Engineering 1950 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1950 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1950 Jul-Dec Volume
Accidents :
- Explosion in Viking ” Air Liner, 341
- Photo-Electric Machine Guards, Use in Accident Prevention, 280
- Tudor Aircraft, Accident to, 463
Aeronautics :
- Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, College of, 57
- Aircraft Constructors, British Society of, 58
- Aircraft Flight Indicator, 359
- Armstrong Siddeley “ Viper ” Jet Engine, 405
- Bristol “ Thesus ” Propeller-Driven Engines, Overhaul Life of, 228
- “ Fairey 17 ” Anti-Submarine Aircraft, 107
- Gyroscopic Flight Instruments, 383, 459
- Helicopter, Ten-Seat, 429
- Inspection Procedures for Civil Aircraft, 125, 552
- Military Aircraft, British, for Freight Transport, 24
- Navigational Aids for Aircraft (Catalogue), 316
- Pneumatic Equipment for Aircraft (Catalogue), 456
- Runway Layout, Revised, for London Airport, 487
- Sperry Zero Reader, 359
- Subway for London Airport, 448
- “Thesus,” Bristol, Propeller-Driven Engines, Overhaul Life of, 228
- Tudor Aircraft, Accident to, 463
- Turbo-Propeller-Driven Aircraft, Deck Landing of, 35
- United States Acceptance of British Airworthiness Certificates, 364
- Vickers-Armstrongs 510 Fighter Aircraft, 385 “ Viking ” Air Liner, Explosion in, 341 “Viper” Jet Engine, Armstrong Siddeley, 405
Agriculture :
- Compressed Air for Farm Work (Catalogue), 24
- Course on Agricultural Engineering, 57 Electricity Supply to Farms, 143
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
- Appointments, Awards and Honours :
- Beilby Memorial Fund Awards, 364
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Institution of, Awards for 1949-50 Session, 318
- Junior Institution of Engineers, Awards for 1949-50 Session, 279
- Royal Society, Awards for 1950, 438
- Scholarships, Schofield Travel, Institution of Production Engineers, Award of, 246
- Shipwrights’ Company’s Awards to Apprentices, 1950, 102
Associations :
- Aluminium Development, 280
- Aslib, 500
- Building Documentation, International Council for, 509
- Cement and Concrete, 7
- Constructional Steelwork, British, 469
- Faraday House Old Students’, 397
- Film Institute, British, 469
- Higher Technological Education for London and the Home Counties, Region al Advisory Association for, 199
- Industrial Design, Council of, 105
- Internal Combustion Engine Research, British, 232
- Iron and Steel Research, British, 531
- Old Centralians, 20, 334, 464
- Old N’ions, 373
- Petroleum Equipment, British Manufacturers of, Council of, 35
- Petroleum Equipment Industry Standards Committee, 35
- Radio Industry Council, 59, 264
- Retread Manufacturers’, 140
- Rubber Development Board, British, 485 Scientific Film, 78
- Scientific Instrument Manufacturers’, 341 Smoke Abatement Society, 406
- Standards Institution, British, 35, 59 Welding Research Association, British, 41
- Automobiles. See Motor Cars, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges and Viaducts :
- Suspension Bridge Across Tacoma Narrows, 486
- Buildings and Building Construction : I
- Bricks, Insulating (Catalogue), 519
- Building Documentation, International Councillor, 509
- “ Castellated ” Construction for Beams (Catalogue), 120
- Civil Engineering and Building Technology, Lectures on, 72
- Clinker-Aggregate Building Blocks, 552 Earth-Moving Machinery (Catalogue), 72 Factory Extensions for Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 280
- Factory, Scientific Instrument, for Hilger <fe Watts, Ltd., 355
- Factory, Surplus Government, Transfer to English Electric Co., Ltd., 325
- Floors, Granolithic-Concrete, 549
- Buildings and Building Construction— continued.
- Generating Stations, Extensions to, 124,171, 247, 251, 358, 383, 477, 493, 529
- Roofs and Walls-, Rapid Construction in
- Aluminium-Alloy Strip, 50
- Runway Layout, Revised, for London Airport, 487
- Structural Steelwork, Bolt Adapters for (Catalogue), 579
- Structures, Fatigue Strength of. Residual
- Stresses on, 487
Catalogues :
- 24, 72, 83, 120, 144, 192, 232, 278, 295, 312, 316, 364, 446, 456, 488, 519, 552, 579
- Aabacas Engineering Co., Ltd., 120
- Acheson Colloids, Ltd., 232
- Acru Electric Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd.. 364
- Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., 232
- Aluminium Wire and Cable Co., Ltd., 72
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., 120, 144
- Armstrong-Siddeley Motors Ltd., 364
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd 83 (2), 364
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., 72
- Barron and Shepherd, Ltd., 24
- Beck, O. N., 364
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 456
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., 24
- Birlec, Ltd., 232
- Birmingham Tool and Gauge Co., Ltd., 24
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 83
- British Indicators, Ltd., 278, 295
- British Jeifrey-Biamond, Ltd., 72, 552
- British Thermostat Co., Ltd., 24
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 24
- Brown, D., Foundries Co., 120
- Brown, D., Machine Tools, Ltd., 72
- Brown, B., and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 120
- Brush Coachwork, Ltd., 579 I
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 144, 192
- Buffoline Noiseless Gear Co., Ltd., 192
- Cellactite and British Uralite, Ltd., 519 Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 120
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 295
- Clayton-Wright, H., Ltd., 519
- Climax Rock Brill and Engineering Works, Ltd., 364
- Clinker Block Manufacturers, Federation of, 552
- Crypto, Ltd., 120
- Bavey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 72
- Bawe Instruments, Ltd., 519, 552
- Bewhurst and Partner, Ltd., 364
- Borman, Long and Co., Ltd., 120
- Brysdale and Co., Ltd., 488
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., 192
- Elcontrol, Ltd., 519
- Electric Power Engineering Co. (Birmingham), Ltd., 278
- Electrical Remote Control Co., Ltd., 552
- Euco Tools, Ltd., 488
- Everett, Edgecombe Co., Ltd., 488
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., 192 Ferranti, Ltd., 316, 364
- Fischer Bearings Co., Ltd., 192
- Flexibox, Ltd., 488
- Foster Transformers and Switchgear, Ltd., 519
- Fox, S., and Co., Ltd., 488
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 456, 488, 519, 552
- General Refractories, Ltd., 232
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 232
- Graton and Knight, Ltd., 232
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd., 120
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 144, 519
- Haskins, 72
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., , 456
- High Buty Alloys, Ltd., 83
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd. (Watts Bivision), 72
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., 72
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., 24
- Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 456
- International Alloys, Ltd., 83
- International Meehanite Metal Co., Ltd., 120
- Isopad, Ltd., 488
- Jarrow Metal Industries, Ltd., 232
- Kent, G., Ltd., 278
- Kux Machine Co., 488 '
- Kymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 24 I
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., 72, 295, 488
- Light Delivery Vehicles, Ltd., 364
- Lindsay, H., Ltd., 579
- Lloyds (Burton), Ltd., 519
- London Electric Firm, Ltd., 144
- Manton Association, Ltd., 278
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 316, 456, 552 (2), 579 (5)
- Mills, J., Ltd., Exors. of, 72
- M.K. Electric, Ltd., 488
- Morecambe Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd., 83
- Morgan Crucible Co,, Ltd., 120, 344, 232, 519
- Morris, H., Ltd., 552
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., 519
- Murex, Ltd. ,232
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., 120
- New Insulation Co., Ltd., 519
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 232
- Pilot Works, Ltd., 519
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 120, 364
- Precision Components (Barnet), Ltd., 278, 519
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 278
- Rapid Magnet Machines, Ltd., 83
- Rawlplug Co., Ltd., 364
- Remington Rand, Incorporated, 488
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 446
- Rheostatic Co., Ltd., 579
- Rich and Pattison (Birmingham), Ltd., 192, 519
- Rom River Co., Ltd., 364
- Sherwoods Paints, Ltd., 312
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 488
- Simon Handling Engineers, Ltd., 72
- Sisson, W., and Co., Ltd., 232
- Small Electric Motors, Ltd., 192
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., 488
- Spiral Tube and Components Co., Ltd., 519
- Standard and Pochin Brothers, Ltd., 519
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 519
- Sumo Pumps, Ltd., 364
- T.I. Aluminium, Ltd., 232
- Tomlinson (Electric Vehicles), Ltd., 316
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., 83
- United Steel Cos., Ltd., 120, 488
- Weir, G. and L, Ltd., 456
- Weston, C., and Co., Ltd., 120
- Westool, Ltd., 144
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., 519
- Zinc Alloy Die Casters Association, 232
- Zinc Development Association, 120
- Zinc Pigment Development Association, 120
Cement and Concrete:
- Granolithic Concrete Floors, 549
- Refractory Concrete (Catalogue), 120
- Road Construction, Concrete, Questions and Answers on, 7
- Roofs, Shell and Barrel, Concrete, 7
- Steel Reinforcements for Concrete (Catalogue), 364
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
- Belt Conveyors, Coal-Face (Catalogue), 72
- Cardiff, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Coke-Oven Plants (Catalogue), 488
- Scottish Coal Trade, 13, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503,535, 565
- Sheffield, 13, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179. 247, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Colleges. See Education
- A.B.C. Coupler and Engineering Co., Ltd., 56
- Addison Electric Co., Ltd., 98
- Algar, Ltd., 131
- Aluminium Company of Canada, 565
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., 405
- Associated Commercial Vehicles, Ltd., 243
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi, 401, 493
- Bakelite, Ltd., 323
- Barlow Whitney, Ltd., 392
- Benjamin Electric Co., Ltd., 192
- Big Six Film Unit, 56, 116, 418
- Blackburn and General Aircraft, Ltd., 24
- Boyle, A. S., and Co., Ltd., 462
- Bristol Engine Co., Ltd., 228
- British Central Electrical Co., Ltd., 392
- British Insulated Callenders Cables, Ltd., 131
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 533
- British Timken, Ltd., 76
- Brown, I)., Machine Tools, Ltd., 161
- Brush Electrical Co., Ltd., 572
- Bushing Co., Ltd., 263
- Cammell Laird and Co., Ltd., 192
- Channel Conduits (1949), Ltd., 392
- Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 573
- Cleaver-Hulme Press, Ltd., 340
- Courtaulds, Ltd., 325
- Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 150
- Dempster, R., and Sons, Ltd., 50
- Deritend Precision Castings, Ltd., 118
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 124, 336
- Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., 140
- Electric Construction, Ltd., 392
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., 429
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 98, 325
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., 35, 107
- Ferranti, Ltd., 245
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 253, 324, 452
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., 280
- Hanovia, Ltd., 243
- Hay’s Wharf, Ltd., Proprietors of, 400
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., 355
- Howard, E. R., Ltd., 462
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 34
- Jenolite, Ltd., 577
- Kerry’s (Great Britain), Ltd., 232
- Marley, W. H., and Co., Ltd., 107
- McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 116
- Merlin Film Co., Ltd., 194
- Metal Sections, Ltd., 50
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 532
- Mills, J., Ltd., Exors. of, 117
- Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 168
- Mullard Electronic Products, Ltd., 458
- Murex, Ltd., 499
- New Insulation, Ltd., 418
- North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 116
- Olding, J., and Co., Ltd., 101
- Petters, Ltd., 118
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 131
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., 194
- Protolite, Ltd., 499
- Provincial Exhibitions, Ltd., 406
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., 397, 491
- Radiovision Parent, Ltd., 280
- R.F.D. Co., Ltd., 199
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 101
- Rubery Owen Kepston, Ltd., 483
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 569
- Sanders, W., and Co. (Wednesbury), Ltd., 392
- Scrivener, A., Ltd., 81
- Shell Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 35
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 462
- Short Brothers, Ltd., 424
- Sigmund Pumps, Ltd., 35
- Simkin Marshall, Ltd., 391
- Simon, H., Ltd., 34
- Shnon Handling Engineers, Ltd., 34
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 359, 383, 459
- Standard Telephones Cables, Ltd., 256
- Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 194
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 448
- Tube Investments, Ltd., 50
- Unicorn Head Visual Aids, Ltd., 118
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 101, 385
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., 429
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., 392
- Wota, Ltd., 56
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- 11, 35, 59, 107, 131, 164, 223, 256, 348, 376, 406, 438, 470, 502, 534, 564
- Aberdare Cables, Ltd., 256
- Aberfern Cable and Construction Co., Ltd., 256
- A.C.V. Sales, Ltd., 35
- Associated Electrical Industries (India), I td., 164
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 438
- Balfour Beatty and Co., Ltd., 376
- Blythswood Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 564
- Braithwaite and Co., Engineers, Ltd., 348, 534
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 11
- British Electric Transformer Co., Ltd., 502
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 11, 376
- British Insulated Callender’s Construction Co., Ltd., 376, 438
- British Polar Engines, Ltd., 406, 470
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., The, 59,470, 502
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 35
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., The, 406
- Butterley Co., Ltd., 35
- Caledon Shipbuilding Engineering Co., Ltd., The, 502
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., 438
- Contractor Switchgear, Ltd., 502
- Corrie, J. B., and Co., Ltd., 35
- Cravens Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., 376
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 564
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., 406
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 223
- Distington Engineering Co., Ltd., 59, 470
- Dorman, Long Co., Ltd., 502
- Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., 35
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 11, 438
- Ferguson Brothers (Port-Glasgow), Ltd., 534
- Fer^son, Pailin, Ltd., 164, 376
- Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., 11
- Fletcher and Co. (Contractors), Ltd., 35, 59, 406
- Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, The, 376
- General Electric Co., Ltd., The, 256, 376 (2), 438 (2), 502
- Gilkes, G., <fe Gordon, Ltd., 534, 564
- Hall, Russell <fe Co., Lvd., 107
- Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., 438, 502
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., The, 534
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., 11
- Jones, T. C., Co., Ltd., 406
- Kier, J. L.. and Co. (London), Ltd., 107
- Kincaid, J. G., and Co., Ltd., 406, 502
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 348
- Maley Taunton, Ltd., 564
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 107, 564
- Mark, A., and Co., Ltd., 502
- McAlpine, Sir R., and Sons, Ltd., 11, 107, 376
- McAlpine, Sir R., Sons (Newcastle-upon- Tyne), Ltd., 107
- Meadows, H., Ltd., 107
- Mellowes and Co., Ltd., 406
- Metropolitan-Vickers-Beyer, Peacock, Ltd., 406
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., The, 59, 348, 376, 406, 470, 534
- M’Lean and Co., 35
- Moline Power Implement Co., 107
- Morgan, J. (Builders), Ltd., 107
- Nott, Brodie and Co., Ltd., 59
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 11, 502
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 438
- Roberts, C., and Co., Ltd., 564
- Short and Harland, Ltd., 348
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 131
- Small Electric Motors, Ltd., 131
- South Wales Switchgear, Ltd., 256
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 223
- Stephen, A., and Sons, Ltd., 59
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 11
- Taylor Woodrow Construction, Ltd., 11
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 11, 266, 876 (3), 438, 502
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., 348
- Watsham’s, Ltd., 438
- Watson, W. and J. R., Ltd., 376
- Woodhall-Duckham Vertical Retort and Oven
- Construction Co. (1920), Ltd., 502
- Wright, Anderson and Co., Ltd., 11
- Yorkshire Hennbique Contracting Co., Ltd., 11
Cranes and Conveyors :
- Chain Conveyors, Longwall Scraper ((’ata- logue), 552
- Chain Conveyors, Overhead (Catalogue), 552 Hoists and Cranes (Catalogue), 120
- Mechanical Handling Equipment, Electrical Apparatus for (Catalogue), 579
- Steel Chains for Conveyors and Elevators (Catalogue), 446
Education :
- Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering, College of, 57
- Apprenticeships in Plant Engineering, 50 ; at Hay’s Wharf, Ltd., 400 ; at Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 572
- Birmingham University Course in Engineering Production, 6
- Brixton School of Building, 72
- Careers in Engineering Division, British Broadcasting Corporation, 245
- Conference, Properties of Semi-Conducting Materials, 76 ; Scientific Method in Industrial Production, 128 ; Calculating Machines, 151
- Convention on Current Researches in Electron Valves, 355
- Courses, Engineering Production, 6; Agricultural Engineering, 57; Foremen and Supervisors, 98 ; Metallurgy, and Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, 124 ; Works and Plant Engineers, 139; Evening Classes for Engineers, 247, 251; Evening Classes in Electrical Engineering, 252; Foundry Technology, 359 ; Various, 499 ; Technical Librarians, 533
- Dartmouth Cadetships, Age Limits for, 544 Discussion on Heat Insulation, 336 Engineering Education in London and Home Counties, 199
- Engineering Production, Post-Graduate Course in, 6
- Faraday House Old Students’ Association, 397
- Hatfield Memorial Lecture, 242
- Higher Technological Education for London and Home Counties, Regional Advisory Council for, 199
- Laboratory Technicians, Proficiency Certificates for, 139
- Lectures, Christmas, on Waves and Vibrations, 452 ; on Railways, 512 ; on Electric Current, 520, 574
- Lectures, Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 72 ; Trotter-Paterson Memorial, 276 ; Richard Mitchell Memorial, 278 ; Electricity Supply in France, 323 ; Design of Welded Structures, 491; Study of Drying, 499 ; Nuclear Power, 562
- National Foundry College, Courses at, 359 Northampton Polytechnic, 247
- Polish University College, 464
- Probationer Students, Institute of Marine Engineers, 562
- Registration of Lighting Engineers, 569
- Scholarships, Society of British Aircraft Constructors, 58 ; Schofield Travel, Institution of Production Engineers, 246 ; Marine Architecture and Marine Engineering, 569
- Shipwrights’ Company’s Awards, 1950, 102 Sir John Cass College, Courses at, 251, 499 South East London Technical College, Courses at, 252
- Summer School, Electrical-Resistance Strain- Gauge Methods, 130
- Symposium on Alloys for Gas Turbines, 242 Vacation School on Control of Electrical Machines, 199
- Welding, Arc, Instruction in, 397
Electricity :
- Ammeters, Clip-On, 245
- Amplifier, Time-Base, and Cathode-Ray Tube Unit, Combined, 458
- Apparatus, Electric, for Mechanical-Handling Equipment (Catalogue), 579
- Asbestos, Uses in Electrical Industry (Catalogue), 83
- Battery Chargers for Electric Vehicles (Catalogue), 519
- Bold, St, Helens, New Power Station at, 5
- British Broadcasting Corporation, Careers in Engineering Division, 245
- Cables, Electric, and Distribution Equipment (Catalogue), 456
- Cables, Tracing by Induction, 98
- Cathode-Ray Tube Unit and Time-Base Amplifier, Combined, 458
- Circuits, Light-Duty, Accessories for (Catalogue), 488
- Commutator Grinding Stones (Catalogue), 519
- Control of Electrical Machines, Vacation Course on, 199
- Control Equipment (Catalogue), 552
- Control, Remote, Equipment (Catalogue), 552
- Current, Electric, Christmas Lectures on, 520, 574
- Droitwich Broadcast Transmitter, Increase in Power, 4
- Electrical Apparatus Exhibition, 392
- Electrical Equipment (Catalogue), 579
- Electrical Equipment, Transfer of Surplus Government Factory to Production of, 325
- Electrical Resistance Strain-Gauge Methods, Cambridge Summer School on, 130 j
- Electronic Systems for Stopping Fuel Supply I to Furnaces (Catalogue), 519
- Evening Classes in Electrical Engineering, 252
- Fans, Axial-Flow, Electrically-Driven (Catalogue), 519
- Fans, Electric (Catalogue), 192
- Farms, Electricity Supply to, 143
- Finishes for Radio Equipment, 264
- Fires, Electric (Catalogue), 364
- Erance, Electricity Supply in, Lecture on, 323
- Eurnaces, Heat-Treatment, Electric (Catalogue), 232
- Generatng Station at Bold, St. Helens, 5 Generating Stations, Development of, 58, 124, 171, 247, 251, 358, 383, 477, 493‘ 529 Guards for Machines, Photo-Electric, 280 Heater, Induction, High-Frequency, 452 Heaters, Surface (Catalogue), 488
- Heating Elements for Industrial Applications (Catalogue), 552
- Induction, Tracing Cables by, 98 I
- Lamps and Fittings, Electric (Catalogue), 316 I I*amp Fitting, Vapour-Tight, 532 '
- Lamps, Fluorescent, Improved Operation of, 533
- Lamps, Glass for (Catalogue), 552
- Lamp, 1-kW Mercury-Vapour, 253
- Lighting Engineers, Registration of, 569
- Lighting Fittings, Domestic and Commercial (Catalogue), 519
- Lighting Fittings, Street. Raising and Lowering Gear for (Catalogue), 144
- Lighting, Fluorescent, Fittings for (Catalogue), 24
- Lighting Installation in Marine-Engine Workshop, 192
- Load, Electrical, Spreading in 1950-51, 78 Loch Fannich Hydro-Electric Scheme, 485 Mines, Electricity in. Brochure on, 401 Motors and Alternators, Electric (Catalogue), 72
- Motors, Electric (Catalogue), 488
- Motors, Induction, Flameproof (Catalogue) 444
- Motors, Traction, Small (Catalogue), 192 Mucomir Hydro-Electric Scheme, 433 North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 485 pH Meter, Direct-Reading (Catalogue), 552 Photo-Electric Machine Guards, 280 Photometer, Direct-Reading, Portable (Catalogue), 488
- Radar Equipment, Marine, 150
- Radio Components, Standard Specifications for, 59
- Radio Equipment, Finishes for, 264
- Radio-Isotope Applications, Instruments and Accessories for, 341
- Radio Transmitter, 50-Watt Fixed Station, 131
- Raising and Lowering Gear for Street Lighting Fittings (Catalogue), 144
- Recorder, High-Speed, for Electrical Signals (Catalogue), 519
- Rectifiers, Glass-Bulb (Catalogue), 144
- Rectifiers, Mercury-Arc (Catalogue), 579
- Rectifiers, Steel-Tank, Air-Cooled (Catalogue), 456
- Relays, Instantaneous, for Protective Systems (Catalogue), 579
- Roosecote Generating Station, Development of, 58
- Schering Bridge Circuit Layout (Catalogue), 519
- Schering Bridge for High-Voltage Laboratory, Erratum, 263
- Scotland, Electricity Supply to, 520
- Solenoids, Alternating-Current (Catalogue), 144
- Sound Equipment (Catalogue), 488
- Starting Equipment for Electric Motors (Catalogue), 83
- Summator for Registering Station Output (Catalogue), 579
- Switch, Double-Pole Rotary (Catalogue), 519 Switch, Fuse, Metal-Clad (Catalogue), 519 Swltcnes, Limit, for Electrical Control Systems (Catalogue), 364
- Switch, Pressure-Control (Catalogue), 24 Switchgear, Heavy Industrial, 192
- Tap Changers, On-Load, for Transformers (Catalogue), 456
- Telecommunications, Relays for ((Catalogue), 83
- Telegraphy, Submarine, Centenary of, Errata, 333
- Telephone Equipment, Automatic, for Ships (Catalogue), 364
- Telephone Equipment, Three-Giannel (’ar- rier for (Catalogue), 83
- Television Components (Catalogue), 364
- Television Link, Manchester to Edinburgh, 256
- Tensor Club of Great Britain, Formation of, 7 Torch, Fluorescent, 243
- Tractors, Battery-Electric (Catalogue), 579 Transformers, On-Load Tap Changers for (Catalogue), 456
- Transmitter, Broadcast, Droitwich, Increase in Power, 4
- Trucks, Electric, for Factories (Catalogue), 316
- Valves, Electron, Convention and Current Researches on, 355
- Valves, Electronic, Industrial, 324
- Valves. Radio (Catalogue), 519
Engines and Boilers :
- Boiler Feed-Water, Evaporating and Distilling Plants for (Catalogue), 456
- Early Steam Engines, Film Strips of, 118
- Fans, Boiler (Catalogue), 519
- Steam Engines (Catalogue), 232
Errata and Addenda :
- Aircraft Gyroscopic Flight Instruments,” 459
- Centenary of Submarine Telegraphy, 333 Development of Gas Turbine, 569 High-Pressure Boiler Plant for Imperial
- Chemical Industries, Ltd., 34
- Industrial Gas Turbines, 57
- “ Modern Workshop Technology,” Part 11, 340
- “ Popular Fallacies,” 391
- ” Rigid-Frame Bridge,” 573
- Schering Bridge for High-Voltage I/ibora- tory, 263
- Stiffness of Crankshafts of Commercial Oil
- Engines, 232
- Symposium on Tapered-Roller Bearings, 186 Third Year of Nationalised Coal, 71
Exhibitions :
- Analytical Chemistry, at Science Museum, 154
- Electrical Apparatus, 392
- Festival of Britain, 105
- Fuel Efficiency, Manchester, 406
- Lyons Fair, 264
- Machine Tools, 232
- Petrol Engines, Petters, Ltd., 118
- Plastics, Glasgow, 323
- Productivity, Birmingham, 525
- Railcar Equipment, 243
- Wheelwrights* Shop, at Science Museum, 412
- Explosions. See Accidents
- Explosives. See Guns and Explosives
Gas :
- Lighting Engineers, Registration of, 569
Gas and Oil Engines :
- Blading Alloy for Gas Turbine, 168
- Crankshafts of Commercial Oil Engines, Stiffness of, Errata^ 232
- Decarbonising Solutions for Components of
- Internal-Combustion Engines, 577
- Diesel Engines (Catalogue), 72
- Diesel Engines, Twin-Cylinder (Catalogue), 364
- Jet Engine, Armstrong Siddeley “ Viper,” 405
- Petrol Engines, Mobile Exhibition Unit, 118 Turbine Engines, Propeller, “ Theseus,” 228 ? Turbines, Gas, Alloys for. Symposium on, 242 Turbines, Gas, Industrial, Errata, Turbine, Gas, Ruston and, Hornsby, 569
Hydraulics :
- Cropper, Hydraulic Power (Catalogue), 519
- Pumps, Standardised, Hydraulic, 120
Industries and Commerce :
- Aluminium, Canadian Supplies for Britain, 565
- Aluminium, Industrial Applications of (Catalogue), 83
- Aluminium, Production of, 326
- Midland Region al Board for Industry, 525
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 179, 247, 827, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Temperature-Control Equipment for Industrial Purposes (Catalogue), 579
- Zinc, Allocation Plan for, 535
- Institutions. See Associations; Technical Societies
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and
- Oil Engines
Iron and Steel :
- Bolt Adapters for Structural Steelwork (Catalogue), 579
- Cast Iron, Ductile (Catalogue), 519
- Cleveland Basic Iron, 11, 35, 59, 83,107,131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, ; 503, 535, 565
- Cleveland Iron Markets, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Cleveland Manufactured Iron and Steel, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- (’ropper, Hydraulic-Power, for Mild-Steel Bars (Catalogue), 519
- Hematite and Low-Phosphorus Iron, 11, 35, ! 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349. 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- High-Tensile and Heat-Kesisting Steel Castings (Catalogue), 120
- Iron- and Steel-Works Products (Catalogue), 120
- Ironwork, Ornamental (Catalogue), 72
- Meehanite Metal Iron Castings (Catalogue), 120
- Middlesbrough Scrap, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, ? 503, 535, 565
- Protection of Iron and Steel Against Rust I (Catalogue), 312
- Rusting, Standards of, for Steelwork, 531
- Scottish Iron and Steel Trade, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Sheffield Iron and Steel Trade, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 155, 179, 2 47, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Ste^l^Alloys Containing Lead (Catalogue),
- Steel Chains for Conveyors and Elevators (Catalogue), 446
- Steel^Reinforcementfor Concrete (Catalogue), “Structural Steel Design, Examples in,” Brochure on, 469
- Swansea Steel-Sheet Industry, 11, 35, 59, 83, 107, 131, 179, 247, 327, 349, 377, 407, 439, 471, 503, 535, 565
- Labour Questions. See Trade Socieiies, Etc.
- Lighting. See Electricity and Gas
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. See Railways and Locandmotives
Machine and Other Tools :
- An^^les of Lathe Tools, Tool for Measuring,
- Collars, Spacing, for Milling Machines (Catalogue), 488
- Engineers* Small Tools (Catalogue), 24
- Gear Shaving and Hobbing Machines (Catalogue), 72
- Grinding Machines, Tool and Cutter (Catalogue), 120
- Machine-Tool Exhibition, 232
- Presses, Tablet (Catalogue), 488
- Tungsten-Carbide Tipped Tools, “ Betalov ” (Catalogue), 24
- Worm Cutting on Hobbing Machines, 161
- Marine Engineering. 8<c
- Boilerff; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Alloy, Aluminium, Castings, Heat Treatment
- Alloy, Aluminium, High-Duty, Stampings of Alloy^ AlunSnium-Strip, for Roof and Wall Construction, 50 ,
- Alloy, Aluminium, Wrought (Catalogue), 232
- Alloys for Gas Turbines, Symposium? on^, 242
- Alloys, Hard-Facing, Technique of ((ata- Alloys® Lead-steel (Catalogue), 488
- Alloy, Light-, Products (Catalogue), 83
- Alloy, “ Nimonic 90,” for Gas-Turbine
- Technique of (Catalogue), 481
- Aluminium, Canadian Supplies for Britain,
- Aluminium in Industry (Catalogue), 83
- Aluminium, Production of, 326
- Beilby Memorial Awards in Metallurgy, 364 Bronze Bars (Catalogue), 232
- Courses in Metallurgy, and Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, 124; Foundry Technology, 359
- Die Castings, Zinc-Alloy (Catalogue), 232
- End Mills, Heavy-Duty (Catalogue), 232
- Foundry Technology. Courses in, 359
- Furnaces, Carbon, Blast, Refractories for (Catalogue), 144
- Furnaces, Crucible (Catalogue), 232
- Furnaces, Heat-Treatment, Electric ((ata- logue), 232
- Graphite, Colloidal (Catalogue), 232
- Heat Treatment of Aluminium-Alloy Gast- Iz)?t\vax ” Precision Casting of Metals, 118
- Metallic Salts (Catalogue), 232
- Mines, Electricity in, Brochme on, 401
- Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of. Publications of, 155
- “Nimonic 90,” Gas-Turbine Blading Alloy,
- Propellers, Marine, in Various Alloys (Catalogue), 232
- Sintered Carbide, Film on, 499
- Zinc, Allocation Plan for, 535
- Zinc Pigments in Rubber (Catalogue), 120
Miscellaneous :
- “A.C.'E.C. Revue,” 401, 493
- Air Cloinpressor, Tractor-Mounted (tata- Air^^^ting Equipment (Catalogue), 519 “ Aircraft Gyroscopic Flight Instruments,” Fourth Edition, 383, 459
- Aluminium Development Association, Publications of, 280
- Asbestos, Uses of (Catalogue), 83
- Bearings, Ball and Roller (Catalogue), 192 Bearings, Tapered, for Rolling Stock, 76 Belt Conveyors, Coal-Face (Catalogue), 72 Blowers, Portable (Catalogue), 364
- Bulletin of Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 155
- Cable Cleats, Claw-Type, 131
- Calculating Machines, International Conference on, 151
- (Centenary of Exors. of J. Mills, Ltd., 11/ ; Glasgow and South Western Railway, 418 ; Short Brothers, Ltd., 424
- “ Centreless Grinding,” Publication of Vol. II 81
- “ Ch’artereil Marine Engineer,” Publication of Institute of Marine Engineers, 562
- Concrete Roofs and Roads, Brochures on, 7 Drier, Hand and Face (Catalogue), 120 •• Dunlop Aviation Year Book, 1950,” 336 End Mills, Heavy-Duty (Catalogue), 232 “ Engineers in B.B.C.,” Brochure on, 245 Fans, Axial-Flow (Catalogue), 519
- Fans, Boiler (Catalogue), 519
- Fans, Electric (Catalogue), 192 Film on Bristol Docks, 367 Film-Coupon Scheme, International, 469 Films, Development of. Work of Scientific Film Association, 78
- Film of Locomotive Building, “ North British,” 116
- Film on Permall Insulation, 418
- Film, Rolling-Stock Couplers, 56 Film on Sintered Carbide, 499
- Films, Sound, of Industrial Processes, 194
- Film Strips of Steam Engines and Locomotives, 118
- Fires, Electric (Catalogue), 364
- Fixing Devices (Catalogue), 364
- Fuel Efficiency Exhibition, Manchester, 406 Fume Extractor (Catalogue), 364
- Furnace Safety Systems (Catalogue), 519 Gauges, Dial, for Low Pressures (Catalogue), 192
- Gauge, Vacuum, for Technical Colleges, 140 Gearsand Gearing (Catalogue), 192 Glass for Electric Lamps (Catalogue), Good, P., Memorial Service to, 499 Graphite, Colloidal (Catalogue), 232 Grinding Stones for Commutators logue), 519
- Hand and Face Drier (Catalogue), 120 Handling Equipment, Pneumatic logue), 72
- Hay’s Wharf, Ltd., “ History of Engineering Department,” 400
- Human Factor in Equipment Design, Symposium on. 183
- Israel, Sewerage Scheme for, 135 Laboratory Equipment (Catalogue), 120 Laboratory Technicians, Proficiency Certificates for, 139
- Line Standards (Catalogue), 72
- Magnetic Equipment for Industrial Purposes (Catalogue), 83
- McGraw-Hill Publications, Reprinting in Britain, 116
- “Modern Workshop Technology,” Part 11, Addenda^ 340
- “Mowbray Quay to Pallion Yard, 1850- 1950,” 424
- Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments, 429
- Oils, Pressure, for G-ears, 452
- Oil Seals (Catalogue), 120
- Permali Insulating Material, Film on, 418
- Petroleum Equipment, Council of British Manufacturers of, 35
- Photographic Reproductions of Catalogues (Catalogue), 488
- Plastics Exhibition, Glasgow, 323
- Pneumatic Equipment for Aircraft and Automobile Service Stations (Catalogue), 456
- Polish, Silicone-Containing, for Motor-Car Bodies, 462
- Pump, Borehole, Submersible (Catalogue), 364
- Pumps in Chemical Plant, 35
- Pump-Control Equiptfient, Automatic (Catalogue), 192
- Pumps, Hydraulic, Standardised (Catalogue), 120
- Refractory Materials (Catalogue), 232
- Report on Accident to Tudor Aircraft, 463 '
- Report on Accident tq “ Viking ” Aircraft, 341
- Rock Drills and Pneumatic Tools (Catalogue), 364
- Rubber, Bonded, for Mountings (Catalogue), 519
- Rubber Powder for Use on Asphalt Roads, 485. See 186
- Rubber Research Centre in Malaya, 124
- Rubber-Tyre Retreading, Standard Code for, 140
- Rubber, Zinc Pigments in (Catalogue), 120
- Rubberised Asphalt Road Surface at Leeds, 186. See 485
- Scales, Glass (Catalogue), 72 !
- Scientific Instruments, Early, 429
- Sewerage Scheme for Israel, 135 I
- Social Implications of Science, Abstracts on, ) 74 j
- “Structural Steel Design, Examples in,” | Brochure on, 469
- Timber, Seasoning and Preserving of, 39 Track-Laying Tractor, Heavy, 101 Tractors, Battery Electric (Catalogue), 579 Trolley, Loading, Spring-Compensated (Catalogue), 24
- Trucks, Electric, for Factories (Catalogue), 316
- V-Belt Pulleys, Pressed-Steel (Catalogue), 232
- V-Ropes and Pulleys (Catalogue), 232
- Valves and Sprayers, Dust (Catalogue), 519 Welded Structures, Design of, Lectures on, 491
- Welding, Arc, Instruction and Practice in, 397
- Welding Electrode Holder (Catalogue), 120 Welding Research, Reports on, 41 “ Welding Research,” Issue of October, 1950, 487
- Windows, Aluminium (Catalogue), 232
- Woods, Laminated (Catalogue), 519
Motor Cars, Etc. :
- Automobile Service Stations, Pneumatic Equipment for (Catalogue), 456
- Delivery Van, Light (Catalogue), 364
- Motor-Car Bodies, Silicone-Containing Polish for, 462 j
- Motor-Vehicle Tyre Retreading, Code for, 140 Tractor, Fordson, Air-Compressor Mounted on (Catalogue), 72
- Dartmouth Cadetships, Age Limits for, 544 Standardisation of Naval Operations, 159
- Naval. See also Aeronautics
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
- OU. See Miscellaneous
- Oil Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
- Physics and Chemistry :
- Chemical Analysis, Exhibition of Apparatus Used in, 154
- Chemical-Proof Clothing, 199
- Chemical Society, Research Fund of, 155 Conductors for Overhead Transmission Lines, Physical Properties of (Catalogue), 72
- Drying, A Study of, Series of Papers on, 499 Heat Insulation, Joint Discussion on, 336 Nuclear Power, Lectures on, 562 Pumps in Chemical Plant, 35 Semi-Conducting Materials, Properties of. Conference on, 76
- Silicone-Containing Polish for Motor-Car Bodies, 462
- Temperature-Control Equipment (Catalogue), 579
- Vacuum Gauge for Technical Colleges, 140
- Power Plants. See Electricity
Power Transmission :
- Aluminium for Overhead Transmission Lines (Catalogue), 72
- Generating Station at Bold, St. Helens, 5.
- Generating Stations, Extensions to, 58, 124, 171, 247, 251, 358, 383, 477, 493, 529
Railways and Locomotives :
- Bearings, Tapered, for Rolling Stock, 76 Brazil, Railway Electrification in, 98 Christmas Lectures on Railways, for Boys, 512
- City and South London Railway, 60th Anniversary of, 556
- Couplers for Rolling Stock, Film of, 56 Developments on British Railways, 208 Double-Deck Trains, Trials of, 517 Fastenings for Permanent Way (Catalogue), 72
- Glasgow and South Western Railway, Centenary of, 418
- Interchange Facilities, Liverpool-Street Station, 424
- Locomotive Building, ” North British,” Film of, 116
- Locomotive, Diesel (Catalogue), 24 Locomotives, Early, Film Strips of, 118 Locomotive, Last Ivatt “ Atlantic,” 340 Railcar Equipment, Exhibition of, 243
- Reinforced Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Schools. See Education
Sewage and Drainage :
- Sewage Expulsion Equipment (Catalogue), 488
- Ships and Shipbuilding :
- Lloyd’s Register Wreck Returns, 253
- Marine Engine Shop, Electric-Lighting Installation for, 192
- Marine Radar Equipment, 150
- Naval Architects, Institution of. Scholarships of, 569
- Propellers, Marine, in Various Alloys (Catalogue), 232
- Shipwrights’ Company, Awards to Shipyard Apprentices, 1950, 102
- Telephone Equipment, Automatic, for Ships (Catalogue), 364
- Societies. See Technical Societies; and Trade Societies, Etc.
- Strikes. See Trade Societies, Etc.
Technical Societies :
- Agricultural Engineers, British, Institution of, 57
- Aircraft Constructors, British, Society of, 58
- Aslib, 177, 509
- Chemical Industry, Society of, 364
- Chemical Society, 155
- Chemistry, Royal Institute of, 364
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, 512
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 107, 139, 355, 520, 529, 574
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, Institution of, 318
- Ergonomics Research Society, 183
- Faraday House Old Students’ Association, 397
- Fuel, Institute of, 139, 499
- Gas Engineers, Institution of, 336
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Institution of, 139
- Illuminating Engineering Society, 276, 569
- Industrial Supervisors, Institute of, 98
- Iron and Steel Institute, 242
- Junior Institution of Engineers, 279
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 261, 562
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 139, 447
- Metals, Institute of, 57, 364
- Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of, 155
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 569
- Old Centralians, 20, 334, 464
- Old N’ions Association, 373
- Physics, Institute of, 130, 139
- Physics, International Union of, 76
- Plant Engineers, Incorporated, 139
- Production Engineers, Institution of, 34, 246
- Royal Institution, 452
- Royal Society, 76, 438
- Standards Institution, British, 35, 59
- Statistical Society, Royal, 128
- Stoke-on-Trent Association of Engineers, 278 Tensor Club of Great Britain, 7
- Works Managers, Institution of, 259
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Tools. See Machine and Other Tools
- Trade. See Coal; Industries; Electricity; Iron and Steel; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Trade Societies, Etc.
- Absenteeism in Coal-Mining Industry, 140 American Trade Unionists’ Visit to Britain, 20
- Arbitration, Compulsory, in Trade Disputes, 20, 68. 116, 386
- Arbitration Tribunal. See National Arbitration Tribunal
- Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers’ Union of America, United, Visit of Leaders to Britain, 20
- Ballot, Strike-or-Arbitrate, on Engineers’ Claims for Wage Increase of 20$. a Week, 68
- Bans, Overtime, by London Road-Transport Employees, 223
- Bans on Piecework, 544
- Bell, G., on Industrial Relationships, 92
- Blind-Alley Jobs, Dangers of, 164
- British Electricity Authority, Risk of Load Shedding Through Working of Saturday Shifts in Mines, 544
- British Employers’ Confederation, Production Requirements of Government Rearmament Policy, 164
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Strike of Maintenance Electricians at London Airport, 512
- British Railways. See Railway Executive
- Brotherton, H.,on Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot, 68 ; on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 188
- Bruce, Lord, on Need for Reducing Costs and Prices in Nationalised Industries, 68
- Building Trades Employers, National Federation of. Policy of Full Employment, 44 ; Incentive Schemes, 574
- Building Trades Operatives, National Federation of, Policy of Full Employment, 44 ; Incentive Schemes, 574
- ’Busmen, London, Unofficial Strike of, 256 Chemical Workers’ Union, Need for “ Industrial Parliaments,” 116
- Civil Servants, Statistics of, 544
- Clerical and Administrative Workers’ Union, Need for Abolition of Compulsory Arbitration, 116
- Closed-Shop Ruling by National Arbitration Tribunal, 20 ; Policy of Durham County Council, 480, 512
- Coal Production, Statistics of, 164, 358
- Colliery Man-Power Shortage, Concern at, 386
- Colliery Winding Enginemen, National Federation of, Call for Strike Ballot, 68 ; Demand for Seven Days’ Strike Notice to National Coal Board, 358
- Conditions of Employment and National Arbitration Order, 20, 68, 116
- Court of Inquiry into London Printing- Trade Dispute, 223, 386, 416
- Court of Inquiry into Railway Wage Dispute, 574
- Cripps, Sir S., on Relaxation of Restraint on Wage Increases, 20
- Dame Margaret’s Hall, County Durham, Opening of, 512
- Deakin, A., on Unofficial Strikes, 116
- Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., Strike at Works of, 512
- Durham County Council’s Closed-Shop Policy, 480, 512
- Durham University, Protest Against Closed- Shop Policy of Durham County Council, 480
- Economic Survey for 1950, 358, 448 Electrical-Contracting Industry, Wage Increase of 2d. an Hour to Journeymen, 68 Electrical Trades Union, Result of Strike-or- Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68 ; Request for Reduction in Compensation for Nationalised Industries, 116; Strike of Maintenance Men at London Airport, 512
- Electricians, Maintenance, at London Airport, Strike of, 512
- Electricity Load Shedding in Coal Mines, 544 Employment, Full, Policy of, 44 Employment Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 92, 164, 544
- Engineers’ Guild, Protest Against Closed- Shop Policy of Durham County Council, 480
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, Result of Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68 ; Engineers’ Claims for Wage Increase of 20s. a Week, 188, 358, 448 ; Increases for Women Engineers, 544
- Engineering Industry, Increases for Women Operatives, 544
- Engineering Union. Amalgamated, Visit of American Trade-Union Leaders to Britain, 20 ; Need for New Approach to Wage Problems, 44 ; Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot, 68 ; Request for Further Nationalisation of Industry, 116; Wage Claims for Increase of 20s. a Week, 188, 358, 448 ; Effects of Economic Problems, 512; Request for Progressive Repayment of Post-War Credits, 574
- Enginemen’s Mutual Assurance, Sick and Superannuation Society, Western Region, British Railways, 20, 44
- Fares, Increased, for South Wales Miners, Dispute Over, 116, 140, 164
- Fawcett, Sir L., on Employment in Building Industry, 44
- Federation of British Industries, Production Requirements of Government Rearmament Policy, 164
- Figgins, J. B., Appeal to Railw’aymen to Await Findings of Court of Inquiry, 574
- Finance Corporation for Industry, Lord Bruce on Need for Reducing Costs and Prices in Nationalised Industries, 68
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Wage Increases to Employees, 448
- Foundry Workers, Amalgamated Union of. Result of Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68
- Gaitskell, H., on Repercussions of Government Rearmament Policv, 164
- Gardner, B., on Wage Problems, 44
- Gas Council, Wage Claims of London Gas Maintenance M^ 256
- General Federation uf Trade Unions, Comments on Industrial Relationships, 92 • Membership Statistics, 92
- General and Municipal Workers, National Union of, Opposition to Engineers’ Claims for Wage Increases of 20s. a Week, 68 ; Request for Expulsion of Union’s Secretary from Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 68; Dissatisfaction with Structure of Nationalised Industries 116 ; Views on Right to Strike, 116
- Government Action to Reduce Cost of Livinc.
- Need for, 92
- Government Factories, Unemployment Arising from Closing of, 92
- Government Rearmament Policy, 164 Griffith, G. C., on Agreement in London Printing-Trade Dispute, 416
- Hyndley, Lord, on Coal Production, 164, 448 Index of Rates of Wages, 223, 480 Index of Retail Prices, 223, 416, 574 Industrial Administration, Institute of Dangers of Blind-Alley Jobs, 164
- Industrial Disputes. See Strikes
- Industrial Efficiency, Need for Increase in 358
- Inland Revenue Staff Federation, Demands for Setting upof National Wage Board, 116
- Irish Transport and General Workers’ Union Strike on Irish Railways, 574 ’
- Iron and Steel Act, Tragedy of, 92, 416 Iron and Steel Industry, Future of, 92 •
- Policy of Labour Party, 188 ; Tragedy of Unwanted Nationalisation, 416
- Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, Comments in Man and Metal, 92
- Jones, Sir W. B.,on Unwanted Nationalisation of Iron and Steel Industry, 416
- Labour and New Society, Pamphlet on, 188
- Labour Party, Annual Conference at Margate, 92 _ , ... ,
- Labour, Kejection of Proposals to Establish a National Wage Policy, 386
- Lever, E. H., on Disposal of Income ol R Thomas and Baldwins, Ltd., 92
- Lloyd, R. O., on Employment in Building Industry, 44 ...
- Local Government Authorities, Statistns Concerning Employees in, 544
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, Western Region l^ootplate Men’s Pension Fund Dispute, j
- Claims for Wage Increases by Lowest-Paid Staffs, 44 ; Claims for Wage In crease of 15 per Cent., 68, 140, 256, 358, ^6, 448, 480 ; Appointment of Railway Court of Inquiry, 574
- London Airport, Strike of Maintenance Electricians at, 512
- London Master Printers’ Association, London Printing-Trade Dispute, 223, 386, 416
- London Society of Compositors -London Printing-Trade Dispute, 223, 386, 416
- London Transport Executive, Unrest Among London Road-Transport Employees, 223,
- Man and Metal, Comments on Unemployment, 92 ; on Future of Iron and Steel Industry, 92 .
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Ban on Piecework, 544
- Mineworkers, National Union of. Dispute Over Increased Fares for South Males Miners, 116, 140, 164 ; Need for Increased Coal Production, 164; Winding Enginemen’s Dispute, 358; Strike of Scottish Miners, 358; Concern at Man-Power Shortage, 386; Appeals for Working ot Saturday Shifts, 480, 544; Training
- Centre for Young Mine Employees, 512, Risk of Electricity Load Shedding, 544
- Mining Industry, Coal, Dispute of Colliery Winding Enginemen, 68, 358; Dispute Over Increased Fares Payable by South Wales Miners, 116, 140, 164 ; Man-Power Statistics, 140 ; Absenteeism, 140 ; Coal- Production Statistics, 164, 358 ; Strike in Scottish Coalfield, 358; I>ecline in Colliery Man-Power, 386; Need for Increased Coal Production, 448 ; Government Decision to Buy Coal from Abroad, 448 • Appeals for Working of Saturday Shifts, 480, 544; Training Centre for Young Mine Employees, 512 ; Risk of Electricity Load Shedding, 544
- National Arbitration Tribunal, Closed-Shop Ruling, 20 ; Investigation of Engineers Wage Claims for Increase of 20s. a Week, 358, 448 ; Dispute at Hendon Works of Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., 512
- National Coal Board, Failure to Recognue Colliery Winders’ Federation, 68 ; Dispute Over Increased Fares for South Males Miners, 116,140, 164 ; Need for Increased Coal Production, 164, 448 ; Notice by Colliery Winding Enginemen of proposed Strike Action, 358; Decline in Colliery Man-Power, 386 ; Appeals for Working of Saturday Shifts, 480, 544 ; Residential Training Centre for Young Mine Employees, 512; Risk of Electricity Load Shedding, 544
- National Consultative Council for Coal Industry, 164
- National Joint Negotiating Committee tor the Tobacco Industry, 20
- Nationalisation, Request for Extension to Other Industries, 116 .
- Nationalised Industries, Need for Reducing Costs and Prices in, 68 ; Dissatisfaction with Administration of, 116; Tests Indicating Suitability of Industries for Public Ownership, 188 ; Tragedy of Unwanted Nationalisation of Iron and Steel Industry, 416 i
- Noel-Baker, P., In Coal Production, 358; on Decline in fcolliery Man-Power, 389 ; on Government Decision to Buy Coal from Abroad, 448 .
- North Thames Gas Board, Wage Claims of London Gas Maintenance Men, 256
- Overtime Bans by London Road-Transport Employees, 223
- Pension and Mutual
- Dispute in M^estern Region of British Railways, 20, 44
- Personal Incomes, Costs and Prices, White Paper on, 20, 512
- Piecework, Bans on, 544
- Post-War Credits, Appeal for Progressive Repayment, 574
- Potter, W. T., on Increases in Railwaymen s Wages, 44
- Prices and Profits, Proposals for Reduction of, 386 . X.
- Printing and Kindred Trades Federation, London Printing-Trade Dispute, 223, 386, 416
- Printing Trade, London. Dispute in, 223, 386, 416 .
- Public Employees, National Union of, Constitution of Trades Union Congress, 188 Railway Clerks’ Association, Claims for Wage Increases for Lowest-Paid Staffs, 44 ; Claims for Wage Increase of 7| per cent., 68, 140, 256, 358 , 416, 448, 480 ; Criticism of British Transport Commission, 116; Appointment of Railway Court of Inquiry, 574 . ,,
- Railway Executive, Western Region Tootplate Men’s Pension Fund Dispute, 20, 44 : Claim for Wage Increases Against, 44, 68, 140, 256, 358, 416, 448, 480 ; Appointment of Railway Court of Inquiry, 574
- Railways, Irish, Strike on, 574
- Railway Man-Power, Economies in Use of, 480
- Railway Review, Appeal to Railwaymen to Await Findings of Court of Inquiry, 574
- Railway Staff National Council, Consideration of Wage Claims by, 44, 358, 416, 480, 574
- Railway Staff National Tribunal, 140, 256
- Railwaymen, National Union of, Demands for Withdrawal of Conditions of Employment and National Arbitration Order, 20, 116 ; Claims for Wage Increases for Lowest- Paid Staffs, 44, 68, 140, 256, 358, 416, 448, 480 ; Morecambe Annual Conference, 44 ; Demands for Increased Ke presentation in Management, 44 ; Appointment of Court of Inquiry, 574
- Rearmament Policy of Government, 164 Residential Training Centre for Young Mine Emi)loyees, 512
- Restraint on Wages Increases, Need for, 20 Roberts, B.,on Constitution of Trades Union Congress, 188
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., Bans on Piecework, 544
- Scottish Brass Turners’, Fitters’, Finishers’ and Instrument Makers’ Association, Attitude to Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68
- Scottish Painters’ Society, Attitude to Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68
- Shawcross, Sir H., on Need for Increased Industrial Efficiency, 358
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Confederation of. Attitude to Strike-or- Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68 ; Engineers’ Claims for Wage Increase of 20s. a Week, 188, 358, 448 ; Award on Wage Claims of Gas Maintenance Men, 256 ; Wage Increase for Employees in Shipbuilding Industry, 512
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Result of Strike-or-Arbitrate Ballot on Engineers’ Wage Claims, 68; Wage Increases for Employees in Shipbuilding Industry, 512
- Smithfield Meat Market, Unrest Among Employees, 256
- State Employees, Statistics Concerning, 544 Stevedores and Dockers, National Amalgamated Union of. Need for Abolition of Compulsory Arbitration, 116; Wage Claims of Dockers, 256
- Strike Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 116, 223, 480
- Strikes, Western Region Footplate Men, 20, 44 ; Unofficial, Consequences of, 116, 256 ; Democratic Rights of Employees,116; Gas Maintenance Men, 256 ; London ’Busmen, 256 ; Scottish Miners, 358 ; Colliery Winding Enginemen, 358; Duple Motor Bodies, Ltd., 512 ; Maintenance Electricians at London Airport, 512 ; Irish Railways, 574
- Thomas, R., and Baldwins, Ltd., Disposal of Income of, 92
- Tobacco Workers’ Union, Dispute Over Closed Shop, 20
- Trades Union Congress, Restraint on Wage Increases, 20 ; Responsibilities for Welfare of Membership, 20 ; Annual Congress at Brighton, 116, 512; Repercussions of Rearmament Policy, 164 ; Condemnation of Constitution, 188; Rejection of Proposals for a National Wage Policy, 386 ; Proposals for Reduction of Prices and Profits, 386; Resolutions on Economic Problems, 512 ; Proposals for New Excess Profits Tax, 512 ; Request for Progressive Repayment of Post-War Credits, 574
- Trade Unions, Membership and Financial Statistics of, 358
- Transport Commission, British, Need for Revision of Financial Structure of, 116
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Consequences of Unofficial Strikes, 116 ; Unrest Among London Road-Transport Employees, 223, 256 ; Request for Implementation of Dockers’ Charter, 256
- Typographical Association, Wage Increases Granted to Members of, 223
- Unemployment, Effects of, 92 ; Arising from Closing of Two Government Factories, 92 ; Ministry of Labour Statistics for Great Britain, 92
- United States Trade Unionists’ Visit to Britain, 20
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Unwanted Nationalisation of Iron and Steel Industry, 416
- Verulam, Lord, on Blind-Alley Jobs, 164 Wage Board, National, Demands for, 116 Wages, Restraint on Increases No Longer Workable, 20 ; Claims of Railway Employees, 44, 68, 256, 358, 416, 448, 480 ; Need for New Approach to Wage Problems, 44; Increases to Journeymen in Electrical-Contracting Industry, 68; Claims of Colliery Winding Enginemen, 68, 358 ; Claims of Engineers for 20$. a Week Increase, 68, 188, 358, 448; Printing Trade, 223, 386, 416 ; Claims of London Road-Transport Employees, 223, 256 ; Claims of London Gas Maintenance
- Men, 256 ; Dockers’ Claims, 256 ; Compulsory Arbitration for Wage Claims, 386 ;
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 448; Need for Higher Wages in Coal-Mining Industry, 448 ; Increases to Employees in Shipbuilding Industry, 512; Increases to Women Engineers, 544
- Wage Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 116, 140, 223, 480
- White Paper on Personal Incomes, Costs and Prices, 20, 512
- Williamson, T., on Right to Strike, 116
- Women Engineers, Increases in Wage Rates, 544
- Woodworkers, Amalgamated Society of. Views on Engineers’ Claims for Wage Increase of 20s. a Week, 68 ; Blackpool Annual Delegate Conference, 256
- Working Population, Ministry of Labour, Statistics of, 92, 164, 544
- Yorkshire Colliery Winding Enginemen’s Association, Call for Strike Ballot, 68 ; Demand for Seven Days’ Strike Notice to National Coal Board, 358
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars, Etc.', and Railways and Locomotives
- Warships. See Naval
See Also
Sources of Information