Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1895 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1895 Jul-Dec Volume
- Argentine Agriculture, 620
- Fruit Grown under Clear Glass, Finest, 301
- Imperial Moscow Show, 47
- Royal Society's Hay and Clover Making Machine Tests, 47
Appointments and Personal:
- G. L. Addenbrooke and Mr. Ernest Scott, Partnership, 215
- Bessemer Premium Award, 766
- Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 543
- Chairman, North London Railway, 767
- Chilian Navy Engineer, 393
- Director Earle's Company (Captain Eardley Wilmot), 511
- Dugald Drummond (Locomotive Superintendent, London and South-Western Railway), 24
- Electrician, Cape Government, 697
- Engineer, Uganda Railway, 605
- Engineering Manager, Fairfield Works, 700
- Engineering Manager, Naval Construction Works, Barrow (Mr. J. McKechnie), 372
- Engineering Managership, Fairfield Works, 463
- Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical
- College, Mining and Geology Lecturer, 392
- Inspector of Chains and Anchors, Board of Trade, 605
- Singapore, Engineer, and Salary, 372
- J. G. Slatter and Co.'s Works, 215
Armour. See Naval
Artillery. See Guns
Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
- Angle Iron for Bridges, Formula, 372
- Dee, N.B., New Bridge over the, 371 .
- Double Swing Bridge, 224
- Lift Bridge, Brooklyn, 372
- Netherlands, Bridge Tests, 47
- Spacing of Rivets in Bridge Members, 243
- Steel Rope Suspension Bridge, Bombay (Personal), 431
- Stresses on Swing Bridges, 372
- Swing Bridge at Bowling, for Railway, 392
- Swing Bridge, Glasgow, 14
- Tower Bridge, Effect on Traffic, 124
- Wind Pressure for Indian Bridges, 372
- Wye, Bridge over, 371
- Bruges Canal, 582
- Curves on Chief Canals, 149
- Manchester Canal, 149. 543, 637
- Nicaragua Canal and the State, 582, 674
- North Sea-Baltic Canal Traffic, 372, 667, 742
- Seattle Canal to the Atlantic, 301
- Ship Canal to Berlin, 393
- Thames and Severn Canal, 431
- Trollhlitta and (Rita Canal, 674
- John Abbot and Co., 230
- Asbestos Company, Limited, 464
- John Birch and Co., Limited, 037
- Bolling and Lowe, 605
- Browne and Sharpe Manufacturing Company, 331
- Caddy and Co., 372
- Campbell and Calderwood, 312
- Carter, J., Sons, and Co., 24
- Chapman and Hall, 280
- Crompton and Co., 673
- Dorman, Long, and Co., 440
- Expanded Metal Company, Limited, 673
- George Far-niloe and Sons, 637
- Sir Howard Grubb, 243
- J. and H. Gwynne, 603
- J. Halden and Co., 511, 673
- Hartlepool Ropery Company, 605
- Hayward-Tyler, and Co., 742
- R. Hunt and Co , 440
- Johnson and Phillips, 307
- Joseph Kaye and Sons, 464
- T. Ledward and Co., 492
- Leeds and Bradford Boiler Company, 605
- London Emery Works Company, 464
- Mannesmann Tube Company, 440
- Measures Brothers, 464
- A. G. Mumford, 464
- Patent Shaft and Axletree Company, Limited, 24
- F. Reddaway and Co., Limited, 230
- Renold's Steel Balancing Chains, 159
- John J. Royle, Durham, 605
- J. Sagar and Co., 423
- T. and W. Smith, 037
- Southgate Engineering Company, Limited, Southgate, 492
- John Spencer, 492
- James Stott and Co., 605
- Tate and Carlton, 637
- James Thompson, Wolverhampton, 605
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Company, Limited, 331
- A. Turnbull and Co., 492
- William Wesley and Son, 605
- Edward Wood, 464
- Alaska Coal, 766
- Barry Shipments, 14
- Belgian Coal, 392
- Bolsover New Colliery, 372
- Cardiff, 14, 46, 90, 111, 148, 183, 214, 242, 271, 300, 331, 371, 391, 423, 463, 483, 510, 542, 676, 6:14, 636, 667, 701, 732, 766, 800
- Cleveland. See hiiddle8brough
- Coke, Price of Furnace, 331
- Coke Prices, 732
- Colliery, Closing Hollingwood, 330
- East Anglia, Coal in, 24
- Faroe Islands Coal, 393
- France, Statistics, 242
- German Coal, 745
- Hull and Yorkshire Collieries (Exports), 214, 462, 603
- Johannesburg Coal, 558
- Locomotive Coal Contracts, 46
- Middlesbrough, 13, 45, 89, 111, 148, 214, 242, 270, 300, 331, 391, 463, 483, 510, 542, 575, 604i 636, 732, 765, 800
- Midlands, Coal in, 24
- New Zealand Coal, 586
- Newport Coal Trade, 14
- Peat Coke Industry in Sweden, 674
- Pembrokeshire Coal, 767
- P. and 0. Coal Contracts, 483
- Pit Sinking Operations, 666
- Poland, Coal in, 679
- Prussian Coal-Mining, 752
- Railway Coal Bill, 215
- Rating of Plant at New Coal Pits, 468
- Roumanian Coal, 221, 511
- Scotch Shipments, 14
- Scotch Trade, 14
- Sheffield, 46, 89, 148, 270, 462, 542, 574, 603, 636, 667, 732, 766, 800
- South African Coal, 552
- South Wales Coal-Field, 542
- South Wales Shipments, 89, 214, 371, 483, C04, 732
- Staveley Coal Company's New Works, 422
- Turkish Coal, 389
- United States Coal-Mining, 729
- Welsh Coal Contracts, 667
- Welsh Coal for French Steamers, 604
- Welsh New Pits and Seams, 242, 271, 371, 423, 675, 667
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
* Collisions. See Railways
Companies :
- Babcock and Wilcox Company, 330
- Bristol and South Wales Railway Wagon Co, 111
- Brown, Boveri, and Co.'s 1000th Dynamo, 280
- John Brown and Co., 45
- Cail (Mechanical) Company, 307
- Charles Cammell and Co., 422
- Cowdenbeath Company's Large Dividend, 183
- Dorman, Long and Co, Limited, 666
- Samuel Fox and Co., Limited, 182
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co, Limited, 242
- Hardy Patent Pick Co, 240
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Limited, 13
- Machinery Insurance Company, 224
- Midland Coal, Coke, and Iron Co, Limited, 182
- New Limited Liability Companies, 124
- Newport-Abercarn Colliery Co, 46
- Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Co, Limited, 422
- Sheffield Forge and Rolling Mills Co, 270
- Steel Company of Scotland, 242, 330, 371
- Vickers, Sons and Co., 240
- Western Wagon and Property Company, Limited, 148
- Yorkshire Railway Wagon Companies, 182
* Defence of Coasts. See Naval
* Drainage. See Sewage
* Electric Tramways. See Electricity
Electricity :
- Accumulator Carriages, 149
- Ampere-Meter Tests (Personal), 464
- Battery, Gravity Primary, 243
- Buoys, Electrically Lighted, 47
- Cable to Caldy Island, 148
- City and South London Subway, 124
- Clock, Electrically-Driven, 224
- Companies Directory, 215
- Death from Electric Shock, Cause, 149
- Electric Street Railway Mail Cars, 149
- Electrical Journac 115
- Electrolysis, Indirect, 149
- Laboratory Notes and Forms, 15
- Life of Incandescent Lamp, 637
- Lighting Barry Railway Trains, 148
- Lighting Bradford, 243
- Lighting Edinburgh, 463
- Lighting Exeter, 300, 463
- Lighting Fulham, 637
- Lighting Liverpool, Corporation and, 192
- Lighting Monmouth, 463
- Lighting Newport, 483
- Lighting Railway Carriages, Sweden and Denmark, 491
- Lighting Regulations, 637, 701
- Lighting .Ryhope Asylum, 393
- Lighting in South Africa, 482
- Lighting Swansea, 331, 463
- Lighting Tahiti, 239
- Lighting Thames Embankment, 90
- Lighting Torquay, 636
- Lighting a Vacuum Tube, 243
- Lighting Wakefield, 482
- Lighting Wales, 732
- Lighting in West of England, 707
- Lightning, Deaths in United States, 192
- Locomotive " Baltimore," 423
- Magnetic Clutch, 149
- Mains under Footways, 778
- Meter Competition, 183
- Motor, 80 Miles an Hour, 90
- Motors for Tunnel Traffic, 729
- Niagara Power, 16, 801
- Pacific Cable, 637
- Power Transmission, Salt Lake City, 423
- Pumping Plant, 733
- Railway, Copenhagen, 111
- Railway, Feeder, Pennsylvania Railroad, 15
- Railway, Three-Phase System in United States,192
- Rail ways, 520
- Ship Propulsion by Storage Batte1ies, 47
- Steeling Copper Plates, 192
- Submarine Cables, France, 90
- Tadpoles and Electricity, 491
- Telegraph Cable up t he Amazon and ParaManaos, 463
- Telegraphy, South African, 455, 479
- Telephone, Copenhagen-Berlin, 301
- Telephone in Japan, 149
- Telephoneand Telegraph, Sweden, 47
- Telephotograph , 215
- Threshing Corn by Electricity, 301
- Traction, Accumulator, 331
- Traction, Swiss, 149
- Tramway, Electric St reet Railway with Conduit,149
- Tramway Statistics, 393
- Tramways, Electric, in Scandina via, 674
- Transmission in California, 301
- Water Power, Falls of Foyer and Aluminium,183,482
- Water Power in Finland, 406
- Water Power, Nor th-East Fayonm, 90
- Water Power from the Ri ver Rhone for Lyons,224. See L~·rTER S
- Wooden Conduits fo1· Cables, 47
- Zinc Plating Iron Tubes by Electricity, 149
Engineering. See Shipbuilding and Industries
Engines and Boilers
- Babcock and Wilcox Boiler in the United States Navy, 637
- Babcock and Wilcox' vVorks, Renfrew, 392
- Dust Fuel for Boilers, 674
- Leeman's Petroleum Burner for Boilers, 124
- Locomotive Carriages for Oommon Roads, 667
- Petersen and Macdonald Water-Tube Boiler, 581
- Road Traction Race, Chicago, 224
- Winding Engine for Sydney Harbour, 558
- Working Models of Valves, 710
Exhibitions :
- AtalanLa Exhibit ion, 243
- Berlin Exhibition 1896, 47, 542, 767
- Bordeaux Exhibition, 511
- Buda-Pesth 1896, 301, 393
- Cardiff 1896 ExhibiLion, 331
- Colonial Exhibition, Manchester, 280
- East London Trades, Industries, and Arts Exhibition, 776
- Johannesburg, 363, 464
- Nishni-Novgorod, 301, 767
- Stockholm Exhibition 1897, 468, 701
- Vienna Agricultural Exhibit ion, 307
Explosions. See Engines and Boilers
Explosives. See Guns
- American Natural Gas, 144
- Derby Supply, 686
- Gas Analyser, Automatic, 637
- Gas Company Directory, 215
- Gas Engines and Dock Pumps, 280, 301
- Gas Mams under Footways, 778
- Tramway, Kingswood, 542
- Water Gas in Sweden, 47
- Water Power, Niagara, 643
- Weston -super·-Mare Gas, 300
Guns and Explosives :
- Canadian Troops and Lee-1\Ietf01·d Rifie, 543
- Cordite Manufacture hy Cont ract, 423
- Cordite Storage in India, 511
- Cordite Tests, 733
- Electronite, 733
- Explosive ShipmenLs from Ardeer, 271
- Nordenfelts, 280
- United States Gun Test, 22
Harbours, Piers, &c. :
- Aberdeen, New Harbour Works, 482
- Barry Graving Docks, 604, 800
- Barry Harbour, 701
- Bremerhaven New Dry Dock, 280
- Bridgewater Ri vcr Improvemeu ts, 51 1
- Bristol Channel Cusc.oms, 1 L 1
- Bristol Dock, 183, 423
- Bristol Timber Accommodation, 392
- Druges Por t, Belgium, 716
- Burnt island Dock Extension, 370, 543
- Bu Le Docks, 18S, 800, 423
- Cardiff Dock Accommodation, 636
- Cardiff Graving Dock, 575
- Oherbourg PorL lmprovemenli, 652
- Clyde. See Glasgow
- Damming the River Dee, 463
- Dover Naval Harbour, 463
- Floating Dock for Stockholm, 605
- Floating Dock at Subic, Philippine Islands, 776
- Gas Engines and Dock Pmnps, 280, 301
- Glasgow Harbour Works, 14, 300, 806
- Hamburg hipping, 284
- Heysham Docks, 482
- High Tide in Mersey, 280
- Hobbs Point Pier, 800
- Hydra ulic Tip at PorL Talhot, 111
- Libau Harbour Deepening1 674
- Lighthouse, KincardineshH'e Coast, 766
- Llanelly, 111 , 392, 423, 636
- Lynmouth Pier, 331
- Milford Haven, 271
- Mississippi, 605
- Newport, 111, 732, 767
- Otago, 496
- Paignton Pier, 800
- Palermo, 744
- Peterhead Harbour, 462, 510, 637, 707
- Port Talbot, 111
- Portland Bay, 271
- Quay and Warehouse Contracts at Belgrade, 124
- Ribble Improvement, 582
- River Bed Changes, Indian, 491
- Russia and River Navigation, 90
- Savannah Harbour Improvements, 252
- Spurn Point Lighthouse, 192
- Swansea Coal Tips and Great Western Railway, 463
- Swansea Docks, 510, 542, 667
- Swansea Finance, 214
- Sweden, Free Harbours in, 115
- Thames, Depth of Water, 733
- Thames Navigation, 697
- Vera Cruz Extensions, 145
- Volga, Deepening, 674
- Weston-super-Mare Pier, 575
- Wind and Tide Effects, 511
Hydraulics :
- Doors for Elevators, 801
- Glasgow Hydraulic Power Works Company, 700
- Mather-Reynolds Pumps, 646
- Otis Hoists, 605
- Otis Hydraulic Lifts, Glasgow Tunnel, 124
Industries :
- American Engineering, 780
- Australasian Trade, 243
- Belgiin Locomotives, 526
- Board of Trade Returns, 331, 463
- Bolt and Rivet Works for Coatbridge, 89
- Briton Ferry Tinplate Works, 542, 575
- Canadian Engineering, 780
- Canadian Imports and Exports, 543
- Coal. See Coal
- Crewe Works of London and North-Western Railway, 434
- Engineering, Sheffield, 111, 799
- Engineering, United Kingdom, 111
- Files and Edge Tool Trade, Sheffield, 89
- Galvanised Sheet Makers, Woodford, 554
Iron and Steel. See Iron and Steel
- Locomotive Trade, West of Scotland, 291, 422, 510, 666
- New Zealand Industries, 389
- Salt.and Chemical Trades, 483
- Scotch Engineering Trade, 183
- Sheffield Cutlers, 89, 799
- Sheffield Lighter Industries, 242
- Tinplate, 58, 92, 111, 282, 483, 542
- United States Tinplate, 149
Institutions, See Technical Societies
- Iron and Steel:
- American Steel Rails, 270
- Bofors Company Casting, 301
- Birmingham, 26, 58, 91, 160, 226, 254, 282, 342, 375, 454, 495, 524, 554, 587, 616, 648, 681 713, 747, 779, 812
- Blast-Furnace Accident, 45
- Blast-Furnaces, British, 463
- Blast-Furnaces, Belgian, 406
- Blast-Furnaces, United States, 243, 363
- Briton Ferry Mills, 14
- Briton Ferry, Production of Pig Iron, 423
- Briton Ferry Steel Works, 604
- Carbon Dioxide in Furnace Gases, Apparatus for Measuring, 243
- Cleveland, 13, 45, 89, 111, 148, 183, 214, 242, 270, 300, 330, 371, 391, 422, 463, 482, 510, 542, 575, 604, 636, 666, 701, 732, 765, 800
- Cleveland Trade in 1895, 765
- Crucible Steel Cable, 15
- Desulphurisation of Iron, 419
- Eglinton Iron Works Extension, 543
- German and British Metallurgy, 684
- German Rails, 588
- Glasgow. See Scotch
- Iron in Fireproof Buildings, 372
- Lancashire, 26, 58, 91, 160, 196, 226, 254, 281, 311, 342, 374, 405, 434, 454, 495, 524, 553, 5b6, 616, 648, 681, 713, 746, 779, 812
- Middlesbrough. See Cleveland
- Pig Iron in United States, 192
- Renfrew Forge and Steel Works, 271, 392, 637
- Rolling Mills for Wearside Company, 300
- Russian Bessemer Steel Plant, 372
- Scotch, 14, 46, 89, 124, 148, 183, 215, 242, 271, 300, 330, 370, 392, 422, 462, 482, 510, 643, 675, 604, 636, 666, 700, 733, 766, 800
- Scotch Pig Iron Production, 800
- Sheffield, 14, 45, 89, 111, 148, 182, 214, 242, 270, 300, 301, 330, 371, 391, 422, 462, 482, 509, 542, 575, 603, 636, 666, 701, 732, 766, 800
- Siemens-Martin Process, Russia, 463
- Steel Rails, Bending of, 801
- Steel Rails in Canada, 338
- Sweden, Iron and Steel, 640
- Sweden, Mineral Wealth, 393
- United States Steel in England, 159
- United States Trade, 192
- Wales Shipments, 89, 214, 371, 483, 604, 732
- Wales, South, Trade, 434
- Welsh Iron Work Restarting, 636
- Welsh Steel-Making, 371
- Wolverhampton, 26, 68, 91, 160, 196, 226, 254, 282, 811, 374, 405, 434, 454, 495, 524, 554, 586, 016, 648, 681, 713, 747 779, 812
- Yorkshire. See Sheffield
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, &c.
- Light. Electric. See Electricity
Machine Tools. See Mechanics
- Cleveland Iron, 13, 46, 89, 111, 147, 182, 2141 242, 270, 300, 330, 371, 391, 422, 462, 483, 510, 541, 675, 604, 635, 666, 701, 732, 765, 800
- Copper Market at Glasgow, 14, 46, 89, 124, 148, 182, 215, 242, 271, 300, 330, S70, 392, 422, 462, 482, 510, 543, 575, 604, 637, 666, 700, 733, 766, 800
- Glasgow Pig Iron, 14, 46, 89, 123, 148, 183, 215, 242, 270, 299, 330, 370, 392, 420, 462, 482, 510, 543, 575, 604, 636, 666, 700, 733, 766, 800
- Make and Disposal of Cleveland Iron,. 45, 182, 300, 462, 576, 701, 765
- Sulphate of Ammonia, 46, 215, 242, 271, 330, 370, 392, 422, 462, 482, 610, 543, 575, 636, 666, 700, 733, 766, 800
- Air-Tightness of Balloon for North Pole, 301
- Alloys of Aluminium, 697
- Alloys, Lectures, 423
- Aluminium Alloys, Corrosion, 301
- Aluminium and Corrosion, 423
- Aluminium Torpedo Tubes Rejected, 605
- Artificial Paving Stones, 697
- Artificial Spectrum, 712
- Asphalte Beton, 423
- Ball Nozzle, 801
- Bouzey Dam Failure, 767
- Brick and Tile Making Machniery, 224, 280
- Cable, Cradock's Crucible Steel, 15
- Cement and Steel Wire Netting Safe, 15
- Concrete Expansion and Contraction in Reservoirs, 674
- Fire-Resisting Qualities of Materials for Buildings, 674
- Great Wheel at Earl's Court, 124
- Horseless Carriages, 280, 423
- Inventions, Prizes for, 158
- Locking Nuts, 491
- Machine Tools for Devonport, 14
- Molybdenum, 47
- Norway Aluminium Manufacture, 583
- Percolation Gauges, Relative Value of, 463
- Phosphor-Bronze Casting, 766
- Phosphorescence at Low Temperatures, 243
- Reheating Molten Steel in a Ladle by Electricity, 224
- Rusting, Keeping Tools from, 149
- Securing Foundations in Mud, 393
- Silvering Mirrors, 674
- Sinking Well Foundations, 149
- Steel, Microscopic Examination of, 766
- Temperatures at Low Depths, 801
- Welding Lead, 124
- Wind Pressure, Glasgow District, 604
Metals. See Mechanics
- Alaska Gold, 797
- Canadian Nickel, 149
- Gold Discoveries in the Don, 301
- Mining in the United Kingdom, 280
- Niagara Crusher, 252. See GENERAL INDEX
- Russia, Gold in, 498
- Russian Co-Operative Mining, 674
- South African Gold, 145, 663
- Sweden, Iron Ore in, 745, 801
- Sweden, Mining in, 665
- United States Gold, 166
- African Petroleum, 159
- Algerian Petroleum, 129
- American Patents, 372
- Argon Absorbed by Sulphide of Carbon, 14
- Asphalte Paving, 47
- Bell, A Large, b74
- Buildings, Iron in Fireproof, 372
- Canada, Area, Population, Sze., 144
- Cleaning Cloths, 284
- Colonies and Trade, 697, 747
- Decimal Weights and Time, 243
- Diamond in Brazil, Largest Black, 491
- Emigration Prospects, 68
- French Population, 423
- French Work in Streets, 15
- German Emigration, 145
- Glass, Large Sheets of Plate, 766
- Hours of 'Change in Middlesbrough, 732
- Immigration into Brazil, 679
- Iron Church, 224
- Ironbark in New South Wales, 496
- Legal Lectures at Liverpool, 468
- Lens for Yerke Telescope, 224
- Metric System, Government and, 637
- Military Heads for Government Manufactories, 733. See LETTERS
- New South Wales Engineering Works, 56
- New South Wales Parliament and Free Trade, 149
- New York Buildings, 28
- Nottingham Burgh Statistics, 464, 673
- Pavement in New York, 11 .
- Peat Works near Ramsey, and Antiseptic "Wool," 243. See LEITER, 279
- Planimeter, 423
- Russian Government Agent for Constantinople, 363
- Russian Petroleum, 46
- San Francisco Tea Trade, 340
- Silvering Mirrors, 674
- South African Petroleum, 615
- Taxation of Machinery, 56, 767
- Telegraphic Code Indices, 215
- Wallsend Slipway Company's Rating Appeal, 56
- Admiralty Appointments, 767
- Argentine Torpedo-Destroyers, 697
- Armoured Casemates, British Orders, 801
- Armour-Plate Orders, British, 462, 800
- Armour-Plate for Russia, American, 667
- Austrian Cruiser and Belleville Boilers, 192
- Brazil Cruiser, 782
- Chatham Graving Dock, 192
- China Navy, 393
- Chinese Cruiser, German Built, 372
- Corn Cellulose for Automatically Stopping Holes, 15
- Devonport Docks, 392
- Devonport Dockyard, 331, 667, 800
- Devonport Dockyard Machinery, 90
- Devonport Dockyard Mooring Accommodation, 242
- Devonport, Machine Tools, 14
- Devonport and Wages Allowance, 371
- Double-Decked Turret Battleship, U.S., 224
- Dutch Warships and Water-Tube Boilers, 47
- Electric Gear for Guns, 301
- Engine Contracts, Admiralty, 124, 192
- Fast Steaming, 574
- Fort Delaware, 42
- French Battleship " Brennus," 667
- French Battleship " Charlemagne," 494
- French Cruiser " Chateau Renault, 637
- French Cruisers, 543
- French Navy, 124
- French Torpedo-Boat " Forban," 440
- French Torpedo DepOt Ship " Foudre," 607
- German Cruisers, 528
- German Ironclad " Aegir," 643
- German Merchant Cruisers, 543
- German Navy, 47
- German Navy and Merchant Cruisers, 111
- German Navy and Triple Screws, 643
- Haytian Cruiser, 622
- H.M.S. "Andromeda," 214, 682, 701
- H.M.S. " Blake " Trials, 622
- H.M.S. " Comus," 124
- H.M.S. " Diana," 748
- H.M.S. " Doris," 767
- H.M.S. " Dreadnought," 767
- H.M.S. " Gladiator," 301, 800
- H.M.S. " Hannibal," 667
- H.M.S. " Hermione," 340, 423
- H.M.S. " Juno " (Naval Company, Barrow), 646
- H.M.S. "Jupiter" (Thomson, Limited, Clydebank), 646
- H.M.S. " Magnificent," 149, 310, 340
- H.M.S. "Majestic," 111, 214, 378, 393
- H.M.S. " Mars," 767
- H.M.S. " Melampus," 148
- H.M.S. " Prince George," 271, 800
- H.M.S. " Proserpine,' Thornycroft Boiler, 491
- H.M.S. "Renard," 423
- H.M.S. " Renown," 271, 667, 767
- H.M.S. " Sharpshooter," 111, 300
- H.M.S. " Sirius," 636 " Spanker," 242, 510
- H.M.S. " Spider," 483
- H.M.S. " Venus" (Fairfield), 378
- H.M.S. " Victorious," 331
- H.M.S. " Victorious" Engines, 464
- H.M SS. " Algerine " and " Phamix," 300
- H.M.SS. " Lynx," " Spanker," and " Sharp-shooter," 148
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Handy "(Fairfield), 90
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Hart" (Fairfield Company), 733
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer " Haughty " (Doxford), 372, 740
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Lightning " (Palmer's). 620
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Lynx," 46, 192
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer "Porcupine," 750
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sparrowhawk," 494
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Starfish," 494
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Salmon," 192
- H M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Sunfish," 228
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Thrasher " (Laird), 622
- H.M. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer "Virago " (Laird), 646
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Zebra," 750
- Ironclad, Ancient, 491
- Italian Navy, 267
- Keyham Gun Mounting Store, 392
- Keyham Improvements, 331, 423
- Lean's Royal Navy List, 111
- Medway Torpedo Boom Protection, 423
- Niclausse Boilers for H.M.S. " Seagull," 767
- Norwegian Navy, 251, 676
- Norwegian Torpedo-Boats, 637
- Oil Fuel in British " Destroyers," 733
- Pembroke Dock, 701
- Pembroke Dockyard Improvements, 215
- Plymouth Citadel, 46
- Russian Armourclad " Admiral Apraxine," 750
- Russian Battleship " Admiral Oushakoff," 494
- Russian Gunboat Etrabry," 750
- Russian Training Corvette Vierny," 750
- Russian Transport, 56
- Russian Warships, 674
- Spanish Cruiser "Almirante Oquendo," 340
- Spanish Destroyers (Thomson, Limited), 767
- Spanish Gunboats (Forrest), 327
- Spanish Gunboats (Thomson), 310, 374. See GENERAL INDEX
- Submarine Boat, 784
- United States Navy, 812
- U.S. Battleships, New, 192
- U.S. Cruiser " Columbia," Atlantic Trip, 243
- U.S. Cruiser " New York," 149
- U.S. Torpedo-Boats, 15
- Woodwork in Warships, 801
PhysICS. See Mechanics
Piers. See Barbour*
Railways :
- Accidents. See GENERAL INDEX
- American v. British Railway Stock, 124
- American Railway Property, 166
- American Railway Speeds; 149
- Argentine Railways, 809
- Austrian and German Railway Competition, 463
- Baden Locomotives, 778
- Barnsley and Bradford Railway, 731. See 607
- Barnsley and Midland Railway, 701
- Barry Railway, 46, 148, 183, 214, 701, 732
- Barry Railway Train Electric Lighting, 148
- Brazil Railways, 614
- Brighton Pullman Vestibule Train, 637
- Brighton and Rottingdean, 511
- British Railways, Small, 340
- Burmah New Railways, 667
- Burmese Railway, 423
- Caledonian Locomotive Works, 330
- Caledonian Railway Company and 24,0001. Claim, 183
- Canadian Railway and Australian Mails, 192
- Cape and Orange Free State Railway, 393
- Coal Bill, Railway, 215
- Congo Railway, 491
- Continental Sleeping Cars, 674
- Coolgardie and Southern Cross Railway, 393
- Cornwall Mineral Railways, 300
- Danish Railway Fares, 801
- Egyptian Railway Material, 243
- Egyptian Railways, 372
- Electric Railways. See Electricity
- English Railway Map, 301
- Forth Bridge Railway Profit, 192
- French Railways, 182, 810
- German and Austrian Railway Competition, 463
- German Rolling Stock, 280, 331
- Glasgow Central Railway, 330, 462, 510, 543
- Great Eastern Railway Continental Traffic, 372
- Great Eastern Railway Facilities, 145
- Great Northern Dining Cars, Third-Class, 543
- Great Western and Competition, 542
- Great Western and London and North-Western Railways, 111
- Great Western Railway, 46, 242
- Great Western Railway, Cardiff and Newport, Doubling, 636
- Great Western Railway Returns, 331
- Great Western Railway and Swindon Restaurant, 280, 300, 392. See GENERAL INDEX
- Great Western at Swansea, 542, 575
- Haulage Rope, Cowlairs Tunnel, 543
- Hull and Barnsley Railway, 701
- Hull and Barnsley Railway Amalgamation, 667, 701, 731, 732
- Hull and North-Eastern Railway Proposals, 667
- Hungary Zone Tariffs, 491
- Ice and Snow on Railway Track, 372
- Indian Railway, Udaipur-Chitorgarh, 331
- Indian Railways, 90
- Iron Rails in the United States, 331
- Japan Railways, 192, 812
- Jerusalem and Java Railway, 491
- Killed and Injured on British RaFways, 511
- Lancashire, Derbyshire, aid East Coast Railway, 56, 423, 742
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Works at Wakefield, 391
- Leeds Railway Station, 701
- Light Railway, Gower Peninsula, 393
- Light Railways, Literature as to, 81
- Locomotive, Four-Cylinder, United states, 243
- Locomotive for Underground Railway, 666
- London and North-Western Railway, 701
- London and South Wales New Line, 392, 701 801
- Long-Distance Run, London-Carlisle, 331
- Lynton and Barnstaple Railway, 300, 331, 372
- Manchester and Sheffield Extension, 90
- Mansfield, Railway to, 422
- Mexican Railways, 816
- Midland Express Locomotives, 766
- Midland Railway Extension, 603
- Midlands, Railway Extensions in, 519
- Mumbles Railway and Pier, 300
- New South Wales Railways, 47
- New Zealand Government Railways, 776
- North British Railway, 800
- North-Eastern Railway Company's Bill, 766
- North-Eastern Railway at Hull, 542
- Norwegian Railway Contract, 463
- Nottingham and Scarborough Railway, 650
- Orange Free State Railways, 818
- Pekin and Tientsin Railway, 767
- Pennsylvania Railway, 256, 423, 802
- Per-ian Railways, 575
- Port Talbot, 111
- Race to Aberdeen, 243, 511
- Radnorshire Railways; 732
- Railway through the Sea, 511
- Railway Speed Record, 543. See GENERAL INDEX
- Railway Speeds and the Public. 224
- Rhondda and Swansea Bay Railway, 271
- Rhymney, 767
- Russian Railway and Naphtha Fuel, 301
- Russo-China Railway, 90
- Scandinavian Railways, 646
- Sheffield Railways, 667
- Siberian Railways, 166, 301, 664. See GENERAL INDEX
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, 47, 242
- South African Line to Buluwayo, 90
- South African Railway, 482
- South Wales and London Railway, 510, 575
- Spanish Railway Contract, 280
- Station Indicating Tablet (Metropolitan Railway), 224
- Swedish Railway, 674
- Swedish Railway Fares, E86
- Swedish Railway to Hoparanda, 301
- Taff Vale Railway, 148, kW
- Trans-Caucasian Railway, 280, 733
- Uganda Railroad, 243, 307, 4 3
- United Kingdom Railway Brakes, 697
- United States Railways, 496
- Victorian Railway, 372, 667. 816
- Waverley Station Signal Cabin, 46
- Wear Valley Extension Railway, 511
- West Highland Railway and Loch Fyne Extension, 215
- Wigtownshire Railway, New, 14
- World's Mileage, 15
* Sewage :
- Alton, Hants, Scheme Sewage Disposal, 637
- Chester-le-Street Sewerage, 340
- Chorley Sewage Works, 581
- Clyde Purification Works, 89
- Denny and Dunipace Drainage) 371
- Dust Destructors, Shoreditch, 90
- Exeter Sewage, 483
- Gloucester Sewerage, 371
- Gorton Sewerage, 605
- Linslade Sewerage, 605
- London Drainage, 733
- Loughborough Sewage Farm, 479
- Ossett Disposal, 111
- Pollution of the Aire and Calder, 542
- Wakefield, 511
- Walsall Woxl District, 767
- Water Orton Sewerage, 463
- Woking, 81
- York Sewerage, 168
Shipbuilding and Shipping :
- American Liner " St. Louis," 243, 767
- American Liner " St. Louis," Rudder, 47, 543
- Atlantic Derelicts, 280
- Austrian Lloyd, 327
- Belgian Mail Boats, 393
- Belgian Steamer " Rapide," 166
- British Shipping Progress, 158
- British Steamer and Foreign Crew, 192
- "Campania," Fast Passage, 124
- Canadian Pacific Route, 363
- Cardiff and New York Service, 214, 242
- Cardiff Shipbuilding, 371
- Cardiff and Worcester, Line of Steamers, 371
- Chambers' Telescope Lifeboat, 440
- Clyde, 14, 46, 124, 149, 215, 242, 271, 300, 371, 422, 482, 510, 543, 575, 604, 637, 666, 700, 733, 800
- Clyde Concern, New, 89, 124, 215
- Clyde Workmen, Number, 482
- Cunard Liners " Etruria " and " Umbria,' 301
- Cunarders and Welsh Coal, 271
- Danish Shipping, 286
- Dublin and Holyhead Steamers, 280
- Empire Route to the East, 637
- Floating Dcck for Stockholm, 605
- French Channel Mails, 12
- German Atlantic Navigation, 401
- German Shipbuilding, 166, 701
- Govan t-hipbuilding Yards, 89
- Greenock, James Watt Lecture, 371
- Hamburg-American Cargo Steamer, 307
- Hamburg-American Line and Plymouth, 582
- Hamburg Shipping, 766
- Ice-Breaking Steamer for Stockholm, 674
- Iceland and Continent Line of Steamers, 712
- Japan to New York, Freight, 667
- Lake Steamer, Large, 238
- Lloyd's Committee in Scotland, 215
- Lloyd's Registry Statistics, 581
- Middlesbrough Shipbuilding and Engineering, 371
- New York to Paris, Seven Days, 192
- Nicolaieff New Yards, 144
- P. and 0. and Italian Mails, 90
- P. and 0. Steamers and Messrs. Caird, $71
- Rudders, McLachlan's Detachable, 344
- "St. Louis" Rudder, 47, 543
- "St. Paul," Steam Pipe Explosion, 767
- Scott and Co., Greenock and China Company (Record), 392
- "Seaford," 280
- Ship Losses, British, 192
- Ship; ing and Shipbuilding Trade, 712
- Swedish Salvage and Diving Company Nertun, 637
- Texas and Europe Service, 224
- Thames Steamers, 582, 605
- Thingvalla Line, Denmark and North America, 224
- Tyne and Middlesbrough ShipLuilding, 636
- United States Shipbuilding Statistics, 149
- Whitby Steam Shipping Trade 111
- Yacht, Racing, 766
- Yacht for Rajah Brooke, 733
Shipping. See khipbuilding, &c.
Societies. See Technical, &c., or Trades, &c.
Strikes. See Trade Societies, &c.
Technical Institutions. Societies. &c.
- Association of Municipal and County Engineers, 13
- Bradford Technical College, 393
- Bristol Association of Engineers, 582
- Cantor Lectures, 66
- City and Guilds Technological Examinations, 280, 423
- Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society, 767
- Cleveland Institution of Engineers, 604
- Cowper-Street Schools, Old Boys' Club, 491
- East of Scotland Engineering Society, 767
- Engineering Society, Ring's College, 511
- Fire Congress at Amsterdam, 327
- Glasgow Technical College Society, 697, 767
- Institution of Civil Engineers, 15
- Institution of Civil Engineers, James Forrest Lecture, 463
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Glasgow Students, 766
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Honorary Members, 605
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Ireland, 14
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Newcastle Students, 767
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Trustee Benevolent Fund, 463
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Yorkshire Students, 574, 767
- Institution of Electrical Engineers, 581, 776
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, 510, 604, 666, 801
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Graduate Section, 733
- Institution of Junior Engineers, E01, 468, 542, 643, 778
- Institution of South Wales Engineers, 511
- Institute of Marine Engineers, Cardiff Dinner, 611
- International Railway Congress, Irish Trip, 124
- King's College, London, 372, 637, 674, 697
- Leeds Association of Engineers, 731
- Liverpool Engineering Society, 697
- Technical Societies, &c.-continued.
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, 496, 614
- London School of Economics and Political Science, 423
- London University College Engineering Society, 697, 767
- Midland Institution of Engineers, 636, 766
- Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, 214
- Mining Institute of Scotland, 392, 733
- Municipal Engineers and Surveyors' Examination, 463
- North British Association of Gas Managers, 149
- North-East Coast Shipbuilders and Engineers, 637
- Polytechnic Institution, Chelsea, 491
- Railway Congress Men at Cardiff, 14
- Royal Institution, 581, 700
- Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, 605
- Ro3 al Scottish Society of Arts, 510, 604, 666
- School of Engineering, Sydney, N.S.W., 637
- Science and Art Examination, 511
- Science Classes in United Kingdom, 280
- Sheffield Engineering Society, 148
- Sheffield Junior Engineering Society, 124
- Sheffield Technical School and Education, 636
- Sheffield Technical School and Japanese Students, 391
- Sheffield Technical School Students, 603
- South Wales Institute of Engineers, 148
- South Wales Institute of Mining Engineers, 271
- Technical College Calendar, 637
- Technical College, Finsbury, 393
- University College, Bristol, 280
- University College, London, 543
- West of Scotland Iron and Steel Institute, 766
- Whitworth Scholarships, 252
- Working Model of Valves, 710
- Yorkshire College Engineering Society, 562, 605, 697, 801
- Yorkshire Students, Institution of Civil Engineers, 124
Telegraphy. See Electricity
Telephony. See Electricity
Trade. See Coal. Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding, Electricity, and Industries
Trades Societies, Unions, Strikes, &c. :
- America and the Trades Congress, 281
- Arbitrator's Award Rejected (Barrow), 243, 511
- Artificers in the Navy, 434
- Baking Trade in London, 405
- Barrow Steel Works Difficulty, 587
- Belfast Shipbuilding and Engineers' Strike, 375,
- 405, 423, 434, 495, 511, 524, 812. See also Clyde
- EnginAirs, &C.
- Belgian Labour, 682
- Belgian Miners, 554
- Belgian Miners' Strike, 343
- Blacksmiths, Associated, 92, 226
- Board of Arbitration and Conciliation, North of England, 26, 111
- Board of Trade Return, State of Trade, 126, 253, 374, 523, 647, 811
- Boilermakers and Iron Ship Euilders' Society, 126, 254, 405, 524, 648, 812
- Boot and Shoe Trade Dispute, 197, 312, 455, 587, 713
- Bradford Plumbers' Strike, 92
- Building Trades Dispute, 161, 405, 455, 496, 554, 616
- Building Trades Federation, 197
- Cabinetmakers and Wood-Workers' Union, 434
- Trades Unions. Strikes. &e.-continued.
- Cabmen, London, 405
- Carmaux Glass Works Dispute, 343, 455, 681
- Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated Society, 226, 343, 747
- Carpenters and Joiners, Swansea, 92
- Chainmakers', Staffordshire, Strike, 554
- Chainmakers' Strike, 312, 405, 455, 496
- Cleveland Blastfurnacemen and the Eight Hours Day, 183
- Cleveland Blastfurnacemen's Wages, 463, 496
- Cleveland Miners' Wages, 422
- Clyde Engineers' and Shipbuilders' Difficulties, 375, 405, 423, 434, 454, 495, 511, 524, 553, 686, 615, 637, 648, 681, 713, 732, 746, 779, 812
- Clydebank Belleville Boiler Dispute, 89
- Clydebank Boilermakers' Dispute, 46
- Co-Operative Congress, 281
- Co-Operative Production, 197
- Co-Operative Production and Labour, 406
- Cotton Mills, 312
- Cotton Trade, Condition of Workers, 747
- Denaby Main Mines Dispute, 509
- Denaby Main Strike, 574
- Dispute at Hickleton Main Colliery, 240
- Dockers' Union, 343, 587
- Dockyard Employes, 312, 375, 495, 780
- Dray men's Strike, Sheffield, 800
- Dundee Jute Dispute, 282, 312
- Durham Coalowners' Association, 197
- Durham Miners' Dispute, 455
- Eight-Hours Day in Hubknall Colliery, 587
- Employers' Liability Bill, 747
- Engine-Room Artificers in the Navy, 616
- Engineers, Amalgamated Society, 126, 225, 374, 495, 648, 779
- Engineers and Ironfounders of Denmark, 127
- Enginemen and Firemen, 330
- Factory Act, 554
- Federation of Engineering Employers, 637
- Federation of Shipbuilding. and Engineering Trades, 586
- Federation of the Trades and Congress, 342
- Free Labour Congress, 343, 495, 554
- French General Strike, 58
- French Glass-Blowers on Strike, 343, 455, 681
- Gasworkers' Union, 714
- Government Employes, 92
- Government Employes' Federation, 226, 312, 435, 713
- Government Employes' Organisation and the
- Duke of Devonshire, 196
- Great Eastern Railway Hours, 681
- Heywood's Trade Council, 312
- Home Office and Dangerous Occupations, 681
- Hosiery Workers' Strike, 92, 161
- Intimidation Decision, 587
- Iron and Steel Workers' Association, 226
- Iron and Steel Works Organisation, 509
- Ironfounders' Society, 126, 225, 374, 405, 495, 616, 779
- Ironmoulders of Scotland,126, 226, 455, 586, 713, 812
- Ironworkers, 713
- Knights of Labour in United States, 681
- Krupp and his Workmen, 691
- Labour Agitation in United States and United Kingdom, 331
- Labour Difficulties, 225
- Labour Disputes Statistics, 126, 254, 374, 524, 648, 812
- Lancashire Spinners, 616
- Lancashire Weavers and Steaming, 616
- Legislation and Deputations, 616
- Trades Unions. Strikes, ac, —continued.
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen's Society, 616
- London Carmen, 681
- London Chamber of Commerce Conciliation Board, 747
- London County Council and Tramway Wages, 161
- London Trades Council and Engineers' Strike, 713
- London Trades Council and Trades Congress, 254
- Manchester City Council and Eight-Hours Day, 455
- Midland Wages Board, 586
- Miners, 58, 92, 161, 254, 282, 343, 371, 375, 455, 651, 617, 682, 714
- Miners' Difficulty, Bold Solution, 483
- Miners' Eight-Hours Day, 226
- Miners' Federation and Coal Prices, 812
- Miners' National Federation, 682
- Miners' Permanent Relief Soc, Conference, 311
- Miners Unemployed in Yorkshire, 330
- Moulders, Associated. See Ironmoulders
- Mowlem's Bricklayers' Strike, 524
- National Municipal Labour Union, 747
- Navvies' Union, 434
- Navy Artificers, 26
- Navy Workers and the Admiralty, 312, 375, 495, 780
- North-East Coast and Overtime, 373
- Old Age Pension for Colliers, 271 '
- Parliamentary Bills, 26, 57, 649
- Parliamentary Labour Members, 91, 125, 160, 196
- Pennsylvania Miners, 554
- Pinmaking Trade and Bonus, 149
- Post Office Employes' Demands, 455
- Postal Employes, 26
- Profit Sharing, 342
- Railway Regulation of Hours of Labour, 616
- Railway Servants, Amalgamated, 282, 454
- Railway Signalmen, Congress, 92
- Railwaymen's Hours, 435
- Retired Soldiers and Sailors, 26
- Sailors and Firemen's Union, 405
- Scotch Coal, 554
- Scotch Shale Miners, 435
- Scotch Steel Workers, 435
- Sharlston Miners' Dispute, 542
- Sheffield Trades Council, 270
- Sliding Scale in Wales, 183
- Smiths' Society, Associated, 405
- South Metropolitan Gas Profit-Sharing System, 149
- South Yorkshire Colliery Dispute, 636
- Staffordshire Ironworkers' Wages, 182
- Stalybridge Workers' Strike, 713
- State of Trade, 126, 253, 374, 523, 647, 811
- Steel Smelters, 554
- Steel Workers, Barrow, 243, 511
- Stourbridge Iron-Plate Workers, 713
- Stourbridge Slate Workers, 374
- Strike at Wath Main, 240
- Suspension from Work, Legal Decision, 587.
- See 160, 161
- Tankmakers' Dispute, 617
- Textile Trade Difficulties, 58
- Thames Workers and Government Contracts, 780
- Trade Societies and Liability to be Sued, 780
- Trade Unions, Board of Trade Report, 282
- Trades Congress, 26
- Trades Councils and Trade Union Congress. 406, 454, 496
- Trades Unions, Strikes, dm—continued.
- Trades Union Congress, 92, 160, 196, 197, 281 311, 342, 434, 495, 551. See GENE4AL INDEX
- Trades Union Official Law Case, 160, 161, 587
- Tramway Strike in Philadelphia, 812
- Truck Act and Cotton Trade, 197
- Unemployed, 92
- Unemployed Committee, 58, 254
- Unemployed Question, 747
- United States Labour Difficulties, 616, 812
- United States, State of Trade, 282
- United States and Trade Unions Congress, 406
- Wage Increase Demand, All Round, 454
- Waitresses' Strikes, 554
- Watermen and Lightermen's Conference, 161
- Wath Main Colliery Strike, 391, 509
- Woolwich Workers and Government, 26
- Workman Arbitrator, 214
- Workman Director on South Metropolitan Gas Board, 254
Tramways :
- Bristol, 148. See GENERAL INDEX
- Cable v. Electric, Cost, 767
- Cable for Streatham Tramway and its Traction, 331
- Cable Tramway, Edinburgh, 479
- Cable-Making and Wire Covering Machinery, 307
- Copenhagen Tramways, 47
- Electric. See Electricity
- Electric v. Cable Tramways, 767
- Electric Tram Lines, 393
- Guide and Support Pulleys, 801
- Leeds Tramway, Overhead Wires, 482
- London County Council and Tramways, 605
- Mechanical Motors for Glasgow, 700
- Motor Cars on Tram Lines, 801
- Motor Carriages, 582, 801
- North Metropolitan Double Fares, 605
- Sheffield Tramways, 667
- Street Railways in New York State, 463
- Swiinsea Tramways, 800
- Swiss Road Railways, 582
- United States Street Railways, 47
- United States Tramwly Statistics, 149
- Warships. See Naval
- Water Supply, &c.:
- Artesian Well, Aldershot, 301
- Cardiff Supply, 111, 148
- Chicago Water Consumption, 149
- Companies Directory, 216
- Deep Borehole, 224
- Deep Boring, 110
- Derby Supply, 686
- East London Water Works, 491
- Edinburgh and District Water Works Extension, 330, 371
- Evesham District Supply, 463
- Failures of Reservoir Dams, 243
- Glasgow, Loch Katrine Tunnel, 330, 462
- Greenock Water Works, 392
- Leeds, Works Extensions, 213
- Linslade Supply, 605
- London Companies and Frost, 801
- London Su;)ply, 90
- London Water Supply, 392, 393, 611, 543
- London and Welsh District Supply, 636
- Merthyr Supply, 148
- Merthyr Water Works, 667
- Northam Supply, 510
- Purifying Drinking Water, 767
- Salcombe Supply, 90
- Tube Wells, 81.
- Wakefield, 511
See Also
Sources of Information