Engineering 1880 Jul-Dec: Index: General Index

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1880 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1880 Jul-Dec Volume
- ACCIDENTS on the North British and Midland Railways, The, 136, 168
- Accidents, Railway, 136, 168, 238, 239, 257, 277, 278, 2:09, 301, 326, 378, 467
- Accidents Railway, The Scotch Express and Wennington, 299
- Acoustical Improvements of Large Halls, The, 136
- Address of Mr. James Abernethy at the British Association, 233
- Address of the President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 111
- Admiralty Boiler Committees. The, 53
- Affinity, Chemical, and Electromotive Force, 629
- Agricultural Depression from a Canadian View, 164, 227, 289. 340
- Agricultural Exhibition in Hungary, An, 195
- Agricultural Locomotive, Howard's Six-Horse, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 43, 48
Agricultural Show, The Royal, Carlisle: 41, 55
- Anchor, Everitt's Self-Moving, 70
- Awards, 51
- Bone-Crushing Mill, Hall's, 56, 57
- Brake for Portable Engines, Garrett and Sons , 44, 46
- Cultivator, Barford and Perkins's Self-Lifting, 74
Engines :
- Burrell and Sons' Steam Ploughing and Traction, 42, 45
- Cochran and Company's Portable, 9
- Fowler, J., and Company's Double-Drum Steam Ploughing, 24
- Garrett and Sons' Compound Portable, 44, 46
- Portable and Fixed. 45
- Reading Iron Works Company's Horizontal, 41, 46
- Expansion Gear, Starkey's Automatic, 41, 47
- Firebox, Fox and Greig's, 45, 46
- Food-Preparing Implements, 51
- Locomotive, J. and F. Howard's Six-Horse Agricultural, 43, 48
- Machinery and Traction Engines, Steam Cultivating, 43
- Machinery, Trials of Steam Cultivating, 41
- Machines, Thrashing, 51
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, 55
- Mower, Everitt and Company's Eureka, 50, 56
- Mud-Plug for Portable Engines, Clayton and Shuttleworth's. 233
- Plate Flanging, Garrett and Sons' Specimens of, 44, 46
- Plough, J. and F. Howard's Single Furrow, 49
- Plough, Murray and Company's, One-Way, 48, 56
- Ploughs, Cultivators, dm, 48
- Potato Diggers 49
- Reaping and Mowing Machines, 50
- Thrashing Machine Drum Lifter, Nalder's, 27
- Thrashing Machine Shakers, Brinsmead's, 178
- Turnip Thinner, Everitt and Adams's, 80
- Air Compressor, Horizontal, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 191
- Air Thermometer, A New, 116, 458
- Alabama. The Claiborne Group of, 135
- Alexandrowski Bridge over the River Volga, The, 10, 30, 51, 70, 626
- Alissoff's Printing Machine, 437
- " Almirante Brown," The Launch of the, 325
- Aluminium Battery, An, 630
- Amenities of the Committee Room, The, 323
- American Bessemer Product, 630
- American Cement, 219
- American Engineering, Progress of, 15
- American Enterprise in Russia, 15
- American Iron and Steel Works, 590, 615
- American Needle, The, 36, 437
- American Railroad Speeds, 98
- American Rapid Telegraph, The, 463
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The, 495
- American Telephone Convention, The, 326
- Amos and Smith's Double-Acting Pump. 462
- Analyser, Sir William Thomson's Harmonic, 561
- Anchor, Everitt's Self-Moving, at the Royal
- Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 70
- Anglo-Swedish Cable, A New, 58
- Animal Heat and Action, 549
- Anthracite Coal. 260
- Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania, The ; Mineral Fuel in the United States, 507, 540
- Anthracite," Steamer, The, 275
- Anti-Compression Valve Gear for Winding Engines at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 258
- Antimony, Native Oxide of, 238
- Antwerp Improvement Works, The, 14
- Arctic Expeditions, 78
- Arctic Exploration, 630
- Arctic Meteorology, 218
- " Arizona," s.s., Engines of the, 28, 89, 132, 196, 233
- Armature, An Improved Siemens, 58
- Arsenals, Japailese, 278
- Asquith's Gap Lathe, 594
- Astbury's 5-m. Screw-Cutting Foot Lathe, 321
- Astigmatism, The Estimation of, 240
- " Atalanta," The, 168, 301, 353, 628
- Atchison. Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, Consolidation Locomotive for the, 196
- Atlantic Cables, 251
- Atmospheric Electricity, 117
- " Attraction," The Nature of, 466
- Audiphone and the Telephone, The, 168
- Automatic Expansion Gear, Calow's, 484
- Automatic Gear, Park and Webb's Chain Brake with, 73
- Automaton Steam Pump, Stone and Company's, 138
- Awards at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 51
- Awards to Workmen for Inventions, 168
- Bagshaw's Friction Clutch Coupling, 100
- Balance, An Optical, 549
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, The, 14
- Baltic and German Ocean Canal, The, 116
- Barcelona Tramways, Locomotive for the, 566
- Barford and Perkins's Self-Lifting Cultivator at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 74
- Barometer, The Diurnal Range of, 13
- Barometer, The Times, 378
- Barrow Docks, The, 104,118
- Barrow Flax and Jute Works, The, 110
- Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, The, 95, 110
- Barrow Shipbuilding Works, The, 107
- Barrow's Screwing Machine, 129
- Bars, River, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 343
- Basic Process, An Adaptation of Bessemer Plant to the. 403
- Batteries, Improvements in, 195
- Battery, An aluminium, 630
- Battery, Regnier's, L.8
- Battery, The Stevens, 377
- Baumann's Wire Rope Connexion for Mining Cages. 118
- Bayliss and Jones's Rivetless Hurdles, 249
- Beer's Experimental Engine for the Liege School of Mines. 516
- Beer's Revolving Trestle Crane, 566
- Bell's Photophone, 238, 240, 253
- Belleville Boiler, The, 302
- Belting, Cotton, 353
- Bement and Company's Punching Machine with Automatic Table, 230
- Berry's Megass Drying Apparatus, 484
- Bessemer Plant, An Adaptation of, to the Basic Process, 403
- Bessemer Product, An American, 630
- Bessemer, Sir Henry, 301
- Betts Cutting-off Machine, The, 594
- Bill, The Employers' Liability, 58, 193, 466, 627
- Bills, Private, for Session 1881, 547, 574, 589, 616
- Blasting a " Salamander," 438
- Blowing Engine. Compound, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 372
- Board of Trade Inspections, 573
- Board of Trade Report on Railway Statistics, 375
- Boat Engines, Torpedo, Normand and Company's, 428
- Boats. Torpedo, and Engines, 237, 243
- Bochum Iron and Steel Works, The, 144, 210
- Boecker and Company's Works at Sehalke, Westphalia, 144
- Boiler, The Belleville, 302
- Boiler Committees, The Admiralty, 53
- Boiler Drilling Machine, (Jarvie's, 169
- Boiler and Engine Testing at Dusseldorf, 215
- Boiler Explosion at Maidstone, 549, 576, 602. 617
- Boiler Explosion on the North-Eastern Railway, 466, 521
- Boiler Explosion, The Walsall, 2, 11, 574
- Boiler-Feeding and Condenser Exhausting Apparatus, Candlish and Norris's, 457
- Boiler Inspection, 324
- Boiler Makers' Society. Report of the, 93
- Boiler Works of Mr. Jacques Piedbomf, 176
- Boilers, The Corrosion of iron, 521
- Boilers at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 177
- Boilers, Steam, The Care of, 505
- Boilers, Steam, The Performance of, 353 Bone-Crushing
- Hall's; at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 56, 57
- Bouch, Sir Thomas, C.E., 409
- Brake, Chain, with Park and Webb's Automatic Gear, 73
- Brake for Portable Engines, Garrett and Sons', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Brakes, Continuous Railway, 140, 161, 235
- Bran Cleaner and Roller Mill, Daverio's, 250
- Brass, Copper, Zinc, Lead, &c., at The Brussels Exhibition, 124
- Breakages of Steel Rails ou Russian Railways during 1879, 521
- Brewing Plant, The Exhibition of, 156
- Bridge Building Works, A New Iron, 566
- Bridge,Columbia, South Span of the; Pennsylvania Railroad, 490
- Bridge over the Douro, Proposed Road, 218, 466, 594
- Bridge near Garabit, 353
- Bridge at Gloucester, The " Over," 13
- Bridge Inquiry, The Tay, 24, 31
- Bridge at Reichenau, Destruction of the, 353
- Bridge over the River Monongahela, 273, 292
- Bridge over the River Volga, 10, 30, 51, 70, 62G
- Bridge, Stileman's Swing; Buccleugh Dock,
- Barrow-in-Furness, 320
- Bridge, the Tay, 96
- Bridges, Iron, The Erection of, 567
- Bridges, London, 96
- Bridges, Swing, Crossley Brothers' Turning Gear for, 220
- Brinkmann's Horizontal Condensing Engine at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 170
- Brinsmead's Thrashing Machine Shakers at the
- Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 178
- Bristol University College, The, 277
- BRITISH ASSOCIATION, THE : 37, 174,193, 217
- Address of Mr. James Abernethy, 233
- On an Improved Heliograph or Sun Signal, by Tempest Anderson, 221
- On Determining &the Heights and Distances of
- Clouds by their Reflections in a Low Pool of Water and in a Mercurial Horizon, by Francis Galton, 221
- On an Improved Apparatus for the Objective
- Estimation of Astigmatism, by Tempest Anderson, 240
- On Anthracite Coal, by C. H. Perkins, 260
- Brossmann's Rock Drill at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 344
- Brush Electric Light, The, 438, 521, 575
- Brussels Congress, Electricity at the, 631
- Brussels Exhibition, The (See Exhibition, The Brussels)
- Buckie Harbour, 521
- Buffer and Coupling, Turton's, 568
- Buffer, Tijou's Railway, 294
- Bunsen's Photometer, Improvement in, 115
- Burrell and Sons' Steam Ploughing and Traction Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 42, 45
- Cable, A New, 495
- Cable, A New Anglo-Swedish, 58
- Cables, Atlantic, 254
- Calendering Machinery, Voith's, 69
- California Stamp Mills, 19, 85, 163, 255, 338
- Calow's Automatic Expansion Gear, 484
- Canadian Pacific Railway, The, 156
- Coal Railways of Cape Breton, 421
- Credit Valley Railway, 86, 159
- Glasgow and Cape Breton Railway, 368
- Halifax and Cape Breton Railway, 245
- Prince Edward's Island Railways, 481, 561
- Canadian View of Agricultural Depression, 164, 227, 289, 340
- Canal, The Baltic and German Ocean, 116
- Canal The Panama, 136, 325
- Canals, The Caledonian and erinan, 157
- Canals, French, 301
- Candlish and Norris's Condenser Exhausting and Boiler Feeding Apparatus, 457
- Carbons for Incandescence Lamps, Improved, 576
- Care of Steam Boilers, The, 505
- " Careful" Engine Drivers, 576
- Cargoes, Grain ; Report of the Committee on, 113. 173
- Carriage, First-Class, for the Western Railway of France, 23
- Carriage, Third-Class; Western Railway of France, 403
- Casket presented to Sir Henry Bessemer, F.R.S., with the Freedom of the City, 317
- Cast-Steel Rails, 116
- Cement, American, 219
- Cement, Portland, 353
- Central Africa, French Scientific Posts for, 167
- Ceylon Railways, 531
- Chain Brake with Park and Webb's Automatic Gear, 73
- Changes in the Earth's Figure, Secular, 78
- Charcoal Iron in the United States, 467
- Cheap Patents, 544
- Cheap Photophone, A, 521
- Chemical Affinity and Electromotive Force, 629
- Cities, American, The Population of, 156
- City, Electric Lighting in the, 464
- City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 97, 195, 46Q
- " City of Rome' Steamer, The, 105
- Civil Service in New Zealand, The, 268, 317, 449, 479
- Claiborne Group of Alabama, The, 135
- Clayton and Shuttleworth's Mud-Plug for Portable Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 233
- Cleaning, Street, 377
- Cleveland, Hematite Iron in, 135
- Cleveland, Notes from, 7, 25, 59, 74, 91, 117, 132, 152, 172, 191, 220, 231, 252, 273, 296, 319, 350, 380, 405, 439, 462, 492, 518, 544, 577, 597
- Clocks in Paris, Pneumatic, 77
- Clouds, The Distance of, 221
- Club Show, The Smithfield, 536
- Coal, Anthracite, 260
- Coal and Coke industry of Rhineland and Westphalia, The, 190
- Coal Exports and Imports in the United States, 78
- Coal in France and Germany, The Production of, 135
- Coal Mining at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 20
- Coal Railways of Cape Breton; Canadian Railways, 421
- Coal, Refuse Small, 153
- Coal Wagon, Iron, for the Rhenish Railway, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 430
- Cochran and Company's Portable Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 9
- Cock Valves, Mayer's, 259
- Cold Rolled Iron and Steel, 137
- College, King's, 325
- College, The University, London, 31
- Collieries, Explosions in, 520
- Collision on the Midland Railway, The, 168
- Collmann Valve gear, Horizontal Engine with, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 457
- Colonial Telegraphs, 216
- Columbia Bridge, South Span of the; Pennsylvania Railroad, 490
- Committee of Ordnance, The New, 549
- Committee Room, The Amenities of the, 323
- Committees, The Admiralty Boiler, 53
- Communication in France, Internal, 218
- Compass, Thomson's, 379
- Competition in Engineering Work, American 195
- Competition at Glasgow, Electric Light, 409, 436
- Compound Blowing Engine at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 372
- Compound Condensing Engine at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 89
- Compound Engine Trials, 311
- Compound Engines, Early, 115
- Compound Launch Engines, Tipping's, 230 Compound Locomotives, 96
- Compound Marine Engines, Escher and Wyss's, 34
- Compound Paddle-Wheel Engines at the Brussels Exhibition, 320
- Compound Portable Engine, Garrett and Sons', at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Compound Screw Engines, 517
- Compound Screw Engines at the Brussels Exhibition, 402
- Compound Screw Engines of the s.s. " Llrd Jeffrey" and " Brinkburn," Hawthorn's, 517
- Compression of Fluid Steel, The, 109, 120, 23
- Compressor, Horizontal Air, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 191.
- Condenser ,Exhauster, Rodger's, 233
- Condensing Engine, Brinkmann's Horizontal, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 170
- Condensing Engine, Lebrun's Horizontal, at the Brussels Exhibition, 248
- Conductor of Electricity, The Earth as a, 438
- Consolidation Locomotive for the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, 196
- Continuous Railway Brakes, 140, 161, 235
- Controlling Apparatus for Steering Gear, Petersen's, 38
- Copper ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 226, 456, 508
- Corliss Engine at Saltaire, 111.
- Corrosion of Iron in Boilers, The, 521
- Cost of Working a Gas Engine, 90
- Cotton Belting, 353
- Cotton Machinery, 484, 510
- Coupler, Mawlam's Railway Truck, 8
- Coupling, Bagshaw's Friction Clutch, 100
- Coupling and Buffer, Turton's, 568
- Cowper, Mr. Ebenezer, 257
- Cowper Hot Blast Stove, The, 36
- Crane, Beer's Revolving Trestle, 566
- Credit Valley Railway ; Canadian Railways, 86, 154
- Crinan and Caledonian Canals, The, 157
- Crohn's Unison Expansion G ear, 179
- Crossings on Railways, Level, 157
- Crossley Brothers' Turning Gear for Swing Bridges, 220
- Cultivating Machinery, 431, 486
- Cultivator, Barford and Perkins's Self-Lifting, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 74,
- Cultivators. Ploughs, &c.. at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 48
- Curious Locomotive, A, 301
- Curves, Speed, 263, 452, 533
- Cutting-off Machine, The Betts, 594
- Cyclograph, The, 36
- Daglish's Double Self-Acting Slot-Drilling Machine, 296
- Daverio's Roller Mill and Bran Cleaner, 250
- Davey's Simplex Motor, '251
- Davey's Water Meter, 349
- Davis's Loose Pulley, 349
- Deep Sea Sounder, ltousset's, 521
- Deepening the Seine through Paris, 238
- Delessert's Spring Seat for Railway Carriages, 196
- De Limon's Lubricator at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 398
- Dephosphorisation of Iron in the Converter, The, 186, 187, 198
- Depression, Agricultural, from a Canadian View, 164, 227, 289, 340
- Destraction of the Bridge at Reichenau, 353
- Diaphote, The, 13
- Diffusive Lantern, A, 135
- Diggers, Potato, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 49
- Direct " Positive" Photographs, 58
- Direction of Wind Currents, The, 156
- Disposal and Treatment of Town Refuse and Sewage, 519
- Distance of Clouds, The, 221
- Ditching Plough, Locomotive, 169
- Diurnal Range of Barometer, The, 13
- Docks, The Barrow, 104, 118
- Double-Acting Pump, Amos and Smith's, 462
- Double-Bogie Platform Wagon at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 594
- Double-Cylinder Engine at the Stribro Silver Mines 169
- Double-Drum Steam Ploughing Engine, J. Fowler and Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 24
- Douro River, Proposed Bridge over the, 218, 466, 594
- Drainage of the Dombes, The, 97
- Drawing Pen, A New, 168
- Dredging, Water Jet, 58
- Drill, Brossmann's Rock, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 344
- Drill, Sachs' Rock, 428
- Drilling Machine, Garvielt Boiler, 169
- Drilling Machine, Tyre ; Western Railway of France, 232
- Drum Lifter. Nalder's Thrashing Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 27
- Drying Megass, Berry's Apparatus for, 484
- Duration of Steel Rails, The, 257
- Dusseldorf Exhibition, The (See Exhibition, The Dusseldorf)
- Dynamite Experiments in India, 4,:8
- Dynamometers, Friction, 354
- Earth's Figure, Secular Changes in the, 78
- Earth's Magnetism, The, 257
- Economic Use of Steam, The, 81, 159
- Edison Telephone Company and the Government, The, 514, 544, 593, 601
- Edison's Electric Light, 352
- Edison's Ore Separator, 13
- Education of Telegraph Engineers, The, 275
- Effect of Magnetisation, 77
- Electric Gas Indicator, An, 114
- Electric Hammer, An, 377
- Electric Lamp, Maxim's New, 437, 602
- Electric Lamps, The Perils of, 378
- Electric Light, The, 301
- Electric Light, The Brush, 438, 575
- Electric Light Competition at Glasgow, 409, 436
- Electric Light, Edison's, 352
- Electric Light and Gas at Woolwich Arsenal, The, 495
- Electric Light, A Marine, 378
- Electric Light at the Royal Albert Dock, The, 276
- Electric Light on the Russian Yacht "Livadia," The, 82
- Electric Light at St. Enoch's Railway Station, The, 76
- Electric Light, Siemens', 630
- Electric Light, Swan's, 519
- Electric Light at Vesuvius, The, 301
- Electric Lighting in the City, 464
- Electric Lighting, Progress of, 353
- Electric Lights, Incandescent, 376
- Electric Railway, The: 256, 495
- Electric Resistance of Glass, The, 495
- Electric Resistance and Tensile Strain, 257
- Electric Storms, 158
- Electric Vacuum Shunt, An, 14
- Electricity, Atmospheric, 117
- Electricity at the Brussels Congress, 6:11.
- Electricity, The Earth as a Conductor of, 438
- Electricity v. Fire, 548
- Electricity and Gas at Glasgow, 300, 337
- Electricity in Paris, 466, 576
- Electro-Magnet, An Intensified, 35
- Electromotive Force and Chemical Affinity, 629
- Emmerich Rotary Valve Gear at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 398
- Employers' Liability Bill, The, 58, 193, 466, 627
- Energy, Sound from Radiant, 549, 600
- Engine and Boiler Testing at Dusseldorf, 215
- Engine, Brinkmann's Horizontal Condensing, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 170
- Engine, Burrell and Sons' Steam Ploughing and Traction, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 42. 45
- Engine, Cochran and Company's Portable, at the
- Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 9
- Engine, Compound Blowing, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 372
- Engine. Compound Condensing, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 89
- Engine, Corliss, at Saltaire, 111
- Engine, Double-Cylinder, at the Stribro Silver Mines, 169
- Engine Drivers, " Careful," 57G
- Engine, Experimental, for the Liege School of Mines, 516
- Engine, J. Fowler and Company s Double-Drum Steam Ploughing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 24
- Engine, Garrett and Sons' Compound Portable, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Engine, Gas, Cost of Working a, 90
- Engine, Horizontal, with Collmann Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 457
- Engine, Horizontal, The Reading Iron Works Company's. at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41, 46
- Engine. Horizontal, with the Reusing Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 624
- Engine, Horizontal, with Zimmermann Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 566
- Engine Inspection ; The Manchester Steam Users' Association, 567
- Engine Insurance, 124
- Engine, Lebrun's Horizontal Condensing, at the
- Brussels Exhibition, 248
- Engine Makers' Society, Steam, The Report of the, 133
- Engine, Mayer's Expanding Water Pressure, 211
- Engine, The Perkins, 94, 101
- Engine, Shunting ; London and North-Western Railway, 191
- Engine Trials, Compound, 311
- Engine, Wever's Horizontal, with Knuttel's Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 348
- Engine, Winding, at the Brussels Exhibition, 372
- Engineering, American. Progress of, 15
- Engineering Scholarships at University College, 218
- Engineering Work, American Competition in, 195
- Engineers, The American Society of Mechanical, 495
- On the Seven Stones Light Vessel, by J. N. Douglass, 398
- On Machinery for Steel Making by the Bessemer and the Siemens Processes, by Benjamin Walker, 429
- On New Zealand Government Railways, by J. P. Maxwell, 490
- On the Ceylon Government Railway by J. R. Mosse, 531
- On the Different Modes of Erecting Iron Bridges, by Theophilus Seyrig. 567
- Address of the President, 111
- Barrow Hematite Iron and Steel Works, The, 95, 110
- Barrow Shipbuilding Works, 107
- Excursions, 128
- Flax and Jute Works, The Barrow, 110
- On the Docks and Railway Approaches at Barrow-in-Furness, by F. C. Stileman, 104, 118
- On the " City of Rome," by James Humphrys, 105
- On the Hematite Iron Mines of the Furness District, by J. L. Shaw, 108, 121
- On the Manufacture of Jute, by William Fleming, 109, 119
- On the Steel-Compressing Arrangements at the Barrow Works, by Alfred Davis, 109, 120
- On a New Reversing and Expansive Valve Gear, by David Joy, 12.5, 139
- On a Standard Gauge for High Pressures, by M. George Marie, 127
- On Implements and Machinery for Cultivating Land by Horse Power, by W. R. Bousfleld, 431, 486
- On Recent Improvements in the Machinery for Preparing and Spinning Cotton, by Eli Spencer, 484, 510
- Report of Committee on Friction at High Velocities, 63
- Engineers, Telegraph, The Education of, 275
- Engines, Compound Paddle-Wheel, at the Brussels Exhibition, 320
- Engines, Compound Screw, at the Brussels Exhibition, 402
- Engines, Early Compound, 115
- Engines, Escher and Wyss's Compound Marine, 344
- Engines, Hawthorn's Compound Screw, of the s.s. " Lord Jeffrey" and Brinkburn," 517
- Engines, Normand and Company's Boat, 428
- Engines, Portable and Fixed, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 45
- Engines, Pumping, at Nijni-Novgorod, 343
- Engines of the s.s. " Arizona," 28, 89, 132, 196, 233
- Engines, Stationary, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 265, 365
- Engines, Steam and other, at the Brussels Exhibition, 396
- Engines, Tipping's Compound Launch, 230
- Engines, Torpedo Boat, 237, 243
- Engines, Tramway, Kitson and Company's Valve Gear for, 159
- Engines, Winding, Anti-Compression Valve Gear for, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 258
- Enterprise in Russia, American, 15
- Entropy, Specific Heats calculated from, 13
- Erdmann's Three-High Rolling Mill at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Escher and Wyss's Compound Marine Engines, 344
- Estimation of Astigmatism, The, 240
- European Libraries, 256
- European Telegraph Offices, 631
- Everitt and Adams's Turnip Thinner at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 80
- Everitt and Company's Eureka Mower, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 50, 56
- Everitt's Self-Moving Anchor at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 70
- Everitt's Slide Valve, 27
- Excursions of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 128
- Excursions of the Iron and Steel Institute, The, 191
- Exhauster, Rodger's Condenser, 233
- Exhausting and Boiler-Feeding Apparatus, Candlish and Norris's Condenser, 457
- Exhibition of Brewing Plant, The, 156
- Brass, Copper, Zinc, Lead, &c., 124
- Compound Paddle-Wheel Engines, 320
- Compound Screw Engines, 402
- Crane, Beer's Revolving Trestle, 566
- Engine, Experimental for the Liege School of Mines, 516
- Engine, Lebrun's Horizontal Condensing, 248
- Iron and Steel, 123
- Steam and other Engines, 396
- Winding Engine, 372
- Air Compressor, Horizontal, 191
- " Anti-Compression" Valve Gear for Winding Engines, 258
- Boilers, 177
- Brossmann's Rock Drill, 344
- Coal Mining, 20
- Double-Bogie Platform Wagon, 594
- Emmerich Rotary Valve Gear, 398
- Engine and Boiler Testing, 215
Engines :
- Brinkmann's Horizontal Condensing, 170
- Compound Condensing, 89
- Horizontal, with Uollmann Valve Gear, 457
- Horizontal, with Reusing Valve Gear, 624
- Horizontal, with Zimmermann Valve Gear, 566
- Klein Brothers' Compound Blowing, 372
- Stationary, 265, 365
- Wever's Horizontal with Knattel's Valve Gear, 348
- Erdmann's Three-High Rolling Mill, 128
- Hammer, Steam, 150
- Iron Coal Wagon for the Rhenish Railway, 430
- Locomotive, Tank, 130
- Lubricator, De Limon's, 398
- Pelzer's Screw Ventilator, 128
- Pump, The Rittenger, 151
- Machine Tools and other Machines, 465
- Materials, 465
- Miscellaneous Exhibits, 465
- Prime Movers, 464
- Pumps, 465
- Exhibition of Electricity in Paris, 576
- Exhibition of Gas and Electric Light Appliances at Glasgow, 300, 337
- Exhibition, The Glasgow Marine, 410, 436
- Exhibition in Hungary, An Agricultural, 195
- Exhibition, International, of Sheep and Wool Products, 135
- Exhibition of Printing Machinery, 14, 32, 53
- Expansion Gear, Calow's Automatic, 484
- Expansion Gear, Crohn's Unison, 179
- Expansion Gear, Starkey's Automatic, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41, 47
- Expeditions, Arctic, 78
- Experiments with Dynamite in India, 438
- Exploration, Arctic, 630
- Explosion, Boiler, at Maidstone, 549, 576, 602, 617
- Explosion, Bo:ler, on the North-Eastern Railway, 466, 521
- Explosion, The Walsall Boiler, 2, 11, 574
- Explosions in Collieries, 520
- Explosives, 302
- Exports and Imports, Russian, 218
- Fastening, Kaselowsky's Tyre, 80
- Fastening Telegraph Wires, 240
- Fenby's Pantograph, 8
- Ferry, Railway, An American, 136
- Fiery Coal Mines, The Safe Working of, 137
- Filtration of London Water, The, 99
- Fire v. Electricity, 548
- Fire Telegraph of Prague and Smichov, The, 225, 287
- Fire Telegraphs, Paris, 116
- Firebox, Fox and Greig's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 45, 46
- First-Class Carriage for the Western Railway of France, 23
- Fisher's Rotating Stamping Mill, 371
- Fixed and Portable Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 45
- Flashing Signals, 630
- Flax and Jute Works, The Barrow, 110
- Flexible Rail Joints, 411
- Flooding the Sahara, .58
- Floods in North London, 58
- Fluid Steel, The Compression of, 109, 120, 238
- Fog Horns and Sirens, 371
- Food-Preparing Implements at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 51
- Foot Lathe, Astbury's 5-in. Screw-Cutting, 321
- Footwarmers for Railway Carriages, Verloop's System for Heating, 210
- Foreign and Colonial Notes, 18, 38, GO, 84, 102, 121, 138, 162, 182, 203, '224, 252, '286, 310, 335, 364, 381, 419, 480, 532, 560, 613, 641.
- Forests in Russia, 36
- Fox and Greig's Firebox at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 45, 4G
- Fowler, J. and Company's, Double-Drum Steam Ploughing Engine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 24
- French Canals, 301
- French Mineral Industry, 302
- French Railway Stations, Passengers at, 301
- French Steam Shipping Company, The Messagenies Maritimes, 115
- Friction Clutch Coupling, Bagshaw's, 100
- Friction Dynamometers, 354
- Friction at High Velocities, 63
- Friedrich Wilhemshutte, The, 461
- Furnaces, Gas Generating, 190, 200
- Gap Lathe, Asquith's, 591
- Garabit, Bridge near, 353
- Garden, The Torquay Winter, 359, 428
- Garrett and Sous' Brake for Portable Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 45
- Garrett and Sons' Compound Portable Engine at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Garrett and Sons' Specimens of Plate Flanging at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Garvie's Boiler Drilling Machine. 169
- Gas Companies, The London, 276
- Gas and Electricity at Glasgow, 300, 337
- Gas Engine, Cost of Working a, 90
- Gas Generating Furnaces, 190, 200
- Gas Indicator, An Electric, 114
- Gas Leak Detector, A, 631
- Gas Managers, Meeting of the North British Association of, 81
- Gauge for High Pressures, A Standard, 127
- Gauges for Watchmakers, 165
- Gear, Expansion, Calow's Automatic, 484
- General Koenig, 521
- General Wheelwright, Ransome's, 541
- Geological Survey of Scotland, The, 157
- Geological Survey, The United States, 602
- Germany, The Iron Industry of, 179, 185, 202
- Germany, Pig Iron Making in, 187, 223, 259
- Gilbert's Fastening for Telegraph Wires, 240
- Glasgow and Cape Breton Railway ; The Canadian Railways, 368
- Glasgow, Electric Lights at, 409, 436
- Glasgow. Gas and Electricity at, 300, 337
- Glasgow Marine Exhibition, The, 410, 436
- Glasgow Pipe Founding Contracts, 78
- Glasgow and South-Western Railway, Passenger Locomotive for the, 213
- Glass, The Electric Resistance of, 495
- Gold Mining in Victoria, 98
- Goods Locomotive for the London and North-Western Railway, 294
- Government and the Edison Telephone Company, The, 514, 544, 593 601
- Governor, Jenkins and Lee's Marine, 371
- Grain Cargoes, Report of the Committee on, 113 173
- Graphic Statistics, 277
- Great Brush Light, The, 438, 521, 575
- Great Western, Metropolitan Trains, The, 36
- Greenwich, Rainfall at, 165
- Grenoble, The Water Supply of, 14
- Grisoumeter, The Phanaro, 165
- Grubb's Vienna Telescope, 314, 424
- Gulf Stream Table-Land, The, 325
- Gun. The 100-Ton 256
- Gutehoffnungshiltte Mining and Smelting Company, The, 144, 207
- Hainaut, The Province of, 437
- Halifax and Cape Breton Railway, The; Canadian Railways, 245
- Hall's Bone-Crushing Mill at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 5G, 57
- Hall's Tap-Chasing Lathe, 26
- Hammer, An Electric, 377
- Hammer, Steam, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 150
- Haniel and Lueg's Works, Dusseldorf, 174
- Harbour, Buckie, 521
- Hardening of Cron and Steel, The, 183
- Harmonic Analyser, Sir William Thomson's, 561
- Harmonic Vibrations, Combining, 410
- Hawthorn's Compound Screw Engines of the s.s. " Lord Jeffrey" and " Brinkburn," 517
- Heat, Animal, and Action, 549
- Heat in Liquids and Gases, 437
- Heating Footwarmers for Railway Carriages, Verloop's System for, 210
- Heats, Specific, Calculated from Entropy, 13
- Heavy Ordnance, 78
- Heliograph, The, 221
- Hematite Iron in Cleveland, 135
- Hematite Iron Mines of the Furness District, 108, 121
- Hematite Iron and Steel Works, The Barrow, 9.5, 110
- Hett's Turbine and Pumps, 542
- Hewitt's Plummer Block, 101
- Hicks, Hargreaves, and Company's Corliss Engine at Saltaire, 111
- High Velocities, On Friction at. 63
- Hoerde Bergwerks and Hutton Verein, The Works of the, 145
- Horizontal Air Compressor at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 191
- Horizontal Condensing Engine, Brinkmann's, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 170
- Horizontal Condensing Engine, Lebrun's, at the Brussels Exhibition, 248
- Horizontal Engine with Collmann Valve Gear at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 457
- Horizontal Engine, The Reading Iron Works Company's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41, 46
- Horizontal Engine with the Reusing Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition 624
- Horizontal Engine, Wever's, with Knuttel's Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 348
- Horizontal Engine, with Zimmermann's Valve Gear, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 566
- Horns, Fog, and Sirens, 371
- Hot Blast Stove, The Cowper, 36
- Houses, Unsanitary, 156
- Howard's Single-Furrow Plough at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 49
- Howard's Six-Horse Agricultural Locomotive at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 43, 48
- Hudson River Tunnel. The, 116
- Hungary, An Agricultural Exhibition in, 195
- Hurdles, Bayliss and Jones's Rivetless, 349
- Hutcheson, Mr. David, 602
- Hydraulic Rivetter for Ships' Keels, 541
- Hygiene, The Parkes Museum of, 98
- Immigration, United States, 14
- Implements, Food-Preparing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 51
- Imports and Exports, Russian, 218
- Improvement Works, The Antwerp, 14
- Improvements in Batteries, 195
- Incandescence Lamps, Improved Carbons for, 576
- Incandescent Electric Lights, 376
- Increase of Population, The, 256
- Indicator, An Electric Gas, 114
- Indicator, Stroymeyer's Strain, 337
- Induction Vane, The, 12
- Inductometer, Dr. Lodge's, 134
- Information, Weather, 168
- Ingots, Weighing Steel, 269
- Inquiry, The Tay Bridge, 24, 31
- Inspection, Boiler, 324
- Inspection of Engines; The Manchester Steam Users' Association, 567
- Inspection, Rail, 349, 373
- Inspections, Board of Trade, 573
- Instantaneous Photographs, 135
- Institution of Civil Engineers (See Engineers, The
- Institution of Civil)
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers (See Engineers, The Institution of Mechanical)
- Institution of Surveyors, The, 97
- Institutions' Buildings, Joint, 277
- Insurance, Engine, 124
- Intensified Electro-Magnet, An, 35
- Internal Communication in France, 218
- Inventions, Awards to Workmen for, 168
- Inventors and the War Office, 79
- Iron Bridge-Building Works, New, 566
- Iron Bridges, The Erection of, 567
- Iron, Charcoal, in the United States, 467
- Iron Coal Wagon for the Rhenish Railway at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 430
- Iron in the Converter, The Dephosphorisation of, 186, 187, 198
- Iron, Effects of Magnetising, 410
- Iron, Hematite, in Cleveland, 135
- Iron Industry of Germany, The, 179, 185, 202
- Iron Making in Germany, Pig, 187, 223, 259
- Iron Mines, Hematite, of the Furness District, 108, 121
- Iron Permanent Way, 181, 186, 201, 221
- Iron and Steel at the Brussels Exhibition, 123
- Iron and Steel, Cold Rolled, 137
- Iron and Steel, The Effect of Temperature on the Strength of, 98
- Iron and Steel, The Hardening of, 183
IRON AND STEEL. INSTITUTE, THE: 143, 174, 183, 206
- Dusseldorf Exhibition, The, 18.5
- Excursions, The, 191
- On the Iron Industry of Germany, by Dr.
- Hermann Wedding, 179, 185, 202
- On the Results obtained with various Systems of Iron Permanent Way on the Prussian
- State Railways, and on those Private Lines managed by the Prussian Government, by E. GrUttefien, 181, 186, 201, 221
- On the Hardening of Iron and Steel, its Causes and Effects, by Professor Akerman, 183
- On the Dephosphorisation of Iron in the Converter, by J. Massenez, 186, 187, 198
- On Pig Iron Making in Germany, by J. Schlink, 187, 223, 259
- On the Coal Industry of the Lower Rhine and Westphalia, by Dr. Gustav Natorp, 190
- On Gas Generating Furnaces, by Herr F. Lerman n, 190, 200
Works Visited:
- Bochum, Iron and Steel Company's, 144, 210
- Boecker and Company's, at Schalke, Westphalia, 144
- Boiler, Jacques Piedboours, 176
- Dusseldorf 'rube. 206
- Gutehoffnungshiitte, 144, 207
- Haniel and Lueg's, Dusseldorf, 174
- Hoerde Bergwerks and Hutten Verein, 145
- Hohenzollern Locomotive, 175
- Piedbceuf, Dawans, and Company's, 176
- Rhenish Steel, 207
- Tube, J. P. Piedbomf and Company's, 176
- Union Company's, Dortmund, 148, 210
- Iron and Steel in the United States, Prices of, 15
- Iron and Steel Works, American, 590, 615
- Iron and Steel Works, The Barrow Hematite, 95, 110
- Iron and Steel Works, The Bochum, 144, 210
- Iron Tariff for Russia, New,157
- Iron Trade in 1880, The Northern, 629
- Italian Railways, 435
- Japan, Sewage in, 76
- Japanese Arsenals, 278
- Japanese Metallurgical Processes 226, 456 508
- Japanese Paper, 256
- Japanese Railways, 77
- Japanese Sanitation, 494
- Jenkins and Lee's Marine Governor, 371
- Joint Institutions' Buildings, 277
- Jordan's Pulverising Machine, 542
- Joy's Valve Gear, 125, 139
- Jute and Flax Works, The Barrow, 110
- Jute, The Manufacture of, 109, 119
- Kaselowsky's Tyre Fastening, 80
- Keels, Ships', Hydraulic Rivetter for, 541
- Kibworth A ccid en t, The, 326
- King's College, 325
- Kitson and Company's Valve Gear for Tramway Engines, 159
- Klein Brothers' Compound Blowing Engine at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 372
- Knap's Stoker as applied to Lancashire and Root's Boilers, 267
- Knuttel's Valve Gear, Wever's Horizontal Engine with. at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 348
- Koenig, General, 521
- Lamps, Electric, The Peril of, 378
- Lamps, Maxim's, 437, 602
- Lancashire and Root's Boilers, with Knap's Stoker, 267
- Lantern, A Diffusive, 135
- Large Halls, The Acoustical Improvements of, 136
- Lathe, Asquith's Gap, 594
- Lathe, Foot, Astbury's 5-in. Screw-Cutting, 321
- Lathe, Hall's Tap-Chasing, 26
- Launch of the "Almirante Brown," The, 325
- Launch Engines, Tipping's Compound, 230
- Leak Detector, A Gas, 631
- Leather Tanning, New System of, 238
- Lebrun's Horizontal Condensing Engine at the Brussels Exhibition, 248
- Lens with Variable Focus, A, 256
- Level Crossings on Railways. 157
- Liability Bill, The Employers', 58, 193, 466, 627
- Libraries, European, 256
- Library, The Ronalds, 435
- Liege School of Mines, Beer's Experimental Engine for the, 516
- Light, Edison's Electric, 352
- Light, The Electric, 301
- Light, Electric Competition at Glasgow, 409, 436
- Light, The Electric, and Gas at Woolwich Arsenal, 495
- Light, Electric, A Marine, 378
- Light, The Electric, at the Royal Albert Dock, 276
- Light, The Electric, on the Russian Yacht. " Livadia," 32
- Light, The Electric, at St. Enoch's Railway Station, 76
- Light, The Electric, at Vesuvius, 301
- Light, The Great Brush, 438, 521, 575
- Light, Swan's Electric, 519
- Light, The Velocity of, 301
- Light Vessel, The Seven Stones, 398
- Lighting, Electric, in the City, 464
- Lighting, Electric, Progress of, 353
- Lightning Rod, The Protective Range of a, 630
- Lights, Incandescent Electric, 376
- Lines, Telephone, The Risk of, 493
- Liquids and Gases, Heat in, 437
- List of Materials, Price, 18, 40, 64, 84, 102, 122, 142, 162, 182, 204, 224, 242, 262, 286, 310, 336, 364, 420, 450, 480, 506, 532, 588, 614, 642
- " Livadia," Russian Yacht, The, 29, 32, 39, 93, 325, 353, 378
- " Livadia's" Steel Boilers, The, 99
- Liverpool and Manchester Railway, The, 236, 255
- Locomotive, Consolidation, for the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa FO Railroad, 196
- Locomotive, A Curious, 301
- Locomotive Details; Western Railway of France, 111
- Locomotive Ditching Plough, 169
- Locomotive, Goods, for the London and North-Western Railway, 294
- Locomotive, Howard's Six-Horse Agricultural, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 43, 48
- Locomotive, Passenger ; Glasgow and South-Western Railway 213
- Locomotive, Shunting ; London and North-Western Railway, Pi4
- Locomotive, Tank, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 130
- Locomotive, Tramway, for the Barcelona Railway, 566
- Locomotive Works, The Baldwin, 14
- Locomotive Works, The Hohenzollern, 175
- Locomotives, Compound, 96
- Lodge's Inductometer, 134
- London Bridges, 96
- London Gas Companies, The, 276
- London Institute, The City and Guilds of, 97, 19.5, 466
- London and North-Western Railway, Shunting Engine for the, 191
- London Water, The Filtration of, 99
- London Water Supply, The, 133, 195, 256, 548
- London, The Water Works of, 77
- L0030 Pulley. Davis's, 349
- Lowe Rifle, The, 601
- Lubricator, De Limon's, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 398
- Luminous Paint, 601
- Macgregor's Reaping Machine, 594
- Machine, Barrow's Screwing, 129
- Machine, The Betts Cutting-off, 594
- Machine, Daglish's Double Self-Acting Slot-Drilling, 296
- Machine, Jordan's Pulverising, 542
- Machine. Punching, with Automatic Table, Bement and Company's, 230
- Machine Tools and other Machines at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 465
- Machine, Tyre Drilling ; Western Railway of France, 232
- Machine, Worssam and Company's Shoe-Last Shaping, 320
- Machinery, Cotton, 484, 510
- Machinery, Cultivating, 431, 486
- Machinery, Printing, Exhibition of, 14, 32, 53
- Machinery, Pumping, at Nijni-Novgorod, 343
- Machinery for Steel Making, 429
- Machinery and Traction Engines, Steam Cultivating, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 43
- Machinery, Trials of Steam Cultivating, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41
- Machinery, Tunnelling, 326
- Machinery, Voith's Calendering, 69
- Machines, Reaping and Mowing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 50
- Machines, Thrashing, at the Royal agricultural Show, Carlisle, 51
- Magnetisation, Effect of, 77
- Magnetising Iron, Effects of, 410
- Magnetism, The Earth's, 257
- Magnetism, A New Theory of Terrestrial, 36
- Maidstone, The Boiler Explosion at, 549, 576, 602, 617
- Man, The Walk of, 239
- Manchester and Liverpool Railway, The, 236, 255
- Manchester Steam Users' Association ; The Inspection of Engines, 567
- Manufacture of Jute, The, 109, 119
- Maps, International Weather, 219
- Marine Engines, Escher and Wyss's Compound, 344
- Marine Exhibition. The Glasgow, 410, 43G
- Marine Governor, Jenkins and Lee's, 371
- Marshall's Valve Gear, 125, 139
- Materials at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 465
- Materials, Price List of, 18, 40, 64, 84, 102, 122, 142, 162, 182, 204, 224. 242, 262, 286, 310, 336, 364, 420, 450, 480, 506, 532, 588, 614, 642
- Mawlam's Railway Truck Coupler, 8
- Maxim's New Electric Lamp, 437, 602
- Mayer's Expanding Water Pressure Engine, 211
- Mayer's Cock Valves, 259
- Meeting of the North British Association of Gas Managers, 81
- Meetings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 602. 613
- Megass Drying Apparatus, Berry's, 484
- Mercantile Marine, The United States, 96
- Mersey Subway, The, 96
- Mesozoic Period; Mineral Fuel in the United States, 264
- Messageries Maritimes, The, 115
- Metallurgical Processes, Japanese, 226, 456, 508
- Metals, Testing, by Tensile Strain, 99
- Meteorology, Arctic, '218
- Meteorology and Tree Growth, 98
- Meter, Davey's Water, 349
- Metropolitan Trains, The Great Western, 36
- Metropolitan Water Supply, The, 133,195, 256, 548
- Mill, Fisher's Rotating Stamping, 371
- Mill, Hall's Bone-Crushing, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 56, 57
- Mill, Roller, and Bran Cleaner, Daverio's, 250
- Mills, California Stamp, 19, 85, 163, '255, 338
- 1, 65, 103, 205, 264 315, 365, 453, 507, 540
- Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania, The, 507, 540
- Cenozoic Epoch, The, 264
- Mesozoic Period, The, 264
- State of Pennsylvania, The, 365, 453
- States of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, 315
- Mineral Industry in France, 302
- Mineral Resources, Our, 463
- Mineral Resources of South-Western Virginia, 58
- Mineral Resources of Wisconsin, The, 602
- Mining, The American School of Submarine, 77
- Mining Cages, Baumann's Wire Rope Connexion for, 118
- Mining, Coal, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 20
- Mining and Metallurgy in Rhenish Prussia, 9, 62
- Mining and Smelting Company, The Gutehoffnungshiltto, 144, 207
- Miscellaneous Exhibits at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 465
- Miscellaneous Exhibits at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 55
- Missouri River, The, 36
- Molecular Physics, 37
- Monongahela River, Bridge over the, 273, 292
- Motay, Tessid du, 37
- Motor, Davey's simplex, 251
- Movers, Prime, at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 464
- Mower, Everitt and Company's Eureka, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 50, 56
- Mowing and Reaping Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 50
- Mud, Paris, 277
- Mud-Plug for Portable Engines, Clayton and Shuttleworth's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 233
- Murray and Company's One-Way Plough, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 48, 56
- Museum of Hygiene, The Parkes, 98
- Nakatenjo Works, The; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 508
- Nalder's Thrashing Machine Drum Lifter at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 27
- Narrow Gauge Railways in France, 238
- Nature of " Attraction." The, 466
- Nature, The Unity of, 493
- Nebulae, Photographing, 437
- Needle, The American, 36, 437
- Nevada, The Treatment of Silver Tailings in 395 451
- Now Cable, A, 495
- New Thermometers, 36
- New York Underground Railway, The, 278
- New Zealand Civil Service, The, 268, 317, 449 479
- New Zealand, Railways in, 490
- Newcombe's Apparatus for Determining the Velocity of Light, 301
- Nijni-Novgorod, Pumping Engines at, 343
- Nine Months' Railway Accidents, 467
- Normand and Company's Torpedo Boat Engines, 428
- North British Association of Gas Managers, Meeting of the, 81
- North London, Floods in, 58
- Northern Iron Trade in 1880, The, 629
- Note on Trial Data of Screw Steamships, 452, 533
- Accidents on the North British and. Midland
- Railways, The, 136
- Acoustical Improvements of Large Halls, The, 136
- Agricultural Exhibition in Hungary, An, 195
- " Almirante Brown," The, 325
- American Engineering, Progress of, 15
- American Enterprise in Russia, 15
- American Needle, The, 36, 437
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The, 495
- Anglo-Swedish Cable, A New, 58
- Animal Heat and Action, 549
- Antwerp Improvement Works, The, 14
- Arctic Expeditions, 78
- Arctic Exploration, G30
- Arctic Meteorology, 218
- "Atalanta," The, 168, 301, 353
- Atmospheric Electricity, 117
- "Attraction," The Nature of, 466
- Audiphone and the Telephone, The, 168
- Awards to Workmen for Inventions, 168
- Baldwin Locomotive Works, The, 14
- Barometer, The Times, 378
- Batteries, Improvements in, 195
- Battery, An Aluminium, 630
- Battery, The Stevens, 377
- Belleville Boiler, The, 302
- Bessemer Product, American, 630
- Bessemer, Sir Henry, 801
- Blasting a " Salamander," 438
- Boiler Explosion at Maidstone, 549, 576, 602
- Boiler Explosion on the North-Eastern Railway, 466, 521
- Breakages of Steel Rails on Russian Railways during 1879, 521
- Brewing Plant, Exhibition of, 156
- Bridge near Garabit, 353
- Bridge at Reichenau, Destruction of the, 353
- British Association, The, 37
- Brush Electric Light, The, 138, 521, 575
- Buckle Harbour, 521
- Bunsen's Photometer, Improvement in, 115
- Cable, A New, 495
- Canadian Pacific Railway, The, 156
- Canal, The Baltic and German Ocean, 116
- Canals, The Caledonian and Crinan, 157
- Canals, French, 301
- "Careful" Traction Engine Drivers, 576
- Cement, American, 219
- Charcoal Iron in the United States, 467
- Cheap Photophone, A, 521
- City and Guilds of London Institute, The, 97, 195, 466
- Claiborne Group of Alabama, The, 135
- Coal Exports and Imports in the United States, 78
- Coal in France and Germany, Production of, 135
- Collision on the Midland Railway, The, 168
- Committee on Ordnance, The New, 549
- Compound Locomotives, 96
- Compressing Fluid Steel, 238
- Corrosion of Iron in Boilers, The, 521
- Cotton Belting, 353
- Cowper Hot Blast Stove, The, 36
- Cowper, The late Mr. Ebenezer, 257
- Cyclograph, The, 36
- Deepening the Seine through Paris, 238
- Diaphote, The, 13
- Diurnal Range of Barometer, 13
- Drainage of the Dombes, The, 97
- Drawing Pen, A New, 168
- Duration of Steel Rails, The, 257
- Dynamite, 438
- Earth as a Conductor of Electricity, The, 43S
- Earth's Figure, Secular Changes in the, 78
- Earth's Magnetism, The, 257
- Edison's Ore Separator, 13
- Electric Lamp, Maxim's New, 437, 602
- Electric Light, The, 301, 601
- Electric Light and Gas at Woolwich Arsenal, The, 495
- Electric Light at Vesuvius, The, 301
- Electric Lighting at the Glasgow Post Office, 576
- Electric Lighting, Progress of, 3b3
- Electric Railway, The, 256, 495
- Electric Resistance of Glass, The, 495
- Electric Storms, 158
- Electric Vacuum Shunt, An, 14
- Electricity at the Brussels Congress, 631
- Electricity in Paris, 466.576
- Employers' Liability Bill, The, 58, 466
- Engines, Early Compound, 115
- Engineering Work, American Competition in, 195
- Exhibition of Electricity at Paris, 576
- Exhibition of Printing Machinery, 14
- Explosives, 302
- Exports and Imports, Russian, 218
- Ferry, An American Railway, 136
- Fiery Coal Mines, The Safe Working of, 137
- Filtration of London Water, The, 99
- Fire Telegraphs, Paris, 116
- Flashing Signals, 630
- Flooding the Sahara, 58
- Floods in North London, 58
- Forests in Russia, 36
- Friction Dynamometers, 854
- Gas Leak Detector, A, 631
- Gauges for Watchmakers, 165
- General Koenig, The Late, 521
- Geological Survey of Scotland, The, 157
- Geological Survey, The United States, 602
- Glasgow Fipe-Founding Contracts, 78
- Gold Mining in Victoria, 98
- Graphic Statistics, 277
- Great Western Metropolitan Trains, 86
- Gulf Stream Table-Land, The, 325
- Gun, The 100-Ton, 256
- Hainaut, The Province of, 437
- Hammer, An Electric, 877
- Harmonic Vibrations, Combining, 410
- Heavy Ordnance, 78
- Hudson River unnel, The, 116
- Incandescence Lamps, Improved Carbons for, 576
- Iron and Steel, Cold Rolled, 137
- Iron Tariff for Russia, New, 157
- Institution of Surveyors, The, 97
- Intensified Electro-Magnet, An, 35
- Internal Communication in France, 218
- Inventors and the War Office, 79
- Japanese Arsenals, 278
- Japanese Paper, 256
- Japanese Railways, 77
- Joint Institution Buildings, 277
- Kibworth Accident, The, 826
- King's College, 325
- Koenig, General, 521
- Lamps, Electric, The Perils of, 378
- Lantern, A Diffusive, 135
- Lens with Variable Focus, A, 256
- Level Crossings on Railways, 157
- Libraries, European, 256
- Lightning Rod, The Protective Range of a, 630
- " Livadia," The, 353, 378
- " Livadia's" Steel Boilers, The, 99
- Liquids and Gases, Heat in, 437
- Locomotive, A Curious, 301
- London Bridges, 96
- London Water Supply, The, 195, 256
- Liiwe Rifle, The, 601
- Luminous Paint, 601
- Magnetisation, Effect of, 77
- Magnetising Iron, Effects of, 410
- Marine Electric Light, A, 378
- Marine Exhibition at Glasgow; The, 410
- Maxim's Lamps, 437. 602
- Mercantile Marine, The United States, 96
- Mersey Subway, The, 96
- Meteorology and Tree Growth, 98
- Mineral Industry in France, 302
- Mineral Resources of South-Western Virginia, 58
- Mineral Resources of Wisconsin, The, 602
- Missouri River, The, 36
- Molecular Physics, 37
- Narrow Gauge Railways in France, 238
- Native Oxide of Antiro.ony, 238
- Nine Months' Railway Accidents, 467
- Obstructions in Rifle Barrels, 37
- Oil Wells of California, The, 549
- Oporto Bridge Competition, The, 466
- Optical Balance, An, 549
- " Over" Bridge at Gloucester, The, 13
- Panama Canal, The, 136, 325
- Paraffine as a Wood Preserver, 410
- Paris Mud, 277
- Parkes Museum of Hygiene, The, 98
- Passengers at French Railway Stations, 301
- Penrose Swing Bridge, Philadelphia, The, 37
- Phanaro Grisoumeter, The, 165
- Photographic Images, The Transformation of, 115
- Photographing Nebulte, 437
- Photographs, Direct " Positive," 58
- Photographs, Instantaneous, 135
- Photophone, The, 238, 630
- Photophone in Solar Physics, The, 437
- Pneumatic Clocks in Paris, 77
- Popular Science at the Trocadero, 601
- Population of American Cities, The, 156
- Population, The Increase of, 256
- Portable Railways, 165
- Portland Cement, 353
- Preserving Railway Sleepers, 16
- Prices of Iron and Steel in the United States, 15
- Printing Machine, Alissoff's, 437
- Rail Joints, Flexible, 411
- Railroad Speeds, American, 98
- Railroads, The United States, 136
- Rails, Cast Steel, 116
- Railway Accidents, 168, 238, 239, 257, 277, 278, 301, 878, 467
- Railway Wheels, Chilled, Cast, and Ordinary, 115
- Rainfall at Greenwich, 165
- Rankine, The Late Professor, 877
- Regnier's Battery, 58
- Resonator, The, 14
- Road Bridge over the Douro, Proposed, 218
- Russia, Productive Power of, 116
- Saint Gothard Railway, The, 466
- Saint Gothard Tunnel, The, 86
- Saint Gothard Tunnel, Sanitary Condition of the, 495
- Scholarships, Engineering, at University College, 218
- Scientific Posts for Central Africa, French, 167
- Selenium, A New Property of, 549
- Sheep and Wool Products, International Exhibition of, 135
- Siemens Armature, An Improved, 58
- Siemens' Electric Light, 630
- Soeidtd d'Encouragement, The, 157
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, The, 466
- Sound, The Transmission of, by Means of
- Radiant Energy, 549
- Sounder, Rousset's Deep Sea, 521
- Steam Boilers, The Performance of, 353
- Steel Production, United States, 116
- Street Cleaning, 377
- Street Traffic in Paris, The, 157
- Strength of Iron and Steel, The Effect of
- Temperature on the, 98
- Submarine Mining, The American School of, 77
- Submarine Surveying, United States, 521
- Tanning Leather, New System of, 238
- Tay Bridge, The, 96
- Telegraph Offices, European, 631
- Telegraphic Progress, 239
- Telephone, The, 239
- Telephone Convention, The American, 326
- Telephone in Paris. 353
- Tensile Strain and Electric Resistance, 257
- Terrestrial Magnetism, A New Theory of, 86
- Tessid du Motay, 37
- Testing Metals by Tensile Strain, 99
- Thermal Springs at Teplitz, Bohemia, The Disappearance of the, 99
- Thermo-Electricity, 466
- Thermometer, A New Air, 116
- Thermometers, New, 86
- Thomson's Compass, 379
- Timber of Tennessee, The, 878
- Topophone, The, 78
- Triangulation, The Swiss, 377
- Tunnelling Machinery, 326
- Underground Railway, The New York, 278
- United States Immigration, 14
- United States Navy, The, 576
- University College, Bristol, The, 277
- Unsanitary Houses, 156
- Vauxhall Railway Accident, The, 239, 278
- Volcanic Storms, 549
- Volta Prize, The, 36
- Walk of Man, The, 239
- Waste Water Meter System, The, 576
- Water Jet Dredging, 58
- Water Supply of Grenoble, The. 14
- Water Works of London, The, 77
- Weather Information, 168
- Weather Maps, International, 219
- Weather Prediction, 100
- Weights and Measures, Conventional Signs for, 136
- Wind Currents, The Direction of, 156
- Notes from Cleveland, 7, 25, 59, 74, 91, 117, 132, 152, 172, 191, 220, 231, 252, 273, 296, 319, 350, 380, 405, 439, 462, 492, 518, 544, 577, 597, 625
- Notes, Foreign and Colonial, 18, 38, 60, 84, 102, 121, 138, 162, 182, 203, 224, 252, 286, 310, 335, 364, 381, 419, 480, 532, 560, 613, 642
- Notes from the North, 16, 25, 59, 79, 91, 117, 129, 152, 172, 199, 214, 234, 252, 269, 297, 318, 350, 405, 429, 460, 492, 518, 548, 571, 603, 631
- Notes from the South-West 16, 30, 59, 71, 89,112, 137, 152, 172, 199, 220, 232, 252, 273, 297, 319, 347, 380, 405, 433, 467, 489, 518, 545, 577, 603, 631
- Notes from South Yorkshire, 10, 29, 59, 79, 91, 117, 129, 152, 178, 191, 220, 240, 258, 273, 293, 319, 348, 380, 405, 433,468, 492, 522,545, 577,603, 625
- OBITUARY: (Moved to separate index)
- Obstructions in Rifle Barrels, 37
- Oil Wells of California, The, 549
- Oleojector, Royle's, 294
- Omadone Works, The; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 509
- One Hundred-Ton Gun, The, 256
- Opening of the Manchester and Liverpool Railway, The, 236, 255
- Oporto Bridge Competition, The, 218, 466, 594
- Optical Balance, An, 549
- Ordnance, Heavy, 78
- Ordnance, The New Committee of, 549
- Ore Separator, Edison's, 13
- "Osmanli." 8.8., Indicator Diagrams from the, 125, 127
- " Over" Bridge at Gloucester, The, 13
- Oxide of Antimony, Native, 238
- Paddle-Wheel Engines, Compound, at the Brussels Exhibition, 320
- Paint, Luminous, 601
- Panama Canal, The, 136, 325
- Pantograph, Fenby's, 8
- Paper, Japanese, 256
- Parafilne as a Wood Preserver, 410
- Paris, Electricity in, 466, 575
- Paris Fire Telegraphs, 116
- Paris Mud, 277
- Paris, The Telephone in, 353
- Park and Webb's Automatic Gear, Chain Brake with, 73
- Parkes Museum of Hygiene, The, 93
- Parliamentary Committee Room, The Amenities of the, 323
- Passenger Locomotive; Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 213
- Passenger Traffic, Railway, 254
- Passengers at French Railway Stations, 801
- Patents, 275
- Patents, Cheap, 644
- Patent Record, The, 278, 302, 326, 354, 381, 411, 439, 468, 496, 522, 650, 678, 604, 632
- Pe:zer's Screw Ventilator at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Pen, A New Drawing. 168
- Pennsylvania, The State of ; Mineral Fuel in the
- United States, 365, 453
- Penrose Swing Bridge, Philadelphia, The, 37
- Perkins Engine, The, 94, 101
- Permanent Way, Iron, 181, 186, 201, 221
- Peterborough Corporation Sewerage Works, 641
- Petersen's Controlling Apparatus for Steering Gear, 38
- Phanaro Grisoumeter, The, 165
- Photographic Images, The Transformation of, 115
- Photographing Nebula), 487
- Photographs, Direct " Positive." 58
- Photographs, Instantaneous, 135
- Photometi;r, Bunsen's, Improvement in, 115
- Photophone, A Cheap, 521
- Photophone, Professor Bell's, 238, 240, 253
- Photophone in Solar Physics, The, 437
- Photo phonic Researches, 407
- Physics, Molecular, 37
- Piedboeuf, Dawans, and Company's Works, 176
- Piedboeuf, Mr. Jacques, Boiler Works of, 176
- Piedboeuf, Messrs. J. P., and Company, The Tube Works of, 176
- Pig Iron Making in Germany, 187, 223, 259
- Pipe-Founding Contracts, Glasgow, 78
- Plant, Bessemer, An Adaptation of, to the Basic Process, 403
- Plate Flanging, Garrett and Sons' Specimens of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Platform Wagon, Double-Bogie, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 594
- Plough, Howard's Single-Furrow, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 49
- Plough, Locomotive Ditching, 169
- Plough, Murray and Company's One-Way, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 48. 56
- Ploughing Engine, J. Fowler and Company's Double-Drum Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 24
- Ploughing and Traction Engine, Burrell and Sons' Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 42, 45
- Ploughs, Cultivators, etc., at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 48
- Plummer-Block, Hewitt's, 101
- Pneumatic Clocks in Paris, 77
- Popular Science at the Trocaddro, 601
- Population of American Cities, The, 165
- Population, '[he Increase of, 256
- Portable Engine, Cochran and Company's, at the
- Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 9
- Portable Engine, Garrett and Sons' Compound, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 44, 46
- Portable and Fixed Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 45
- Portable Engines, Clayton and Shuttleworth's Mud-Plug for, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle. 233
- Portable Railways, 165
- Portland Cement, 353
- Potato Diggers at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 49
- Prague and Smichov, The Fire Telegraph of, 225, 287
- Prediction, Weather, 100
- Preserving Railway Sleepers, 15
- President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Address of the, 111
- Press, Power, with Elastic Bed, Thomson, Sterne. and Company's, 458
- Price List of Materials, 18, 40, 64, 84, 102, 122, 142, 162, 182, 204, 224, 242, 262, 286, 310, 336, 364 420, 450, 482, 506, 532, 588, 614, G42
- Prime Movers at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 464
- Prince Edward's Island Railways Canadian Railways, 431, 561
- Printing Machine, Alissoff's, 437
- Printing Machinery, Exhibition of, 14, 32. 53
- Private Bills for Session 1881, 547, 574, 589, 616
- Prize, The Volta, 36
- Processes, Japanese Metallurgical, 222, 456, 508
- Production of Coal in France and Germany, The, 135
- Productive Power of Russia, 116
- Professor Rankine, The Late, 377
- Property of Selenium, A New, 549
- Protective Range of a Lightning Rod, The, G30
- Province of Hainaut, The, 437
- Pulley, Davis's Loose, 319
- Pulverising Machine, Jordan's, 642
- Pump, Amoi and Smith's Double-Acting, 462
- Pump, The Rittenger, at the Dasseldorf Exhibition, 151
- Pump, Steam, Stone and Company's Automaton, 138
- Pumping Engines at Nijni-Novgorod, 343
- Pumps at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 465
- Pumps and Turbine, Hett's, 542
- Punching Machine with Automatic Table Bement and Company's 230
- Radiant Energy, The Transmission of Sound by Means of, 549, 600
- Radiograph, Winstanley's Recording, 815
- Rail Inspection, 349, 373
- Rail Joints, Flexible, 411
- Railroad Speeds, American, 98
- Railroads, The United States, 186
- Rails, Cast Steel, 116
- Rails, Rolling Steel, 153
- Rails, Sharp's Tram, 270
- Railway Accidents, 136, 168, 238, 289, 257, 277 278, 299, 301, 326, 378, 467
- Railway Accidents, The Scotch Express and Wennington, 299
- Railway Brakes, Continuous, 140, 161, 235
- Railway Buffer, Tijou's, 294
- Railway, Buffer and Coupling, Turton's, 568
- Railway, The Canadian Pacific, 156
- Railway Carriages, Delessert's Spring Seat for, 196
- Railway, Credit Valley; Canadian Railways, 86 154
- Railway, The Electric, 256, 495
- Railway Ferry, An American, 136
- Railway. The Glasgow and Cape Breton; Canadian Railways, 368
- Railway, The Halifax and Cape Breton Canadian Railways, 245
- Railway, The London and North-Western, Goods Locomotive for the, 294
- Railway, The Manchester and Liverpool, 236 255
- Railway, The New York Underground, 278
- Railway Passenger Traffic, 254
- Railway, The St. Gothard, 466
- Railway Sleepers, Preserving, 15
- Railway Statistics ; Board of Trade Report, 375
- Railway Telegraphs, 66
- Railway Truck Coupler, Mawlam's, 8
- Railway Wheels, Chilled, Cast, and Ordinary, 115
- Railways of Cape Breton, Coal ; Canadian Railways, 421
- Railways, Ceylon, 531
- Railways, Italian, 435
- Railways, Japanese, 77
- Railways, Narrow Gauge, in France, 238
- Railways in New Zealand, 490
- Railways, The North British and Midland, the Accidents on the, 136, 168
- Railways, Portable, 165
- Railways, Prince Edward's Island ; Canadian
- Railways, 481, 561
- Rainfall at Greenwich, 165
- Rankine, The Late Professor, 377
- Ransome's General Wheelwright, 541
- Rapid Telegraph, The American, 463
- Reaping Machine, Macgregor's, 594
- Reaping and Mowing Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 50
- Refuse Small Coal, 153
- Regnier's Battery, 58
- Rensselaer Iron and Steel Works ; American Iron and Steel Works, 590, 615
- Report of the Boiler Makers' Society, The, 93
- Report of Captain Douglas Galton on Continuous Railway Brakes, 140, 161
- Report of the Committee on Grain Cargoes, 113, 173
- Report of the Engine Makers' Society, The, 133
- Report on the New Zealand Civil Service, 268 417, 449, 479
- Reports on Boiler Explosions, 324
- Researches, Photophonic, 407
- Resonator, The, 14
- Resources, Our Mineral, 463
- Reusing Valve Gear. Horizontal Engine with, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 624
- Revolving Trestle Crane, Beer's, 5$6
- Rhenish Prussia, Mining and Metallurgy in, 9, 62
- Rhenish Steel Works, The, 207
- Rhineland and Westphalia, The Coal and Coke Industry of, 190
- Rhode Island and Massachusetts, States of Mineral Fuel in the United States, 315
- Rifle Barrels, Obstructions in, 37
- Rifle, The Lowe, 601
- Rigg, The Rev. Arthur, 214
- Risk of Telephone Lines, The, 493
- Rittenger Pump, The, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 151
- River Bars, The Removal of, by Induced Tidal Scour, 343
- River, The Missouri, 36
- River Monongahela, Bridge over the, 273, 292
- River Seine, Deepening the, through Paris, 238
- River, South Esk, Viaduct over the, 600
- River Thames, The, 351
- River Volga, Bridge over the, 10, 30, 51, 70, 626
- Rivetless Hurdles, Bayliss and Jones's, 349
- Rivetter for Ships' Keels, Hydraulic, 541
- Road Bridge over the Douro, Proposed, 218, 466 591
- Rock Drill, Brossmann's, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 344
- Rock Drill, Sachs', 428
- Rodger's Condenser Exhauster, 233
- Roller Mill and Bran Cleaner, Daverio's, 250
- Rolling Mill, Erdmann's Three-High, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Rolling Steel Il, ails, 153
- Ronald's Library, The, 435
- Root's and Lancashire Boilers, with Knap's Stoker, 267
- Rotary Valve Gear, The Emmerich, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 398
- Rotating Stamping Mill, Fisher's, 371
- Rousset's Deep Sea Sounder, 521
- Royal Albert Dock, The Electric Light at, 276
- Royle's Oleojector, 294
- Russia, Forests in, 86
- Russia, Productive Power of, 116
- Russian Yacht "Livadia," The, 29, 82, 39, 93, 825, 343, 378
- Sachs' Rock Drill, 428
- Safe Working of Fiery Coal Mines, The, 137
- Sahara, Flooding the, 58
- Saint Enoch s Railway Station, The Electric Light at, 76
- Saint Gothard Railway, The, 466
- Saint Gothard Tunnel, The, 36, 495
- Saint Gothard Tunnel, Sanitary Condition of the, 495
- " Salamander," Blasting a, 438
- Saltaire, Corliss Engine at, 111
- Sanitation, Japanese, 494
- Scholarships, Engineering, at University College, 218
- Science, Popular, at the rrocaddro, 601
- Scientific Posts, French, for Central Africa, 167
- Scotch Expre,s and Wennington Railway Accidents, The, 299
- Screw-Cutting Foot Lathe, Astbury's 5-in., 321
- Screw Engines, Compound, at the Belgian
- National Exhibition, 402
- Screw Engines, Hawthorn's Compound, of the s.s. “Lord Jeffrey" and Brinkburn," 517
- Screw Steamships, Note on Trial Data of, 452, 533
- Screw Ventilator, Pelzer's, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Screwing Machine, Barrow's, 129
- Sea, Structures in the, 599
- Segara Works, The; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 456
- Selenium, A New Property of, 549
- Selenium and the Photophone, 238, 240
- Self-Lifting Cultivator, Barford and Perkins's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 74,
- Self-Moving Anchor, Everitt's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 70
- Session 1881, Private Bills for, 547, 574, 589, GIG
- Seven Scones Light Vessel, The, 398
- Sewage in Japan, 76
- Sewage Treatment and Disposal of Town Refuse, 519
- Sewerage Works, The Peterborough Corporation.. 641
- Shakers, Brinsmead's Thrashing Machine, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 178
- Sharp's Tram Rails, 270
- Sheep and Wool Products, International Exhibition of, 185
- Shipbuilding, Steel for, 75
- Shipbuilding Works, The Barrow,107
- Ships' Keels, Hydraulic Rivetter for, 541
- Shoe-Last Shaping Machine, Worssam and Company's, 320
- Show, The Royal Agricultural at Carlisle (See Agricultural Show, The Royal, at Carlisle)
- Show, The Smithfield Club, 536
- Shunting Engine ; London and North-Western Railway, 191
- Siemens Armature, An Improved, 58
- Siemens' Electric Light, 630
- Signal Control Apparatus, Thompson's, 170
- Signals, Flashing, 630
- Signs, Conventional, for Weights and Measures, 136 •
- Silver Tailings in Nevada, The Treatment of, 395, 451
- Simplex Motor, Davey's, 251
- Single-Furrow Plough, Howard's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 49
- Sir Henry Bessemer, 301, 317
- Sir William Thomson's Harmonic Analyser, 561
- Sirens and Fog Horns, 371
- Slide Valve, Everitt's, 27
- Slot-Drilling Machine, Daglish's Double Self-Acting, 299
- Small Coal, Refuse, 153
- Smellie's Tender for Passenger Locomotive; Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 213
- Smithfield Club Show, The, 536
- Societd d'Encouragement, The, 157
- Society, The Boiler Makers', Report of the, 93
- Society of Telegraph Engineers, The, 466
- Solar Physics, The Photophone in, 437
- Sound, The Transmission of, by Means of Radiant Energy, 549, 600
- South Esk River Viaduct, The, 600
- South Span of the Columbia Bridge ; Pennsylvania Railroad, 490
- South-West, Notes from the, 16, 30, 59, 71, 89, 112, 137, 152, 172, 199, 220, 232, 252, 213, 297, 319, 347, 380,405, 433, 467, 489, 518, 545, 577, 603, 631
- South-Western Virginia, Mineral Resources of, 68
- South Yorkshire, Notes from, 10, 29, 59, 79, 91, 117, 129, 152, 178, 191, 220, 240, 258, 273, 293, 319, 348, 380, 405, 433, 468, 492, 522, 545, 577, 603, 625
- Specific Heats Calculated from Entropy, 13
- Speed Curves, 263, 452, 533
- Spring Seat for Railway Carriages, Delessen's+ 196
- Springs, The Thermal, at Teplitz, Bohemia, The Disappearance of the, 99
- Stamp Mills, California, 19, 85, 163, 235, 338
- Stamping Mill, Fisher's Rotating, 371
- Standard Gauge for High Pressures, A, 127
- Starkey's Automatic Expansion Gear at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41, 47
- State of Pennsylvania, The; Mineral Fuel in the United States, 365, 453
- States of Rhode Island and Massachusetts ; Mineral Fuel in the United States, 315
- Stationary Engines at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 265, 365
- Statistics, Graphic, 277
- Statistics, Railway; Board of Trade Report, 375
- Steam Boilers, The Care of, 505
- Steam Boilers, The Performance of, 353
- Steam Cultivating Machinery and Traction Engines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 43
- Steam Cultivating Machinery, Trials of, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41
- Steam, The Economic Use of, 81, 159
- Steam Engine Makers' Society, The Report of the, 133
- Steam and other Engines at the Brussels Exhibition, 396
- Steam Hammer at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 150
- Steam Shipping Company, French, The Messagenies Maritimes, 115
- Steam Users' Association, The Manchester; The Inspection of Engines, 567
- Steamer, The " Anthracite," 275
- Steamer, The " City of Rome," 105
- Steamship " Arizona," Engines of the, 28, 89, 132, 196, 233
- Steel Boilers, The " Livadia's," 99
- Steel Ingots, Weighing, 269
- Steel and Iron at the Brussels Exhibition, 123
- Steel and Iron in the United States, Prices of, 15
- Steel and Iron Works, American, 590, 615
- Steel and Iron Works, The Barrow Hematite, 95
- Steel Making, Machinery for, 429
- Steel Production, United States. 116
- Steel Rails, Breakages of, on Russian Railways during 1879, 521
- Steel Rails, The Duration of, 257
- Steel Rails, Rolling, 153
- Steel for Shipbuilding, 75
- Steering Gear, Petersen's Controlling Apparatus for, 38
- Stevens Battery, The, 377
- Stoker, Knap's, as applied to Lancashire and Root's Boilers, 267
- Stone and Company's Automaton Steam Pump, 138
- Storms, Electric, 158
- Storms, Volcanic, 519
- Street Cleaning, 377
- Street, Traffic in Paris, The, 157
- Strength of Iron and Steel, The Effect of Temperature on, 98
- Stribro Silver Mines, Double Cylinder Engine at the, 169
- Stromeyer's Strain Indicator, 337
- Structures in the Sea, 599
- Submarine Mining, The American School of, 77
- Submarine Surveying, United States, 521
- Subway, The Mersey, 96
- Sugar-Cane Megass, Berry's Apparatus for Drying, 484
- Sun Signal or Heliograph, The, 221
- Survey, Geological, of Scotland. The, 157
- Survey, The United States Geological, 602
- Surveyors, The Institution of, 97
- Swan's Electric Light, 519
- Swing Bridge, The Penrose, Philadelphia, 37
- Swing Bridge, Stileman's ; Buccleugh Dock, Barrow-in-Furness, 320
- Swing Bridges, Crossley Brothers' Turning Gear for, '220
- Swiss Triangulation, The, 377
- Table-Land, The Gulf Stream, 325
- Tank Locomotive at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 130
- Tanning Leather, New System of, 238
- Tap-Chasing Lathe, Hall's, 26
- Tariff, Iron, for Russia, New, 157
- Tay Bridge, The, 96
- Tay Bridge Inquiry, The, 24, 31
- Telegraph, The American Rapid, 463
- Telegraph Engineers, The Education of, 275
- Telegraph Engineers, The Society of, 466
- Telegraph, Fire, of Prague and Smichov, The, 225, 287
- Telegraph Offices, European, 631
- Telegraph Wires, Fastening, 240
- Telegraphic Progress, 239
- Telegraphs, Colonial, 216
- Telegraphs, Railway, 66
- Telephone, The, '239, 494
- Telephone and the Audiphone, The, 168
- Telephone Company, The Edison, and the Government, 514, 544, 593, 601
- Telephone Convention, The American, 326
- Telephone Lines, The Risk of, 493
- Telephone in Paris, The, 353
- Telescope, The Vienna, 314, 424
- Temperature, The Effect of, on the Strength of Iron and Steel, 98
- Tennessee, The Timber of, 378
- Tensile Strain and Electric Resistance, 257
- Terrestrial Magnetism, A New Theory of, 36
- Testing Metals by Tensile Strain, 99
- Thames, The River, 351
- Thermal Springs at Teplitz, Bohemia, the Disappearance of the, 99
- Thermo-Electricity, 466
- Thermometer, Air, A. New, 116, 458
- Thermometers, New, 36
- Third-Class Carriage ; Western Railway of France, 403
- Thompson's Signal Control Apparatus, 170
- Thomson's Compass, 379
- Thomson's, Sir William, Harmonic Analyser, 561
- Thomson, Sterne, and Company's Power Press with Elastic Bed, 458
- Thrashing Machine Drum Lifter, Nalder's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, '27
- Thrashing Machine Shakers, Brinsmead's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 178
- Thrashing Machines at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 51
- Three-High Rolling Mill, Erdmann's, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Tidal Scour, The Removal of River Bars by induced, 343
- Tijou's Railway Buffer, 294
- Timber of Tennessee, The, 378
- Times Barometer, The, 378
- Tipping's Compound Launch Engines, 230
- Tools, Machine, and other Machines, at the Engineering Exhibition, Agricultural Hall, 465
- Topophone, The, 78
- Torpedo Boat Engines, Normand and Company's 428
- Torpedo Boats and Engines, 237, 243
- Torquay Winter Garden, The, 349, 428
- Town Refuse and Sewage, Treatment and Disposal of, 519
- Traction Engines and Machinery, Steam Cultivating, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 4:3
- Traction and Ploughing Engine, Burrell and Sons' Steam, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 42, 45
- Trade in 1880, The Northern Iron, 629
- Traffic, Railway Passenger, 254
- Traffic, Street, in Paris, The, 157
- Tram Rails, Sharp's, 270
- Tramway Engines, Kitson and Company's Valve Gear for, 159
- Tramway Locomotive for the Barcelona Railway, 566
- Transformation of Photographic Images, The, 115
- Treatment of Silver Tailings in Nevada, The, 395, 451
- Tree Growth and Meteorology, 98
- Trestle Crane, Beer's Revolving, 566
- Trial Data of Screw Steamships, Note on, 452, 533
- Trials, Compound Engine, 311
- Trials of Steam Cultivating Machinery at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 41
- Triangulation, The Swiss, 377
- Truck Coupler, Mawlam's Railway, 8
- Tube Works, The Dusseldorf, 206
- Tube Works of Messrs. J. P. Piedboauf and Company, The, 176
- Tunnel, The Hudson River, 116
- Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 36, 495
- Tunnelling Machinery, 326
- Turbine and Pumps, Hett's, 542
- Turning Gear for Swing Bridges, Crossley Brothers', 220
- Turnip Thinner, Everitt and Adams's, at the Royal Agricultural Show, Carlisle, 80
- Turton's Buffer and Coupling, 568
- Tyre-Drilling Machine ; Western Railway of France, 232
- Tyre-Fastening, Kaselowsky's, 80
- Underground Railway, The New York, 278
- Union Company, Dortmund, The Works of the, 148, 210
- Unison Expansion Gear, Crohn's, 179
- United States, Coal Exports and Imports in the, 78
- United States Immigration, 14
- United Stales Mercantile Marine, The, 96
- United States Navy, 1. he, 576
- United States Railroads, The, 136
- United States Steel Production, 116
- United States Submarine Surveying, 521
- Unity of Nature, The, 493
- University College, Bristol, The, 277
- University College, London, The, 31
- Unsanitary Houses, 156
- Use of Steam, The Economic, 81, 159
- Vacuum Shunt, An Electric, 14
- Valve, Everitt's Slide, 27
- Valve Gear, Collmann, Horizontal Engine with, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 457
- Valve Gear, The Emmerich Rotary, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 398
- Valve Gear, Joy's, 125, 139
- Valve Gear, Marshall's, 125, 139
- Valve Gear, Reusing, Horizontal Engine with, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 624
- Valve Gear for Tramway Engines, Kitson and Company's, 159
- Valve Gear for Winding Engines, Anti Compression, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 258
- Valve Gear, The Zimmermann-Waldmann, 211
- Valves, Mayer's Cock, 259
- Vane, The Induction, 12
- Variable Focus, A Lens with, 256
- Vauxhall Railway Accident, The, 239, 278
- Velocities, High, On Friction at, 63
- Velocity of Light, The, 301
- Ventilator, Pelzer's Screw, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 128
- Verloop's System for Heating Footwarmers for Railway Carriages, 210
- Vesuvius, The Electric Light at, 301
- Viaduct, The South Esk River, 600
- Vibrations, Combining Harmonic, 410
- Victoria, Gold Mining in, 98
- Vienna Telescope, The, 314, 424
- Voith's Calendering Machinery, 69
- Volcanic Storms, 549
- Volga, Bridge over the River, 10, 30, 51, 70, 626
- Volta Prize, The, 36
- Wagon, Double-Bogie Platform, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 594
- Wagon, Iron Coal, for the Rhenish Railway, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 430
- Walk of Man, The, 239
- Walsall Boiler Explosion, The, 2. 11, 574
- War Office and Inventors, The, 79
- Waste Water Meter System, The, 576
- Watchmakers, Gauges for, 165
- Water Jet Dredging, 58
- Water Meter, Davey's, 349
- Water Pressure Engine, Mayer's Expanding 211
- Water Supply of Grenoble, The, 14
- Water Supply, The London, 133, 195, 256, 548
- Water Works of London, The, 77
- Weather Information, 168
- Weather Maps, International, 219
- Weather Prediction, 100
- Waiving Steel Ingots, 269
- Weights and Measures, Conventional Signs for, 136
- Wells, Oil, of California, The, 549
- Wennington and Scotch Express Railway Accidents, The, 299
- Western Railway of France, First-Class Carriage for the, 23
- Western Railway of France ; Locomotive Details, 111
- Western Railway of France, Third-Class Carriage for the, 403
- Wever's Horizontal Engine, with Knuttel's Valve Lie ir, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 348
- Wheels, Railway, Chilled, Cast, and Ordinary, 115
- Wheelwright, Ransome's General, 541
- Wilson's south Span of the Columbia Bridge Pennsylvania Railroad, 490
- Wind Currents, The Direction of, 156
- Winding Engine at the Brussels Exhibition, 372
- Winding Engines, Anti-Compression Valve Gear for, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 258
- Winstanley's Recording Radiograph, 315
- Winter Garden, The Torquay, 349, 428
- Wire Rope Connexions for Mining Cages, Baumann's, 118
- Wires, Fastening Telegraph, 240
- Wisconsin, The Mineral Resources of, 602
- Wood Preserver, Paraffine as a, 410
- Woodworth Sluices at Dayton, Nevada, The, 395, 451
- Working a Gas Engine, Cost of, 90
- Workmen, Awards to, 168
- Works, The Amadone ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 509
- Works, American Iron and Steel, 590, 615
- Works, The Bochum Iron and Steel, 144, 210
- Works of Boacker and Company at Schalke, Westphalia, 144
- Works, Boiler, of Mr. Jacques Piedbcouf, 176
- Works, The Diisseldorf Tube, 206
- Works, The Friedrich Wilhelmshutte, 461
- Works, The Uutehoffnungshutte Mining and Smelting. 144, 207
- Works of Messrs. Haniel and Lueg, Dusseldorf, The, 174
- Works of the Hoerde Bergwerks and Hutten Verein, The, 145
- Works, The Hohenzollern Locomotive, 175
- Works of Messrs. Piedbcouf, Dawans, and Company, The, 176
- Works, The Nakatenjo ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 508
- Works, New Iron Bridge Building, 566
- Works, The Rhenish Steel, 207
- Works, The Segara ; Japanese Metallurgical Processes, 456
- Works, Sewerage, The Peterborough Corporation, 641
- Works, The Tube, of Messrs. J. P. Piedbceuf and Company, 176
- Works of the Union Company, Dortmuud, The, 148, 210
- Worssam and Company's Shoe-Last Shaping Machine, 320
- Yacht, Russian, The " Livadia," 29, 32, 39, 93, 325, 353, 378
- Zimmermann Valve Gear, Horizontal Engine with, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 566
- Zimmermann-Waldmann Valve Gear, The, 211
- Zinc, Lead, Brass, Copper, &c., at the Brussels Exhibition, 124
See Also
Sources of Information