Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1902 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1902 Jan-Jun Volume
- ABRAHAM and Lemoine ; Method for Measuring Very Small Time Intervals, 54
- Accelerometer, Portable, for Railway Testing, 175, 176
- Accident to H.M. Torpedo • Boat Destroyer “ Salmon,” 368
- Acetylene Gas Generator and Lamp, Portable 293
- Africa. See South Air, Emissivity of, I, 2
- Airedale Filter, 357 Alcohol Motors, French, 46
- Algiers, New Orleans, Floating Dock, 563, 572, 578. See 212, 218, 782, 787
- Alkali Works, Electrolytic Production, 353
- Allen, Son, and Co., Limited, W. H. (Bedford);
- Condensing Plant Electrically Driven, 145
- Alloys, Tin and Copper, Microscopical Examination of, 28, 29, 62, 63, 93, 96, 97, 533, 534
- Alternator. See Electric America. See United Stales
- Amsterdam Port and North Sea Canal, 33, 34, 105, 106, 107, 171,174, 175. 243, 244, 272, 273
- Ansaldo and Company, G., Sampierdarena; Roumanian Locomotive for Oil-Fuel Burning, 741, 742
- Apprentices’ School in Machine Shop, 164
- Archdale and Co., James (Birmingham); Boring
- Machine with Self-Adjusting Countershaft, 178
- Armature Construction, 809, 810
- Armour-Plate and Guns, Krupp, 736, 737, 748, 774, 775
- Armour-Plate, Krupp, Penetrated by Vickers Guns and Projectiles, 720, 721
- Armour-Plate Trials, Beardmore, 158, 159
- Armoured Cruisers. See Warships
- Art Palace at DUsseldorf Exhibition, 499
- Artillery. See Gwn$, Vickers and Krupp Ashley Pump, Hydraulically Balanced, 644
- Asplen’s Road Scarifier, 387
- Assam-Bengal Railway Rolling Stock. See Railway Carriages in India
- Astronomical Time Intervals, Measurements of Very Small, 54
- Atlantic Liners “ Lorraine ” and “ Savoie,” 341, 842, 404, 406
Australian Forge and Engineering Company;
- Pilot Steamer for Port Philip, 846
- Automatic Machines. See Machine Tools
- Automatic Screw Machines. See “Screw Machines,” under Machine Tools
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars
- Aztec Calendar Stone, Mexico Museum, 69
- Babbitt White Metal, Microscopic Examination of, 28, 29, 62, 63, 96, 97. 533, 534
- Babcock and Wilcox Boiler Explosion at Runcorn, 91
- Balancing Locomotives, 767
- Baldwin Locomotive, 640, 641
- Banana Walk, Mexico, 84
- Bar and Tube Straightening Machine (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 293
- Barbican Fire Area, 601
- Barrett, Mr. John, Crossbills ; the Airedale Filter, 357
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beardmore’s Armour-Plate Trials, 158, 159
- Bearings for Propeller Shafts, 440, 441, 518
- Bench, Engine-Fitters’, 16L
- Bermuda Floating Dock and Machinery (Swan and Hunter, Limited, Wallsend), 212, 218, 563, 572, 578, 782, 787
- Bevel-Gear Planer, Bilgraiu (Reinecker), 370, 371
- Bilgram Bevel-Gear Planer (Reinecker), 370, 371
- Birkenhead Corporation Tramway Station (Scott and Mountain, Limited), 574
- Blast-Furnace Gas-Driven Blowing Engine, 1000 Horse-Power, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition (Gutehoffnungshiitte Company, Sterkrade), 708, 709
- Blast-Furnace Gas Engine. See also Engine^ Gas
- Blast-Furnace Gas Engine, 450-Kilowatt Three- Phase Generator (Kolben and Co ), 761
- Bleach Powder Chimneys for Alkali Production, 353
- Blowing Engine, 1200 Horse-Power Gas-Driven (Cockerill), 571
- Blowing Engine, Gas-Driven Blast-Furnace, 1000 Horse-Power, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition (GutehoffnungshUtte Company, Sterkrade), 708, 709
- Boat-Lowering Gear, Welin, 227
- Bogies for Railway Carriages. See Railway Carriages in India
- Boiler Distortion Due to Over-Heating, 459
- Boiler Explosion at Runcorn, 91
- Boiler Furnace Equipment (Scott-Elliot), 484
- Boiler Gauge-Glass Protector, “ Reflex,” 325 Boiler, Locomotive Testing, 627, 660, 693
- Boiler Pipes, Explosions in, 295, 296
- Boiler Plant adjoining Machinery Hall at Dusseldorf Exhibition, 510
- Boiler-Shell Riveting Machine, 599
- Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Boiler Trials and Italian Cruisers, 636, 637 Boiler-Tube Swelling and Reducing Machine (Platt, Wednesbury), 437
- Boiler, Water-Tube, for Locomotive (Mr. D. Drummond, London and South-Western Railway), 712, 713, 716
- Boiler Works (David Rowan and Co., Glasgow), 597, 598, 599. See 839, 842
- Boilers, Oil Fuel for Ships’, 405, 408, 409, 410 Boilers. See also Water-Tube Boilers
- Boilers of the S.S. “Lorraine” and “Savoie,” 404, 406. See also 341, 342
- Bolting Up Flywheels, 98, 99, 134
- Bolton Corporation 1100-Kilowatt Direct-Current Generators (English Electric Manufacturing Company, Preston), 118, 121, 122
- Bordeaux, Railway Station at, 467, 478, 534, 544
- “ Boreas” Hose-Coupling, 194
- Boring Machines. See Machine Tools
- Borsig, Mr. A , Berlin, Superheated Steam Loco motive, 827, 828
- Bow, McLachlan, and Co., Limited, Paisley, T S.S. “ Winifred” and “Sybil” for Lake Victoria, 804, 805, 808
- Boys’ Tool-Grinder, 195
- Brake, Magnetic Current Eddy Flywheel, 762
- Brass Tubes, Corrosion of. Experiments, 435, 559 Breakwater, Zeebrugge, 65
- Breech Mechanism of Guns. See Gwns, Vickers and Krupp
- Brett’s Drop-Hammers, 140,141
- Bridge Across the River Godavari at Rajahmundry, 12, 16, 38, 39, 41
- Bridge, Chepstow, Brunel’s, 238
- Bridge Construction, Design of Open Web Steel Girders, 517, 609
- Bridge Construction at New York Subway, 110, 111, 112, 206, 207
- Bridge Girder Webs, Plate, 237, 238, 239
- Bridge Girders, Stresses in, 25
- Bridge over North Sea Canal, 34. See also North Sea Canal
- Bridge. See also Viaduct
- Briquettes and Coke Manufacture, 694, 695
- Britannia Co, Colchester ; 10-In. Sliding and Surfacing Lathe, 325
- British Thomson-Houston Company. Limited, Rugby; Magnetic Separator, 606
- British Warships. See H.M.S.
- British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Works at Manchester, 397, 412. See also Westinghouse
- Brunel’s Chepstow Bridge, 238
- Brush Electrical Engineering Works (Loughborough), 169, 210,211
- Buffers and Couplers, Railway Carriage, 235
- Building in Mexico, 50, 69, 84,144, 145
- Buildings at DUsseldorf Exhibition, 366, 367, 498, 499, 510
- Buildings, Exhibition, Destructive Tests of Composite Structures, 363
- Cableways for the Construction of New York Subway, 11
- Cactus, Organ, Mexico, 69
- Calendar Stone, Aztec, Mexico Museum, 69 Callendar’s Platinum Thermometer, 645 Calorimeter, Simple Form of Fuel, 801 Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Limited, Cambridge; Whipple’s Temperature Indicator, 645
- Canal Lock-Gate Electric Gear, 105, 106, 107, 171, 174, 175
- Canal, Mechanical Traction on the Nivernais, 312
- Canal, Mexican Drainage, 69
- Canal, North Sea, 33, 34, 105, 106, 107, 171,174, 175, 243, 244, 272, 273
- Canal, Sluices of the Mandalay, 348
- Cape Government Railway Locomotives (Neilson, Reid and Co., Glasgow), 679, 682
- Capitaine and Co. (Frankfort-on-Maine); Portable Universal Machine Tool, 80, 81
- Capped Shells Penetrate Krupp Armour, 720, 721
- Capstan Lathes. See Machine Tools
- Capstan for North Sea Canal, 171
- Carbonic Acid Compressor Refrigerator (D. Stewart and Co., Glasgow), 59
- Carbon Variation with Temperature of Steel, 626
- Carburetters for French Spirit Motors, 46
- Carriages, Railway, in India, The Design and Construction of, 235, 236, 303,304, 336, 337, 340, 400, 401, 466, 467, 532, 568
- Carriages. See also Bailwag
- Carruthers and Co., J. H. (Glasgow*; Automatic Regulator for Pumping Engines, 149
- Cars for Electric Railways and Tramways, 210, 211
- Cars. See Motor Cai^n
- Cars, Tram, for the London County' Council, 552
- Castle at Chapultepec, 84
- Cathedral at Guadeloupe, 84, 144
- Central London Railway Cars (Brush Company), 211
- Centrifugal Machine, Electric Drive of, 812
- Chainonix-Fayet Electric Ra’lway, 670
- Chapultepec Castle, 84
- Charger with Stamping Machine for Making Coke from Compressed Fuel, 694, 695
- Chemical Works, Electrolytic Production, 353
- Chepstow Bridge, Brunel’s, 238
- Chucking Machines, and Tools for Same, 131, 132
- Circular Milling Machine, 130
- Cirencester Water Works, Hydraulically Balanced Ashley Pump, 644
- Clark and Standfield’s Floating Docks, 212, 218, 563, 572. 578, 782, 787
- Clearance, Effect of, on Economy of Engine, 275
- “ Climax” Water-Tube Boiler, 342
- Clock for Stoking Water-Tube Boilers, 637
- Clutch, Friction (D. Fraser and Sons, Arbroath), 757
- Clutch, Friction, Double-Disc (Fuller, Macleod and Co., Limited, London), 623
- Clutch, Magnetic, for 84-In. Planer (Riddell), 131
- Coal Calorimeter, A Simple Form of, 801
- Coal, Compressed, for Coke Manufacture, 694, 695
- Coast-Defence Guns, Krupp, 736, 737, 748, 774, 775
- Cockerill, Gas Driven Blowing Engine, 571
- Coke, Manufacture of, from Compressed Fuel, 694, 695
- Coke Oven, Otto-Hilgenstock, 662 Columns, Strength of, 731, 732, 733, 734.
- Columns, Workshop, 836
- Commutation in Dynamos, Limits of, 198, 231, 232, 259, 262
- Composite Structures, Destructive Tests of, 363
- Compound Locomotives. See Locomotives. Concrete and Composite Structures, 363
- Concrete Gravity Mixer (Gilbreth), 142 Condenser Tubes, Corrosion of, Experiments, 435, 559
- Condensing Plant, Electrically-Driven (Allen, Bedford), 145
- Construction of Flywheels, 98, 99, 134
- Copper Pipe Manufacture by Electrolytic Deposition, 633, 648
- Copper and Tin Alloys, Microscopical Examination of, 28, 29, 62, 63, 93,96, 97, 533, 534
- Copper Tubes, Corrosion of, Experiments, 435, 559
- Corridor Carriages. See Railway Carriages.
- Corrosion of Condenser Tubes, Experiments, 435, 559
- Cottancin Composite Structures, 363
- Countershaft Self-Adjusting on Boring Machine (Archdale and Co., Birmingham), 178
- Couplers and Buffers, Railway Carriage, 235
- Coupling for Hose, “ Boreas,” 194
- Coupling Swivel for Hose and Fire-Float, 47
- Craig and Donald, Limited (Johnstone), Electrically-Driven Shipyard Tools, 148
- Crane, Five-Ton Electric Travelling Gantry (Wellman-Seaver Company), 182, 183
- Cranes, Electric and Hydraulic Wharf, at Amsterdam Port, 272. See also Amsterdaui Port.
- Cranes, Hydraulic, Warehouse and Wharf (Musker, Liverpool), 438, 444
- Crankpin Lubricator, Positive Feed, 247
- Crankshaft, Six-Throw, for T.S.S. “ Kaiser Wilhelm IL,” Krupp, 603
- Crankshaft Strains, 427, 455, 456, 457, 492. See also 474, 475
- Crucible for Testing Alloys, 97
- Cruisers. See Warships
- Cunard Liner “ Saxonia,” Boiler Trials, 280, 281, 282
- Cupola, 836
- Cutting Machinery for Suction Dredgers (Mr. G. Higgins, Melbourne), 670, 671
- Cylindrical versus Water-Tube Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Daimler Motor for Launch, 678
- Damage to ILM. Torpedo - Boat Destroyer • “Salmon,” 368
- Dams, Subaqueous Foundations of, 822
- Davit Gear, Welin Boat, 227
- Daydd and Pilld, New Railway Station at Bordeaux, 467, 478, 534, 544
- Decauville Company ; Electric Generator for Domestic Use, 764
- Deep Subaqueous Foundations, 822
- Design of Open-Web Steel Girders, 517, 609. See also Girders
- Destroyers. See Warships
- Deterioration of Steel Rails, Microscopic Observations on, 501, 502, 503
- Deutsche Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 704, 769, 770, 771, 836, 837
- Deutsche Waffen und Munitions • Fabriken, Berlin ; Phcenix Steam-Pressure Regulating Automatic Cut-Off Valves, 537
- Deutz Gas Motor Works; Pavilion at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 366
- Diagram of Carbon in Steel, 626
- Diagram of Naval Engineers’ Rank and Status, 265’
- Diagrams of Boiler and Engine Efficiency, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Diagrams of Crankshaft Strains, 427, 455, 450, 457, 492. See also 474, 475
- Diagrams of the Effects of Temperature on the Elastic Recovery of Steel Bars, 549, 550
- Diagrams of Metal Prices, 24, 194, 324, 452, 580, 750
- Diagrams of Rolling of Ships, 519, 521, 522, 591, 592
- Diagrams of Shipbuilding Production, 22, 23 Diagrams of Silicon in Open-Hearth Steel, 659 Diagrams of Spring Tests, 173
- Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited, London; Tramcars for the London County Council, 552. See English Electric Manufacturing Company
- Die-Forging, 35, 140, 141, 203, 269, 270, 333, 432, 433, 528, 529, 530, 607
- Disappearing Mounting for Guns, Krupp, 748
- Distortion in Boilers Due to Overheating, 459
- Distribution of Weight in Docking of Japanese Battleships, 793, 794
- Dock for Bermuda, Self-Docking Floating (Swan and Hunter, Limited, Wallsend), 212, 218, 563, 572, 578, 782, 787
- Docking the Damaged Destroyer “Salmon,” 368 Docking and Weight Distribution of Japanese Battleships, 793, 794
- Domestic Electric Generator, Decauville, 764
- Donkin, The late Mr. Bryan (Portrait), 321
- Dormer, Mr. A. C. Rolle, Vaud. Schmutz Automatic Screw Machine, 344, 345
- Double-Bottom Construction of Ships, 391 Drainage, Canal, Mexican, 69
- Drawing-Office Appliances ; German Niles Tool Works, 701, 704
- Drawings, Shop, 839, 842
- Dredger, Suction, Cutting Machinery for (Mr. G. Higgins, Melbourne), 670, 671
- Drilling Machine. See Machine Tools Drop-Hammer, Brett’s, 140, 141
- Drummond’s Spark-Preventer for Locomotives (London and South-WesternRailway), 713
- Drummond’s Water-Tube Boiler for Locomotives (London and South-Western Railway), 712, 713, 716
- Durban Fire-Float (Merryweather), 47
- Dusseldorf Exhibition: Art Palace, 499
- Boiler Plant adjoining Machinerj' Hall, 510 Buildings, 366, 367, 498, 499, 510
- Ehrhardt Pavilion, 367, 498
- Engine, Compound, 500 Horse-Power, Union Company, Essen, 840, 841, 844
- Engine, Compound and Single Phase Alternator, 500 Horse-Power (Humboldt Engineering Works and the Elektricitats Aktien- Gesellschaft, Frankfort), 642
- Gas-Driven Blast-Furnace Blowing Engine, 1000 Horse-Power (Gutehoffnungshiitte Company, Sterkrade), 708, 709
- Gutehoffnungshiitte and Deutz Gas Motor Works, Pavilion of the, 366
- Hoerder Bergwerks and Hutten-Verein, The Pavilion of, 499
- Krupp Guns and Armour-Plate, 736, 737, 748, 774, 775
- Krupp Pavilion and Exhibits, 602, 603, 605 Krupp Pavilion and 106-Ton Armour-Plate, 367, 510
- Machine Tools by Ernst Schiess, Dusseldorf, 674, 675, 778, 779
- Machinery Hall, 366
- Winding Engine, Horizontal Twin Tandem (Gutehoffnungshiitte), 813, 816
- Dwellshauwers-Dery Spring Testing Apparatus for Steam Indicators, 221
- Dynamos. See under Electric; Dynamos and Generators
- Efficiency of Centrifugal Pumping Engines, Diagrams of, 728
- Ehrhardt Pavilion at Dusseldorf Exhibition, 367, 498
- Elasticity of Steel Bars, Effects of Temperature on, 550, 619
- Klccti’ic • Alternator, Single-Phase, and 500 Horse-Power Compound Engines (Electricitats Aktien- Gesellschaft and Humboldt Engineering Works, Frankfort), 642
- Alternators, Westinghouse, Indiana, J05, JUb, 316. See also Generator
- Armature Construction, 809, 810
- Birkenhead Corporation Tramway Station (Scott and ^lountain, Limited), 574
- Crush 121ectric Works and Rolling Stock, 169, 210 211
- Canal Lock-Gate Gear, 105, 106, 107, 171, 1/4, 175
- Cars for Central London Railway and Greenock Tramways (Brush Company), 2.0, 211
- Centrifugal Machine Driving, 812
- Coherer. Marconi, 818
- Commutation. Limits of, 1?8, 231, 232,
- Condensing Plant, Electrically-Driven (Alien, Bedford), 145
- Converter, Portable Rotary Stabioiiari’ Plant, Westinghouse, 305, 306, 316
- Crane at Amsterdam Wharf, 272
- Crane, S-Ton Travelling Gantry (Wellman- Seaver Company), 182, 183
- Dvnamo, Commutation Limits of, 198, ^oi, *232,259,262 , .
- Dynamo and Engine, Standardising, 212
- Dynamo-Testing at the English Electric Manufacturing Works, Preston, 118, y22
- E/Idy Flywheel Brake, Magnetic Current. 762
- Electric and Manufacturing WorJ;s, British
- Westinghouse, at Manchester, 39<, 412
- Electrolytic Deposition and the Manufacture of Copper Pipes, 633, 648
- Electrolytic Production of Alkali, 353 Fayet-Chamonix Electric Railway, 570 Generator for Domestic Use, 764
- Generator, Limits of Commutation in, 198, -Ji, 232 259 262
- Generators. See also XZfernaiorsand D.vnamox Generators for Bolton Corporation 1100-Kilo- watt Direct-Current, by English Electric Manufacturing Company, Pi’e^ton
- Generators, Polyphase, 759, /60, 761, 76.., /b3,
809, 810, 857, 858, 859, 860 .
- Machine Tools, Electrically Driven. See Machine Tools . TT 4-
- Magnetic Separator (British Thomson-Houston
- Company, Limited, Rugby), 606
- Motor, Kolben’s Three-Phase, 859
- Motors, Polyphase, 759, 760, 761, /62, /63, 809,
810, 85”, 858, 859, 860
- Polyphase Generators, 759,760, 761,/62, /63, 809, 810, 857, 858, 859, 830. See also Alter-
- Power Station of the UnioiiTractionCompany, Indiana, 305, 306, 316
- Pump, Electrically - Driven Well (Meri}- weather), 293
- Railway, Fayet-Chamonix Electric, 570
- Signals, Railway Contact, Trench State Rail- ® ’ 179
- S\S,’ &e., for North Sea Canal Locks, 105 106, 107, 171, 174, 175. See also ^orth Sea Canal z.. i- i \
- Traction Practice in America (Westinghouse), 305,306,316
- Tramway Yoke, New York, 14..
- Transformers (Westinghouse), 306
- Electrical Indicators for Stoking Watei-Tube Boilers, 6*37
- Electrically-Driven Mining Pumps (Jeanesville Gesellschaft, ,Mtcrnator
- Single-Phase, and 500 Horse Powei Compound
- EUctrolytic Cells for Alkali Production 353
- Electrolytic Deposition and the Manufacture of
- Copper Pipes, 633, 648 1
- Elevators. See LHts
- Elmore Copper-Deposited Pipes, 633, 648
- Emissivity, Thermal, in High-Pressure Gases, 1, 2
- Engine, Blowing, 1200 Horse-Power Gas-Driven 1 EK B?Pwi®ng, Gas-Driven Bla^t-Furnace 1000 Horse-Power, at the Dusseldorf Exhibition (GutehoffnungshUtte Company, ftteikrade), 708 709
- Engine, Compound, 500 Horse-Power Horizontal (Union Company, Essen), 840 841, 844
- Engine, Compound, and Single-Phase Alternator, 500 Horse - Power (Humboldt Engineering Works, and the Electricitats Aktien-Geseli- schaft,’Frankfort), 642
- Eno'ine and Dj’namo Standardising, 212
- En^dne Economy, Effect of Clearance on, 2/o
- Engine Efficiency,
- “ Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. Saxonia, 280, 281, 282
- Engine Efficiency, Testing, Locomotive, 627 , 660, 693
- Engine-Fitter’s Bench, 161 ,
- Engine, Gas, 600 Brake Horse-Power Blast- Furnace, and 450-Kilowatt Three-Phase Generator (Kolben and Co.), 76L
- Eno-ine, Gas, 700 Horse-Power Two-Cycle (Korting System), 845, 846, 848
- Engine, Gas, 1000 Horse-Power Blast-Furnace, 708 709
- Engine, Gas, 1200 Horse-Power (Cockerill Com-.
- EnSnV’Gas or Internal Combustion, Explosion and Pressure Recorder, 725. See 833
- Fno-ine Marine, Works (Messrs. David Rowan and Co Glasgow), 597, 598, 599. See 839, 842
- Engine, Od, 125 Brake Horse-Power (Hornsby),
- En%ne, Oil, on Nivernais Canal Tug, 31-2
- Emrine Pumping, for Hitchin Water Works ^(Hayward-Tyler and Co., Limited, London), 566, 567
- Engine Shafts. See Shafts
- Fn<pine-ShoD Drawings, 839, 842
- Fwdne Steering, and Gear for H.M.S. “Good Hope’” (Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow),
- Emd^ne, Winding, Horizontal Twin Tandem, 813, 816
- Engine, Winding, Non • Condensing, Double- Drum, for Australia, 501
- Engines and Electric Generators for Birkenhead Tramways (Scott and Mountain, Limited) 574
- Engines for Fire-Steamer for Durban (Merrv- weather), 47
- ? Cylinder Triple - Expansion, H.M S. “Good Hope” (Fairfield Company), 284, 28G
- Engines, Gas, Explosion Temperatures, 833 Engines of the Japanese Battleship “Mikasa” (Vickers), 18G
- of the Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer ‘ Shirakumo” (Thornycroft), 301
- Engines, Marine, of the S.S. “Lorraine” “ Savoie,” 404, 406. See also 341, 342 Engines, Pilot Steamer for Port Philip, 846 Engines, Pumping, Automatic Regulator (J. H. Carruthers and Co., Glasgow), 149 Engines, Pumping, Economy Diagram, 728 Engines, Steam and Gas, Fencing of, 421
539, 540, 541
- Engines of Steamers “ Winifred ” and “ Sybil ” for Lake Victoria, 804, 805, 898 ’
- Engineers in the Navy, Position of, Diagrams,
- English Electro-Metallurgical Company, Limited Leeds, The Works of, 633, 648 ’
- English Electric Manufacturing Company, Pi’eston (Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited), 118,
- Ev'aporators for Sugar Manufacture, 4, 5, G, 72, / Q
- Exhibition Buildings, Destructive Tests of Composite Structures, 363
- Exhibition, Diisseldorf. See Dusseldorf Exhibition.
- Expenditure on British Naval Construction, 265 Explosion of Babcock and Wilcox Boiler at Runcorn, 91
- Explosion at Johannesburg, 149
- Explosion and Pressure Recorder, Mathot Continuous, 725
- Explosions in Steam Pipes due to Water-IIam- mer, 295, 296
- Exqdosion Temperatures of Internal Combustion Engines, 833
- Explosives Manufacture at the New Explosives Company, Limited, Stowinarket, GIO, 611, 614
- Hope.” 284, iSOD, old, 323, 451
- Fayet-Chamonix Electric Railway, 570 Fencing of Engines, Machinery, and Lift Shafts,
- Field Glass, Porro Prism, 275
- Field Guns. See Gim.*?. Filter, The Airedale, 357
- Fitration Plant Economy, Diagrams of, 728 h ire, Barbican, 601 lure-lloat for i)urban (Merryweather), 47
- Fetrol (Merryweather), 791 Fitter’s Bench, 161
- Standardisation of Pipe, 553, 555, 556, 55/, 589, 590, 64G
- ^*409 **”
- Fletcher and Co., G. (Derby), Triple-Effect for Sugar Manufacture, 72
- Hoating Dock for Bermuda, Machinery on (Swan an^l Hunter, Wallseini), 212, 218, 563, 572, 578, 782, 787 . ’ ’
- ^*701'"® Machine-Shops, 163, 164. See also Flywheel Brake, Magnetic Current Eddy. 762 Uy wheel Construction, 98, 99,134 Foret Petroleum Motor Tractor on Niverinis I Canal, 312
- Forging, Die, 35, 140, 141, 203, 209, 270, 333 432 433, 528, 529, .530, 007 ’ ’
- ^'°r*u (Williams, IVhite, and Co., Moline,
- Forgings, Mild-Steel, Oil-Tempering of, 795 h Oster’s Sugar Juice Evaporator, 73 Foundations, Subaqueous, Deep, of Dams 822 Niles Tool Works, Berlin 701, /04 ’
- Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith ; Riedler Express” Pump, 308, 309
- Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith, Riedler I mnps at the Powell-Duffryn Collieries, 114,
- Fraser, D., and Sons, Arbroath; Friction Clutch /57 ’
- French Spirit Motors, 46
- Railwa3’'s, Electric Contact Signals,
- Liners “Lorraine” and
- . Savoie,” 341, 342, 404, 406
- Fraction Clutch (D. Fraser and Sjns, Arbroath),
- Friction Clutch, Double-Disc (Fuller, Macleod. and Co., Limited, London), 623
- Fuel Calorimeter, a Simple Form of, 801 Fidler, Macleod, and Co., Limited, London ;
- Double-Disc Friction Clutch, 623
- Fulleiton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Limited, Paisley ; Non-Condensing fDouble-Drum Winding Engine for Australia, 504 "
- Fullerton, Hodgart, and Barclay, Limited. Pais- ley ; the Foster Juice Evaporator, 73
1 ulton Memorial, New York, Unveiling’- 242 Furnace Collapse Due to Overheating,*459 f urnace Equipment, Boiler (Scott-Elliot). 484 Furnace, Ingot-Heating, 79C, 797
- Gantry Crane, 5-Ton Electric Travelling (VVell- man-Seaver Company), 182, 183 '
- Gantries, Travelling, for Erecting Roof of Bor- u Station, 467, 478, 534, 544
- Garibaldi, Italian Cruiser, 636, 637 Generator and Lamp, Portable,*
- Gas-Drwen Engines. See Engines, Gas Gas - Engine Explosion and Temperature
- Recorders, 725, 833 *
- Gas Engines. See Engines, Gas Gas, Producing, from 5Vood, 6G3
- Gases. High-Pressure, Emissivity of. 1 2 Gauge-Glass Protector, The “Reflex ” 32i Gauges, Limit, 130 ’
- Gauges (Limit) for Spindles, 225 Gear Cutter, Bilgram’s Bevel, 370, 371
- ^’293^*^°*^’ Gas and Lamp, Portable,
- Generators, Electric. See Electric
- “I”.™!. ™i.
- ^'^^^’“gSuperheated Steam Locomotive, 827, Gilbreth Concrete Gravity Mixer, 142
- ULU2°.%'06?207^ llO-
- Girder Webs, Plate. 237, 238, 239 ^‘76®77°78?82flS7®'*
- Girders, Braced, Stresses in, 25
- Girders, Design of Open-Web Steel, 517 009 1
- Glass Protector, The “ Reflex,” 325 ’
- ?,^®c®®,’j^'®’^’ I'orro Prism, 275
- HydrauncanJ^Rn?®'’^’,! A’??,’*'®'’- Ki>'«arnock, 111 uraulically-Balanced Ashley' Pumn 044
- ^E«7rnA^'r Rajahmund^y for the
- .1 Coast Railway, India, 12, 10, 38, 39 41
286 31?°'’;’ Armoured Cniiser, 284
- •‘86, 313. Progressive Speed Trials 323 451 SE“S;“ gSSXwS'SS'" r™'".
- Machinery, and Lift-Shafts
- ^774, 775 Afnour-Plate, Krupp. 736, 737, 748,
- Armour-Plates, 720, 721 Gutehoffnungshutte Commnv 1 1
- WOO .Hors”e-Power Ga^Dr’^ve^ BlasclSce Blowing Engine, 708, 709 urnace
- Gutehoffnungshiitte and Deutz Gas-Motor Works P Dusseldorf Exhibit on 366
- 'Xs S"; S““'
- Hammer, Water, in Steam Pipes, 295, 296 Hammers, Drop, Brett’s, 140 141
- Pneumatic, and Harbour Works, 05
- ShuUnKoms??!? •^®"-
- Hayward-Tyder and Co., Limited London- foO.’To"’ ^'1® Ditchin Water Works,’
- HeaH’n°*'‘'i«P'’® Canal. 348
- Heating of Shops, 165. See also 701
- ’®‘^‘'; limited. A., Coventry: Large Hexairon 470?" Policing, Milling Machhie,
- I ?‘v'’?’*'®®p"‘’®.9?®®®’ Eniissivity of, 1, 2
- I ’^59L 592^°°"®^®’” o'. 510, 521, 522,
- '"THfe2KL28r’ ‘'’'’-®‘-'-a,” Steam i ^denUo?l68'^'°‘'‘‘ “ Salmon,” Acci-
- ; pumping Eno-ine for
- I Mo'^sok ^° ’ Dondon)'
- , ^°?‘'A®’'.D®'’""'srks and Hutten-Verein Pavilinn
- „a,t the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 499 ’
- ' o and Safety Gear of 424 495
- ffo? t^i’ ^"0.505,^'50 ?; tok k’9;
- ^^s'tea'm“?ap?‘'62^’ "‘"'‘®'’®®t®D High Pressure Hornsby and Co., Limited, Richard l-'S lii-iVr.
- Horse-Power Oil Engine, ’374
- Hose-Coupling, “ Boreas,” 194 fi Swivelling, for Fire-Float 47
- "SX‘
- SS*HS,TS.S2 £"•
- ' Tank Locomotive 12 1^
- Triafs"2K S'212"’” ®®®‘-
- Anisterdain, 27i
- ?' X~iRS?«^a 'n«r>’Cra;c,,
- S‘!'’an>ically-Balanced Ashley Pump 644
- I .5 *o-Extractors, Electric Driving of,’812
- I o'"-? Ilailway Route to, 740
- '"3^39^4?*' ^'"'•ay, 12. 16.
- I Indiana Electric Tramways, 305, 306 316 "Press°u?e, 725^°‘ D’<’plo®ion and
- Indicator Spring Tests, 221 ^"sc?e,^tmn'k'’’?'®’® Temperature
- Scientific Instrument Company
- I Cambridge), 645 '
- ; Inertia Pump, “ Haste,” 552 ingot-Heating Furnace, 796, 797
- Lamp, Acetylene Gas and Generatoi, Poi table, 293
- Lamps, Railway Carnage, 304 .
- Lathe Bed, Template used in Planing, 131
- Lathes. See Machine Tools Launch, with Daimler Motor, Cz8 .
- Leaf-Arrester for Water Supply of Turbine, o9 Levallois-Perret, Soci^td de Constructions de;
- Arched Viaduct over River Seineat Pans, /6,
77, 78, 82, 137
- Lifting Steel Ingot,,130-Ton, 602
- Lift-Shafts, Protection of, and Safety Gear, 424, 425. See 421, 470, 471, 487, 490, 505, 506, 50/, 539’, 540, 541 , > 4. zc,
- Lillie Evaporator for Sugar Manufacture (Sugar- Manufacturing Apparatus Company, Philadelphia), 5
- Limit Gauges, 130
- Limit Gauges for Spindles, 225
- Limits of Commutation of Dynamos, 198, -31,
- ‘^32 259 262
- Liquid Fuel for Ships, 405, 408, 409, 410
- Lock Gate and Sluice, Electric Gear for North Sea Canal, 105, 106, 107, 171,174,1/5. See also North Sea Canal .. .4. , * x i «
- Lockerbie and Wilkinson, Limited, Acetylene Gas Generator, 293 .
- Lockers and Washstands for Workers in Shops, 164 See also 701
- Locks Yinuiden, on North Sea Canal, 33, 34, 105, 106, 107, 171, 174,175, 243, 244, 272, 273 Locomotive, Balancing, 767
- Locomotive Boiler Testing, 627, 660, 693 Locomotive, Four-Cylinder Compound, for the
- “ Plant ” System (Baldwin), 640. 641
- Locomotive Fire-Boxes, Water-Tubes in (Mr.
- W M. Smith, North-Eastern Railway), 127 Locomotive, German Superheated Steam, 82/, 8'’8 829
- Locomotive, Oil-Burning, for Roumania,741, 742 Locomotive, Passenger, for the Cape Railways (Neilson, Reid, and Co., Glasgow), 679, 682 Locomotive Spark-Preventer (London and Soutbi- Western Railway), 713
- Locomotive Tank for Port Talbot Railway, o36 Locomotive Tank for the Vajda-Hunyad Mme, 12 13
- Locomotive with Water-Tube Boiler(Mr. D. Drummond, London and South-Western Railway), 712 713 716
- Loewe’s Works at Berlin, 130, 131, 132, 161, 163, 164, 165 . .
- London County Council, Tramcars for the (Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited, London), 552
- London Fire, Barbican, 601
- London and South-Western Locomotive with Water-Tube Boiler and Spark - Preventer (Drummond’s), 712, 713, 716 .
- Longuemare Carburetter for Spirit Motors, 4G Loomis Gas Producer for Burning Wood, 663 Looms, Self • Shuttling (Hattersley, Keighley), 214 Lorraine,” French Trans-Atlantic Liner, 341, 342, 404, 406
- Lorries, Military Self-Propelled, 21
- Lorries. See Motor Cars.
- Lowering Gear, Boat, Welin, 227
- Lubricating Arrangement, for Wood-norkmg Machinery, 705 .
- Lubricator, Positive Feed Crank-Pin, 247
- Luke and Spencer, Limited, Manchester, Electii- cally-Driven Tool-Grinder, 575
- Machine-Shop Drawings, 839, 842 Machine-Shop Methods, 130, 131, 132, 161, 163, 164,165. See also 701
- Machine Shop Roof, 770,771, 836, 837
5lacliine Tools. See also iror*«.
- Bar and Tube-Straightening Machine (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 293
- Boiler-Shell Riveting Machine and Gantry, 599
- Boiler-Tube Swelling and Reducing Machine (Platt, VVednesbury), 437
- Bolt Rack, 161. See also 701
- Boring Machine with Self-Adjusting Countershaft (Archdale and Co., Birmingham), 178
- Boring and Milling Machine, Triple, Horizontal, and Vertical (Schiess), 675
- Borjng and Planing Machine, Circular (Sehiess), 778
- Boring and Tapping Machine, Horizontal (Schiess), 778
- Boring and Turning Mill, 28-Ft. (Sellers, Philadelphia), 103
- Boring and Turning Mill, Vertical (G. Richards and Co., Limited, Manchester), 9
- Chucking Machines, and Tools for same, 131, 132
- Circular Milling Machine, 130
- Clutch, Magnetic, for 84-In. Planer (Riddell), 131
- Countershaft Arrangement of Ceiling of Machine Shop, 165. See also 701
- Drill, Radial, Electrically-Driven (Niles Company), 375
- Drilling and Boring Machine, Duplex Horizontal (Noble and Lund, Felling-on-Tyne),
- Drilling Machine for Testing the Hardness of Iron, 165
- Drilling and Milling Machine, Universal Horizontal (Hulse), 152
- Drop-Hammer, Brett’s, 140, 141
- Forging Press, Hydraulic (Williams, White, and Co., Moline, Ill.), 432
- German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 704, 769, 770, 771. See 836, 837
- Guarding Machine-Tools, 421, 424, 425, 470, 471, 487, 490, 505, 506, 507, 539, 540, 541
- Hammers, Massey’s, 528, 529, 530
- Jig, with Tools and Work, 161
- Lathe Bed, Template used in Planing, 131
- Lathe Carrier, Turton’s, 357
- Lathe, Electrically-Driven (Hendey Company, Torrington, Conn.), 495
- Lathe, Large Hexagon Turret, with Fencing (Herbert), 470
- Lathe Slide (Schiess), 675
- Lathe, 10-In. Sliding and Surfacing (Britannia Company, Colchester), 325
- Lathe, Vertical, 778
- Lathe, 79-iii. Wheel (Niles-Bement-Pond Company, Philadelphia), 463
- Magnetic Clutch for 84 Io. Planer (Riddell),131 Milling and Boring Machine, Triple Horizontal and Vertical (Schiess), 675
- Milling and Drilling Machine, Universal Horizontal (Hulse), 152
- Milling Machine, Cutters and Milling Work done, 130
- Milling Machine (Herbert), 471
- Planer, Bilgram Bevel-Gear (Reinecker), 370, 371
- Planer, Magnetic Clutch for 84-In. (Riddell). 131 Planing and Boring Machine, Circular, (Schiess), 778
- Planing Machine, Heavy, Electrically-Driven (Schiess), 674
- Planing Machine (Schiess), 779
- Planing Machine (Sellers and Co., Philadelphia), 277
- Plate-Bending Rolls (Rushworth and Co., Sowerby Bridge), 250
- Plate-Straightening Machine, with Reversing Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Limited, Johnstone), 148
- Portable Universal Machine-Tool (Capitaine and Co., Frankfort-on-Maine), 80, 81
- Punching and Shearing Machine, Four-Sided, with Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 148
- Rolls, Plate-Straightening Machine, with Reversing Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 148
- Saw-Bench, Robinson and King’s, 705
- Schiess Tools at the Dusseldorf Exhibition, 674, 675
- Screw Machine, Schmutz Automatic, 344, 345 Self-Lubricating Arrangement for Woodworking Machine-Tools, 705
- Shaping Machines, Electrically-Driven (Hendey Company), 825
- Spur and Worm Gear Cutting Machine (Phoenix Company, St. Petersburg), 215
- Tapping and Boring Machine, Horizontal, (Schiess), 778
- Template Used in Planing a Lathe Bed, 131 Tool-Grinder, Boys’, 195
- Tool-Grinder, Electrically-Driven (Luke and Spencer, Limited, Manchester), 575
- Tool-Stands, 161. See also 701
- Tools for Chucking Machine, 132
- Turning and Boring Mill (Schiess), 674
- Turning and Boring Mill, 28-Ft. (Sellers, Philadelphia), 103
- Turning and Boring Mill, Vertical (G. Richards and Co., Limited, Manchester), 9
- Universal Portable Machine-Tool (Capitaine and Co., Frankfort-on-Maine), 80, 81
- Vice, Instantaneous Grip Machine (Mr. A. A. Jones, Leicester), 575
- Wood-Working Machinery (T. Robinson and Sons, Limited, Rochdale), 705
- Workshop Methods, 130,131, 132, 161,163, 164, 165. See also 701
- Machine, Vice, Instantaneous Grip (Mr. A. A.
- Jones, Leicester), 575
- Machinery, Fencing or Guarding, 421, 424, 425, 470, 471, 487, 490, 505, 506, 507, 539, 540, 541
- Machioery for Floating Dock, Bermuda, 563, 572, 578. See 212, 218, 782, 787
- Machinery Hall at Dusseldorf Exhibition, 366
- Magnetic Clutch for 84-In. Planer (Riddell), 131
- Magnetic Separator ( British Thomson-Houston Company, Limited, Rugby), 606
- Mandalay Canal, Headworks of the, 348 Manufacture of Coke from Compressel Fuel, 694, 695
- Map of Railway Route to India, 740
- Marconi Telegraphy, 818
- Marine Engine Shafts. See Shafts
- Manne Engines, See Engines
- Martha Carburetter for Spirit Motor, 46
- Maryland Steel Company, Baltimore ; Floating 572?178^ ^2^'787 212. 218, 563,
- ^'?OP Hammer, ’'^Rlcorde^r°”72r°'’" and Pressure
- Ji'zoyer, Mr., Nevers, Mechanical Traction on the Nivernais Canal, 312
- Measurement of Very Small Time Intervals, 54
- Mechanical Traction on the Nivernais Canal, 312
- Memorial, Julton, New York, Unveilin< 242
- Merryweather’s Fire-Float for Durban, 47 Merryweatherand Sons’Electrically-Driven Well-
- Merryweatherand Sons, London ; Portable Petrol rire-Pump, 791 jrerwarth Metallic Fackins-, ^75 ^*756 diagrams, 24, 194, 324, 452, 586,
- Metallic Packing, Merwarth, 375
- Examination of, 28, 29 33^ 62, 63, 96, 97, 501, 502, 503, 533, 534, 856^ ^^69'sT m uF’ Theatre. 50,
- Mexican Drainage Canal, 69
- Mexican Iron and Steel Works at Monterey, 8
- Michele Steering Gear, 539
- Mmro-Crystalline Structure of Platinum, J56,
- Microscopic Examination of Metals. 28 Q 62, 96, 97, 533, 534, 856, 857 ’ ’ ’
- Microscopic Examination of Copper and Tin Alloys, 28, 29, 62, 63, 93, 96, 97
- ^^servations on Deterioration of Steel Rails, 501, 502, 503
- * '(VicV^rs)^lS6^^^^ J^apanese Battleship
- Military Motor Wagon Trials, 21
- Millmg Machine, Cutters, and Milling Work done luv
- T^Uchine Tools “Saxonia” Boiler Tria’s, 280, 281,282
- Mine, Winding Engine for Australia, 504
- Mining Pumps, Electrically Driven (Jeanesville Company, U.S A.), 436
- Mining Pumps, Riedler (Fraser and Chalmers Limited, Erith), 114, 115
- Mirrlees, Watson, and Co., Limited, Glasgow,' E aporators for Sugar Manufacture, 4, 6, 72 I Aiixer, Gilbreth s Concrete Gravity 142 Monterey Iron and Steel Works, Mexico, 8 '
- Morrin “ Climax ” Water-Tube Boiler. 342 I Motor, oil, Daimler, for Launch, 678
- Motor Wagon Trials, Military, 21 '
- Motors. See Electric
- Motors, Spirit, French, 46 I
- Mountings for Guns. See Guns and
- Moving Retaining Walls, New York Subway ->16 ^?™ted, C. and A., Liverpool'; Hy ' drauhc Warehouse and Wharf Cranes, 438, 144
- Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow; Steerin- ^^^S’ncs and Geir of IL M.S. “Good Hope,”
- Naval Construction, Expenditure, British, 265 265 Status, Diagrams,
- Naval Machinery. See Engines
- Naval Mounting for Guns. See Guns Navipendulum, 519, 521, 622, 591, 592 Negative Slip, 450, 551, 585, 609
- Neilson Reid, and Co., Glasgow ; Cape Govern- Passenger Locomotives. 679, 682 Machines, Engines, and L ft-
- Nicholson’s Wharf, London, Cranes at (Musker Limited, Liverpool), 438, 444 ’
- Niles-Bemen^t-Pond Company, Limited, Phila- /9-In. Wheel Lathe, 463
- Niles Tool VVorks Company. U.S.A., Electrically Driven Radial Drill, 375
- ^771.^T6, 837^’'®’ "^0.
- Noble and Lund, FelUng-on-Tyne, Drilling and KT Duplex Horizontal, 247
- .Railway Locomotives, Smith’s Water-Tubes in Fire-Boxes, 127
- !- '•
2!} Locomotive, Roumanian, 741, 742
- Oil Engines. See Engines, Oil
- Oil Fire-Pump (Merryweather), 791 Z2H 409, 410
- Oil Motor. See Motor, OU
- I 2-’! Motor Tractor on the Nivernais Canal, 312 Oil-Tempering of Mild-Steel Forgings. 795 Ordnance. See Guns
- Mexico, 69 Otto-Hilgenstock Coke Oven, 662 Oven, Otto-Hilgenstoek Coke, 662 Overheating and Boiler Distortion, 459
- Packing, Merwarth Metallic, 375
- Panama Canal, Subacjueous Foundations of Bohio JJam, 822, 824
- Paris Arched Viaduct, 76, 77, 78, 82, 137
- Parral Silver Reduction Works, Parral, 50 Parsons Turbine-Driven Steam Yacht “Tarantula (Yarrow), 744, 745
- Patio Process of Silver Reduction, Parral Work« Mexico, 50 ’
- ^*TestTof 3*63^"^"^®^*^® Structure. Destructive Persian Gulf Railway, 740 Petroleum. See Oil
- I’hmnix Engineering Works Comp.-iny (St
- Reversing Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 148
- Platinum, Micro - Crystalline Structure of, 856, 857
- Platt, Mr. Samuel (Wednesbury), Bar and Tube- Straightening Machine, 293
- Platt, Mr. S. (Wednesbury), Boiler-Tube Swelling and Reducing Machine, 437 ,
- Pneumatic, Steam and Drop Hammers (Massey), j 528, 529, 530 I
- Porro Prism Field Glass, 275 I
- Port. See A msterdam. 1
- Port Talbot Railway, Gradient Section and Tank Locomotives, 536
- Port Philip, Pilot Steamer for, 846
- Portable Accelerometer for Railway Testing, 175, 176
- Portable Acetylene Gas Generator and Lamp, 293
- Portable Engines. See Engines.
- Portable Petrol Fire-Pump (Merryweather), 7.41 Portable Rotary Sub-Station for Tramways, 316 Portable Universal Machine Tool (Capitaine and
- Co., Frankfort-on-the-Maine),80, 81
- Portrait of the late Mr. Bryan Donkin, 321 Potter Mesh Separator and Superheater, 241 Powell-Duffryn Collieries, Reidler Pumis at (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith), 114, 115
- Power, Electric. See Electric.
- Press, Hydraulic Forging (Williams, White, and Co., Moline, 111 ), 432
- Presses for Making Powders and Projectiles, 610, 611, 614
- Pressing, Die, 35, 140, 141, 203, 269, 270, 333, 432, 433, 528, 529, 530, 607
- Pressure and Explosion Recorder, Mathot Continuous, 725
- Pressures, Subterranean, 225
- Producer Gas Made from Wood, 663
- Progressive Speed Trials of H.M.S. “Good Hope,” 323, 451
- Projectiles, Capped, Penetrate Krupp Armour, 720, 721
- Propeller, Negative Slip, 450, 551, 585, 609 Propeller Shaft Bearings, 440, 411, 518. See also S/ar.fts.
- Propellers of Italian Cruisers, 636, 637
- Protection of Workers at Engines, Machines, and Lifts, 421, 424, 425, 470, 471, 487, 490, 505, 506, 507, 539, 540, 541
- Protector, The Gauge-Glass “Reflex,” 325 Protractor, Polar, for Sections of Tunnels, 429 Prussian Superheated Steam Locomotive, 827, 828, 8>9
- Pump, Electrically-Driven Well (Merryweather), 293
- Pump, “Haste” Inertia, 552
- Pump, Hydraulically-Balanced Ashley Well, 644 Pump, Portable Petrol Fire (Merry weather), 791 Pump, Riedler “Express” (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith), 308, 309
- Pumps, Mining, Electricall}' - Driven (Jeanes- \ille Company, U.S.A ), 436
- Pumps, Riedler, at the Powell-Duffryn Collieries (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith), 114, 115
- Pumping Engine Economy, Diagrams of, 728 Pumping Engine for the Ilitchin Water-Works (Hayward-Tyler and Co., Limited, London), 566, 567
- Pumping Engines, Automatic Regulator for ' (J. H. Carruthers and Co , Glasgow), 149 I Punching and Shearing Machine. Four-Sided, with Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 148
- Purdue University, Locomotive Testing, 627, 660, 693
- Pyrometer, Le Chatelier, 29
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Quick-Firing Guns. See Guns
- Rails, Microscopic Observations on Deterioration of Steel, 501, 502, 503
- Rai way Carriage Lamps, 304
- Railway Carriages in India, The Design and Construction of, 235, 236, 303, 304, 336, 337, 340, 400, 401, 466, 467, 532, 568
- Railway Electric Contact Signals, French State Railways, 179
- Railway, Fayet-Chamonix, Electric, 570
- Railwayy Great Western, King’s Train, 378 Railway t3 India, Map of Route, 740
- Railway Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Railway, Persian Gulf, 740
- Railway, Port Talbot, Gradient Section and Tank Locomotive, 536
- Railway Station at Bordeaux, 467, 478, 531, 544
- Railway, Testing Portable Accelerometer, 175, 176
- Railwaj' and Tramway Rolling Stock, 210, 211
- Railway Transport of Long Shaft, 603
- Railway, Underground, New York Subway, 11, 42, 43, no. 111, 112, 142, 206, 207, 246, 276, 365, 429
- Railway Yoke, Electric, 142
- R-pid Transit, New York. See New York City subway
- Rawson and Morrison’s Cableways at the Construction of New York Subways, 11
- “Reflex ” Gauge-Glass Protector, 325
- Refrigerating Plant (1). Stewart and Co., Limited. Glasgow), 59
- Regulator. Automatic, for Pumping Engines (J. H. Canuthers and Co., Glasgow), 119
- Reinecker, J. E., Chemnitz-Gablenz, Bilgram
- Bevel-Gear Planer, 370, 371
- Repairing a Tunnel Shaft at Sea, 195
- Retaining Wall, New York Subway, 246
- “Re Umberto,” Rolling of Italian Battleship, 519, 521,522, 591, 592
- “Revenge,” Rolling of H.M. Battleship, 519, 521, 522, 591, 592
- Richard Carburetter for Spirit Motor, 46 Richards, G., and Co., Limited, Manchester,
- Boring and Turning Mill, Vertical, 9
- Riedler “ Express ” Pump (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Erith), 308, 309
- Riedler Pumps at the Powell-Duffryn Collieries (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, * Erith), 114, 115
- Rillieux Vertical E/aporator for Sugar Manufacture, 72
- River Bridge in India, Godavari, Rajahmundrv, 12,16,38, 39,41
- River Seine Arched Viaduct, Paris, 76, 77, 78, 82. 137
- Road Scarifier, Asplen’s, 387
- Robert Fulton Memorial, New York, Unveiling, 212
- Robinson and Sons, Limited, Thomas, Rochdale; Saw-Bench and Self-Lubricator for Machine* Tools, 705
- Roll, Plate Straightening Machine, with Reversing Electric Motor (Craig and Donald, Johnstone), 148
- Rolls, Plate-Bending (Rushworth and Co., So we. by Bridge), 250
- Rolling of Ships, Diagrams of, 519, 521, 522, 591, 592
- Rolling Stock. See Locomotives^ Raihvay Car- riagcSi and Wagons
- Roof of Railway Station at Bordeaux, 467, 478, 534, 544
- Roof of Shops, with Shaft Brackets, &c., 165. See also Cerman Niles Tool Works
- Roofs of Workshops, 770, 771, 836, 837
- Rosse, Earl of; Leaf-Arrester for Turbine Water Supply, 59
- Roumanian State Locomotive for Oil-Fuel Burning, 741, 742
- Rowan, Messrs. David, and Co., Glasgow, Marine Engine Works, 597, 598, 599, 839, 842
- Royal Train, Great Western Railway, 378 Rudder Gear, Warship (Napier Brothers, Limited,
- Glasgow), 313
- Rudderless Ships, Steering, 517
- Runcorn, Water-Tube Boiler Explosion at, 91 Rusden and Eeles Oil Burners, 405, 408, 409, 410 Rushworth and Co. (Sowerby Bridge), Plate- Bending Rolls, 250
- Safety' Gear of Lift-Shafts, 424, 425. See 421, 470, 471, 487, 490, 505, 506, 507, 539, 540, 541
- “ Salmon,” II.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, Accident to, 368
- Sand-Pump Dredgers, Cutting Machinery for (Mr. G. Higgins, Melbourne), 670, 671
- Sanitation of Railway Carriages. See Railivag Carriages in India
- “ Sivoie,” French Trans-Atlantic Liner, 341, 312, 404, 406
- Saw-Bench, Robinson and King’s, 705
- “ Saxonia,” Cunard Liner, Admiraltv’ Boiler
- Trials, 280, 281, 282
- Scarifier, Asplen’s Road, 387
- Schiess, Messrs. Ernst, Dlisseldorf; Machine
- Tools at Dusseldorf Exhibition, 778, 779 Schmidt Superheated Steam Locomotive, 827,
- S28, 829
- Schmutz Automatic Screw Machine, 344, 345 School for Machine-Shop Apprentices, 164 Scott-Elliot Boiler Furnace Equipment, 484 Scott and Mountain, Birkenhead Corporation
- Tramway Station, 574
- Screw Machines. See Machine Tools
- Seine, Viaduct over the River, at Paris, 76, 77, 78. 82, 137
- Self-Lubricating Arrangement for Woodworking
- Machine Tools, 705 Self-Propelled Vehicles. See Motor Cars Self-Shuttling Looms (Hattersley, Keighley), 214 Sellers and Co., William (Philadelphia), 28-Ft.
- Boring and Turning Mill, 103
- Sellers and Co., William (Philadelphia), Planing Machine, 277
- Separator, Magnetic (British Thomson-Houston
- Company, Limited, Rugby), 606 Separator and Superheater, Potter Mesh, 241 Sewer Crossing at New York Subway, 43 Shaft Bearing, Propeller, 440, 441, 518 Shaft Repairing at Sea, 195
- Shaft, Six-Throw Crank, for T.-S.S. “ Kaiser
- Wilhelm 11.,’’ Krupp, 603
- Shafts, Strains on Crank, 427, 455, 456, 457, 492.
- See also 474, 475
- Shafts, Torsional Vibration of, 474, 475. See also 427, 455, 456, 457, 492
- Shallow-Draught Steamers for African Lakes, 804.
805,808 ?
- Sharp, Stewart, and Co., Messrs.; Tank Locomotive for Port Talbot Railway, 536
- Sheds and Warehouses at Amsterdam, 273. See also Amsterdam Port
- Shells, Capped, Penetrate Krupp Armour, 720, 721
- Shifting Retaining Walls, New York Subway, 246 Ship-Steering Gear, Michele, 539
- Ships’ Boat-Lowering Gear (Welin), 227 Ships’ Double Bottom Construction, 391 Ships, Oil Fuel for, 405, 408, 409, 410 Ships’ Plates, Stresses on, 391 Ships’ Propeller, Shaft Bearing, 440, 441, 518 Ships, Rolling of. Diagrams, 519, 521. 522,59k 592
- Ships. See Warships
- Ship’s Shaft, Repairing at Sea, 195
- Ships’ Shafts. See Shafts
- Ships, Steering Rudderless, 517
- Shipbuilding Production, Diagrams of, 22, 23 “Shirakumo,” Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer,
- Engines (»f (Thornycroft), 301
- Shop Drawings, 839, 842
- Shop Floorijig, Heating and Equipment JIachine, 161, 163, 161, 165. See also 701
- Signals. French State Railways, Electric Contact, 179
- Silicon in the Open Hearth, Diagram, 659
- Silver Reduction Works, Parral, Mexico (The Patio Process), 50
- Slip, Negative, 450, 551, 585, 609
- Sluices on the Mandalay Canal, 348
- Smith’s Water Tubes in Locomotive Fireboxes (North-Eastern Railway), 127
- South African Railway Locomotives (Neilson, Reid, and Co., Glasgow), 679,682
- Spark-Preventer for Locomotives (London and South-Western Railway), 713
- Speeds, Testing Acceleration of Railway, 175, 176
- Speed Trials, Progressive, of H.M.S. “ Good Hope,” 323, 451
- Spindle for Motor, Inmit Gauges for, 225
- Spirit Motors, French, 46
- Spring Test Diagrams, 173
- Spring Testing Apparatus, Steam Indicator, 221 Spur and Worm-Gear Cutting Machine (Phoenix Company, St. Petersburg), 215
- Stamping, Die, 35, 140, 141, 203, 269, 270, 333, 432, 433, 528, 529, 530, 607
- Stamping Machine for Coke Manufacture from Compressed Fuel, 694, 695
- Standardisation of Pipe Flanges, 553, 555, 556, 557, 589, 590, 646
- Standardising Enginesand Dynamos, 212
- Station, Railway, at Bordeaux, 467, 478, 534, 544
- Stations, Electric. See Electric.
- Steam Engine Indicators, Spring Testing Apparatus, 221
- Steam Engines. See Engines.
- Steam Lorries. See Motor Cars.
- Steam Pipes, Water-Hammer in, 295, 296
- Steam Pressure Regulating and Automatic Cut- Off Valve, 537
- Steam Separator and Superheater, Potter Mesh, 241
- Steam Superheated Locomotive, 827, 828, 829
- Steam Trap, High-Pressure (Holden and Brooke, Manchester), 623
- Steam Yacht “ Tarantula,” Parsons’ Turbine- Driven (Yarrow), 744, 745
- Steamer, Fire, for Durban, 47
- Steamer, “ Kaiser Wilhelm IL,” Six-Throw Crankshaft for (Krupp), 603
- Steamer, Pilot, for Port Philip, 846
- Steamers “Winifred” and “Sybil” for Lake Victoria, 801, 805, 808
- Steamships “ Lorraine” and “Savoie,” 341, 342, 404, 403
- Steamships. See also Ships and Steamers
- Steel Bars, Effects of Temperature on the Elasticity of, 549, 550
- Steel, Carbon Variation with Temperature of, 626
- Steel Columns and Struts, Strength of, 731, 732, 733, 734
- Steel-Ingot-Heating Furnace, 796, 797
- Steel Ingot, 130-Ton, Manipulation of, 602
- Steel and Iron Works at Monterey, Mexico, 8 Steel, Mild, Forgings, Oil Tempering of, 795
- Steel Rails, Microscopic Observations on Deterioration of, 501, 502, 503
- Steel, Silicon in Open Hearth, Diagram, 659
- Steering Engines and Gear for H.M.S. “ Good Hope” (Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow), 313
- Steering Gear, Michele, 539
- Steering Rudderless Ships, 517
- Stern Brothers, London, Positive-Feed Crankpin Lubricator, 247
- Stewart and Co., Duncan, Glasgow ; Refrigerating Plant, 59
- Stoking Water-Tube Boilers, Electrical Indicators, 637
- Stone, Aztec Calendar, Mexico Museum, 69
- Straightening Machine, Bar and Tube (Mr. S. Platt, Wednesbury), 293
- Strains on Crankshafts, 427, 455, 456, 457, 492. See also 474, 475
- Street Railways. See Trarmvag and Electric Strength of (Columns and Struts, 731, 732, 733, 734
- Stresses in Braced Girders, 25
- Stresses on Ships’ Plates, 391
- Structure, Micro-Crystalline, of Platinum, 856,857
- Structure of Steel. See Microscopic^ &c., Structures, Destructive Tests of Composite, 363 Struts, Strength of Columns and, 731, 732, 733, 734
- Subaqueous, Deep, Foundations, 822 Subterranean Pressures, 225
- Subway in New York City, 11, 42, 43, 110, 111, 112, 142, 208, 207, 246, 276. 365, 429
- Suction Dredger (Mr. G. Higgins, Melbourne), 670,671
- Sugar Centrifugal Machine, Electric Drive, 812
- Sugar - Manufacturing Apparatus Company, Philadelphia ; Lillie Evaporator, 5
- Sugar. See also Juice&c.
- Superheated Steam Locomotive, German, 827, 828, 829
- Superheater and Separator, Potter Mesh, 241 Surveying Instruments, New York Subway, 429 Swan and Hunter, Wallsend-on-Tyne ; Floating
- Dock at Bermuda, 212, 218, 563, 572, 578, 782, 787
- Tank Locomotive. See Locomotive “Tarantula,” Steam - Yacht, Turbine - Driven (Yarrow), 744, 745
- Telegraphy, Marconi, 818
- Temperature Effects on the Elastic Recovery of Steel Bars, 549, 550
- Temperature Indicator, Whipple’s (Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Limited, Cambridge), 615
- Temperatures of Explosion of Internal Combustion Engines, 833
- Tempering of Mild Steel Forgings, Oil, 795 Template Used in Planing a Lathe-Bed, 131 Tenders. See Locomotives
- Testing, Locomotive Boiler, 627, 660, 693
- Testing Springs, Diagram, 173, 22 L
- Tests of Armour-Plate. See Armour Plate.
- Textile Machinery, Fencing and Guarding, 487, 490, 505, 506, 507. See 421, 424, 425, 470, 471, 539, 540, 541
- Theatre at Guanajato, 144, 145. See 69, 84 Thermal Emissivity in High-Pressure Gases, 1, 2 Thermometer. Callendar’s Platinum, 645 Thomson - Houston. See British Thomson- Houston
- Thornycroft and Co., Limited, Messrs. J. I.; Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Shira- kumo,” Engines, 301
- Time Intervals, Measurements of Very Small, 54 Tin-Copper Alloys, Microscopic Examination of,
28, 29, 62, 63, 93, 96, 97, 533, 534
- Tires. See Railway Carriages in India Tool-Grinder, Boys’, 195
- Tool - Grinder, Electrically - Driven (Luke and Spencer, Limited, Manchester), 575
- Tools for Chucking Machine, 132
- Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships Torpedo Boats. See Warships
- Torsional Vibrations of Shafts, 474, 475. See also 427, 455, 456, 457, 492
- Traction, Mechanical, on Nivernais Canal, 312 Traction. See Tramways
- Train, King’s, Great Western Railway, 378 Tramcars for the London County Council, 552 Tramway Rail Yoke, Electric, 142
- Tramway and Railway Rolling Stock, 210, 211
- Tramway Station, Birkenhead Corporation (Scott and Mountain, Limited), 574
- Tramways, Electric, 305, 306, 316
- Transporting a Long Shaft, 603
- Trials, Progressive Speed, of H.M.S. “Good Hope,” 323, 451
- Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- Tube, Boiler, Swelling and Reducing Machine (Platt, Wednesbury), 437
- Tubes, Corrosion of Condenser, 435, 559
- Tunnelling, New York City Subway, 11, 42, 43, 110, 111, 112, 142, 206, 207, 246, 276, 365, 429
- Turbine - Driven Steam Yacht “Tarantula” (Yarrow), 744, 745
- Turbine Water Supply Leaf-Arrester, 59
- Turning and Boring Mill, Vertical (G. Richards and Co., Limited, Manchester), 9
- Turning and Boring Mill, 28-Ft. (Sellers, Philadelphia), 103
- Turning Machines. See Machine Tools
- Turret Lathes. See Lathes under MACHINE TOOLS Turton’s Lathe Carrier, 357
- Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines
- Underground Railway, New York City Subway, 11, 42, 43, 110, 111, 112, 142, 203, 207, 246,276, 365, 429
- Union, Maschinenbau Actien - Gesellschaft, Essen ; 500 Horse-Power Tandem Compound Engine, 840, 841, 844
- Union Traction Company, Indiana ; Power Station, 305, 306, 316
- United States Locomotives, 640, 641
- Universal Portable Machine Tool (Capitaine and Co., Frankfort-on-thc-Maine), 80, 81
- Valve Gear Mechanism of Winding Engine, 813, 816
- Valves, Phoenix Steam Pressure Regulating and Automatic Cut-Off, 537
- Valve for Riedler Pump (Fraser and Chalmers, Limited, Eribh), 303, 309
- “ Varese,” Italian Cruiser, 636, 637
- Vehicles, Self-Propelled. See Motor Cars.
- Viaduct Construction, New York Subway, 206, 207
- Viaduct over River Seine (Paris), 76, 77, 78, 82, 137
- Vibrations of Shafts, Torsional, 474, 475. See also 427, 455, 456, 457, 492
- Vice, Instantaneous Grip Machine (Mr. A. A. Jones, Leicester), 575
- Vickers Guns versus Armour-Plates, 720, 721
- Vickers, Sons, and Maxim, Limited ; Engines of the Japanese Battleship “ Mikasa,” 186
- Vulcan Company, Stettin ; Superheated Steam Locomotive, 829
- Wagons, Military Self Propelled Motor, 21
- Wagon, Steam Motor. See Motor Cars.
- War Office Launch with Daimler Motor, 678
- Warehouse and Wharf Hydraulic Cranes (Musker, Liverpool), 438, 444
- Warehouses and Sheds, 273. See also Amsterdam Port.
- Warships ;
- H.M. Battleship “ Revenge,” Rolling of, 519, 521, 522, 591, 592
- H.M.S. “ Good Hope,” Engines, &c. (Fairfield Company), 284, 286, 313, 323, 451
- H.M.S. ‘ Good Hope,” Progressive Speed Trials of, 323, 451. See also 284, 286, 313
- H.M.S. “ Good Hope,” Steering Engines and Gear (Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow), 313
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Salmon,” i Accident to, 368
- Italian Battleship “Re Umberto,” Rolling of, I 519, 521, 522,591, 592 I
- Italian Cruiser “ Guiseppe Garibaldi,” 636, 637
- Italian Cruiser “ Varese,” 636
- Japanese Battleship “ Mikasa,” Engines of the (Vickers), 186
- Japanese Battleships, Docking and Weight Distribution of, 793, 794
- Japanese Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “ Shira- kumo,” Engines of (Thornycroft), 301
- Naval Expenditure and New Construction, Diagram of British, 265
- Vickers Guns versus Armour-Plates, 720, 721
- Water-Tube Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “ Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Washstands and Lockers for Workers in Shops, 164. See also 701
- Water Filter, The Airedale, 357 Water-Gauge Glass Protector, “ Reflex,” 325 Water-Hammer in Steam Pipes, 295, 296
- Water Supply, Leaf-Arrester, 59
- Water-Tube Boiler Explosion at Runcorn, 91 Water-Tube Boiler for Locomotives (Mr. D.
- Drummond, L. and S.W. Railway), 712, 713, 716
- Water-Tube Boiler, Morrin Patent “Climax,” 342
- Water-Tube Boiler Trials, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “ Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Water-Tube Boiler Trials and Italian Cruisers 636, 637
- Water-Tube Boiler Water Consumption, H.M.SS. “Minerva” and “Hyacinth,” and R.M.S. “ Saxonia,” 280, 281, 282
- Water Tubes in Locomotive Fireboxes (Mr. W. M. Smith, North-Eastern Railway), 127
- Water Works, Cirencester, Hydraulically- Balanced Ashley Pump, 644
- Watson, Laidlaw, and Co., Glasgow ; Electric Driving for Centrifugal Machine, 812
- Waves and the Rolling of Ships, 519, 521, 522, 591, 592
- Weight Distribution of Japanese Battleships for Docking, 793, 794
- Welin Boat-Lowering Gear, 227
- Well Pump, Ashley, 644
- Well Pump, Electrically-Driven (Merryweather), 293
- Wellman-Seaver Engineering Company, Cleveland, Ohio ; 5-Ton Electric Travelling Gantry Crane, 182, 183
- Wellner Jellinek Evaporator for Sugar Manufacture (Maschinenfabrik Grevenbroich), 71
- Westinghouse. See also British Westinghouse Westinghouse ; Company, Pittsburg; Power
- Station of the Union Traction Company, Indiana, 305, 306, 316
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Works at Manchester, 397, 412
- Wharf and Warehouse Hydraulic Cranes (Musker, Liverpool), 438, 444
- Wharf Cranes at Amsterdam, 272. See also Amsterdam Port
- Whipple’s Temperature Indicator (Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company, Limited, Cambridge), 645
- White-Metal, Microscopic Examination of, 28, 29, 62, 63, 96, 97, 533, 534
- Williams, White, and Co., Moline, Ill.; Hydraulic Forging Press, 432
- Winding Engine, Horizontal Twin Tandem, 813, 816
- Winding Engine, Non-Condensing Double-Drum, for Australia, 504
- “Winifred” and “Sybil,” Steamers for Lake Victoria, 804, 805, 808
- Wireless Telegraphy, Marconi, 818
- Wolverhampton Exhibition, Woodworking Machinery (Robinson, Rochdale), 705
- Wood, Producing Gas from, 663
- Woodw'orking Machinery (T. Robinson and Sons, Limited, Rochdale), 705
- Workshop Roofs, 770, 771, 836, 837
- British Westinghouse Electric and Manufa c turing Works at Manchester, 397, 412
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Limited (Loughborough), 169, 210, 211
- David Row’an and Co , Glasgow, 597, 598, 599. See 839, 842
- Electrolytic Alkali Company, Limited (Mid- dlewich), 353
- English Electric Manufacturing Company, Preston (Dick, Kerr, and Co., Limited), 118, 122
- English Electro-Metallurgical Company, Leeds, 633, 648
- German Niles Tool Works, Berlin, 701, 704 769, 770, 771, 836, 837
- Iron and Steel Works at Monterey, Mexico, 8
- New Explosives Company, Limited, Stow- market, 610, 6 il, 614
- Workshop Columns, 836
- Workshop Drawings, 839, 842
- Workshop Fittings. See Machine-Shop Methods
- Yacht “Tarantula,” Parsons’ Turbine Driven (Yarrow'), 744, 745
- Yarrow, Parsons’ Turbine-Driven Steam Yacht “ Tarantula.” 744, 745
- Yaryan Evaporator (Mirrlees, Watson, and Co.), 4,6
- Ymuiden Locks on North-Sea Canal, 33, 34, 105, 106, 107, 171, 174, 175, 243, 244, 272, 273
- Yoke for Tramway Rails in New’ York, 142
- Zeebrugge Harbour, 65
- Zinc Tubes, Corrosion of, 435, 569
See Also
Sources of Information