Francis Henry Eldred Shipton (1862-1937)
1922 Commander, R.N., O.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, 116, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 8475; Littlehampton 201. b. 1862. Ed. Trinity College, then in H.M.S. Britannia, and ten years at sea before invalided from Royal Navy. With Brush Electric Light Company, 1885-6, carried out some large installations; Engineer from 1887-8, 33 to Chelsea Electric Light Co.; then Outside Engineer, from 1889-92, to the Westminster Electric Supply Co. 1894-7—Works Manager in France. 1898— Engineer in Paris. 1899-1906—Chief of Staff to V. B. D. Cooper, M.Inst.C.E., on large number of tramways and light railways. From 1906— In practice as Consulting Engineer, IT 6, Victoria Street, Westminster, to various light railway companies. Constructed Barton and Immingham Light Railway; Engineer to North Lindsey Light Railway. Clubs: Authors', Royal Dorset and Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Junior Constitutional, etc. War Services.--On patrol service to the end of 1915; in command of a base for patrols and transport work to November, 1918; then mine clearance to July, 1919.