Engineering 1924 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1924 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1924 Jul-Dec Volume
Accidents :
- Boiler Explosion, Steam Lighter, 863
- Factory, &c., Accidents, 103
- New York Metal Mines, 840
- New York State, Industrial, 778
- Swiss Power Plant Accidents, 373
Aeronautics :
- Aeroplanes, Light Two-Seater, Trials, Ad¬dendum, 549
- Aeroplane, Military, “ Bristol Bloodhound,” 114
- Aeroplane Performance Estimates, 707
- Aircraft, British, Album of, 803
- Appointments, Staff, Airship Development, 53
- Busk Studentship, 229
- Cadetships, Royal Air Force, 415
- Engine, Bristol Jupiter Aero, 112
- Pageant, Aerial, Royal Air Force, 15
- Seaplane, Ambulance, for British Guiana, 593
- Steel r. Lighter Alloys, 672
- Wright Brothers’ Medal, 654
- Z.R.3 Airship, Transatlantic Journey, 548
Agriculture :
- Industry and Trade Committee, 778
- Machinery (Catalogues) 754.
Alloys : See A/ining and Metallurgy Appointments, Awards, &c. :
- Airship Development, Staff Appointments, 53
- Bohr, Prof. N., Oersted Medal, 733
- Glasgow Technical College, Associate Pro¬fessorship, 70
- Master Cutler, Sheffield, 261
- Northampton Polytechnic, Principalship, 132
- Ruths, Dr., Industrial Research Medal, 637
Automobiles : See Motor Cars
- Boilers : See Engines and Boilers Bridges :
- Danish Railway and Road Bridge Schemes, 592
- London Bridge, Report on, 472
- Murray River Bridge Tenders, 199
- Netherlands Bridge Plan Competition, 198
- Railway Bridge, Rapid Construction, 228
- Reinforced Concrete Bridge (Catalogue), 660
- Thames Bridges, New, 677
- Tyne Bridge, New, 372, 801
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Architectural Education, International Con¬gress, 167
- Brick-Making Machinery (Catalogue), 754
- Building Industry Committee (Housing), 558
- China Architects’ and Builders’ Compendium, 372
- Girder, Large Building, 306
- Standardisation of House Building, Proposed, 176
- Steel Houses, Advocacy, 812
Catalogues :
- 33, 113, 151, 183, 214, 244, 306, 470, 502, 534, 564, 627, 660,692, 754, 787, 820, 877
- C.E.C. Company, 244
- Aersedcon, Ltd., 692
- Amsler, Alfred J., & Co., 534
- Anderson-Grice Co., Ltd., 151
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth & Co., Ltd., 214
- Atlas Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., 754 Attwood, J., 692
- Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 534, 692
- S.A. Tools, Ltd., 627
- Babcock & Wilcox, Ltd., 820, 877
- Barimar, Ltd., 692
- Beardmore, Wm., & Co., Ltd., 183
- Beecroft & Partners, Ltd., 820
- Bell’s United Asbestos Co., Ltd., 33, 787
- Bennis, Ed., & Co., Ltd., 787
- Berry, Henry, <fe Co., Ltd., 604
- Blakeborough, J., & Sons, Ltd., 214, 534, 754
- Bowran, Robt., & Co., Ltd., 214
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 306
- British Commercial Gas Association, 470
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., 470
- British Insulated & Helsby Cables, Ltd., 627,660. 820
- British Steel Piling Co., Ltd., 151
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 470, 502, 534, 564, 627, 660, 754
- Brittain’s Electric Motor Co., Ltd., 151
- Broadbent, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd., 151, 214
- Brooke, J. W., & Co., Ltd., 692, 787
- Brookhirst Switchgear, Ltd., 692
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 244
- Brown, Boveri & Co., Ltd., 183
- Brown, David, & Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 183
- Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., 470
- Brown & Ward, Ltd., 113
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 151
- Butler Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 660
- Cambrian Wagon Co., Ltd., 113
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 151, 244
- Campbell & Isherwood, Ltd., 151
- Capac Co., Ltd., 470
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., 214
- Carlaw, David, <fe Sons, Ltd., 692
- Churton, T. Harding & Co., Ltd., 214
- Clayton, Goodfellow & Co.. Ltd., 754
- Cleworth, A. B., <fe Co., Ltd., 692
- Cochrane & Co., Ltd., 214, 660
- Codd, E. J., Co., 627
- Cole, Marchent & Morley, Ltd., 33
- Coles, Henry J., Ltd., 151
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co.. Ltd., 627
- Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 534, 787
- Cox & Danks, Ltd., 692
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., 660
- Crompton & Co., Ltd., 306
- Daniell, S. A., Ltd., 151
- De Walt Manufacturing Co., 151
- Dederich, W., Ltd., 660
- Denison, Samuel, & Sons, Ltd., 33
- Dobbie, Mclnnes <fc Clyde, Ltd., 820
- Donovan <fe Co., 692
- Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., 214
- Doulton & Co., Ltd., 502
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 692
- Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 820
- Electric Control, Ltd., 33
- Ellison, George, 534
- Engineering & Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd., 787
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 33, 183, 470, 502, 534, 692, 754, 787, 820, 877
- Evershed & Vignoles, Ltd., 692
- Ewart <fe Son, Ltd., 787
- Fahy, F. P„ 692
- Ferranti, Ltd., 692
- Firth, Thomas, & Sons, Ltd., 660
- Fluxite, Ltd., 214
- Foster Engineering Co., 692, 820
- Foster, Joseph, & Sons, 660
- Fowler, John, & Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 754
- Fraser Chalmers Engineering Works, 754
- Fraser, W. J., & Co., Ltd., 151
- Gear Grinding Co., Ltd., 183
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 33, 470, 502, 534.
- 564, 660, 877
- Gibson, J. Hamilton 183
- Gilman, F. (B. S. T.), Ltd., 183
- Graz Railway Carriage, Wagon & Engine Works, 660
- Green, E., & Son, Ltd., 502
- Hall, B. J., & Co., Ltd., 470
- Hattersley (Ormskirk), Ltd., 183
- Heap, Joshua, & Co., Ltd., 660
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 564
- Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 113
- Hollings <& Guest, Ltd., 692
- Holman Brothers, 877
- Hopkinson, J., & Co., Ltd., 244
- Hotchkiss Hydraulic Propeller Co., Ltd., 151
- Howard, James & Frederick, Ltd., 754
- Hyatt, Ltd., 33, 244, 534, 627, 692
- Johnson & Phillips, Ltd., 33, 113
- Jones, A. A., & Shipman, Ltd., 502
- Keith, James, <fe Blackman, Ltd., 183, 214. 534, 627, 787, 820
- Lambert Engineering Co., 113
- Leeds & Bradford Boiler Co., Ltd., 151
- M.O. Valve Co., Ltd., 692
- Macnab Stratified Coal, Ltd., 33
- Main Ropeways, Ltd., 151
- Manlove, Alliott Co., Ltd., 244, 692, 754
- Marshall, Sons & Co., Ltd., 113, 151, 564, 692
- Mather & Platt, Ltd., 33, 660, 787. 820
- Matthews & Yates, Ltd., 660, 692
- Mavor & Coulson, Ltd., 534, 660
- Meldrums, Ltd., 470
- Melen, F. & H., Ltd., 214
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 113, 151, 183, 214, 244, 502, 534, 564, 692,
- 754, 787, 820, 877
- Micafll, Ltd., 113
- Midgley & Sutcliffe, 787
- Mirrlees, Watson <fe Co., Ltd., 306, 754, 787
- Mitchell Conveyor & Transporter Co.. Ltd., 564
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., 151
- Mumford, A. G„ Ltd., 33
- National Gas Engine Co., 534, 787
- New Switchgear Construction Co.. Ltd., 470
- Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd., 306
- Niles-Bement-Pond Co.. 214
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., 564
- Oerlikon, Ateliers de Construction, 660
- Oerlikon, Ltd., 183
- Oldham & Son. Ltd., 660. 754
- Orb Engineering Works. Ltd.. 470
- Parkin mn. F. A A.. Ltd., 754
- Parsons Motor Co.. Ltd.. 754
- Peebles, Bruce, & Co., Ltd., 214
- Pels, Henry, 113. 244
- Perkin <fe Co.. Ltd., 113
- Petters, Ltd., 502
- Philip, George, & Son, Ltd., 33
- Pooley, Henry, & Son, 33
- Power Plant C'o., Ltd., 33
- Pratt, F., & Co., Ltd., 214
- Price, E. L., Ltd., 660
- Purit Specialities. Ltd., 787
- Ragosine and Co., 787
- Ransome Machinery Co.. Ltd., 754
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.. 660
- Renold. Hans. Ltd., 183, 214
- Reyrolle, A., & Co., Ltd., 820
- Rheostatic Co., Ltd.. 33
- Robey and Co., Ltd., 787, 820, 877
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 306, 534, 564, 660
- S.R.O. Ball Bearing Co., 244
- Sankey, Joseph. <fc Son9, Ltd., 151
- Scarr, James, 692
- Scott, Ernest, <fc Co., Ltd., 754
- Seagers, Ltd., 787
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd., 214
- Shipley, G. B., 877
- Siemens Brothers & Co., Ltd., 151, 306, 502
- Simon, Henry, Ltd.. 692
- Smith, Thomas, & Sons (Rodley), Ltd., 502
- South Durham Steel & Iron Co., Ltd., 214
- Staveley Coal & Iron Co., Ltd., 470
- Steam Fittings Co., Ltd., 151, 244, 820
- Steel Nut & Joseph Hampton, Ltd., 113
- Sterns, Ltd., 754
- Stokoe, C. L., 33
- Straits Trading Co., Ltd., 214
- Sulzer Brothers, 33, 470, 627, 820
- Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., 692
- Swedish General Electric Co., Ltd., 151
- Swift, Get)., & Sons, Ltd., 787
- Switchgear <fc Electrical Productions, Ltd., 151
- Tangyes, Ltd., 244
- Tecalemit, Ltd., 113
- Telephone Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 502
- Thermit, Ltd., 151, 244
- Thornycroft. John I., & Co.. Ltd., 787
- Trollope & Colls, Ltd.. 534, 660
- Underfeed Stoker Co., Ltd., 33, 877
- Van den Haute, P., 877
- Veritys, Ltd., 244, 660, 692
- Verzocchi, G., 660
- Vickers <fe International Combustion Engi¬neering, Ltd.. 151
- Visco Engineering Co., 692
- Walker, William, <fe Sons, Ltd., 820
- Watson <fc Sons. Ltd., 502
- Wells, Henry, Oil Co., 627
- Western Electric Co., Ltd., 564
- Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., /o4
- Westinghouse Electric International Co., 33
- Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Co., 692. 877
- White Patent Oil Burning Co., Ltd., 692
- Wicksteed, Charles, & Co., Ltd., 244
- Wiggin, Henry, & Co., Ltd., 660
- Wilson, Thomas, Son & Co., Ltd., 564
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., 692
- Wright, John & Edwin, Ltd., 151
- Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., 754
- Young, H. G. L., Ltd., 113
Cement and Concrete :
- British Empire Cement Manufacture, 381
- Piles, Freshly Moulded, Driving of, 739
Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry Coal :
- Anthracite Combine, 199
- Ash-Softening Temperatures of Coal, 548
- Atritor Pulverisers for Melbourne, 598
- Carbonisation, Low’ Temperature, 334
- Cardiff, 15, 53, 95, 133, 167 199, 229, 261,
- 291, 329, 372. 415, 453, 487, 519, 549, 583 613, 645, 677. 707, 739, 772, 803, 833, 863
- Colliery Requisites, Standard, 815
- Cutting Machines (Catalogue), 534, 660
- Distribution Costs and Profits, 176
- Explosion Hazards, Unwatering of Mines, 839
- Explosives, British, Permitted, 583
- Explosives in Mining Operations, 291.
- Firelighters, Coal Slack, 299
- Hull Trade, 95, 414, 548
- Lamps, Miners’ (Catalogue), 660
- Middlesbrough < Joke, 15, 53, 95,133,167,199, 229, 261, 291, 329, 373, 415,453, 487, 519, 549, 583, 613, 645, 676, 707, 738, 771, 802, 833
- Milwaukee Power Station, Cost of Coal Handling, 592
- Powdered Fuel, 613
- Pulverised Coal, Babcock & Wilcox Investi¬gations, 733
- Pulverised Fuel. Erratum, 91
- Pulveriser (Catalogues), 151, 820
- Rock Dusting Materials for Mines, 675
- Sheffield, 14. 53, 95, 133, 167, 199. 229, 261,
- 291, 329. 373, 414, 453, 487, 518, 548, 582, 613, 644. 676, 706. 738, 771, 802, 832, 863
- South Wales, Board of Trade Return, 95
- Spitzbergen Mine Production, 290
- Stone Dusting Machine (Catalogue), 754
- Stratified Coal Fuel (Catalogue), 33
- Welsh Exports and Imports, 833
Colleges. See Education Companies :
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 15
- Jessop, William, & Sons, Ltd., 201
- Spear & Jackson (B.C.), Ltd., 237
Concrete. See Cement and Concrete . Cranes, Conveyors, &c.:
- Conveyors, Belt (Catalogue), 470
- Conveyors, Newspaper Handling (Cata¬logue), 002
- Cranes (Catalogues), 151 (2)
- Cranes, Tenders, 201
- Level-Lulling Crane, 25-ton Electric, Adden¬dum, 238
- Lifting Machinery and Appliances (Cata¬logues), 151, 600
- Mechanical Handling Plant (Catalogue), 564
- Ropeways, Aerial (Catalogues), 151, 660
- Toplis Patents and Messrs. Stothert &Pitt, 50
Docks. See Harbours, Ac. Education:
- Accountancy, School of, 372
- Aeronautics, Busk Studentship, 220
- Bradford Technical College, 291
- Bristol University Faculty of Engineering, 228
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Scholarships, 716
- Cass, Sir John, Technical Institute, 348
- Chelsea Polytechnic, Metallurgical Courses, 415
- City and Guilds of London Institute, 261, 515, 840
- City of London College Lectures, 167
- Crystal Palace School of Engineering, 167
- Foundry Workers, Board of Education’s Report, 237
- Glasgow Technical College, Appeal, 453
- Glasgow Technical College, Associate Pro¬fessorship, 70
- Glasgow Technical College, Report, 787
- Goldsmid Engineering Scholarships, 265
- London University College Centenary, 04
- London University College Lectures, 548
- London University College Scholarships, 754
- London University College Syllabus, 348, 414
- Loughborough College Calendar, 451
- Morison, D. B., Scholarship, 549
- Naval Architects’ Scholarships, 592
- Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 373
- Norton and Gregory Engineering Scholar¬ships, 685
- Paper-making Technology, Education in, 498
- Ramsay Laboratory, University College, 498
- Regent St. Polytechnic, Works Management Lectures, 415
- Science Scholarship Examinations, 15
- South Wales, <fec., School of Mines, 381
- Swansea University College, 542
- Workers’ Education Conference, Inter¬national, 270
- Yorkshire College of Science Jubilee, 780
- Aden Electric Supply, 487
- Barton Power Station Auxiliaries (Cata¬logue), 33
- Black barrow Hydro-Electric Power Scheme, 583
- Brakes, Tramway (Catalogue), 754
- Cables, Electric (Catalogue), 564
- Cable, New York-Azores, High Speed, 461
- Cable Steamer Faraday, 863
- Chatham Telephone Exchange Contract, 373
- Circuit Breakers (Catalogue), 534
- Conductors, Copper, British Engineering Standard, 738
- Control Apparatus, Camshaft, for Motor
- Coaches (Catalogue), 33
- Control Gear (Catalogue), 564
- Controllers, Automatic, for Pumps (Cata¬logue), 33
- Electrical Contractor’s Year Book, 863
- Electro-Medical Apparatus (Catalogue), 502
- Electrode Reaction and Equilibria, 197
- Equipment, Electrical (Catalogue), 877
- Fans, Electric (Catalogue), 244
- Filaments, Very Fine Metallic, 33
- Fittings, Electric (Catalogues), 692, 787, 820
- Fittings, Light (Catalogues), 660, 787, 820
- Furnaces (Catalogue), 534
- Fuses, &c (Catalogue), 151
- German Industry, Amalgamations in, 304
- Gradients, Maximum Potential, Cable, Erratum, 198
- High-Frequency Measurements, 548
- High-Tension Electric Distribution Confer¬ence, 236
- Hydro-Electric Plant for Mendoza, Tender, 199
- Hydro-Electric Plant, Wairere, N.Z., Ten¬ders, 236
- Impregnating Plant for Insulation (Cata¬logue), 754
- Instruments, Electrical (Catalogue), 33, 151
- Insulating Materials (Catalogue), 113
- Italian Telephones, Proposed Sale to Private Firms, 453
- Lamps, Electric (Catalogue), 877
- Leek Electricity Supply, 549
- Lighting, Decorative (Catalogue), 33
- Locomotives, Electric (Catalogue), 33
- Machinery, Electric General (Catalogues), 151 (2), 183 (3), 306, 502, 660, 820, 877
- Mangahao Power Scheme, N.Z., 103 Marine Electrical Machinery (Catalogue), 113
- Meters, Electric (Catalogue), 692
- Motors, Electric, General (Catalogue), 151, 244 (2), 534, 754, 877
- Motors. Rolling Mill (Catalogue), 183
- Motor, Small Electric (Catalogues), 244
- Motor Starters and Controllers (Catalogues), 502, 660, 602, 754
- Nash Point Wireless Beacon Station, 582
- New Zealand, Water Turbines for, 451
- North-West Midlands Electricity District, 833
- Oil, Transformer, Shell-Mex Non-Hygroscopic, 352
- Ontario, Use of Electricity in, 540
- Post Office Tube Kailway Contract, 470
- Power Plant (Catalogue), 660
- Belays, Electrical (Catalogue), 151
- Resistance Materials, Standard, 651
- Resistances, Electric (Catalogue), 33
- Resistances, Low Measurement (Catalogue), 602
- Sub-stations, Automatic, 677, 878
- Supplies, General (Catalogue), 660 Switchboards (Catalogue), 113, 470
- Switches (Catalogue), 820,
- Switchgear (Catalogues), 470 (2), 627, 602, 787, 820
- Telegraphs and Telephones, Standard Terms, &c., 142
- Telegraphy, Submarine, High-Speed, 461
- Telephone Apparatus (Catalogues), 534, 564
- Telephones, Automatic (Catalogue), 306
- Telephone, Marine (Catalogue), 502
- Telephone Service, Development, 871
- Telephones and Telegraphs, Standard Terms, <fcc., 142
- Thermionic Valves (Catalogue), 602
- Transformers (Catalogues), 470, 602, 820
- Transformers, Tananaki, N.Z., Tenders, 236
- Turbo-Alternator for N.S.W., Tender, 100
- Turbo-Generators (Catalogue), 534
- Voltmeter, Thermionic (Catalogue), 151
- Waikato (N.Z.), Power Scheme, 100
- Welding, Electric (Catalogue), 113
- Wind-Driven Plant for Lighting (Cata¬logue), 113
- Wireless Beacon Station, Nash Point, 582
- Wireless Exhibition, All-British, 183
- Wireless Signals and Atmospheric Ionisa¬tion, 676
- Wireless Tests, Ship’s Lifeboat, 566
- Wiring (Catalogue), 627
- X-Ray Equipment, Portable, 244
Electric Tramways. See Tramways Engines and Boilers:
- Boiler Firing (Catalogue), 877
- Boiler Mountings (Catalogue), 244
- Boilers, Oil Firing (Catalogue), 777
- Boiler Plant, Bath, Rapid Installation, 878
- Boilers, Waste Heat (Catalogue), 660
- Brass Work (Catalogue), 183
- Burners, Oil, for Steam Boilers (Catalogue), 6^2
- Clinkers in Boiler Furnaces, Formation, 548
- Coal Dust Firing for Boilers (Catalogue), 33
- Condensing Plant (Catalogues), 306, 602, 754, 787
- Crankshafts, Built-up (Catalogue), 183
- Economisers, Fuel (Catalogue), 502
- Ejector, Air, Steam-Driven (Catalogue), 151
- Engines, Portable (Catalogue), 564, 877
- Engines, Steam, Stationary (Catalogue), 602
- Feed Water System, Closed (Catalogue), 754
- Fittings, Steam (Catalogues), 151, 820
- Furnaces, Boiler (Catalogue), 470
- Gauges, Pressure (Catalogue), 151
- Indicators, Engine (Catalogue), 820
- Locomobile Engines (Catalogue), 113
- Refuse Destructors, Cascade Grates, 660
- Regulators, Automatic (Catalogue). 244
- Road Rollers, Steam (Catalogue), 151
- Roller, Superheater Steam, 268
- Scaling Tool (Catalogue), 183
- Steam Plant (Catalogue), 33
- Stokers, Mechanical (Catalogue), 787
- Stokers, Mechanical, Riley, 462
- Superheaters, Locomotive (Catalogue), 564
- Testing Instrument, Magnetic (Catalogue), 602
- Towers, Water (Catalogue), 534
- Turbine for Canada, Tender, 207
- Turbines, Marine Geared (Catalogue), 502
- Turbines, Steam (Catalogue), 564
- Uniflow Engines (Catalogue), 877
- Valves (Catalogue), 820
Errata and Addenda :
- Aeroplanes, Light Two-Seater, Lvmpne Trials, 540
- Brass Rod, Extrusion of, 415
- Crane, Level-Luffing, 25-ton Electric, 238
- Dredging and Land Reclamation, 486
- Gradients, Maximum Potential, 108
- “ Lord Combermere ” and its Oil Fuel System, 415
- Motor, Steam Rail, Sentinel-Cammell, 133
- Pulverised Fuel, 01
- Salvage of German Ships, Scapa Flow, 373
- Self-Unloading Bulk Cargo Vessels, 863
- Thomas Gas Meter, 262
- Tubular Members, Steel Construction, 716
- Vibrac Steel, 423
Exhibitions :
- British Industries Fair, Birmingham, 716,808
- Cardiff Exhibit, British Empire Exhibition, 76
- Foundry Trades, International. 383
- Hydraulic Power, International Exhibition, 864
- Lausanne, Colonial and Foreign Products, 700
- Lyons Fair, 863 Physical Society, 800
- Wireless, All-British, 183
Explosions : See Accidents Explosives : See Guns
- Ferro-Concrete : See Cement and Concrete
- Fire Prevention : See Miscellaneous
Flying Machines : See Aeronautics Gas :
- Power Gas, Gas Association Conference, 519
- Suction Gas Plant (Catalogue), 787
- Textile Industries, Use of Gas, 470
- Thomas Gas Meter, Errata, 262
- Valves and Fittings (Catalogue), 534
Gas and Oil Engines :
- Diesel Engine Album, Harland Wolff, 148
- Diesel Engines, Double-Acting, 801
- Gas Engines, Thermal Efficiency, 707
- Machinery, Internal-Combustion Engine-Driven (Catalogue), 754
- Marine Oil Engine Trials Committee, 557
- Oil Engine Industry, 452
- Oil Engines (Catalogues), 33, 244, 306. 470, 502, 534(2), 564, 627, 660, 754(2), 877
- Oil Engines’ Reliability, 863
- Petters’ Cold-Starting Oil Engine, S Type, 230
- Piston Rings, Narrow-Type Concentric, Standard, 715
Guns and Explosives :
- Explosives in Mines, Permitted, 583
- Guns (Catalogue), 183
Harbours, Docks, &c. :
- Cavalla Harbour Tender Adjudication, 191)
- Cherbourg as an American Terminus, 770
- Danube, Water Leakage, 582
- Dredging and Land Reclamation, Erratum, 486
- Garvel Graving Dock, Greenock, 132
- Holyhead Lairage Improvement, 832
- Hull Port, History, <fcc., 6
- Waldeck Reservoir Dam, Temperature Fluctuations, 425
Heating : See Miscellaneous Hydraulics :
- Air Valve, Water Turbines (Catalogue), 692
- Governor, Water-Turbine (Catalogue), 502
- Pump, Turbo-Centrifugal, for S. Africa, Tender, 237
- Pumps, Centrifugal (Catalogue), 787
- Pumps, H.P. Turbine (Catalogue), 787
- Pumping Plant, Electrically-Driven, Tender. 244
- Pumping Set, Portable (Catalogue), 787
- Water Valves (Catalogue), 754
Industries and Commerce :
- Australian Trade Statistics, 142, 290
- Belgian Customs Tariff, 677
- Board of Trade Committee, Industry and Commerce, 176
- British Export Trade Figures, 176
- Canada and Industrial Research, 94
- Canadian Goods and Straw Packing, 738
- Canadian Mineral Wealth, 306
- China, Export Trade with, 519
- Coal Distribution Costs, 176
- Engineers, Kelly’s Directory of. 582
- France, Export Trade with, 520
- French Merchandise Marks Regulations, 754
- French Tariff, Proposed, on Imported Steel,
- German Electrical Industry, Amalgamations, 304
- German}’ and Industrial Capital. 141
- Gold Standard, Stability Question, 132
- Gutta Percha, Preparation, 676
- Hull Council and Foreign Contracts, 237, 328, 452, 558, 621, 685
- Indian Trade Statistics, 276
- Industrial Output and Trade Union Regula¬tions, 677
- Industrial Welfare Society, 133
- Industry and Trade, Committee, 716, 778
- Iron Trade Prospects, British, 300, 748
- Labour Cost, British and Foreign Ports, 195
- Locomotives, Egyptian Market for, 270
- Manchester Steel Rail Contract for America, 381
- Merchants, Manufacturers and Shippers,
- Kelly’s Directory, 95
- Nitrogen Products, Synthetic, 372
- Oil Engine Industry, 452
- Paper Makers’ Directory, 16
- Petrol Import Growth, 394
- Scandinavia, Taxation of Traders. 862
- Scandinavian Business Report, 132
- Scotch Trade, General, 133
- Sells’ Buff Book, 579
- Sells’ Telegraphic Addresses, 451
- Sisal Hemp, British Empire Production, 74
- Steel Imports in France, Proposed Tariff, 237
- Tenders, 168, 176, 179, 199, 236, 237, 244, 262, 291, 373, 415, 542, 622
- Textile Industries, Use of Gas in, 470
- United States, Exports to, 814
- United States Paper Supply. 692
- Welfare Society, Industrial Lecture-Con¬ference, 423
- Welsh Dock Trade, 833
- Works Organisation and Management, 415
Institutions : See Technical Societies Iron and Steel :
- Arinco Ingots, British Production Arrange¬ments, 451
- Automobile Castings, Standard. 176
- Automobile Steels, Standard, 181
- Bolton Works, Closure of, 300
- British Production. 91, 260, 747, 832
- Cast-Iron Research Association, 133, 166, 415, 500, 707
- Cleveland, 15, 53, 95, 133, 167. 199, 229, 261,
- 291, 373, 415, 453, 487. 519, 549, 583,
- 613, 645, 676, 707, 738, 771, 802, 833
- Cleveland Blast Furnaces, 329
- Corrosion, Report on, 76
- Cyfartha Iron Works, Dismantling, 624
- East Coast Hematite, 15, 53, 95, 133, 167. 199, 229, 261, 291. 329, 373, 415, 453 487, 519, 549, 583, 613, 645, 676, 707 738, 771, 802. 833
- Egypt, Steel Reservoir, Tender, 738
- Foundry Iron, Melting, 276
- French Tariffs on Imported Steel, Proposed, 237
- Furnace, Siemens Open-Hearth, Vickers, 166
- Heat Treatment (Catalogue), 692
- Iron and Steel Institute, Proceedings, 518
- Iron Trade Prospects, 300, 748
- Ironstone Industry, Conference of Masters and Men. 415
- Lectures, City of London College, 167
- London Exchange Reports, 415, 516, 878
- Middlesbrough Foreign Ore, 15, 53, 95, 133,
- 167, 199, 229, 261, 291,329, 373, 415, 453, 487, 519, 549, 583, 613, 645, 676, 707, 738, 802, 833
- Osborn’s Weatherproof Iron, 14
- Piling, Steel (Catalogue), 151
- Pipes, Cast-Iron (Catalogue), 470
- Pipes, Steel, for South Africa, Tender. 70
- Plant, Iron Industry, Need for Better Trade, 621
- Pressed Steel (Catalogue), 151
- Prices, Iron and Steel, 1924-25, 863
- Products, Iron and Steel (Catalogue), 306
- Scotch Shipments, 53, 95, 167, 199, 229, 261, 291, 329, 373, 415, 487, 518, 549, 583, 613, 645, 677, 707, 739, 771, 803, 833
- Scotch Trade, 14, 53, 95, 133, 167, 199, 229, 261,291, 329, 373, 415, 453, 487, 518, 549, 583, 613, 645, 677, 707, 739, 771, 803, 833, 863
- Sheffield. 14, 53, 95, 133, 167, 199, 229, 261, 291, 329, 373, 414, 453, 487, 518, 548, 582, 613, 644, 676, 706, 738. 771, 802, 832, 863
- Sheffield, June Output of Steel, 229
- Steel Making, Special Steels (Catalogue), 660
- Steel Plate Vessels, <fe°. (Catalogue), 151
- Steelwork (Catalogue), 754
- Synthetic Iron Studies, 30
- Tees, Imports, 53, 329, 519, 645, 771
- Tees Shipments, 15, 199, 329, 519, 645, 771
- Titanium, Influence on Iron Castings, 113
- Tubes, Wrought-Iron, Chile Market for, 236
- Tubular Members, Steel Construction, 716
- United States Production, 52
- Vibrac Steel, Errata, 423
- Weatherproof Iron, Osborn’s. 14
- Welding, Rail (Catalogue), 151
- Welsh Trade, 15, 53, 167, 291, 329, 372, 487, 519, 549, 613, 677, 707, 739, 772, 803, 833
- Wire, Steel, Drawing Of, 630 Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, &c. Lighting. See Electricity and Qas Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX Locomotives. See Railways
- Machine and other Tools :
- Lathes (Catalogue), 787
- Machine Tools, General (Catalogues), 113, 502, 627, 660
- Milling Machine, Universal (Catalogue), 787
- Pneumatic Tools (Catalogue), 627
- Sawing Machines (Catalogue), 244
- Screwing Machines (Catalogue), 660
- Shears (Catalogue), 113, 244
- Small Tools (Catalogue), 564
- Spanner, Standard, 748
- Tools, Hand, &c. (Catalogue), 113, 692
- Woodworking Machines (Catalogues), 113, 161
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and Boilers, Ships
Markets :
- Cleveland, 15, 53, 95, 133, 167, 199, 229, 261, 291, 329, 373, 415, 453, 487, 519, 549, 583, 613, 645, 676, 707, 738, 771, 802, 833
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Alloys, &c. (Catalogue), 660
- Aluminium, Properties and Working (Cata¬logue), 306
- Anti-Friction Metal, Eel Brand (Catalogue),
- Anuario de Almeria, 235
- Brass Castings, Special, Standard. 261
- Brass Ingots for Castings, Standard, 261
- Brass Rod, Extrusion of, Addendum, 415
- Canadian Cobalt Silver Production, 677
- Canadian Mineral Resources, 306, 381
- Cobalt, Uses of, 826
- Copper, British Standard Specifications, 425, 686
- Copper Ores, Leaching, 781
- Corrosion, Atmospheric, of Metals, 197
- Firebricks (Catalogue), 660
- Fluxes and Slags, 622
- Foundry Supplies (Catalogue), 820
- Foundry Works, Board of Education Report, 237
- Furnaces, Electric (Catalogue), 534
- Heat Treatment (Catalogue), 692
- Metals, Institute of, Journal, 278
- Alining Educator, 694
- Oil-Drilling Bits, Steel, Investigation of, 501
- Pyrometers (Catalogue), 502
- Silica Bricks, Transformation under Burning, 708
- Silica, Fusing, in Electric Furnace, 848
- Silver Solder, Standards A. <fc B., 261
- South Walts, &c., School of Alines, 381
- Swansea Metal Exchange Report, 878
- Wild-Barfleld Furnaces, 396
Miscellaneous :
- Air Filters (Catalogue), 692 (2)
- Air Washers and Filters, 780
- Alcohol, Power, from Sugar Beet, 803
- Anti-Vibration Aiaterial (Catalogue), 877
- Asbestos Goods and Engineers’ Supplies (Catalogue), 33
- Asbestos Industry (Catalogue), 787
- Beet Sugar Factory, Contract, 803
- Berlin Street Traffic, 862
- Blow Pipes (Catalogue), 183
- Bookbinding Machines (Catalogue), 183
- Brass Work (Catalogue), 183
- Chain Screen, Furnace (Catalogue), 627
- Circulating Systems, Safety Devices for (Catalogue), 33
- Standard Specifications, Cast-Iron Pots for Piston Kings, 583
- for Copper, 425, 686, 738
- Electric Resistance Materials, 651
- Iron and Steel Castings, Motor-Car Manu¬facture, 176
- Oil-Engine Fuels, 692
- Silver Solder, 261
- for Spanners, 748
- Valves and Kims, Pneumatic Tyres, 261 Specimens, Steel Analysts, 439
- Steels, Motor-Car Construction, 181 »
- Tests Code, Hydraulic Power Plants, 51,145
- Terms, Telegraphy and Telephony, 142
- United States, Bureau of. See United States
- Yard, Design of, 129*
- Standardisation, Colliery Requisites, 815
- Engine and Boiler Trials, Work of Com¬mittee, 55. See LETTERS, 101. See also 818*, 835, 866*
- Industrial, in Germany, 120, 149
- International, in Power Measurement, 121 of Magnetos, 142
- National and International Aspects, 121
- Stanley Fire Engine Co., Motor-Fire Engine, 386*
- Stanton, Dr. T. E., on the Measurement of Wind Pressure on Structures, 800
- Stars, Loss of Mass by Radiation, 802
- Starter, Cartridge-Type, Petter Oil Engine, 721*
- Motor. See Motors, Electric
- State Assistance, Egyptian Industries, 586
- Chemical Activities, Historical, 448
- Control, Colliery Industry, Report, 293
- Management of Power Plants, 209
- Railways. Se J Railways Stations,
- Power. See Power Stations Statistical Investigations, Factory Accidents,
- Industrial Fatigue Research Board, 709. See 701, 746, 810
- Statistics, Trade. See Trade
- Stator Windings, Electric Welding Machine, 764*
- Steam Accumulators, Use in Factories and Power Plants, 68*
- Boats. See Steamers
- Boilers. See Boilers
- Condensation. See Condensation
- Consumption, 15,000 kw. British-Thomson Houston Turbo-Generator, 704
- Turbo-Generator, Tests over Three Years, 668 See also Trials
- Engines. See Engines Exhaust, Reciprocal Utilisation in In¬dustries, 75
- Generation, Electrically-Heated Boilers, 127, 449
- Extra High Pressures, 432, 588. See 41, 181*
- United States, Recent Practice, 42
- Heating, Automatic Temperature Control, 628*
- Extraction from Turbines, 41, 744. See 503
- Lorries. See Motor Wagons; Tractors
- Meters, Use in Boiler Trials, 56. See LETTERS, 101
- Natural, Power Production from, 78
- Navvy. See Excavating Machine
- Piping, Mallet Simple Locomotive, 8601 See 795*
- Power Production, United States, Currer.t Practice, 39
- Raising, Coke as Fuel, 40, 82
- Reheating. See Turbines, Steam
- Roller. See lioad Roller
- Shovel .See Excavating Machine
- Superheater. See Superheater; Super¬heating
- Tractors. See Tractors
- Trials. See Trials
- Tug and Water-Boat “ Lord Combermcrc,” for Barbados, 370*. See Erratum, 415
- Turbines. See Turbines
- Users’ Association. See Manchester
- Njagons. See Motor Wagons; Tractors Steamer “ Aurania,” Cunard Line, 380
- Bow Construction for Collision, 618
- Cable-Laying, “ Edouard Suenson,” 196*, 269*
- Cargo, with Unloading Conveyors, Great Lakes, 723*. See Erratum, 863
- under Construction, Lloyd’s Statistics, 52, 516 Cost of Speed, 119
- Displacement and Draught, Formula Con¬necting, 26
- Draught of, Deepening of Colombo Har¬bour, 457
- Drottningholm,” Geared-Turbine Machin¬ery, 841*
- Dutch, Propelling Machinery, 119
- Electric Propulsion. See Afrtrtne Propulsion
- Geared Turbines. See Marine Propulsion
- Hospital, Conversion for Tourist Service, 463*
- Hull Resistance and Power for Propulsion, 119
- Japanese, Load-Line Regulations, 113
- Lafd-up Tonnage, 660
- Launching of. See Launching
- Lost, Lloyd’s Statistics, 166, 267, 519, 820
- “ Mauretania,” Cunard Line, Record Voy¬ages, 424 ; Repairs to Turbines, 424*
- Merchant, Lifo-Saving Appliances, New Regulations, 587
- Llovd’s Register Book, 166
- of the World, Tonnage Owned, 98
- “ Orama,” Orient Line, 543*, 601*, 643
- “ Oronsav,” Orient Lino, launch, 265
- Paddle, Conversion to Stern-Wheelers, 463
- Propulsion of. See Marine Propulsion;
- Engines; Turbines; Propellers
- Refrigerator, Design and Construction, 713 — Fruit Transport, 743*
- Resistance of. See Ship Resistance Salvage of. See Salvage
- “ Seekonk,” Conversion to Motor Ship, 714
- Shallow-Draught, Propulsion, Yarrow Flap
- System, 459. See LETTER, 486
- Swedish, Propelling Machinery, 148. See 120
Naval :
- Australian Submarines, 612
- British Warship Particulars, 70
- Chatham Telephone Exchange Contract, 373
- Danish Naval Disarmament. 645
- Dutch Cruiser, ” Java,” 516
- French Cruisers, New, 453
- French Destroyers, 582, 871
- French Flotilla Leaders, 572
- French Submarine Construction, 268
- Italian Destroyers, 582
- Jugo-Slavian Navy, 518
- Russian Programme, 462
- Salvage of German Ships, Scapa Flow, Addendum, 373
- Spanish Construction, New, 381, 650
- United States Submarine, New, 261
Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX. Physics and Chemistry :
- Air, Rectification of, 843
- Alcohol, Dehydration by Glycerin, 344
- Chemical Apparatus (Catalogue), 151
- Chemical Engineers, Institution Proceedings, 512
- Coal, Ash-Softening Temperatures, 548
- Coal, Low-Temperature Carbonisation, 334
- Cosmic Energy, 834
- Gutta Percha, Properties and Preparation, 676
- Helium, Compounds of, 832
- Ionisation, Atmospheric, and Wireless Signals, 676
- Light, Velocity of, 738
- Nitrogen Products, Synthetic, 372
- Rocks, Igneous. Physical Chemistry, 453
- Seaweed, Carbonisation of, 172
- Silica for Optical Purposes, Fusing Furnace, 848
- Sulphur, Action upon Rubber, 566
- Sulphuric Acid Plant, 833
- Works, Chemical, Machinery for (Catalogue), 244
- Power Plants. See Electricity
- Power Transmission :
- Bearings, Anti-Friction Metal for (Cata¬logue), 244
- Bearings, Ball and Roller (Catalogues), 33, 113, 627, 692
- Bearings, Toothed Gear (Catalogue), 244
- Belting (Catalogue), 820
- Chains, Driving (Catalogue), 183
- Clutches (Catalogue), 151
- Gears, Fluid Transmission, 842
- Gear Measurement, N.P.L., 223
- Gears, Reduction (Catalogue), 660
- Gear-Tooth Calipers (Catalogue), 183
- Gear-Tooth Grinding (Catalogue), 183
- Gears, Toothed (Catalogue), 33
Railways and Locomotives :
- Australian Transcontinental Railway, 677
- Axle-Boxes (Catalogue), 534
- Bur mail Railway Traffic Returns, 214
- Chilian Locomotive Tenders, Result, 237
- Cranes, Breakdown (Catalogue), 502
- Door Locks, Railway Carriage, Kaye’s, 167
- Girders, Long, Rail Transport of. 451
- Indian Railways, Visit of Sir S. B. Tritton, 564
- Kennington, Tube Extension, 328
- Locomotives, Diesel-Engined (Catalogue), 660
- Locomotives for Egypt, 799
- Locomotives for New Zealand, 707
- Locomotives, Portuguese Market for, 235
- London, M. and S. Railway, New Rolling Stock, 833
- Malayan, New Section, 415
- Motor, Steam Rail, Sentinel-Cammell. Errata, 133
- Officials, Railway, Universal Directory, 452
- Points, Railway (Catalogue), 754
- Rail Welding (Catalogue), 151
- Sub-station, Automatic, London Under¬ground Railways, 878
- Superheaters, Locomotive (Catalogue), 564
- Swiss Locomotive Construction, Winterthur, 261
- Wagon, Coal, All-Steel, 299
- Wagons, Hopper, 12-Ton, Coke Traffic, 662
- Wagons, Railway (Catalogue), 113
- Workshop Equipment, Railway (Catalogues), 564, 692
Schools. See Education Sewage and Drainage :
- Filtration of Sewage (Catalogue), 692
- Leicester Sewage Pumping Station, 871
- Romford Riverside Sewage Scheme, 518
Ships and Shipbuilding :
- " Antinous,” S.S., Trials, 862
- British Corporation Rules, &c., 738
- Cherbourg as an American Terminus, 770
- Clyde Activities, 15, 199, 261, 329, 373,
- 487, 583, 613, 645, 677, 707, 739, 771, 803 Contracts, 167
- Eight Decades of Progress, Cunard Souvenir, 133
- Electrical Machinery, Marine (Catalogue), 113
- “ Faraday,” Cable Steamer, 862
- Flettner Rotor Ship, 770
- Harland and Wolff’s Output, 833
- Idle Tonnage, Reduction in, 660
- Japanese Ships, Loadlines, 113
- Life-Boat Conference, International, 207
- Lifeboat Wireless Tests, 566
- Lloyd’s Register, 1924-25, 166
- “ Lord Combermere ” and its Oil Fuel System, Erratum, 415
- Merchant Shipping Losses, Lloyd’s, 166, 519, 820
- Motor Boat, Thornycroft, for Holland-America Liner, 676
- Motors, Marine (Catalogue). 692
- “ Moveria,” Motor-Vessel, 548
- Oil Engine, Marine, Trials Committee, 557
- Oil Tanker Contract, Dutch and British Tenders, 422
- Propeller, Hydraulic (Catalogue), 151
- Propellers, Small Craft (Catalogue), 787
- Rotor Ship, Flettner, 770
- Sea Trading, A Century of , 500
- Scotch Shipbuilding, 15, 199, 261 329, 373,
- 487, 583, 613, 645, 677. 707,739,771, 803
- Self-Unloading Bulk Cargo Vessels, 863
- ” Skegness,” S.S., Trials, 833
- Sperry Gyro Compass. Applications, 273
- “ Swanley,” M.S., Double-Acting Diesel-engined, 229
Societies. See Technical, d'C. ; Trade, &c. Strikes. See Trade Societies, dec. Technical Societies :
- Acetylene and Welding Association, British, 811
- Aeronautical Engineers, Institution of, 230, 423 672 707
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 15, 270, 746
- Architects, British, Royal Institute, 423
- Architectural Education, International Con¬gress, 167
- Arts, Royal Society of, 61
- Association Technique Maritime et Adronautique, 803
- Automobile Engineers, Institution of, 579, 754, 812
- Birmingham Engineers* Club, Proposed, 548
- Ceramic Society, Refractory Materials Section, 373
- Chemical Engineers, Institution of, 512
- Chemical Industry, Society of. 527
- Civil Engineers, Institution of. 519
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, Ireland, 738
- Cost and Works Accountants. Institute of. 103, 168
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of. 207,^676
- Engineering Inspection, Institution of, 747
- Engineers, Australia. Institution of. 112, 204
- Engineers (India), Institution of, 112
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Institution of, 549, 840
- Faraday House Old Students Society, 558
- Faraday Society, 133, 197
- Ferrantians, Old, 592, 812
- Franklin Institute, 53, 738
- Gas Association, British Commercial. 519
- Gas Engineers, Institution of, 95, 235, 622
- Geological Society, 453
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, 780, 863
- High-Tension Electric Distribution, Inter¬national Conference on, 236
- Illuminating Engineering Conference, 166
- Industrial Welfare Society, 133
- International Life-Boat Conference, 207
- Iron and Steel Institute, 133
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 613, 672,
- 706, 754, 842, 860 Liverpool Engineering Society, 833
- Manchester Association of Engineers, 133
- Marine Engineers, Institution of, 583
- Mathematical Congress, International, 53
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 487, 716
- Metals, Institute of, 273 Meteorological Society, Royal, 676
- Mining Engineers, Institution of, 415
- Mining and Alechanical Engineers, North of England Institute, 207
- Motor Alanufacturers and Traders, Ltd., Society of, 103
- Motor Users’ Association, Commercial, 651 Municipal and County Engineers. Institution
- of, 373, 383, 428, 746
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 373, 592, 738
- Patentees, Institute of, 801, 878
- Petroleum Technologist, Institution of, 745
- Photographic Society, Royal, 423
- Physical Society, 676
- Power Alcohol Association. British, 803
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 415
- Public Lighting Engineers and Superinten¬dents, Institution of 235, 823
- Railway Engineers’ Convention. 344
- Royal institution, 651, 724, 814
- Rubber, Institute of, 676, 848
- Rugby Engineering Society, 542
- Sanitary Institute, Royal, 15, 372, 739, 802
- Ship Constructors and Shipwrights* Associa¬tion, 176
- Shipbuilding Industry and Wages, 176
- Society of Engineers (Inc.), 833, 848
- Staffordshire iron and St^el Institute, 291
- Surveyors’ Institution, 878
- Sweden, Royal Institute of Scientific Indus¬trial Research, 637
- Transport, Institute of, 396, 746
- University College Engineering Society, 87$
- Welding Engineers, Institution of, 630
- West Yorkshire Aletallurgical Society, 262
Telegraphy. See Electricity Telephony. See Electricity Tools. See Machine and other Tools Trade Societies, &c. :
- Accident Prevention, Physiological Aspects, 49o
- Admiralty Dockyard Workers, Wage In¬crease, 644
- Admiralty Workers, Wrabness and Crombie Award, 300
- Apprentices, Aletal Worker, and Union Control, 527
- Army Ordnance Discharges, Placement ot Alen, 328
- Australian Requisition for Skilled Workers,
- Cancellation, 328
- Baldwin’s Workers’ Strike, 778
- Barking Power Station Dispute, 715, 748
- Barrow-in-Furness Plumbers’ Wages Claim, / 7 9
- Belfast Shipworkers’ Wages Question, 300 527
- Belgian Industrial Committee and the Eight-Hour Day, 423, 588
- Belgium, Proposed Engineering Lock-Out. 832 ’
- Bevin, E., on Mutual Understanding in Industry, 495
- Blacksmiths and Ironwbrkers, Associated, Unemployed Members, 869
- Blastfurnacemen’s Wages. 53
- Boilermakers’ Claim for Charge Hands and
- Examiners, 195
- Boilermakers’ Society, Contribution Chan¬ges, 270
- Boilermakers’ Society, Reports, 270. 423, 558, 840
- Boilermakers’ Society, Unemployed Members, 716, 840
- Boilermakers’ Wage Claim. 812. 839
- Bricklayers, Mr. Hicks’ Vindication. 748
- Bristol Channel A.E.U. Ship Repairers’
- Strike, 300. 591
- Bristol Colliery Owners* Benefit Case. 452
- Building Dispute, Weather Losses Question, 176
- Building Industries Committee. Composition, 558
- Building Industries Committee’s Proposals, 685
- Building Trade Dispute, Court of Inquiry, 24, 61, 106, 176, 195, 237, 300
- Building Trade, Liverpool Strike, 24, 61, 106, 195, 237, 300
- Building Trade Operatives’ Dispute, 24. 61, 106, 176, 195, 237, 300
- Building Trade Operatives and Steel Houses, 869
- Building Trade, Scottish Wages Committee and Working Hours, 452
- Building Trades and Summer Working Hours, 423, 452
- Building Trade Wages and Conditions Coun¬cil, 495
- Canadian Metal Working Industry, Un¬employment, 558
- Capitalism, A.E.U. Member’s Views, 621
- China, Working Hours in, 300
- Chinese Soldiers, Teaching Industrial Pur¬suits, 869
- Class War, Depreciation by A.E.U. Member, 621
- Cleveland Miners’ Wages, 549
- Communism and the Trade Unions, 527, 685
- Communist, British, on Strike Methods, 748
- C’o-operative Society Employees, Compulsory Membership of Unions, 557
- Coopers, Society of, and Use of White Lead, 300
- C’ost of Living and Extravagant Wages, 685
- Cotton Spinners, Working Hours, 495. 591
- Court of Reference, Suggested, 495
- Covent Garden Porters’ Strike, 300. 422
- Cumberland Colliery Stoppages, 495
- Darlington Railwaymen and Clocking off Question, 270
- Disputes. Conference on Avoidance Scheme, Suggested, 527
- Dole and Unemployment, 327
- Dutch Labour Conditions and Rates of Pay, 452
- Druce & Co., Trading and Wages Award, 380
- Eight-Hour Day and Belgian Industrial Committee, 423, 588
- Eight-Hour Day and German Factory Workers, 558
- Eight-Hour Day, International, Conference on, 381, 558
- Eight-Hour Day and International Metal¬workers, 270
- Eight-Hour Day and International Textile Workers, 328
- Eight-Hour Day and Overtime, 176
- Electric Power Industry, Incidence of Wage Increases, 591
- Electrical Trades Dispute, 141, 195. 237, 270, 299, 381, 423, 591, 716
- Electrical Trades Dispute. Proceedings of Special Tribunal, 423, 591, 716
- Electrical Trades Special Tribunal, Report, 591
- Electrical Trade Unions and the Barking Dispute, 715, 748
- Electrical Workers’ Dispute, Kensington and Brompton, 869
- Emigration of British Skilled Mechanics. 141
- Employers, Confederation of, and Mr. Pollitt, 621
- Employers and Employed, Suggested Con¬ference on Truce, 527
- Employment Exchange Statistics, 591
- Engineering Industry, Disputes, Procedure for Avoiding, 527
- Engineering Journeymen, Wages Agreement, 558
- Engineering Trades, Wages Demand, 61, 103, 141, 237, 270, 558, 779, 840
- Engineering Trade Wages, Work of Sub¬committee, 558
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Consoli¬dation Question, 270
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, and Ex- Members, 423
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Kirk¬caldy Wages Error Case, 591
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, and Labour Colleges, 591
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Member¬ship, 716, 846
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, and the Minority Movement, 748
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Reports, 270, 381, 558
- Factory Bill and Welfare Work, 423
- Factory Committees, “ Red ” Scheme, 591
- Factories and Workshops Report, 103
- Foreign Rates of Pay, Ac., and British Labour, 452
- Foremen and Membership of Unions, C.W.S., 558
- Foundry Workers, Board of Education Report, 237
- French Seamen’s Eight-Hour Day, 644
- General Federation and Industrial Courts Act, 237
- General Federation of Trade Unions, 61, 300, 748
- General and Municipal Workers, National Union, 381
- German Factory Workers’ Union and Eight Hours’ Day, 558
- German Miners and Seven-Hour Day, 685, 779
- Germany and the Eight-Hour Day Ratifica¬tion, 839
- Glasgow Corporation and U.S. Track Work Tender, 715
- Gompers, Samuel, the Late, 840
- Holland, Rates of Pay and Conditions, 452
- Hours of Labour, Continental Conditions, 495
- Housing Committee, Composition, 558
- Housing Committee, Materials and Methods, 380
- Housing Committee’s Report, 327
- Hull Labour Council and a German Tender, 237, 328, 452, 558, 621, 685
- Industrial Courts Act and General Federa¬tion, 237
- Industrial Notes, 24, 61, 103, 141, 176, 195, 237, 270, 299, 327, 380, 422, 452, 485, 527, 557, 591, 621, 643, 685, 715, 748, 778, 811, 839, 869
- Industrial Situation, Reports, 195, 300, 423, 591, 716, 840
- Industrial Truce, Suggested Conference on, 527
- Industrial Truce, Suggested Court of Refer¬ence, 495
- Industrial Welfare Society’s Annual Meeting, 685
- Industrial Workers’ Charter and Trade Union Congress, 328, 380
- Industry and Trade Committee, Evidence, 716, 778
- Invernairn, Lord, on Industrial Welfare, 685
- Iron Trade Plant and Production per Man, 621
- Iron Trade Workers, Low-Paid, Special Bonus, 270
- Ironstone Industry, Conference of Masters and Men, 415
- Ironworkers’ Wages, 167, 270, 739
- Ironworks Strikers, Claim for Dole, 261
- Journeymen, Engineering Wages Agreement, 558
- Kent Miners’ Dispute, Award, 527
- Kirkcaldy, Wages Error Case, 591
- Labour, British, Influence of Foreign Rates of Pay, Ac., 452
- Labour Colleges and the A.E.U., 591
- Labour Cost at British and Foreign Ports, 195
- Labour Exchanges, Russian, 748
- Labour Ministry Reports, 195, 300, 381, 423, 452, 495, 527, 558, 591, 621, 644, 685, 716, 748, 778, 812, 840
- Labour Notes. See Industrial Notes (above)
- Lambourne’s Employees, Travelling Ex¬penses Case, 381
- Light Castings Ironfounders, Wages Demand, 24, 685
- Living, Cost of. Reports, 195, 591, 716
- Locomotive Drivers, Non-Qualified and the N.U.R., 328
- Locomotive Engineers, Ac., and Mileage Payment, 715, 778, 869
- Locomotive Engineers, Ac., Women’s Society, Proposed, 328
- London County Council Employees, Wages Award, 527
- Machinists, International Association, Strike Benefits, 621
- Managers and Membership of Unions, C.W.S., 558
- Manchester Tramways Committee and Rail Contract, 381
- Mechanics, British Skilled, Emigration of, 141
- Metal Industries, Russian, Development Question, 748
- Metal Workers, Ac., Emigration of, 328
- Metalworkers’ Federation and the Eight- Hour Day, 270
- Metalworkers’ Federation, International Con¬tribution Scheme, 270
- Metalworkers’ Federation and the Russians, 270, 812
- Metal Workers’ Programme, 495, 527
- Metal-Working Industry, Canada and U.S., Unemployment, 558
- Metropolitan Water Board, Charge Hands’ Wages, 495
- Miners’ Congress, International, and War, 237
- Miners* Federation Conference, Policy, 61, 103
- Miners’ Federation and Holidays, Wages, &c., 103
- Miners’ Federation, Position, 685
- Miners’ Federation and the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 103
- Miners^ International Committee’s Pro¬posals, 685
- Miners’ Political Influence, 176
- Miners’ Wages, Eastern Area, 24
- Mines, Nationalisation of, 103
- Minority Conference, National, Demands, 209
- Moscow Labour Exchange Register, 527
- Moscow Textile Workers and Unskilled Union Members, 644
- Moscow Trade Union Developments, 716
- Municipal Wages, High, Effect on Unshel¬tered Trades, 452
- National Minority Conference and Trades Union Congress, 299, 328
- National Minority Movement, 591, 621, 644, 778
- New York State, Industrial Accidents, 778
- New York State Labour Department Con¬ference, 748
- Non-Unionists, Coercion by Unions, 422
- Nottingham, Celebration of Unions* Fusion, 24
- Patternmakers’ Association, United, and Industry and Trade Committee, 716
- Patternmakers’ Association, United, Reports, 237, 558, 869
- Patternmakers’ Association, United, Unem¬ployed Members, 716, 869
- Pollitt, H., and Confederation of Employers, 621
- Port Employers and Transport Workers, Alleged Breach of Agreement, 328
- Preston, Engineering Workers’ Dispute, 748
- Production Sub-Committees, Russian Trade Unions, 644
- Psychologist, Industrial, and Welfare Work, 495
- Railways, Nationalisation of, 103
- Railway Shopmen’s Demand and the Com¬panies, 237
- Railway Wages Board, 495
- Railwaymen’s Conference and Sectional Union Question, 61
- Railwaymen and the 44-Hour Week, 380
- Railwaymen, Mr. Marchbanks on New Movement, 452
- Railwaymen, National Union of, 61, 103
- Railwaymen’s New Programme, Details, 812
- Railwaymen’s Wages, Proposed New Pro¬gramme, 103, 527, 812, 840
- Railwaymen and the Washington Hours Convention, 103
- “ Red ” Russo-British Organisation, Pro¬posed, 778, 812
- Road Transport Workers’ Demands, 24, 423
- Rotherham Strikers and Unemployment Benefit, 300
- Ruhr Miners and 8-Hour Day Agreement, 779
- Russian Building Trade Wages, 558
- Russian Labour Exchanges, 748
- Russian Labour Situation, 300
- Russian Metal Industries, Development Question, 748
- Russian Metalworkers, Affiliation Question, 270
- Russian Productivity and Wages, 621, 685, 869
- Russian State Industry and Wages, 621, 685
- Russian State-owned Undertakings, Pro¬duction Sub-Committee, 643
- Russian Textile Workers’ Congress, Report, 811
- Russian Trade Disputes and Arbitration, 778
- Russian Trade Unions’ Central ^Council, Income, 527
- Russian Trade Unions Congress, 778
- Russian Unemployed, Investigation, 527
- Russian Union Labour Commissariat and the Indigent, 381
- Russian Workers, Piece-work Scheme, 685
- Russian Working Days, 495
- Seamen’s 8-Hour Day, French Decree, 644
- Seamen’s Working Day, International Con¬ference, 381
- Sheffield District Benefit Case, Finding, 452
- Sheffield Steelworkers’ Strike, 270, 558
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation and
- Boilermakers’ Demand, 839
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Central Board Appointments, 558
- Shipbuilding Trade, Conference on Working Conditions, 380
- Shipbuilding and Vexatious Regulations of Unions, 141
- Shipping Trade and Union Regulations, Handicapping of Tenders, 422
- Shop Committees, Russian, and Production Sub-Committees, 643
- South Wales Miners’ Federation and Alliance with Productive Workers, 24
- South Wales Miners’ Secretary, Defeat of Censure, 24
- Soviet Organisation of Labour for Produc¬tion, 644
- Steel, Peech & Tozer’s Employees, Wages Dispute, 237
- Strike Benefits, International Association of Machinists, 621
- Strikes, Methodical, a Communist’s Views, 748
- Strikes, Right of Unions, 495
- Strikes, Sectional, in Steel Trade, Effect of, 452
- Strike Statistics, Reports, 195, 840
- Swales, A. B., Achievement. 495
- Sympathetic Strikes and Industrial Agree¬ments, 422
- Textile Workers, International, and the 8-Hour Day, 328
- Textile Workers, International, and the Russians, 328
- Textile Workers’ Wages Question, 328
- Toronto Unemployment Conference and Doles, 381
- Trade Disputes and Powers of Trades Union Council, 299, 380
- Trades Union Congress, 299, 327
- Trades Union Congress and National Minority Conference, 299, 328
- Trades Union Congress, Visit to Russia, 644, 869
- Trades Union General Council and Policy Scheme, 811, 840
- Trade Union Regulations and Industrial Output, 677
- Trade Union Statistics, 644
- Trading Results and Wages Case. Award, 380
- Tram wav Workers’ Wages Question, 195,495, 644, 716
- Transport and Cartage Workers, Wages, Hours, &c., 24, 423
- Travelling Expenses, Lam bourne and Co.’s Employees, 381
- Tyneside Engineers on Diesel Engines, Rates of Pay, &c., 423
- Unemployed, Russian. Investigation, 527
- Unemployment and the Dole, 327
- Unemployment Insurance Benefit Cases Findings, 452
- Unemployment, Labour Ministry Reports, 195, 300, 381, 423, 452, 495, 527, 558. 591, 621, 644, 685, 716. 748, 778, 812, 840
- Unemployment Pay, strikers’ Claim, 261
- Unionism and the Communists, 685
- Unions, Coercion of Non-Unionists by, 422
- Unions, Trade, Friendly Society Statistics, 644, 779
- United States Bill, Wages and Production, 621
- United States Metal Working Industry, Unemployment, 558
- Vienna Metalworkers’ Strike, 423
- Wages, Extravagant, and Cost of Living, 685
- Wages, Fluctuation of, Reports, 195
- Wages and the Minority Conference, 299
- Wages Policy and the General Council of Congress, 300
- Wages and Production, United States Bill, 621
- Wages Reference, L.C.C. Employees’ Award, 527
- Welfare Society, Industrial, Lecture Con¬ference 422
- Welfare Work and the Factory Bill, 423
- Welfare Workers, Industrial, Conference, 495
- Welfare Workers and Shorter Working Day, 495
- Woodworkers, Amalgamated Society of, 869
- Woolwich Arsenal, Semi-skilled Employees and Wages, 24
- Workers* Education Conference, Inter¬national, 270
- “Worker,” National Minority Movement Propaganda, 778
- Workers’ Union Men’s Strike at Baldwin’s, 778
- Working Days, Russian, 495
- Working Hours in China, 300
- Working Hours and the Minority Conference, 299
- Working Week and Foreign Competition, 452
- Working Week and Ratification of Wash¬ington Convention, 812
- York, Duke of, on Industrial Welfare, 685
- ‘’’Trade. See Coal; Iron and Steel; Ships and Shipbuilding; Electricity; and Industries
- ‘’’Tramways :
- Brakes (Catalogue), 754
- Glasgow Corporation, 167
- Glasgow Corporation and U.S. Trackwork
- Tender, 716
- Liverpool Corporation, 53
- Traffic Receipts, U.K., 245
- Tramway Undertaking Receipts, Reduced, 207
Turbines See Engines and Boilers Universities. See Education Vehicles. See Motor Cars ; Railways Warships. See Naval Waterworks, &c. :
- Filters, Vaal River Scheme, Tenders, 264
- Leicester Waterworks, 871
- Well Sinking (Catalogue), 820
- West Dean Supply Scheme, 542