Engineering 1897 Jan-Jun: Index: Letters to the Editor

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- View 1897 Jan-Jun Volume
Letters to the Editor
- ACCIDENT to H.M. Destroyer "Star." Patternmaker, 653
- Aeronautics. Law. Hargrave, 586
- Aluminium, Manufacture of. British Aluminium Company, Limited, 12
- Automatic Machine Gun. Hiram S. Maxim, 555
- Ayrton on Submarine Telegraphy. C. H. Wingfield, 555
- Barsi Light Railway. Gradt van Roggen, 275
- Bevel and Worm Gears, Machine Cutting of Accurate. J. H. Gibson, 619
- Body, Mechanics of the. Charles E. Benham, 11
- Boiler and Engine Attendants, Certificates for. S. S. V., 321
- Boiler, Niclausse. J. ani A. Niclausse, 352
- Boiler Tubes, Solid-Drawn v. Welded. See Water-Tube Milers
- Boilers, Water-Tube. See Water-Tube Boilers
- Breech Screw for Ordnance, Welin. Axel Welin, 55
- Bridge, Queensferry, over the River Dee. T. B. Barber, 828
- Canals, Mechanical Propulsion in. H. R. de Salis, 653
- Carbide of Calcium. F. G. Worth, 11
- Castings, Defects in Cast-Iron. R. R., 58 ; Foreman Moulder, 75 ; R. R , 150 ; Foreman Moulder, 218 ; R. R., 352, 521
- Castings, Some Old Iron. Sidney H. Hollands, 619
- Cavitation, " Turbinia" and. Old Hand, 555
- Cement, Portland. Cecil B. Smith, 252
- Cement in Sea Water. X, 619 ; Henry KelwayBamber, 654
- Certificates for Engine and Boiler Attendants. S. S. V., 321
- Cheltenham and Gloucester Railway. Joseph Hall, 321; Clement E. Stretton, 352
- China Silk Mills. S. S. V., 275
- Circulation in Water-Tube Boilers. W. H. Watkinson, 653 ; A. C. Elliott, 751
- Competition, Foreign. William Marriott, 217
- Congress of Hygiene and Demography at BudaPesth, 1834. Dr. Gerldczy, 11
- Copper Process, Dumoulin. Electrolyte, 654
- Corliss Valve Gear for Locomotives. J. Wittenberg, 384 ; Jas. Dunlop, 381
- Corliss Valve, Proell Cut-Off with Whitmore and Binyon, 654 ; Hermann Kuhne, 690 ; David McCulloch, 690 ; W. Walker, 754 ; Jas. Dunlop, 54 ; Hermann Kuhne, 792 ' Jas. Dunlop, 828
- Corporation Finance. J. W. Bradley, 449
- Curve Tracer or Monticolo Cyolesograph. Ernest Kilburn Seotu, 791
- Cycleso;graph, Monticolo, or Curve Tracer. Ernest Kilburn Scott, 791
- Dee, Queensferry Bridge over the River. T. B. Barber, 828
- Defects in Cast-Iron Castings. R. R., 58 ; Foreman Moulder, 75 ; R. R., 150 ; Foreman Moulder, 218 ; R. R., 352, 521
- Dimensions of Drawings. M.LC.E., M. Inst. Mech. E., 11
- Dumoulin Copper Process. Electrolyte, 654
- Education, Teehnical. See Technical Education
- Elevator, Grain. Merit, 218 ; East Ferry Engineering Works Company, Limited, 252
- Engine and Boiler Attendants, Certificates for S. S. V., 321
- Engines, Short-Stroke. Browett, Lindley, and Co., Limited, 184 ; John S. Raworth, 218 ; Sidney A. Reeve, 321; John S. Raworth, 353 ; Sidney W. King, 449 ; John S. Raworth, 486
- Engine, " Universal," and Inductor Alternator. William Sisson, 321
- Engines, Vibration, and Ships. John S. Raworth, 274 ; John H. Macalpine, 415 ; John S. Raworth, 449
- Engineering Diamond Jubilee Memorial. Thomas Mudd, 790
- Engineering Profession, Organisation of the Union is Strength; 383 ; Julian C. Rogers, 415 ; Circle, 415 ; J. W. Bradley, 415 ; Examination, 86 ; Circle, r..55 ; Union is Strength, 618
- Engineering Works, Locality for. A Manufacturer, 11
- Engineers of the Royal Naval Reserve. China, 83
- Expanded Metal in Fireproof Floors. Maxwell and Tuke, 118
- Export Guides. The " A B C Export Guides," 19
- Fireproof Floors, Expanded Metal in. Maxwell and Tuke, 118
- Floors, Expanded Metal in Fireproof. Maxwell and Tuke, 118
- Four-Crank Triples. Quiz, 150
- Gauge Glasses, Hints about Packing. John Moncrieff, 653
- German Competition. William Marriott, 217
- Glass, Iridescent. Charles E. Benham, 415
- Gloucester and Cheltenham Railway. Joseph Hall, 321 ; Clement E. Stretton, 352
- Grain Elevator. Merit, 218 ; East Ferry Engineering Works Company, Limited, 252
- Guides, Export. The " A B C Export Guides," 49
- Gun, Automatic Machine. Hiram S. Maxim, 555
- Gyrostat v. Stereoscope. H. Gilbert Whyatt, 8. See also Technical Education
- Hard Steel. J. O. Arnold, 53
- Helicoidal Tunnels, Laying out. Student, 11
- Hire Purchase, Machinery on. M. Powis Bale and Co., 11 ; Benedict W. Ginsburg, 118
- Hygiene and Demography at Buda-Pesth, 1891 Congress. Dr. Gerlaczy, 11
- Indian Patents. Reginald W. Barker, 321
- Institution of Civil Engineers. B. H. Thwaite, 55 ; Circle, 555
- Institutions, Organisation of Engineering. Union is Strength, 333 ; Julian C. Rogers, 415 ; Circle, 415 ; J. W. Bradley, 415 ; Examination, 86 ; Circle, 555 ; Union is Strength, 618
- Iridescent Glass. Charles E. Benham, 415
- Irish Mail Service. Viator, 586
- Iron Castings, Some Old. Sidney H. Hollands, 19
- Jackets, Steam Pressures in Puzzled, 150
- "Jaureguiberry." J. D'Allest, 232
- Jungfrau Railway. Jos. Ihrnays, 75
- Kermode's Steering Arrangement. See Rapson's Slide, tee.
- Key, A New Shaft and Wheel. W. Schonheyder, 19
- Light Railway, Barsi. Gradt van Roggen, 275
- Liquefaction of Gases. See Refrigeration.
- Locality for Engineering Works. A Manufacturer, 11
- Locomotive, Corliss Valve Gear for. J. Wittenberg, 384 ; James Dunlop, 384
- Locomotive, Great Western. See Railways, State v. Private Locomotive " Rocket." Charles Markham, 653 ; H. Greenly, 690 ; Clement E. Stretton, 690 ; J. W. B., 690 ; James Watt Boulton, 751 ; W. B. Thompson, 791 ; Clement E. Stretton, 91, 828
- "Looking Backward " and Forward. Alloy, 217
- Machine Cutting of Accurate Bevel and Worm Gears. J. H. Gibson, 619
- Machine Gun, Automatic. Hiram S. Maxim, 555
- Machinery on Hire Purchase. M. Powis Bale and Co., 11; Benedict W. Ginsburg, 118
- Machinery on Springs, Mounting. James Whitcher, 790
- Maxim Hard Steel. J. 0. Arnold, 53
- Maxim Motor Company. Hiram S. Maxim, 217; Hudson Maxim, 252
- Mechanical Contrivances at Pompeii. Frederick J. Smith, 149
- Mechanical Propulsion in Canals. II. R. de Salis, 53
- Mechanical Refrigeration. W. Hampson, 383 ; J. A. Ewing, 383 ; T. B. Lightfoot, 415 ; T. R. Murray, 486
- Mechanics of the Body. Charles E. Benham, 11
- Medal, Cheltenham and Gloucester Railway. Joseph Hall, 321. See 352
- Memorial, National Engineering, of Diamond Jubilee. Thomas Mudd, 790
- Metric System. A. S. Gordon, 275
- Micrometers, Theft of. Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 619
- Mills, Ore Crushing. Thos. Lees, 791
- Mills, Silk, and Machinery in China. S. S. V., 75
- Monticolo Cyclesograph or Curve Tracer. Ernest Kilburn Scott, 791
- Mounting Machinery on Springs. James Whitcher, 790
- Municipal Finance. J. W. Bradley, 449
- Museum, Railway. Clement E. Stretton, 217
- National Engineers' Diamond Jubilee Memorial. Thomas Mudd, 790
- Naval Reserve, Engineers of the Royal. China, 83
- Negative Slip. C. H. Wingfield, 755
- Niclausse Boiler. J. and A. Niclausse, 362
- Old Iron Castings, Some. Sidney H. Hollands, 19
- Ore Crushing Mills. Thos. Lees, 791
- Packing Water-Gauge Glasses. John Moncrieff, 53
- Partially Immersed Screw Propeller. W. D. Seton-Brown, 251
- Patents, Indian. Reginald W. Barker, 321
- Permanent Way. J. H. Cumming, 218 ; Novoye Vremya, 353
- Pipes, Hydraulic, Bridge over Dee at Queensferry. T. B. Barber, 823
- Pompeii, Mechanical Contrivances at. Frederick J. Smith, 149
- Portland Cement. Cecil B. Smith, 252
- Proell Cut-Off with Corliss Valve. Whitmore and Binyon, 654 ; Herman Kuhne, 690 ; David McCulloch, 690 ; W. Walker, 754 ; Jas. Dunlop, 754 ; Hermann Kuhne, 792 ; Jas. Dunlop, 828
- Propellers, Partially Immersed. W. D. SetonBrown, 251
- Pumps of the " Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse." James G. Latta, 75 ; Blake and Knowles Steam Pump Works, Limited, 75 ; The George F. Blake Manufacturing Company, 383
- Queensferry Bridge over the River Dee. T. W. Barber, 823
- Rails. J. Cumming, 218 ; Novoye Vremya, 53
- Railway Carriages, Second-Class. Charles Clinton, 149 ; Ishmael, 149 ; Charles Clinton, 184 ; G. A. Sekon, 184 ; W. W. Legg, 184
- Railway, Cheltenham and Gloucester. Joseph Hall, 321 ; Clement E. Stretton, 352
- Railway, Jungfrau. Jos. Bernays, 75
- Railway Museum. Clement E. Stretton, 217
- Railways, State v. Private. Charles Clinton, 383
- Railways and Telegraphs in the Victorian Era. Charles Bright, 619
- Railway Track, Travelling of the Left-Sided Rails on. J. Wittenberg, 791
- Rapson's Slide applied to the Steering of Large Ships. James E. Caine, 521; John Randles, 86 ; Arnold Baker, 619
- Refrigeration, Liquefaction of Air by Self-Intensive. W. Hampson, 383 ; J. A Ewing, 383 ; T. B. Lightfoot, 415 ; T. R. Murray, 486
- "Rocket." Charles Markham, 653 ; H. Greenly, 90 ; Clement E. Stretton, 690 ; J. W. B., 690 ; James Watt Boulton, 754 ; W. B. Thompson, 91; Clement E. Stretton, 791, 828
- Royal Yacht " Victoria and Albert." George Hichens, 655
- Second-Class Carriages. Charles Clinton, 140 ; Ishmael, 149 ; Charles Clinton, 184 ; G. A.
- Sekon, 184 ; W. W. Legg, 184
- Shaft Key, A New. W. Schonheyder, 149
- Ships, Prevention of Vibration in. John S. Haworth, 274 ; John H. MacAlpine, 415 ; John S. Raworth, 449
- Ships, Steering, Rapson's Slide Applied to. James E. Caine, 521; John Randles, 586 ; Arnold Baker, 619
- Short-Stroke Engines. -Browett, Lindley, and Co., Limited, 184 ; John S. Raworth, 218 ;
- Sidney A. Reeve, 321 ; John S. Raworth, 353 ;
- Sidney W. King,449 ; John S. Raworth, 486
- Silk Mills and Machinery in China. S. S. V., 275
- Sixty Years of Submarine Telegraphy. C. H. Wingfield, 555
- Slip, Negative. C. H. Wingfield, 755
- Social Tendencies (Looking Backward). Alloy, 17
- Springs, Mounting Machinery on. James Whitcher, 790
- Stamps, Ore Crushing. Thomas Lees, 791
- "Star," Accident to H.M. Destroyer. Pattern maker, 653
- State v. Private Railways. Charles Clinton, 383
- Steam Pressures in Jackets. Puzzled, 150
- Steel, Hard. J. 0. Arnold, 58
- Steering of Large Ships, Rapson's Slide Applied to the. James E. Caine, 521 ; John Randles, 86 ; Arnold Baker, 619
- Stereoscope v. Gyrostat. H. Gilbert Whyatt, 58.
- See also Technical Education
- Submarine Telegraphy, Sixty Years of. C. H. Wingfield, 555
- Sulphate of Ammonia. F. T. R. Carulla, 217
- Technical Education. Joseph Horner, 10 ; T. J. Dewar, 10 ; Projective, 10 ; H. Gilbert Whyatt, 8 ; James Perry, 58 ; A Subscriber, 75; One of Them, 118 ; Sub Rosa, 118 ; Doubtful, 150 ; Assiduitate non Desidia, 150 ; Grammar School, 150 ; Technic, 182 ; Sub Rosa, 182 ; American, 183 ; A. C. P., 217
- Telegraphs and Railways in the Victorian -Era. Charles Bright, 619
- Telegraphy, Sixty Years of Submarine. C. H. Wingfield, 555
- " Terrible " Trials. Puzzled, 150 ; Quiz, 150 Theft of Micrometers, &c. Charles Churchill and Co., Limited, 619
- Thermoscope, A Simple. Charles E. Benham, 21 "Tram," Origin of Word. Angus Sinclair, 118
- Tubes, Boiler. See Water-Tube Boiler Tunnels, Laying out Helicoidal. Student, n. "Turbinia ' and Cavitation. Old Hand, 555
- "Universal " Engine and Inductor Alternator William Sisson, 321
- Vibration of Machinery. James Whitcher, 790
- Vibration in Ships, Prevention of. John S. Raworth, 274 ; John II Macalpine, 415 ; John S. Raworth, 449
- Water-Gauge Glasses, Hints for Packing. John Moncrieff, 653
- Water-Tube Boiler Circulation. W. H. Watkinson, 653 ; A. C. Elliott, 754
- Water - Tube Boiler, Niclausse. J. and A. Niclausse, 352
- Water-Tube Boilers. J. and A. Niclausse, 11; Marine Engineer, 75 ; J. d'Allest, 118 ; Lagrafel et d'Allest, 150 ; Marine Engineer, 51 ; Common Sense, 251; J. d'Allest, 252 ; Tube Manufacturer, 275 ; Neutral, 352 ; J. d'Allest, 352 ; J. and A. Niclausse, 352
- Welin Breech Screw for Ordnance. Axel Welin, t 5
- Worm Gears, Machine Cutting of Accurate Bevel and. J. H. Gibson, 619
- Yacht (Royal) " Victoria and Albert." George Hichens, 555
See Also
Sources of Information