 167
- Works, The Midvale Steel; American Iron and Steel Works, 239
- Works, Park, Brother, and Company's; American Iron and Steel Works, 337
- Works, The Union Iron, Buffalo, N.Y. American Iron and Steel Works, 473
- Works, The Vulcan Iron Company's Bessemer Plant at; American Iron and Steel Works, 183, 206
- Works, The West Cumberland Iron and Steel, 116
- Workshops, The Altoona; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 320, 340. 357, 373, 39.5, 415, 435, 458
- Workshops. Miscellaneous Repairing; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 494
- Workshops, The West Philadelphia; The Pennsylvania Railroad, 303
- Wrought Iron, Economy as Applied to the Manufacture of, 486, 512
- Yacht, The German Imperial "Hohenzollern," Engine and Boilers of the, 308
- Yarrow's Light-Draught Paddle-Wheel Steamers 49
- Yule, John, 438
See Also
Sources of Information