Engineering 1947 Jul-Dec: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1947 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1947 Jul-Dec Volume
Aeronautics :
- Engine Lubrication. P. J. Bateman, 408
- Pressurisation of Aircraft Cabins. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 576
- Retractable Undercarriage. Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and H. E. Chaplin, 144
- Steerable Undercarriage Legs for Aircraft. General Aircraft, Ltd., and O. Weis, 528
Agricultural Appliances :
- Swath Turner and Side-Delivery Rake. Martin's Cultivator Co., Ltd., and E. L. Jones, 192
Electrical Apparatus :
- Hygrometer. H. N. and P. Negretti and H. Spencer-Gregory, 216
- Surface-Roughness Indicator. A. C. Cossor and E. C. Robinson, 96
Furnace Apparatus :
- Furnace. Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., and C. H. Williams, 456
- Furnace. Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., F. W. Haywood and D. S. Laidler, 312
- Manipulator for Furnace Charging and Forging. Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and I. Kay, 480
- Measured Feeding of Fuel. Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., and N. E. Kambush, 360
- Salt Bath Furnace. Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and H S. Grene, 192
Hydraulic Apparatus :
- Hydraulic Motor. Duke and Ockenden, Ltd., and A. D. Stubbs, 624
Internal-Combustion Engines :
- Combustion Chamber. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and A. Happner, 96
- Cooling Pistons. Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., and A. C. Yeates, 456
- Cylinder Heads and Valve Mechanism. Aston Martin, Ltd., and C. Hill, 408
- Gas Turbine. British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 528
- Igniter Plug. Power Jets, Ltd., and E. L. Meeson, 240
- Starting Compression-Ignition Engines. Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and J. W. Onions, 528
- Valve Gear for Four-Stroke Engine. National Gas and Oil Co., Ltd., J. Smith and J. Jones, 408
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Jib Crane. Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., and W. C. Kinder, 264 !
- Mechanical Shoveller and Loader. Holman
- Brothers, Ltd., and J. Kule, 456
- Machine Tools and Machine Shop Equipment :
- Dial Gauge. E. H. Jones (Machine Tools), Ltd., and E. S. Hammett, 480
- Finishing Gear Teeth by Shaving. R. J. McLeod, 24
- Mounting of Press Cage in Screw-Expeller Press. Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd.,’ and F. J. Hindson, 312
- Rotary Metal-Cutting Tool. S. Osborn and Co., Ltd., and W. Hulse, 240
Mining :
- Collapsible Pit Prop. Park Gate Iron, and Steel Co., Ltd., M. Beckett and A. Craig, 120
- Coupling for Mine Cars. English Steel Corporation, Ltd., and G. D. Whitehouse, 504 Dry Cleaning of Coal. Saxon Engineering Co., Ltd., and G. E. Shawcross, 24
- Shortwall Coal-Cutting Machine. Anderson, Boyes and Co., Ltd., and A. Anderson 48
Miscellaneous :
- Barometric Bomb Fuse. Imber Research, Ltd., and H. C. Hebard, 216
- Biscuit-Moulding Machine. Baker Perkins, Ltd., and J. C. Paterson, 312
- Bottle-Capping Machine. Graham-Enock Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and A. Graham- Enock, 624
- Bottle-Sterilising Machine. S. Briggs and Co., Ltd., and G. H. Bowen, 360
- Cable-Extrusion Machine. British Insulated Cables, Ltd., J. L. Packer and H. M. Steward, 168
- Dust-Excluding Bearing. Bailway Appliances Co., Ltd., and A. CuUen, 144
- Electron Microscope. British Thomson- Houston, Ltd., 336
- Full-Way Plug Cock. A. B. Jack, 264
- Grain Conveyor and Elevator. Bedler Conveyors, Ltd., and C. W. AUin, 336
- Machine for End-Forming Metal Tubes. B. B. Pullen and Co., Ltd., and H. H. Hebden, 504
- Oil-Fuel Biuner. Auto-Combustions (London), Ltd., and T. P. Brian, 456
- Optical Gauging Apparatus. A. Herbert, Ltd., and T. Curson, 24
- Optical Measuring Instrument. Sigma Instrument Co., Ltd., J. Loxham and H. Emsley, 48
- Papermaking Machine. Walmsleys (Bury), Ltd., and J. Temperley, 168
- Shaft Coupling. United Steel Companies, Ltd., and E. B. Coy, 480
- Shock Indicator, P. H. Watson, 576
- Tensile Testing Machine for Yarn. Yardley, 96
- Toughening Glass Sheets. British Indestructo Glass, Ltd., and A. Tillyer, 120
Motor Vehicles :
- Adjustable Seat. Jowett Cars, Ltd., and B. J. Korner, 312
- Engine Mounting for Motor Vehicle. Jensen Motors, Ltd., and F. A. Jensen, 336
- Hydrauhc-Brake Adjuster. Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and L. C. Chouings, 360
- Motor-Cycle Forks. Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., and H. T. Guide, 216
- Shaft Couplings. Lagonda Ltd., and G. W. A. Green, 120
- Steering Gear. B. H. Johnston, 96
- Trailer Brake. Glover, Webb and Liversidge,
- Ltd., and L. W. Evans, 144
- Vehicle Bamp. W. Chaplin and W. F. Crane, 192
Railways and Tramways :
- Vacuum Brake. Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., and B. W. Palmer, 504
Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Automobile Torpedo. The Whitehead Torpedo Co., Ltd., and L. Jon^, 312
- Marine Transmission. (Huddersfield), Ltd., and N. Balmforth, 240
- Slipway Cradle. J. I. Thorny croft and Co., Ltd., and C. E. Miles, 96
Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. :
- Steam De-superheating Apparatus. Superheater Co., Ltd., and B. G. C. Bichardson, 624
Textile Machinery :
- Driving of Carding Engines. Tweedales and Smalley (1920), Ltd., and E. G. Smalley, 576
- Loom-Shuttle Guard. J. Nelson, Ltd., and S. Brown, 48
- Boiler Heads for Spinning Frames. Tweedales and Smalley (1920), Ltd., and E. G. Smalley, 480
- Silver-Drawing Machine. J. Mackie and Sons, Ltd., and J. P. Mackie, 168
- Weighting Motion for Drafting Rollers of Spinning Machines. Casablancas High Draft Co., Ltd., and J. Noguera, 264
- Allin, C. W., and others. Grain Conveyor and Elevator, 336
- Anderson, A., and others. Shortwall Coal- Cutting Machine, 48
- Anderson, Boyes and Co., Ltd., and another. Shortwall Coal-Cutting Machine, 48
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Combustion Chamber, 96
- Aston Martin, Ltd., and another. Cylinder Heads and Valve Mechanism, 408
- Auto-Combustions (London), Ltd., and another. Oil-Fuel Burner, 456
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., and another. Hydraulic-Brake Adjuster, 360
- Baker Perkins, Ltd., and another. Biscuit-Moulding Machine, 312
- Balmforth, N., and others. Marine Transmission, 240
- Bateman, P. J. Engine Lubrication, 408 Beckett, M., and others. Collapsible Pit Prop, 120
- Bowen, G. H., and others. Bottle-Sterilising Machine, 360
- Brian, T. P., and others. Oil-Fuel Burner, 456
- Briggs, S., and Co., Ltd., and another. Bottle-Sterilising Machine, 360
- British Indestructo Glass, Ltd., and another. Toughening Glass Sheets, 120
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., and others. Cable-Extrusion Machine, 168
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Electron Microscope, 336
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Gas Turbine, 528
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Pressurisation of Aircraft Cabins, 576
- Brown, D., and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., and another. Marine Transmission, 240
- Brown, S., and others. Loom-Shuttle Guard, 48
- Casablancas High Draft Co., Ltd., and another. Weighting Motion for Drafting Rollers of Spinning Machines, 264
- Chaplin, H. E., and others. Retractable Undercarriage, 144
- Chaplin, W., and another. Vehicle Ramp, 192
- Chouings, L. C., and others. Hydraulic-Brake Adjuster, 360
- Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Vacuum Brake, 504
- Cossor, A. C., and another. Surface-Roughness Indicator, 96
- Coy, E. R., and others. Shaft Coupling, 480 Craig, A., and others. Collapsible Pit Prop, 120 ! Crane, W. F., and another. Vehicle Ramp, 192 Crossley-Premier Engines, Ltd., and another.
- Coohng Pistons, 456
- Cullen, A., and others. Dust-Excluding Bearing, 144
- Curson, T., and others. Optical Gauging Apparatus, 24
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., and another. Starting Compression-Ignition Engines, 528
- Duke and Ockenden, Ltd., and another. Hydraulic Motor, 624
- Emsley, H., and others. Optical Measuring Instrument, 48
- Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., and another. Motor- Cycle Forks, 216
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., and another. Couphng for Mine Cars, 504
- Evans, L. W., and others. Trailer Brake, 144
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., and another. Retractable Undercarriage, 144
- General Aircraft, Ltd., and another. Steerable Undercarriage Legs for Aircraft, 528
- Glover, Webb and Liversidge, Ltd., and another. Trailer Brake, 144
- Graham-Enock, A., and others. Bottle-Capping Machine, 624
- Graham-Enock Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and another. Bottle-Capping Machine, 624
- Green, G. W. A., and others. Shaft Couplings, 120
- Grene, H. S., and others. Salt-Bath Furnace, 192
- Guide, H. T., and others. Motor-Cycle Forks, 216
- Hammett, E. S., and others. Dial Gauge, 480
- Happner, A., and others. Combustion Chamber, 96
- Haywood, F. W., and others. Furnace, 312
- Hebard, H. C., and others. Barometric Bomb Fuse, 216
- Hebden, H. H., and others. Machine for End- Forming Metal Tubes, 504
- Herbert, A., Ltd., and another. Optical Gauging Apparatus, 24
- Hill, C., and others. Cylinder Heads and Valve Mechanism, 408
- Hindson, F. J., and others. Mounting of Press Cage in Screw-Expeller Press, 312
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., and another. Mechanical Shoveller and Loader, 456
- Hulse, W., and others. Rotary Metal-Cutting Tool, 240
- Imber Research, Ltd., and another. Barometric Bomb Fuse, 216
- Jack, A. B. Full-Way Plug Cock, 264
- Jensen, F. A., and others. Engine Mounting for Motor Vehicle, 336
- Jensen Motors, Ltd., and another. Engine Mounting for Motor Vehicle, 336
- Johnston, R. H. Steering Gear, 96
- Jones, E. H., (Machine Tools), Ltd., and another. Dial Gauge, 480
- Jones, E. L., and others. Swath Turner and Side-Delivery Rake, 192 _
- Jones, J., and others. Stroke Engine, 408
- Jones, L., and others. 312
- Jowett Cars, Ltd., and Seat, 312
- Kay, I., and others. Manipulator for Furnace Charging and Forging, 480
- Kinder, W. C., and others. Jib Crane, 264
- Korner, R. J., and others. Adjustable Seat, 312
- Lagonda Ltd., and another. Shaft Couplings, 120
- Laidler, D. S., and others. Furnace, 312
- Loxhani, J., and others. Optical Measuring Instrument, 48
- Mackie, J., and Sons, Ltd., and another. Silver- Drawing Machine, 168
- Mackie, J. P., and others. Silver Drawing Machine, 168
- Martin’s Cultivator Co., Ltd., and another. Swath Turner and Side-Delivery Rake, 192
- McLeod, R. J. Finishing Gear Teeth by Shaving, 24
- Meeson, E. L., and others. Igniter Plug, 240
- Miles, C. E., and others. Slipway Cradle, 96
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., and others. Valve Gear for Four-Stroke Engine, 408
- Negretti, H. N. and P., and another. Hygrometer, 216
- Nelson, J., Ltd., and another. Loom-Shuttle Guard, 48
- Noguera, J., and others. Weighting Motion for Drafting Rollers of Spinning Machines, 264
- Onions, J. W., and others. Starting Compression-Ignition Engines, 528
- Osborn, S., and Co., Ltd., and another. Rotary Metal-Cutting Tool, 240
- packer, J. L., and others. Cable-Extrusion Machine, 168
- Palmer, B. W., and others. Vacuum Brake, 504
- Park Gate Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and others. Collapsible Pit Prop, 120
- Paterson, J. C., and others. Biscuit-Moulding Machine, 312
- Power-Gas Corporation, Ltd., and another. Measured Feeding of Fuel, 360
- Power Jets, Ltd., and another. Igniter Plug, 240
- Pullen, B. B., and Co., Ltd., and another. Machine for End-Forming Metal Tubes, 504
- Railway Appliances Co., Ltd., and another. Dust-Excluding Bearing, 144
- Rambush, K. E., and others. Measured Feeding of Fuel, 360
- Redler Conveyors, Ltd., and another. Grain Conveyor and Elevator, 336
- Richardson, R. G. C., and others. Steam Desuperheating Apparatus, 624
- Robinson, F. C., and another. Surface-Roughness Indicator, 96
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., and another.
- Mounting of Press Cage in Screw-Expeller Press, 312
- Rule, J., and others. Mechanical Shoveller and Loader, 456 and others. Optical Measuring Instrument, 48
- Smalley, E. G., and others. Driving of Carding Engines, 576
- Smalley, E. G., and others. Roller Heads for
- Spinning Frames, 480
- Smith, J., and others. Valve Gear for Four-Stroke Engine, 408
- Spencer-Gregory, H., and others. Hygrometer, 216
- Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., and another. Furnace, 456
- Steward, H. M., and others. Cable-Extrusion Machine, 168
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., and another. Jib Crane, 264
- Stubbs, A. D., and others. Hydraulic Motor, 624
- Superheater Co., Ltd., and another. Steam De-superheating Apparatus, 624
- Temperley, J., and others. Papermaking Machine, 168
- Thornycroft, J. I., and Co. Ltd., and another. Slipway Cradle, 96
- Tillyer, A., and others. Toughening Glass Sheets, 120
- Tweedales and Smalley (1920), Ltd., and another. Driving of Carding Engines, 576
- Tweedales and Smalley (1920), Ltd., and another. Roller Heads for Spinning Frames, 480* United Steel Companies, Ltd., and another. Shaft Coupling, 480
- Walmsleys (Bury), Ltd., and another. Paper making Machine, 168
- Watson, P. H. Shock Indicator, 576
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., and another. Manipulator for Furnace Charging and Forging, 480
- Wels, O., and others. Steerable Undercarriage /Legs for Aircraft, 528
- Whitehead Torpedo Co., Ltd., and another. Automobile Torpedo, 312
- Whitehouse, G. D., and others. Coupling for Mine Cars, 504 -v,
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and others. IMrnace, 312
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and another. Salt-Bath Furnace, 192
- Williams, C. H., and others. Furnace, 456
- Yardley, V. A. Tensile Testing Machine for Yarn, 96
- Yeates, A. C., and others. Cooling Pistons, 456
See Also
Sources of Information