F. W. Reynolds and Co

of 73 Southwark Street and latterly of Acorn Works, Edward Street, Blackfriars Road, London, SE
1868 Company established by Frederick William Reynolds
1876 Illustrated Catalogue of Builders' Machinery and Appliances: with supplement to May 1875 catalogue dated August 1876. Issued by F. W. Reynolds and Co., 73 Southwark Street, and The Grove London S.E. [1]. Ref 1 is a link to a listing of individual pages of the catalogue, the source being the Museum of English Rural Life [2]
Note that the 1876 catalogue shows a portable steam engine which appears to be identical to those produced by Brown and May, and it is likely that in this case F. W. Reynolds were acting as agents.
1914 Sawmill and general engineers. [3]