Frederick Tomlinson (1872-1937) of the Broughton Copper Co
1937 Obituary [1]
FREDERICK TOMLINSON. By the death of Mr. Frederick Tomlinson, Manchester and Salford have lost an outstanding figure in metallurgical and engineering circles, and the non-ferrous industry has lost a personality who always took a great interest in organizations connected with the Industry.
He participated in the inception of the Institute of Metals, the foundation of which was laid in Manchester, and he followed its progress with very great interest from its foundation (he was an Original Member) until ill health precluded further active service. He served on the Council from 1921 until 1937.
Mr. Tomlinson was born in 1872, and at the age of 16 years joined the Broughton Copper Company, starting work in the Laboratory. Having a leaning towards the electrical side, he specialized on the electrical installations and plant of the Company, laying down, in due course, a new electro-deposition plant which was at that time the most up to date in the country.
In his technical training he had the great advantage of collaboration with Dr. David Watson, Works Manager of the Broughton Works, in the development of many of the processes with which the Broughton Copper Company's name has been associated for so many years.
On the death of Dr. Watson, in 1905, he became Technical Manager of the company, and later Works Manager. He joined the Board of the Company in 1921, and remained in that capacity until the merger with Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., four years ago. Some years previous to this, Mr. Tomlinson's health had been affected, and he retired after very honourable and long active service, at the age of 62, though he remained a consultant to Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., until the time of his death.
With Mr. Tom Bolton, Mr. Tomlinson was instrumental in forming the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, and for many years he acted as Chairman of one of its most important committees. He also served on various committees of the British Standards Institution, and on the Executive Committee of the Brass and Copper Tube Association. During the War Mr. Tomlinson spent himself in the interests of the Country at the request of the Ministry of Munitions, when he was responsible for the output of large projectile shell bands. His was a vivid personality, imbued with the Lancashire characteristics of grit and determination. A charming colleague and a loyal friend. E. A. MERCER.