Frederick Cadogan Barron
Frederick Cadogan Barron (1843-1904)
1905 Obituary [1]
FREDERICK CADOGAN BARRON was born in London on the 23rd March, 1843. He was educated at Christ’s Hospital, and at the age of 15 became a pupil of the late Edward Woods, Past-President, under whom he remained for 5 years.
After serving his articles he was engaged as Resident Engineer for the construction of the Shrewsbury and Welshpool Railway, and superintended the execution of the works under the direction of Mr. Woods, the Engineer-in-Chief, without the intervention of a contractor.
For the next 6 years he was employed as Assistant Engineer on the works of the Central Argentine Railway.
Towards the end of 1871 the Bilbao Iron Ore Co was formed in London for the purpose of constructing and working a railway and port for the transport and shipment of minerals from the rich iron-ore districts of Somorrostro and Galdames, and Mr. Barron was appointed Resident Engineer to carry out these works under the direction of the late Mr. George Higgin.
During the Carlist war, the railway being under construction, Mr. Barron had charge of the whole of the company’s property, and subsequently he controlled the working of the line for some years after its completion, retiring from the service of the Company in 1880, when he left Spain with his family to settle in England. A full description of the railway and works will be found in the Paper contributed to the Institution by Mr. Barron in 1877, for which he was awarded a Telford premium.
On his return to this country, he interested himself in the manufacture of cement, and established a factory at Rainham in Kent, which he carried on up to the time of his last illness. He died on the 4th August, 1904, at his residence, Nervion, Shortlands, Kent, aged 61.
Mr. Barron was elected an Associate Member of the Institution on the 7th April, 1868, and was transferred to the class of Members on the 19th February, 1878.