Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1907 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1907 Jul-Dec Volume
- Aberdeen Fish Market, 832, 833
- Aberdeen Floating Dock for Fishing Vessels, 831
- Aberdeen Harbour, 832
- Aberdeenshire, Granite-Quarrying in, 188,189, 100, 218, 219
- Accidents to H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers “ Kestrel " and “ Quail, 245 Accident at the Launch of the “ Principessa Jolanda," 602, 814
- Accident at Quebec Bridge. See Quebec Bridge Accident, Railway, at Shrewsbury, 524 Accident, Railway, at West Hampstead Station, 690 . ,
- Accident to White Star Steamer “ Suev.c, 062 Accumulator Industries, Limited, Woking ; Leitner Ignition and Lighting System for Motor-Vehicles, 205, 207
- Adding- Machine and Typewriter Combined (Elliot-Fisher Typewriter Company), 805 Aerial Ropeway for Conveying Coal, 652 Aerial Ropeways used at Shipbuilding Berths, 379 . , „
- “ Alfonso Penna,” Dredger (Fleming and l*er- guson), 553 , . ,
- " Agamemnon," H.M. Battleship (William Beardmore and Co.), 311 Agricultural Oil-Tractor (Marshall, Sons, and Co.), 758, and Plate CXIL, 758 Agricultural Society, Rojal ; Steam Lorries at Lincoln Show, 22, 23 Air-Compressor, Reavell, 27. See also 092 Air-Compressor, Reavell High-Speed, for Motor- Car, 692. See 27 Air-Compressors, Rateau, 3, 248 Air-IIardening Table for Milling Cutters, 872 Air-Pumps, Dry, for Cunard Liner " Mauretania," 643
- Air Pumps, Wet and Dry, for the " Lusitania,’’ 160, and Plate XXXII., 136 Allen and Simmons, Reading ; Portable Hand Shearing - Machine, 458 ; Piston-Rings for Steam and Gas-Engines, 612 Allen, W. II., Son, and Co., Limited, Bedford; Centrifugal Circulating Plant for the “ Lusitania," Plate XXXI., 186, 159; for the
- "Mauretania," 642 ; Electrically - Driven Forced-Draught Fan, 153; Electrical Control Gear for Fans, 154 ; Auxiliary Machinery in the "Mauretania,” 645; Pumping Plant for the Cardiff Docks, 324, 325 Alloys. See also Micro-Photographs Alternators. See Electric
- American Locomotive Company ; Four-Wheel Shunting Tender Locomotive, 837 Anchor and Capstan Gear for the “ Lusitania,” 168,169
- Anchors and Cables for the “ Lusitania,” 170 Antarctic Expedition, Motor-Car for (Arrol- Johnston Car Company), 532 Appleb.vs, Limited ; Electrical Transporters for the Mersey Docks, 10,12 Archer’s Steam and Hand Steering-Gear, 513 Armoured Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete Armoured Cruisers. See Warships Armstrong, Whitworth, and Co., Limited, Sir W. G.; Forgings for Turbines of" Mauretania." See “ Mauretania"
- Arrol-Johnston Car Company, Paisley ; Motor- Car for the Antartic Expedition, 532 Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Limited, Glasgow ; Bridge over the River Wear at Sunderland, 43, and Plate V., page 43 Artillery. See Guns
- Ash-Hoists and Ejectors for the “ Lusitania,” 155
- Atlantic Liners, Famous, 130, 131, 132, 133
- Austrian Iron-Works, 466, 467 Auto-Car. See Motor-Car Automatic Machines. See Machine-Tools Automobiles. See Motor-Cars Auty, Thomas, and Co., London ; Die-Sinking and Engraving-Machine, 710 “ Avon," Steamer, for Royal Mail Steam-Packet Company, 14, and Plates I., II., and III., 14
- Axle for B.S.A. Motor-Car, 743
- Axle for Darracq Motor-Car, 693
- Biglietto, M., Varazze ; Hydroplane Motor-Boat, 457, 462
- Bain, James, Portrait of, 615
- Baird and Tatlock, Glasgow ; RorneSteam-Trap, 407
- Ballast-Pumps for the "Lusitania," 164
- Band-Saw. See Machine-Tools Barclay, Andrew, Sons, and Co.; Pumping Plant for Kidderminster Water-Works, 711, 714, 715
- Barring Gear, Electric, for Large Engines, 363, 364
- Bascule Bridge for Portsmouth Corporation, 15, 18, and Plate IV., 15,
- Battleships. See Warships
- Beardmore, William,and Co., Limited, Dalmuir;
- 1I.M.S. " Agamemnon,” 341
- Bearing with Forced Lubrication, 468
- Beasley Gas-Calorimeter, 46, 47
- Bedford Grammar School, Engineering Side, 60
- Beissel Water-Softener, 296
- Bell, Thomas, Portrait of, 614
- " Bellerophon,” H.M. Battleship, 120
- Belt-Fastener, Flexible-Steel, 459
- Bending and Straightening Rolls (Craig and Donald), Plate LVI., 482
- Bending Tests by Hand, 829, 830
- Berliner Maschincnbau Actien-Gesellshaft, Berlin; Six-Coupled Express Locomotive, with Schmidt Superheater, 480, 487 ; Plate LX., 480 Birmingham Small - Anns Company; B.S.A. Motor-Car. 743, 746
- Blading of Turbines of Cunanl Liner " Mauritania," 033 ; Plates LXXXVIII. and LXXXIX., 638
- Blast-Furnacc-Gan Blowing-Engine, 656, 557, £60; Plate LXV., 650 Blowers, Rateau Turbine, 248 Blowing-Engines, Blast-Furnace-Gas, 650, 657, 660 ; Plate LXV., 55Q
- Blowing-Engines, Rateau Turbo-Compreesor, 3, 248
- Boat-Hoists, Electric, for the “ Lusitania," 105 Boat, Hydroplane Motor, 457, 402 Boiler, Automatic Explosion Valve for, 315 Boilers, Babcock and Wilcox, with Kermode’s Liquid-Fuel System, 74, 75 Boilers of the Cunard Liner “ Lusitania,” 150, 151 ; Plate XXXIV., 130
- Boilers of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania," Plates LXXXII , XCIII., XOIV.,CI., and CII., 603. See 644
- Boiler Feed-Pump, The “Oddesse" Compound, 424, 425
- Boiler Feed-Pumps on the “ Lusitania,” ICO Boiler Feed-Pump for Superheated Steam (The Sheppee Motor Company), 436 Boiler Feed-Pumps ; Thwaites Brothers, 459 Boiler Feed-Water Heater for the “ Lusitania," 160
- Boiler, Flash, for Fawcett-Fowler Steam-Car, 79
- Boiler, Flash, Regulator for, 747
- Boilers, Live-Steam Feed Heater for (O. C.
- Braithwaite and Son), 176 Boiler, Locomotive. See nlso Locomotive Boiler Plant at Long Island City Power-Station.
- Plates XLL and XLII., 299; Plate CXIII., 759 Boiler-Room Arrangement of H.M. Destroyer “ Mohawk,” 718
- Boilers. Seealso“Lusitania”and“Mauretania" Boilers, Thornycroft, for II M.S. “ Tartar,” 869 Boiler Uptake for Cunard Liner “Mauretania,” 644 Boilers, Water-Tube ; Grille and Co., Paris, 810 Boilers, White-Forster, of H.M. Destroyer "Mohawk,” 718, 722
- Bollinckx, II., and Co.; Horizontal Tandem Compound Steam-Engine ; Plate CXXL, 838 Bolt Manufacture, Costs of Automatic Work, 314 Bordeaux Exhibition, Grille Water-Tube Boilers at, 810
- Boring • Machines. See Machine - Tools and Olympia Exhibition
- Bottle-Washing Machine (J. W. Flower and Co.), 605
- Bottle-Washing Machine, The Nash, 521 Bourdon Gauges, Theory of, 317, 318 Braithwaite, O. C., and Son, Limited, London ;
- Live-Steam Feed-Heater, 176 Brake for 45-IIorse-Power Siddeley Motor-Car, Plate LX VI., 588
- Brake, Vacuum, Diagram of Working, 564 Brass-Finishers’ Lathe. See Machine-Tools Brauer and Betts, Limited ; Lowestoft Herring- Drifter “ Thankful,” with Oil Motor, 6, 7, 16 Brazilian Despatch-Boat “ Quanabara ” (Yarrow and Co.), 374
- Breakage of Gudgeon Pin, 306 Breaking-Down Machine for Wire-Mills, 579 Breakwaters of Fishery Harbours, 39, 42, 543, 544.
- See also Fishery Harbours Breech-Mechanism for French Field-Guns, 776 Bremicker-Gerhardi Continuous Wire-Drawing Machine, 682
- Bridge, Bascule, for Portsmouth Corporation, 15, 18, and Plate IV., 15
- Bridge, Cast-Iron, at Stanford, Worcestershire, 260, 261
- Bridge, Ferro-Concrete, at Stanford, Worcestershire, 260, 261. See 617, 864 Bridges for Otavi Railway, in South-West Africa,
- 07,82 , „
- Bridge, Quebec. See Quebec Bridge
- Bridge over River Wear at Sunderland, 43 ;
- Plate V., 43 „ _ .
- Bridge over St. Lawrence River. See Quebec Bridge „ ...
- Britannia Foundry Co., Coventry ; Moulding Machines, 592
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Rugby;
- TestsoflCOO-Kilowatt Turbo-Alternator. 375.3/0 British Warships. See Warships Brixham Harbour, Breakwater of, 543 Brown, Boveri, and Co., Mannheim ; Rateau Turbo-Compressors, 3 . .
- Brown Brothers and Co., Limited, Edinburgh; Steam Steering-Gear for the “ Lusitania, 16/, 168
- Brown, John, and Co., Limited, Sheffield and Clydebank; Turbine-Driven Cunard Liner “ Lusitania. See “ Lusitania ”
- Brown, Lennox, and Co.; Moorings for the “Mauretania” and “ Lusitania,” 633 Brush-Holders for Small Motors (Nentys, Limited), 663 ,
- Buckie Harbour, Breakwater of, 883, 543 Buildings for Franco-British Exhibition at Shepherd’s Bush, 730, 737, 738, 739, <69, / <- Bulkhead-Door Arrangement of Cunard Liner " Lusitania,” 148; of “ Mauretania, 619
- BUOY, Mooring, for Express Cunard Liners, 204.
- Se e 688
- Burden Iron Company, Four-Wheel Shunting Tandem Locomotive for, 837 Burgheod Harbour, Breakwater of, 644 Butler, J., and Co., Halifax ; Bower-Driven 1'ortahle Drilling anti Tapping Attachment, Plate LIX., 483 ; Boring and Turning Mill, 417 ; High-Speed Planing-Machine, 417
- Cabins of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” Plates LXXVIIIL and LXXX., 008. See also " Lusitania ”
- Cables and Anchors for “Lusitania,” 170; for “ Mauretania,” 633
- Cableway for Granite-Quarries, 18?, 189
- Cableways Used on Shipbuilding Berths, 379 Caflaro Hydro-Electric Power-Station, 193, 199 Caissons for Bridge over River Wear at Sunderland, 43 ; Plate V., 43
- Caissons for Italian Approaches to the Simplon Tunnel, 707
- C'ala Mineral Railway Ferro-Concrete Viaduct, 817. 620; Plate LXIV., 617 Calorimeter, Recording Gas, 40, 47 Cammell, Laird, and Co., Limited, Birkenhead; Survey Steamer “ Palinurus,” 359 ; H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Cossack," 054 Canadian Water-Power and Frazil Ice, 215, 210, 217
- Cantilever Bridge at Quebec. See Quebec Bridge Capstan and Anchor Gear tor the “ Lusitania,” 108, 109 ; for ‘ Mauretania,” 633 Capstan Lathes. See Olympia Exhibition and Machine Tools
- Carborundum Wheels, Grinding by, 669, 679 Carburettor. See also Motor-Car Carburettor for 45-Horse-Power Siddeley Motor- Car, Piute LX VI., 688 Cardiff Docks, Pumping Plant at, 324, 325 Cargo Ships, Structural Development of, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 90
- Carriages for French Field-Guns, 770, 777 ;
- Plates CXIV., 778, and CXV., 779 Carriages. See also Railway and Motor-Car Carruthers, J. H., and Co., Limited, Glasgow ;
- Ballast-Pumps for the “ Lusitania," 104 Cars, Motor. See Motor-Cars and Rail Motor-Cars Cartridge-Metal Rolling-Mill(TaylorandChallen), 840, 841, 844
- Centering for the Gattico Tunnel, 101, 700 Central Stations. See Electric Centrifugal Circulating-Pumps for the “ Lusitania,” 169, and Plate XXXI., 136; for the “ Mauretania,” 642, 644
- Centrifugal Fans.Rateau High-Pressure. 248. See3 Centrifugal Pump at Cardiff Docks, 324, 325 Chain-Cable for Cunard Liner “ Lusitania,” 170 ; for “ Mauretania,” 633
- Change-Speed Gear. See Motor-Cars and Motor- Omnibuses
- Chatelier Pyrometer, 639 Chesapeake Bay, Richmond and, Railway Viaduct, Ferro - Concrete, 804 , 876 ; Plate CXXII., 864
- Chimney for Long Island City Power-Station, 759, 760
- Chippers, Pneumatic, 222, 252, 254 Churchill, C., and Co., Limited ; Ancient Lathes. Plate LX1IL, 510
- Circulating-Pumps for Cunard Liner “ Lusitania,” 159, and Plate XXXI., 130 ; for “ Mauretania,” 642, 644
- Citroen, Andrtf, and Co., London; Double Helical Gears, 5S5
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Engineering Laboratories at, 232, 233 Clark and Standfield, Westminster ; Floating Dock for Trinidad, 106, 112, and Plate XVI., 100. See also Floating Docks Clutch for Sheffield-Simplex Motor-Car, 6S0 Clutch, Toogood’s Double Coil, 601 Clutches. See .l/ofor-Car.« and Mot or-Omnibuses Clydebank Works. See “ Lusitania”
- Coach. See Carriage and Motor-Car Coal-Bunkers, 636, 637
- Coal-Carrying Trunk Steamer (Ropner and Sons). 697
- Coal-Handling Plant, 536, 537 Coal-Mining Machinery. See Mines and Pumps Coaling Arrangements for Long Island City Power-Station, 636, 537
- Colchester Lathe Company, Colchester; 7j-In. Centre Lathe, 451
- Collapse at Quebec Bridge. See Quebec Bridge Collisions, Railway. See Accidents Compound Engines. See Engines Compound Locomotives. See Locomotives Compressors. See A ir-Compressors Concrete Conduits for Condensing Water at Long Island City Power-Station, 797 Concrete. See also Ferro-Concrete Condensers of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania ” Plate XOII.. 608; of “ Lusitania," 159 Condensing Plant, Morisou’s (Richardsons, West- garth, and Co.), 400
- Conduit for Condensing Water at Long Island City Power-Station, 797 Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Limited London; Electrically-Driven Portable Grinding-Machine, 584 : Pneumatic Sand-Sifter, 264 684 ; Pneumatic Pipe-Threading Machine, 684.’ See also 251 ct seg.
- "Oonlraflo” Condensing Plant (Richardsons.
- estgarth, and Co ), 406 Controller. Electric, tor Stokehole Fans ol the Lusitania,” 154
- Conveying Coal by Aerial Wire Ropeway. 552 Conveyors for Cold-Mining Work, 726. 727, 728 7C2, 763, 764
- Corundum Wheels, Grinding by, 669,670 “Cossack,” H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destrover (Cam- mell, Laird, and Co.), 654 Cost of Automatic Machine Work, 314, 315 Cotter Joints, Design of, 306 Cotton Machinery, Safetv Appliances for, 192 194, 195, 206, 292, 293 Coupling. See also Clutch Cradle for Launching Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” 621,622
- Craig and Donald, Limited, Johnstone ; Bending and Straightening Rolls, Plate LVI., 482 Cranes, Baggage, for the “ Lusitania," 166 Cranks, Design of, 307
- Cravens, Limited ; Rail Motor-Car for Rhvmney Railway, 600
- “ Creole,” Curtis Turbine-Steamer, 696, 697 Crocco and Riealdoni Hydroplane Boat, 457, 462 Crompton, T. Albert, and Co., London ; Ash- Hoist* for the “ Lusitania,” 155 Croaaley Wire-Drawing Machine, 579, 580 Cruisers. See Warships Crushing Plant for Transvaal Mines, 726, 730 Crystalline Structure of Metals. See A/icro- P holographs
- Cunard Liner “ Lusitania.” See " Lusitania" Cunard Liner “ Mauretania." See “Mauretania ”
- Curtis Turbine-Steamer “ Creole," 696,697 Curves. See Diagrams
- Cutting Tool, Measurement of Forces on, 268, 269
- Cylinder Temperatures, Measurement of, in Gas- Engines, 887, 888, 889
- Daimler Motor Company, 42-Horse-Power Motor-Car, 676, 677
- Dam, The Urft, Hydro-Electric Power Plant, Germany, 740, 742, 802, 803 ; Plate CX., 742, and Plate CXI., 743
- Dams, Masonry, Stresses in, 679
- Darling and Sellers, Limited, Keighley ; 9-In. High-Speed loathe, Plate LXI., 616
- Darlington Forge Company ; Stern Frame for “ Mauretania,” 618 Darr&cq, A., and Co ; Motor-Car, 693 Day, Summers, and Co., Limited, Southampton ;
- Steam-Yacht “ Medusa," 108, 109 Dayton Swaging-Machine, 191 De Laval. See Laral Decking for Bridges. See Bridges Dempster, Robert, and Sons; Toogood's Double- Coil Friction-Clutch, 601 Denison, Samuel, and Son, Limited, I>eeds ;
- Locomotive-Wheel Balancing-Machine, 362 Design of Fly-Wheel, 306 Destroyers. See Warships Detroit River Tunnel, Floating Sections of, 529
- Bending Testa by Hand-Machine, 829, 830
- Calibration Curves for Optical Indicator, 650
- Drawing-Machine for Wire-Drawing, 191
- Efficiency of Gas-Engine, 651, 724
- Efficiency of Internal-Comhustion Engines, 220, 445, 5C9, 550, 551
- Efficiency of Petrol-Engine, 672 Efficiency of Rateau Turbo-Compressors, 248
- Efficiency of Steam-Turbine, S00 Friction Curves, 6S0
- Hardening of Steel, 575, 576, 603,604, 605 High-Speed Vessels, 32, 697 Indicator with Back-Lash, 548 Indicator of Gas-Engine, Taken with Valves Closed, 409
- • Indicator from Petrol-Engine, 572
- Indicator for Reavell High-Speed Air-Compressor, 692. See 27
- Launching the Cunard Liner “Mauretania,” 622
- Metal Prices, 29, 214, 344, 469, 660, 792, 890 Optical Indicator from Petrol Engine, 220 Peat, Products from, 674 Resistance of Railway Trains, 115 Specific Heat of Steam and Gas, 200 Speed Diagram Showing Gas-Engine Governing, 724
- Steam-Turbine Results. See Turbine, Steam Strength of Shafts, 423 Switch-Board Diagram. See Electric Temperatures in Gas-Engine Cylinders, 839 Vibration of Turbine Steamer “ Lusitania," 209
- Vibrations of Turbine Steamer “ Mauretania,” 657 Willan’s Turbine, 800 Working of Vacuum Brake, 564
- Diaphragm Testing-Machines, Hydraulic, 861
- Die-Sinking Machines (Auty and Co.), 710
- Dies for Wire-Drawing, 191, 735 Dispatch Vessel “Guanabara” for Brazilian Government (Yarrow and Co.), 374 Distilling Plant for the “ Lusitania,” 163 Dock, Floating, for Fishing Vessels, S34
- Dock, Floating, for Trinidad, 106, 112, and Plate XVI., 106
- Dock-Pumping Plant at Cardiff, 324, 325 Doulton and Co., Limited ; Sanitary Appliances for the “ Mauretania,” 632 Doulton’s Joiut for Stoneware Pipe, 600 Draught Fans for the “ Lusitania,” 153; for the “Mauretania, ’ 645
- Drawing-Frames, Safety Appliances for, 292, 293. See 206
- Dredger, “ Affonso Penna” (Fleming and Ferguson), 553
- Drill, Pneumatic, 252, 253
- Drilling - Machines. See Machine-Tools and Olympia Exhibition
- Drop-Forged Fish-Plates (Thomas Smith and Sons), 407
- Drop-Forging Hammers. See Hammers and Machine-Tools
- Dunlop, J. G., Portrait of, 136 Dunston Engine Works Company, Dunston-on- Tyne ; The Archer Steam and Hand Steering- Gear, 513
- Dynamos. See Electric
- “ E.J.Y.R.” Steam Motor-Car (Highclere Motor-Car Syndicate, Limited), 747, 750
- Earth, Shape of, 259
- Education. See Technical Education Efficiency of 1000-Kilowatt British Thomson-Houston Turbo-Alternator, 375, 376
- Efficiency Curves. See also Diagram Efficiency Diagram of Petrol Engine, 220 Efficiency of Internal-Combustion Engines, 445, 509
- Efficiency of Petrol Engine, Diagram of, 572 Efficiency of Rateau Turbo-Compressors, 248 Eisenerzer Alps, Map of, 441
- Arcs, Low Frequency, Oscillograms of, 226, 234, 235
- Barring-Gear for Large Engines, 363, 364 Boat-Hoists (Laurence Scott and Co.), 165 Boiler-House, Views of, 759 Booster Plant for Preventing Electrolysis in Condensers, 858
- Brush-Holders for Small Motors (Veritys, Limited), 663
- Circuit-Breaker, with Time Limit, 735 Circuit-Breakers, 857 Coal-Handling Plant, 636, 537 Controlling-Gear for Electric Fan (W. II.
- Allen, Son, and Co.). 154 Cranes and Baggage-Hoists (Stothert and Pitt, Limited), 166
- Engine-Room, Plates XLI. and XLII., 299 Fans, Electrically-Driven (W. H. Allen, Son, and Co.), 153, 645 Field Rheostats and Switches, 857 Flume for Condensing Water, 797 Foundations for Coal-Hoisting Tower, 535 Gantry for Coal-Conveying, 536, 537 Generators for Heimbach Power-Station,
- 802, and Plate OXVII., 802
- Hoists and Cranes for Baggage (Stothert and Pitt, Limited), 166 Hoists, Ship, Passenger Baggage and Service (Waygood and Co., Limited, London), 140, 141, 142
- Hoists for Steamers’ Boats (Laurence Scott and Co.), 165
- Hydro-Electric Power Plant on River Urft, 740, 742, 802, 803 ; Plate CX., 742 ; Plate CXI., 743 ; Plate OXVIL, 802; Plate OXVIII., 803
- Instrument and Operating-Boards, 857 Insulator, Triple-Petticoated, 803 Leitner Ignition and Lighting System for Motor Vehicles, 265, 267 Magnetic Clutch for Testing-Machine, 475 Oscillograms of Low-Frequency Arcs, 226, 234, 235
- Piling for Power-House Foundations, 300,304 Pole for E.H.T. Transmission. 199 Power-House, Foundation, 300, 301, 304 Power-Station, Hydro-Electric, at Caffaro, 198, 199
- Power-Station at Long Island City; Boiler- House Arrangement, Plates XLI., 298, and XLII., 299 ; Plate CXIIL, 759 Regulator for Electrical Control Gear on “ Lusitania ” (Siemens Brothers, Ltd.), 154 Steam-Piping at Long Island City Power- Station, 761
- Switch-Gear, 853, 856, 857, 853 Switch-Gearjfor Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” 630. See 154
- Switch-Gear Diagram at the Lindal Moor Mine, 491
- Switch Gear for Heimbach Power-Station,
- 803, and Plate CXVIIL, 803 Telephone Switchboard for Cunard Liner
- “ Mauretania,” 631
- Testing Apparatus for Heat - Insulating Materials, 791
- Testing • Machine, Electrically - Controlled, 474,475,476, 506,506,507. See Erratum, 555 Thermo-Couple Arrangement for Measuring Temperatures in Gas-Engine Cylinders, 887, 888
- Transformers, 857 Transporters, Mersey Docks, 10,12 Turbo-Generator, 375-Kilowatt Direct-Current (C. A. Parsons and Co.), 144, 145, 146 Turbo-Generators, 793, 7t6
- Unwatering Plant at the Lindal Moor Mines, 490 491 494
- Vacuum-Tube Light, The Moore, 58 -
- Ventilating Fans for “Lusitania” Engine- Room (Laurence Scott and Co.), 164
- Wireless Telegraphy, Tuning in, 226, 237 Wiring, 853
- Electrical Company, London ; Unwatering Plant at the Lindal Moor Mines, 400, 491, 494
- Elevators See Lifts
- Elliot-Fisher Typewriter Company ; Combined Typewriter and Adding-Machine, 865
- Emery-Wheel fo* Grinding, 669, 670 Emery Wheel*. See Machine-Tools Engines, Blowing, Driven by Blast-Furnace Gas, 556, 557, 660 ; Plate L.W., 660
- Engine Driving Centrifugal Pumps on the “ Lusitania,” 159, and Plate XXXI., 130; on the “ Mauretania,” 642, 044 Engine, Friction of, 650
- Engine, Ga9, for Blast-Furnaces, 556, 557, 500; Plate LXV., 556
- Engines, Gas, Clerk’s Experiment on, 403 Engine, Gas, Diagram of Efficiency, 051 Engine, Gas, Efficiency of, 550, 551 Engines, Gas, Losses in, 445, 509 Engines, Gas, Measurement of Temperatures in Cylinder, 8S7, 833, 889 Engines, Gas, Optical Indicator for, 673 Engines, Ga9, Speed Diagram of, 724 Engine, Gas, with Valve-Releasing Gear at Finsbury Technical College, 232, 233, 234 Engines Large, Electric Barring-Gear for, 303, 304
- Engines, Locomotive. See Locomotive Engine, Oil, for Agricultural Work (Marshall, Sons, and Co.), 758, and Plate CXII., 758 Engine, Oil, for Herring Drifter “ Thankful,” 7 Engine, Oil, for Motor-Yacht “Swietlana ” (John I. Thornycroft and Co., Chiswick), 807 Engine, Petrol, 45-Horse-Power, for Siddeley Motor-Car, 588, and Plate LX VI., 588 Engine, Petrol, Air-Cooled, for Motor-Car for Antarctic Expedition, 532 Engine, Petrol, for B.S.A. Motor-Car, 746 Engines, Petrol, Clerk’s Experiments on, 409 Engine, Petrol, for Darracq Motor-Car, 693 Engines, Petrol, Diagrams from, 220 Engines, Petrol, Losses in, 445, 509 Engine, Petrol, Optical Diagram from, 572 Engine, Petrol. See also Motor-Car and Motor- Omnibuses
- Engine, Petrol, for Sheffield Simplex Motor-Car, 680
- Engine, Petrol Six-Cylinder 500-Horse-Power (Standard Motor Construction Company), 228, 229
- Engine, The Pittler Rotary, 421, 422 Engines, Pumping, at Cardiff Docks, 324, 325 Engines, Pumping, for Kidderminster Water- Works (Andrew Barclay, Sons, and Co.), 711, 714, 715
- Engines, Pumping. See also Pumps Engine-Room Arrangement of H.M. Destroyer “ Mohawk,” 723, and Plate CVL, 722 Engine-Room of Lusitania.” See “ Lusitania” Engine-Room of Cunard Liner “Mauretania,” Plates XCV., XCVI., XCVIL, XOVIIL, 608 Engines, Steam, for Fawcett-Fowler Motor-Car,
- I 79
- Engine, Steam, Horizontal Tandem Compound Bollinckx Valve-Gear (H. Bollinckx and Co.), Plate CXXI., 838
- Engines, Steam, for Motor-Car (The Highclere Motor Syndicate), 747
- Engines for Steam-Yacht “Medusa” (Daj’, Summers, and Co.), 108, 100 Engine, Tandem Compound, with Reeke-Ruston Valve-Gear (Ruston, Proctor, and Co.), 437, and Plate LIV., 437
- Engines, Triple - Expansion, for Train - Ferry Steamer “Lucia Carbo” (A. and J. Inglis), 333
- Engineering Laboratories at Finsbury Technical College, 232, 233
- Engineering and Machinery Exhibition at Olympia, 413, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 422, 424, 425, 428, 436, 447, 448, 450, 451, 458, 459, 471, 482, 483, 512, 513, 514, 516, 545, 540, 548, 649, 584, 585, 592; Plate LVL, 482; Plates LVII., LVIII., LIX., 483; Plates LX I., LXII., LXIII., 516. For details, see Olympia Machinery Exhibition
- Engraving-Machines for Dies (Thomas Auty and Co ), 710
- Entre Rios Railway, Train-Ferry Steamer for, 332, 333, 336
- Evaporators for the “Lusitania," 103
- Exhibition, Franco-British, at Shepherd’s Bush, Buildings for, 736, 737, 738, 739, 769, 772, 773
- Exhibition. See Olympia Machinery Exhibition Experimental Apparatus used for Designing Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” 612, 613
- Explosion Valve, Hopkinson’s Automatic, 345
- Express Locomotives. See Locomotives
- Factories, Ventilation of, 275 Fans, Electrically-Driven, for Boilers of the “Lusitania,” 153 ; for “Mauretania,” 645
- Fans, Ventilating, for the “ Lusitania,” 164 Fasteoer for Leather Belts, 459 Fawcett, Preston, and Co., Limited, Liverpool; Steam Motor-Car, 78, 79
- Federated Malay State Railways, Six-Coupled Locomotive for (Kitson and Co., Limited, Leeds), 105
- Feed-Heater, Live Steam, for Boilers (C. C.
- Braithwaite and Son), 176 Feed-Water Analyser, The “ Sarco,” 344 | Feed-Water Evaporators for “ Lusitania,” 163 Feed-Water Filters for the “ Lusitania,” 161, 162 Feed-Water Heater for the “ Lusitania,” 160 Feed-Water Pumps on the “ Lusitania,” 100 Feed-Water Softener, The Biessel, 296 Felton and Guilleaume Lahmeyerwerke, Frank- fort-on-Main; Electric, Barring Gear for large Engines, 363, 364
- Fences for Cotton Machinery, 192, 194, 195, 206, 292, 293
- Ferrantis, Limited ; Switch-Gear for the “ Mauretania,” 630
- Ferro-Concrete Bridge at Stanford, Worcestershire, 260, 261
- Ferro-Concrete Piles for Viaduct, 620 Ferro-Concrete Railway Viaduct, Virginia, U.8.A. ; Trussed Concrete Steel Company! 864, 876, Plate CXXI I., 864 Ferro-Concrete, Stirrups for, 228 ! Ferro-Concrete Viaduct for the Cala Mineral Railway, Seville, 517, 620,and Plate LXIV., 617 Ferro-Concrete Viaduct; Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Railway, U.8.A. ; Shuttering, 876 Ferro-Concrete Viaduct; Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Railway, U.S.A., 864,876, and Plate CXXII., 864 Fdry Pyrometer, 639
- Field-Guns, Modern French, 770, 777 ; Plates CXIV.,778; CXV., 779
- Filters, Feed-Water, for the “ Lusitania,” 101,162 Findlay, Alexander, and Co., Limited, Mother- well ; Bascule Bridge for Portsmouth Corporation, 15, 18, and Plate IV. ,15 ; Buildings for the Franco-British Exhibition, 736, 737, 738, 739, 769, 772, 773
- Finsbury Technical College Engineering Laboratories, 232, 233
- Firth and Sons, Limited, Sheffield ; Cast-Steel Ends for Turbine Rotors of the “Lusitania,” 156
- Fish Market, Aberdeen, 832, 833 Fish-Plates, Drop-Forged ; Thomas Smith and Sons, 407
- Fish-Plates for Otavi Narrow-Gauge Railway, 67 Fishery Harbours, Modern Development of, 38, 39, 42, 383, 381, 543, 544, 832, 833 Fishing-Boat “ Thankful ” with Oil-Motor, 6, 7,16 Fleming and Ferguson, Limited, Paisley;
- Dredger “ AfTonso Penna,” 553 Floating Dock for Fishing Vessels, Aberdeen, 834 Floating Dock for Trinidad, 100, 112, and Plate XVI., 10C
- Flower, J. W., and Co., Wimborne; Bottle- Washing Machine, 565
- Flue Welding - Hammer, Pneumatic Automatic (Peter Pilkington, Limited), 836 Fly-Wheels, Design of, 306
- Forced Lubrication Company, Manchester;
- Bearing with Forced Lubrication, 453 Fore River Shipbuilding Company; Uuited States Scout “Salem,” 272 Forges et Chantiers de la Mediterrande; Lentz Governors for Steam-Engine, 811 Forgings. See Hammers and Machine-Tools Foundations for Long Island City Power-Station, I 299, 300, 301, 304, 535, 797 Foundry Appliances, Pneumatic, 254 Foundry of Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co., Limited, Hebburn, 236 ; Plate XXXIX 236, 237, 240
- Fowler, John, and Co. ; Three-Cylinder Compound Steam Tractor, 818 Fracture of Gudgeon Pin, 306 Franco-British Exhibition at Shepherd’s Bush, Buildings for, 736, 737, 733, 739, 769, 772, 773 Frazil Ice in Hydraulic Power-Houses, 215, 216, 217
- French Field-Guns, 776,777; Plate OXIV., 778; Plate CXV., 779
- Fret-Saw Machine (A. Ransomeand Co., Ltd.), 121 Friction Clutch. See Clutch Friction Curves of Steam-Engines, 650 Funnels of Cunard Liner “Mauretania,” Plate XCIV., COS
- Furnace Gas-Engines. See Engines, Gas Furnace, Hardening, for Milling-Cutters, 871, 872 Furnace for Rivet-Heating, 618 Furnace for Rivet-Heating, Morton’s Portable, 503
- Furnaces for Burning Liquid Fuel under Babcock and Wilcox Boilers, 74, 75
- Gantry. See also Crane Gas Calorimeter, Beasley, 46, 47
- Gas, Specific Heat of, 200
- Gasolene Engine. See Engine, Petrol
- Gattico Tunnel, near Simplon, 706, 707
- Gauges, Bourdon, Theory of, 317, 318
- Gauges for Hydraulic Testing of Diaphragms, 861
- Gear-Box of 45-Horse-Power Siddeley Motor-Car, Plate LXVI., 588
- Gear-Box, Daimler Motor-Car, 677 Gear-Box of Darracq Motor-Car, 693 Gear-Cutting Machines. See Olympia Exhibition Gear, Double Helical (Andre Citroen and Co.), 585 Geek Continuous Wire-Drawing Machine, 581 Gerhardi Wire-Drawing Machine, 580 German Compound Locomotive, Ilannoversohe Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft, Hanover, 69 German South-West Africa Narrow-Gauge Light Railway, 67, 70, 71, 82 Girders. See Bridges, Floors, and Roofs Gold-Mines, Transvaal, Labour-Saving Machinery for, 720, 727, 728, 735, 762, 763, 764 Goods Wagons, Special Service, for Great Central Railway Company, 203 ; Plate XXXVIII., 203 Governors, Lentz, for Steam-Engine, 811 Governors for Water-Turbines and Pelton Wheels, 282, 283
- Granite-Quarrying in Aberdeenshire, 188, 189, 190, 218, 219
- Great Central Railway Company, Special Service Wagons, 203 ; Plate XXXVIII., 203 “Great Eastern” Steamer compared with the “ Mauretania,” 617
- Greenwood and Batley, Limited, Leeds; Horizontal Milling-Mac hine, 648; 8}-In. Centre Capstan Lathe, 545; Universal Grinding-Machine, 545
- Grille and Co., Paris ; Water-Tube Boilers, 810 Grimsby Harbour, 833
- Grinding. See Machine • Tools and Olympia Exhibition
- Grinding Work, Effects of, 669, 670 “Guanabara,” Dispatch Vessel for the Brazilian Government, 374
- Guards for Cotton Machinery, 192, 194, 195, 206, 292, 293
- Gun-Boats. See ll'am/ups Guns, Modern French Field, 776, 777 ; Plate CXIV., 778 ; Plate CXV., 779
- Hammer, Automatic Pneumatic (Peter Pilkington, Limited), 836
- Hammer, Belt-Driven Planishing (W. and J.
- Player, Birmingham), Plate LXIII., 616 Hammers, Pneumatic, 222, 262, 254 Ilannoversche Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft, Hanover ; Compound Locomotive, 69 Harbour and River-Sounding Machine, 313 Harbours, Fishery, Development of, 38, 39, 42, 383, 384, 543, 644, 832, 833 Harcourt, The late Leveson Francis Vernon-, 404 Hardening Furnace for Milling-Cutters, 871, 872 Hardening of Steel, Diagrams of, 675, 670, 603, 604, 605
- Hardening-Table, Air, for Milling-Cutters, 872 Harland and Wolff, Limited, Belfast; Royal MailSteam Packet Company’s Steamer “Avon,” 14, and Plates I., II., Ill .Repairs to White Star Steamer “Suevic,” 662
- Harris Patent Feed-Water Filter, Limited,
- London; Feed-Water Filters for the “Lusitania,” 161
- Harrison, E., and Son, Darlington; River and , i Harbour-Sounding Machine, 313
- Haulage Plant in Transvaal Gold-Mine, 726, 727, 728, 702, 763, 764. See also Cableways Hauling Machinery in Granite Quarries, 189, 218 1 Heat-Insulating Materials, Testing Apparatus ’ for, 791
- Heater for Feed-Water on the “ Lusitania,” 160 Heater, Live-Steam, for Boilers (C. C. Braith- 1 waite and Son), 176
- Heating Arrangements for Cunard Liner “ Lusitania,” 143; for “ Mauretania,” 628, 629
- Heating-Furnace for Rivets, Morton's Portable, 503
- Heating, Thermo-Tank System of, on the “ Lusitania,” 143 ; on “ Mauretania,” 628, 629
- Heimbach Hydro-Power-Plant. See Urft Dam
- Helical Gears (Andre Citroen and Co.), 585
- Hennebique Ferro-Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete
- Herbert, Alfred, Limited, Coventry; Wall-
- works Worm-Wheel Generating-Machine, 428;
- Box-Tool with Roller-Steady, 428; Capstan-
- Lathe, with Chasing-Saddle and Friction Back-
- Gear, Plate LVIII.,482; Capstan Lathe, with
- Chasing-Saddle, Plate LV11L, 482; Hexagon
- Turret-Lathe, Plate LVII., 482 ; Combination
- Turret-Lathe, with Chasing-Saddle, Plate
- LVII., 482 ; Vertical Milling-Machine, 483 ;
- Valve-Grinding Machine, 548
- Herring-Drifter “Thankful,” with Oil-Motor, 6,
- I 7’16.
- | Hetherington and Sons, Limited, Manchester;
- | Large Turning and Boring-Mill, 822, Plate
- CXIX., 822
- High-Speed-Steel Hardening-Furnace for Milling-Cutters, 871, 872
- Highclere Motor Syndicate, Limited; Steam Motor-Car, 747, 750
- Hingley and Sons, Limited, Dudley ; Anchors and Cables for the “ Lusitania,” 170
- His Majesty’s Ships. See Warships
- Hodgson Continuous Wire-Drawing Machine,
- j 579, 581
- ! Hoists, Electric, for Boats of Ihe “Lusitania,”
- I 165
- Hoists, Electric, on the “ Lusitania,” 140, 141,142
- Hoists. See Lifts and Cranes
- Holroyd, John, and Co.,Limited, Halifax ; Hack-
- Sawing Machine, 447 ; Screw-Thread Milling-
- Machine, 450 ; Screw Augle-Finder, 585
- Hopkinson, J., and Co., Limited, Huddersfield ;
- Automatic Explosion-Valve, 345
- Horne Steam-Trap (Baird and Tatlock), 407
- Horwich Works, Comparison of Locomotives
- i Built at, 202
- | Hudswell, Clarke, and Co. ; Rail Motor-Car for
- | Rhymney Railway, 600
- j Hull and Barnsley Railway Company ; Eight-
- Coupled Mineral Locomotive, 681, 684 : Plate
- | CV.,681
- , Hulls of Ships, Types of, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
- | Humpage, Thompson, and Hardy, Bristol; Gear-
- Hobbing Machine, 448
- Hunter, G. B., Portrait of, 614
- Hurricane, Probability of, 257
- Hydraulic Diaphragm Testing-Machines, S61
- Hydrauhc Fittings for Very High Pressures, 97,
- Hydraulic Turbines, Governors for, 282, 283
- Hydro-Electric Power Plant on River Urft, 740
- 742, 802, 803 ; Plate CX., 742 ; Plate CXI., 743 •
- Plate OXVII., 802; Plate CXVIIL, 803
- Hydro-Electric Power-Station at Caffaro, 198,199
- Hydroplane Motor-Boat, 457, 462
- Ice-Making Machines on the “Lusitania-” Plate XXVII., 147
- ICe2i6r2Virti0n *n ^^rau^c P°wer Houses, 215,
- Ignition and Lighting System for Motor Vehicle (Leitner s), 265, 267
- Ignition. See also Motor-Car and Motor-Omnibus
- Indian Government Survey Steamer “Pali* nurus” (Cammell, Laird, and Co.), 359 Indicator Cards. See Diagrams, Indicator Indicator, Optical Calibration of, 650 Indicator, Optical, for Gas-Engine, 573 Inglis, A. and J., Limited, Glasgow ; Train-Ferrv Reamer for the Entre Rios Railway, 332, 333,
- Ironclads. See Warships Iron-Mines, The Erzberg, 441 Ironwork for Buildings of Franco-British Exhibition, 737, 738, 739, 772, 773, 769 Iron-Works at Kladno, 466 Iron-Works at Konigshof, 467
- Italian Hydroplane Motor-Boat, 457, 462
- Joint, Doulton’s, for Stoneware Pipes, 600 Joints for Sanitary Pipes on Ships, Doulton’s, 632 *212 ^^kstand ^erX High Pressures, 97, 98,
- Jute-Spinning Machinery, 185,186,1S7
- Karlsruhe, Deutsche Waflfen und Munitions- Fabnken ; Hydraulic Diaphragm Testing-Ma- chines, 861
- Kelvin, Lord (Portrait), 839 Kendall and Gent, Limited, Manchester; Universal Grinder for Cutters and Tools, 420- Vertical Milling and Profiling Machine, 471 : Plano Profile Milling Machine, Plate LIX., J®?: Automatic Screwing Machine, Plate LXIIL, 516
- Kermode’a Liquid Fuel System Applied to Bab- cock and Wilcox Boilers, 74, 75 “Kestrel,” H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, after Collision, 245
- King’s Navy. See H.M.S. under ll'urs/iins kitson and Co., Limited, Leeds; Six-Ooupled Metre-Gauge Locomotive for Malay States Railways, 105
- Kladno Iron-Works, 460
- Kleinfontein Gold-Mines, Labour-Saving Applianoes at, 720, 727, 72S, 730, 702, 763, 764
- Konigshof Iron-Works, 407
- Koppel, Arthur; otnvi Railway, South-West
- Laboratories at City and Guilds Institute, Finsbury, 232, 233
- Lagging Material, Apparatus for Testing, 791
- Laing, Mr. Andrew, Portrait of, 015
- Lanip, The Moore Vacuum Tube, 68
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company;
- Early Tank Locomotive, 202 ; Eight-Coupled
- Compound Locomotive, 202, 281; Plate XL.,
- 281
- I»ang, John, and Sons, Johnstone; Surfacing and Horing Lathe, 413; 2-In.
- Hollow Spindle Capstan Rathe, 413
- Lathe. See Mac/ii)ie Tools and Olympia Exhibition
- Launch, Motor, Fitted with 600-Horse-Power Petrol Engine, 228
- launch, Motor, Hydroplane, 467, 462
- launch of the “ Principessa Jolanda,” Accident
- at, 602, 814
- Launching Arrangements for Cunnrd Liner “ Mauretania,” 021, 022
- Laurence Scott and Co., Limited, Norwich;
- Electric Boat-Hoists and Ventilating-Fans for
- the " Lusitania,” 104, 106
- Le Chatelier Pyrometer, 539
- Leltner Ignition and Lighting System for Motor
- Vehicles, 205, 267
- Lentz Governors for Steam Engine, 811
- Lifts, Baggage, on the “ Lusitania,” 100
- Lifts, Electric, on the “Lusitania,” 140, 141,
- 142
- Light. The Moore Vacuum Tube, 68
- Lighting and Ignition System for Motor Vehicles,
- Leitner’s, 266, 267
- Linda! Moor Iron-Mines, Unwatering Plant at,
- 400, 401, 404
- Liners, Historical Atlantic, 130, 131, 132, 133
- Liquid Fuel ; Kermode’s System Applied to
- Babcock and Wilcox Boilers, 74, 76
- Live Steam Feed-IIcater for Boilers (C. C.
- Braithwaitc and 8on), 170
- Liverpool Engineering and Condenser Companj'.
- Limited ; Evaporators and Distillers for Feed
- Water for the “ Lusitania,” 136
- Liverpool Refrigeration Company, Limited,
- Liverpool; Refrigerating Machinery for the
- " Lusitania,” Plate XXVII., 136
- Locomotive, “Atlantic" Type, for the North
- British Railway ; The North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow, 780, 781; Plate CXVL,
- 780
- Locomotive, Compound, for Railways of the
- Grand Duchy of Oldenbourg (Hannoversche
- Maschinenbnu Actien-Gesellschaft, Hanover),
- 59
- Locomotive, Eight-Coupled, for Hull and Barns-
- ley Railway (Yorkshire Engine Company), 681,
- 684 ; Plate OV., 681
- Locomotive, Express, with Schmidt. Superheater
- for Prussian State Railways (Berliner Mas-
- chinenbnu Actien-Gesellschaft, Berlin), 486,
- 487 ; Plate LX., 486
- Locomotive, Four - Wheel Shunting Tender
- (American Locomotive Company), 837
- Locomotive, Goods, Compound Eight-Coupled,
- for the Lancoshireand Yorkshire Railway, 202,
- 281 ; Plate XL., 281
- Locomotive, Narrow-Gauge, Six-Coupled, for
- Otavi Railway (Arthur Koppel, London), 67,70, '
- 71. See Erratum, 245
- Locomotive. See aleo Motor-Car, Hail, and i
- Electric
- Locomotive, Six-Coupled, Metre-Gauge, for j
- Malay States Railway (Kitson and Co., Li-
- mited, Leeds), 105
- Locomotive, Tank, Lancashire and Yorkshire 1
- Railway Company, 202
- Locomotive Wheel-Balancing Machine (Samuel
- Denison and Son), 362
- Loewe, Ludw., and Co., Limited, London;!
- Automatic Indexing Apparatus Fitted to 1
- Milling • Machine, 482; Circular Milling-
- Machine, 482
- London and North-Western Railway ; Accident I
- at Shrewsbury, 524
- Long Island City Power-Station ; Pennsylvania
- Railroad Company, 759, 760, 761 ; Plates XLT.
- and XLII., 299, 300, 301, 304, 793, 706. 797, 853,
- 850, 857, 868 ; Plate CXIII., 535, 536, 587, 769
- Lorry, Steam, 5-Ton (Mann’s Wagon Company),
- 22
- Lorry, Steam, with Wooden-Tyred Wheels
- (Savage Brothers), 23
- “ Lucia Carbo,” Train-Ferry Steamer, 332, 333, :
- 336
- Lurries. See also Motor-Car and Motor-Wagon
- After Framing for Inner Propellers, Plate XX., 136
- Air-Pump, 160
- Air-Pumps, Wet and Dry, Plate XXXII., 136
- Alleyway, Plate XV., 69
- Anchors and Cables, 170
- Anchor and Capstan Gear, 168, 169
- Ash-Hoists, 156
- Auxiliary Machinery and Discharge-Pipes,
- Arrangement of, 164
- Bedroom, Plate XII., 68
- Boat-Hoists, Electric, 165
- Boilers, Details of, 150,161
- Boilers, General Arrangement of, Plate
- XXXIV., 136
- Bossed Frames for Wing-Propeller Shafts,
- Plate XIX., 136 i
- Bottom Framing and Heel of Ship, Plate
- XIX., 136 , ]
- Bridge, View of, from Forecastle, Plate
- XXVI., 136 ]
- Bulkheads, Positions of, 148
- Centrifugal Pumping-Engines, Plate XXXI., )
- 186, 159 i !
- Circulating Pump, Auxiliary, 159 1
- Clydebank Erecting-Shop, Plate XXVIII., 136 ,
- Condenser, 169 1
- Cranes and Baggage Hoists, Electric, 166
- Cross-Section Showing Scantlings, 133 1
- Deck Plans, Plate XXXIII., 136
- Dining-Saloon, Plates VIII., IX., 68; Plate
- XV., 69
- Doors, Water-Tight, Details of, 149; Positions of, 148
- Double-Bottom Aft. Plate XVII.. 180 Double-Bottom Framing, Plate XVIII., 1?0 Double-Bottom, Plate XXII., 130 Dunlop, J, G., Portrait of, 130 Engine - Room Starting • Platform, Plate XXIX., 130
- Entrance Ilalls, Plate XIII., 09 Evaporators and Distillers for Making up Feed-Water, 103
- Fans for Forced Draught, 163 ; Electric Controllers for, 164
- Fans, Ventilating, for Engine Room, 101
- Feed-Pump, 100
- Feed-Water Heater, 160
- Filtering Plant for Feed-Water, 101, 102
- Furnace, Cambered, for Boilers, 160
- General View, Plate XXV., 130
- Hoists, Ash, 165
- Hoists, Electric, 140, 141, 142
- Hull, Forward Plating, Plate XXII., 130
- Hull, Stern Plating, Plate XVIII., 130
- Keel and Centre Line Girder, 139
- Keel-Plate, Plate XVII., 130
- Library, Plate XI., 08
- Liners, Historical, Dimensions of, 130, 131,
- Ixmnges, Plates XL, XII., XIV., 08 Machinery, General Arrangement of, Plate XXXVI., 130
- Midship Frames, Plate XXIII., 130 Mooring-Buoy, 264 Pallogram of Vibration, 209 Promenade Deck, Plate XXVI., 136 Propeller 8hafts ami Stern Tubes, 158 Pumps, Ballast, 104
- Pumjis, Circulating, Plate XXXI., 130, 159 Refrigerating Machines, Plate XX VII.. 130,147 Riveting, Hydraulic, 139 Ship Ready for Launching, Plate XXL, 130 Smoking-Rooms, Plates X. and XIV., 08 Spectacle-Frames for Inner Propellers, Plate XX., 130
- Starting-Platform, 157 Steam Steering-Gear, 167, 108 Stern-Post and Brackets, Plate XXL, 130 Stokehold, View in, 152 Tunnel, View in, Plate XXIX., 130 Turbine Casing, Low-Pressure, and Bearing, Plate XXX., 130
- Turbines, Details of, Plate XXXVII., 130 Turbines, General Arrangement of, Plate XXXV., 130
- Turbo-Gen* rator for Electric Light, 144, 145, 140
- Turbine-Lifting Gear, Plate XXX., 130 Turbine Rotor, Cast-Steel End for, 150 Turbine Rotor, Forging for, 156 Turbine Rotor in Works, Plate XXVIII., 130 Turbine Seating, Plate XXIII., 130. 138 Ventilation, Thermo-Tank System of, 143 Views during Construction between Decks, Plate XXIV., 130
- View on Promenade Deck during Construction, Plate XXIV., 130 Views of Ship at Sea, Plate VI., 54, 08 ; Plate VII., 65, 08
- Watson, William, Portrait of, 130
- Macduff Harbour, 384
- Machine for Weighing Forces on a Cutting-Tool, 208, 209
Machine Tools: See also Olympia Machinery Exhibition
- Boring and Turning-Mills (John Hetherington and Sons, Limited, Manchester) ; Plate CXIX., 822
- Cost of Automatic Work, 314, 315 Die-Sinking and Engraving-Machine (Thomas Auty and Co., London), 710 Emery-Wheel Grinders, 609,670 Fret-Saw Machine (A. Ransome and Co., i Limited, Newark), 121 Grinding-Machines for Manufacture of Milling-Cutters, 873
- Hammer, Automatic Pneumatic (Peter l’il- I kington, Limited), 836 See 222, 252 Machine for Weighing Forces on a Cutting- Tool (J. F. Brooks), 268, 209 Milling-Machines for Backing Off Milling- I Cutters, 872, 873
- Machine-Tools at Olympia Exhibition, 413, 1 415,410, 417, 420, 428, 447, 448, 450, 451, 458, 459, 471, 482, 483, 614, 616, 546, 540, 548, 649,584,685, 592; LVI., 4S2 ; LVI1., LVIII., LIX., 483; Plates LXI., LXII., LXIII., 610. See also under Olympia Pneumatio Hammers, Drills, &c., 222, 252, 253, 264. See 830
- Rolling-Mill for Cartridge-Metal (Taylor and Chafien), 840, 841, 844
- Turning and Boring-Mill (John Ilethering- ton and Sons, Limited, Manchester); Plate CXIX., 822
- Wire-Drawing Machines, 191, 679, 680, 681, 682, 735
- Machinery, Arrangement of, in Cunard Liner “Lusitania,” Plate XXXVII., 186; “Mauretania Plates LXXXIII., OIII., and CIV., 608 Machinery, Automatic, Cost of Working, 314 Machinery in Cotton-Mills, Guards for, 192, 194, 195, 206, 292, 293
- Machinery for Preparation and Spinning of Jute, 185, 186, 187
- Malay States Railways, Six-Coupled Metre-Gauge i Locomotive for (Kitson and Co.), 105 Mann’s Patent Steam-Cart and Wagon Company, 1 Limited, Leeds ; 5-Ton Steam-Lorry, 22 Map of Simplon District, 100, 101 Marine Boilers. See Boilers Marine Engines. See Engines Marine Turbine. See Turbine, Marine Marshall, Horace P., and Co., Leeds; Morton’s Portable Rivet-Furnace. 503. See Erratum, 559 | Marshall’s Agricultural Oil-Motor; Plate CXII., , 758
- Maschint nbau-Aciiengesellsehaft, vorm. Gebru- der Klein, Dahlbruch; Blast-Furnace-Gas ' Blowing-Engines, 556, 657, 560; Plate LXW, 556 Masonrv Dams, Stresses in, 679
- Maudslay Motor Company; Live Axle for Motor- Car, 678
- Air-Pumps, Drive, for Condensers, 643, Bain, James, Portrait of, 615, Bed-Room, Plate I. XX VIII., 605
- Bell, Thomas, Portrait of, 614 Blading of Turbine, 638 ; Plates LXXXVIIL, LXXXIX., 608
- Boilers, Plates XCIII., Cl.; General Arrangement of, Plate ClI., 608 Boiler-Room, View in, Plate XCVII., 008 Boiler-Shop at Wall send Works, Plates LXXX1L, CL, 608
- Bulkhead Arrangement, 619 Cabins, Regal Suite, Plate LX XVI11., 608,026 Condensers, Plates XGI., XC1I-, 008 Cradle for Launching, 621, Plate LXVIII., 608 Deck Plans, Plate C., 008 Dining-Saloons, Plates LX XI11., LXXIW, 008 Drawing-Office at Wallsend Works, Plate LXXXL, 003
- Erecting-Yard at Wallsend Works, Plate XOIVT, 608
- Fans for Forced Draught, 645 Funnels, Plate XCIV., 608 Hull, Construction of, 616 Hull, Section of, 617, 635 ; Plate CIV., 0"- Hull of Ship during Construction, Views of, Plates LXVIL, XOIX.,608 Hunter, G. B., Portrait of, 614 Hydraulic Riveting in, 124 Laing, Andrew, Portrait of, 615 Launching, Diagram of, 022 launching of, Plate LXVIIL, LXIX., 608, 020, 621, 622 Launching-Ways, 020, 621 Library, Plate LXXVIL.608 Lounge, Plates LXXV., LXXVI., 008 Machinery Arrangement, Plates LXXXIII., CIII., CIV., 008
- Manoeuvring and Starting-Gear, 640, 041 Mid-Ship Section, 017, 635 Model Experitnentsfor Design of Hull, 012,613 Mooring-Cables and Block, 033 Pattern-Shop at Wallsend Works, 634 Pipes, Expansion-Pieces for Steam, 041 Pump-Room, View in, Plate XOVIIL, 008 Pumps, Circulating, 642, 644 Pumps, Dry-Air, for Main Condensers, 043 Pumps, Wash-Deck and Sanitary, 010 Riveting of Hull, 616; Furnace for, 618 Sanitary Appliances, 032 Shaft Alleyway, Plate XCV., 008 Smoking-Room, Plates LXX1I., LXXIX.608, 025
- Starting and Manoeuvring-Gear, 640, 641 State-Rooms, Plate LXXX., 008 Steel, High-Tensile, 124 Stern Framing, 018 Stokehold, View in, Plate XCIV., 008 Switch-Gear, Main, for Ship, 030 Telephone Switchboard, 631 Thermo-Tank Ventilating Plant, 628, 029 Turbine-Room, View in, Plates XCV., XGVI., XCVII., XCVIII., 008
- Turbine-Shop at Wallsend Works, Plates LXXXIV., LXXXVI, LXXXVII., LXXXVIIL, LXXXIX., XOL, 01., 608 Turbines, Rotors, and Casings, Views of, Plates LXXXIV., LXXXV., LXXXVI., LXXXVII., LXXXVIIL, LXXXIX., XOL, 008, 637, 638 ; General Arrangement of, Plates LXXXIII., CIII., CIV., 008 Vessel Afloat, Views of, Plate LIII., 393 ;
- Plates LXIX., LXX., LXXI.
- Vibrations, Diagram of, 657 Works of Builders, Plates LXVIIL, LXXXL, LXXXII., 608, 634, 638 ; Plates LXXXIV., LXXXV., LXXX VII., LXXXVIIL, LXXXIX., XOL, 60S
- Measurement of Forces on Cutting Tool, 268, 269 Measurement of High Temperatures, 639
- “ Medusa,” Steam-Yacht (Day, Summers, and Co), 108,109
- Melting Ice in Hydraulic Plants, 216, 216, 217
- Merchant Ships, Structural Development of, 90, 91,92,93, 94, 95, 96. See “ Lusitania ” and “ Mauretania”
- Metal-Price Diagram, 29, 214, 344, 469, 600, 792, 890
- Metals, Structure of. See Micro-Photograph* Meter, Water (Edwin Allen, London), 468 Metropolitan Railway Accident at West Hampstead, 590
- Micrographs. See Micro-Photograph* Micro-Photographs Illustrating the Ageing of Mild Steel, 823 ; Plate CXX., 823
- “ Midget" Wheat-Washer, 297
- Mill, Rolling, for Cartridge Metal (Taylor and Challen), 840, S41, 844
- Milling-Cutters, the Manufacture and Upkeep of, 871, 872, 873
- Milling-Cutters, Grinding of Teeth, 872
- Milling-Cutters, Rake of Teeth, 872, 873
- Milling-Machines. See Olympia Exhibition and Machine-Tools
- Mine, Unwatering Plant at the Linda! Moor Iron- 1 Mines, 490, 491, 494 Mines, Iron, of the Erzberg, 441 Mines, Transvaal, Labour-Saving Machinery in,
- I 726, 727, 728, 730,762, 763, 704 Mining Granite, 183, 189, 190, 218, 219 "Mohawk” Torpedo-Boat Destroyer(J. Samuel I White and Co.), 718, 722, 723 ; PlateOVI., 722; l Plates CVIL, CTIIL, CIX., 723 I Moore Vaouum Tube Light, 58 Mooring-Buoy for Express Cunard Liners, 264. j See 170
- Mooring-Cable and Block for Cunard Liner j " Mauretania,” 633
- Morgan Continuous Wire-Drawing Machine, 682 ! Morison’s Condensing Plant (Richardsons,
- I Weatgarth, and Co.), 400 | Mortows Portable Rivet Furnace, 503 See Erratum
- Motor, Air, for Pneumatic Tools, 253 Motor-Boat, Hydroplane, 457, 462 Motor-Car for Antartic Expedition (Arrol-Johnston Car Company), 632 Motor-Car, B.S.A., 743, 746 Motor-Car, Daimler, 676, 677 ( Motor-Car, Darracq 18-lIorse-Power, 693
Motor-Car Details:
- Axle, Front, for B.8.A. Car, 743; Siddeley 688
- Axle, Live, and Clutch, for Wert After Oar,
- 078
- Axle, Live, for Maudslay, 678 Axle, Bear, for Darracq, 683; Siddeley, Plate LXVL, 588
- Boiler, Flash, Fawcett Fowler, 78 Brake Gear, Design of, 770, 771 Carburettor, Siddeley, Plate LXVL, 688; Pilgrim, 784
- Chassis of Daimler, 676; Siddeley, 688;
- B.8.A., 743 ; Pilerim, 784 Chassis of Steam Motor-Car, 78, 760 Clutch, Multi pie-Disc, tttu Clutch for West Aster Car, 678 Crank-Shaft, Siddeley, Plate LXVL, 688 Design of Various Details, 770 Differential, Daimler, 077; Siddeley, Plate LXVL, 588
- Engine, Petrol, 680, C93, 740, 784 ; Plate LXVL, 588. See 7, 807 Engines, Position of, 770 Engines, Steam, The E.J.Y.R., 747 ; Fawcett-Fowler, 79 Feed-Pumps, 760
- Gear-Box. Darracq, G03; Daimler, 677; Siddeley, Plate LXVL, 688 Gear-Box, Position of, 770 Ignition Gear for Pilgrim, 780 Leitner Ignition, 266, 267 Regulator for Flash Boiler, 747 Steering-Gear, B.S.A., 743 ; Siddeley, 689 Valve-Gear, Daimler, 677 ; Pilgrim, 784 Wheel, Road, for Darracq,693
- Motor-Cars (Leitner), Ignition and Lighting Apparatus, 265. 267
- Motor-Car, The Maudslay, Live Axle for, 678
- Motor-Car, The Pilgrim, 780,784
- Motor-Car Kitted with Pittler Rotary Pump Transmission, 422
- Motor-Car, Rail, for L. and V. Railway, 213
- Motor-Car, Rail, for Rbymney Railway, tOO
- Motor-Cars. See also Engine*, Petrol; Valves. Differential (Sear, Carburettors, Change->peed Gear, &c.
- Motor-Car, Sheffield-Simplex, 680
- Motor-Car, Siddeley, 45-Uoree-I'ower, 68b, 689; Plate LXVI., 5fcb
- Motor-Car, Steam, E. J. Y. R., 749, 750
- Motor-Car, Steam, The Fawcett Fowler, 78, 79
- Motor-Cars, Steam ; The Highclere Motor-Car Syndicate, 747, 750
- Motor-Car Tyres, High-Speed, Air-Compressor for, 692. See 27
- Motor-Car, The We6t Aster, Live Axle and Clutch for, 678
- Motors, Electric. See Eleetric Motor Fishing-Boat "Thankful," 6, 7, 16 Motor-Oinnibuses, leitner Ignition and Lighting SyBtem for, 265, 267 Motors, Petrol, Diagrams from, 220 Motor, Pittler Rotary, 421, 422 Motors. See also Engines
- Motor, Six - Cylinder Petrol 500 - Horse - Power (The Standard Motor Construction Company), 228, 229
- Motor Yacht “ Swietlana ” (Thornvcroft), BOG, 807
- Mouchel, L. G., London ; Ferro-Concrete Bridge at Stanford, Worcestershire, 260, 261
- Moulding Appliances, 264
- Napier Brothers, Limited, Glasgow ; Anchor and Capstan Gear for the " Lusitania," 168. 169 Nash Patents, Limited, London ; Bottle-Washing Machine, 521
- National Telephone Company’s Installation on " Mauretania,” 631 Naval Machinery. See Engines Naval Ordnance. See Guns Naval Ship?. See Warships Newall Engineering Company. Limited, Warrington ; Universal Grinding-Machine, 420 Newlyn Harbour, 38, 39 Niagara Falls, View of, 286, 349 North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow "Atlantic” Type Locomotive for the North British Railway Company, 780, 781. Plate OXVI., 780
- North British Railway Company ; " Atlantic " Type Locomotive, 780, 781; Plate CXVL, 780 North-Eastern Railway Company; Bridge over River Wear at Sunderland 43 ; Plate V., 43 North Sunderland Harl>our, 42 Nurnberg Maschinenbau-Gesellerhaft; Hydraulic Diaphram-Testing Machines, 861
- Oberbayerirche Kokswerke und Fabrik Che- mischer Produkte Peat Works, 672, 673 Oceans and Continents, Explanation of, 259 Oddesse Pump Company, London; Compound Steam-Pump, 424, 425 Oil-Engines. See Engines, Oil j Oil Fuel, Kermode's System, Applied to Babcock and Wilcox Boilers, 74, 75 Oil-Motors. See Engines, Oil, ami Petrol
Olympia Machinery Exhibition:
- Bearing with Forced Lubrication (Forced Lubrication Company), 458
- Belt-Fastener, Steel (J. B. Stone and Co.), 459
- Bending and Straightening Rolls (Craig and Donald), Plate LYI., 482 Bevel-Gear Planing-Machine, The Bilgram (Pfeil and Co.), Plate LXIIL, 516 Bogert Crank-Shaft Lathe (Schuchardt and Schutte), Plate LUL, 483 Boring-Mill, 30-In. (John Stirk and Sons), Plate LXII.,616
- Boring and Turning Mill (J. Butler and CaX 417
- Box-Tool, with Roller Steady (Alfred Herbert), 428
- Cam-Grinding Machine (Schuchardt and Schutte), 415
- Capstan Lathe, 2-In. Hollow Spindle (John Lang and Sons), 418
- Capstan Lathe, Sj-In. Centre (Greenwood and Batley), 645
- X III |>hl lAlli 111 I ion —continual.
- Capstan Lathe, 8£-In. Centre (Pollock and Macnab), 549
- Capstan loathe, with Chasing Saddle and Friction Gear (Alfred Herbert), Plate LV11L, 482
- Crank-Shaft Lathe, The Bogert (Schuchardt and Schutte), Plate L1X , 483 Cioj>ping-Machine, John’s, for Angle and T Hon (Henry Pels and Co.), 516 Dividing Attachment to Willing-Machine (Ludw. Loewe and Co.), 482 Drilling-Machine, Five-Spindle (Schuchardt and Schutte), 451
- Drilling-Machine, Radial (John Stirk and Sons), 516 ; Plate LXII., 516 Drilling-Machine, Sensitive (Phtenix Dynamo Company), 516
- Drilling, Studding, and Tapping Machine (Pollock and Macnab), 549 Drilling and Tapping Machine, Power-Driven Portable (J. Butler and Co.), Plate L1X., 483
- Gear-Cutter for Worm-Wheels (Alfred Herbert), 428
- Gear-Hobbing Machine (Humpage, Thompson, and Hardy), 448
- Gear-Hobbing Machine (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 584
- Grinder, Universal, for Cutters and Tools (Kendall and Gent), 420 Grinder, Universal (Ntwall Engineering Company), 420
- Grinding-Machine, Electiically-Driven Portable (Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company), 5*4
- Grinding - Machine for Motor Cam-Shaft (Schuchardt and Schutte), 415 Grinding-Machine, Universal (Greenwood and batley), 545
- Hack-Saw Machine, Power-Driven (John Holroyd and Co.), 447
- Hobbing Machine (Humpage, Thompson, and Hardy), 448
- Hobbing-Machine (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.\ 584
- Key-Seating Machine (Schuchardt and Schutte), 428
- Lathe, 7J-In. Centre (Colchester Lathe Company), 451
- Lathe, S-In. All-Geared (George Richards), 450
- Lathe, 8J-In. Centre (Pollock and Macnab), 546
- Lathe, 9-In. (Darling and Sellers), Plate L X I., 516
- Lathes, All-Geared (Schuchardt and Schutte),
- loathe, All Geared (John Stirk and Sons), 514; Plate LXL, 516
- lathe. The Bogert, for Turning Crank- Shafts (Schuchardt and Schutte), Plate LIX., 483
- Lathe for Cutting Oil Grooves (Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co.), 451 Lathe, Historic (C. Churchill and Co). Plate LX III., 616
- Lathe, Surfacing and Boring (John Lang and Sons), 413
- Maudslay Motor-Car. 678 Milling-Cutter, Anderson’s Built-Up (S.
- Osborn and Co., Limited), 585 Milling-Machine with Automatic Indexing Arrangement (Ludw. Loewe and Co.)
- iQO
- Milling-Machine, Circular (Ludw. Loewe and Co.), 4S2
- Milling-Machine, Horizontal (Greenwood and Batley ). 54S
- Milling-Machine for Screw-Threads (John Holroyd and Co-), 450 Milling Machine for Screw-Threads (H. W. Ward and Co.), 483
- Milling-Machine, Vertical (Alfred Herbert),
- Milling and Profiling-Machine (Kendall and
- Gent), Plate LIX., 483
- Milling and Profiling-Machine, Vertical
- (Kendall and Gent), 471
- Moulding-Machine (Britannia Foundry Com-
- pany), 592
- Nut-Machine, Two-Spindle (Simplex Engi-
- neering Company), 592
- Oil Oroore-Cutting Lathe (Selig, Sonnenthal,
- and Co,), 451
- Pipe - Threading Machine (Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company), 584 Piston-Rings (Allen and Simmons), 612 Planirg-Machine, High-Speed (J. Butler and Co.), 417
- Planishing Hammer (W. and J. Player)- Plate LXIII., 516 J
- Plino-ProflI.- Milling-Machine (Kendall and
- Gent) ; Plate LIX., 483
- Plate-Bending and Straightening Rolls
- (Craig and Donald), Plate LVI., 482
- Profiling Machine (Kendall and Gent), Plate
- LIX., 483
- Profiling and Milling - Machine, Vertie (Kendall and Gent), 471 Pnmp fr r Boiler Feed with Superheat Steam (Shopper Motor Company), 436 Pomps for Boiler Feed (Thwaltes Brother 450
- Pump. The Oddesse Compound, 424, 425 Radial Drilling. Studding, and Tapping- Machine (Pollock and Macnab), 549 Rotary Pump and Motor (Pittlei's I'niversal Rotary Machine Syndicate, London), 421 Sawing - Machine (John Holroyd and Co.),
- ?. rew Angle-Finder (John Holroyd and Co.),
- 535
- f Crew-Head Slotting Machine (Simplex En- gineering Company), 693 Screw-Milling Machine (John Holroyd and Co.), 450
- Sc-ewing Machine. Automatic (Kendall and Gent), Plate LX III., 516 Shaping Machine (George Richards), 450 Shears, Srlitting, Johns (Henry Pels and Ca), 516
- Shearing-Machine, Portable (Allen and Simmons), 458
- Sheffield-Simplex Motor-Car, 680 Side-Planing Machine (George Richards^ 450 Slot-Drilling Machine (George Richards), 450 Slotting Cutter (Smith Slotting Machine Company), 585
- Steering-Gear, Archer’s Steam and Hand (Dunston Engine Works Company), 513 Straightening and Bending Rolls (Craig and Donald), Plate LVI., 482 Thread-Milling Machine (H. W. Ward and Co.), 483
- Tool-Grinder, Universal (Kendall and Gent), 420
- Tool - Holder with Roller Steady (Alfred Herbert), 428
- Turning and Boring-Mill (J. Butler and Co.), 417
- Turret-Lathe. Combination (Pollock and Macnab), Plate LVI., 482 Turret-Lathe, Hexagon (Alfred Herbert), Plate LVII , 482
- Turret-Lathe, Combination, with Chasing Saddle (Alfred Herbert), Plate LVII., 482
- Turret Tool-Holder (Alfred Herbert), 42S
- Valve-Grinding Machine (Alfred Herbert), 548
- Vice, Swivelling Bench (Wadkin and Co., Leicester), 458
- Wallwork’s Worm-Wheel-Generating Machine (Alfred Herbert), 428
- Water-Meter (Edwin Allen, London), 458 West Aster Motor-Car, 078
- Worm-Wheel - Generating Machine, Wallwork’s (Alfred Herbert, Limited), 428
- Omnibus. See MotortOmnibus and Motor-Car
- Opening-Bridge for Portsmouth Corporation, 15, 18; Place IV., 15
- Optical Indicator Diagrams from Petrol Engines, 220
- Optical Indicator for Gas-Engine, 573 Optical Pyrometry, 539 Ordnance. See Guns
- Osborn, S., and Co., Limited, Sheffield ; Anderson’s Milling-Cutter, 585 Otavi Railway in German South-West Africa, 67, 70, 71, 82
- " Palinurua,” Survey Steamer, for Indian Government (Cammed, Laird, and Co.), 359 Pallogram of Vibration of Turbine - Steamer " Lusitania,” 209 ; of “ Mauretania,” 657 Paraffin-Engine for Agricultural Woik (Marshall, Sons, and Co.), 758 ; Plate CXII., 758 Paraffin Production from Peat, Ziegler System, 672, 673
- Parapets. See Bridges
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Limited, Newcastle- on-Tyne; 375-Kilowatt Turbo-Generator for the “Lusitania,” 144, 145, 146 Patent Engineering Company, Hull ; The Bei. sel Water-Softener, 296
- Patent Rccoid, 65. 187, 228, 880, 35,0, 881, 411, 443, 479, 541, 607, 665, 701, 767, 798, 828, 859, 860, 891, 892
- Peat, The Beuerberg Works for the Utilisation of, 672, 673
- Peat, Diagram of Products from, 674 Pedestal with Forced Lubrication, 458 Pels, Henry, and Co., London ; John’s Splitting- Shears, 516; John's Angle and T-Iron Cropper, 616
- Pelton Water-Wheel, Experimental; Percy Pit-
- man, 313
- Pelton Wheels, Governors for, 582, 283
- Pennsylvania Railroad Company’s Power-
- Station, Long Island City, 759, 760, 761;
- Plate CXII I., 635, 536, 537, 759 ; Plates LX I.,
- XLII., 299, 300, 301, 304, 793, 796, 797, 853,856,
- 857, 858
- Peterhead Harbour, 383
- Petrol-Engines. See also Engines, Motor-Cars,
- and Motor Omnibuses
- Petroleum. See Oil anti Motor-Cars
- Petter, J. B., and Sons, Limited, Yeovil; Piston-
- Rings, 818
- Pfeil and Co , London; Bilgram Bevel-Gear
- Planing-Machine, Plate LXIII., 516
- Phieoix Dynamo Company, Limited, Bradford ;
- Sensitive Drill, 516
- Pier. See also Jetty
- Piles, Ferro-Concrete, for Viaduct, 520
- Pilgrim's Way Motor Company, Farnham ;
- Motor-Car, 780, 781
- Piling for Long Island City Power-Station, 300,
- 304, 535, 797
- Pilkington, Peter, Limited; Automatic Pneu-
- matic Hammer, 836
- Pins, Breakage of, 306
- Pintsch's Patent Lighting Company, Limited,
- London ; Mooring-Buoy forCunard Liners, 264
- Pipes, Expansion Joints for, for Cunard Liner
- “ Mauretania,” 641
- Pipes, Soil, Joints for, 632
- Pipes, Stoneware, Doulton’s Joint for, 600
- Piston-Kings (J. B. Petter and Sons), 818
- Piston-Rings for Steam and Gas-Engines (Allen
- and Simmons), 612
- Pitman, Percy, Pershore ; Experimental Pelton
- .Water-Wheel, 313. See 282, 283
- Pittler s Unhertal Rotary-Machine Syndicate,
- London ; Rotary Pump and Motor, 421
- Planishing Hammer, Automatic Pneumatic
- (Peter Pilkington, Limited), 836
- Plate-Bending and Straightening Rolls (Craig
- and Donald), Plate LVI., 482
- pl»Jer! W. ar,d Birmingham ; Belt-Driven
- Planishing-Hammer, Plate LXIII., 616
- Ploughing-Tractor, Oil-Driven (Marshall, Sons,
- and Co.), 758 ; Plate CX11., 768
- Pneumatic Hammer, Automatic (Peter Pilking-
- ton, Limited), S36
- Pneumatic Marhine-T.ols. See Machine-Tools
- and Olympia Exhibition
- Pointing Machine for Wire. The Dayton. 101
- Pollock and Macnab, Limited, Manchester;
- Rad al Drilling, Studding, and Tapping Ma-
- chine, M0; 8i-ln. Centre L'aptlan Lathe, 640 ;
- !*'*£• M6'> Combination Turret
- Lathe, Plate LVI., 482
- Portknoekie Harbour, 384, 543
- Portrait of James Bain, 616
- Portrait of Thomas Bell, 614
- Portrait of J. G. Dunlop, 136
- Portrait of the late Leveson Francis Vernon-Harcourt, 404
- Portrait of G. B. Hunter, 614
- Portrait of Lord Kelvin, 849
- Portrait of Andrew Laing, 615
- Portrait of William Watson, 136
- Portsmouth Docks, Bascule Bridge for, 15, 18; Plate IV., 15
- Power Plant. See Electric and Hydraulic Power Scheme in Rhenish Prussia, 740, 742, S02, 803; Plate OX., 742; Plate CXI., 743 ; Plate CXVII., 802 ; Plate OXVIII., 803 Pressure on Cutting-Tool, Machine for Measuring, 268, 269
- Pressure-Gauges, Tes's of, 317, 318 Pressure, Hydraulic, Testing-Machines for Diaphragms, 861
- “ Principessa Jolanda,” Accident at the Launch of, 502, 814
- Profile of Italian Approaches to Simplon Tunnel, 100, 705
- Progressive and Stationary Waves in Rivers, 285, 348, 349
- Propeller Shafts for the “ Lusitania,” 158 Propellers for Turbine Ships, 77 Pumping Plant for Cardiff Docks, 324, 325 Pumping Plant for Kidderminster Water Works (Andrew Barclay, Sons, and Co.), 711, 714, 715 Pumping Plant for Unwatering the Licdal Moor Iron-Mines, 490, 491, 494 Pumps, Ballast, for “ Lusitania,” 164 Pump for Boiler Feed with Superheated Steam (Sheppee Motor Co.), 436. See Erratum, 457 Pumps for Boiler Feed (Thwaites Brothers), 459 Pumps, Centrifugal, for Circulating Water on “ Lusitania, 159, and Plate XXXI.
- Pumps, Circulating, for Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” 612, 644
- Pumps, Dry Air, for Cunard Liner “Mauretania,” 613
- Pumps for Feed-Water on “ Lusitania,” 160 Pump for Forced Lubrication of Pedestal, 458 Pump, Hydraulic, for Very High Pressures, 97 Pump, The Oddcsse Compound, 424, 425 Pump, The Pittler Rotary, 421, 422 Pumps for Steam Motor-Car, 750 Pump, Triple-Action (W. H. Wilcox and Co , London), S22
- Pumps, Wash-Deck and Sanitary, for the “ Mauretania,” 616
- Pumps, Wet and Dry Air, for the “Lusitania,” 160, and Plate XXXII.
- Punching-Machine. See Machine Tools Pwllheli Harbour, 383 Pyrometry, Optical, 539
- Pyrometer for Use in Hardening Milling-Cutters, 872
- Quadruple-Expansion Engines. See Engines
- "Quail,” Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, after Collision, 245
- Quarrying Granite in Aberdeenshire, 188, 189, 190, 218, 219
Quebec Bridge:
- Anchor-Arm before Collapse, 470
- Anchor Pier, 3£9
- Anchor Pier and Approach Span, 395
- Bracing of South Anchor Arm, 354
- Camber Blocks, 455
- Connections at Foot of East Main Post, 358
- Connections of Suspended Span, 454, 455
- Details of lA>wer Chords of Cantilever.
- Plate XLIX., 388
- Erection of First Lower Chord Panel of
- South Anchor Arm, 355
- Erection of Superstructure, Plate XLIII..
- 328
- Erecting Third Section of Main P0st*Cap, 358
- False-Work of South Anchor Arm, 354
- Floor Beam Connection to Tower Strut, 418
- General Arrangement of Bridge, 328
- Girders of Suspended Span, Plate LV., 449
- Joint of Anchor and Cantilever Arms,
- Details of Lower Chords, 386
- Loading of Members of Anchor Arm, Plate
- XLV1I., 351
- Lower Chord of Anchor Arm and Bracing,
- Main Shoe and Upper and Lower Pedestals
- 358
- Main Towers, Details of, Plate XLVIII 351 •
- Plate LV., 419 ' ’
- Main Vertical Post, Details of, £87
- Main Vertical Post Hinge, 390
- North Bank, Showing Construction of Piers
- 351 1
- Pin-Joint of Suspended Span, 463 Portal, Details of, Plate XLVIII., 351 Shoes of Main Post, Plate L , 392 South Anchorage Pier, 371 Strain Sheet, Plate XLVII., 361 Superstructure, Views of, Plates XLIV XLV., 328 '•
- Upper and Lower Pedestals, 391 View of South Cantilever and Anchor Arm Plate XLVL, 329 *
- Wreckage Around River Pier, Plate LI I 392 ' Wreckage near the Anchor Pier, Plate LIl“ 392 '
- Wreckage aa seen from ‘Anchor Pier, Plate LI., 392
- Wreckage as seen from River, Plate LI., 3i Wreckage ol South Anchor Ann, 860
- See Wirelete Telegraph
- Radio-Telegraphy. under Electric
- Rail Auto-Car. Sec Motor-Car, Pail
- Kail .Motor-Car. See Motor-Car, llail
- Railway Accident at Shrewsbury, 624
- Raj way Accident at West Hampstead, 500
- Ralhvay^Carriage*. See Carriage* and Mot,
- Railway under Detroit River, 629
- Rai way j-'ish-Platca, Drop Forged, 407
- jtai way Locomotive*. Hee Locomotivea
- Africa, 07"70OW7L°82Ke' °"man B°',th W'
- Railway Rolling-Stock. See Locomotives, Carriages, Motor-Car, Hail, and Wagons Railway. See also Electric Railway Steam Motor-Car; Lancashire and York- - ! shire Railway, 213 I Railway Train-Brake. See Train-Drake I Railway Train Ferry-Steamer “Luoia Garbo,’’ | 33!, 333, 336
- j Railway Trains, Resistance of, 116 [ Railway Tunnel. See Tunnel ; Railway Viaduct, Ferro-Concrete; Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Railway, U.S.A., SOI, 876; Plate CXXII., SOI »
- Railway Viaduct, Ferro-Conorete, at Seville, 617 i 620; Plate LXIV., 517 Ramsgate Harbour, 383
- Ransome, A., and Co., Limited, Newark ; Fret- Saw Machine, 121 Bateau Compressor, Turbo, 3, 248 Reavell and Co. ; High-Speed Air-Compressor for Motor-Car Tyres, 692 ; Rotary Air-Com- i pressor, 27
- Recke-Ruston Valve-Gear for Steam-Engines, 437; Plate LIV., 437
- Refrigerating-Machines on the “Lusitania,” Plate XXVII, 136, 147 Regulator for Flash Boiler, 747 Reinforced Concrete. See Ferro-Concrete Reservoir for Hydro-Electric Plant on River Urft, 740, 742 ; Plate OX., 742, 802, 803 ; i Plate CXI., 743
- Retorts for Peat Distillation, Ziegler System, 672, 673
- Rhymney Railway, Rail Motor-Car for, 600 Riealdoni and Crocco Hydroplane Boat, 467, 462 Richards, George, Limited, Manchester; Shaping-Machine, 450 ; Slot-Drilling Machine, 460 ; 8-In. Centre All-Geared High-Speed Lathe, 450 Richardsons, Westgarth, and Co., Hartlepool;
- Morison’s Condensing Plant, 406 Richmond and Chesapeake Bay Railway ; Ferro- Concrete Viaduct, 864, 876 ; Plate CXXII., 864 River and Harbour Sounding-Machine, 313 Rivet Furnace, Morton’s Portable, 503. See Erratum, 559
- Rivet-Heating Furnace, 618 Riveting, Hydraulic, in the “ Lusitania,” 139; in “Mauretania,” 129, 616
- Road-Cars. See Motor-Cars and Motor- Wagon Robinson, J. G. ; Special Service Wagons for the Great Central Railway, 203; Plate XXXVIII., 203
- Rolling-Mill for Cartridge - Metal (Taylor and Challen), 810, 841, 844
- Rolls for Bending and Straightening Plates (Craig and Donald), Plate LVI., 482 Roofs of Buildings for Franco-British Exhibition, 737, 738, 739, 769, 772, 773 Ropeway, Aerial Wire, for Conveying Coal, 652 Ropeways, Overhead, Used at Shipbuilding Berths, 379. See also Cablewai/s Ropner and Sons, Limited ; Coal-Carrying Trunk Steamer, 597
- Rotary Pump and Motor, The Pittler, 421, 422 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ; Twin-Screw Steamer “ Avon,” 14; Plates I., It., III., 14 Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Limited, Lincoln ; Tandem Compound Engine with Recke-Ruston Valve Gear, 437 ; Plate LIV., 437
- Safety Appliances for Cotton Machinery, 192, 194, 196, 206, 292, 293
- Sailing Ships, Structural Development of, 90 “Salem,” Scout, for the United States Navy (Fore River Shipbuilding Company), 272 Saloons of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” Plates LXX1I-, LXX1I1., LXXIV., LXXV., LXXVI., LXXVIL, LXXVIII., and LXXIX., 008, 624, 626 Saloons, &c., of Royal Mail Steam-Packet Company’s Steamer “ Avon," Plate I. ; Plate II., 14 Sand-Ramming Machine, Pneumatic, 254 Sand-Sifter, Pneumatic, 264 Sanders, Rehders, and Co., Limited, London;
- Feed-Water Analyser, 344 Sanitary Fittings for the “ Mauretania," 632 Sanitary Pipes, Doulton’s Joint for, 600, 632 Sankey,3Oaptam H. Riall; Hand Bending Tests,
- “ Sarco” Feed-Water Analyser, 344 Savage Brothers, Limited, King’s Lynn ; Steam- Wagon with Wooden-Tyred Wheels, 23 Saw. See Machine-Tools Scaling-Hammer, Pneumatic, 254 Scarborough Harbour, 384 Schmidt Superheater Locomotive, Prussian State Railways, 486, 487 ; Plate LX., 486 Schneider and Co., Creusot and Havre ; Modern French Field-Guns, 776, 777 : Plate CXIV 778 ; Plate OXV., 779
- Schuchardt and Scliutte, London; Cnm-Grinding Machine, 415; All-Geared Lathes, 416 ; Key- Seating Machine, 428; Five-Spindle Drilling- Machine, 461; Bogert Crank-Shaft Lathe. Plate LIX., 483 Scouts. See Warships
- Screening Plant for the Transvaal Gold-Mines, 720, 730
- Sorew-Propellers for Turbine-Ships, 77 Sehg, Sonnenthal, and Co., London; Lathe for Cutting Oil-Grooves, 451; Automatic Gear- Iiobbing Machine, 584
- Seville, Ferro-Concrete Viaduct for the Cain „,""er‘! Railway, 517, 620; Plate LXIV., 617 Shafts, Diagram of Strength of, 423 Shafts, Propeller, for the “ Lusitania,” 168 ‘ , See Machine-Tools and Olympia
- /'exhibition
- Sh,c“,r T-?tinl: Mnchine. Electrically-Controlled, 474, 476, 476, 605, 506, 607 Sheffield - Simplex Motor-Car Company ; Six. Cylinder Car, 680
- Shepherd's Bush, Franco - British Exhibition Buildings at, 736, 737, 738, 739, 760, 772, 773 Sheppeo Motor Company, York ; Boiler Feed- I ump for Superheated Steam, 430. See Erra- turn, 457
- Shipbuilding Berths, Cableways used on, 379 Ships, Diagrams of Forces on High-Speed, 32
- 8 9r’92,'w, 04" 96?96,ClUral DcVeloPme,,t «'• °°> Ships. See Steanvers and Warships Shrewsbury, Railway Accident ntj624
- 588, 589;
- Siddeley 45-Horse-Tower Motor-Car,
- Plate LXVI., 688 Bieincnii Brothers, Limited, London ; Regulator for Controlling Forced-Draught Fans of the
- for Controlling Forced-Draught
- "Lusitania,” 154
- Simplex Engineering Company, Limited, Man-
- chester; Screw-Head 81otting-Machine, 592;
- Two-Spindle Nut-Machine, 692
- Simplon Tunnel, Italian Approaches to, 100, 101,
- 104, 705, 700, 707
- Sleepers, Steel, for Obavi Narrow-Gauge Railway,
- 67
- Slide-Rule with Magnifying Cursor, Thornton,
- 302
- Slotting-Machine. See Machine-Tools
- Sluice-Valves for Condensers of Cunard Liner
- "Mauretania, Plate XO., 608
- Smith, Thomas, and Sons, Saltlcy, Birmingham ;
- Drop-Forged ^'ish-Plates, 407
- Smithfleld Show, Steam-Engine at, 818. See <58
- Smith’s Slotting-Machine Company, Limited,
- London ; Slotting Cutter, 585
- Softening-Machine for Feed-Water, The Biessel,
- 290
- Sorting Plant for Transvaal Gold-Mines, 726, 730
- Sounding-Machine, Weddell’s, for Rivers and Harbours, 313 „ „ .
- South Africa, Narrow-Gauge Light Railway in, 07, 70, 71, 82
- Southwold Harbour, 384
- Specific Heat of 8team and Gas, 200
- Speed Frames in Cotton-Mills, Safety Appliances for, 102, 194, 105, 200. See 202
- Speed and Power Curves of Turbine Steamer " Creole,’’ 607
- Spinning-Machinery for Jute, 185, 180, 187. See also Cotton
- Standard Motor Construction Company, New Jersey ; 500-Horse-Power Internal-Combustion
- Engine, 228, 220
- Stanford, Worcestershire, Cast-Iron Bridge and
- Ferro-Concrete Bridge at, 260, 261
- Starting Gear for the Cunard Liner " Lusitania,
- ir.7 • fnr HIP “ Mauritania." 610. 641
- 157 ; Yor the " Mauretania,” 610, 611
- State Rooms of the Cunard Liner " Mauretania,” Plate LXXX , 608 . ;
- Stationary and Progressive Waves in Rivers, 285, 348, 340
- Stations. See also Electric
- Steam-Coach. See Motor-Car, Rail
- Steam-Consumption Curves. See Diagrams
- Steam-Engines. See Engines
- Steam-Gauges, Theory of, 317, 318
- Steam and Hand Steering-Gear, The Archer, 513. see also Steering-Gear
- Steam-Piping at Long Island City Power-Station, 761
- Steam, Specific Heat of, 200
- Steam Superheaters. See Superheaters
- Steam-Trnctor, Three-Cylinder Compound (John Fowler and Co., Leeds), 818
- Steam-Trap, The Horne (Baird and Tatlock), 407
- Steam-Trap (Pratt’s) for Returning Water to Boiler, 560
- Steam-Turbine. See Turbine
- Steam-Wagon, 6-Ton (Mann’s Wagon Company), 22
- Steam-Wagon. See also Motor-Wagon, Motor-Car, and Tractor
- Steam-Wagon with Wooden-Tyred Wheels
- (Savage Brothers), 23
- Steam-Yacht "Medusa” (Day, Summers, and
- Co.), 108,100
- Steamers, Arrangement of Turbines in, 03 See
- " Lusitania," " Mauretania," and “Mohawk”
- Steamer "Avon” for Royal Mail Steam Packet
- Company, 14 ; Plate I., 14 ; Plate9 II., III., 14
- Steamer, Coal-Carrying Trunk, 697
- Steamer " Creole,” Driven by Curtis Turbines,
- 690, 697
- Steamers, Cunard, Mooring-Buoy for, 264
- Steamer " Guanabara,” for Brazilian Government
- (Yarrow and Co.), 374
- Steamers, Historical Atlantic, 130,131, 132,133
- Steamers, Hydraulic Riveting in, 124
- Steamer " Lusitania,” 129
- Steamer " Mauretania,” 609
- Steamers, Merchant, Structural Development of,
- 91, 92, 93, 04, 95, 96
- Steamer " Palinurus,” for Indian Government
- (Cammell, Laird, and Co.), 359
- Steamers. See also Warships
- Steamer " Suevic," White Star, Repairs to, 662
- Steamer, Train-Ferry, “ Lucia Carbo,” 332, 833
- 336
- Steamers, Turbine, Propellers for, 77
- Steamship " Principessa Jolanda,” Accident at
- Launch of, 502, 814
- Steamships. See Steamers and Warships
- Steel, The Ageing of, 823 ; Plate OXX., 823
- Steel, Diagrams of Hardening of, 676, 676, 603,
- 604 , 605 . ,
- Steel, High-Tensile, in s.s. " Mauretania, 124.
- See also " Lusitania ”
- Steel, Strength of; Hand Bending Tests, 829, 830
- Steel, Torsion Tests of, 605, 600
- Steering-Gear for 46 - Horse-Power Siddeley
- Motor-Car, 688, 689 See also Motor-Car
- Details
- Steering-Gear, The Archer Steam and Hand, 613
- Steering-Gear for B.S.A. Motor-Cars, 743 Steering-Gear, Steam, for the " Lusitania,” 167,
- 163
- Stephenson, R., and Co., Limited, Ilebburn
- Foundry, 236 ; Plate XXXIX., 236, 237, 240
- Stern-Framing for Cunard Liner " Mauretania,”
- 618. See also •'Lusitania ”
- Stern Tubes and Propeller Shafts for the “ Lusitania," 16S
- Stirk, John, and Sons, Limited, Halifax ; High-
- Speed Radial Drilling-Machine, Plate LXII.,
- 616 ; 30-In. Boring and Turning-Mills, Plate
- LXII., 516; Lathe with ' All-Geared Head-
- Stock, 614 ; Plate LXL, 616
- Stokehold of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania," Plato XOIV., 008
- Stokeholds for Itoyal Mail Steam-Packet (Company's Twin-Screw Steamer "Avon," Plate III., li
- Stone, J., and Co., Limited, Deptford ; Watertight Doors for the " Lusitania,” 148, 149 ; for the " Mauretania," 019
- Stone, J. B.j and Co. ; Steel Belt-Fastener, 459 Stone-Dressing Machine, 254 Stone-Quarrying, Machinery for, 189, 190, 218, 219
- Stonehaven Harbour, Breakwater of, 513 Stoneware Pipes, Doulton's Joint for, 000 Stop-Valve, Hopkinson's Explosion, 345 Storms, Probability of, 257 Stothert and Pitt, Limited, Bath ; Electric Cranes and Baggage-Hoists for the "Lusitania," 100
- Street Railways. See Tramways Strength of Materials, Hand Bending Tests, 829, 830
- Strength of Shafts, Diagram of, 423 Stresses in Masonry Dams, 079 Structure of Metals. See Micro-Photographs "Suevic," White Star Steamer, Repairs to, 002 Sunderland, Bridge over River Wear, 43; Plate V., 43
- Superheater, Schmidt, on Locomotive for Prussian State Railways, 480, 487 ; Plate LX., 480 Survey Steamer " Palinurus" for Indian Government (Cammell, Laird, and Co.), 359 Swaging Machine, The Dayton, 191 Swan, Hunterand Wigham Richardson, Limited, Wallsend-on-Tyne; Floating Dock forTrinidad, 100, 112* Plate XVI., 106; Turbine - Driven Cunard Liner "Mauretania.” See “ Mauretania ”
- " Swietlana,” Motor-Yacht (John I. Thornycroft and Co.), 800, 897
- Switch-Gear tor " Mauretania,” 030 Switch-Gear for Long Island City Power-Station, 853, 850, 857, 858
- Tank Locomotives. See Locomotives “Tartar,” H.M , Torpedo-Boat Destroyer, 808 Tattereal, A. R., and Co.; Wheat-Washer, 297 Taylor and Challen Cartridge-Metal Rolling-Mill, 810, 841, 844
- Technical College, Finsbury, Engineering Laboratory at, 232, 233
- Technical Education, Bedford Grammar School, 50
- Technical Education. See also Education Telegraphy. See Electric Telephone Switchboard for Cunard Liner " Slauretania,” 631
- Temperatures in Gas-Engine Cylinders, Measurement of, 887, 888, 889 Temperatures, High, Measurements of, 539. See Pyrometry and 887 Tenders. See also Locomotives Test, Bending, by Hand, 829, 830 Testsof 1000-Kilowatt British Thomson-Houston Company Turbo-Alternator, 375, 376 Testing Apparatus for Feed-Water, The "Sarco,” 344
- Testinu Apparatus for Heat-Insulating Material, 791
- Testing Diaphragms with Hydraulic Machines,
- 801
- Testing-Machine, Electrically-Controlled, 474, 475, 476, 505, 606, 607. See Erratum, 555 Testing-Machines, Hydraulic, for Diaphragms, 801
- "Thankful,” Herring Drifter, with Oil-Motor, 0, 7, 16
- Thermo Couple Arrangement for Measuring Temperatures in Gas-Engine Cylinders, 887,
- 888
- Thermo-Tank System of Ventilation on the " Lusitania,” 143 ; on the " Mauretania,” 628, 629
- Thermometers. See Pyrometers Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Limited, Chiswick ; Motor Yacht “ Swietlana," 806, 807 ; Torpedo-Boat Destroyer " Tartar," 803, 869 Thwaites Brothers, Limited, Bradford; Boiler Feed-Pumps, 469
- Toogood’s Double-Coil Friction-Clutch (Robert Dempster and Sons), 601 Tool, Machine for Weighing Forces on, 268,269 Tools. See Machine-Tools and Olympia Exhibition
- Torpedo-Boats. See Warships Torsion of Shafts, Diagram of Strength of, 423 Torsion-Testing Machine, Electrically-Controlled, 474, 475, 470, 605, 500, 507. See Erratum, 655 Tosana, C. ; Caffaro Electric Power-Station, 198, 199
- Traction. See also Electric Tractor, Agricultural, with Oil Motor (Marshall, Sons, and Co.), 768 ; Plate CXII., 768 Tractors. See also Moter- Wagon Tractor, Three-Cylinder Compound (John Fowler and Co., Leeds), 818
- Train-Brake, Vacuum ; Diagram of Working, 664 Train-Ferry Steamer " Lucia Carbo " (A. and J.
- Inglis, 332, 333, 330 Trains, Resistance of, 116
- Transporters, Electrical ; Mersey Docks, 10,12.
- See also Cableways and Conveyors Transvaal Mines, Labour-Saving Machinery in, 726, 727, 728, 730, 762, 763, 704 Trap, Pratt’s Steam, 569 Trap, Baird and Tatlock, 407 Trinidad Dock and Engineering Company, Floating-Dock for the, 106, 112 ; Plate X\ I.,
- 100 „ • Triple-Expansion Engines. See Engines Trommel at the Crusher Station of the Klein- fontein Gold-Mines, 730
- Truoks, Special Service, for Great Central Railway, 203 ; Plate XXXVIII., 203
- Trunk Steamer, Coal-Carrying (Bopner and Sons), 697
- Trussed Concrete Steel Company ; Ferro-Concrete Railway Viaduct, Virginia, U.8.A., 861, 876; Plate CXXIL, 864 Tube-Cutter, Pneumatic, 253 Tube Railway. See Railway Tube Tunnel, The Gattico, near Simplon, 706, 707 Tunnel, The Simplon, Italian Approaches to, 100, 101, 104, 705, 706, 707 Tunnel under Detroit River, Hoating Sections of, 629
- Turbine, 6600-Kilowatt, for Long Island City Power-Station, 793, 796
- Turbines as Applied to Merchant Ships and Warships, 01, 63
- Turbines of Cunard Liner “ Mauretania,” 633 ; Plates LXXXIIL, LXXXIV., LXXXV., LXXXVI., LXXXVIL, LXXXVI1L, LXXX1X., XOL, OIIL. CIV., 608 Turbine, Curtis, Tests of, 375, 376 Turbines, Hydraulic, Governors for, 282, 283 Turbine, Hydraulic, and Governing Gear, 803 Turbine at the Lindal Moor Mine (Allgemeine Elektncituts Gesellschaft, Berlin), 490 Turbines at I/)ng Island City Power-Station, Plate XLI., 299, 793, 79G
- Turbines, Marine, Curtis, for Steamer “Creole," 096, 697
- Turbines, Marine, for II.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyers. See Warships Turbines, Marine, Reversal of, 61 Turbines. See also “ Lusitania” and “ Mauretania ”
- Turbine-Ships, Propellers for, 77 Turbine Steamers “Mauretania.” See “ Mauretania,” “ Lusitania, and Warships Turbine, Willan’s, Diagram for, 800 Turbo-Alternator Set (British Thomson-Houston Company, Rugby), 376, 376 Turbo-Compressors, Bateau, 3, 248 Turbo-Generator, 375-Kilowatt, Direct-Current, for the “ Lusitania,” 144, 146, 146 Turning Gear for Large Engines, 363, 364 Turning-Machines. 8ee Machine-Tools Turret Lathes. See Machine-Tools Twin-Screw Engines. See Engines Twin-Screw Steamer. See Steamers Typewriter and Adding Machine Combined (Elliot-Fisher Typewriter Company), 865 Tyres, Reavell Air-Compressor for Motor-Car, 692. See 27
- Tyres, Wooden, for Wheels of Steam Wagon, 23
- United States Scout “ Salem’’(Fore RiverShip- Building Company), 272
- Unwatering Plant at the Lindal Moor Iron-Mines, 490, 491, 494
- Urft Dam and Hydro-Electric Power Plant, 740, 742, 802, 803; Plate CX., 742; Plate CXI., 743; Plate CXVII., 802 ; Plate CXVIII , 803
- Vacuum Brake, Diagram of Working, 564 Vacuum-Tube Light, The Moore, 68 Valve-Gear, Bollinckx, of Horizontal Tandem Compound Engine, Plate GXXL, 838 Valve-Gear, Recke-Ruston, for Steam-Engines, 437 ; Plate LIV., 437
- Valve, Hopkinson’s Automatic Explosion, 346 Valves, Hydraulic, for Very High Pressures, 97, 98. 212
- Valves, Starting and Einergenoy, for Compound Locomotive, 281
- Valves. See al90 Engines and Motor-Cars Vehicles. See also Motor-Cars Ventilating Arrangements for Cunard Liner “ Lusitania," 143 ; for “ Mauretania,” 628, 629 Ventilating-Fans for “Lusitauia," 164 Ventilation of Factories, 275 Ventilation, Thermo-Tank System of, on the “ Lusitania,” 143 ; on “ Mauretania," 628, 629 Verity's, Limited, Birmingham; Brush-Holders for Small Motors, 663
- Vernon-Harcourt, The Late Leveson Francis, 404 Viaduct, Ferro-Concrete, for the Cala Mineral Railway, 617, 520 ; Plate LXIV., 617 Viaduct, Ferro-Concrete, on the Richmond and Chesapeake Bav Railway, U.S.A., 864, 876; Plate CXXII., 864
- Vibrations of the Turbine Steamer “ Lusitauia,” 209 ; of the “Mauretania,” 657 Vice, Swivelling Bench (Wadkin and Co.), 458
- Wadkin and Co., Leicester ; Swivelling Bench- Vice, 458
- Wagon, Narrow-Gauge, for Otavi Railway, 71 Wagons. See also Motor-Cars, Motor-Wagons, and Tractors
- Wagons, Special Service, for Great Central Railway Company, 203 ; Plate XXXVIII , 203 Wagons, Steam, 5-Ton (Mann’s Wagon Company), 22
- Wagons, Steam, with Wooden-Tyred Wheels (Savage Brothers), 23
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Limited; Turbine - Driven Cunard Liner “Mauretania.” See “Mauretania”
- Ward, II. W., and Co., Birmingham; Thread- Milling Machine, 483
- H.M. Battleship “Agamemnon” (William Bcardinore and Co., Limited), 341
- H.M. Battleship “ Bellerophon ” (Ports- mouth Dockyard), 130
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Cossack" (Cammell, Laird, and Co.), 654
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Kestrel," after Collision, 245
- H.M. Torpedo-Boat Destroyer “Mohawk" (J. Samuel White and Co.). 718, 722, 723 ; Plate CVI., 722 ; Plates CVII , CVIII., CIX., 723
- H.M. Torpedo Boat Destroyer “Quail,* after Collision, 245 m
- H.M. Torpedo Boat Destroyer Tartar, 863 ; Starting-Platform, 868 ; Thorny croft boilers, 809
- United States Navy Scout “Salem, (Fore River Shipbuilding Company), 272
- Turbines, Arrangements in, 03 Washing Machine for bottlea (J. W - Flower and Co ), 505
- Washing-Machine for Bottles (Nash Patents, Limited. London),521 UMI. .
- Washing - Machine for Wheat, The Midget, 729
- Water Analyser, The “ Saroo,” 344 Water-Meter (Edwin Allen, London). 458 Water-Power Plants and Ice Prevention, 215,210,
- 217
- Water-Pumping. See Pumping Water-Softener, Biessel, 290 Water Supply to Kidderminster, Pumping Plant for, 711, 714, 715 Water-Tube boiler. See B»iUr Water Turbines, Governors for, 282, 283 Water-Wheel, Experimental, Pelton, 813 Waterfalls Causing Waves in Rivers, 285, 848, 349
- Watson, William, Portrait of, 136 Waves, Progressive and Stationary, in Rivera, 285 348 349
- Waygood and Co , Limited, London ; Baggage and Service Hoists for the “ Lusitania," 142; Passenger Hoists, 140, 141 Wear, River, Bridge at Sunderland, 43; Plate V, 43
- Webster, J. J.; Bascule Bridge for Portsmouth Corporation, 15, 13; Plate IV., 15 Weddell's River and Harbour Sounding-Machine, 313
- Weighing-Machine for Locomotive Wheels (Sami. Denison and Son), 302 Weir, G. and J., Limited, Cathcart; Air-Pumps for the “Lusitania," Plate XXXIII., 130; Feed- Pumps and Feed-Water Heater, 160; Pumj* in “Mauretania,'’ 643, 646 Welding-Hammer, Pneumatic, Automatic (Peter Pilkington, Limited), 836 West Hampstead, Railway Accident at, 596 West, Limited ; Live Axle and Clutch for Motor- Car, 678
- Westinghouse, Church, Kerr, and O.; Long Island City Power-Station, 759, 760, 761 ; Plate CXIIL, 535, 536, 637, 759; Plates XLI. and XLII., 299, 300,301, 304, 793, 796, 797, 853,
- 1 856, 857, 858
- Wheat-Washer, The “ Midget," 297 Wheels, Wooden - Tyred, for Steam Wagon (Savage Brothers), 23
- Whirlpools and Stationary Waves in Rivers, 265, 348, 349
- Whitby Harbour, 384
- Whitej IL, and Sons, Widnes ; Aerial Wire Ropeway for Conveying Coal, 552 White Star Steamer “ Suevic,” Repairs to, 662 Whiteley, William, and Son, Huddersfield;
- Pratt’s Return Steam-Trap, 569 Wick Harbour, breakwater of, 643 Wilcox, W. H., and Co., London ; Triple-Action Plunger Pump, 822
- Wind Pressure and Probability of Storm, 257 Winding Machinery for Granite Quarries, 189,218 Wire-Drawing Machinery, 191, 579, 580, 681, 582,
- 736
- Wire Ropeway, Aerial, for Conveying Coal, 552. See also Cableway
- Wolseley Tool and Motor-Car Company; 45- IIorse-Power Motor-Car, 688, 5S9; Piste
- LX VI., 688
- Wood-Working TODIS. See Machine-Tool* and Olympia Exhibition
- Woodcock, W. H. ; Ferro-Concrete Bridge at Stanford, Worcestershire, 260, 261
- Beuerberg Works for Utilisation of Peat,
- Ziegler System, 672, 673
- John Brown and Co., Clvdebank ; Erecling-Shop, Plate XXVIII., 136
- Engineering Laboratories at Finsbury Technical College, 232, 233
- Foundry of Messrs. R. Stephenson and Co.,
- Limited, Hebburn, 236 ; Plate XXXIX , 236, 237, 240
- Iron-Works in Austria, The Konigshof and Klodno, 466, 467
- Swan, Hunter, and Wigham, Richardson,
- Limited, Wallsend-on-Tyne, Plates LX VII., LXVIII., XCIX., 609
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Limited, Wallsend - on • Tj ne, 634 ;
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., East Cowes, Isle of Wight, Plate ClX., 723
- Workshop Tools. See Machine - Toolr and Olympia Exhibition
- Workshops, Ventilation of, 275
- World, Shape of the, 259
- Yacht “ Medusa’’(Day, Summers, and Co.), 1(8, ! 109
- Yacht, Motor, “Swietlana" (Thomycroft), 806, S07
- Yarrow and Co., Limited, Poplar ; Dispatch Vessel “ Guanabara,” for Brasilian Government, 874
- Yorkshire Engine Company; Eight Coupled Locomotive for Hull and Barnsley Railway, 681, 684 ; Plate CV., 681
- Ziegler System for the Utilisation of Peat, 672, 673
See Also
Sources of Information