Engineering 1939 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1939 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1939 Jan-Jun Volume
Aeronautics :
- Blades, Airscrew. De Havilland Co., Ltd., and F. AL Thomas, 30
- Cabin Tops for Aircraft. Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., and C. Bower, 296
- Propeller Change-Speed Gears. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and P. C. Lonibar- dini, 548
- Propellers, Variable-Pitch. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and E. AV. Roe, 518
- Shock-Absorber Leg, Telescopic. G. H. Dowty, 114
- Undercarriage, Retractable. G. H. Dowty, 730
Agricultural Appliances :
- Earth-Scooping Machine. J. H. McLaren’ Ltd., and W. W. Koskilly, 454
Electrical Apparatus :
- Armature-Winding Machines. F. Nolten, 578
- Brake, Electro-Mechanical. AV. Scott, 762
- Generator, Arc-Welding. J. H. Holmes and Co., Ltd., J. AV. Bayles and A. C. Fenwick, 730
- Insulator, Bushing. A. Reyrolle and Co., Ltd., and D. F. Amer, 608
- Motor, Externally-Cooled. AV. Scott, 762 Motor-Generator Set. G. H. Fletcher and
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 30
- Smoke-Density Recorder. Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and C. F. Pizzey, 422
- Transformer Surge Protector. Metropolitan- Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and J. B. Hansell, 638
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, andc. :
- Coke-Oven Door Extractor. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and T. Kay, 328
- Coke-Oven Door Machine. Woodall-Duck- ha-m (1920), Ltd., and M. H. McEwan, 296
Guns and Explosives :
- Aeroplane Machine Gun. Martin-Baker
- Aircraft Co., Ltd., and J. Martin, 518
Hydraulic Machinery :
- Gun-Turret Servo-Mechanism. A.G. Fraser- Nash, 668
- Machine-Tool Operating Mechanism. Ka- pella, Ltd., and E. A. Cooke, 638
- Motor, Swash-Plate. Aircraft Hydraulic Appliances, Ltd., R. G. Wells and H. N. AVylie, 608
- Sluice A’alves for Dams. English Electric Co., Ltd., and P. AV. Seewer, 578
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Camshaft, Automotive Products Co., Ltd., I). T. Brock and G. J. Trapp, 30
- Pump, Fuel-Injection. Leyland Motors, Ltd., and S. Markland, 548
- Su])ereharger, Drive for. Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., H. K. Fedden and K. L. Niiines, 486
- Supercharger Drive, A’ariable-Batio. D. Napier and Sons, Ltd., and F. B. Halford, 792
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Escalator. J. A E. Hall, Ltd., and J. A. May, 422
- Jack, Portable. AV. A. Stanier and P. L. Henderson, 328
- Winch, Bomb-Hoisting. Vickers (Aviation), Ltd., B.. K. Pierson and K. A. Firman, 114
- Machine and Other Tools, Shafting, andc. :
- Bolt-Head Trimming Machine. Greenwood (fe Batley, Ltd., J. C. M. Maclagan and W. B. Pilling, 578
- Boring Machine- Associated J£(iuipment Co., Ltd., E. J. H. Jones and A. A. J. Francis, 422
- Clutch, Centrifugal. W. A. Whatmongh, 358 Clutch, Friction. H. Lindsay, 638
- Gear, Push-Bench Driving. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and S. Smith, 454
- Grinding-Wheel Truing Tool. Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and H. H. Ashbridge, 206
- Machine and other Tools, Shafting, andc.— continued.
- Lathe. AVilliam Findlay and Sons, Lid., D. M. Findlay and R. P. Findlay, 328
- Overload Protection, Rotary Feed. ATckers- Armstrongs, Ltd., C. H. Target! and AV. A. Palmer, 638
- Percussive Tool. Sir AV. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., ami T. C. Reavely, 296
- Riveting Tool. Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., and S. F. Burgoine, 206
- Rolls, Reducing-Mill. AVellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and G. S. McLay, 358
- Sand - Blasting Apparatus. Alexander Stephen (fe Sons, Ltd., and J. G. Stephen, 206
- Welding Machine, Chain-Link. Parsons’ Chain Co., Ltd., and J”. T. D. Spence, 390
Mining, Metallurgy, andc. :
- Castings, Light-Metal. High-Duty Alloys,
- Ltd., and I. Ross, 608
- Coal-Cutting Machine. Mavor tfe (?onlson, Ltd., and J. B. Mavor, 486
- Furnace-Charging Apparatus. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and G. S. McLay, 608
- Port, Furnace. Dorman, Long A Co., Ltd., and C. Moody, 548
- Tunnelling System. W. L. Lowe-Brown, 390
Miscellaneous :
- (leaning Machine, Shot-Blast. Rapid Magnetting Machine Co^, Ltd., W. B. Ballard and H. E. Hunter, 638
- Door Engine, Compressed-Air. G. 1). Peters Co., Ltd., C. H. Hardwell and J. Shaw, 700
- Kerb and Mould, Concrete. G. A’. Maxted and D. AV. Massey, 206
- Spray-Painting Apparatus, Idpe. L. Bywater, W. H. Piper and T. H. Piper, 454
- Motor Road Vehicles :
- Brake, Hydraulic. Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and G. R. G. Gates, 328
- Brake Shoes. Automotive Products, Ltd., and G. R. G. Gates, 700
- Car, Armoured. Commer Cars, Ltd., and A. H. Glasspoole, 578
- Clutch, Centrifugal. Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and G. AV. Hayter, 486
- (?oach. Motor. Leyland Motors, Ltd., and V. AV. Pilkington, 548
- Coupling, Flexible. Hardy, Spicer A Co., Ltd., and T. F. Green, 30
- Gear, Epicyclic. AV. G. Wilson, 454
- Heater, Car. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, • Ltd., and C. S. Oliver, 730
- Military Motor Vehicle. P. Riley, 422
- Motor-Coach Control Interlock. Allen, AVest and Co., Ltd., C. Johnson and R. McG. Malloch, 668
- Roof, Sliding, 762
- Steering Gear.
- Steering Gear, ston, 668
- Trailer, Tanker Road. R. A. Dyson tfe Co., Ltd., J. Dyson and A. Marenbon,
- AVheel Suspension, 1 udependent. Motors, Ltd., and A. A. Issigonis,
- Printing and Allied Machinery :
- Sheet Feeder, Pneumatic. Linotype Machinery, Ltd., J. Shuttlewortli and T. Rowlands, 762
Pumps :
- Gear Pump. Aircraft Components, Ltd., and W. W. McKenzie, 730
- Liquid-Mixture Pump. Bryce, Ltd., and G. W. A. Green, 762
- Reciprocating Pump. C. AV. Stancliffe and AVinget, Ltd., 518
- Railways and Tramways :
- Conveying System. Goss Foster, Ltd.,
- S. AV. H. Long and 0. J. Varley, 114
- Point Lock. Henry Williams, Ltd., and
- R. D. Williams, 358
- Signal, Colour-Light, General Railway Signal Co., Ltd., and J. Boot, 668
- Token, Railway. Railway Signal Co., Ltd., and J. Runnett, 730
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Hydroplane Hull. J. Samuel White A Co.,
- Ltd., and H. C. (hirey, 700
- Shlp-Prame Construction. Sir W. Tsher- wood, Bart., 700
- Torpedo-Steering Ai)paratus. Whitehead
- Torpedo Co., Ltd., and L. .lones, 390
- Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Grate, Travelling. John 'Phonipson Water- Tube Boilers, Ltd., G. A. Plummer and J. T. Kuddock, 30
- Begiilator, Boiler-Feed. Copes* Kegulators, Ltd., C. H. Armstrong and N. H. Brown, 792
- Valve, Keducing. J. K. Eyre, 518
- Valve, Safety. David Auld and Sons, Ltd., J. Graham and D. A. Graham, 700
- Valve, Turbine Manoeuvring. Cockburns, Ltd., and T. Grant, 486
- Textile Machinery :
- Knitting-Machine Needle Setter. George Blackburn and Sons, Ltd., and G. S. Blackburn, 792
- Knitting Machine, Straight- Bar. (ieorge Blacklnirn <fe Sons, Ltd., H. W. Start and E. Start, 296
- Aircraft Components, Ltd., and another. Gear Pump, 730
- Aircraft Hj'draulic Appliances, Ltd., and others. Swash-Plate Motor, 608
- Amer, D. F., and others. Bushing Insulation, 608
- Armstrong, C. H., and others. Boiler-Feed Kegulator, 792
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Car Heater, 730
- Armstrong Siddeley I^Iotors, Ltd., and another. Propeller Change-Speed Gear, 548
- Armstrong, Sir W^. G., Whitworth <fe Co. (Engineers), Ltd., and another. Percussive Tool, 296
- Ashbridge, H. H., and others. Grinding- Wheel Truing Tool, 206
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and others. Boring Machine, 422
- Auld, David, (fe Sons, Ltd., and others. Safety Valve, 700
- Automotive Products Brake Shoes, 700
- Automotive Products Camshaft, 30
- Automotive Products Hydraulic Brake, 328
- Ballard, W. E., and others.
- ing Machine, 638
- Bayles, J. W., and others. Arc-Welding Generator, 730
- Bishop, R., and another. Steering Gear, 668 Bishop, R. Steering Gear, 390, 668 Blackburn, George, and Sons, Ltd., and others.
- Straight-Bar Knitting Machine, 296
- Blackburn, George, and Sons, Ltd., and another. Knitting-Machine Needle Setter, 792
- Blackburn, G.S., and others. Knitting-Machine Needle Setter, 792
- Boot, J., and others. Colour-Light Signal, 668 Bower, C., and others, (’abin Tops for Aircraft, 296
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and others. Drive for Supercharger, 486
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., and another. Variable-Pitch Propellers, 518
- Brock, D. T., and others. Camshaft, 30 Brown, N. H., and others. Boiler-Feed Regulator, 792
- Bryce, Ltd., and another. Liquid-Mixture Pump, 762
- Burgoine, S. F., and others. Riveting Tool, 206
- Bywater, L., and others. Pipe Spray-Painting Apparatus, 454
- Carey, H. C., and others. Hydroplane Hull, 700
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., and another. Grinding-Wheel Truing Tool, 206
- Cockburns, Ltd., and another. Turbine Manoeuvring Valve, 486
- Commer Cars, Ltd., and another. Armoured I Car, 578
- Shot-Blast Clean-
- Cooke, E. A., and others. Machine-Too
- Operating Mechanism, 638
- Cope’s Regulators, Ltd., and others. Boiler-Feed Regulator, 792
- De Havilland Aircraft Do., Ltd., and another. Airscrew Blades, 30
- Dorman, Long A: (’o., Ltd., and another. Furnace Port. 548
- Dowty, G. H. Retractable Undercarriage, 730 Dowty, G. H. Telescopic Shock-Absorber Leg, 114
- Dvson,
- 114
- Dyson, R. A., and Co., Ltd., and others. Tanker Road Trailer, 114
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., and another.
- Smoke-Density Recorder. 422
- English Electric (-o., Ltd., and another. Sluice Valves for
- Eyre, J. R.
- Gates, G. R. G.. and others. Brake Shoes. 700 Gates, G. R. G.. and others. Hydraulic Brake,
- 328
- (general Railway Signal Co., Ltd., and another Colour-Light Signal, 668
- Glasspole, A. H., and others. Armourerl Car 578
- Goss Roster, Ltd., and others. Conveying System. 114
- Graham, D. A., and others. Safety Valve, 700
- Graham, J., and others. Safety Valve, 700
- Grant, T., and others. Turbine MaiuEUvring Valve, 486
- Green, G. W. A., and others. Liquid-Mixtur Pump, 762
- Green, T. F., and others. Flexible Coupling, 30
- Greenwood Batley, Ltd., and others. Bolt- Head Trimming Machine, 578
- Halford, F. B., and others. Variable-Ratio Supercharger Drive, 792
- Hall, J. <fe E., JAd., and another. Escalator, 422
- Hansell, J. B.. and others. Transformer Surge Protector, 638
- Hardwell, C. H., and others. Compressed-Air Door Engine, 700
- Hardy, Spicer and Co., Ltd., and another. Flexible Coupling, 30
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Cabin Tops for Aircraft, 296
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Rivetiu" 1'001, 206
- Hayter, G. W., and others, (’entrifugal Clutch, 486
- Henderson. P. L., and another. Portable Jack, 328
- High-Duty Alloys, Ltd., and another. Light Metal Castings, 608
- Holmes, J. H., and Co., Ltd., and others. Arc- Welding Generator, 730
- Hutter, H.E., and others. Shot-Blast Cleaning Machine, 638
- isherwood. Sir W., Bart. Ship-Frame Construction, 700
- Issigonis, A. A., and others. Independent Wheel Suspension, 668
- .lones, E. ,1. H., and others.
- 422
- Jones, L.. and others.
- Apparatus, 390
- Johnson, C., and others. Motor-Coach Control Interlock, 668
- Johnston, R. H., and another. Steering Gear, 668 ®
- Kapella, Ltd., and another. Machine-Tool
- Operating Mechanism, 638
- Kay, I., and others. Coke-Oven Door Extractor, 328
- Maclagan, J. C. M., and others. Bolt-Head Trimming Machine, 578
- Malloch, R. McG., and others. Motor-Coach Control Interlock, 668
- Marenbon, A., and others. Tanker Road Trailer, 114
- Markland, S., and others. Fuel-Injection Pump, 548
- Martin-Baker Aircraft Co., Ltd., and another. Aeroplane Machine Gun, 518
- Martin, J., and others. Aeroplane Machine Gun, 518
- Massey, D. W., and another. Concrete Kerb and Mould, 206
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., and another. Coal- Cutting Machine, 486
- Mavor, J. B., and others. Coal-Cutting Machine, 486
- Maxted, G. V., and another. Concrete Kerb and Mould, 206
- May, J. A., and others. Escalator, 422
- McEwan, M. H., and others. Coke-Oven Door Machine. 296
- McKenzie, W. W., and others. Gear Pump, 730 McLaren, J. and H., Ltd., and another. Earth- Scooping Machine, 454
- McLay, G. S., and others. Furnace-Charging Apparatus, 608
- McLay, G. S., and others. Reducing-Mill Rolls, 358
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and another. Mo tot-Generator Set, 30
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., and another. Transformer Surge Protector, 638
- Mobbs, H. Sliding Roof for Motor Cars, 762
- Moody, C., and others. Furnace Port, 548
- Morris Motors, Ltd., and another. Independent Wheel Suspension, 668
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., and another. Variable- Ratio Supercharger Drive, 792
- Ninnes, R. L., and others. Drive for Supercharger, 486
- Nolten, F. Armature-Winding Machine, 578
- Northern General Transport Co., Ltd., and another. Centrifugal Clutch, 486
- Oliver, C. S., and others. Car Heater, 730
- Palmer, W. A., and others. Rotary Feed Overload Protection, 638
- Parsons’ Chain Co., Ltd., and another. Chain-Link Welding Machine, 390
- Peters, G. D., and Co., Ltd., and others. Compressed-Air Door Engine, 700
- Pierson, R. K., and others. Bomb-Hoisting Winch, 114
- Pilkington, V. W., and others. Motor Coach, 548
- Pilling, W. B., and others. Bolt-Head Trimming Machine, 578
- Piper, T. H., and others. Pipe Spray-Painting Apparatus, 454
- Piper, W. H., and others. Pipe Spray-Painting Apparatus, 454
- Pizzey, C. F., and others. Smoke-Density Recorder, 422
- Plummer, G. A., and others. Travelling Grate,
- Railway Signal Co., Ltd., and another. Railway Token, 730
- Rapid Magnetting Machine Co., Ltd., and others. Shot-Blast Cleaning Machine, 638
- Reavely, T. C., and others. Percussive Tool, 296
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., and another. Bushing Insulator, 608 i
- Riley, P. Military Motor Vehicle, 422
- Roe, E. W., and others. Variable-Pitch Propellers, 518
- Roskilly, W. W., and others. Earth-Scooping Machine, 454
- Ross, I., and others. Light Metal Castings, 608 Rowlands, T., and others. Pneumatic Sheet
- Feeder, 762
- Ruddock, G. T., and others. Travelling Grate, 30
- Runnett, J., and others. Railway Token, 730
- Scott, W. Electro-Mechanical Brake, 762
- Scott, W. Externally-Cooled Motor, 762
- Seewer, P. W., and others. Sluice Valves for j Dams, 578
- Shaw, J., and others. Compressed-Air Door Engine, 700
- Shuttleworth, J., and
- Sheet Feeder, 762
- Smith, S., and others.
- Gear, 454
- Spence, J. T. D., and
- Welding Machine, 390
- Stancliffe, C. W., and others. Reciprocating Pump, 518
- Stanier, W. A., and another. Portable Jack, 328
- Start, E., and others. Straight-Bar Knitting Machine, 296
- Start, H. W., and others. Straight-Bar Knitting Machine, 296
- Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., and another. Sand-Blasting Apparatus, 206
- Stephen, J. G., and others. Sand-Blasting Apparatus, 206
- Targett, C. H., and others. Rotary Feed Overload Protection, 638
- Thomas, F. M., and others. Airscrew Blades, 30
- Thompson, John, Water-Tube Boilers, Ltd., and others. Travelling Grate, 30
- Trapp, G. J., and others.
- Varley, O. J., and others. 114
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Feed Overload Protection, 638
- Vickers (Aviation), Ltd., and others. Bomb-Hoisting Winch, 114
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Furnace-Charging Apparatus, 608
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Push-Bench Driving Gear, 454
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Reducing-Mill Rolls, 358
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Coke-Oven Door- Extractor, 328
- Wells, R. G., and others. Swash-Plate Motor, 608
- West, Allen, and Co., Ltd., and others. Motor- Coach Control Interlock, 668
- Whatmough, W. A. Centrifugal Clutch, 358
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., and another. Hydroplane Hull, 700
- Whitehead Torpedo Co., Ltd., and another. Torpedo Steering Apparatus, 390
- Williams, D. D., and others. Point Lock, 358
- Williams, Henry, Ltd., and another. Point * Lock, 358
- Wilson, W. G. Epicyclic Gear, 454
- Winget, Ltd., and another. Reciprocating Pump, 518
- Woodall Duckham (1920), Ltd., and another. Coke-Oven Door Machine, 296
- Wylie, H. N., and others. Swash-Plate Motor, 608
See Also
Sources of Information