Engineering 1879 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1879 Jan-Jun: Index
- View the 1879 Jan-Jun Volumes
- ADER'S Telephone, 387
- Africa, Central, Future Trade in, 311
- Agitator, or Dolly Tub ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 473
- Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Company's
- Machinery for Making, 552, 553
- Centrifugal Pump, J. and H. Gwynne's, 569
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, Marshall, Sons, and Co's, 580
Engines :
- Cambridge's, 1847, 549
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Straw-Burning Portable, 572
- Clerk's Gas, 580
- Cochran's, and Boiler, 576
- Fowler, J., and Company's Semi-Portable, 560
- Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining, 573
- Otto Silent 16-Horse Gas, 565
- Shanks and Sons' Horizontal, 561
- Trevithick’s High-Pressure, 1811, 548
- Vosper's Four-Cylinder, 569
- Willan's Compound, 577
- Firegrates for Unbroken and Chopped Straws, Garrett and Sons', 573
- Harrow, Old Reversible Norwegian, 533
- Horse Rollers, Old, 533
- Lever Anchor, Savage's Automatic, 572
- Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's Steam, 564
Thrashing Machines :
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's, with Side Feed, 556
- Cyprus, 538
- Garrett and Sons', 541
- Nalder and Nalder's, and Straw Elevator, 540, 541
- Under-Gear for 8-Horse Portable Engine,
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's, 577
- Winnowing Machine, Old, 536
- Albany and Rennselaer Iron and Steel Company's Works, U.S.A., The Porter Allen Engine at the, 107, 115
- Amalgamation, Pan, of Silver Ores, in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 134, 135, 190, 191, 370, 473, 491, 493
- American Iron and Steel Works (See Iron and Steel Works, American)
- Analysis of Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the, 127, 429, 430, 431
- Anchor, Savage's Automatic Lever, 572
- Apparatus for Replacing Derailed Rolling Stock ; The Paris Exhibition, 459
- Apparatus for Testing Tyres on the Western
- Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 494, 495
- Armour Plates, The Effects of Shot and Shell on, 70, 71
- Articulating Telephones, 467, 488, 489
- Asquith's Slotting Machine, 257
- Assay Office of the Consolidated Virginia Mill, Plan of the; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 491
- Austrian State Railway Works, Tyre-Grinding Lathe at the, 391
- Automatic Brake, The Westinghouse, 85
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Halpin's Engine with, 480
- Aveling and Porter's Steam Road Roller, 564
- Axles of Tank Engines, The Distribution of Load upon the, 441
- Ayr Dock, Meik and Nisbet's, 242
- Bagnall's Tank Locomotive for the Wotton Tramway, 17
- Bailey's Reaper, 1822, 545
- Balance, Professor Hughes's Induction, 218, 219, 458, 486
- Balancing Carriage Wheels, Apparatus for; The
- Paris Exhibition, 110
- Balfour and Company's Auxiliary Pumping Engine, with " Comet" Pumps, for the Yacht " Wanderer," 568
- Band Saws for Cutting Deals, Furness and Company's, 235
- Bar, 4-in. Square, of Bessemer Steel, Twisted Hot, 414
- Bars and Rails, Tweddell's Hydraulic Shears for ; The Paris Exhibition, 67
- Bars, River, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 108, 474
- Batteries, Voltaic ; Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Beam Engine, Thomas and Powell's Compound ; The Paris Exhibition, 50
- Bearing for Loose Pulleys, Kitson's, 243
- Belgian State Railways, Passenger Locomotive for the ; The Paris Exhibition, 172, 173, 174
- Belgian State Railways, Steam Carriage for the ; The Paris Exhibition, 21.4
- Bell's Reaper, 1826, 545
- Bell Telephone, The, 498
- Bessemer Steel Plate Treated Cold, 414
- Bessemer Steel Rail Twisted Cold, 414
- Bessemer Steel, Samples of, 414, 415
- Bessemer Steel, 4 in. Square Bar, Twisted Hot, 414
- Bevel Gear-Cutting Machine, Fetu and Deliege's ; The Paris Exhibition, 195
- Blast Furnace at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; American Iron and Steel Works, 150
- Blast-Heating Stoves at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; American Iron and Steel Works, 151
- Boat, The Herreshoff Torpedo, 93, 94, 122
- Boiler, Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical Tubular, 284
- Boiler Drilling Machine, Tweedy's, 340
- Boiler and Engine, Cochran's, 576
- Boiler Explosions in 1878 ; E. B. Marten's Annual Report, 176
- Boiler Making, Fractures in Steel Plates for; Diagrams, 415
- Boiler, 1765, Smeaton's Portable, 548
- Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's ; The Paris Exhibition, 437
- Boilers, Iron and Steel, 527, 528, 529, 581
- Boilers, Verderber's Locomotive, 114
- Boucher's Calculating Circle, 498
- Bourboule and Royat Mineral Waters, The, 337
- Box and Table for Mercury Bags ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 473
- Boyer's High-Pressure Marine Boiler, 410
- Brake, The Westinghouse, 85
- Brakes, Continuous ; Diagrams, 383
- Brakes on Railway Trains, The Effect of, 374
- Breguet's Telephone, 489
- Bricks, Consolidated Virginia ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 493
- Bridge over the Orange River at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- Bridge, Sedley's Proposed High-Level, over the Thames, 411, 416
- Buoy, Courtnay's Self-Acting Syren, 510
- Burner, Sugg's Lantern with " London" Argand Governor, 142
- Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, Double-Acting Pumping Engine at the, 154, 155, 158
- Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Company's Machinery for Making, 552, 553
- Cabany and Company's Steam Carriage (Belpaire's System) ; The Paris Exhibition, 272
- Caillard Brothers' Steam Crane; The Paris Exhibition, 123
- Cambridge Engine, 1847, 549
- Canal, The Panama Ship, Projects for, 517
- Cannon, The Hotchkiss Revolving, 4, 5, 25, 63
- Carbon Telephone, Edison's, 488
- Carbon Transmitter, Edison's New, 489
- Carnaire and Montellier's Vertical Tubular Boiler, 284
- Carriage, Composite, for the Western Railway of France; The Paris Exhibition, 433
- Carriage, First-Class, Iron Frame for; Southern Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 231
- Carriage, First-Class; Western Railway of France, 341
- Carriage Saloon for the Southern Railway of France; The Paris Exhibition, 230
- Carriage, Steam, for the Belgian State Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 214
- Carriage Wheels, Apparatus for Balancing ; The Paris Exhibition, 110
- Carriages, Railway, The Westinghouse Light for, 264
- Central Africa, Future Trade in, 311
- Centrifugal Pump, J. and H. Gwynne's, 569
- Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of Steel Rails, The, 185
- Chiswick Main Drainage Works, Hathorn and Davey's Pumping Engines at the, 476, 477, 478
- Chlorides, Spectragraphs of, 429
- Circle, Boucher's Calculating, 498
- Circuits, Telephone, Induction in, 277
- Circumference of the Circle, The, 136, 193
- Civil Engineering at the Paris Exhibition, 316, 432
- Claparede and Company's Firebox of Goods Locomotive (Ten-Brink System) for the Paris and Orleans Railway; The Paris Exhibition, 455
- Claparede and Company's Goods Locomotive for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 454
- Clark, Standfield, and Company's Depositing Floating Dock, The Nicolaieff, 28
- Clark and Standfleld's Hydraulic Grid, 203
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's 4-Horse Portable Engine, 1853, 560
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Straw Burning Portable Engine, 572
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Thrashing Machine, with Side Feed, 556
- Clerac's Electric Vote Recorder, 112
- Clerk's Gas Engine, 580
- Cleveland Iron, The Phosphorus in; Diagram, 448
- Clover Cutter, 1807, Plucknett's, 545
- Clutch, Pfleiderer's Friction, 243
- Coal Mines, The Dombrowa, Plan of, 227
- Coal Mining at the Paris Exhibition, 36, 367
- Coal Wagon ; The Paris Exhibition, 47
- Coalfields, Plan of the Donetz ; Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 169
- Cochran's Boiler and Engine. 576
- Collier and Company's Wheel Centre and Tyre Boring Lathe, 361
- Collieries, Blantyre, Stevenson's Mine Ventilator at the, 177
- Colliery Company, The Epinac ; The Paris Exhibition, 367
- Combination Pan, The Wheeler and Patton ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191
- Comet Pump for the Yacht " Wanderer," 568
- Commutator, Lartigue's Mercury, 273
- Composite Carriage for the Western Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 433
- Compound Beam Engine, Thomas and Powell's; The Paris Exhibition, 50
- Compound Engine, Simpson and Company's Horizontal, 422
- Compound Engine, Willan's, 577
- Compound Horizontal Engine, at the Pester Walzmiihle, Buda-Pesth, 29u, 291
- Compound Locomotive, Details of Mallet's ; The Paris Exhibition. 516
- Compound Reversing Rolling Mill Engines, Miller and Company's, '277
- Compound Semi-Portable Engine, J. Fowler and Company's, 560
- Consolidated Virginia Mills, Ore Bins at the; Pau Amalgamat5on of silver Ores, 134,135
- Construction of Yachts, The ; Lloyd's Register, 356
- Continuous Brakes ; Diagrams, 383
- Cooper, Hewitt, and Company's Works ; American Iron and Steel Works, 88, 150, 151
- Courtenay's Self-Acting Syren Buoy, 510
- Cowper's Writing Telegraph, 180, 181
- Crane, Caillard Brothers' Steam; The Paris Exhibition, 123
- Crane, Travelling, Watson's Gap Lathe with, 154
- Cranes for Tweddell's Rivetters ; The Paris Exhibition, 66
- Crankshafts, Strains on, 348, 349, 350
- Crookes's Apparatus at the Royal Society Soiree, 398, 399. 40U
- Crown Telephone, The, 489
- Current Balance, Professor Hughes's Induction, 218, 219, 458, 486
- Currents, Electric, Siemens' Regulator for, 162, 163
- Cutting Deals, Furness and Company's Band Saws for, 235
- Cyprus Thrashing Machine, 538
- Deadweight Safety Valve, Eave's, 466
- Deals, Furness and Company's Band Saws for Cutting, 235
- Dean's Engine, 1844, 548, 549
- Deep-Sea Recording Thermometer, Negretti and Umbra's ; The Paris Exhibition, 97
- Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for &placing ; The Paris Exhibition, 459
- Dimensions, Standard, for Machine Fitting, 407
- Dioptric Light for Lightships ; Sautter, Lemounter, and Company's ; The Paris Exhibition, 210, 211
- Dioptric Revolving Lantern, Sautter, Lemonnier, and Company's Electric; The Paris Exhibition, 269
- Distribution of Load upon the Axles of Tank Engines, The, 441
- Dock, Clark, Standfield, and Company's Nicolaieff Depositing Floating, 2R
- Dock, Meik and Nisbet's Ayr, 242
- Docks, Floating, 382, 383
- Dolly Tub, or Agitator ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 473
- Dombrowa Coal Mines, Plan of the, 227
- Donetz Coalfields, Plan of the; Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 169
- Double-Acting Pumping Engine at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154, 155, 158
- Double-Check Pressure Gauge, Stewart's, 37
- Double-Crown Telephone, The, 489
- Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the Yacht "Isa," 194, 195
- Drainage of Lake Fucino, The, 249, 250, 252
- Dredging Plant, Horsent and Langlois', at the Toulon Docks ; The Paris Exhibition, 432
- Drilling Machine, Tweedy's Boiler, 340
- Drum Guard for Thrashing Machine, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, 580
- Dumpy Level, The, 49
- Duplex Gauges, 100
- Durable Spur Wheel, A, 122
- Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Blast Furnace at the; American Iron and Steel Works, 150
- Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Blast-Heating Stoves at the; American Iron and Steel Works, 151
- Eave's Deadweight Safety Valve, 466
- Edison's Carbon Telephone, 488
- Edison's Electro-Chemical Telephone, 238, 239
- Edison's Moist Paper Telephone, 488
- Edison's New Carbon Transmitter, 489
- Effect of Brakes on Railway Trains, The, 374
- Effects of Shot and Shell on Armour Plates, The, 70,71
- Electric Currents, Siemens' Regulator for, 162, 163
- Electric Light Apparatus, Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable, 364
- Electric Light, The Rapieff, 51
- Electric Light, Travelling, for Railways, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 16
- Electric Light, The Wallace-Farmer, 310
- Electric Lighting, 403
- Electric Vote Recorder, Clerac's, 112
- Electrical Induction, Sonometry by, 419
- Electricity, Lighting by, 513
- Electro-Chemical Telephone, Edison's, 238, 239
- Electro-Magnetic Receiver, Gray's, 488
- Engine, Auxiliary Pumping, with "Comet" Pumps, for the Yacht " Wanderer," Balfour and Company's, 568
- Engine and Boiler, Cochran's, 576
- Engine, 1847, Cambridge, 549
- Engine, 1853, Clayton and Shuttleworth's 4-Horse Portable, 560
- Engine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's Portable Straw-Burning, 572
- Engine, Clerk's Gas, 580
- Engine, Compound Horizontal, at Pester Walzmohle, Buda-Pesth, 290, 291
- Engine, 1844, Dean's, 548.548
- Engine, Double-Acting Pumping. at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154, 155, 158
- Engine, J. Fowler and Company's Compound Semi-Portable, 560
- Engine, Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining, 573
- Engine, Gas, 16-Horse Otto Silent, 565
- Engine, Halpin's Horizontal, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 480
- Engine, The Heslop, a Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, 101
- Engine, The Porter-Allen, at the Albany and Rennselaer Iron and Steel Company's Works, U.S.A., 107,115
- Engine, Shanks and Sons' Horizontal, 561
- Engine, Simpson and Company's Compound Horizontal, 422
- Engine, Thomas and Powell's Compound Beam ; The Paris Exhibition, 50
- Engine and Thrashing Machine, 1841, Ransome's, 549
- Engine, 1811, Trevithick's High-Pressure, 548
- Engine, 1842, Tuxford's, 549
- Engine, Under-Gear for 8-Horse Portable, 577
- Engine, Vosper's Four-Cylinder, 569
- Engine, Walschaerts' Horizontal ; The Paris Exhibition, 29
- Engine, Willan's Compound, 577
- Engine, 1849, Willis's Farmer's, 558
- Engineering, Civil, at the Paris Exhibition, 316, 432
- Engines, Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder
- Compound, of the Yacht " Isa," 194, 195
- Engines, Miller and Company's Compound Reversing Rolling Mill, 277
- Engines, Pumping, at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, Hathorn and Davey's, 476, 477, 478
- Engines, Pumping, for the Water Works at Lawrence, Mass., Trial of the, 58, 59, 78, 79
- Engines, Tank, The Distribution of Load upon the Axles of, 441
- Epinac Colliery Company, The; The Paris Exhibition, 367
- Escher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate ; The Paris Exhibition, 437
- European Russia, The Mineral Wealth of, 89, 169, 227, 431
- Examination of Vowel Sounds, Synthetic, Apparatus for, 199, 201, 202
- Bevel Gear Cutting Machine, Fetu and Delibge's, 195
- Boiler, Carnaire and MonteIller's Vertical Tubular, 284
- Boiler with Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's, 437
Coal Mining :
- Epinao Colliery Company (Saone-et-Loire ), 367
- Inclined Planes at the Grand' Combo Mines, Gard, France, 86
- Crane, Caillard Brothers' Steam, 123
- Cranes for Tweddell’s Hydraulic, Rivetters, 66
- Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for Replacing ; Northern Railway of France, 469
- Dredging Plant, Hersent and Langlols', at the Toulon Graving Docks, 432
- Engine, Thomas and Powell's Compound Beam, 50
- Engine, Walschaerts' Horizontal, 29
- Firebox (Ten-Brink System) of Goode Locomotive, Claparede and Company's, for the Paris and Orleans Railway, 455
- Locomotive, Clapardde and Company's Goods, for the Paris and Orleans Railway, 454
- Locomotive, Details of Mallet's Compound, 516
- Locomotive, Forguenot's Express, for the Paris and Orleans Railway, 890
- Locomotive, Passenger, for the Belgian State Railways, 172, 173, 174
- Locomotive for Rack-Rail Railways, 130, 131
- Locomotive, Tank, for the Central Railway of Belgium, 272
- Locomotive, Tramway, Merryweather and Sons', 256
- Mazza injector and Feed-Heating Apparatus for Locomotives, The, 24
- Steam Carriage for the Belgian State Railways, 214
- Steam Carriage (Belpaire's System), Armand, Cabany, and Company's, 272
Physical Science:
- Deep-Sea Recording Thermometer, Negretti and Zambra's, 97
- Dioptric Light for Lightships, Sauttor, Lemonnier, and Company's, 210, 211
- Dioptric Revolving Apparatus and Lantern, Sauttor and Company's Electric, 269
- Meteorological Instruments, 7, 8, 97
- Theorell's Printing Meteorograph, 7, 8
- Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Single and Four-Furrow, 436
Railway Rolling Stock :
- Carriage Wheels, Apparatus for Balancing, 110
- Coal Wagon, 47
- Composite Carriage for the Western Railway of France, 433
- First-Class Carriage, Chevalier's, 46
- Heating Footwarmers, Arrangements for, 111
- Iron Frame for First-Class Carriage ; Southern Railway of France, 231
- Saloon Carriage, Marie's, 46
- Saloon Carriage ; Southern Railway of France, 280
- Testing Lubricants, Apparatus for, 110 Tyres, Apparatus for Totting ; Western Railway of France, 494, 495
- Shears, Tweddell's Hydraulic, for Bars and Rails, 67
- Therapeutic Machinery, Goransson and Company's, 215
- Viaduct over the River Rance ; Western Railway of France, 481, 499
- Expansion Gear, Automatic, Halpin's Horizontal Engine with, 480
- Explosions, Boiler, in 1878; E. B. Marten's Annual Report, 176
- Express Locomotive, Forquenot's, for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 890
- Farmer's Engine, 1849, Willis's, 568
- Feed-Heating Apparatus and Injector for Locomotive, The Mazza ; The Paris Exhibition, 24
- Fetu and Deluge's Bevel Gear-Cutting Machine ; The Paris Exhibition, 195
- Field Gun, The Hotchkiss Revolving, 25
- Firebox Stays, Stephenson's Locomotive, 223
- Firebox (Ten-Brink System) of Goods Locomotive, Olapardde and Company's, for the Paris and Orleans Rally; ay ; The Paris Exhibition, 455
- Firegrate, Ten-Brink, Eseher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Firegrates for Unbroken and Chopped Straw, Garrett and Sons', 573
- First-Class Carriage, Iron Frame for; Southern Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 231
- First-Class Carriage ; Western Rail way of Franco, 341
- First-Class Railway Carriage; The Paris Exhibition, 46
- Floating Dock, The Nicolaleff Depositing, Clark, Standileld, and Company's, 28
- Floating Docks, 382, 383
- Flow of Water through Orifices in Thin Plates, 35
- Footwarmers, Arrangements for Heating ; The Paris Exhibition, 111
- Forms, of Microphone Receivers, Simple, 289
- Forqnenot's Express Locomotive for the Paris
- and Orleans Railway; The Paris Exhibition, 390
- Four-Cylinder Engine, Vosper's, 669
- Four-Furrow and Single Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, at the Paris Exhibition, 436
- Fowler and Company's Compound Semi-Portable Engine, 560
- Fractures in Steel Plates for Boiler Making; Diagrams, 415
- Friction Clutch, Pfleiderer's, 243
- Frictional Resistances of Rolling Mills, 147
- Fucino, Lake, The Drainage of, 249, 2A, 252
- Fuller's Spiral Rule, 2.57
- Furnace, Blast, at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. ; American Iron and Steel Works, 150
- Furness and Company's Band Saws for Cutting Deals, '235
- Gap Lathe with Travelling Crane, Watson's, 154
- Garrett's Reaper, 1861, 545
- Garrett and Sons' Firegrates for Unbroken and
- Chopped Straw, 573
- Garrett and Sons' Portable Mining Engine, 573
- Garrett and Sons' Thrashing Machine, 541
- Gas Engine, Clerk's, 580
- Gas Engine, Otto 16-Horse Silent, 565
- " Gauge" or "Machine" Grinding, 187
- Gauge, Stewart's Double-Check Pressure, 37
- Gauges, Duplex, 100
- Gear-Cutting Machine, Bevel, Fotu and Deliege's ; The Paris Exhibition, 195
- Gear, Nelson's Steam Steering, 253
- Gear, Trappen's Valve, 520, .521, 522
- Generator, Steam, The Herreshoff, 122
- Gladstone's Reapers, 1806, 544, 545
- Goods Locomotive, Claparede and Company's, for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 454
- Goods Locomotive Firebox (Ten-Brink System).
- Claparede and Company's, for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 4551
- Goransson and Company's Therapeutic Machinery ; The Paris Exhibition, 215
- Gower Telephone, The, 387
- Grand' Combo Mines, Gard, France, The Inclined Planes at the ; The Paris Exhibition, 36
- Gray's Electro-Magnetic Receiver, 488
- Gray's Liquid Telephone, 488
- Gray's Physiological Telephone, 489
- Graving Docks, Toulon, Hersent and Langlois' Dredging Plant for, at the ; The Paris Exhibition, 432
- Greenwood and Batley's Universal Milling Machine, 375
- Grid, Hydraulic, Clark and Standfield's, '203
- Grinding Maize, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Mill for, 319
- Grinding Processes, 187, 207
- Gun, The Hotchkiss Revolving, 4, 5, 25, 6:3
- Gun, The 38-Ton, on Board H.M.S. " Thunderer," 139
- Gwynne's Centrifugal Pump, 569
- Halpin's Horizontal Engine with Automatic Expansion Gear, 480
- Harrow, Old Reversible Norwegian, 533
- Hathorn and Davey's Pumping Engines at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, 476, 477, 478
- Heating Footwarmers, Arrangements for ; The Paris Exhibition, 111.
- H.M.S. " Iris," The Steam Trials of, 330, 331, 342
- H.M.S. " Iris," Structural Arrangements and Proportions of, 302, 303, 306
- H.M.S. " Thunderer," The 36-Ton Gun on Board,. 139
- Herreshoff Steam Generator, The, 122
- Herreshoff Torpedo Launch, The, 93, 94, 122
- Hersent and Langlois' Dredging Plant for the Toulon Graving Docks ; The Paris Exhibition, 432
- Heslop Engine, The, a Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, 101
- High-Level Bridge over the Thames, Sedley's Proposed, 411, 416
- High-Pressure Engine, 1811, Trevithick's, 548
- High-Pressure Marine Boiler, Boyer's, 410
- History of the Screw Propeller, The, 13, 48
- Horizontal Compound Engine, at the Pester Walzmahle, Buda-Pesth, 290, 291
- Horizontal Compound Engine, Simpson and Company's, 422
- Horizontal Engine, Halpin's, with Automatic Expansion Gear, 480
- Horizontal Engine, Shanks and Sons', 561
- Horizontal Engine, Walschaerts' ; The Paris Exhibition, 29
- Horn Pan, The ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191
- Horse Rollers, Old, 633
- Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon, The, 4, 5, 25, 63
- Hughes's Induction Balance, 218, 219, 468, 486
- Hydraulic Grid, Clark and Standfield's, 203
- Hydraulic Shears, Tweddell's, for Bars and Rails; The Paris Exhibition, 67
- Improvements in Telephones, Recent, 387
- Inclined Plane between Lyons and St. Just, 292, 294
- Inclined Planes at the Grand' Combe Mines, Gard, France; The Paris Exhibition, 36
- Induction Balance, Professor Hughes's, 218, 219, 458, 486
- Induction, Electrical, Sonometry by, 419
- Induction on Telegraph Lines, 280, 281
- Induction in Telephone Circuits, 277
- Indus General Steam Navigation Company's Steamer "Tezpore," The, 276
- Ingot Mould, Cast-Iron; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 491
- Injector and Food Heating Apparatus, for Locomotives, The Mazza ; The Paris Exhibition, '24 "Iris," H.M.S., The Steam Trials of, 830, 881, 342
- "Iris," H.M.S., Structural Arrangements and Proportions of, 302, 303, 306
- Iron Company, The Meier, Works of the ; American Iron and Steel Works, 315, 318
- Iron Frame for First-Class Carriage ; Southern Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 231
- Iron and Mild Steel, The Mechanical Properties of, 394, 396, 434, 435, 510
- Iron Mills, The Union, Pittsburgh, Pa., American Iron and Steel Works, 21
- Iron and Steel Institute, The, 448
- Iron and Steel, The Application of the Spectroscope to the Analysis of the, 127, 429, 430, 431
- Iron and Steel Boilers, 527, 528, 529, 581
- Blast Furnace at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 150
- Blast-Heating Stoves at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., 151
- Rolling Mills of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, Trenton, U.S.A., 88
- Salisbury iron and the Works of the Barnum Richardson Company, 451
- Union Iron Mills, Pittsburgh, Pa., The, 21 Works of the Meier Iron Company, The, 315, 318
- Works of Messrs. Cooper, Hewitt, and Company, 88, 150, 151
- " Isa," Yacht, Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the, 194, 195
- Kegs, Butter, Allen Ransoms and Company's Machinery for Making, 552, 553
- Kitson's Bearing for Loose Pulleys, 243
- Lake Fucino, The Drainage of, 249, 250, 252
- Lambrigot's Sixpenny Phonograph, 327
- Lamps, Safety, 423
- Lantern, Sautter, Lemonnier, and Company's Dioptric Revolving, Electric ; The Paris Exhibition, 269
- Lantern, Sugg's, with " London" Argand Governor Burner, 142
- Lartigue's Mercury Commutator, 273
- Lathe, Collier and Company's Wheel Centre and Tyre Boring, 361
- Lathe, Gap, with Travelling Crane, Watson's, 154
- Lathe, Tyre-Grinding, at the Austrian State Railway Works, :391
- Launch, The Herreshoff Torpedo, 93, 94, 122,
- Le Grand and Sutcliff's Tubular Piles, 223
- Lee's Thrashing Machine, 537
- Level, The Dumpy, 49
- Lever Anchor, Savage's Automatic, 572
- Light Apparatus, Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable Electric, 364
- Light for Lightships, Sautter, Lemonnier, and Company's Dioptric ; The Paris Exhibition, 210, 211
- Light for Railway Carriages, The Westinghouse, 264
- Light, The Rapieff Electric, 51
- Light, Travelling Electric, for Railways, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 16
- Light, The Wallace-Farmer Electric, 310
- Lighthouse Appliances; The Paris Exhibition, 210, 211, 269
- Lighting, Electric, 403
- Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Lines, Telegraph, Induction on, 280, 281
- Liquid Telephone, Gray's, 488
- Load upon the Axles of Tank Engines, The Distribution of, 441
- Locomotive, Batman's Tank, for the Wotton . Tramway, 17
- Locomotive Boiler, Verderber's, 114
- Locomotive, Clapardde and Company's Firebox of Goods (Ten-Brink System), for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 455
- Locomotive, Clapardde and Company's Goods, for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 454
- Locomotive Firebox Stays Stephenson's, 223
- Locomotive, Forquenot's Express, for the Paris and Orleans Railway ; The Paris Exhibition, 390
- Locomotive, Mallet's Compound, Details of ; The Paris Exhibition, 516
- Locomotive, Merryweather and Sons' Tramway ; The Paris Exhibition, 256
- Locomotive, Passenger for the Belgian State Railways; The Paris Exhibition, 172, 173, 174
- Locomotive for Rack-Rail Railways ; The Paris Exhibition, 130, 131
- Locomotive, Tank, for the Central Railway of Belgium, 272
- Locomotives at the Paris Exhibition, 24, 130, 131, 172, 173,174, 214, 256, 272, 390, 454, 465, 516
- "London" Argand Governor Burner, Sugg's
- Lantern with, 142
- Loose Pulleys, Kitson's Bearing for, 243
- Lubricants, Apparatus for Testing ; The Paris Exhibition, 110
- Lubricants, Machine for Testing ; Eastern Railway of France, '234, 235
- Lyons and St. Just Railway, Incline between, 292, 294
- Lysedal, Norway, Pihl's Viaduct over the, 1, 2, 9
- Machine, Asquith's Slotting, 257
- Machine, Fetu and Delidge'a Bevel Gear-Cutting ; The Paris Exhibition, 195
- Machine Fitting, Standard Sizes for, 407
- " Machine" or " Gauge" Grinding, 1S7
- Machine, Greenwood and Batley's Universal Milling, 375
- Machine, Old Winnowing, 536
- Machine, Richards and Atkinson's Multiple Wood-Boring, 506
- Machine, Sharp, Stewart, and Company's Shaping, 444
- Machine for Testing Lubricants; Eastern Railway of France, 234, 235
- Machine, Thrashing, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, for Hot Climates, 322, 323
- Machine, Tweedy's Boiler Drilling, 340
- Machine-Worked Punkahs, 285
- Machinery, Goransson and Company's Therapeutic ; The Paris Exhibition, 215
- Machinery for Making Butter Kegs, Allen Ransome and Company's, 552, 553
- Magneto-Electric Machines ; Lighting by Electricity, 513
- Main Drainage Works, Chiswick, Hathorn and Davey's Pumping Engines at the, 476, 477, 478
- Mallet's Compound Locomotive, Details of; The, Paris Exhibition, 516
- Mana's Reaper, 1820, 545
- Map of the Mineral Wealth of European Russia, 89
- Marie's Saloon Carriage; The Paris Exhibition, 46
- Marine Boiler, Boyer's High-Pressure, 410
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Portable Electric Light Apparatus, 364
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Thrashing Machine Drum Guard, 580
- Marten's Annual Report of Boiler Explosions in 1878, 176
- Mazza Injector and Feed Heating Apparatus for Locomotives ; The Paris Exhibition, 24
- Meare's Reaper, 1800, 544
- Mechanical Properties of Iron and Mild Steel, The, 394, 395, 434, 435, 510
- Mechanical Shipbuilding, 356
- Meier Iron Company, Works of the ; American. Iron and Steel Works, 315, 318
- Meik and Nisbet's Ayr Dock, 242
- Meikle's Thrashing Machine, 536
- Mercury, Arrangement for Moving Mechanically ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 491
- Mercury Commutator, Lartigue's, 273
- Merryweather and Sons' Tramway Locomotive ; The Paris Exhibition, 256
- Meteorograph, Theorell's Printing ; The Paris Exhibition, 7, 8,
- Meteorological Instruments at the Paris Exhibition, 7, 8, 97
- Microphone Receivers, Simple Forms of, 289
- Mild Steel and Iron, 394, 395, 434, 435
- Mill for Grinding Maize, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 319
- Miller and Company's Compound Reversing Rolling Mill Engines, 277
- Milling Machine, Greenwood and Batley's Universal, 375
- Mills, Ore Bins at the Consolidated Virginia ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 134, 135
- Mills, Rolling, of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, Trenton, U.S.A. ; American Iron and Steel Works, 88
- Mine Ventilator, Stevenson's, at the High Blantyre Collieries, 177
- Mineral Waters, The Bourboule and Royat, 337
- Mineral Wealth of European Russia, The, 89, 169, 227, 431.
- Mining, Coal, at the Paris Exhibition, 36, 367
- Mining Engine, Garrett and Sons' Portable, 573
- Moist Paper Telephone, Edison's, 488
- Multiple Wood-Boring Machine ; Richards and Atkinson's, 506
- Nalder and Nalder's Combined Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator, 540, 541
- Negretti and Zambra's Deep-Sea Recording Thermometer; The Paris Exhibition, 97 Nelson's Steam Steering Gear, 253
- New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, Trenton, U.S.A., Rolling Mills of the, 88
- Nicolaieff Depositing Floating Dock, Clark, Standfield, and Company's, 28
- Norwegian Harrow, Old Reversible, 533
- Ogle's Reaper, 1822, 545
- Onions's Thrashing Machine, 537
- Orange River, Bridge over the, at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- Ore Bins at the Consolidated Virginia Mills ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 134, 135
- Orifices in Thin Plates, The Flow of Water through, 35
- Oscillometer, The, 406
- Otto Silent Gas Engine, 16-Horse, 565
- Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 134, 136, 190, 191, 370, 473, 491, 493
- Pan, The Horn; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191.
- Pan, The Patton ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191
- Pan and Settler Frames ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 370
- Pan, The Stevenson ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191
- Pan, The Varney ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 190
- Pan, The Wheeler; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 190
- Pan, The Wheeler and Patton Combination ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 191
- Panama Ship Canal, Projects for the, 517
- Paris Exhibition, The (See Exhibition, The Paris)
- Paris and Orleans Railway, Claparede and Company's Goods Locomotive for the ; The Paris Exhibition, 454
- Paris and Orleans Railway, Forquenot's Express Locomotive for the; The Paris Exhibition, 390
- Passenger Locomotive for the Belgian State Railways ; The Paris Exhibition, 172, 173, 174
- Permanent Way of Tramways, The, 265, 322, 435
- Pester Walzmithle, Buda-Pesth, Compound Horizontal Engine at the, 290, 291
- Pfleiderer's Friction Clutch, 243
- Phelps's Telephone, 489
- Phonograph, A Sixpenny, 327
- Phosphorus in Cleveland Iron, The ; Diagram, 448
- Physical Properties and Chemical Composition of Steel Rails, The, 185
- Physical Science at the Paris Exhibition, 7, 8, 97, 210, 211, 269
- Physiological Telephone, Gray's, 489
- Pihl's Viaduct over the Lysedal, Norway, 1, 2, 9
- Piles, Le Grand and Sutcliff's Tubular, 223
- Pitt's Reaper, 1786, 544
- Plane, Inclined, between Lyons and St. Just, 292, 294
- Planes, Inclined, at the Grand' Combe Mines, Gard, France; The Paris Exhibition, 36
- Plates, Armour, The Effects of Shot and Shell on, 70, 71
- Ploughs, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Single and Four-Furrow, at the Paris Exhibition, 436
- Plucknett's Reapers, 1805, 544, 545
- Poole System of Grinding, The, 207,
- Portable Electric Light Apparatus, Marshall, Sons, and Company's, 364
- Porter-Allen Engine, The, at the Albany and Rennselaer Iron and Steel Company's Works, U.S 107, 115
- Pressure Gauge, Stewart's Double-Check, 37
- Priming, 100
- Printing Meteorograph, Theorell's ; The Paris Exhibition, 7, 8
- Professor Hughes's Induction Balance, 218, 219, 458, 486
- Projectile, A Winged, 235
- Propeller, The Screw, 352, :353
- Propeller, Screw, A Contribution to the History of the, 13
- Propeller, Screw, History of the, 48
- Propulsion, Twin-Ship, 334, 335
- Pulleys, Loose, Kitson's Bearing for, 243
- Pulp and Slime Vat Building; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 370
- Pump, J. and H. Gwynne's Centrifugal, 569
- Pumping Engine, Auxiliary, with " Comet"
- Pumps, for the Yacht "Wanderer," Balfour and Company's, 568
- Pumping Engine, Double-Acting, at the Bushtiehrad Coal Mines, 154, 155, 158
- Pumping Engines at the Chiswick Main Drainage Works, Hathorn and Davey's, 476, 477, 478
- Pumping Engines for the Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, Trial of the, 58, 59, 78, 79
- Punkahs, Machine-Worked, 285
- Rack-Rail Railways, Locomotive for ; The Paris Exhibition, 130. 131
- Rail, Bessemer Steel, Twisted Cold, 414
- Rails and Bars, Tweddell's Hydraulic Shears for; The Paris Exhibition, 67
- Rails, Steel, The Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of, 185
- Rails, Steel ; Report of T. N. Ely, 143, 144, 166, 185
- Railway Carriages, The Westinghouse Light for, 264
- Railway Incline between Lyons and St. Just, 292, 294
- Railway Rolling Stock at the Paris Exhibition, 46, 47, 110, 111, 230, 231, 433, 494, 495
- Railway Trains, The Effects of Brakes on, 374
- Ransome, A., and Company's, Machinery for Making Butter Kegs, 552, 553
- Ransome's Engine and Thrashing Machine, 1841, 549
- Ransome's Thrashing Machine, 1843, 537
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Mill for Grinding Maize, 319
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Single and Four-Furrow Ploughs at the Paris Exhibition, 436
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Thrashing Machine for Hot Climates, 322, 323
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's Travelling Electric Light for Railways, 16
- Rapieff Electric Light, The, 51
- Bailey's, 1822, 545
- Bell's, 1826, 545
- Garrett's, 1851, 545
- Gladstone's, 1806, 544
- Gladstone's, 1826, 545
- Mann's, 1820, 545
- Meare's, 1800, 544
- Ogle's, 1822, 545
- Pitt's, 1786, 544
- Plucknett's, 1805, 544
- Plucknett's, 1807, 544
- Roman, 538
- Salmon's, 1807, 544
- Smith's, 1811, 544
- Springer's, 1839, 554
- Walker's, 1799, 544
- Recent Improvements in Telephones, 387
- Receiver, Gray's Electro-Magnetic, 488
- Receivers, Microphone, Simple Forms of, 289
- Regulator for Electric Currents, Siemens', 162, 163
- Reis's Telephone, 467
- Replacing Derailed Rolling Stock, Apparatus for; The Paris Exhibition, 459
- Report, Annual, of Mr. E. B. Marten, on Boiler Explosions, 176
- Retort for Amalgam ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 491
- Reversible Old Norwegian Harrow, 533
- Revolving Cannon, The Hotchkiss, 4, 5, 25, 63
- Richards and Atkinson's Multiple Wood-Boring Machine, 506
- River Bars, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 108, 474
- River Lysedal, Norway, Pihl's Viaduct over the, 1, 2, 9
- River Orange, Bridge over the, at Bethalie, Cape of Good Hope, 371
- River Rance, Viaduct over the ; The Paris Exhibition, 481, 499
- River Thames, Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 411, 416
- Rivetters, Crane for Tweddell's Hydraulic ; The Paris Exhibition, 66
- Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's Steam, 564
- Rollers, Old Horse, 533
- Rolling Mill Engines, Miller and Company's Compound Reversing, 277
- Rolling Mills, Frictional Resistances of, 147
- Rolling Mills of the New Jersey Steel and Iron Company, Trenton, U.S.A.; American Iron and Steel Works, 88
- Rolling Stock, Apparatus for Replacing Derailed ; The Paris Exhibition, 459
- Roman Reaper, 538
- Roof Trusses, Strains on, 266
- Royal Society Soirée, The, 398, 399, 400
- Royat and Bourboule Mineral Waters, The, 337
- Rubbing Mill, Winslaw's, 535
- Rule, Fuller's Spiral, 257
- Russia, European, The Mineral Wealth of, 89, 169, 227, 431
- Safety Lamps, 423
- Safety Valve, Eave's Deadweight, 46G
- Salisbury Iron and the Works of the Barnum Richardson Company ; American Iron and Steel Works, 451
- Salmon's Reaper, 1807, 544
- Saloon Carriage, Marie's ; The Paris Exhibition, 46
- Saloon Carriage for the Southern Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 230
- Sandringham Water Supply, The, 91, 92
- Sautter, Lemonnier, and Company's Dioptric Light for Lightships ; The Paris Exhibition, 210 211
- Sautter Lemonnier, and Company's Dioptric Revolving Lantern, Electric ; The Paris Exhibition, 269
- Savage's Automatic Lever Anchor, 572
- Saws, Band, for Cutting Deals, Furness and Company's, 235
- Science, Physical, at the Paris Exhibition, 7, 8, 97, 210, 211, 269
- Screw Propeller, The, 352, 353
- Screw Propeller, A Contribution to the History of the, 13
- Screw Propeller, History of the, 48
- Scour, Tidal, The Removal of River Bars by, 103, 474
- Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the Thames, 41.1, 416
- Settler ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 473
- Shanks and Sons' Horizontal Engine, 561
- Sharp, Stewart, and Company's Shaping Machine, 444
- Shears, Tweddell's Hydraulic, for Bars and Rails ; The Paris Exhibition, 67
- Ship Canal, Projects for the Panama, 517
- Shipbuilding, Mechanical, 356
- Shot and Shell, The Effects of, on Armour Plates, 70, 71
- Side-Feed Thrashing Machine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, 556
- Siemens' Regulator for Electric Currents, 162, 163
- Silver Ores, Pan Amalgamation of, in Nevada and Colorado, 43, 128, 134, 133, 190, 191, 370, 473, 491, 493
- Simpson and Company's Horizontal Compound Engine, 422
- Simple Forms of Microphone Receivers, 289
- Single and Four-Furrow Ploughs, Ransomes,
- Sims, and Head's, at the Paris Exhibition, 436
- Sixpenny Phonograph, A, 327
- Slotting Machine, Asquith's, 257
- Smeaton's Portable Boiler, 1765, 548
- Smith's Reaper, 1811, 544
- Soirée, The Royal Society, 398, 399, 400
- Sonometry by Electrical Induction, 419
- Speaking Telephones, 467, 488, 489
- Spectragraphs of Chlorides, 429
- Spectroscope, The Application of, to the Analysis of Iron and Steel, 127, 429, 430, 431
- Spiral Rule, Fuller's, 257
- Springer's Reaper, 1839, 545
- Spur Wheel, A Durable, 122
- Standard Sizes for Machine Fitting, 407
- Stannah's Stuffing Box, 223
- Steam Carriage (Belpaire's System), Cabany and Company's; The Paris Exhibition, 272
- Steam Carriage for the Belgian State Railways ; The Paris Exhibition, 214
- Steam Crane, Caillard Brothers' ; The Paris Exhibition, 123
- Steam Engine, A Chapter in the History of the ; The Heslop Engine, 101
- Steam Generator, The Herreshoff, 122
- Steam Road Roller, Aveling and Porter's, 564
- Steam Trials of H.M.S. " Iris," The, 330, 331, 342
- Steamer " Tezpore," The Indus General Steam Navigation Company's, 276
- Steedman's Thrashing Machine, 537
- Steel, Bessemer, Samples of, 414, 415
- Steel and Iron Boilers, 527, 528, 529, 581
- Steel, Mild, and iron, The Mechanical Properties of, 394, 395, 434, 435, 514
- Steel Plate, Bessemer, Treated Cold, 414
- Steel Plates for Boiler Making, Fractures in ; Diagrams, 415
- Steel Rail, Bessemer, Twisted Cold, 414
- Steel Rails, The Chemical Composition and Physical Properties of, 185
- Steel Rails ; Report of T. N. Ely, 143,144, 1G6, 185
- Steering Gear, Nelson's Steam, '253
- Stephenson's Locomotive Firebox Stays, 223
- Stevenson's Mine Ventilator at the High Blantyre Collieries, 177
- Stevenson Pan, The ; Pan Amalgamation of
- Silver Ores, 191
- Stewart's Double-Check Pressure Gauge, 37
- Stove, Blast Heating, at the Durham Iron Works, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; American Iron and
- Steel Works, 151
- Strains on Crankshafts, 348, 319, 350
- Strains on Roof Trusses, 266
- Straw-Burning Portable Engine, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, 572
- Straw Elevator and Thrashing Machine, Combined, Nalder's, 540, 541
- Structural Arrangements and Proportions of H.M.S. " Isis," 302, 303, 306
- Stuffing-Box, Stannah's, 223
- Sugg's Lantern with " London" Argand Governor, 142
- Supplementary Water Works of Vienna, The New, 287, 288
- Synthetic Examination of Vowel Sounds, Apparatus for, 199, 201, 202
- Syren Buoy, Courtenay's Self-Acting, 510
- Table and Box for Mercury Bags ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 473
- Tank Engines, The Distribution of Load upon the Axles of, 441
- Tank Locomotive, Bagnall's, for the Wotton Tramway, 17
- Tank Locomotive for the Central Railway of Belgium, 272
- Telegraph, Cowper's Writing, 180, 181
- Telegraph Lines, Induction on, '280, 281
- Ader's, 387
- Articulating, 4G7, 488, 489
- Bell's, 498
- Breguet's, 489
- Circuits, Induction in, 277
- Crown, 489
- Double-Crown, 489
- Edison's Carbon, 488
- Edison's Electro-Chemical, 238, 239
- Edison's Moist Paper, 488
- Gower, 387
- Gray's Liquid, 488
- Gray's Physiological, 489
- Phelps's, 489
- Recent Improvements in, 387
- Reis's, 46'l
- Ten-Brink Firegrate, Escher, Wyss, and Company's Boiler with, at the Paris Exhibition, 437
- Testing Lubricants, Apparatus for ; The Paris Exhibition, 110
- Testing Lubricants, Machine for ; Eastern Railway of France, 284, 235
- Testing Tyres, Apparatus for, on the Western Railway of France; the Paris Exhibition, 494, 495
- " Tezpore," The Indus General Steam Navigation Company's Steamer, 276
- Thames, River, Sedley's Proposed High-Level Bridge over the, 411,416
- Theorell's Printing Meteorograph ; The Paris Exhibition, 7, 8
- Thermometer, Deep Sea Recording, Negretti and Zambra's ; The Paris Exhibition, 97
- Therapeutic Machinery, Goransson and Company's ; The Paris Exhibition, 215
- Thirty-Eight-Ton Gun on Board H.M.S. " Thunderer," The, 139
- Thomas and Powell's Compound Beam Engine ;
- The Paris Exhibition, 50
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's, with Side Feed, 556
- Cyprus, 538
- Garrett and Sons', 541
- Lee's, 537
- Marshall, Sons, and Company's Drum Guard, 680
- Meikle's, 536
- Nalder and Nalder's, Combined, and Straw Elevator, 540, 541
- Onions's, 537
- Ransome's, 537
- Ransome's, and Engine, 1841, 549
- Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, for Hot Climates, 322, 323
- Steedman's, 537
- Tuxford's, 1844, 538
- Wardropp's, 536
- Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the Yacht " Isa," Douglas and Grant's, 194, 195
- " Thunderer," H.M.S. ; 38-Ton Gun, 139
- Tidal Scour, Induced, The Removal of River Bare by, 108, 474
- Torpedo Launch, The Herreshoff, 93, 94, 122
- Toulon Graving Docks, Hersent and Langlois' Dredging Plant at the ; The Paris Exhibition, 432
- Tower, Water, The Sandringham, 91, 92
- Trade in Central Africa, Future, 311
- Trains, Railway, The Effect of Brakes on, 374
- Tramway; Locomotive, Merryweather and Sons' ; The Paris Exhibition, 256
- Tramways, The Permanent Way of, 265, 322, 435
- Translation, The Wave of, 344, 345
- Transmitter, Carbon, Edison's New, 489
- Trappen's Valve Gear, 520, 521, 522
- Travelling Crane, Watson's, Gap Lathe with, 154
- Travelling Electric Light for Railways, Ransomes, Sims, and Head's, 16
- Trevithick's High-Pressure Engine, 1811, 548
- Trial of the Pumping Engines for Water Works at Lawrence, Massachusetts, 58, 59, 78, 79
- Trusses, Roof, Strains on, 266
- Tubular Boiler, Caruaire and Montellier's Vertical, 284
- Tubular Piles, Le Grand and Sutcliff's, 223
- Tunstall's Thrashing Machine, 536
- Tuxford's Engine, 1842, 549
- Tuxford's Thrashing Machine, 1844, 538
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Rivetters, Cranes for ; The Paris Exhibition, 66
- Tweddell's Hydraulic Shears for Bars and Rails ; The Paris Exhibition, 67
- Tweedy's Boiler Drilling Machine, 340
- Twin-Ship Propulsion, 334, 335
- Tyre Boring and Wheel Centre Lathe, Collier and Company's, 361
- Tyre Grinding Lathe at the Austrian State Rail_ way Works, 391
- Tyres Apparatus for Testing, on the Western Railway of France; The Paris Exhibition, 494, 495
- Under-Gear for 8-Horse Portable Engine, 577
- Union Iron Mills, The Pittsburgh, Pa. ; American Iron and Steel Works, 21
- Universal Milling Machine, Greenwood and Batley's, 375
- Valve, Eave's Deadweight Safety, 466
- Valve Gear, Trappen's 620, 621, 522
- Varney Pan, The ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 190
- Ventilator, Stevenson's Mine, at the High Blantyre Collieries, 177
- Verderber's Locomotive Boilers', 114
- Vertical Tubular Boiler, Carnaire and Montellier's, 284
- Viaduct over the Lysedal, Norway, 1, 2, 9
- Viaduct over the River Ranco ; Western Railway of France ; The Paris Exhibition, 481, 499
- Vien la, The New Supplementary Water Works of, 287, 288
- Voltaic Batteries; Lighting by Electricity, 613
- Vosper's Four-Cylinder Engine, 569
- Vote Recorder, Clerac's Electric, 112
- Vowel Sounds, Apparatus for the Synthetic Examination of, 199, 201, 202
- Walker's Reaper, 1799, 544
- Wallace-Farmer Electric Light, The, 310
- Walschaerts' Horizontal Engine ; The Paris Exhibition, 29
- " Wanderer," The Yacht, Auxiliary Pumping Engine for, 568
- Wardropp's Thrashing Machine, 536
- Water Supply, The Sandringham, 91, 92
- Water Works at Lawrence. Massachusetts, Trial of the Pumping Engines for the, 58, 59, 78, 79
- Water Works of Vienna, The New Supplementary, 287, 288
- Waters, Mineral, The Bourboule and Royat, 3:37
- Watson's Gap Lathe with Travelling Crane, 154
- Wave of Translation, The, 344, 345
- Way, Permanent, for Tramways, 322
- Wealth, The Mineral, or European Russia, 89, 169, 227, 431
- Western Railway of France, First-Class Carriage for the, 341
- Westinghouse Brake, The, 85
- Westinghouse Light for Railway Carriages, The, 264
- Wheel Centre and Tyre Boring Lathe, Collier and Company's, 361
- Wheel, Spur, A Durable, 122
- Wheeler Pan, The ; Pan Amalgamation of Silver Ores, 190, 191
- Wheels, Carriage, Apparatus for Balancing; The Paris Exhibition, 110
- Willan's Compound Engine, 577
- Willis's Farmer's Engine, 1849, 558
- Winged Projectile, A, 235
- Winnowing Machine, Old, 536
- Winslaw's Rubbing Mill, 53.5
- Wood-Boring Machine, Richards and Atkinson's Multiple. 606
- Works of the Barnum Richardson Company and Salisbury Iron, The ; American Iron and Steel Works, 451
- Works of Cooper, Hewitt, and Company, The ; American Iron and Steel Works, 88, 150, 151
- Works of the Meier Iron Company, The ; American Iron and Steel Works, 315, 318
- Wotton Tramway, Bagnall's Tank Locomotive for the, 17
- Writing Telegraph, Cowpox's, 180, 181
- Yacht " Isa," Douglas and Grant's Three-Cylinder Compound Engines of the, 194, 195
- Yacht " Wanderer," Auxiliary Pumping Engine for the, 568
- Yachts, The Construction of ; Lloyd's Register, 356
See Also
Sources of Information