G. and T. Bridgewater
G. and T. Bridgewater, biscuit makers, of Park Royal Road, N.W.10
See also Bridgewater Biscuits
Makers of biscuits since c.1937
1938 G. & T. Bridgewater, Ltd., of Valentine Place, Blackfriars, London, S.E.1, Biscuits, Confectionery, etc[1]
1941 of Shirley Works, Park Royal Road, London,N.W.10
1960 G. and T. Bridgewater Ltd. inc. Dad's Cookies Ltd.[2]
1963 Acquired by Smith's Potato Crisps
By 1967 was a subsidiary of Smiths Food Group; maker of Dad's Cookies; introduced Lone Ranger chocolate wafer[3]
1968 of Park Royal Road N.W.10.[4]