Engineering 1889 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1889 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1889 Jul-Dec Volume
- Act, The Scotch Burghs Gas, 108
- Additions to the Navy, 460
- Admiralty Contract, An Important, for the Clyde, 224
- Admiralty Orders for Cleveland, 13, 250, 339
- Agitation in the File Trade, 490, 516
- Agitation of South Yorkshire Coalminers, 545, 600, 637, 686, 713
- Agricultural Implement Trade, The South Yorkshire, 516
- Agricultural Machinery, Competition in, 399
- Air-Chamber Appliances for the Hudson Tunnel, The Contract for, 739
- Alabama and the West Indies, 233
- Alaska, 94
- Appointment, An, Abroad, 108
- Argentine Republic, Immigrants to the, 559
- Armada Memorial at Plymouth, The, 64
- Armour-Plate Orders, 545, 601, 657
- Armoured Cruiser, First-Class, Order for, 713
- Armstrong, Mitchell and Co., The Annual Report and Balance-Sheet of, 367
- Arresters, Spark, 736
- Arrol, W., and Co., 624
- Arrol, Mr. William, The Freedom of Dundee to, 224
- Arsenal and Shipyard, Elswick ; Erratum, 500
- Artillery, Orders for, 683
- Arts, The Society of, 540
- Assessing Coal, 739
- Assessing the Telephone, 739
- Assessment of Toronto, The, 687
- Association, The Blast Furnacemen’s, 200, 224
- Association, The British, 250, 712
- Atlas Works, A Strike at the, 686
- “ Aurora,” The, 175
- Australasian Population, 22, 157
- Australian Mails, The, 157
- Average Selling Price of Manufactured Iron, The, 367
- Awards, Paris Exhibition, 442
- “ Baltimore,” The, 517
- Barker, Mr. E. D., Death of, 429
- Barnacles and Iron Ships, 279
- Barry Dock and Railways, The, 13, 79, 109, 136, 175, 201, 250, 294, 308, 339, 442, 490, 545, 600, 624, 687, 712
- Basic Slag as Manure, 545
- Basic Steel, 624
- Bessemer Steel, 366
- Bilge Pumps and their Connections, 461
- Blaenavon Iron and Coal Company, The, 367
- “ Blanche,” The, 308
- Blast Furnacemen’s Association, The, 200, 224
- Blast Furnaces at Pentyrch, 294
- Blast Furnaces, Welsh, 79, 461
- “ Blonde,” Launch of the, 517
- Boats, American Torpedo, 726
- Boiler Flues, 366
- Boiler Inspection, Steam, 490
- Boilers for the Edinburgh Electrical and Engineering Exhibition, 739
- Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., The Dividend of, 250
- “Boom,” The Coal in, Stirlingshire, 278
- Borough Engineers, 367
- Brake, The Westinghouse, 504
- Brass, A Large Contract for, 428
- Breakwater, A, at Campbeltown, 657
- Brean Down Harbour and Dock Project, The, 339
- Brean Down Harbour and Railway, The, 136
- Bridge, Another Niagara, 663
- Bridge, Another St. Lawrence, 317
- Bridge Building, American, 474, 571, 663, 666
- Bridge, The Hawkesbury, 157
- Bridge, A Railway, across the Danube, 22
- Bridge Trusses. The Weights of, 28
- Bridge, A Submarine, 225
- Bridges on the Canadian Pacific Railway, 583
- Briggs, H., Son, and Co., The Report of, 174
- Bristol Docks, The, 13, 109, 136, 600
- Bristol Port and Pier Railway, The, 624
- Bristol and South Wales Wagon Co, The 109, 175
- Bristol Steam Navigation Co, The, 294
- Bristol Wagon and Carriage Works Co. The, 687
- British Association, The, 250, 712
- British India Steam Navigation Company’s Fleet, Extraordinary Growth of the, 308
- Briton Ferry Iron Works, The, 399
- Brown, Bayley’s Steel Works, 13
- Brown, J., and Co., The Annual General Meeting of, 13
- Building, Chimney Shaft, 526
- Building, A Novel Exhibition, 318
- Bute Docks, The, 136, 175, 238, 442, 489, 624
- Bute Engineering Co, The, 739
- Canada and Australia, A Proposed New Route between, 149
- Canadian Business, 726
- Canadian Pacific Railway, The, 157, 500, 583, 586
- Canadian Trade, 517
- Canadian Vastness, 240
- Canal, The Corinth, 408
- Canal, The Dortmund and Ems, 170
- Canal, A Large, in Sweden, 474
- Canal, The Nicaragua, 157, 663
- Canal, The North Sea Baltic, 306, 458
- Canal, The Projected, to Berlin, 526
- Canal, A Proposed, between the Danube and the Elbe, 397
- Canal, The Suez, 221, 323, 739
- Canal Works, Egyptian, 222
- Canals, Canadian, 294
- Canals and Railways, 739
- Car Works and Machine Shops at Laredo, 212
- Cardiff Corporation Waterworks, The, 238
- Cardiff Dry Dock and Engineering Company, The 251
- Cardiff, Trade at, 13, 64, 79, 109, 136, 175, 200, 238, 251, 294, 308, 339, 367, 399, 442, 461, 489, 517, 545, 575, 599, 624, 657, 687, 712, 739
- Carlton Iron Works, The, 200
- Carpenters’ Wages at Port-Glasgow, 308
- Casting, A Large, of Swedish Steel, 612
- Catalogues, 118, 158, 248, 474, 738
- Cattle, Foreign, at Avonmouth, 625
- Central Pacific Railroad, The, 739
- Chair, The Engineering, in the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, 250, 308
- Chair of Engineering, The, in the University of Glasgow, 174, 200, 224
- Channel Islands, The, 339
- “ Charleston,” The, 157
- Chesterfield and Midland Counties Institution of Engineers, The, 13, 460
- Chicago and North-Western Railroad, The, 363, 739
- Chignecto Ship Railway, The, 724
- Chili, Improvements at, 221
- Chimney Shaft Building, 526
- Chromium Steel, 54
- Cleaning Castings, A Sand-Blast Apparatus for, 560
- Cleveland Iron Market, The, 13, 54, 79, 109, 137, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 309, 338, 366, 399, 429, 460, 490, 516, 545, 583, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, I 739
- Clyde Trust Managership and Treasurership, The, 713
- Coal, African, 638
- Coal, American, in Europe, 572
- Coal, Assessing, 739
- Coal “ Boom,” The, in Stirlingshire, 278
- Coal in British Columbia, 382
- Coal at the Cape de Verd Islands, 64
- Coal and Coke Trades, The Cleveland, 54, 137, 200, 250, 279, 309, 339, 367, 399, 460, 686, 713
- Coal Company, A Welsh, 738
- Coal Contracts, Midland Railway, 657
- Coal at Ebbw Vale, 109
- Coal Exports, Austrian, 461
- Coal in the Forest of Dean, 175, 367
- Coal in France, 425
- Coal and Gannister Miners, A Meeting of, 250
- Coal, An Important Discovery of, 367
- Coal and Iron Company, The Sheepbridge, 278, 339
- Coal and Iron Company, The Staveley, 278
- Coal and Iron, South Wales, 64, 201. 308. 309 339, 461, 489, 575, 686
- Coal at Maesteg, 599
- Coal Mining, American, 318
- Coal-Mining Classes, The Yorkshire College, 460
- Coal in Monmouthshire, 109, 599
- Coal, New Zealand, 317
- Coal, Nova Scotian, 738
- Coal at Pontypridd, 625
- Coal in the Rhymney Valley, 109, 367
- Coal Shipments at Barry, 517
- Coal, South Wales, 109
- Coal Tips at Bristol, 309, 399, 490
- Coal Trade, The Hull, and South Yorkshire Collieries, 54,197, 574, 713
- Coal Trade, The Scotch, 54, 200, 367, 516, 600, 624, 686, 713 t e _
- Coal Trade, The South Yorkshire, 13, 54, 79, 108, 137, 174, 197, 250, 308, 339, 366, 399, 428, 460^ 601, 657, 738
- Coal, Victorian, 240, 259
- Coalfield, The South Wales, 686
- Coalfield Works at Cwmavon, 64
- Coalmasters, The Yorkshire, Advance of Wages by, 637
- Coalminers, South Yorkshire, Agitation of, 545, 600, 637, 686, 713
- Coalowners, Yorkshire, and Railway Contracts, 79, 657
- Coast Defence in the West, 490
- Coke Drawers, South Yorkshire, and Wages Questions, 197, 250, 308, 366, 686, 738
- Coke Prices, The Increase in, 54
- Coke in Scotland, 686
- Coke Trade, The Scotch, 713
- Cokeburners’ Dispute, Settlement of a, 108
- Collieries, South Yorkshire, and the Hull Coal Trade, 54, 197, 574, 713
- Colliers, South Yorkshire, An Important Resolution of, 79
- Colliery Company, The Great Western, 687, 712
- Colliery, The Lofthouse, 108
- Companies, Limited, South Yorkshire Local, 174, 399, 686
- Company, The Imperial British East African, 738
- Company, The Linotype, 137
- Company, A Welsh Coal, 738
- Competition in Agricultural Machinery, 399
- Competition, A Great Locomotive, 739
- Conferences, Derbyshire Miners’, 137, 686
- Connal and Co.’s Warrant Stores, 367
- Consett Iron Company, The, 109, 174, 224
- Contract for Air-Chamber Appliances for the Hudson Tunnel, The, 739
- Contract, A Large, for Brass, 428
- Contract, A Large Machinery, for Coatbridge, 224
- Contract for Wicket Gates, A, 250
- Contracts, Gas Coal, 399
- Contracts, Government, for the Clyde, 108
- Contracts, Marine Engineering, 624
- Contracts, Shipbuilding, 54, 108, 137, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 339, 367, 399, 460, 616, 574, 600, 624, 713
- Contracts for Water Pipes, 657
- Corinth Canal, The, 408
- Corsewell Lighthouse, A Fog Signal at, 657
- Cost of Rolling, Increase in the, 366
- Cowbridge and Aberthan Railway, The, 250
- Cranes for Roath Dock, 251
- Cruisers, New First-Class, 278, 713
- Cunarders “ Etruria” and “ Umbria,” The, 460
- Cutlery, Government Contracts for, 366
- Cwmavon Steel Works, The, 442
- Cyfarthfa Steel Works, Wages at the, 399
- Danube, Improving the, 157
- Darling River, Improving the, 248
- Davy Brothers, The Annual Report of, 13
- Death of Mr. E. D. Barker, 429
- Death of Mr. Robert Duncan, 54
- Death of Professor Eggertz, 248
- Death of Mr. Gavin, 136
- Death of Mr. D. R. Macgregor, 686
- Death of Mr. Walter MacLellan, 79
- Death of Mr. W. M. Neilson, 54,79
- Defence, Coast, in the West, 490
- Defences, Australian, 188
- Delagoa Bay Railway, The, 335
- Demonstration of Miners, A Great, at Barnsley,
- Demonstration of Sheffield Ironfounders, A, 54
- Despatch, Quick, atPenarth, 489
- Development Company, The Virginia, 517
- Devonport Steam Reserve, The, 460
- Disaster, Mill, A Frightful and Fatal, 545
- Discovery of Coal, An Important, 367
- Dispute, The Patternmakers’ in Sheffield, 250
- Dividend of Bolckow, Vaughan, and Co., The, 250 ’
- Dividend of the Steel Company of Scotland, The, 200
- Dock Matters at Cardiff, 367
- Dock Matters at Newport, 294
- Dock, The Milford Haven, 489
- Dock, A New Dry, at Halifax, 545
- Dock and Railway, A Proposed, at Sea field, Kirkcaldy, 224
- Dock and Railways, The Barry, 13, 79, 109, 136, 175, 201, 250, 294, 308, 339, 442, 490, 545, 600, 624, 687, 712
- Dock Scheme, The Rumney, 201
- Docks, The Bristol, 13, 109, 136, 600
- Docks, The Bute, 136,175,238, 442, 489, 624
- Docks, The Falmouth, 294
- Docks, The Milford, 260, 294, 399
- Docks, The Penarth, 687
- Dore and Chinley Railway, The, 428
- Dortmund and Ems Canal, The, 170
- Double-Turretted Monitor, A, 28
- Dowlais Iron Company, The, 657, 687
- Dry Dock Company, The Dumfries, 712
- Drv Dock and Engineering Company, The Cardiff, 251
- Dry Dock, A New, at Halifax, 545
- Dumfries Dry Dock Company, The, 712
- Duncan, Mr. Robert, Death of, 54
- Durban, 653
- Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, 686
- Economical Use of Steam, The, 545
- Edinburgh Electrical and Engineering Exhibition, Boilers for the, 739
- Effect of the London Strike on the Derbyshire Miners, 278
- Eggerte, Professor, Death of, 248
- Eight Hours’ and Wages Question, The, in South Yorkshire, 490
- Electric Light, The, at Bristol, 712
- Electric Light, The, at Cheltenham, 517
- Electric Light, The, at Derby, 491
- Electric Light, The, at Exeter, 109
- Electric Light, The, at Leeds, 601
- Electric Light, The, at Melbourne, 616
- Electric Light, The, in New Zealand, 157
- Electric Light, The, at Penarth, 712
- Electric Light, The, and Sheffield, 308
- Electric Light, The, in Yorkshire, 687
- Electric Lighting in Aberdeen, 657
- Electric Lighting, American, 160
- Electric Lighting for Dundee, 399
- Electric Lighting for Edinburgh, 308
- Electric Lighting Provisional Order, An, for Aberdeen, 428
- Electric Lighting in Sheffield, 197
- Electric Power Storage System, The, 279
- Electrical Engineering Exhibition, The, 137
- Electricity, Supply of, for Edinburgh, 13
- Elswick Arsenal and Shipyard : Erratum, 500
- Employes, Cardiff Tramway, 657
- Engine and Carriage Works at Bishopstoke, 64
- Engine Drivers, The Wages of, 224
- Engineering Chair, The, in the Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, 250, 308
- Engineering, The Chair of, in the University of Glasgow, 174, 200, 224
- Engineering Company, The Bute, 739
- Engineering Contracts, Marine, 624
- Engineering and Shipbuilding, Cleveland, 54, 109, 309, 399, 429, 460, 516, 583, 600, 739
- Engineering Society, The Liverpool, 503
- Engineering Society, The University College, 491, 664
- Engineering Trade, Overtime in the, 225
- Engineers, Borough, 367
- Engineers and Snipbuilders in Scotland, The
- Institution of, 490, 574, 600, 686, 713
- Engineers, The Society of, 471, 700
- Engineers’ Strike at Cardiff, The, 367
- Engineers’ Association, The Glasgow and otland, 460
- Engines, Triple-Expansion: Erratum, 597 ’
- Errata, 429, 491, 500, 571, 597, 728
- “ Etruria,” The Cunarder, 460
- Exhibition Building, A Novel, 318
- Exhibition, The Electrical Engineering, 137
- Expenditure on Locomotives and Rolling Stock, 610
- Experiments, Locomotive, 338
- Exports, Austrian Coal, 461
- Exports, German Rail, 249
- Exports and Imports at Cardiff, The, 739
- Extension of the Merchandise Marks Acts to Foreign Countries, 713
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co, The, 79
- Falkirk and Larbert Works, The, 399
- Falls, The Niagara, 225
- Falmouth Docks The, 294
- File Trade, Agitation in the, 490, 516
- Fire Hydrant System, Vinmng’s High-Pressure,
- Fleet the British India Steam Navigation Company’s, Extraordinary Growth of, 308
- Fleet, the Union Company’s, An Addition to, 94
- Floods, The Prevention of, 248
- Flues, Boiler, 366 .
- Fog Signal, A, at Corsewell Lighthouse, 657
- Foreign Cattle at Avonmouth, 625
- Forfar and Brechin Railway, The: Erratum, 728
- Forge Works, Sale of, 399
- Forth Bridge, Opening of the, 713
- Forth Bridge Railway, The, 224
- Forth and Clyde Ship Canal, The Proposed, 308
- Fox S. and Co., The Report of, 137
- Freedom of Dundee, The, to Mr. William Arrol, 224
- Freight Rates, American Railroad, 223
- Freight Train, A Fast, 572
- Fuel, South Yorkshire, Advances in, 686
- Furnaces, Blast, at Pentyrch, 294
- Furnaces, Welsh Blast, 79, 461
- “G. Ward Cole,” The Twin-Screw Dredger, 637
- Gas Act, The Scotch Burghs, 108
- Gas, American Natural, 310
- Gas at Bath, 490, 712
- Gas at Bristol, 461
- Gas Coal Contracts, 399
- Gas at Newport, 200
- Gas Stokers, The Short Time and Wages Questions with the, 545
- Gas, Water, 224
- Gavin, Mr., Death of, 136
- General Manager, The, of the Clyde Trust, 490
- Girders, Imports of, into Glasgow, 278
- Glasgow Central Railway, The, 399, 600
- Glasgow Pig-Iron Market, The, 12, 54, 79, 108, 136, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 308, 338, 367, 398, 428, 460, 490, 516, 544, 574, 600, 624, 656, 685, 712 739
- Glasgow Harbour Tunnel, The, 137
- Glasgow and West of Scotland Enginekeepers’ Association, The, 460
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, The, 238, 294
- Gold, South African, 500
- Gold in Wales, 575
- Government Contracts for the Clyde, 108
- Government Contracts for Cutlery, 366
- Government Orders, 399, 516
- Government Railways, New Zealand, 222, 318, 544
- Grain Barges, Steel, 500
- Grain at Montreal, 173
- Grand Trunk Railway, The, and the Atlantic, 562
- Great Western Colliery Co, The, 687, 712
- Great Western Railway, The, 13, 200, 575, 599, 624
- Great Western Steamship Co, The, 109
- Grinding Machine, An Important New, 137
- Gun, A Mammoth Krupp, 642
- Halifax High-Level Railway Company, The, 278
- Hancock, W., and Co., A Special Meeting of, 545
- Harbour Commission, The Newport. 687
- Harbour and Dock Project, The Brean Down, 339
- Harbour, Lossiemouth, and Prospective Iron Ore
- Trade in Banffshire, 174
- Harbour and Railway, The Brean Down, 136
- Harbour Trust, The Melbourne, 225
- Harbour Trust, The Swansea, 339
- Harbour Works in Table Bay, 175
- Harbours, Queensland, 140, 352, 545
- Hardening and Tempering Steel, 399
- Hawkesbury Bridge, The, 157
- H.M.S. “Widgeon,” 201, 713
- House, A Sanitary, 87
- Hudson Bay Railway, The, 588
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, The, 197, 224
- Immigrants to the Argentine Republic, 559
- Immigration into the United States, 318
- Imperial British East African Company, The, 738
- Imports and Exports at Cardiff, The, 739
- Imports of Iron and Steel Goods into Glasgow, 108, 174, 278, 367, 600
- Imports, Spanish Iron Ore, into the Clyde, 174, 308, 428,574, 686
- Improvement Scheme, An Extensive, 429
- Improvements at Buenos Ayres, 407
- Improvements at Chili, 221
- Improvements at New York, 212
- Improvements at Tampa, 750
- Improving the Danube, 157
- Improving the Frome and the Avon, 442
- Improving the River Darling, 248
- Improving the Severn, 238, 442, 461, 545, 600, 624, 657
- Industry, French Mechanical, 586
- Inquiry, The Official, into the Causes of the Recent Disaster at Templeton’s Carpet Factory,
- Institute of Engineers, The South Wales, 657
- Institute, The Iron and Steel, 726
- Institute of Marine Engineers, The, 500
- Institute of Patent Agents, The, 752
- Institution of Engineers, The Chesterfield and Midland Counties, 13, 460
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, The, 490, 574, 600, 686, 713
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The, m Paris, 75
- Institution, The Royal, 629, 700
- Intercolonial Railway, The, 307
- Iron and Coal Company, The Blaenavon, 367
- Iron and Coal Company’, The Tredegar, 13
- Iron and Coal, South Wales, 64,201, 308, 309, 339, 461, 489, 575, 686
- Iron Company, The Consett, 109, 174, 224
- Iron Company, The Dowlais, 657, 687
- Iron Company, The Rhymney, 136 .
- Iron and Engine Company, The Teesside, Zov, 279, 367
- Iron and Land Company, The New Birmingham, Texas, 151
- Iron Market, The Cleveland, 13, 54, 79, 109,137, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 309, 338, 366, 399, 429, 460, 490, 516, 545, 583, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, 739
- Iron Ore Imports, Spanish, into the Clyde, 174, 308, 428, 574, 686
- Iron Ore, Mexican, 500
- Iron Ore, Michigan, 500
- Iron Ore in New Jersey, 233
- Iron, Pig, The Make and Disposal of, in Cleveland, 13, 175, 279, 429, 545, 665
- Iron, Pig, in the United States, 294
- Iron Prices, Cleveland, Threatened Further Advance in, 79
- Iron and Steel Company, The Parkgate, 637
- Iron and Steel Institute, The, 726
- Iron and Steel Works, Lanarkshire, Revaluation of, 79
- Iron Trade, The Cleveland Manufactured, 109, 137, 174, 367, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, 739
- Iron Trade, The Glasgow Malleable, 137, 200, 224, 338, 399, 428, 460, 490, 516, 545, 686
- Iron Trade, The South Yorkshire, 13, 54,108,109, 137, 174, 197, 224, 250, 278, 308, 339, 366, 399, 460, 490, 516, 545, 574, 601, 637, 657, 788
- Iron Works Company, The Nantyglo and Biaina, 575
- Iron Works, Great American, 294
- Ironclad, A New Swedish, 442
- Ironfounders, Sheffield, A Demonstration of, 54
- Ironworkers and Monday Labour, 224
- Ironworkers at Shcepbridge, Advance of Wages to, 174
- Irrigation, American, 562
- Irrigation, Australian, 399
- Irrigation in Victoria, 352
- James Watt Lecture, The, at Greenock, 490
- Krupp Gun, A Mammoth, 642
- Labour at Blaenavon, 294
- Lacquer for Ships’ Bottoms, 696
- Land near Kiel, 664
- Landore Viaduct, The, 442
- Largest Sailing Ship ever Built, Contract for the,
- Launch of the “Blonde,” 517
- Lecture, The James Watt, at Greenock, 490
- Lifts at the Hotel Metropole, Brighton, 437
- Light, The Electric, at Bristol, 712
- Light, The Electric, at Cheltenham, 517
- Light, The Electric, at Derby, 491
- Light, The Electric, at Exeter, 109
- Light, The Electric, at Leeds, 601
- Light, The Electric, at Melbourne, 616
- Light, The Electric, in New Zealand, 157
- Light, The Electric, at Penarth, 712
- Light, The Electric, and Sheffield, 308
- Light, The Electric, in the West, 64,460, 545, 625 657 ’
- Light, The Electric, in Yorkshire, 687
- Light, A Portable High Candle-Power, 408
- Lighting, Electric, in Aberdeen, 657
- Lighting, Electric, American, 160
- Lighting, Electric, for Dundee, 399
- Lighting, Electric, for Edinburgh, 308
- Lighting, Electric, in Sheffield, 197
- Lighting Provisional Order, An Electric, for Aberdeen, 428
- Limited Companies, South Yorkshire Local, 174 399, 686
- Line, A Steamship, between Canada and the West Indies, 735
- Linotype Co, The, 137
- Liverpool Engineering Society, The, 503
- Lloyd’s Visitation Committee, 200
- Locomotive Building, American, 288
- Locomotive Competition, A Great, 739
- Locomotive Experiments, 338
- Locomotive Power on the Great Western Railway, 367
- Locomotives, New, for the Forth Bridge Traffic, 338
- Locomotives and Rolling Stock, Expenditure on, 610
- Locomotives for South Africa, 739
- Lodging-Houses, Model, at Newport, 516
- Lofthouse Colliery, The, 108
- London and South Western Railway, The, 175
- Longwy Iron and Steel Works, The : Erratum, 429
- Lossiemouth Harbour and Prospective Iron Ore Trade in Banffshire, 174
- Macgregor, Mr. D. R., Death of, 686
- Machine, Grinding, An Important New, 137
- Machine Shops and Car Works at Laredo, 212
- Machinery Contract, A Large, for Coatbridge, 224
- Machinery, Shipments of, from the Clyde, 13, 79, 108, 137, 174, 278, 308, 338, 367, 398, 428, 460, 490, 516, 545, 574, 600, 624, 657, 713, 739
- MacLellan, Mr. Walter, Death of, 79
- Mails, The Australian, 157
- Malleable Iron Trade, The Glasgow, 137,200, 224, 338, 399, 428, 460, 490, 516, 545, 686
- Management, Indian Railway, 429
- Manager, The General, of the Clyde Trust, 490
- Managership and Treasureship, The Clyde Trust, 713
- Manufacture of Ordnance, andc., The, 738
- Manufacture, Steel, in the South of Spain, 739
- Marine Engineers, The Institute of, 500
- Mattresses for Torpedo Boats, 64
- Mechanical Engineers, The Institution of, in Paris, 75
- Mechanical Industry, French, 586
- Meeting, The Annual General, of J. Brown and
- Meeting, The Annual, of Sadler and Co., 224
- Meeting, The Annual, of the Steel Company of Scotland, 278
- Meeting of Coal and Gannister Miners, A, 250
- Meeting, The Half-Yearly, of Vickers, Sons, and Co 224
- Meeting, An Important, of the Yorkshire Miners’ Council, 54
- Mpptinff. A Special, of W. Hancock and Co., 545
- Melbourne Harbour Trust, The, 225 -Melpomene,” H.M.S., Trials of, 9
- Memorial, The Armada, at Plymouth, 64
- Merchandise Marks Acts, Extension of the, to Foreign Countries, 713
- Merry weather’s Steam “Hydraulicking” Apparatus, 251
- Merthyr and Willows Wire and Steel Works, The, 712
- Metallic Sleepers, 136, 223, 560, 657
- Metallurgy, Canadian, 173 •
- Metallurgy in the Southern States, 157, 363, 612
- Mexican Railway, The, 572
- Midland Railway Coal Contracts, 657
- Milford Docks, The, 250, 294, 399
- Milford Haven Dock, The, 489
- Military Exhibition. The Royal, at Chelsea, 683
- Mill Disaster, A Frightful and Fatal, 545
- Mill, A New Weldless Steel Tyre, 137
- Minerals, Austrian, 500
- Minerals, Railway Rates for the Carriage of, 739
- Miners, Cleveland, and their Wages, 79, 137, 490
- Miners’ Conferences, Derbyshire, 137, 686
- Miners, The Derbyshire, The Effect of the London Strike on, 278
- Miners, A Great Demonstration of, at Barnsley, 79
- Miners’ Permanent Relief Fund, The Yorkshire, 308, 429
- Miners’ Wages, 224, 460, 516
- Mining, American Coal, 318
- Mining Institute of Scotland, The, 79, 460
- Mining Operations in the Caucasus: Erratum, 491
- Mining and Science Schools, The, Penzance, 251
- Model Lodging-Houses at Newport, 516
- Monday Labour and Iron Workers, 224
- Monitor, A Double-Turretted, 28
- My Lords at Devonport, 294
- Nantyglo and Blaina Iron Works Co, The, 575
- National Telephone Company, The, 686
- Natural Gas, American, 310
- Naval Review, The, and Devonport, 13
- Navigation, Canadian Steam, 318
- Navigation, French Steam, 722
- Navigation, German Steam, 64, 188
- Navigation, Gloucester and Birmingham, 575
- Navigation of the Murray, The, 559
- Navigation Scheme, The Severn, 442, 461
- Navy, Additions yo the, 460
- Navy, The United States, 530, 560, 713, 750
- Neath and Brecon Railway, The, 13, 64, 109
- Neilson, Mr. W. M., Death of, 54, 79
- New Birmingham Iron and Land Company, The, Texas, 151
- New Mexico, The Population of, 748
- New York, Improvements at, 212
- Newport-Abercarn Steam Coal Company, The, 109
- Newport Harbour Commission, The, 687
- Newport, Trade at, 712
- Niagara Bridge, Another, 663
- Niagara Falls, The, 225
- Nicaragua Canal, The, 157, 663
- North Sea Baltic Canal, The, 306, 458
- Northern Pacific Railroad, The, 560, 666
- Nottingham Suburban Railway, The, 500
- Obsolete Ships, 175
- Official Resignation, An, 572
- Opening of the Forth Bridge, 713
- Orders, Admiralty, for Cleveland, 13, 250, 339
- Orders, Armour Plate, 545, 601, 657
- Orders for Artillery, 683
- Orders, Government, 399, 516
- Orders, Railway, 490
- Ordnance, American, 66
- Ordnance, andc., The Manufacture of, 738
- Ordnance Survey, The, 600
- Ore, Iron, in New Jersey, 233
- Ore, Mexican Iron, 500
- Ore, Michigan Iron, 500
- Otago Central Railway, The, 294
- Otis Steel Company, The, 54
- Overtime in the Engineering Trade, 225
- Packing Ring, A, for Slurry Pumps: Erratum, 571
- Palmer’s Shipbuilding and Iron Company, 224
- Palmerston and Pine Creek Railway, The, 750
- Paris Exhibition Awards, 442
- Parkgate Iron and Steel Company, The, 637
- Parkgate Iron Works, Advance of Wages at, 108
- Parliament, The South-West in, 657
- Patent Agents, The Institute of, 752
- Patternmakers’ Dispute in Sheffield, The, 250
- Pembroke and Tenby Railway, The, 399
- Penarth Docks, The, 687
- Permanent Way on the Mexican Railway, 572
- Petroleum, Mexican, 724
- Petroleum, Russian, 696
- Piers, Queensland, 545
- Pig Iron, The Make and Disposal of, in Cleveland, 13, 175, 279, 429, 545, 665
- Pig-Iron Market, The Glasgow, 12, 54, 79, 108, 136, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 308, 338, 367, 398, 428, 460, 490, 516, 544, 574, 600, 624, 656, 685, 712, 739
- Pig Iron in the United States, 294
- Plates, Steel, A Large Order for, 367
- Plates, Steel, for the “ Texas,” 735
- Plumbago in Western Australia, 600
- Plumbers, The Registration of, 428
- Population, Australasian, 22, 157
- Population of New Mexico, The, 748,
- Population and Valuation of Vancouver, The, 158
- Portable High Candle-Power Light, A, 408
- Powder, Smokeless, 367
- Power, Locomotive, on the Great Western Railway, 367
- Power Storage System, The Electric, 279
- Prevention of Floods, The, 248
- Price of Iron, Advance in the, in South Yorkshire, 399
- Prices, Coke, The Increase in, 54
- Prospects, The, for the New Year, 738
- Public Works in New Zealand, 560
- Pumps, Bilge, and their Connections, 461
- Quadruplex Telegraphy, 157
- Quick Dispatch at Penarth, 489
- Rail Exports, German, 249
- Railroad, The Central Pacific, 739
- Railroad, The Chicago and North-Western, 363, 739
- Railroad Freight-Rates, American, 223
- Railroad, The Northern Pacific, 560, 666
- Railroad, The Union Pacific, 739
- Railroads, American, 406
- Railroads, Virginian, 735
- Rails in Belgium, 399
- Rails, Steel, The Durability of, 233
- Railway Bridge, A, across the Danube, 22
- Railway, The Bristol Port and Pier, 624
- Railway, The Canadian Pacific, 157, 500, 583, 586
- Railway and Canal Traffic Act, The, 520
- Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, The Gloucester, 238, 294
- Railway, The Chignecto Ship, 724
- Railway Company, The Halifax High-Level, 278
- Railway Contracts and Yorkshire Coalowners, 79, 657
- Railway, The Cowbridge and Aberthan, 250
- Railway, The Delagoa Bay, 335
- Railway and Dock, A Proposed, at Seafield, Kirkcaldy, 224
- Railway, The Dore and Chinley, 428
- Railway, The Forfar and Brechin : Erratum, 728
- Railway, The Forth Bridge, 224
- Railway, The Glasgow Central, 399, 600
- Railway, The Grand Trunk, and the Atlantic, 562
- Railway, The Great Western, 13, 200, 575, 599, 624
- Railway and Harbour, The Brean Down, 136
- Railway, The Hudson Bay, 588
- Railway, The Hull and Barnsley, 197, 224
- Railway, The Intercolonial, 307
- Railway, The London and South-Western, 175
- Railway Management, Indian, 429
- Railway, The Mexican, 572
- Railway, The Neath and Brecon, 13, 64, 109
- Railway, The Nottingham Suburban, 500
- Railway Orders, 490
- Railway, The Otago Central, 294
- Railway, The Palmerston and Pine Creek, 750
- Railway, The Pembroke and Tenby, 399
- Railway Rates for the Carriage of Minerals, 739
- Railway Rates of Swansea and Cardiff, The, 490
- Railway Rates, Welsh, 712
- Railway, The Rhondda and Swansea Bay, 251
- Railway, The Rhymney, 442, 516, 545, 575
- Railway, Sale of a, 278
- Railway, The South Indian, 500
- Railway, The Taff Vale, 64, 175, 238, 294, 442, 545, 575, 625, 712
- Railway, The Vale of Glamorgan, 367
- Railway, The Whitland and Cardigan, 599
- Railways, Argentine, 188
- Railways, Australian, 614
- Railways, Brazilian, 223
- Railways, Canadian, 157, 348, 400, 406, 500, 540, 583, 586, 608, 629, 739
- Railways and Canals, 739
- Railways, Chinese, 737
- Railways and Dock, The Barry, 13, 79, 109, 136, 175, 201, 250, 294, 308, 339, 442, 490, 545, 600, 624, 687, 712
- Railways of Europe, The, 214
- Railways in Jamaica, 562
- Railways in Manitoba, 225
- Railways, New South Welsh, 517, 746
- Railways, New Zealand, 222, 318, 544, 583
- Railways, Queensland, 66, 157, 038, 696
- Railways, Victorian, 395, 610
- Railways, Weeding, 317
- Railways, Welsh, 339, 442, 712
- Rates, Railway, for the Carriage of Minerals, 739
- Rates, Railway, of Swansea and Cardiff, 490
- Rates, Welsh Railway, 712
- Reclamation of Waste Landin the Clyde Estuary, 713
- “ Redpole,” Trial of the, 175
- Registration of Plumbers, The, 428
- Relief Fund, The Yorkshire Miners’ Permanent, 308, 429
- Reopening a Disused Railway, 575
- Report, The Annual, of Davy Brothers, 13
- Report and Balance-Sheet, The Annual, of Armstrong, Mitchell, and Co., 367
- Report of H. Briggs, Son, and Co., The, 174
- Report of S. Fox and Co., The, 137
- Resignation, An Official, 572
- Resolution, An Important, of South Yorkshire Colliers, 79
- Revaluation of Lanarkshire Iron and Steel Works, 79
- Review, The Naval, and Devonport, 13
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, The, 251
- Rhymney Iron Company, The, 136
- Rhymney Railway, The, 442, 516, 545, 575
- “Ringdove,” Trial of the Machinery of the, 136
- Rising of Finland, The, 526
- Rivers and Harbours, Queensland, 140, 352, 545
- Rivetters’ Strike, The, 54
- Roath Dock, Cranes for, 251
- Rolling, Increase in the Cost of, 366
- Rolling Stock on the Baltimore and Ohio Railway, 225
- Rolling Stock on the Canadian Pacific Railway, 500
- Rolling Stock, German, 500
- Rolling Stock on the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, 560
- Rolling Stock on the Northern Pacific Railroad, 666
- Rolling Stock, Victorian, 151
- Ropemaking, Wire, at Cardiff, 399
- Route, A Proposed New, between Canada and Australia, 149
- Royal Institution, The, 629, 700
- Royal Military Exhibition at Chelsea, The, 683
- Royal Scottish Society of Arts, The, 574, 624
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, The, 79
- “ Royal Sovereign,” The, 442
- Rumney Dock Scheme, The, 201
- Sadler and Co., The Annual Meeting of, 224
- “ St. Aubin,” The (s.s.), 64
- St. Lawrence Bridge, Another, 317
- St. Paul and Minneapolis, 251
- Sale of Forge Works, 399
- Sale of a Railway, 278
- Sale of Steamship Shares, 738
- Salvage Companies, The Scandinavian, 310
- Sand-Blast Apparatus, A, for Cleaning Castings, 560
- Sanitary House, A, 87
- Scheme, An Extensive Improvement, 429
- Scheme, Proposed New—The Morley Water Supply, 460
- Scholarships, The Whitworth, 251
- Schools, The Mining and Science, Penzance, 251
- Settlement of a Cokeburners’ Dispute, 108
- Severn, Improving the, 200, 238, 442, 461, 545, 600, 624, 657
- Severn Tunnel, The, 517
- Sewerage, Tayport, 461
- Sewers at Cardiff, 461
- “ Sharpshooter,” Trial of the, 109
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, The, 278, 339
- Sheffield Society of Engineers, The, 713
- Ship Canal, The Proposed For .h and Clyde, 308
- Shipbuilding at Cardiff, 712
- Shipbuilding Contracts, 54, 108, 137, 174, 200, 224, 250, 278, 339, 367, 399, 460, 516, 574, 600, 624, 713
- Shipbuilding and Engineering, Cleveland, 54, 109, 309, 399, 429, 460, 516, 583, 600, 739
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Earle’s, 686
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, The Fairfield, 79
- Shipbuilding and Iron Company, Palmer’s, 224
- Shipbuilding Trade, The Clyde, 13, 137, 278, 399, 574, 657
- Shipments, Coal, at Barry, 517
- Shipments <>f Machinery from the Clyde, 13, 79, 108, 137, 174, 278, 308, 338, 367, 398, 428, 460, 490, 516, 545, 574, 600, 624, 657, 713, 7 9
- Shipping, Steam, at Quebec., 225
- Ships’ Bottoms, Lacquer for,696
- Ships, Iron, and Barnacle% 279
- Sh ps, Obsolete, 175
- Ships, A Water-Tight Door for, 308
- Shipyard, A Great, at Newport News, 528
- Short Time and Wages Questions, The, with the Gas Stokers, 545
- Siemens Steel Trade, The, 624
- Slag, Basic, as Manure, 545
- Sleepers, Metallic, 136, 223, 560, 657
- Slurry Pumps, A Packing Ring for: Erratum, 571
- Smokeless Powder, 367
- Society of Arts, The, 540
- Society of Arts, The Royal Scottish, 574, 624
- Society of Engineers, The, 471, 700
- Society of Engineers, The Sheffield, 713
- South Indian Railway, The, 500
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, The, 657
- Spark Arresters, 736
- Staveley Coal and Iron Company, The, 278
- Steam Boiler Inspection, 490
- Steam Coal Company, The Newport-Abercarn, 109
- Steam Coalowners, South Yorkshire, and the Midland Contracts, 79
- Steam, The Economical Use of, 545
- Steam “Hydraulicking” Apparatus, Merryweather’s, 251
- Steam Navigation, Canadian, 318
- Steam Navigation Company, The Bristol, 294
- Steam Navigation, French, 722
- Steam Navigation, German, 64, 188
- Steam Power, The World’s, 220
- Steam Reserve, The Devonport, 460
- Steam Shipping at Quebec, 225
- Steamer, A Powerful Tug, for the Clyde, 108
- Steamer, A Successful, 657
- Steamers, New, for Norway, 307
- Steamship Company, The Great Western, 109
- Steamship Company, The Wear, 279
- Steamship Line, A, between Canada and the West Indies, 735
- S.S. “ St. Aubin,” The, 64
- Steamship Shares, Sale of, 738
- Steel, Basic, 624
- Steel, Bessemer, 366
- Steel, Chromium, 54
- Steel Companv, The Otis, 54
- Steel Company of Scotland, The, 200, 278
- Steel Grain Barges, 500
- Steel and Iron Goods, Imports of, into Glasgow, 108, 174, 278, 367, 600
- Steel Manufacture in the South of Spain, 739
- Steel Plates, A Large Order for, 367
- Steel Plates for the “Texas,” 735
- Steel Rails, The Durability of, 233
- Steel Sleepers, 136
- Steel, Swedish, A Large Casting of, 612
- Steel Trade. The Cleveland, 79, 137, 339, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, 739
- Steel Trade, The Glasgow, 137, 200, 224, 338, 399, 460, 490, 516, 545, 600, 624, 686
- Steel Trade, The South Yorkshire, 13, 250, 339, 460, 190, 516, 545, 574, 637, 686
- Steel Works, Brown, Bayley’s, 13
- Steel Works, The Cwmavon, 442
- Steel Works, New, near Glasgow, 278
- Steel Works, The New, at Renfrew, 490
- Steelworkers* Wages, 13, 574
- Strike at the Atlas Works, A, 686
- Strike, The Engineers’, at Cardiff, 367
- strike, The Kivetters’, 54
- Submarine Bridge, A, 225
- Suez Canal, The, 221, 323, 739
- Supply of Electricity for Edinburgh, 13
- Survey, The Ordnance, 600
- Swansea Harbour Trust, The, 339
- Swansea, Trade at, 739
- Taff Vale Railway. The, 64, 175, 238, 294, 442, 545, 575, 625, 7i2
- Taff, Weiring the, 238
- Tampa, Improvements at, 750
- Tees Conservancy Commissioners, Visit of the, to the Clyde, 224
- Tee-Side Iron and Engine Company, The, 250, 279, 367
- Telegraphy, Australasian, 157
- Telegraphy, Quadruplex, 157
- Telegraphy, South American, 694
- Telephone, Assessing the, 739
- Telephone Company, The National, 686
- Telephone, The, at Dorchester, 461
- Telephone, The, in the West, 399, 687
- Tempering and Hardening Steel, 399
- Templeton’s Carpet Factory, The Official Inquiry into the Causes of the Recent Disaster at, 739
- Tenders for the New First-Class Cruisers, 278
- Tensile Tests at Varying Temperatures, 491
- Tests of the “Vesuvius,” 629
- Tin Works at Briton Ferry, 136
- Tips, Coal, at Bristol, 309, 399, 490
- Tiverton, 687
- Tondu Works, The, 442
- Toronto, The Assessment of, 687
- Torpedo Boats, American, 726
- Torpedo Boats, Mattresses for, 64
- Trade at Avonmouth, 79
- Trade of Bristol, The, 738
- Trade, Canadian, 517
- Trade at Cardiff, 13, 64, 79, 109, 136, 175, 200, 238, 251, 294, 308, 339, 367, 399, 442, 461, 489, 517, 545, 575, 599, 624, 657, 687, 712, 739
- Trade, The Cleveland Manufactured Iron, 109, 137, 174, 367, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, 739
- Trade, The Cleveland Steel, 79, 137, 339, 600, 625, 665, 686, 713, 739
- Trade, The Clyde Shipbuilding, 13, 137, 278, 399, 574, 657
- Trade, The Glasgow Steel, 137, 200, 224, 338, 399, 460, 490, 516, 545, 600, 621, 686
- Trade at Newport, 712
- Trade at Penarth, 367
- Trade, The Scotch Coal, 54, 200, 367, 516, 600, 624, 686, 713
- Trade, The Scotch Coke, 713
- Trade, South Yorkshire, 13, 54, 108, 250, 278, 308, 339, 429
- Trade The South Yorkshire Coal, 13, 54, 79, 108, 137, 174, 197, 250, 308, 339, 366, 399, 428, 460’ 601, 657, 738
- Trade, The South Yorkshire Iron, 13, 54, 108, 109 137, 174, 197, 224, 250, 278, 30X, 339, 366, 399^ 460, 490, 516, 545, 574, 601, 637, 667, 738
- Trade, The South Yorkshire Steel, 13, 250, 339, 460, 490, 516, 545, 574, 637, 686
- Trade, South Yorkshire, with the United States, 79
- Trade at Swansea, 739
- Trades, The Cleveland Coal and Coke, 54, 137, 200, 250, 279, 309, 339, 367, 399, 460, 686, 713
- " Trafalgar,” The, 13
- Traffic Act, The Railway and Canal, 526
- Train, A Fast Freight, 572
- Trains, Workmen’s, on the Midland Railway, 309
- Tramway Employ6s, Cardiff, 657
- Tramways, Bristol, 200
- Tramways in the West. 399
- Tredegar Iron and Coal Company, The, 13
- Tredegar Iron Works, The, 545, 575, 599
- Trial of the Machinery of the *• Ringdove,” 136
- Trial of the “ Redpole,” 175
- Trial of the “ Sharpshooter.” 109
- Trials of H.M.S. “ Melpomene,” 9
- Trials nf the “ Yorktown,” 586
- Triple-Expansion Engines: Erratum, 597
- Trucks, Belgian, for South America. 141
- Tug Steamer, A Powerful, for the Clyde, 108
- Tunnel, The Glasgow Harbour, 137
- Tunnel, The Severn, 517
- Twin-Screw Dredger “ G. Ward Cole,” The, 637
- “Umbria,” The Cunarder, 460
- “ Undaunted,” The, 175
- Union Company’s Fleet, An Addition to the, 94
- Union Pacific Railroad, The, 739
- United States Navy, The, 530, 560, 713. 750
- University College Engineering Society, The, 491, 664
- Urquhart, Mr. Thomas, 683
- Vale of Glamorgan Railway, The, 367
- “ Valorous,” The, 600
- Vancouver, The Population and Valuation of, 158
- “Vesuvius,” Tests of the, «29
- Viaduct, The Landore, 442
- Vickers, Sons and Co., The Half-Yearly Meeting of, 224
- Vinning’s High-Pressure Fire Hydrant System, 609
- Virginia Development Company, The. 517
- Visit of the Tees Conservancy Commissioners to the Clyde, 224
- Visitation Committee, Lloyd’s, 200
- Wages, Advance of. to Ironworkers at Sheepbridge, 174
- Wages, Advance of, at Parkgate Iron Works, 108
- Wages, Advance of, by the Yorkshire Coalmasters, 637
- Wages, Carpenters’, at Port-Glasgow, 308
- Wages in the Cleveland Manufactured Iron Trade, 109, 174, 625
- Wages, Cleveland Miners and their, 79, 137, 490
- Wages in the Cleveland Steel Trade, 79
- Wages at the Cyfarthfa Steel Works, 399
- Wages and Eight Hours’ Question, The, in South Yorkshire, 490
- Wages of Engine Drivers, The, 224
- Wages in the Forest of Dean, 442
- Wages on the Great Western Railway, 599
- Wages, Increase of, at Coatbridge, 200
- Wages, Miners’, 224, 460, 516
- Wages Questions and South Yorkshire Coke Drawers, 197 250, 308, 366, 686, 738
- Wages Questions and South Yorkshire Colliery Topmen, 686
- Wages on the Rhymney Railway, 516
- Wages and Short Time Questions, The, with the Gas Stokers, 545
- Wages, Steelworkers’, 13, 574
- Wages at Tredegar, 599, 738
- Wagon and Carriage Works Company, The Bristol, 687
- Wagon Company, The Bristol and South Wales 109, 175
- Warrant Stores, Connal and Co.’s, 367
- Waste Land, Reclamation of, in the Clyde Estuary, 713
- Water Company, The West Gloucestershire, 399
- Water Gas, 224
- Water Mains and the Glasgow Central Railway, 600
- Water in New South Wales, 233
- Water Pipes, Contracts for, 657
- Water in Queensland, 249
- Water in South Australia, 842, 672
- Water Supply of Brisbane, The, 500, 722
- Water Supply of Camborne, The, 442
- Water Supply, The Leeds, 657
- Water Supply of Melbourne, The, 517
- Water Supply, The Morley — Proposed New Scheme, 460
- Water Supply of Mountain Ash, The, 657
- Water Supply of Newport, The, 79
- Water Supply, The Nidd Valley, and Bradford 657
- Water Supply- of Peterborough, The, 94
- Water Supply Scheme, The New, for Airdrie and
- Coatbridge, 308
- Water Supply of Skipton, The, 174
- Water Supply of Swansea, The, 175
- Water-Tight Door, A, for Ships, 308
- Water Works, The Cardiff Corporation, 238
- Water Works Scheme, The Pontefract, 174
- Wear Steamship Company, The, 279
- Weeding Railways, 317
- Weights of Bridge Trusses, The, 28
- Weiring the Taff, 238
- Weldless Steel Tyre Mill, A New, 137
- West Gloucestershire Water Co, The, 399
- West Indies, The, and Alabama, 233
- Western Wagon and Property Company, The, 175
- Westinghouse Brake, The, 504
- White Lead Works, New, 108
- Whitland and Cardigan Railway, The, 599
- Whitworth Scholarships, The, 251
- Wicket Gates, A Contract for, 250
- “ Widgeon,” H.M.S., 201, 713
- Wire Ropemaking at Cardiff, 399
- Workmen’s Trains on the Midland Railway, 309
- Works, Brown, Bayley’s Steel, 13
- Works, The Briton Ferry Iron, 399
- Works, The Carlton Iron, 200
- Works, Coalfield, at Cwmavon, 64
- Works, The Cwmavon Steel, 442
- Works, Egyptian Canal, 222
- Works, Engine and Carriage, at Bishopstoke, 64
- Works, The Falkirk and Larbert, 399
- Works, Harbour, in Table Bay, 175
- Works, Iron, Great American, 294
- Works, The Longwv Iron and Steel: Erratum, 429
- Works, The Merthyr and Willows Wire and Steel, 712
- Works, New, at Cardiff, 545
- Works, New Steel, near Glasgow, 278
- Works, New Steel, at Renfrew, 490
- Works, New White Lead, 108
- Works, Public, in New Zealand, 560
- Works, Tin, at Briton Ferry, 136
- Works, The Tondu, 442
- Works, The Tredegar Iron, 545, 575, 599
- World’s, Steam Power, The, 220
- Yorkshire College Coal-Mining Classes, The, 460
- Yorkshire Miners’ Council, An Important Meeting of the, 54
- “ Yorktown,” Trials of the, 586
Sources of Information