Friedrich Ludwig Meyenberg
Friedrich Ludwig Meyenberg (1875-1949)
1950 Obituary [1]
"Professor FRIEDRICH LUDWIG MEYENBERG, who was born in Germany in 1875, was well known in that country as a prominent engineer, and as an authority on industrial administration, before taking up residence in this country in 1933.
He received his early education at the Goethe Gymnasium in Hanover, and obtained his theoretical training at the technical universities of that city and Berlin, gaining the diploma in engineering with high honours. His apprenticeship was served during his college vacations at the Royal Railway Main Works, Hanover, between 1894 and 1898, after which he acted as assistant to the director of physics at the University of Goettingen.
On the completion of a short engagement with a firm of gas engine manufacturers, he was employed as research and sales engineer to Messrs. Balcke and Company, of Bochum, for the next four years. In 1905 he joined the staff of Messrs. Max Judel and Company, of Brunswick, makers of railway signal plant, as production engineer, with whom he remained till 1915. Other posts he held in succession in Berlin were those of works manager at a rifle factory, organizing manager of the Pneumatic Railway Brakes Works, and joint managing director of a firm manufacturing ball bearings. In 1920 he was appointed organizer and comptroller at the head office of the Deutche Werke A.G., in Berlin, a combine of twelve factories with a wide range of products, including iron and steel works, shipyards, and a variety of heavy and light engineering concerns. From 1926 to 1933 he was professor of industrial administration, and director of the Institute of Scientific Management at the Technical University of Brunswick. On his arrival in this country he was engaged for a brief period on production research and as a time study expert at the London office of the British Iron and Steel Federation. Since 1935 he had been associated as production and efficiency expert with the United Steel Companies, Ltd., until his retirement in 1941. Professor Meyenberg, who was elected a Member of the Institution in 1939, had also been a Member of Council of the German Institution of Production Engineers.
In the course of his career he made numerous contributions to the press on technical subjects, both in this country and in Germany, chiefly in connection with industrial organization, and was the author of several text-books, his latest work being "Economic Control in Iron and Steel Works". His death occurred on 3rd October 1949."